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;KBM KeyBoard Mouse by Dan Rollins 5-20-85
; This program intercepts keyboard data and creates a bit pattern determined
; according to whether or not certain keys are currently being pressed.
; The bit pattern is stored in the "inter-application communication area"
; at 0000:04f0. It is interpreted as:
; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (bit number)
; C m P H l d r u (bit name)
; | | | | | | | |
; | | | | | | | +- bit 0 (01h) - set = 1 while [up arrow] is pressed
; | | | | | | +--- bit 1 (02h) - set = 1 while [right arrow] is pressed
; | | | | | +----- bit 2 (04h) - set = 1 while [down arrow] or [5] is pressed
; | | | | +------- bit 3 (08h) - set = 1 while [left arrow] is pressed
; | | | |
; | | | +--------- bit 4 (10h) - set = 1 while [Home] is pressed
; | | +----------- bit 5 (20h) - set = 1 while [PgUp] is pressed
; | +------------- bit 6 (40h) - set = 1 while grey [-] is pressed
; +--------------- bit 7 (80h) - set = 1 while [CapsLock] is pressed
; As soon as the key is released, the relevant bit is reset to 0.
; The byte at 0000:04f1 is the "pass-through/filter" mode flag. When this
; byte is zero, all keystrokes are passed to the normal keyboard handler.
; When it's non-zero, the selected keystrokes are filtered (disabled for
; normal input). BIOS and DOS keyboard calls will not recognize them.
; The Alt-NumLock keystroke toggles between pass-through and filter modes.
; This program is installed and remains resident. It is a COM-format
; file, so it must be converted with EXE2BIN.
; Copyright (c) Ziff-Davis Publishing Co., 1986. All rights reserved.
;= equates ===============
KB_DATA_PORT equ 60h ;These are listed in the PC and XT
KB_CTRL_PORT equ 61h ; Technical Reference Manuals
KB_FLAG equ 417h ; the BIOS shift-key status (in segment 0)
ALT_STATE equ 8 ; Bit pattern while the [Alt] key is pressed
NUMLOCK_KEY equ 69 ; scan-code of the [NumLock] key
INT_CTL_PORT equ 20h ; Interrupt controller port (8259 chip)
EOI equ 20h ; End-Of-Interrupt code sent to 8259
RELEASE_BIT equ 80h ;also called the "break" bit: a key was released
KEY_BITS equ 04f0H ;the address of the key bit flags (segment 0)
MODE_FLAG equ 04f1H ;when 0, all keys are passed to normal kbint
INST_FLAG equ 04f2H ; set to 1234H during installation
com_seg segment
assume cs:com_seg, ds:com_seg
org 100h ;must have for COM-format program
kbm proc far
jmp set_up ;get past data and install interrupt hander
;============= program data area ========
norm_kbd_int label dword ;type DWORD so it can be used in a FAR jump
nki_offset dw 0 ; This address is stored in the SET_UP proc
nki_segment dw 0 ; It's the address of the previous kbint routine
; 1) read the keyboard
; 2) set/reset bits in mouse movement byte
; 3) execute normal keyboard interrupt
; scan bit key suggested meaning
; code flag name (defined by user)
; ---- ---- --------- ----------------------
kbm_tbl db 72, 1 ; num.pad 8 go up
db 77, 2 ; num.pad 6 go right
db 80, 4 ; num.pad 2 go down
db 75, 8 ; num.pad 4 go left
db 76, 4 ; num.pad 5 go down
db 71, 16 ; Home button 1
db 73, 32 ; PgUp button 2
db 74, 64 ; grey minus button 3
db 58, 128; CapsLock "high-gear shift" for fast motion
tbl_end label byte
; This procedure intercepts the ROM-BIOS KB_INT.
; It sets and resets bits of a kbd flag as the user presses and releases keys.
; When the byte at 0000:04F1 is 0, the keystroke is passed on to the
; original keyboard handler.
kbd_int proc far
push ax
push si
push ds
in al,KB_DATA_PORT ;read scan-code from keyboard into AL
mov ah,al ;save original byte in AH
and al,7fh ;mask off "release bit" for comparisons
mov si,offset kbm_tbl
cmp si,offset tbl_end ;at end of table?
ja k_25 ; yes, key not found. Exit to normal kbint
cmp al,byte ptr cs:[si] ; is this the key?
je k_30 ; yes, process the keystroke
inc si ; no, point past the scan code
inc si ; point past the bit-mask
jmp k_20 ; and loop back for the next entry
;------- check for mode-toggle by user
cmp ah,NUMLOCK_KEY ;is this a press of [NumLock]?
jne k_27 ; no, go
sub si,si ; yes, look to BIOS data area
mov ds,si
test byte ptr ds:[KB_FLAG],ALT_STATE ; is [Alt] pressed?
jz k_27 ; no, pass the key on
xor byte ptr ds:[MODE_FLAG],1 ; yes, toggle the mode and
jmp short k_exit ; exit w/o processing
;------- the keystroke is to be processed by the normal keyboard interrupt
pop ds
pop si
pop ax
jmp cs:[norm_kbd_int] ;continue at normal keyboard handler
;------- process the scan code into a bit-pattern
mov al,cs:[si+1] ;get bit-flag mask
sub si,si
mov ds,si ;point to segment of KEY_BITS
test ah,RELEASE_BIT ;is this key being released?
jz k_40 ; no, go
;------- process key release
not al ;flip-flop mask bits
and byte ptr ds:[KEY_BITS],al ;mask off released key bit
jmp k_50
;------- process key press
or byte ptr ds:[KEY_BITS],al ;set the bit for pressed key
;------- determine whether key should be passed on to normal keyboard handler
cmp byte ptr ds:[MODE_FLAG],0 ;should key be processed further?
je k_27 ; yes, continue at normal kb int
;------- the keystroke is to be ignored by the rest of the system.
;------- wrap up this keyboard interrupt.
in al,KB_CTRL_PORT ;get current value of keyboard control lines
mov ah,al ; save it
or al,80h ;set the "enable kbd" bit
out KB_CTRL_PORT,al ; and write it out the control port
xchg ah,al ;fetch the original control port value
out KB_CTRL_PORT,al ; and write it back
pop ds
pop si
mov al,EOI ;send End-Of-Interrupt signal
out INT_CTL_PORT,al ; to the 8259 Interrupt Controller
pop ax
iret ;exit to interrupted program
kbd_int endp
LAST_BYTE equ offset $+1 ;This is the address passed to INT 27H
;Notice that the code of the SET_UP
; procedure is not preserved in memory
; This routine is executed only once, when the program is installed.
inst_msg db 'KBM KeyBoard Mouse driver',0dh,0ah
db 'Copyright (c) 1986 Ziff-Davis Publishing Co.,',0dh,0ah,'$'
err_msg1 db 07,'Already installed',0dh,0ah,'$'
err_msg2 db 'Wrong DOS version.',0dh,0ah,'$'
set_up proc near
;------- make sure this is DOS 2.0 or later
mov ah,30h
int 21h
cmp al,2
jae su_10
mov dx,offset err_msg2
jmp msg_exit
;------- see if KBM has already been installed
mov ax,0
mov es,ax
cmp es:[INST_FLAG],1234H ;already installed?
jne su_20 ; no, continue
mov dx,offset err_msg1 ; yes, exit with message
jmp msg_exit
mov word ptr es:[INST_FLAG],1234h ; flag says KBM is installed
;------- save the old kbint vector and set up the new one
mov al,9
mov ah,35h ;DOS GET_VECTOR service
int 21h ; for interrupt 9 (KBINT)
mov al,9 ;get address of the current kb int handler
mov ah,35h ;DOS GET_VECTOR service
int 21h
mov nki_segment,es ;save old address
mov nki_offset,bx
mov dx,offset kbd_int ;set INT 9 to local keyboard interceptor
mov al,9 ;set vector for INT 9 to DS:DX
mov ah,25h ;DOS SET_VECTOR service
int 21h
mov ax,0
mov es,ax ;initialize variables:
mov byte ptr es:[MODE_FLAG],0 ; process all keystrokes
mov byte ptr es:[KEY_BITS],0 ; no keys are pressed
;------- display message to indicate install`tion complete
mov dx,offset inst_msg
mov ah,9
int 21h
;------- exit to DOS, leaving the interrupt handler resident
mov dx,LAST_BYTE
int 27h
mov ah,9
int 21h
int 20h
set_up endp
kbm endp
com_seg ends
end kbm